S&T - RRR - Part 1
S&T - RRR - Part 1
S&T - RRR - Part 1
Part 1- Space, Astro & ET
Our Universe
Dwarf Planet Eris
• It was discovered in 2005
• It is named after the ancient Greek goddess of
• It is a member of a group of objects that orbit
in a disc-like zone beyond the orbit of
Neptune called the Kuiper Belt
• It appears to have a rocky interior below a
shell of ice
• Similar in size to Pluto, it has distinct
characteristics that differentiate it from its
cosmic cousin
• Recent research has focused on understanding
Eris' internal structure and composition
without direct exploration, using observations
of its moon Dysnomia.
Hubble Constant
• It is the unit of measurement used to describe the
expansion of the universe
• Since the Big Bang event about 13.82 billion years ago,
the Universe has been expanding
• For an astronomical object (e.g. a star or a galaxy) at a
known distance from the Earth, the Hubble constant can
be used to predict how fast it should be moving away
from us
• Hubble’s constant was first proposed by Edwin Hubble,
an American astronomer who studied galaxies
• To calculate the value of the Hubble constant, 2
details are required:
1. the distance between the observer and astronomical
2. the velocity at which these objects are moving
away from the observer as a result of the expansion
of the universe.
ESO 300-16
• Irregular galaxy
• Recently captured by Hubble Space Telescope
• The galaxy is located in the constellation of Eridanus,
contains a bubble of blue gas at its core and has a backdrop of
many distant galaxies
Hubble Space Telescope,1990
• It is named after the astronomer Edwin Hubble
• Built by - NASA and the European space agency
• Hubble is a telescope that orbits Earth
• Expanding the frontiers of the visible Universe, the Hubble Space Telescope looks deep into
space with cameras that can see across the entire optical spectrum from infrared to ultraviolet
• It is one of NASA's Great Observatories Programs. The other missions in the program
1. the visible-light Spitzer Space Telescope
2. Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory (CGRO)
3. the Chandra X-Ray Observatory (CXO))
Radio Galaxy
• Radio Galaxies, also known as radio-luminous
galaxies or radio-loud galaxies, are a particular
type of active galaxy that emits more light at radio
wavelengths than at visible wavelengths
• These happen through the interaction between
charged particles and strong magnetic fields
related to supermassive black holes at the
galaxies’ centre
• Radio galaxies are driven by non-thermal
• They are much bigger than most of the other
galaxies in the universe
• The first radio galaxy to be discovered, and still
the brightest, is called Cygnus A.
• It is a type of galaxy that is powered by a
humongous black hole and is among one
of the brightest and most powerful objects
in the universe
• They are known for emitting highly
energetic particles and radiation,
including gamma rays, X-rays, and radio
• Hubble Space Telescope recently captured
an image of the spiral galaxy, MCG-01-24-
• Spiral galaxies are twisted collections of
stars and gas that often have beautiful
shapes and are made up of hot, young stars
• Most of the galaxies that scientists have
discovered so far are spiral galaxies, as
opposed to the other two main categories of
galaxy shapes—elliptical and irregular.
Approximately 60% of all galaxies are
thought to be spiral galaxies.
Jellyfish Galaxy (JO206)
• Recently, NASA released an image
showcasing the jellyfish galaxy JO206
which was captured by the Hubble
• It trails across the universe about 700
million light-years away from our planet
• It is in the constellation Aquarius.
XRISM Mission
• X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM)
is a joint mission of the Japan Aerospace Exploration
Agency (JAXA) and the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA), involving contributions
from the European Space Agency (ESA) and Canadian
Space Agency as well
• Mission aims to observe X-rays coming from deep
space and to identify their wavelengths with
unprecedented precision
• It detects X-rays with energies ranging from 400 to
12,000 electron volts. This range will provide
astrophysicists with new information about some of the
universe's hottest regions, largest structures, and objects
with the strongest gravity
• The mission has two instruments, Resolve and Xtend.
X-ray Polarimeter Satellite (XPoSat)
• XPoSat is the first dedicated satellite from ISRO
to carry out research and measure X-ray emission
from celestial sources like black holes and
neutron stars
• It is the second satellite in the world to study X-
ray polarization, first being NASA’s Imaging X-
ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE), launched in
• ISRO successfully launched the X-ray
Polarimeter Satellite (XPoSat) by Polar Satellite
Launch Vehicle (PSLV) -C58
• PSLV-C58 was the 60th flight of ISRO’s Polar
Satellite launch Vehicle.
Polarization and X-ray Polarimetry
• Normal light (unpolarized light) consists of
electric field and magnetic field vectors which
vibrate perpendicularly to each other.
