NGC 6240 Is A Well-Studied Nearby: Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxy Constellation Ophiuchus

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NGC 6240: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

NGC 6240

Hubble Space Telescope image.

Observation data (J2000 epoch)

Constellation Ophiuchus

Right ascension 16h 52m 58.9s[1]

Declination +02° 24′ 03″[1]

Redshift 7339 ± 9 km/s[1]

Distance 400 Mly

Type I0 pec[1]

Apparent dimensions (V) 2′.1 × 1′.1[1]

Apparent magnitude (V) 12.8[1]

Notable features merger remnant

Other designations

IC 4625,[1] UGC 10592,[1] PGC 59186,[1] VV 617[1]

See also: Galaxy, List of galaxies

NGC 6240 is a well-studied nearby ultraluminous infrared

galaxy (ULIRG) in the constellation Ophiuchus. The galaxy is
the remnant of a merger between two smaller galaxies. The
collision between the two progenitor galaxies has resulted in a
single larger galaxy with two distinct nuclei and a highly
disturbed structure, including faint extensions and loops.[2]

• 1 Double Nuclei
o 1.1 Star formation versus supermassive
black holes
o 1.2 X-Ray Observations
• 2 See also
• 3 References

[edit]Double Nuclei
[edit]Star formation versus supermassive black holes
The power sources of ULIRGs in general has been greatly
debated. Infrared light from galaxies generally originates from
dust in the interstellar medium. ULIRGs are notable in that
they are abnormally bright in the infrared. The infrared dust
emission in ULIRGs is over one trillion times more luminous
than the Sun (i.e. it has an infrared luminosity of 1012 L☉).
Astronomers have speculated that either intense star
formation regions or active galactic nuclei(which
contain supermassive black holes) may be responsible for the
intense dust heating that produces this emission, although the
general consensus is that both may be present in most
ULIRGs. Studying the exact nature of ULIRGs has been
difficult, however, because the dust in the centers of these
galaxies obscures both visible and near-infrared starlight and
because theoretical models of both starbursts and active
galactic nuclei have demonstrated that they may look similar.
Because NGC 6240 is a nearby example of such a ULIRG,
astronomers have studied it intensively to understand its
power source.
[edit]X-Ray Observations
X-ray image of NGC 6240 taken with theChandra X-Ray Observatory, superimposed on an optical image of
the galaxy. The X-ray emission from the two active galactic nuclei can be seen as bright blue point sources.
Credit: NASA.
Observations performed by Stefanie Komossa and
collaborators with the Chandra X-Ray Observatoryhave
detected strong hard X-ray emission from both of the nuclei.
The intensity of this emission and the presence of emission
from lowly ionized or neutral iron indicate that both of the
nuclei are active galactic nuclei.[3] Presumably, these are the
black holes that were originally at the centers of the two
merging galaxies. Over the course of millions of years, the two
black holes are expected to come closer together and form
a binary supermassive black hole.
Arp 148, VV 340, Arp 256, NGC 6670, NGC 6240, ESO 593-8, NGC 454, UGC 8335, NGC 6786, NGC 17,
ESO 77-14, NGC 6050
3C 321 is a system of two galaxies rotating around each other. They are notable for showing
the first observed galaxy smiting another galaxy with a blast of energy, which is theorized to
be from a supermassive black hole at the center of the former galaxy.
The larger galaxy, dubbed the "Death Star Galaxy" by NASA astronomers, has an energetic
jet directed towards its companion. The discovery was announced by NASA Dec 18 2007.
Observation of the enormous jet was possible due to the combined efforts of both space and
ground-based telescopes.
Tools included NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, the Hubble Space Telescope, Spitzer
Space Telescope, the Very Large Array-VLA, and the Multi-Element Radio Linked
Interferometer Network.
Death Star Galaxy

"Death Star" Galaxy (Galaxy System 3C321). Credit: NASA/ESA, D. Evans (Harvard–Smithsonian

Center for Astrophysics)

Observation data

Constellation Serpens

Right ascension 15h 31m 42.7s

Declination +24° 04' 25.00"

Redshift 0.0961[1]

Distance 1.2 billion light-years

(Light travel time)[1]

Apparent dimensions (V) ?

Apparent magnitude (V) ?

