Link VII Unit 1 Test A

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Name:_____________________________________ UNIT TEST A 1

Vocabulary 5 Make questions using the words in brackets.

1 Complete the collocations with the correct 1 (How often / you go) shopping?
verbs from the box. ________________________________________
go be act climb take 2 (What / you want to do) this weekend?
1 _________ a selfie with a celebrity 3 (How many times / you try) foreign food?
2 _________ in a play ________________________________________
3 _________ on TV 4 (Who / you see) this morning?
4 _________ snorkelling ________________________________________
5 _________ a mountain 5 (Where / you study) last night?
5 5 ________________________________________
2 Match the adjectives (1–5) to the prepositions 5 5
1 afraid a at Reading
2 bad b in 6 Read the forum discussion and say if the
3 crazy c by statements are true (T) or false (F).
4 fascinated d about Sunny Fear is a good thing because it can
5 interested e of protect us, but phobias can make ordinary
life difficult because we’re afraid of things
5 5
that aren’t really dangerous. For example,
3 Complete the sentences with the correct some people are so afraid of open spaces
phobia word. that they won’t go to the park or go out of
1 I don’t like going to the _________ but I have to the house.
because my teeth hurt. Freddy I think that fear of animals like snakes
2 My sister is afraid of _________ if they fly near her. comes from a very old human instinct
because some snakes are dangerous.
3 Some people don’t like the _________ and they can
only sleep with the light on.
4 I don’t understand people who are afraid of
_________ _________. I love going outside. Mary Lou I had a bad experience with a dog when
5 You can’t become an airline pilot if you’re afraid of I was very young. It was only a small dog,
_________. but it really scared me, so now I want to
run away every time I see a dog.
5 5

Grammar 1 Sunny thinks phobias can protect us from danger.

4 Look at the table and make sentences for each ___
person. 2 People who are afraid of open spaces don’t leave
their homes. ___
3 Freddy thinks all snakes are dangerous. ___
Ania go zip-lining win a competition 4 Mary Lou is a little child. ___
5 Mary Lou doesn’t like dogs. ___
Maja sleep in an ice hotel swim with dolphins
5 5
Szymon fly in a glider run a marathon

Ania has gone zip-lining.

1 She hasn’t ________________________________.
2 Maja has _________________________________.
3 She _____________________________________.
4 Szymon has ______________________________.
5 He _____________________________________.
5 5

Link dla Klasy VII Unit 1 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

Name:_____________________________________ UNIT TEST A 1
7 01 Listen to the conversation and choose
the best answer. 10 Write the correct idiom from the box for each
1 Piotr went to Spain ___
a last week. b last month. laugh your head off get cold feet
2 Magda ___ Spanish food. let your hair down off the top of my head
a has tried b hasn’t tried
be in safe hands
3 Piotr did a parachute jump ___
a on his birthday. b on his brother’s 1 I can’t think of the answer right now.
birthday. _________________________________________
4 Piotr ___ a celebrity. 2 You have studied a lot. It’s time to relax.
a hasn’t ever seen b has seen _________________________________________
5 Magda ___ a celebrity. 3 The joke was very funny.
a hasn’t ever seen b has seen _________________________________________
5 5 4 I wanted to fly in a glider, but then I changed my
Speaking _________________________________________
8 Put the dialogue in the correct order. 5 Don’t worry, we can take care of you.
___ Elena That’s OK. How about tomorrow morning? _________________________________________
___ Elena Good idea. What about 10 a.m. at the 5 5
11 Complete the sentences with suitable words.
_1_ Elena Hey Mina, how about going shopping this
afternoon? 1 When I was a child, I was afraid _______________
___ Mina Sure, that sounds great! Why don’t we meet _________________________________________.
at the shopping centre? 2 His new phone cost an ______________________
___ Mina Yes, that sounds fine. See you tomorrow! _________________________________________.
___ Mina Sorry, Elena, I have to finish my homework. 3 I have never ______________________________
5 5 _________________________________________.
4 Have you ever _____________________________
Writing _________________________________________.
9 Think about your most exciting experience. 5 My friend is good ___________________________
Write a blog entry (50–120 words) about the _________________________________________.
event, giving as many details as possible.
Answer the questions. 5 5
• What did you do and when? Total with Extra 55
• Where were you and who were you with?
• How did you feel?

5 5

Total 45

Link dla Klasy VII Unit 1 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

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