• Light waves that travel in a single plane are
known as polarized light waves
• The process of transforming unpolarized light Polarization
into polarized light is known as polarization and
can be achieved through Scattering, reflection,
refraction or use of Polaroid/ polarizing filter
• Studying/measuring the polarization of X-rays is
X-Ray polarimetry
• X-rays are high-energy electromagnetic waves.
Cygnus X-1
• India’s space telescope AstroSat has for
the first-time measured X-ray polarization
from the Cygnus X-1 black hole
• Cygnus X-1 is one of the first confirmed
black hole systems in our galaxy.
• It is a bright red supergiant
• It likely underwent an enormous surface
mass ejection (SME) where it ejected 400
billion times more mass than a typical
event on other stars
• It is at a distance of 724 lightyears from
the Earth is nearly 50 percent brighter
than usual
• Red Giant: is a dying star in the final
stages of stellar evolution.
INFUSE Mission
• Integral Field Ultraviolet Spectroscope
Experiment (INFUSE)
• Recently, NASA launched a sounding rocket as
part of it’s INFUSE mission to study the
Cygnus Loop, a supernova remnant, to
understand how the stellar explosive deaths
forms new star systems in the universe
• Objective of the INFUSE Mission: Understanding the life cycle of stars and the
formation of new star systems in the universe through the analysis of the Cygnus
Loop's properties and characteristics
• Cygnus Loop, or Veil Nebula, is the remains of a massive star that underwent a
supernova explosion visible from Earth due to its significant brightness.
Kilonova Explosion
• A kilonova is a bright blast of
electromagnetic radiation that happens
when two neutron stars or a neutron star
and a stellar-mass black hole collide and
• A neutron star is formed when a star
having a mass more than 1.44 times that
of the Sun (as per Chandrasekhar limit)
blows off its gaseous envelope in a
supernova explosion. They are among the
densest objects in the cosmos.
AT 2023prq
• Nova
• Astronomers have recently performed
photometric and spectroscopic observations of a
recently discovered nova, known as AT 2023prq
• Nova is any of a class of exploding stars whose
luminosity temporarily increases from several
thousand to as much as 100,000 times its normal
level. A nova reaches maximum luminosity
within hours after its outburst and may shine
intensely for several days or occasionally for a
few weeks, after which it slowly returns to its
former level of luminosity. Stars that become
novas are nearly always too faint before the
eruption to be seen with the unaided eye.
30 Doradus B
• NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory
recently captured a stunning image of 30
Doradus B, a supernova remnant that is
part of a vibrant region of space where stars
have been forming for millions of years
• NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory is a
telescope specially designed to detect X-ray
emission from very hot regions of the
Universe, such as exploded stars, clusters
of galaxies, and matter around black holes.
It was launched by NASA on July 23,
1999. Because X-rays are absorbed by
Earth’s atmosphere, Chandra must orbit
above it, up to an altitude of 139,000 km
(86,500 mi) in space.
Cassiopeia A
• It is the youngest remnant of the
massive star that exploded some 340
years ago in our galaxy known to
• It belongs to the prototypical type of
supernova remnant and has been
extensively studied by a number of
ground-based and space-based
• The remnant spans about 10 light-years
and is located 11,000 light-years away in
the constellation Cassiopeia.
• Formalhaut is the brightest star in southern
constellation of Piscis Austrinus
• It is almost twice the mass and size of sun and
radiates over 16 times the sun’s energy
• A single belt of debris around Fomalhaut was
discovered in 1983
• Recently, James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)
spots new belts of asteroid near star Fomalhaut
• JWST is NASA’s s infrared flagship observatory,
is an international collaboration between NASA,
European Space Agency, and Canadian Space
• It is placed in Sun-Earth Lagrange Point 2 (L2)
• JWST is being considered as successor of
Hubble Space Telescope (HST)
HE 1005-1439
• Recently, scientists atIIA, Bangalore under DST, Govt. of
India, have discovered a unique star named HE 1005-
1439 classified as a carbon-enhanced metal-poor
(CEMP) star
• The researchers used high-resolution spectroscopic data
acquired using High Dispersion Spectrograph (HDS)
attached to SUBARU telescope (Japan) to analyze the
star's surface chemical composition
• Carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars are
characterized by diverse heavy elements abundance
patterns and are primarily classified into four groups,
based on which groups of heavy elements are more
abundant. These are mostly dwarf stars, sub-giant stars,
or giant stars, and stars that belong to these evolutionary
stages cannot produce elements heavier than iron.