Notable features A galaxy gets in the way of lethal radiation from its

Centaurus A (also known as NGC 5128) is a lenticular
galaxy about 11 million light-years away[7] in
the constellation Centaurus. It is one of the closest radio
galaxies to Earth, so its active galactic nucleus has been
extensively studied by professional astronomers.[8] The galaxy
is also the fifth brightest in the sky,[8] making it an ideal
amateur astronomy target,[9] although the galaxy is only visible
from low northern latitudes and the southern hemisphere.
A relativistic jet which extracts energy from the vicinity of what
is believed to be a supermassive black hole at the center of
the galaxy is responsible for emissions in the X-
ray and radio wavelengths. By taking radio observations of the
jet separated by a decade, astronomers have determined that
the inner parts of the jet are moving at about one half of
the speed of light. X-rays are produced farther out as the jet
collides with surrounding gases resulting in the creation of
highly energetic particles.
As observed in other starburst galaxies, a collision is
responsible for the intense burst of star formation. Using
the Spitzer Space Telescopescientists confirm that Centaurus
A is going through a galaxy collision by devouring a spiral

• 1 Morphology
• 2 Supernovae
• 3 Nearby galaxies and galaxy group
• 4 Amateur astronomy information
• 5 Other images
• 6 See also
• 7 External links
• 8 References

A Hubble Space Telescope (HST) image of the dust disk in front of the nucleus of Centaurus A. Credit:

This image of the central parts of Centaurus A reveals the parallelogram-shaped remains of a smaller galaxy
that was gulped down about 200 to 700 million years ago. The image is based on data collected with the
SOFI instrument on ESO’s New Technology Telescope at La Silla. The original image, obtained by
observing in the near-infrared through three different filters (J, H and K) was specially processed to look
through the dust, providing a clear view of the centre. The field of view is about 4 x 4 arcminutes.
Centaurus A may be described as having
a peculiar morphology. As seen from Earth, the galaxy looks
like a lenticular or elliptical galaxy with a superimposed dust
lane.[10] The peculiarity of this galaxy was first identified in 1847
by John Herschel, and the galaxy was included in the Atlas of
Peculiar Galaxies (published in 1966) as one of the best
examples of a "disturbed" galaxy with dust absorption.[11] The
galaxy's strange morphology is generally recognized as the
result of a merger between two smaller galaxies.[12]
The bulge of this galaxy is composed mainly of evolved red
stars.[10] The dusty disk, however, has been the site of more
recent star formation;[8] over 100 star formation regions have
been identified in the disk.[13]

One supernova has been detected in Centaurus A.[14] The

supernova, named SN 1986G, was discovered within the dark
dust lane of the galaxy by R. Evans in 1986.[15] It was later
identified as a type Ia supernova,[16] which forms when a white
dwarf's mass grows large enough to ignite carbon fusion in its
center, touching off a runaway thermonuclear reaction, as may
happen when a white dwarf in a binary star system strips gas
away from the other star. SN 1986G was used to demonstrate
that the spectra of type Ia supernovae are not all identical, and
that type Ia supernovae may differ in the way that they change
in brightness over time.[16]
[edit]Nearby galaxies and galaxy group information

Centaurus A is at the center of one of two subgroups within

the Centaurus A/M83 Group, a nearby group of galaxies.
Messier 83 (the Southern Pinwheel Galaxy) is at the center
of the other subgroup. These two groups are sometimes
identified as one group[18][19] and sometimes identified as two
groups.[20] However, the galaxies around Centaurus A and the
galaxies around M83 are physically close to each other, and
both subgroups appear not to be moving relative to each other.
The Centaurus A/M83 Group is located in the Virgo
[edit]Amateur astronomy information

Centaurus A is located approximately 4° north of Omega

Centauri (a globular cluster visible with the naked eye).
Because the galaxy has a high surface brightness and
relatively large angular size, it is an ideal target for amateur
astronomy observations. The bright central bulge and dark
dust lane are visible even in finderscopes and large binoculars,
and additional structure may be seen in larger telescopes.
Centaurus A has been spotted with the naked eye by
Stephen James O'Meara.[22]


Centaurus A

Centaurus A (NGC 5128)

Observation data (J2000 epoch)

Constellation Centaurus

Right ascension 13h 25m 27.6s[1]

Declination -43° 01′ 09″[1]