• Pulsars are rotating neutron stars observed to have
pulses of radiation at very regular intervals that
typically range from milliseconds to seconds
• Pulsars have very strong magnetic fields, which
funnel jets of particles out along the two magnetic
poles. Often, the magnetic field is not aligned with
the spin axis, so those beams of particles and light are
swept around as the star rotates
• Pulsar masses range between 1.18 and 1.97 times that
of the Sun, but most pulsars have a mass 1.35 times
that of the Sun.
PSR J1032−5804:
• Using the Australian Square Kilometer Array
Pathfinder (ASKAP), astronomers have recently
discovered a new pulsar, which has received the
designation PSR J1032−5804.
Wolf-Rayet Stars
• These are massive stars that are near the
end of their stellar evolution
• They are typically more than 25 times
the mass the Sun and lose this mass at a
very high rate
• They are a rare sight and are among the
most luminous, most massive, and most
briefly-detectable stars known to
• Magnetars are neutron stars having an ultrahigh
magnetic field that are much stronger than the terrestrial
magnetic field. Simply put, the magnetic field of a
magnetar is over one quadrillion time stronger than the
magnetic field of Earth
• What powers the emission of high-energy
electromagnetic radiation in them is the decay of
magnetic fields in these objects
• Besides, magnetars display strong temporal variability,
typically including a slow rotation, a rapid spin-down,
bright but short bursts going on upto months-long
• One such magnetar was called SGR J1830-0645, was
discovered in October 2020 by NASA's Swift spacecraft.
It is relatively young (about 24,000 years) and isolated
neutron star.)
X-ray Bursts
• It occurs in low-mass X-ray binary systems where a neutron
star and low-mass main sequence star are in orbit around one
• Due to their close proximity and the extreme gravity of the
neutron star, the companion star overflows its roche-lobe and
hydrogen is drawn into an accretion disk around the neutron
• This hydrogen is eventually deposited on the surface of the neutron star and immediately
is converted into helium due to the extreme temperatures and pressures that exist there. A
thin surface layer of helium is built up, and once a critical mass of helium is reached, it
ignites explosively, heating the entire surface of the neutron star to several tens of millions
of degrees releasing a sudden burst of X-rays
• Recently, India’s first multi-wavelength space-based observatory AstroSat has detected
bright sub-second X-ray bursts from a new and unique neutron star with ultrahigh
magnetic field (magnetar).
Gamma-Ray Burst
• Gamma-ray bursts are short-lived explosions
of gamma rays, the most energetic form of
• Lasting from a few milliseconds to several
hours, they shine hundreds of times brighter
than a typical supernova and about a million
trillion times as bright as the Sun
• Observed in distant galaxies, they are the
brightest electromagnetic events known to
exist in the universe
• According to recent researchers, gamma-ray
burst (GRB) triggered by a supernova
explosion in a galaxy situated nearly two
billion light-years from earth, induced a
notable disruption in the ionosphere of Earth.
• Powerful Cosmic Ray
• It is one of the highest-energy cosmic
rays ever detected. It has been named
Amaterasu after the Japanese sun
• It comes only second to the Oh-My-God
particle, another ultra-high-energy cosmic
ray that came in at 320 EeV, detected in
• Amaterasu appears to have emerged from
the Local Void, an empty area of space
bordering the Milky Way galaxy.
OSIRIS-Rex Mission
• OSIRIS-REx (Origins, Spectral Interpretation,
Resource Identification, Security- Regolith
Explorer), launched in 2016, is the NASA’s first
mission to collect a sample from near-Earth asteroid
• Bennu is a B-type asteroid, i.e., it contains significant
amounts of carbon and various other minerals. Hence, it
reflects about 4% of the light that hits it (Earth reflects
about 30% and Venus reflects about 65 %)
• Bennu was formed in first 10 million years of solar
system’s creations. It has not gone through a lot of
composition altering change through billions of years,
which means that below its surface lie chemicals and
rocks from the birth of the solar system
• Recently, NASA’s OSIRIS-REx asteroid samples
capsule from asteroid Bennu lands on Earth.
• It is a mission to study the physical
changes to asteroid Apophis that
will result from its rare close
encounter with Earth in April 2029
• In an extension of its celestial
duties, the spacecraft that delivered
asteroid samples from Bennu,
OSIRIS-REx, has embarked on a Apophis
new mission, and NASA has • discovered in 2004
renamed it as OSIRIS-APEX • It is a stony "S-type" asteroid made of silicate (or rocky)
• The mission aims to observe the material and a mixture of metallic nickel and iron
• It is a remnant from the early formation of our solar
physical changes induced by
system about 4.6 billion years ago
Earth's gravitational pull during • It originated in the main asteroid belt between Mars and
Apophis' flyby. Jupiter.
• NASA has launched a spacecraft called ‘Psyche’
on a six-year mission to study a unique metal-
rich asteroid also named ‘Psyche.’
• This asteroid orbits the Sun between Mars and
• The primary goal of the Psyche mission is to
explore the iron core, a previously unexplored
aspect of planet formation For the first time, the
mission will examine a celestial body primarily
composed of metal rather than rock and ice.
Additionally, it aims to gain insights into the
internal structure of terrestrial planets, including
Earth, by directly studying the interior of a
differentiated body, which would otherwise
remain hidden.
Asteroid Dinkinesh
• NASA’s Lucy spacecraft, on a mission
to observe Jupiter’s Trojan asteroids
• Recently made an unexpected discovery
• It found that the main belt asteroid
Dinkinesh, which it was set to fly by, is
actually a binary system of two asteroids
bound together
• An asteroid is a rocky, metallic, or icy
minor planet that orbits within the inner
Solar System.
Yarkovsky Effect
• The Yarkovsky effect is a
phenomenon in space where the
way an asteroid absorbs and re-
emits solar radiation can alter its
trajectory over time
• This effect can lead to small but
significant changes in an asteroid’s
path, potentially influencing its orbit
and posing collision risks with
2023 FW13
• Astronomers have recently discovered
a ‘quasi-moon’ called ‘2023 FW13’
that orbits the Earth but is actually
gravitationally bound by the Sun
• It is an asteroid which has been
designated as a quasi-satellite or a
quasi-moon. It is among the few
known quasi-moons or satellites that
we know of in our solar system. It
was identified by experts utilizing the
Pan-STARRS telescope situated atop
Hawaii’s Haleakala volcano. It has Quasi-Moons
been in Earth's vicinity since 100 BC • They are also known as 'quasi-satellites' because they
and will keep circling our planet for at appear to orbit our planet in the same way that our natural
least another 1,500 years, until AD satellite, the Moon. It is a space rock that circles the
Earth, but is gravitationally bound by the sun
HD 63433d
• Astronomers recently unveiled the
discovery of an Earth-like planet,
younger and closer than any previously
identified, named HD 63433d
• It is an Earth-like exoplanet that orbits a
sun-like star called HD 63433 (also
known as TOI 1726)
• It is the smallest confirmed exoplanet,
younger than 500 million years old
• It’s also the closest Earth-sized planet discovered so far, and it’s about 400 million
years old
• It’s the third planet found in orbit around its star. This planet is eight times closer to its
star than Mercury is to the Sun.
TOI4603 or HD 245134
• NASA’s The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite initially
declared TOI4603 as a possible candidate to host a
secondary body of unknown nature
• ISRO said that the discovery of this massive exoplanet was
made using the indigenously made PRL Advanced Radial-
velocity Abusky Search spectrograph (PARAS) at the 1.2
m telescope of PRL at its Gurushikhar Observatory in Mt.
Abu by measuring the mass of the planet precisely
• Massive giant exoplanets are those having mass greater
than four times that of Jupiter
• An exoplanet is any planet beyond the solar system and the
one discovered by scientists from India, Germany,
Switzerland and the U.S. is with a density of ~14 g/cm3
• Exoplanet Research Group of the Physical Research
Laboratory (PRL), Ahmedabad
K2-18 B Exoplanet
• NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope
discovered the presence of carbon dioxide
and methane on an Exoplanet
• K2-18 b exoplanet is 120 light years from
• Planets that orbit stars, other than our sun,
are called Exoplanets
• James Webb Telescope is a space
telescope specifically designed to conduct
infrared astronomy
• Its high-resolution and high-sensitivity
instruments allow it to view objects too
old, distant, or faint for the Hubble Space
• Discovered by NASA's James Webb
Telescope recently
• It is a newly discovered exoplanet
situated 200 light-years away in the Virgo
• The mass of WASP-107b is 30.5 Earths,
and it takes only six days to orbit its
home star, which is slightly cooler and
less massive than our sun.
Comet Nishimura
• The comet was discovered in mid-August by
amateur astronaut Hideo Nishimura, who
used 30-second exposures with a standard
digital camera to see it
• Since then, the comet, officially called
C/2023 P1 Nishimura, has increased in
brightness as it went forward on its path in the
inner solar system
• The comet is angularly near the Sun, so even
if it is visible, it will only be able to spot it
early before sunrise or late before sunset
• The comet is currently located in the
constellation Leo
• It completes an orbit around the Sun once
every 435 years.
Comet P12/Pons-Brooks
• Astronomers from the Indian Institute of
Astrophysics (IIA) have photographed
the enigmatic Comet P12/Pons-Brooks
by using the Himalayan Chandra
Telescope (HCT) from the Indian
Astronomical Observatory in Hanle,
• This comet, first discovered in the year
1812, completes an orbit around the Sun
every 71 years.