Redshift 547 ± 5 km/s[1]

Distance 13.7 ± 0.9 Mly (4.2 ± 0.3 Mpc)[2]

~12 Mly (3.679 Mpc)[3]

Type S0 pec[1]

Apparent dimensions (V) 25′.7 × 20′.0[1]

Apparent magnitude (V) 6.84[4][5]

Notable features Unusual dust lane

Other designations

NGC 5128,[1] Arp 153,[1] PGC 46957[1], 4U 1322-42 [6]

See also: Galaxy, List of galaxies

Stephan's Quintet in the constellation Pegasus is a visual grouping of five galaxies of which
four form the first compact galaxy group ever discovered.[2] The group was discovered
by Édouard Stephan in 1877 at Marseilles Observatory.[3] The group is the most studied of all
the compact galaxy groups.[2] The brightest member of the visual grouping is NGC 7320 that
is shown to have extensive H II regions, identified as red blobs, where active star formation
is occurring.

• 1 Description
• 2 X-ray source
• 3 Molecular hydrogen
• 4 Redshift
• 5 Members
• 6 Other images
• 7 See also
• 8 Notes
• 9 References
• 10 External links


These galaxies are of interest because of their violent collisions. Four of the five galaxies
in Stephan's Quintet form a physical association,Hickson Compact Group 92, and are
involved in a cosmic dance that most likely will end with the galaxies merging. Radio
observations in the early 1970s revealed a mysterious filament of emission which lies in
inter-galactic space between the galaxies in the group. This same region is also detected in
the faint glow of ionized atomic hydrogen seen in the visible part of the spectrum as the
magnificent green arc in the picture to the right. Two space telescopes have recently
provided new insight into the nature of the strange filament, which is now believed to be a
giant intergalactic shock-wave (similar to a sonic boom but traveling in intergalactic gas
rather than air) caused by one galaxy (NGC 7318B) falling into the center of the group at
several millions of miles per hour.
[edit]X-ray source
Stephan's Quintet, a compact group of galaxies discovered about 130 years ago and located about 280
million light years from Earth, provides a rare opportunity to observe a galaxy group in the process of
evolving from an X-ray faint system dominated by spiral galaxies to a more developed system dominated by
elliptical galaxies and bright X-ray emission. Being able to witness the dramatic effect of collisions in causing
this evolution is important for increasing our understanding of the origins of the hot, X-ray bright halos of gas
in groups of galaxies. Image Credits: X-ray (blue): NASA/CXC/CfA/E. O'Sullivan Optical (brown): Canada-
As NGC 7318B collides with gas in the group, a huge shock wave bigger than the Milky Way
spreads throughout the medium between the galaxies, heating some of the gas to
temperatures of millions of degrees where they emit X-rays detectable with
the NASA Chandra X-ray Observatory.
[edit]Molecular hydrogen emission
Perhaps even more unexpected is the discovery of very powerful molecular hydrogen
signals from the shock wave, seen by the NASA Spitzer Space Telescope which detects
infrared radiation. The molecular hydrogen emission, which is seen through infrared spectral
analysis using theSpitzer Space Telescope is one of the most turbulent formations of
molecular hydrogen ever seen, and the strongest emission originates near the center of the
green area in the visible light picture discussed earlier. This phenomenon was discovered by
an international team led by scientists at the California Institute of Technology and includes
scientists from Australia, Germany and China. The detection of molecular hydrogen from the
collision was initially unexpected because the hydrogen molecule is very fragile and is easily
destroyed in shock waves of the kind expected in Stephan's Quintet. However, one solution
is that when a shock front moves through a cloudy medium like the center of the group,
millions of smaller shocks are produced in a turbulent layer, and this can allow molecular
hydrogen to survive. Most notable is the fact that this collision can help provide a view into
what happened in the postulated beginning of the universe some 14 billion years ago, since
shocked molecular hydrogen is likely to be present in the early universe.

Also of interest, NGC 7320 (to the lower left in both photos) indicates a
small redshift (790 km/s) while the other four exhibit large redshifts (near 6600 km/s). Since
galactic redshift is proportional to distance, NGC 7320 is only a foreground projection[2] and
is ~39 million ly[2] from Earth versus the 210-340 million ly of the other five.
NGC 7319 has a type 2 Seyfert nucleus.