Geminid Meteor Shower
• Meteor shower happens when Earth passes
through the path of a comet. When this
happens, the bits of comet debris create streaks
of light in night sky as they burn up in Earth's
• Geminid meteors are created by tiny bits of
rocky debris shed from a small asteroid named
3200 Phaethon, which was discovered in 1983
• Phaethon is small, only about 3 miles across,
and it loops around the Sun every 1.4 years in
an orbit that approaches the Sun closer than
any other known asteroid
• Recently, Parker Solar Probe reveals
mysterious origin of Geminid meteor shower
on Earth.
• ‘Ureilites’ are a rare class of primitive meteorites that
constitute just a tiny fraction of meteorites on Earth
• It is named after the locality where the first specimen
was discovered, the Novo Urei village in Russia
• They consist of silicate rock, mostly olivine and
pyroxene, interspersed with less than 10% of carbon
(diamond or graphite), metal sulphides and a few fine-
grained silicates
• Ureilites are considered primitive meteorites because
their composition closely resembles the material from Dhala Crater
which the solar system formed • It is the oldest and the largest
• In a recent discovery, a collaborative team of scientists impact crater in India
from Allahabad University and the University of Bern, • Madhya Pradesh
• It is a massive 11 km in
Switzerland, revealed that the Dhala crater resulted from diameter, making it the largest
the collision of an exceptionally rare and ancient in Asia
meteorite, known as Ureilite
Erg Chech 002
• These are the rocks containing distinctive
greenish crystals that turned out to be
from outer space, left over from the dawn
of the Solar System
• They were all pieces of a meteorite
known as Erg Chech 002, which is the
oldest volcanic rock ever found
• It is known as an “ungrouped
achondrite,” which means their parent
bodies and family relationships are
• Erg Chech is a sandy region of the Sahara
in western Algeria and northern Mali. It
consists largely of shifting dunes.
Sagittarius C (Sgr C)
• It is the star-forming region
known to be situated
approximately 300 light-years
from the Milky Way's central
supermassive black hole,
Sagittarius A*
• Recently, the James Webb Space
Telescope (JWST) captured a
stunning image of the dense
centre of the Milky Way galaxy
with clarity never seen before.
Einstein Probe (EP)
• China recently sent a new astronomical
satellite called the Einstein Probe into
space to observe mysterious transient
phenomena in the universe that flicker
like fireworks
• The primary scientific goal of the EP is
to explore the transient and variable X-
ray sky, capturing powerful bursts of
high-energy light emanating from objects
such as merging neutron stars and black
SN Zwicky
• Supernova
• Rare extremely warped image of exploding star captured by astronomers
• The supernova has been named SN Zwicky and it was sported by the Zwicky
Transient Facility (ZTF) at the Palomar Observatory in California
• Its image was warped due to an effect called gravitational lensing. This happens
when the gravity of a dense object distorts and brightens the light of an object
behind it
Black Holes
• It is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light cannot get out. The gravity is so
strong because matter has been squeezed into a tiny space
• Most black holes form from the remnants of a large star that dies in a supernova explosion
• In 2019, scientists got the first optical image of a black hole, at the centre of a galaxy named Messier
87, through Event Horizon Telescope
• No black hole is close enough to the solar system for Earth to fall into it
• Black Holes cannot be directly observed because they themselves do not emit or radiate light, or any
other electromagnetic waves. But the area just outside the boundary of the black hole (Event
Horizon), emits all kinds of radiation, including even visible light. This area has vast amounts of gas,
clouds and plasma swirling violently
• 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded for discovering that black hole formation (Sagittarius
A*) at the center of our galaxy
• Recently, Scientists observed a class of black holes (quasars) demonstrating time dilation in the early
• They are tremendously active
supermassive black holes millions to
billions of times more massive than
our sun, usually residing at centres of
• There are no quasars near Milky
Time Dilation
• It refers to the fact that time passes at
different rates for different observers,
depending on their relative motion or
positions in a gravitational field
• Time dilation is a consequence of
Einstein’s Theory of relativity
• This occurs because objects with a
lot of mass create a strong
gravitational field. Stronger the
gravity, the more spacetime curves,
and the slower time itself proceeds.
Markarian 421
• It is a supermassive black hole firing a jet of high-
energy particles aimed directly at Earth
• It is about 400 million light-years away from the earth
• It is located in the constellation Ursa Major
• Recently, NASA’s IXPE Mission unveils twisted
mysteries of the Supermassive Black Hole Markarian
• Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) is an
international collaboration between NASA and the
Italian Space Agency. It studies the most extreme and
mysterious objects in the universe – supernova
remnants, supermassive black holes, and dozens of
other high-energy objects. It is the first satellite
dedicated to measuring polarized X-rays from objects,
such as neutron stars and supermassive black holes, to
reveal previously hidden details of the universe.