The galaxies in the vicinity of Stephan's Quintet. The rectangle indicates the area covered by the 1998–
99 Hubble Space Telescope image below.
The five visually adjacent galaxies of Stephan's Quintet are NGC 7317–7320. NGC 7320,
however, is a foreground object roughly 40 million ly away, significantly closer than the
others at about 290 million ly, and not part of the Hickson association. The visual distinction
between 7320 and the others in the 2009 HST image below is quite striking. A sixth galaxy,
NGC 7320C, probably belongs to the association: it has a redshift similar to the Hickson
galaxies, and a tidal tail appears to connect it with NGC 7319.

Members of the Hickson Compact Group 92

Name Type[4] R.A. (J2000)[4] Dec. (J2000)[4] Redshift (km/s)[4]
NGC 7317 E4 22h 35m 51.9s +33° 56′ 42″ 6599 ± 26 +14.6
NGC 7318a
(UGC E2 pec 22h 35m 56.7s +33° 57′ 56″ 6630 ± 23 +14.3
NGC 7318b
(UGC SB(s)bc pec 22h 35m 58.4s +33° 57′ 57″ 5774 ± 24 +13.9
NGC 7319 SB(s)bc pec 22h 36m 03.5s +33° 58′ 33″ 6747 ± 7 +14.1
NGC 7320c (R)SAB(s)0/a 22 36 20.4
h m s
+33° 59′ 06″ 5985 ± 9 +16.7
[edit]Other images

By Hubble Space Telescope. July By HST, 1998–99. In infrared by SST

2009 Credits:NASA/ESA

[edit]See also
HGC 92

8-micrometre infrared light = red,

H-alpha = green,

visible red light = blue

Observation data (Epoch J2000)

Constellation(s) Pegasus

Right ascension 22h 35m 57.5s[1]

Declination +33° 57′ 36″[1]

Number of galaxies 4[1]

Brightest member NGC 7318B[1]

Other designations

HGC 92, Arp 319, VV 288,[1] SQ[2]

See also: Galaxy groups and clusters, List of galaxy clusters


This composite image shows the massive galaxy cluster MACSJ0717.5+3745 (MACSJ0717, for
short), where four separate galaxy clusters have been involved in a collision, the first time such a
phenomenon has been documented. Hot gas is shown in an image from NASA's Chandra X-ray
Observatory and galaxies are shown in an optical image from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope.
The hot gas is color-coded to show temperature, similar to a temperature map
the Earth given in a weather forecast. In MACSJ0717 the coolest gas is shown as reddish purple,
the hottest gas is blue and the temperatures in between are purple.
The repeated collisions in MACSJ0717 are caused by a 13-million-light-year-long stream of
galaxies, gas, and dark matter - known as a filament -- pouring into a region already full of matter.
A collision between gas in two or more clusters causes the hot gas to slow down. However, the
galaxies, which are mainly empty space, do not slow down as much and so they move ahead of
the gas. Therefore, the speed and direction of each cluster's motion -- perpendicular to the line of
sight -- can be estimated by studying the offset between the average position of the galaxies and
the peak in the hot gas.
A labeled version of the MACSJ0717 image (roll your mouse over the image above) shows the
galaxies in the four different clusters - identified by the letters "A," "B," "C," and "D" -- involved in
the collision, plus the direction of motion for the three fastest moving clusters. The length of the
arrow shows the approximate speed in a direction perpendicular to the line of sight. Note that the
direction of motion of the clusters is roughly parallel to the direction of the filament. Data from
Keck Observatory was used to derive the speed of the clusters along the line of sight, allowing
the three-dimensional geometry and dynamics of MACSJ0717 to be derived.
The cooler (redder) region of gas towards the lower left of the cluster labeled "D" has likely
survived from before the collision. Cluster A is likely falling back into the main cluster after already
having passed through once in the opposite direction. Both of these clusters probably originated
from the filament. Cluster B, however, has a much higher speed than the other clusters along the
line of sight and its origin is unclear. It may have fallen along the outer edge of the filament,
causing its infall trajectory to curve, or it may be falling in along another, smaller filament. The
good alignment between the galaxies and hot gas for cluster C, along with its motion compared to
MACSJ0717 as a whole, makes this system a good candidate for the core of the main cluster.
The large region of relatively hot gas (shown in blue) that extends from the left side of cluster C to
the right side of region D may be caused by heating as significant quantities of gas from the
filament plough into the main cluster.
MACSJ0717 is located about 5.4 billion light years from Earth. It is one of the most complex
galaxy clusters ever seen. Other well-known clusters like the Bullet Cluster and MACSJ0025.4-
1222 involve the collision of only two galaxy clusters and show much simpler geometry.
Fast Facts for MACSJ0717.5+3745:
Credit X-ray (NASA/CXC/IfA/C. Ma et al.); Optical
(NASA/STScI/IfA/C. Ma et al.)
Scale Image is 4.5 arcmin across
Category Groups & Clusters of Galaxies
Coordinates (J2000) RA 07h 17m 31.00s | Dec +37° 45' 39.60"
Constellation Aurigae
Observation Date January 10, 2003
Observation Time 16 hours 40 minutes
Obs. ID 4200
Color Code X-ray (Blue, Violet); Optical (Cyan, Yellow)
Instrument ACIS
References Ma C. et al 2009he Astrophysical Journal Letters,
Volume 693, Issue 2, pp. L56-L60 (2009)
Distance Estimate About 5.4 billion light years
Release Date April 16, 2009
The Bullet cluster (1E 0657-56) consists of two
colliding clusters of galaxies.[1] Studies of the Bullet cluster,
announced in August 2006, provide the best evidence to date
for the existence of dark matter.[2] At a statistical significance of
8σ, it was found that the spatial offset of the center of the total
mass from the center of the baryonic mass peaks cannot be
explained with an alteration of the gravitational force law.
Observations of other galaxy cluster collisions, such
as MACS J0025.4-1222, also show significant displacement
between their center of visible matter and their gravitational

• 1 Overview
• 2 Significance to
Dark Matter
• 3 Alternative
• 4 References
• 5 Further reading


The major components of the cluster pair, stars, gas and the
putative dark matter, behave differently during collision,
allowing them to be studied separately. The stars of the
galaxies, observable in visible light, were not greatly affected
by the collision, and most passed right
through, gravitationally slowed but not otherwise altered. The
hot gas of the two colliding components, seen in X-rays,
represents most of themass of the ordinary (baryonic) matter
in the cluster pair. The gases interact electromagnetically,
causing the gases of both clusters to slow much more than the
stars. The third component, the dark matter, was detected
indirectly by the gravitational lensing of background objects.
Intheories without dark matter, such as Modified Newtonian
Dynamics, the lensing would be expected to follow the
baryonic matter; i.e. the X-ray gas. However, the lensing is
strongest in two separated regions near the visible galaxies.
This provides support for the idea that most of the mass in the
cluster pair is in the form of collisionless dark matter.
The Bullet cluster is one of the hottest known clusters of
galaxies. Observed from Earth, the subcluster passed through
the cluster center 150million years ago creating a "bow-
shaped shock wave located near the right side of the cluster"
formed as "70 million degree Celsius gas in the sub-cluster
plowed through 100 million degree Celsius gas in the main
cluster at a speed of about 6 million miles per hour".[4][5]
Strictly speaking, the name Bullet cluster refers to the
smaller subcluster, moving away from the larger one.
[edit]Significance to Dark Matter

The Bullet Cluster provides the best current evidence for the
nature of dark matter[7] and provides "evidence against some
of the more popular versions of Modified Newtonian
Dynamics (MOND)" as applied to large galactic clusters. [8]

Mass density contours superimposed over photograph taken with Hubble Space Telescope.
"Particularly compelling results were inferred from
the Chandra observations of the 'bullet cluster' (1E0657-56;
Fig. 2) by Markevitch et al. (2004) and Clowe et al. (2004).
Those authors report that the cluster is undergoing a high-
velocity (around 4500 km/s) merger, evident from the spatial
distribution of the hot, X-ray emitting gas, but this gas lags
behind the subcluster galaxies. Furthermore, the dark matter
clump, revealed by theweak-lensing map, is coincident with
the collisionless galaxies, but lies ahead of the collisional gas.
This—and other similar observations—allow good limits on the
cross-section of the self-interaction of dark matter."[9]
"The velocity of the bullet subcluster is not exceptionally high
for a cluster substructure, and can be accommodated within
the currently favoured Lambda-CDM model cosmogony."[10]
In an independent confirmation of results from the Bullet
Cluster, more recent observations of the cluster MACS
J0025.4-1222 indicate that a titanic collision has separated the
dark from ordinary matter.[11]
However, while the Bullet Cluster phenomenon may provide
direct evidence for dark matter on large cluster scales, it offers
no specific insight into the original galaxy rotation problem. In
fact, the observed ratio of visible matter to dark matter in a
typical rich galaxy cluster is much lower than predicted.[12] This
may indicate that the prevailing cosmological model is
insufficient to describe the mass discrepancy on galaxy scales,
or that its predictions about the shape of the universe are
[edit]Alternative Interpretations

Critics of dark matter have cautioned that astronomers expect

sizable quantities of non-luminous baryonic matter to reside in
large galactic clusters, positing that the Bullet Cluster
phenomenon can be explained without requiring non-baryonic
dark matter.[13] However, this explanation requires that
baryonic dark matter is of the same amount as the luminous
baryonic matter in the Bullet Cluster. This means that ~6 times
the visible galactic mass exists at the gravitational centroids,
possibly in the galaxies as MACHOs, brown dwarves, or cold
gas clouds.

Bullet Cluster

X-ray photo by Chandra X-ray Observatory. Exposure time was 140 hours. The scale

is shown in megaparsecs. Redshift(z) = 0.3, meaning its light has wavelengths

stretched by a factor of 1.3.

Observation data (Epoch )

Constellation(s) Carina

Right ascension 06h 58m 37.9s

Declination -55º 57' 0"

See also: Galaxy groups and clusters, List of galaxy clusters

NGC 1275 (also known as Perseus A or Caldwell 24) is a type 1.5 Seyfert galaxy[3] located
around 237 million light-years away[2] in the direction of the constellation Perseus. NGC 1275
corresponds to the radio galaxy Perseus A and is situated near the centre of the
large Perseus Cluster of galaxies. It is morphologically a type-cD galaxy.

• 1 Dyna
• 2 Galler
• 3 Refer
• 4 Exter


A Hubble Space Telescope (HST) image of the center of NGC 1275. Credit: HST/NASA/ESA.
NGC 1275 consists of two galaxies, the central CD Galaxy in the Perseus Cluster, and the
so-called "high velocity system" (HVS) which lies in front of it. The HVS is moving at
3000 km/s[4]towards the dominant system, and is believed to be merging with the Perseus
Cluster. The HVS is not affecting the CD Galaxy as it lies at least 200 thousand light years
from it.[5] The central cluster galaxy contains a massive network of spectral line emitting
filaments,[6] which appear to be being dragged out by rising bubbles
of relativistic plasma generated by the central active galactic nucleus.[7] Long gaseous
filaments made up of threads of gas stretch out beyond the galaxy, into the multimillion-
degree, X-ray–emitting gas that fills the cluster. The amount of gas contained in a typical
thread is approximately one million times the mass of our own Sun. They are only 200 light-
years wide, are often very straight, and extend for up to 20,000 light-years.[8]
The existence of the filaments poses a problem. As they are much cooler than the
surrounding intergalactic cloud, how have they persisted for perhaps 100 million years? Why
haven’t they warmed, dissipated or collapsed to form stars?[9][10] One possibility is that weak
magnetic fields (about one-ten-thousandth the strength of Earth’s field) exert enough force
on the ions within the threads to keep them together.[9][10]

NGC 1275 multi-wavelength composite

NGC 1275 galaxy by en:Hubble Space Telescope; 1.73′ view

NGC 1275

A Hubble Space Telescope image of NGC 1275.

Observation data (J2000 epoch)

Constellation Perseus

Right ascension 03h 19m 48.1s[1]

Declination +41° 30′ 42″[1]

Redshift 5264 ± 11 km/s[1]


Distance 237 million light-years

72.7 Mpc[2]

Type cD;pec;NLRG[1]

Apparent dimensions (V) 2′.2 × 1′.7[1]

Apparent magnitude (V) 12.6[1]

Other designations

Perseus A,[1] PGC 12429,[1] UGC 2669,[1]QSO B0316+413, Caldwell 24

See also: Galaxy, List of galaxies

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