Taam Ja
• Scientists have uncovered a massive sinkhole
off the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula in
• It’s World’s 2nd Deepest Blue Hole in Mexico
• The Mexico blue hole has been named ‘Taam
Ja’, which means ‘deep water’ in Mayan
• Blue hole is actually a massive underwater
sinkhole, which is hundreds of metres long and
spans across areas that are bigger than cities and
stands at a height of several skyscrapers
• Dragon Hole or Longdong is the deepest blue
hole on earth and situated in the South China
Sea. It’s more than 980 ft deep.
X-Ray Polarization
• X-ray polarimetry is a unique observational technique to
identify where radiation comes from near black holes
• It helps in studying the origin of cosmic rays in the
universe, the nature of black holes, and the interaction
of matter with the highest physically possible magnetic
• Recently, Indian researchers detect X-ray polarization
for the first time from a black hole outside the Milky
Way. Radiations are emitted from the vicinity of a black • The Magellanic Clouds = are two
hole located in the Large Magellanic Cloud-X-3 (LMC irregular dwarf satellite galaxies
X3) and located 200,000 light years away from the Earth
orbiting our Milky Way galaxy in
• Researchers studied LMC X-3 using the Imaging X-ray
the southern celestial hemisphere +
Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) [NASA], the Neutron Star
Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) Mission The two galaxies are large
[NASA], and Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array magellanic clouds and small
(NuSTAR) [NASA]. magellanic clouds.
Einstein Cross
• Astronomers discovered a rare
example of an Einstein Cross
• Einstein Cross is a specific case of
Gravitational Lensing. This
phenomenon occurs when massive
objects distort and magnify light from
objects behind them (such as a galaxy
or a quasar), acting as cosmic
telescopes and making distant galaxies
appear brighter.
Solar Flare
• Solar flares are giant explosions on the
sun that send energy, light, and high-
speed particles into space
• These flares are often associated with
solar magnetic storms known as
coronal mass ejections (CMEs)
• It happens when energy stored in
‘twisted’ magnetic fields (usually
above sunspots) is suddenly released
• Solar Flares are classified according
to their strength. The smallest are A-
class, followed by B, C, M, and X, the
largest. Each letter represents a 10-fold
increase in energy output.
Coronal Mass Ejection (CME)
• CME is a giant cloud of solar plasma
drenched with magnetic field lines that is
blown away from Sun often during strong,
long-duration solar flares and filament
• CME contains particle radiation (mostly
protons and electrons) and powerful
magnetic fields. They cause disruption of
space weather and satellite failures, and
power outages etc
• Recenty, Scientists from Aryabhatta Aryabhatta Research Institute of
Observational Sciences (ARIES)
Research Institute of Observational
• Nainital, Uttarakhand
Sciences (ARIES), Nainital found that core • It is an autonomous institute under
of CME that occurred in 2017 had Department of Science and Technology.
maintained a constant temperature.
Picoflare Jets
• Picoflare jets are small-scale phenomena on the sun
that release a significant amount of energy in a short
period, typically lasting only a few dozen seconds
• These jets, named as pico, as they carried
approximately one-trillionth as much energy as the
largest flares that the sun is believed to be able to
• The phenomenon responsible for creating these jets in
the sun's coronal holes is likely magnetic reconnection.
Magnetic reconnection involves the breaking and
reconnecting of magnetic field lines, which releases a
substantial amount of stored energy
• The Solar Orbiter has recently captured extreme
ultraviolet images of the Sun, revealing a multitude of
small-scale jets known as "picoflare" jets within a
coronal hole.
Solar Winds
• The solar wind is created by the outward expansion of
plasma (a collection of charged particles) from the Sun's
corona (outermost atmosphere)
• As the Sun rotates (once every 27 days), it winds up its
magnetic field lines above its polar regions into a large
rotating spiral, creating a constant stream of "wind."
• As the solar wind moves away from the Sun, it forms a
vast region around it called the "heliosphere." This bubble
extends well beyond the orbits of most planets in our solar
• Please Note: Solar wind and solar flares are not the same
phenomena. A solar flare is just an enhancement of
electromagnetic radiation in the UV to γ-ray range (mostly
UV and x-rays). The solar wind is the constant flow of
thermal particles from the sun's upper atmosphere.
Solar Orbiter
• Solar Orbiter is a collaborative mission between the
European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA that aims to
investigate the Sun's magnetic fields, energetic particles,
and plasma in their pristine state before they are altered
during their journey
• The mission was launched 2020.
Equal Contrast Technique (ECT)
• Recently, scientists developed a new methodology,
called Equal Contrast Technique (ECT), to analyse
Sun images in white light, which can help prevent
temporal and latitudinal variations in observations
related to instrument and sky conditions
• It is known that there are large numbers of regions of
weak magnetic field on the sun, which vary with
time. These can be studied using magnetograms
and Ca-K line images of the sun, as there is a strong
correlation between the magnetic field and the Ca-K
line intensity of the region on the Sun
• This type of accurate analysis of the historical time
series of Ca-K images can be useful for reliable and
accurate investigation of variations on the sun and
the effect of this on the climatic condition of the
Sun Halo
• The phenomenon of the Sun halo was
witnessed in North India
• It is a multi-colored ring that appears
like a rainbow circling the star in our
solar system
• It is also referred to as 22-degree halo
because the radius of the circle is
always approximately 22 degrees
• Halos are a sign of high, thin cirrus
clouds drifting 20,000 feet (6 km) or
more above our heads. These clouds
contain millions of tiny unique
hexagonal ice crystals.
Aditya L1 Mission
• Aditya L1 is the first space-based Indian mission to study the Sun launched by the Polar
Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-XL) (PSLV-C57 rocket)
• The objective of Aditya L1 mission is to study Sun’s Corona, Chromosphere and
Photosphere. In addition, it will study the particle flux emanating from Sun, and the variation
of magnetic field strength
• Initially, the PSLV will place the Aditya L-1 in a lower Earth orbit. The orbit and the
spacecraft velocity around the Earth will be increased using onboard propulsion
subsequently till it is slingshot towards the Sun
• The spacecraft shall be placed in a halo orbit around the Lagrange point 1 (L1) of the Sun-
Earth system, which is about 1.5 million km from the Earth. At the L1 point, the satellite
has the major advantage of continuously viewing the Sun without any occultation/eclipses
• The spacecraft carries seven payloads to observe the photosphere, chromosphere and
the outermost layers of the Sun (the corona) using electromagnetic and particle and
magnetic field detectors: Visible Emission Line Coronagraph (VLEC) , Solar Ultraviolet
Imaging Telescope (SUIT), Solar Low Energy X-ray Spectrometer (SoLEXS), High
Energy L1 Orbiting X-ray Spectrometer (HEL1OS), Aditya Solar wind Particle
Experiment (ASPEX), Plasma Analyser Packages for Aditya (PAPA) and Advanced Tri-
axial High Resolution Digital Magnetometers
• Utility: The data from Aditya mission will be immensely helpful in discriminating
between different models for the origin of solar storms and also for constraining how the
storms evolve and what path they take through the interplanetary space from the Sun to
the Earth
• Aditya-L1 is also ISRO’s second astronomy observatory-class mission after AstroSat
Lagrange Points in the Sun-Earth System:
L1: L1 is considered the most significant of the
Lagrange points for solar observations + A satellite
placed in the halo orbit around the L1 has the major
advantage of continuously viewing the Sun without
any occultation/ eclipses + It is currently home to the
Solar and Heliospheric Observatory Satellite
L2: Positioned directly 'behind' Earth as viewed from
the Sun, L2 is excellent for observing the larger
Universe without Earth's shadow interference + The
James Webb Space Telescope orbits the Sun near L2.
L3: Positioned behind the Sun, opposite Earth, and
just beyond Earth's orbit, it offers potential
observations of the far side of the Sun.
L4 and L5: Objects at L4 and L5 maintain stable
positions, forming an equilateral triangle with the
two larger bodies + They are often used for space
observatories, such as those studying asteroids.
STEREO-A Spacecraft
• Launched in 2006, STEREO traces
the flow of energy and matter from
Sun to Earth
• It passes between Sun and Earth,
marking the first Earth flyby of nearly
17-year old mission
• STEREO-A's flyby will allow
scientists to understand how coronal
mass ejection's (CME) magnetic field
evolves on its way to Earth
• It is composed of two nearly identical
observatories i.e. one ahead (STEREO-
A) of Earth in its orbit, the other
trailing behind (STEREO-B).
• Recently, Indian Astronomical Observatory (IAO) above
Mount Saraswati captured a rare phenomenon as a
geomagnetic storm struck Earth's magnetic field, creating
unique auroras
• This was the first time that the aurora was captured on
camera in India by the Indian Astronomical Observatory
• The auroras are normally seen at higher altitudes in parts of
Alaska, Norway, and other countries
• The sun is ejecting charged particles from its corona,
creating solar wind. When that wind slams into Earth's
ionosphere, the aurora is born
• In the Northern Hemisphere, the phenomenon is called the
northern lights (aurora borealis), while in the Southern
Hemisphere, it's called the southern lights (aurora australis)
• Aruroras are seen when there is a clear sky, no clouds and
there is darkness.
Mount Saraswati
• Located in Uttarakhand, India
• Another aurora-like occurrence on Earth is STEVE (Strong Thermal Emission
Velocity Enhancement)
• It is a glowing atmospheric phenomenon, but it looks slightly different from its
undulating auroral counterparts
• Like the northern and southern lights, STEVE is also visible from lower latitudes,
closer to the equator, than the auroras.
Stable Auroral Arc (SAR)
• Recently, the Indian Astronomical Observatory
(IAO) in Ladakh captured stunning images of a rare
red-colored aurora known as a Stable Auroral Arc
• It is a rare atmospheric phenomenon which was
observed during a strong G3-class geomagnetic
• Unlike auroras, which occur when charged particles
from space hit the atmosphere causing it to glow,
SAR arcs form differently
• They are an indication of heat energy leaking into the
upper atmosphere from Earth's ring current system, a
donut-shaped circuit carrying millions of amps
around our planet
• This global event was registered in many parts of the
THEMIS Mission
• Launched in 2007, THEMIS studies
how mass and energy move through
the near-Earth space environment to
determine the physical processes
initiating auroras
• In 2010, two of its five spacecraft were
repurposed as ARTEMIS and moved to
a new location to study similar
processes closer to the Moon.
International Space Station (ISS)
• ISS is a large spacecraft around Earth. It serves as a
home where crews of astronauts and cosmonauts live
• It is a partnership between European countries
(represented by ESA), United States (NASA),
Japan (JAXA), Canada (CSA) and Russia
• It orbits Earth at an average altitude of approximately
250 miles in every 90 minutes
• It has been continuously occupied since November
• ISS weighs almost 400 tonnes and covers an area as
big as a football pitch
• It would have been impossible to build the Space
Station on Earth and then launch it into space in one
go. So, ISS was taken into space piece-by-piece and
gradually built-in orbit. This assembly required more
than 40 missions.
Bharatiya Antariksha Station
• As per ISRO’s chairman, India’s
proposed space station is envisaged to
weigh 20 tonnes and serve as a facility
where astronauts can stay for 15-20
days, and would be placed in an orbit
400 km above earth
• Prime Minister of India directed that
India should now aim for setting up
‘Bharatiya Antariksha Station’
(Indian Space Station) by 2035.
Long March 10 Rocket
• Please Note: Tiangong (Chinese for "Heavenly Palace") is a modular space station
being constructed by the China National Space Administration (CNSA). It is the first
space station built by China. Tiangong is currently in low Earth orbit (LEO), and it is
expected to be operational until 2028. It is a three-module space station. The core
module Tianhe launched in April 2021, followed by the Wentian and Mengtian
experiment modules in 2022.
NVS01 Navigation Satellite
• Recently placed in Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit by
Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) from the
second launch pad at the Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR,
• It is the first in the series of second-generation navigation
satellites built by ISRO's UR Rao Satellite Centre in Bengaluru
• At present, India uses its Navigation with Indian Constellation
(NavIC) series of satellites for civilian and defence navigation
in the Indian mainland and even 1500 kms beyond India's
• NVS series of satellites will sustain and augment the NavIC
with enhanced features
• This series incorporates L1 band signals additionally to widen
the services
• For the first time, an indigenous atomic clock will be flown in
Navigation with Indian Constellation or NavIC
• Regional navigation satellite system
• Established by the ISRO
• Aims to meet the positioning, navigation and timing requirements of the nation
• NavIC was erstwhile known as Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS)
• It is a constellation of seven satellites that work with a 24X7 network of ground
stations while orbiting above Earth (7 active out of total 8)
• Three satellites are placed in geostationary orbit and four in inclined geosynchronous
• The NavIC coverage area includes India and a region up to 1,500 km beyond the
nation’s boundary
• It offers two services - Standard Position Service for civilian users and Restricted
Service for strategic users
• The system is used in terrestrial, aerial, marine transportation, location-based services,
personal mobility, resource monitoring, surveying and geodesy, scientific research etc
• NavIC was recognised by the
International Maritime Organization
(IMO) as a part of the World-Wide
Radio Navigation System (WWRNS)
for operation in the Indian Ocean
Region in 2020
• Now as per Department of Space (DoS),
NavIC, the sevensatellite system that
makes up India’s version of the
American GPS (global positioning
system), will soon be integrated into
Aadhaar enrolment devices across the
country. Currently, the Aadhaar
enrolment kits that are used to collect
and verify personal details are linked to
Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO)