Satjug 17 (16 To 31 Oct.)

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26 sqMbr 2021 nUM luiDAwxw dy gurU nwnk styfIAm ivKy

siqgurU pRqwp isMG hspqwl v`loN krvweI geI dOV dIAW JlkIAW
siqjug qqkrw
31 A`sU qoN 15 k`qk 2078 ib. * sMpwdkI- ikriq ivriq kir Drm dI
16 qoN 31 AkqUbr 2021 eI.
Bjn isMG .........................................4
ijld 101, nMbr 17

slwhkwr mYNbr * gurbwxI ivAwiKAw........................................6

hrivMdr isMG hMspwl
suvrn isMG ivrk
hrpwl isMG syvk * aupdyS sRI siqgurU audy isMG jI..........................9
sMq inSwn isMG
gurByj isMG gurwieAw
* pUrI hoeI krwmwiq
ipRM. siqbIr isMG..................................11
jsvMq isMG msq
gurlwl isMG
Bjn isMG
* pUrnu soeI sMqu
dqwr isMG.......................................15
Printed and Published by
Mr. Harvendr Singh Hanspal
on behalf of Namdhari Darbar.
a advertising press,
Printed at Summi * bIqy dIAW pYVW (AxCipAw Bwg)
2DLF (Part), Moti Nagar, New Delhi
and Published from Namdhari Gurdwara, sv. pRIqm isMG kvI............................18
Ramesh Nagar, New Delhi-110015.

Namdhari Gurdwara * Zorawar Singh’s Conquest of Baltistan
Ramesh Nagar, New Delhi-15
RNI No. 55658/93
C.L. Datta.........................................20

Designed and Typeset: * Relevance of Gursikhi in the Muddled Word

hwkm isMG, Xuvrwj isMG Davinder Singh Baliharjawan........................25
qrn b`l
p`qr ivhwr dw pqw :
siqjug * A Saga of Sri Satguru Jagjit Singh ji
gurduAwrw sRI BYxI swihb, Dr. Sharada Jayagovind ........................28
luiDAwxw, pMjwb-141126
Pon : 98550-58178
89267-83000, 98155-75099 * ^brnwmw.................................................30

not- lyKkW dy ivcwrW nwl sMpwdkI borf dw sihmq hoxw zrUrI nhIN[

sMpwdkI ikriq ivriq kir Drm dI
mnu`KI jIvn dw Aihm AMg ikrq krnw hY, ies leI jIvn dw bhuqw ih`sw ikrq kridAW hI
guzrdw hY[ jIvn dw bhuqw Bwg kMm qy Awrwm dy do ih`isAW iv`c vMifAw hoieAw hY[ Awrwm qoN ivhly smyN
mnu`K koeI nw koeI kMm hI kr irhw huMdw hY, kyvl gUVHI nINd dOrwn hI auh byhrkq huMdw hY[ jy iDAwn nwl
dyKIey qW swƒ pqw l`gdw hY ik kMm krnw hI izMdgI hY ArQwq gqISIl rihxw hI jIvn dw icMnH hY[
mnu`KI jIvn dI gqISIlqw kMmW-kwrW nwl Eq-poq hY[
ikrq jIvn dI loV hY[ krm ibnW mnu`K AwpxI gqISIlqw rok lYNdw hY[ ivhlw mnu`K inkMmw ho
jWdw hY, aus dI Awqmw qy bu`DI vI B`dI qy iBRSt ho jWdI hY[ ikrq dw ijQy AwriQk lwB hY, ieh mnu`K dy
su`K sMpqI iv`c vwDw krdI hY, au~Qy iesdw Awqimk lwB vI hY, ieh mn ƒ ivArQ, cMcl dOVW qy ivkwrW
v`loN rokdI hY[
ikrq ƒ swry DrmW ny slwihAw hY Aqy auh h`k-hlwl dI kmweI krn dI pRyrnw idMdy hn[ ihMdU
Drm Swsqr kihMdy hn ik nyk kmweI nwl mn inrml rihMdw hY qy BYVI ikrq krn nwl mn iv`c ivkwr
auqpMn huMdy hn[ 'AMjlI' dy aupdyS ’qy ADwrq AMgryzI dw iek AKwx hY Work is Worship Bwv ‘ikrq
hI pUjw’ hY[ iesy qrHW kurwn SrIP iv`c iliKAw hY, “irzik-hlwl AYn iebwdq Asq” Bwv h`k hlwl
dI kmweI pUjw-pwT krn vWg hY[ is`K Drm dy mu`Fly iqMn AsUlW ivc ijQy gurU nwnk swihb ny nwm jpx
qy vMf Ckx ƒ idRVH krvwieAw, auQy qIjw AsUl aunHW ikrq krnw d`isAw[
aunHW ikrq qoN Bwv kyvl kMm krnw nhIN sgoN suikrq Bwv nyk kmweI krn ƒ AwiKAw[ AwpxI
aupjIvkw ies FMg nwl kmweI jwvy ijs iv`c JUT, T`gI, imlwvt qy DoKw Awid nw hovy sgoN su`cI ikrq
kIqI jwvy[
ieiqhws iv`c izkr AwauNdw hY ik BweI nMd lwl jI ny is`K dI rihxI-bihxI bwry pRSn krky gurU
goibMd isMG jI qoN aunHW bwry ivAwiKAw pu`CI qW gurU jI ny ikhw-
ds nK kir jo kwir kmwvY]
qw kr jo Dn Gr mih AwvY]
iqs qy gur dsoD jo dyeI]
isMG suXs bhu jg mih lyeI]
gurmiq ikrq krky ausƒ vMf ky Kwx dw aupdyS dyNdI hY qy vMf ky Kwx vwly ƒ hI jIvn dy swr-q`q
dI smJ pY skdI hY-
siqjug 4 AkqUbr 2021
Gwl Kwie ikCu hQhu dyie]
nwnk rwhu pCwxih syie]
BweI gurdws jI AwpxIAW vwrW iv`c iek guris`K dy l`Cx d`sidAW ilKdy hn-
imTw bolxw iniv clxw gurisKu prvwxw]
Gwil Kwie gurisK imil Kwxw]
BweI gurdws jI iek hor vwr dI pwauVI ivc iek guris`K dI rihxI-bihxI, in`q-ikirAw bwbq
ilKidAW, ikrq kridAW vMf ky Kwx dI pRoVHqw ieMj krdy hn-
ikrq ivrq kir Drm dI lY prswid Awix vrqMdw[
gurisKW no dyie kir ipCo bicAw Awp KwvMdw[
gurmiq Anuswr su`cI ikrq AiDAwqmk vrqwrw hY qy r`bqw dw mwnvI cmqkwr[ hr mnu`K, dUjy
dw Brw hY qy swry ie`k prmySr dy bwlk hn[ ieMj swrw ivSv iek pirvwr hY[ ies pirvwr iv`c swry
jIv-jMqU vI Aw jWdy hn[ gurmiq swry BweIAW ƒ iksy dw h`k Kohy ibnW AwpxI ikrq kridAW, aus iv`coN
vI vMf ky Kwx bwry aupdyS dyNdI hY[
su`cI ikrq nyk nIAq nwl kIqI jWdI hY, aus iv`c mnu`K dI cMgI kwrj ivauNq Aihm BUimkw
inBwauNdI hY, jo auh lgn, imhnq nwl krdw hY[ AYsI ikrq klwqmk ho inbVdI hY[ su`cI ikrq dw ibRC
smwijk vwqwvrx iv`c p`lr ky rwhIAW ƒ CW vI dyNdw hY qy svwidSt Pl vI[ su`cI ikrq dw mUl q`Q hY,
mnu`K ivclI Xogqw dw ivkws krnw[ mnu`K ƒ auhI ikrq krnI loVINdI hY, ijs leI kudrq ny aus ƒ Xog
bxwieAw hY[ auh ikrq kridAW hI ausƒ mnu`KI smwj dI gqISIlqw iv`c ih`sw pwauxw cwhIdw hY[ ieh
aus dw prm Drm huMdw hY[ ikrq glq swDnW qy AXog ikrqW krn nwl Apiv`qr vI ho jWdI hY[ ies leI
ikrq kridAW praupkwr dI Bwvnw r`KidAW kIqI kmweI, swrQk huMdI hY[
Ajoky Xu`g ivc ArQ SwsqrIAW ny ikrq dy aupjwaU qy Ax aupjwaU hox dy ivcwrW dI bwq pweI
hY[ aupjwaU ikrq smu`cy smwj qy dyS dy AwriQk FWcy leI aupXogI is`D huMdI hY pr AxaupjwaU ikrq
smwj leI hwnIkwrk[ su`cI ikrq dy aupjwaU hox bwry qW koeI sMdyh nhIN ho skdw, ieh sdw aupjwaU hI
hY[ sgoN ies iv`c s`cI lgn qy mwnvI s`DrW kyNdirq huMdIAW hn[ rsUl hmzwqov AwpxI pusqk 'myrw
dwigsqwn' iv`c ie`k khwxI dw izkr krdw hY ik iek GuimAwr ny BWfy bxwey[ ^rIddwr ny vDyry kImq dy
ky ^rId ley[ KrIddwr QoVHI dUr jw ky GuimAwr dy swhmxy hI aunHW BWifAW ƒ qoVn l`g ipAw[ GuimAwr
dOV ky igAw qy ausƒ kihx l`gw- “ieh BWfy nw qoV[” ausny juAwb id`qw- “mYN pYsy dy ky ^rIdy hn hux
ienHW ’qy myrI mlkIAq hY[” GuimAwr ny ikhw- “Awh Awpxy pYsy PV qy myry BWfy vwps kr[”
rsUl hmzwqov ieSwrw krdw hY ik iek s`ucI ikrq krn vwly GuimAwr ƒ vDyry pYsy nhIN cwhIdy,
sgoN aus dI Bwvnw hY ik ieh BWfy suXog h`QW iv`c jwx, shI vrqoN iv`c ilAWdy jwx qW hI ausdI imhnq dw
AslI mu`l pvygw[ iek su`cy ikrqI dI byloVy Dn nMU iek`Tw krn dI AwSw nhIN huMdI qy nw hI AxmukweI
dOlq aus ƒ sMquSt kr skdI hY[ su`cy ikrqI dI ikrq iv`c sv`Cqw, syvw, praupkwr, ^UbsUrqI,
klwqmkqw pRgqISIlqw qy AwdrS smwj dw inrmwx Swiml huMdw hY[ hr su`cI ikrq klw dI au~cqw q`k
phuMc jWdI hY[
Ajoky pdwrQvwdI Xug iv`c pYsy dI byqhwSw hoV ny mnu`KI kdrW kImqW, irSiqAW, sWJIvwlqw
BrwqrIBwv vrgy cMgy guxW dI hoNd leI ^qrw bxw id`qw hY[ AYsy smyN ivc ‘s`ucI ikrq’ dw sMklp jW
gurm`q ivcly ‘ikriq ivriq kr Drm dI’ dw sMklp hor vI loVINdw bx jWdw hY[
Bjn isMG

siqjug 5 AkqUbr 2021

gurbwxI ivAwiKAw- jpu swihb
Amul gux Amul vwpwr ]
Axmu`ly hn ausdy gux Aqy Anmol hY ausdw s`cw vpwr[
God's virtues are invaluable, and invaluable is His dealings (in 'true' virtues).

Amul vwpwrIey Amul BMfwr ]

Axmu`ly hn ausdy vpwr nUM krn vwly swDU jn Aqy ausdy BMfwr[
Invaluable are the sages who practice His trade, and invaluable is His treasures.

Amul Awvih Amul lY jwih ]

Axmu`ly hn jo qyry kol AwauNdy hn, Axmu`ly hn jo qyry koloN s`c dw sOdw KrId ky lY jWdy hn[
Invaluable are those who come to You (God),
invaluable are those who deal in truth with You.

Amul Bwie Amulw smwih ]

Axmu`ly hn qyry pyRmI Aqy Axmu`ly hn jo qyry iv`c smw jWdy hn[
Invaluable are those who love you,
and invaluable are those who imbibe themselves in You.

Amulu Drmu Amulu dIbwxu ]

Axmu`lw hY qyrw kwiedw kwnUMn Aqy Axmu`lw hY qyrw drbwr[
Invaluable is Your law (of righteousness), and invaluable is Your court.

Amulu qulu Amulu prvwxu ]

Axmu`lI hY qyrI q`kVI Aqy Axmu`ly hn qyry v`ty[
Invaluable are your weighing scales (justice),
and invaluable are the weights (parameters).

Amulu bKsIs Amulu nIswxu ]

qyrI bKiSS vI Axmu`lI hY Aqy qyrw nISwn vI Axmu`lw hY[
Invaluable are Your blessings, and invaluable is Your recognition.

Amulu krmu Amulu Purmwxu ]

qyrI rihmq vI Axmu`lI hY Aqy qyrw hukm vI Axmu`lw hY[
Invaluable is Your grace, and invaluable is Your command.
siqjug 6 AkqUbr 2021
Amulo Amulu AwiKAw n jwie ]
qMU Axmu`l hI Axmu`l hYN, qyry bwry kuJ vI AwiKAw nhIN jw skdw[
You are invaluably invaluable, it is difficult to narrate Your virtues.

AwiK AwiK rhy ilv lwie ]

AwKdy-AwKdy ausdI is&q nMU aus iv`c ilv lw lYNdy hn[
While narrating Your virtues, one gets engrossed in You.

AwKih vyd pwT purwx ]

vydW Aqy purwxW dy pwTI vI qyrI is&q nMU kihMdy hn[
Even those who read the Vedas and Puranas, praise Your virtues.

AwKih pVy krih viKAwx ]

ivdvwn vI qyrw nwm aucwrdy hn Aqy BwSx idMdy hn[
Scholars also recite Your Naam, and elaborate about You.

AwKih brmy AwKih ieMd ]

qyrI vifAweI nMU bRhmw Aqy ieMdr vI kihMdy hn[
Brahma and Indra also praise Your virtues.

AwKih gopI qY goivMd ]

gopIAW Aqy ikRSn vI qyrI is&q krdy hn[
The Gopis and (Lord) Krishna also praise Your virtues.

AwKih eIsr AwKih isD ]

iSv Aqy is`D vI qyrI aupmw krdy hn[
(Lord) Shiva and the Hermits also praise Your virtues.

AwKih kyqy kIqy buD ]

swry bu`D jo qMU pYdw kIqy hn, qyrI vifAweI krdy hn[
All the planets that You have created, praise Your virtues.

AwKih dwnv AwKih dyv ]

dYNq Aqy dyvqy vI qyrI aupmw krdy hn[
Demons and demi-Gods also praise Your virtues.

AwKih suir nr muin jn syv ]

dyvqy, AwdmI, munI lok Aqy syvk jn vI qyrI is&q krdy hn[
Demi-Gods, humans, sages and all devotees, praise Your virtues.
siqjug 7 AkqUbr 2021
kyqy AwKih AwKix pwih ]
AnykW hI qyrI is&q krdy hn Aqy is&q krn dw Xqn krdy hn[
Several praise Your virtues,
and continue to try and praise You.

kyqy kih kih auiT auiT jwih ]

AnykW hI qyrI is&q dw AMdwzw lwauNdy-lwauNdy ieQoN qury jw rhy hn[
Several people have departed from earth
while trying to estimate the extent of Your virtues
(Despite continuous efforts, the vastness of God could not be estimated).

eyqy kIqy hoir kryih ]

jy qMU eyny hI hor bxw dvyN, ijMny pihlW bxwey hn[
Even if You create the same number of people,
as You had already created,

qw AwiK n skih kyeI kyie ]

qW vI auh koeI qYnMU ibAwn nhIN kr skxgy[
they will still fail to narrate Your vastness.

jyvfu BwvY qyvfu hoie ]

ijMnw v`fw ivsQwr qYnMU BwauNdw hY, Efw hI ho jWdw hY[
You extend as much as You like.

nwnk jwxY swcw soie ]

sRI gurU jI kihMdy hn ik auh s`cw pRBU sB kuJ jwxdw hY[
Satguru Nanak says that the true God knows everything.

jy ko AwKY bolu ivgwVu ]

jy koeI bVbolw mnu`K aus bwry d`sx l`gy,
If a bigmouth person tries to describe Him,

qw ilKIAY isir gwvwrw gwvwru ]26]

qW auh mUrKW isr mUrK igixAw jWdw hY[
that person is counted as 'the foolish among the fools'.

nwmDwrI inqnym stIk iv`coN.....

siqjug 8 AkqUbr 2021
aupdyS sRI siqgurU audy isMG jI
ShIdI joV mylw 15 sqMbr 2021, AMimRqsr
prm siqkwrXog swD sMgq jI, A`j AsIN mhwn ShIdW dI Xwd iv`c iek`qr hoey hW, QoVHw ijhw
ip`Cy c`lIey, ijs s`cy pwqSwh dw AsIN 400 swlw pRkwS purb mnw rhy hW, ijnHW ƒ AsIN ihMd dI cwdr
kih ky Xwd krdy hW, aunHW dy crnW iv`c sIs JukwauNdy hoey, ie`k vwrI AwKIey- ‘DMn sRI gurU qyg bhwdr
s`cy pwqSwh[’
swD sMgq jI iesy ipCokV ƒ A`gy lY ky c`ldy hoey, ijs pwqSwh ny ieh ^wlsw srUp id`qw hY, ijnHW
ny s`c leI ikrpwx cu`kx qy ShId hoxw vI isKwieAw, aunHW dy crnW iv`c sIs JukwauNdy hoey ie`k vwrI
AwKIey- ‘DMn sRI siqgurU goibMd isMG s`cy pwqSwh[’
aus mhwn siqgurU ijnHW ny ShIdW ƒ pYdw kIqw, ijnHW ny dsvyN pwqSwh dI id`qI hoeI is`KI ƒ ‘sMq
Kwlsw’ dy rUp iv`c muV surjIq kIqw, aunHW ƒ Xwd krIey aunHW dy crnW iv`c sIs JukweIey qy AwKIey- ‘DMn
sRI siqgurU rwm isMG s`cy pwqSwh[’
swD sMgq jI jy AwpW ip`Cy vyKIey siqgurU
rwm isMG s`cy pwqSwh ny iks hwlwq iv`c C`ifAw
Bwrq nUM audoN hwlwq bhuq cMgy nhIN sn, byS`k
AwpW is`K rwj kih leIey pr mhwrwjw rxjIq
isMG dI mOq hox qoN bwAd is`KW ny is`KW ƒ mwirAw[
huxy ivrk jI (suvrn isMG ivrk) ny g`l kIqI sI
ik iks qrHW bwbw bIr isMG jI nOrMgwbwdI ƒ
mwirAw, iks qrHW bwbw mhwrwj isMG Aqy siqgurU
rwm isMG s`cy pwqSwh jI nUM ivdyS Byjx iv`c Aqy
ie`Qy nw vwps Awaux ’qy aus vyly dy is`KW dw hI h`Q
irhw[ is`KW iv`c Drm ^qm ho cu`kw sI[ audoN Drm
nW dI koeI cIz hI nhIN sI rhI[ jy AwpW mhwrwjw
rxjIq isMG qoN bwAd dw vI ieiqhws dyKIey,
BrwvW ny BrwvW ƒ mwirAw, pu`qrW ny mwvW ƒ
mwirAw, ijhƒ AwpW is`K rwj kihMdy hW[ auh iks qrHW Awps iv`c lV ky ^qm hoieAw?
aus smyN iv`c sRI siqgurU rwm isMG jI ny ikRpw kIqI[ siqgurU rwm isMG s`cy pwqSwh ny POj C`fx
vyly dyK ilAw ik is`KW dy jIvn iv`c igrwvt Aw cu`kI hY[ AsIN ies dyS ƒ kdI vI Awzwd nhIN krvw
skWgy, ijMnw icr q`k swfy ivc Drm dI Bwvnw nhIN hovygI, ijMnw icr AsIN nwm nwl juV ky Awpxy lwlcW
qoN au~pr nhIN au~T skWgy, Enw icr AsIN dyS leI kdI vI lV nhIN skWgy[ aus smyN pMjwbIAW ’qy 1857
vwlw vI klMk l`g cu`kw sI[ aus klMk nUM vI sRI siqgurU rwm isMG s`cy pwqSwh dy is`KW ny Doqw[ siqgurU
rwm isMG s`cy pwqSwh jI ny ikRpw kIqI ik aunHW dy is`K, auh ShId mrn-mrwaux qoN bhuq aupr au~T cu`ky
sn ikauNik aunHW ƒ ieh jxw id`qw sI ik ieh jo dyh hY, ieh srIr hY, ieh qy jwxw hI hY[ ieh srIr ie`Qy
sdw nhIN rihxw[ jy ieh Drm dy lyKy l`gw qW v`fy Bwg hoxgy[ jdoN ie`Qy AMgryz Awey sI, koeI l`KW dy
siqjug 9 AkqUbr 2021
iv`c nhIN Awey sI, swfy kroVW ’qy rwj krn vwly Swied pMj dw d`s hzwr AMgryzW ny Aw ky swfy ’qy rwj
kIqw[ siqgurU rwm isMG s`cy pwqSwh ny auh ikrpw kIqI, aunHW dy is`K ‘s`c’ nwl juVy, auh lwlc qoN
au~pr ho gey[ aunHW ieh dyS leI, gaU ZrIb leI Awpxy sIs id`qy[ AsIN siqgurU s`cy pwqSwh dy crnW
iv`c Ardws krIey ik hy s`cy pwqSwh! swƒ vI auh jIvn dvo AsIN s`c ’qy cl skIey[ AsIN vI Coty-Coty
lwlcW ’qy if`gIey nw[ jy AsIN siqgurU rwm isMG s`cy pwqSwh dw aunHW dy is`KW dw aunHW dy ShIdW dw supnw
pUrw krnw cwhuMdy hW qW swƒ aunHW dy AsUlW ’qy c`lxw pvygw[ ikMnI v`fI g`l hY ik iks qrHW is`K siqgurU
rwm isMG jI q`k jWdy hn qy s`cy pwqSwh, jy hukm krdy hn ‘bIijAw qusIN hY qy vfy koeI hor’ jwE, jw ky
ShId hovo[ auh bVI Awrwm dI izMdgI k`t skdy sI pr auh s`c ’qy Kloqy qy vwps Aw ky ikhw ik AsIN
ieh kMm kIqy ny iksy bygunwh ƒ szw nw dyvo[ kI swfy ivc vI ieh Bwvnw Aw skdI hY? AwpW vI ies s`c
’qy c`l skdy hW qW ik dyS dw rUp hor vI vDIAw ho sky[ s`cy pwqSwh dI ikrpw hovy ik swƒ vI s`c ’qy
c`lx dw bl bKSx[
mYN swrI swD sMgq ƒ Arz bynqI krdw hW ik ieh mhInw jp pRXog c`l irhw hY[ ijs siqgurU jI
ny ieh jp pRXog clwieAw[ ijs siqgurU s`cy pwqSwh dI ikrpw nwl swƒ ieh jgHw imlI hY, aunHW dy
crnW iv`c vI sIs JukwauNdy hoey iek vwr g`j ky AwKo ‘DMn sRI siqgurU jgjIq isMG s`cy pwqSwh[’ ieh
Arz hY quhwfy swirAW dy A`gy ik ies mhIny iv`c v`D qoN v`D nwm ismrn kro[ nwm ismrn krdy hoey
koiSS kro ik swfw mn siqgurU s`cy pwqSwh dy crnW ivc juV sky[ swfy mn iv`coN eIrKw, dvYS inkl
jwvy[ swfw vI ieh jIvn ienHW mhwn ShIdW vrgw au~cw ho sky qW ik AsIN vI s`c ’qy c`l skIey ’qy s`c
’qy clidAW swƒ fr nw l`gy[
mYN A`gy k`lH prsoN bYTw vI g`l krdw sI ik ieh pMQ bhuq au~cw hY[ ieh pMQ ies krky au~cw hY[
ieh jo Drm dy nW ’qy lVweIAW huMdIAW hn, mzlUmW ƒ mwirAw jWdw hY, ieh auh lIkW qoN bhuq au~pr
au~iTAw hoieAw hY[ ieh auh pMQ hY, ijQy gurU nwnk dyv jI ny ikRpw kIqI hY ik ieh swrw sMswr aus dI hI
rcnw hY qy aus qoN au~pr hor kuJ nhIN[ swƒ aunHW ny isKwieAw hY ik jy qUM ihMdU hY qW cMgw ihMdU bx, jy qUM
muslmwn hY qW cMgw muslmwn bx jw[ ieh DrmW dIAW lVweIAW qoN swƒ htwieAw hY[ swƒ s`c nwl
joiVAw hY[ AwpW Ardws krIey s`c ’qy cldy hoey mzlUmW dI r`iKAw kr skIey[ AsIN vI siqgurU jI dw
hukm mMn skIey[
mYN Arz krdW hW ik b`icAW ƒ is`iKAw dyvo ik auh mwx nwl kih skx ik AsIN vI is`K hW[
b`icAW ƒ is`K hox dw mwx hovy, iPr ieh nhIN ik quhwfy b`cy iksy dy kol jw ky kys kql krvw dyxgy, dwVHI
dw Bwr aunHW ƒ Bwr nhIN l`gygw, kysW dw Bwr aunHW ƒ Bwr nhIN l`gygw[ jy mW hI eyh kih dyvy ik mYQoN nI kys
bxwey jWdy, Pwh v`f prHy, iPr b`icAW ny is`K nhIN hoxw[ quhwfI mwvW dI bhuq v`fI izMmyvwrI hY[ b`cy
quhwfy is`K bxn, b`cy quhwfy sUrbIr bxn, quhwfy b`cy s`cy bxn, bcpn iv`c jo is`iKAw hY, auh nhIN
Bu`ldw, v`fy ho ky bdlxw bhuq AOKw huMdw hY[ bcpn ivc jo qusIN isKw idE, auh lkIrW imtdIAW nhIN[
s`cy pwqSwh ikrpw krn b^iSS krn aunHW dy d`sy hoey rsqy ’qy AsIN c`l skey AsIN cMgy is`K
bx skIey[ eynI Arz krdw hoieAw, aunHW ShIdW dy crnW iv`c sIs JukwauNdw hoieAw iKmw mMgdw hW,
iek vwrI Pyr AwKo- ‘DMn siqgurU jgjIq isMG s`cy pwqSwh[’ ie`QoN dI sMgq ny syvw kIqI hY, DMnvwd
aunHW dw, DMn Bwg ny aunHW dy, aunHW ƒ ieh syvw krn dw mOkw imilAw[ s`cy pwqSwh ikrpw krn iesy qrHW
aunHW ƒ is`KI b^Sx, syvw krn dw bl bKSx[
siq sRI Akwl[
siqjug 10 AkqUbr 2021
pUrI hoeI krwmwiq
(gurU rwmdws jI)
ipRM. siqbIr isMG

“vfy kIAw vifAweIAw, ikCu khxw khxu qy imhxy dI pRvwh nw krnI iek v`fI krwmwq sI[
n jwie”, vwlI g`l huMdI hY jd gurU pwqSwhW dI jd iksy Anjwx ibrwdrI dy jIA ny inhorw
jIvnI bwry ilKx dw Xqn kIqw jwey[ gurU rwm su`itAw qW ies krwmwqI S^sIAq ny ikhw: “ieh
dws jI dy smu`cy jIvn bwry iqMn Sbd hI ilKxy hox nhIN jwxdy syvw dw kI mhwqm hY[ ieh srIrW dy
qW AswnI nwl kih skdy hW ik auhnW dw jIvn irSiqAW qoN au~cy au~T hI nhIN sky[” BweI
‘pUrI hoeI krwmwiq’ dw Aks sI[ gurdws jI ny iesy leI 'dyh ibdyhI, log AlogI'
jIvnI pVH ky zwhr ho igAw ik ijs bwlk dI quk gurU rwm dws jI pRqI ilKI hY[ iPr jd gurU
dy isr qoN mW-bwp dw swieAw au~T jwey, lwhOr Amr dws jI ny AwpxI h`QIN q^q 'qy ibTw ky,
vrgy v`fy Sihr ivc koeI huMgwrw Brn vwlw vI nw prdKxw kr, m`Qw tyikAw, qW AYsI krwmwiq ho
rhy, BYx qy iek Brw dI pwlxw poSxw vI izMmy hovy geI jo kdy nw hoeI hY Aqy nw hovygI[
pr iPr hONslw nw hwrnw sgoN pihly idn hI Cwby ijqnI aupmw smkwlI B`tW, BweI gurdws
dw swrw mwl Bu`iKAW ƒ Kvwl dyxw iksy krwmwqI jI ny, rbwbI sqw qy blvMf jI, BweI sMqoK isMG
S^sIAq dw hI kwrj ho skdw sI[ jI, igAwnI igAwn isMG jI qy hornW gweI hY, aus
bwsrky Aw ky iksy A`gy roxw nhIN hoieAw, dw koeI AMq nhIN[ B`tW ny pMj gurU swihbwn dI
h`Q nhIN A`ifAw, SrIky qy gvWFIAW dI byruKI qoN aupmw ivc kyvl ñòó sv`eIey aucwry hn[ auhnW
nhIN Gbrwey, ikrq krdy rhy, kIrqn ivc juVdy ivcoN öú qW inrol gurU rwm dws jI dI aupmw iv`c
rhy[ hn[ hor óó sv`eIAW ivc vI gurU rwm dws jI dI
jd gurU Amr dws jI dI ikrpw idRStI SkqI, BgqI, gOrvqw, inMmRqw, syvw Aqy vroswey
hoeI qW krwmwiq pUrn ho geI[ sihnSIlqw dy dw izkr hY[ kvI sMqoK isMG jI ny qW iek pUrw gurU
AYsy pUrny pwey ik gurU Amr dws jI rIJy[ ieh vI rwm dws sqo vIh dohirAW dw iliKAw hY Aqy ieh
iek krwmwiq sI ik swQ bIbI BwnI vrgI supqnI nwl ivSvwS vI pRgtwieAw hY ik :
dw imilAw[ jy gurU jI lokW dI syvw, bwaulI dI pTih ju bIsI duihry inq pRqI kr nymu[
auswrI, lMgr dy kwrj Aqy sMgiq ivc p`Kw PyrI, mn bWCq Pl dyiq gur suq ibq Awidk Cym[
pwxI Fovw ivc ju`ty rihMdy sn qW bIbI BwnI jI gur-pRxwlIAW dy ilKwrIAW ny Awp jI ƒ
AMimRq vyly qoN rwq smyN qk gur-syvw kr Awpxw ‘Bgiq igAwn ky Dwm’ ikhw hY Aqy iek hor nO-
Drm bxw inBw rhy sn[ siq-sqI dI mUrq sI inD nwm dy kvI ny gur aupmw ivc sohxw ikhw hY :
gur-suqw[1 pRm pRvwh rUp bwxI bhwie deI,
shuirAW dy Gr bweI swl s`cmu`c tokrI sMgiq ieSnwn krY kwtY lg Pws hY[
im`tI dI isr cweIN-cweIN r`KxI Aqy iksy dy qwAny nau iniD inrvYr rUp pUrn Apwr Aink,
siqjug 11 AkqUbr 2021
Bgq qwrn ko Awey rwm dws hY[ gRInlIz ny gurU jI ƒ ‘syvw dw puMj’ ikhw[
jy lqI& ny iliKAw hY ik gurU rwm dws jI igAwnI igAwn isMG jI dy l&zW iv`c ‘Cy swl qW
dy sRI AMimRqsr bxwaux nwl kOm dw Biv`S hI svr muMfwsw hI isr qoN nw auqwirAw[’ bVI Gwl GwlI[
igAw qW mYkwl& dw kihxw sI gurU rwm dws jI gRInlIz ny ieh vI iliKAw hY ik auh ‘ipAwr dy
vyly is`KI chuM cu`kI PYlI[ rwjy rMk, Swh-vpwrI, pYAwmr’ sn[ hr QW auhnW im`TI lYA qy suMdr
bwxIey-htvwxIey, vxjwry qy PyrI lgwaux vwly, bolW ivc ieh hI hokw id`qw ik sB dw ieko iek
ikrqI qy ikswn, dUr qy nyVy is`KI dy dwiery ivc Asl sKweI-imqR inrol pRBU dI BgqI hY[ bwxI
Awey[ bVI imknwqIsI iK`c sI gurU jI dI ƒ smJx qy jIvn ivc Fwlx leI auh sdw pRyrxw
S^sIAq iv`c[ krdy sn, Awpxy Awp ƒ auh 'FwFI dr Ksm dw'
hlIm ieqny ik dr Awey bwbw sRI cMd dw kihMdy sn qW hI qW pRo&Ysr pUrn isMG ny ikhw sI
siqkwr h`dW tpw ky kIqw[ krVy ieqny ik duStW, ik auhnW dI bwxI ibRhoN aupjWdI hY Aqy ipAwry dy
inMdkW, doKIAW, swzSIAW, suAwgIrW, ^udgærzW, dyS ƒ hI lY jWdI hY[ auh bwxI ƒ ‘pRIqW dI vgdI
FITW, pwjIAW, pwKMfIAW, ByKIAW, BrmIAW, nY’ kihMdy sn[
mnmwinAW, mnmsiqAW ƒ KUb suxweIAW Aqy rqw gurU rwmdws jI dw jIvn by-pRvwhIAW
vI pRvwh nw kIqI[ dIAW audwhrxW nwl BirAw hoieAw sI[ syT jgq
jd pu`qr swizSI ho igAw qW aus ƒ vI rwm ny kYNTw id`qw, Awp jI ny loVvMd ƒ ausy vyly dy
ikhw ijs Dn qy bwhW dw mwx krdw hYN, iehnW ny id`qw[ iek mweI ny cwA nwl moqIAW dI mwlw
kdy iksy dw A`gy vI swQ nhIN id`qw, hux vI nhIN id`qI[ Awp jI ny iek muhqwj ƒ PVw id`qI[ gurU
dyx l`gy[ Amr dws jI ny iek kImqI mwlw id`qI[ Awp jI
gurU g`dI dI piv`qrqw isr 'qy jo^m shwr ny rwh ivc bYTy mlMg ƒ dy id`qI[ bwdSwh ny ipMfW
ky vI kwiem r`KI, ieh vI iek krwmwq sI[ dy pty id`qy, Awp jI ny Awly ivc r`K id`qy[ muhrW
‘pIVI’ dw Sbd ies leI vriqAw mqW iksy ƒ ByNt kIqIAW Akbr ny, Awp jI ny ausy vyly vMfvw
koeI BulyKw ho jwey ik hux hor koeI vrqwrw hoxw id`qIAW, Dn AwieAw ^rc kIqw[ golk cVI, ausy
hY[ A`gy hI syvk ƒ huMfI qrI qy hux vI syvk ƒ hI vyly lgw id`qI[ rsdW AweIAW lokW ivc vrqw
pRwpq hovygI[ auhnW dI S^sIAq dI Cwp hr iek id`qIAW[ Sihr vwsIAW ƒ ikhw ik sB kuJ hI auh
'qy pYNdI sI[ sMBwl lYx[ ieh v`KrI g`l hY ik auhnW ikhw ik
bUty Swh ilKdw hY ik jd Akbr ny Awp AsIN qW quhwfy rwj ivc v`sxw hY[ swƒ brkqW
dy dIdwr pwey qW aus ny muswihbW ƒ ikhw : idE, Awp vMfdy hI rhy, lokIN AnMd mwxdy rhy[ qW
ieh nyk idl &kIr byimswl Aqy Adu`qI hI qW hr zubwn 'qy ieh AKwx cVH igAw :
ienswn hY[ g`lW ivcoN nykI Aqy lokW leI KYr^whI rwj krY jihN Awp gurU qih,
flkdI hY[ ikau n AnMd so lok bswhIN[
jd pihlW drbwr ivc crcw hoeI sI ik sB fr hI ‘k`F s`t’ id`qy Aqy gurU Arjn
koeI Aijhw Kæudw dosq hY ijs ivc pUrn Brosw pRBU dyv jI ny iesy leI &rmwieAw :
'qy hovy qW drbwr ivc hI iek bMdy ny ikhw sI qW swc Drm kI kr dInI vwr[
gurU rwmdws AYsy hn jo pws kuJ nhIN r`Kdy[ ieqny p`ky drvwzy gur igAwn qy ivcwr dy
gurU hirgoibMd jI ny iek smyN ikhw sI ik lgwey ik Brm, pKMf, ByK qy rIq hux AMdr ikvyN
gurU rwmdws jI AYsw sr AMimRq dw dy gey hn 'jw vV skdy sn :
ik dIdwr qy pwp kty, kr mjn qy bhu jUn ktwXoÒ' Prhy muhkm gur igAwn bIcwir[
siqjug 12 AkqUbr 2021
kYsw suqMqr bxw id`qw ‘gur-Kyqr’ dy suAwd kIrqn rwhIN hI vMfdy sn[ rwgW ivcoN AgoN
vwsIAW ƒ ik nw auhnW ’qy koeI jzIAw sI Aqy nw suDMg, pVqwl, kw&I, mMgl, jiq qy imsq rwg
koeI jurmwnw qy nw iksy ƒ zorIN zkwq dyxI pYNdI gwaux dI prpwtI vI Awp jI ny hI clweI[ c`lq
sI- rIqIAW iv`c vI Awp jI ny hI bwxI ilKI[
jyzIAw fMnu ko ley n jgwiq[ vxjwrw, krhly, GoVIAW, solhy Aqy AnykW iksm
siqgur kir dInI Dur kI Cwp[ dy CMd Awp jI ny gwey[ mUl iv`c auh FwFI sn[
pqw nhIN AKOqI rwm rwj iksy if`Tw hY jW A`T vwrW gweIAW[ vwrW ivc Xu`D vrxn huMdw hY[
nw, hoieAw hY jW nw, pr rwmdwspur ivc jo 'rwm sUrmy dI ij`q ivKweIdI hY Aqy kwier dI hwr[
dy dws' gurU cOQy ny bxwieAw, aus dI aupmw kOx gw ieQy vwrW ivc gurU sUrmy dI ij`q d`sI[ inMdkW,
skdw hY[ qW hI qW &rmwn hoieAw hY : doKIAW, duStW qy cuglKorW dI hwr huMdI idKweI[
rwm rwj rwmdws puir, gurmu`K ijqy mnmuiK hwry hoey idKwey[ Awsw dI
kIny gurdyv[ vwr dw jo A`j srUp hY, auh vI Awp jI ny hI
guru drdvMd ieqny sn ik hr aupdyS dw id`qw[ sB qoN v`fI g`l ‘jp’ sMgRih kr ñE dw jp
iek AMS ieh huMdw sI : krn dI jwc isKlweI[
“is`K dw kwj svwro, iek`Ty ho ky aus dI SbdW dy auh GwVy sn[ AYsy iSlpI ik
loV pUrI kro, kuJ nhIN kr skdy qW Ardws zrUr ij`Qy cwhux Sbd ƒ GV ky lgw lYx[ jOhrI Aijhy
kro ik aus dy kwrjW ivc pRmySr brkq pwey[ ik ng vWgUM jV dyx[ ijvyN g`l qoN glwdy, cytk qoN
swry pRvwr ƒ syvw ivc lgwE[ gurduAwry bxwE cytkeIAW, byg qoN bygwlI, mhl kumhl Aqy
pr AYsw gRMQI r`Ko jo Awey gey dI syvw kry, pMQI ƒ AnykW hor[ kuJ ku qy Sbd hI Aijhy hn jo kyvl
su`K dyvy Aqy AweIAW sMgqW ƒ Sbd dy ArQ Bwv auhnW hI vrqy hn[ ijvyN jwhrnvI, kuvlIApIV,
smJwey[” KuidAwvMq, aumrQl, suAwvgIr Aqy gl-ProS[
sdw kihMdy sn ik GrbwrI jIvn sB qoN SbdW Aqy slokW dw vhw AYsw r`iKAw ik mnu`K
au~qm hY[ jnm, kuVmweI, ivAwh, kwrj AwrMB pdy-pdy ivc hI lIn ho jwey[ g`l QoVI kihxI hovy
Aqy mOq dIAW mrXwdwvW ƒ pUrn rUp vI Awp jI jW ivAwiKAw sihq krnI hovy, Awp jI nukqy qoN
ny hI id`qw[ pwrbRhm dw pMQ pUrn kr id`qw Aqy ipCWh nw h`tdy[ auhnW dIAW AnykW qukW Awp hI
jd gurU Arjn dyv jI ny if`Tw ik pMQ jgq ivc mUMh 'qy cVH jWdIAW hn Aqy AnykW bwr-bwr
pRgt ho igAw hY qW gurU gRMQ swihb dI bIV bMnH ky duhrwaux 'qy ic`q krdw hY[ AnykW ivc At`l
sdw leI AgvweI b^S id`qI[ bVy Bwv pUrq scweIAW hn jo swfy jIvW dI AgvweI krdIAW
Sbd mihmw pRkwS dy hn : hn[ AnykW qukW AYsIAW hn jo BIV vyly qs`lI qy
iek idvs pRBu pRwqh kwl[ auqSwh vyly sMjm ivc lY jWdIAW hn[ kuJ ku qukW
dieAw Bry pRB dIn idAwl[ dy ieQy drj krn nwl gurU rwm dws jI dI smu`cI
Xh mn aupjI pRgtXo jg pMQ[ S^sIAq qy AwBw 'qy vI nvIN Jwq pvygI :
iqh kwrn kIjY Ab gRMQ[ñ[6 - mn hiT iknY n pwieAw
iek pRBU, iek gur, iek Sbd, iek - mn korY rMg n hoie
ivcwr, iek ivrsw, iek kyNdr imlx nwl kOm - Enw pwis duAwis n iBtIAY
iek dUjy nwl juV geI[ iek ivrsw kwiem r`Kx ijn AMqir kRoD cMfwl Ò
leI ieiqhws dI sMBwl kIqI[ - siqgurU purK AMimRq sru
rwgW dy Awp mwhr sn[ óú rwg gwey[ - mnmuK lohu bU byVI pws
siqjug 13 AkqUbr 2021
- Eh byprvwh n bolxI pRgt kr rhI hY ik jo vI koeI aujiVAw QuiVHAw
- lwvY mwq ipqw sdw gl syqI muhqwj auhnW dy dr 'qy igAw, ivSvwS dw ^zwnw
min jwxY Kit Kvwey[8 lY ky muiVAw[ auh hlq plq svwrn vwly hn[11
BweI nMd lwl jI kihMdy hn ik auh rwj qy
- ijau Efw kUpu guhj iKn kwFY jog dovW dy icMnH hn :
iqau siqguir vsqu lhweIAY Ò hm Az slqnq,
- Awqm joiq BeI prPUilq hm Az PukrS inSW[
purKu inrMjnu dyiKAw hjUir Ò bwdSwhW dy bwdSwh hn[ auhnW dy bcnW
- gurmuiK ihrdY SWiq hY qoN igAwn dy moqI ikrdy hn[ hr koeI in`kw v`fw,
nwau augiv AwieAw [ AmIr-ZrIb, rwjw-rMk auhnW ƒ isjdw krdw
- guir fITY gur kw isKu ibgsY Ò hY[
- hir kw ichnu soeI hirjn kw smu`cy jIvn Aqy S^sIAq 'qy Jwq
- jwhrnvI qpY BgIriQ AwxI Ò mwirAW ieh pRgt ho jWdw hY ik auh SRySt-jn
- ijqnI isRsit qumrI myry suAwmI sn[ pUrn purK sn[ fUMGI miq vwly sn[ pws
sB iqqnI locY DUir swDU kI qweI bYiTAW ieMj l`gdw sI ijvyN ieSnwn ho irhw hY[
- gur igAwn lwie jgwvogy smidRStI vwly sn[ sdw inrvYr pr inrBY sn[
- myrw mnu swD jnW imil hirAw mn sdw jwigAw rihMdw sI[ ihrdw iKiVAw[ pMjy
- hau FMUFydI sjxw sjxu mYfy nwil Ò v`s sn[ ibRqI iek rs sI[ sMjmI Aiq dy
- Awpn suAwie krih bhu bwqw vrqwrw sMqoKI[ bwq siq vwlI, suBwA Aiq
iqnw kw ivswhu ikAw kIjY Ò im`Tw[ ic`q Afol[ Drm-srUp[ hMkwrIAW dw
- hir jn gun gwvq hisAw mwn qoVn vwly[ gihr gMBIr[ shj suBwie AMdr
- hir jn soBw sB jg aUpir dw cwnx dy ky moh ƒ ml dyNdy[ g`l kI guxW dw koeI
ijau ivic aufvw sis kIk Ò AQwh nhIN sI[
gurU rwm dws jI bwry BweI nMd lwl jI ny AMq iv`c ieh hI kihxw hY jo B`t nlH ny
gMjnwmw ivc ^Ub iliKAw hY ik auh r`bI ikhw ik ijs ƒ gurU rwm dws jI soJI dy dyx, auh
PæirSiqAW dIAW cOhW hI SRyxIAW dy ruqby qoN aucyry DnI Dn dw hMkwr nhIN krdw, ijs v`l dieAw
sn[ ijs vI gurU rwm dws jI ƒ ismirAw aus idRStI gurU rwm dws jI dI ho jwvy, l`KW &OjW aus
dI mYl JV geI[ dw kuJ nhIN ivgwV skdIAW[ ijs ƒ gurU rwm dws
iPr nwm dy ihjy (rwmdws) lY ky hr A`Kr jI lwg lgw dyx, auh pRBU qoN isvwey hor iksy nwl
dw Bwv lYNdy hoey ikhw hY[ 'ry' AYsI hY jo hr iek ƒ ipAwr nhIN krdw[ ijs ƒ gurU jI smJw dyx aus
ijsm ivc Awqmw idKlw dyNdI hY[ srIr dw dy ihrdy Sbd swiKAwq ho jWdw hY qy auh hrI dy
i^Awl gurU kol igAW ht jWdw hY[ jo auhnW dy nwm Gr itk jWdw hY :
iv`c 'Al&' hY, auh pRyrdI rihMdI hY ik aucyry pwsy jwim gurU hoie vil, Dnih ikAw gwrvu idjieÒ
jwE[ nIvIN bwq nw kro[ 'mIm' ieh drsWdI jwim gurU hoie vil, lK bwhy ikAw ikjie Ò
rihMdI hY ik gurU jI imhrW dy BMfwr hn, imhr jwim gurU hoie vil, igAwn Aru iDAwn Ann pirÒ
dwqw hn[ 'dwl' qy iPr 'Al&' ieh kih rhI hY jwim guru hoie vil, sbdu swKI su sch Gir ]
ik auh AwpUM sdw r`b nwl juVy hoey hn qy jo auhnW
pws igAw aus ƒ vI joV dyNdy hn Aqy Aw^rI 'sIn' bwkI s&w nM 21 ’qy
siqjug 14 AkqUbr 2021
pUrnu soeI sMqu
dqwr isMG

gurbwxI Anuswr mnu`K dy jIvn ivc sMq sRI gurU Arjn dyv jI dw &rmwn hY-
dI BUimkw bhuq Aihm hY[ swD, bRhm igAwnI, ijnw swis igrwis n ivsrY hir nwmw min mMqu]
&kIr, drvyS Awidk ‘sMq’ Sbd dy sm ArQ hI DMnu is syeI nwnkw pUrnu soeI sMqu]
hn[ Bwrq dy hr ipMf Sihr kony ƒ irKIAW, (AMg 320)
munIAW, sMqW, mhwpurSW ny AwpxI crn Coh b^SI pMcm pwqSwh ny sp`St bcn kIqw hY, jo
hY[ mnu`K hr swh lYNidAW, hrI dw nwm nhIN Bu`ldw[
Bwrq iv`c hr pRkwr dw vKryvW mOjUd hY[ auh mnu`K sMq vI hY Aqy DMnqw Xog vI[
v`Ko-v`K BwSwvW, rIqI-irvwj, i&rky sihjy hI Drm dy mwrg 'qy c`lx vwlw mnu`K sMq hY[
nzrIN pYNdy hn[ eynIAW AnykqwvW hox dy AYlwn dy jo Awp vI DrmI bxdw hY Aqy dUsirAW ƒ DrmI
bwvjUd BwrqI eykqw dy sUqr iv`c proey nzrIN pYNdy bxwauNdw hY[
hn[ eykqw ƒ brkrwr r`Kx ivc v`fw Xogdwn ie`Qy sB qoN v`fw suAwl hY[ ikhVw Drm ?
sMqW-mhW purKW dw hY[ jW Drm kI hY ?
sMq kyvl iksy sMgTn ivSyS, ivAkqI Drm dw nwm lYNidAW hI swfy bhuqy lokW dy
ivSyS jW iksy iek dyS dw nhIN huMdw[ sgoN sMq qW mn ivc ihMdU, muslmwn, is`K, iesweI, XhUdI,
pUry bRihmMf ƒ Dwrn dI smr`Qw r`Kdw hY[ boDI, jYnI Awidk Sbd GuMmdy hn[ ienHW sMgTnW
pr Ajoky smyN iv`c ‘sMq’ Sbd ƒ mKOl dy vI A`gy Axigxq iPrky hn[
vjoN vriqAw jw irhw hY[ inkMmy Aqy byruzgwr pr ieh swry nwm ivcwrDwrwvW Aqy m`qW
ivAkqI ƒ swD bxn leI jW iksy fyry bYTx dI dy hn[ hr mnu`K leI Drm iek hI hY[ ijs Drm
slwh dyxI, AsIN Awm suxdy hW[ susq bu`DI vwly ƒ dy ds AMg hn[
vI ikhw jWdw hY, AKy ieh qW swD hY[ iDRiq kSmw dmo sqyX Soc imindrX ingRh:]
Awpxy nwm A`gy ‘sMq’ Sbd Aijhy DIirvdXw sqXmkRoDo dSkM Drm lkSxm@]
ivAkqIAW v`loN vI lgwieAw jw irhw hY, jo (Dirj, iKmw, mn dw kwbU ivc hoxw,
AiDAwqimkvwd dw a, A vI nhIN jwxdy[ piv`qRqw, inrml bu`DI, corI dw iqAwg, s`cy, kRoD
pr ieh ‘sMq’ Sbd dI qOhIn hY[ Aijhy rihq, ieMdrIAW ƒ ivkwrW qoN mukq krnw Aqy
mnu`K prmwqmw dI ikrpw-idRStI qoN s`Kxy in`q iv`idAw dw AiBAws krnw[)
rihxgy[ Drm dI AijhI hI pirBwSw swrkuqwvlI
sMq kOx hY ? dy krqw ny vI id`qI hY-
sMq dI pirBwSw vI au~c AvsQw vwlI iKmw AihMsw dXw imRd siqbcn qp dwn]
piv`qr Awqmw hI dy skdI hY[ sIl sOc iqRSnw ibnw Drm ilMg ds jwn]
piv`qr AwqmwvW dy bcnW qoN smJx dw ienHW ds guxW dy DwrnI mnu`K ƒ hI DrmI
Xqn krIey sMq kOx hY[ ikhw jw skdw hY[ ieh ds gux Dwrn qoN bwAd hI
siqjug 15 AkqUbr 2021
koeI mnu`K cMgw ihMdU, cMgw is`K, cMgw muslmwn sMq dw suBwA vI inrp`K hY[ sMq vI ru`K
Awidk bx skdw hY[ vWg dUsirAW dI BlweI ih`q AwpxI su`K-suivDw
sRI gurU nwnk dyv jI ƒ m`ky ivKy hwjIAW kurbwn kr idMdw hY[
v`loN pRSn kIqw igAw- sMq vI ru`K vWg Awpxy ivroDI, inMdk dy
puCin Poil ikqwb no ihMdU vfw ik muslmwnoeI? keI kMm suAwrdw hY[
(BweI gurdws jI) ru`K aunHW dohW mnu`KW ƒ ie`ko ijhI CW idMdw
sRI gurU nwnk dyv jI ny jvwb id`qw- hY[ ie`k auh mnu`K jo aus ƒ pwxI Kwd dyNdw hY[
bwbw AwKy hwjIAw suB Amlw bwJhu dono roeI] dUsrw mnu`K jo aus ƒ v`Fx AwieAw hY[
cMgy gux Dwrn krn qoN ibnW donW (ihMdU, sMq dw suBwA vI iblkul ru`K swmwn hY[
muslmwn) ƒ roxw (Btkxw) pvygw[ dyS kOm qoN jwnW vwrn vwly sUrbIr vI sMq
cMgw ihMdU jW muslmwn bxn leI cMgy gux ispwhI huMdy hn[ ijnHW ƒ dUsirAW dw Blw krn
Dwrn krny pYxgy[ AiDAwqmk jIvn ijaux leI leI cwA ciVHAw rihMdw hY-
ieh ds guxW nwl vwk&IAwq vI zrUrI hY[ ijvyN bRhm igAwnI praupkwr aumwhw]
koeI BwSw pVHnI-ilKxI qW hI Aw skdI hY, jy kr Awpxy pirvwrk mYNbrW irSqydwrW ’qy
aus BwSw dI vrxmwlw nwl vwk&IAq hovy[ isr& aupkwr qW hr mnu`K krdw hY[ bdly ivc mnu`K
bwhrI pihrwvw pwaux nwl hI DrmI nhIN bx svwrQI Bwvnw vI r`Kdw hY[
skIdw[ koeI swDW jW jogIAW vwly bsqr pw ky vI pr sMq qW auhnW ’qy vI aupkwr krdy hn,
sMq, jogI nhIN bx skdw[ jykr mnu`K dw mn au~c ijs nwl koeI jwx-pCwx vI nw hovy[ iksy
AvsQw 'qy nhIN pu`jw[ ivdvwn dw kQn hY –
sMq dw suBwA hmySW cMigAweI vMfx vwlw jo mnu`K iebwdq ivc pRp`k hY[ auh mnu`K
huMdw hY[ sMq dw suBwA ru`K vrgw huMdw hY, jo v`ty Kw hI Shwdq dy kwbl huMdw hY[
ky Pl hI JolI su`tdw hY[ sMq qoN ibnW iebwdq ivc pRp`k hor kOx ho
sRI gurU Arjn dyv jI dw &rmwn hY- skdw hY ? ieh dunIAW iviSAW ivkwrW dI A`g
ssiqR qIKix kwit fwirE min n kIno rosu] nwl Juls ky ^qm ho rhI hY[ sMqW dw aupdyS A`g
kwju auAw ko ly svwirE iqlu n dIno dosu] leI SIqlqw dw kMm krdw hY Aqy ieh A`g buJ
ijvyN ru`K iq`Ky sMdW (AwrI, kuhwVw) duAwrw jWdI hY[
cIry jwx qoN bwAd vI aus mnu`K dy keI kMm cMdrmw ƒ SIqlqw dw sroq mMinAw jWdw
suAwrdw hY[ ijs ny aus ƒ v`iFAw hY[ ijvyN- hY[ bwvn cMdn vI SIqlqw dw sroq mMinAw jWdw
bwlx, PrnIcr, dvweI (p`qw, jVH, s`k, &l hY, ijs nwl s`p ilpty rihMdy hn Aqy Awpxy
Awid duAwrw) ru`K qoN pRwpq huMdy hn[ zihrIly suBwA dI qpS ƒ SWq r`Kx dw Xqn
SyK PrId jI PrmwauNdy hn- krdy hn[ isAwl dI ru`q vI bhuq sIql mMnI geI
drvysW no loVIAY ruKW dI jIrWid] hY[ pr ieh swrIAW cIzW ieqnIAW TMFIAW nhIN
drvySW nUM ru`KW vrgI sihxSIlqw cwhIdI ij`qxI sIqlqw sMq kol hY[
hY[ nh sIqlM cMdR dyvh nh sIqlM bwvn cMdnh]
ru`K mINh, hnHyrI, Du`p sih ky dUsry ƒ CW hI nh sIqlM sIq ruqyx nwnk sIqlM swD sÍjnh]
idMdw hY[ ru`K ny kdy ieh nhIN ikhw mYN Plwxy mnu`K (slok shsikRqI, m:5)
ƒ hI CW, &l, bwlx, dvweI dyxI hY[ ru`K dy suBwA SIqlqw dw mu`K sroq sMq hI hY[ sMq qy
iv`c p`Kpwq nhIN[ prmwqmw ivckwr koeI Byd nhIN huMdw[
siqjug 16 AkqUbr 2021
rwm sMq mih Bydu ikCu nwhI…… Brm kI hY ?
pr s`cweI ieh hY- ies &wnI sMswr ƒ s`c Aqy sdIvI mMnxw
…… eyku jnu keI mih lwK krorI] hI Brm hY[
Aijhw sMq jo rwm dw hI rUp hY, l`KW- sMq dI sMgq ieh Brm ^qm krdI hY[ sRI
kroVW ivcoN ivrly hn[ qulsI dws jI sMq ƒ nmskwr krdy hoey ilKdy
sMq dw imlwp keI jnmW qoN l`gI byAMq hn-
pwpW dI mYl ^qm krdw hY- swDu cirq suB cirq kpwsU[
sMq kI DUir imty AG kot] inrs ibsd guxmX Pl jwsU[
sMq dI mihmw ƒ Awm mnu`K ibAwn nhIN jo sih duK priCdR durwvw[
kr skdw[ Aijhy iv`c sMq-smwj ƒ nmskwr bMdnIX jyihN jg js pwvw[
krnI bxdI hY[ ieh nmskwr isr& h`Q joVn (sRI rwm cirq mwns)
vwlI nhIN, sgoN mn qoN vI hoxI cwhIdI hY[ sMq ƒ sRI qulsI dws jI bcn krdy hn sMq dw
nmskwr krdy hoey, kvI cUVwmix BweI sMqoK isMG cir`qR kpwh smwn hY[ kpwh nrm, inrs, ibsd
jI ilKdy hn- (s&Yd) huMdI hY[ sMq vI nrm suBwau, nIrs
pUrn dyKXo Awqmw dYÍqihN srb invwir] (iviSAW-ivkwrW dy rs qoN rihq) huMdw hY[ sMq dw
Bey SWiq mn sMq jy iqn pd nmo hmwir] cir`qR ibsd (s&Yd) hY[ Bwv ik inhklMk hY[ by-
(sRI nwnk pRkwS, auqrwrD) dwZ hY[
Bwv- ijnHW sMqW ny swrI dvYq ƒ dUr krky kpwh qoN k`pVw bxdI pRikirAw dOrwn
(iek) Awqmw ƒ (swrw) pUrn ƒ (Su`D ivkwrW qoN kpwh nUM bhuq jitl pRikirAw iv`coN guzrnw pYNdw
mukq) rUp ivc vyiKAw hY[ (qy ieauN dyK ky) SWq hY[ k`pVw bMx ky kpwh dUsirAW dw nMgyz F`kdI
mn vwly ho gey hn[ aunHW sMqW dy crnW 'qy hY[
nmskwr hY[ sRI nwnk pRkwS ivc hI BweI sMqoK sMq vI keI du`K-qklI&W sih ky dUsirAW
isMG dI ilKdy hn- dy iCdR (AYb, aUxqweIAW) F`kdw hY[ sMq dw
dohrw] suBwA prwey doSW ƒ jg-zwhr krnw nhIN[
bMdON sMq sMdoih pd ijnqy hoq auDwr] dUsirAW dy doSW ƒ jg swhmxy pRgt krn dw
jm qm sm iqh qrin sy suBwA ivkwrI mnu`KW dw hY[ sMq dw suBwA
Brm Gn bwq ibcwr] dUsirAW ƒ nIvW idKwauxw nhIN[
(pUrbwrD) AijhI AvsQw vwly swDU ƒ qulsI jI
Bwv- (aunHW) sMq sMdoih (smwj) dy crnW nmskwr krdy hn[
ƒ m`Qw tykdw hW, ijs qoN (mnu`K jnm dw) auDwr AijhI AvsQw vwlw mnu`K cwhy iksy vI
huMdw hY[ jm (Xm) qm (hnHyry) dy smwn hY[ aus dyS dw nwgirk hovy, iksy vI jwq i&rky nwl
leI sMq qrin (sUrj) hn[ (sUrj leI hnHyrw sbMiDq hovy, cwhy idhwVIdwr hovy, cwhy iksy kMpnI
^qm krnw AOKw nhIN huMdw[ sMq vI igAwn dy dw mwlk hovy[
pRkwS nwl AigAwnqw rUpI hnyHrw sihjy hI ^qm auh mnu`K sMq hI hY, jykr aus ivc Aijhy
kr idMdy hn[) gux hn Aqy aus dI AvsQw au~cI hY[
sMq Brm rUpI Gn (b`dl) leI bwq (hvw) sMq dw imlwp aus ƒ hI huMdw hY, ijs au~qy
smwn hn[ (hvw b`dlW ƒ aufw ky dUr lY jWdI hY[ prmwqmw dI imhr hovy[
sMq vI Brm ƒ mukwauNdy hn[)
siqjug 17 AkqUbr 2021
bIqy dIAW pYVW
(ipCly AMk qoN A`gy)
pRIqm isMG kvI
10 AkqUbr 1986, Su`krvwr
jsivMdr isMG dI AMqr ie`Cw pUrI - qy ies dw is`Dw pRswrx tI. vI. jlMDr duAwrw
myrw swQI jsivMdr isMG SkUr bsqI, id`lI Gr vyiKAw jw skygw[ so mYN vI dIvwn iv`coN hI 3.30
jwx leI auqwvlw sI[ pr jdoN s`cy pwqSwh jI ny vjy au~Tky s. jsvMq isMG k`lHw dy mkwn dy ie`k Coty
swfy nwl bYTx dw mn bxw ilAw qW AsIN ies kmry iv`c aunHW nwl Aw ky mYc vyKx l`gw[ eyQy hI,
mhIny dy AMq q`k fty rihx dw mn bxw ilAw[ qW 4 vjy q`k sRI siqgurU jI Aqy hor kuC izMmyvwr
vI Gr jwx dI qWG jsivMdr isMG ƒ rih rih ky s`jx ieh mYc vyKx tI. vI. duAwly Aw bYTy[
sqw rhI sI[ svyry 9 vjy jdoN siqgurU jI nwl sRI siqgurU jI dy Aw ky drSn dyx qoN
pusqk pwT leI bYTy qW hzUr ny Awp hI Prmw pihloN bI. AYs. AYP. ny nwmDwrI tIm ƒ ie`k gol
id`qw : cMgw iPr qusIN 5 idnW leI id`lI ho AwE! kr id`qw hoieAw sI[ kumYNtytr ny ies gol ho jwx
iPr pMjvyN idn vwpsI zrUrI hovy! Blw iPr, KuS ’qy vI nwmDwrI b`icAW dI k`lH dI Kyf dI ^Ub
iks nhIN sI hoxw ? pRsMsw kIqI qy A`j dy Kyfx ƒ vI slwihAw[
bYlyNs siqgurU jI dy h`Q iv`c - sMq sMqoK k`lHw srdwr dy Coty kmirAW iv`c v`fI
isMG dy pusqk dw pwT kridAW suBwvk hI swfy do rOxk ho geI[ 4.15 vjy q`k Acwnk ie`k Jurmt
gru`p bx jWdy hn[ ie`k pwsy pMifq gopwl isMG AMdr Aw viVAw[ sRI siqgurU jI ƒ nmskwr krn
jI, sk`qr swihb Aqy Pyr vYd gurdyv isMG vI vwly pihly ivAkqI s. hrivMdr isMG hMspwl jI,
iehnW nwl rl igAw[ ienHW ’coN lyKk qW koeI vI aunHW dy ipqw jI, Brw, AYs. AYs. mncMdw Awid
nhIN[ duhrwau jW nw smJ AwauNdw Sbd vI iehnW s`jx sn[ ies mOky s`cy pwqSwh pUry iDAwn nwl
leI Drm pusqk dw Sbd sI[ keI msilAW qy mYN kumYNtrI sux rhy, Kyf vyK rhy Aqy kol bYiTAW ƒ
vI KrHvw ho jWdw sW, ikauNik swfy swQIAW ’coN mYN AwpxI it`pxI dy rhy sn[
hI mu`K rUp iv`c boldw sW pr srkwrI dsqwvyzW nwmDwrI hwkI tIm dy juAwn sPYd
dw p`K swfy ieiqhwskwr imqIAW Awid bwry dsqwrW, bnwiexW (tI SrtW) Aqy kCihry
jsivMdr isMG dI rwie hI pyS huMdI sI, Aijhy iv`c mtkweI ^Ub iqAwrI nwl Kyf rhy sn[ in`ky-in`ky
jdoN AsIN Ps KloNdy qW sRI siqgurU jI ivcoligrI pws id`qy jw rhy sn[ gol qW hoxw duSvwr jwpdw
krdy Aqy dohW ƒ DIirAW krky g`l jW q`Q smJWdy sI pr dbwau bI. AYs. AYP. ’qy BrpUr sI[
qW vI AMqm PYslw sRI siqgurU jI hI krdy Aqy sB hwP tweIm ho igAw[ bI. AYs. AYP. ie`k
nUM TIk syD iv`c r`Kx leI smW idMdy[ gol ’qy A`gy sI[
tYlIvIzn ’qy Kyf - mYnUM d`isAw igAw ik muV tI. vI. prdy ’qy- sRI siqgurU jI
nwmDwrI hwkI tIm dw A`j mukwblw bI. AYs. AYP. pws aunHW dw sk`qr, tIm dw mYnyjr rCpwl isMG
jlMDr nwl gurU goibMd isMG styfIAm ivKy hovygw Aqy Swied ijmnwsitk koc bYTy sn[ dobwrw Kyf
siqjug 18 AkqUbr 2021
jwrI hoeI qW 15 imMt bwAd qrsym isMG jI kih dw pqw l`gw qW ausnUM gurU crnW iv`c hwzr ho ky
rhy sn : keI vwr swrI tIm ƒ mOkw imilAw hY pr muAw&I mMgx dI huVdMg l`g geI[ A`j koeI jhwz
sMBwilAw nhIN igAw[ hMspwl jI boly : bI. AYs. iml nhIN sI irhw, sItW sB bu`k sn qW mncMdw ny
AYP. fIPYNs iv`c Kyf rhI hY[ pr bhuq Xqn krn k`lH dy idn q`k aufIk nhIN kIqI[ A`j hI cwrtr
dy bwvjUd nwmDwrI hwkI tIm Ajy gol brwbr plyn lY ky, hMspwl prvwr ƒ nwl lY aufwky
nhIN kr skI[ tI. vI. drSkW dIAW nzrW tI. swhnyvwl, luiDAwxw eyAr port ’qy Aw auqirAw
vI. prdy ’qy g`fIAW hoeIAW qy mn iekwgr hn qy EQoN is`Dw gurU ky crnW iv`c hwzr ho igAw ey[
pr ij`q vwlI koeI g`l nhIN jwpdI[ qIsrw m`Qw tyk ky kol hI bYT igAw hY[
pYlntI kwrnr vI nwmDwrIAW ƒ imilAw pr Pyr hMspwl jI ny d`isAw : sRI siqgurU jI ny
nwkwmXwb! mncMdw ƒ fMn lwieAw ik 5 idn BYxI swihb rih
4.55 ’qy vI ie`k sunihrI mOkw h`Q l`gw, ky gohy kUVy dI syvw, 40 idn Bjn qy BgauqIAW dI
pr bynqIjw inkl igAw[ ie`k gol ho skdw sI[ mwlw rozwnw inqnym qoN vwDU Aqy swD sMgq dy
“ggndIp ny auh Kyf nhIN vKweI jo ipCly kwrjW leI ie`k vIfIE kYmrw!
idnW iv`c Kyfdw irhw hY[” kumYNtytr ny AwiKAw qy mncMdw ny szw prvwn krky gurU kIAW
0-1 nwl Kyf ^qm ho geI[ sRI siqgurU jI dI eynI KuSIAW pRwpq kr leIAW[ 6 vjy ƒ ieh cwrtf
ikrpw rhI ik kyvl ie`ko gol ’qy hwrI swfI tIm! svwrIAW id`lI ƒ vwps auf peIAW[
mncMdw ƒ muAw&I - tI. vI. dy prdy ’qy jp pRXog vwly - bIbI SkuMqlw BUtwnI ny
Kyl dyKidAW hI hMspwl jI 4.40 ’qy mYnUM bwhr d`isAw ik A`j jp pRXog vwlIAW bIbIAW dI
auTw ky lY gey[ aunHW d`isAw ik bIqy AYqvwr igxqI 103 hY, jdoN ik purS mYNbrW dy muKI sMq
suirMdr isMG mncMdw dy swly dI bYNkok iv`c SwdI iekbwl isMG ny isMGW dI igxqI kyvl 61 d`sI[
hox auprMq pwrtI sI[ ies mOky mncMdw vI bYNkok AMgryzI itRibaUn dI ie`k kitMg k`lH dI
igAw[ pr nw jw ky ie`k hotl iv`c TihirAw Gr Kyf bwry hY[
vwilAW ƒ pqw l`gw ik juAweI bYNkok iv`c iksy
hotl iv`c TihirAw hY, qW auh Aw ky, nWh-nu`kr 12 AkqUbr 1986, AYqvwr
kridAW ƒ lY gey[ auh vI pwrtI iv`c Swml nvIN id`lI
hoieAw[ k`lH jsivMdr isMG, myrI pqnI Aqy mYN,
sRI siqgurU jI dy eyny krIbI AwdmI dw sMq qrsym isMG, idAwl isMG dy sihXog duAwrw,
ieMj Awpxy pirvwr leI iQVkx dI crcw swry sMq rGubIr isMG h`Q rihMdI gurU kI kwr duAwrw
bYNkok iv`c iCV geI Aqy g`l sRI hzUr pws vI svyry 6 vjy smrwilEN Aw bs PVI Aqy 12 vjy q`k
phuMcI[ Awp jI ny Awpxy pUrn ivSvwsI ipRQIpwl id`lI phuMc gey[
isMG KMnpurI (bYNkok) qoN Pon qy qsdIk kIqw ik kI A`j dusihrw - A`j dusihrw hY[
TIk hI mncMdw ivAwh pwrtI ivc Swml hoieAw? jsivMdr isMG dw jI krdw sI ik ieh idn auh
auh igAw sI, qsdIk ho igAw[ Awpxy b`icAW iv`c jw ky mnwey, AsIN jdoN 15-20
sRI siqgurU jI vloN auhdI pqnI rCpwl idn hor BYxI swihb rihx leI iqAwr sW,
Aqy hMspwl jI ƒ qd qk mncMdw nwl nw bolx siqgurU jI ny Awp hI 5 idn dI Cu`tI dy ky krwmwq
leI p`kI kIqI geI, jd qk auh iKmw nw mMgy[ kr id`qI[
Bwrq Awey mncMdy ƒ sRI siqgurU jI dI nwrwzgI cldw.........
siqjug 19 AkqUbr 2021

C. L. Da a
The story of Zorawar Singh's conquest Bri sh Indian Government. When William
of Bal stan in 1839-40 forms quit? an Moorcra , the veteran Himalayan traveller,
interes ng study in western Himalayan and an employee of the East India Company,
poli cs. By annexing this central Asian visited Ladakh in 1820-22, Ahmad Shah sent
kingdom, the brave Dogra¹ general of Raja him a present of gold-dust and proferred his
Gulab Singh, in addi on to acquiring an area of services.⁵ Moorcra did not encourage the
about 10,000 square miles, extended the offers, as these would have given umbrage to
boundary of the Labore Durbar in the north to the ruler of Ladakh who at that me was at war
its geographical limits. with Bal stan. But he wrote an ambiguous
Skardu or Bal stan or Li le Tibet² was le er to Ahmad Shah holding out promises of
an o ld an d imp o rtant Mo h ammad an Bri sh support. Therefore, the Bal ruler
principality in central Asia. It is situated in the con nued to expect Bri sh help.⁶ In 1835
Indus valley to the west of Ladakh. Its ruler, Ahmad Shah wrote to C.M. Wade, the
Ahmed Shah, enjoyed fealty from other small Governor-General's Agent at Ludhiana :
states of the area, such as Kharmang, Khapalu, “It must not be concealed that from
Tol Prokuta, Shigar, Rondu and Astor.³ In the the beginning I have been moved by an anxiety
first four decades of the previous century, beyond bounds to connect myself with the
there was constant unrest in Bal stan, for well-wishers and faithful servants of your
these chie ains kept quarrelling either among Government by es of friendship and to
themselves or with the Gyapo (king) of iden fy myself without reserves with their
Ladakh.⁴ interests.⁷"
When Maharaja Ranjit Singh In 1837, when G.T. Vigne, an English
conquered Kashmir in 1819, Ahmad Shah, like traveller, visited Bal stan, the Bal ruler tried
the king of Ladakh, became very much to get the Bri sh authori es interested in his
apprehensive and thought that his country claim over a jagir in Kashmir and some
would be the next target of Ranjit Singh's possessions in Purig,⁸ which were controlled
policy of aggrandisement. In order to save by the Sikhs. In the past those areas had been
himself from any such eventuality the Bal in the possession of Ahmad Shah's ancestors.⁹
ruler tried to cul vate friendship with the In reply to a reference about such claims the
Bri sh and sought protec on from the then Governor General enjoined on Wade that
siqjug 20 AkqUbr 2021
although : incursions in Ladakh. But a er Ranjit's demise
“No proper opportunity ought to be when there was commo on at Lahore, Mehan
omi ed of cul va ng a friendly understanding Singh was alarmed into concessions by the
with this chief but you must be careful not to powerful and ambi ous Dogra Brothers, and
use any expression which could excite in him a he le Skardu and the whole of the upper
hope of our interposing on his behalf with any Indus a free field for the aggression of their
of his neighbours.”¹⁰ lieutenants.”¹⁴
Ahmad Shah's fears about the Sikh In November 1839 (Poh 1896, Vikrami
invasion of Bal stan were not unfounded. Samvat), ¹⁵ Wazir Zorawar Singh assembled all
Kirpa Ram, the Sikh Nazim of Kashmir, about the Ladakhi mili amen including their leader
1825, invaded and annexed Kathai-territory Banka (Ban-kha-pa) Kahlon and the aged
between Kashmir and Bal stan.¹¹ A li le later, Gyapo and asked them to march with the
Prince Sher Singh, during his Governorship of Dogras for the conquest of Bal stan.¹⁶ This
Kashmir (1831-33) invaded Bal stan, but as was a wise step; it would suppress the
the Bal s were vigilant, the Sikh invasion insurrec onary spirit of the Ladkhis, at the
failed. In order to defend his country against same me making theni useful for the
the Sikh in roads Ahmad Shah tooh some invaders. The Wazir divided his army into two
defensive measures. Vigne, when he visited columns. The first column, mainly consis ng
Bal stan, found that between Gurais and the of the Ladakhis was to enter Bal stan over the
Burzil Pass the Bal ruler had destroyed every Chorbat La and a er that marching along the
house, so that a Sikh invading force should find right and then on the le side of the Shyok
no shelter or provisions.¹² Further, on the river, it was to descend into Skardu District.
direct road leading from Kashmir to Skardu With the second column, the Wazir marched
over the Deosai plateau, at many strategic from Kargil ¹⁷ and along the Dras river crossed
places, Ahmad Shah had constructed the Indus to its right bank. So as to follow the
darwazas or some sort of booby-traps.¹³ But it then usual road to Skardu, they were again to
is an irony of fate that the a ack which sealed cross the Indus to its le bank, but the Bal
the des nies of Bal stan as an independent and Ladakhi rebels destroyed the bridge a er
state in 1840, came from another direc on, crossing the river. Thus the invading army was
viz, from the Indus valley above Skardu. obliged to march along the right side of the
Between 1834 and 1839, General river.¹⁸ But there was no way and the invaders
Zorawar Singh made many a empts to subdue had to cross stupendous precipices and deep
Ladakh. Now it was the turn of Bal stan. Raja ravines many a me. At many places the valley
Gulab Singh would have conquered it earlier, was nearly impassable. A er marching for
but he was apprehensive of ac ve opposi on about twenty-five days their condi on was
from Colonel Mehan Singh, the Sikh Nazim of cri cal, though they received the submission
Kashmir, who was quite jealous of Dogra of the chiefs of Khartakhsho¹⁹ and Khapalu. To
siqjug 21 AkqUbr 2021
cross the river no way could he found and But ingenuity, courage and skill of
provisions were running short in their camp. Mehta Bas Ram, a trusted lieutenant of
The Wazir appointed Mian Nidhan Singh with General Zorawar Singh, saved the Dogras. His
5,000 soldiers to march ahead. But the Bal s, was a last bid to extricate the Dogras from this
who had prepared for the contest, lured this difficult situa on. Accompanied by about
column into an ambuscade about fi een miles forty daring soldiers at the dead of night, Bas
away from the main Dogra army and then fell Ram moved along the river to reconnoitre if
upon it in a very large number. Nidhan Singh the river could be easily bridged at some place,
with his whole column except four hundred while another party kept a small fire upon the
men was put to the sword. The remainder Bal s on the opposite side to distract their
returned with great difficulty to the main a en on. At last at one place near Wanko Pass
column and told the woeful tale to the Wazir. they discovered that except about thirty feet
The Dogras were now in a very in the middle the river was so thickly frozen
precarious situa on The winter was in full that a man could easily pass over it. Soon with
swing and their provisions had exhausted. The the help of the Dards of Leh²¹ an ice bridge was
passes from behind had been closed by the made over the river before the day break.
heavy fall of snow and it was not easy to First, a small party led by Bas Ram crossed
construct a bridge over the Indus, as the Bal s the river and fell upon the Bal s. Soon, other
in their thousands were keeping a round-the- Dogra soldiers also crossed the river and
clock vigil on the opposite bank. The condi on joined their comrades. A bloody ba le started,
of the Dogras has been aptly described by but in hand-to-hand combat the phlegma c
Alexander Cunningham in the following Bal s were no match with the energe c
words: Dogras. The former were defeated and ran
“With an impassable river in their towards Skardu. The invaders pursued their
front, and certain starva on both from cold vanquished adversaries for nine miles as far as
and hunger, whether they retreated or Marwan and slaughtered them mercilessly. In
remained in their present posi on, the this ba le about three hundred Bal s were
majority of the troops paid no a en on to killed; losses on the Dogra side were
orders, and of the few who s ll obeyed, none compara vely less, but about five hundred of
did so with alacrity. The Dogra army had halted them had been rendered hors-de-combat by
in this posi on for fi een days, exposed to the intense cold and frost-bite. ²² At Marwan,
frost by night and to hunger by day. Many had the Wazir, so as to reorganize his army and
sought shelter from the snow amongst the replenish his resources, halted for a few days.
overhanging rocks and there they sat listless Here, he handsomely rewarded Col. Bas Ram
and vacant, and u erly indifferent whether and about thirty soldiers for their outstanding
they should be cut off by the sword of the service during the last ac on. The other
enemy or be frozen to death by the cold.” ²⁰ column, which had been sent over the Chorbat
siqjug 22 AkqUbr 2021
Pass, without doing much figh ng, also joined Jammu and Kashmir to join India, Bal stan,
the Wazir. The whole army then moved like some other parts of the state, was invaded
towards Skardu. by Pakistani forces and since then it has been
Ahmad Shah had prepared for such an under their occupa on.
eventuality. The fort of Skardu was situated on
the edge of a high plateau. From three sides it 1. According to the Khalsa Darbar
was surrounded by the deep water of the Records preserved at the State Archives,
Indus and on the fourth, the passage leading Pa ala, Zorawar Singh belonged to Kangra.
to the main citadel was steep and extremely Most probably he might be a Rajput and not
difficult. Ahmad Shah had for fied this Dogra.
stronghold and was also stated to have laid in a 2. The proper name was Tibet-i-Khurd i.e.
stock of provisions which could last for three Li le Tibet which is dis nguished from Tibet-i-
years. ²³ Thus because of difficult accessibility Kalan, by which name Ladakh was known. The
and sufficient provisions, the fort was Li le Tibet was also frequently called Iskardu
considered impregnable. The invaders soon or Skardu from the name of its well-known fort
beleagured the fort and cut off its water and capital
supply. A er a few days' siege, a small ac on 3. F o r e i g n D e p a r t m e n t P o l i c a l
was fought, and Ahmad Shah finally Consula ons, October 5, 1835, No. 53 A,
surrendered on March 5, 1840.²⁴ From this Na onal Archives of India, New Delhi.
fort rich treasures, a large quan ty of 4. Csama de Koros, "Geographical No ce
provisions, many matchlocks, swords and of Tibet”, Journal of Asia c Society of Bengal, I,
other implements of war fell into the hands of 1832, p. 125.
the invaders. With the fall of Skardu, other 5. F o r e i g n D e p a r t m e n t f o l i c a l
chie airis of Bal stan also submi ed to the Consula ons, September 20, 1522. No. 68.
Dogras. Ahmad Shah was deposed and in his 6. N K. Sinha, Ranjit Singh, Calcu a, 1951,
place, his eldest son Mohammad Shah was pp. 125 -- 26,
installed who promised to pay Raja Gulab 7. Ahmad Shah to Wade, Le er No. 4;
Singh an annual tribute of Rs. 7,000. Foreign Department Poli cal Consulta ons, 5
It was in this way that Bal stan was October, 1825, No. 55-A, N.A.I.
conquered. In 1846, when Gulab Singh 8. Lower Ladakh.
became Maharaja and an independent ruler 9. F o r e i g n D e p a r t m e n t P o l i c a l
under the Bri sh supremacy, Bal stan Consulta ons, 23 May, 1836, No. 109 N.A.I.
alongwith Ladakh became part of his Jammu 10. Government to Wade, May 23, 1836,
and Kashmir State; a Wazir-i-Wazarat, with his Foreign Department Poli cal Consuta ons,
head-quarters at Leh, was appointed to carry May 23, 1836, No 112, N.A.I
the administra on of Bal stan and Ladakh. In 11. F o r e i g n D e p a r t m e n t P o l i c a l
1947, a er the decision of the Maharaja of Consulta ons, 5 October, No.53-A, N.A.I.
siqjug 23 AkqUbr 2021
12. G.T. Vigne, Travels in Kashmir, Ladakh, 21. A.H. Francke, Western Tibet, London,
Iskard) and the countries adjoining the 1907, p. 167. Hashmat Ali, op. cit pp. ", 18 of
mountain course of the Indus and the the opinion that the people of Kharmang,
Himalaya north of the Panjab, London, 1842, whose chief was in secret ague with the Wazir,
II, pp 208, 213, 216. also helped the Dogras in preparing this
13. Ibid., pp. 243-44. bridge.
14. J.D Cunningham, History of the Sikhs 22. A. Cunningham, op. cit, p. 359
ed. H.L.O. Garra and R.R. Sethi, New Delhi, 23. J. J.E. Duncan, A Summer Ride through
1955, p 217 Western Tibet, London, 1806, p. 286.
15. Ambala Division Records: Poli cal 24. F o r e i g n D e p a r t m e n t S e c r e t
Agent Sabathu to T. T. Metcalfe (Agent to Lt. Gr Proceedings, May 18, 1840, No. 53, N.A.I.
NW.P., Delhi) 25 May, 1840, No. 713, Panjab
State Archives, Pa ala. Alexander
Cunningham, in Ladakh, Physical Sta s cal pUrI hoeI krwmwiq....
and Historical, London, 1004, pp. 346-47,
wrongly says that Zorawar Singh started on hvwly qy it~pxIAW
this expedi on in the end of 1810.
16. A.H. Francke, an qui es of Indian 1. jgq-swk qj dIn, ipqw siqgurU n TihrwieEÒ
Tibet, Calcu 1926, II, pp. 131, 253. ho syvw min bc kIn, Atl pd gur qy pwieE[
17. It may be men oned here that some (gur pRxwlI, BweI rwm isMG)
posts of this strategically important sta on on 2. KrVw - sYNtrl pbilk lwiebryrI, pitAwlw[
Srinagar-Leh Road were twice seized by the 3. Apostle of Love
Indian army from their Pakistan counterparts 4. Everywhere the Guru with great eloquence
in 1966; first it was a er the intercession of U. and sweetness of dic on preached pure
N. and then a er signing the Tashkent Pact devo on to God as the real friend of all.
that these places were subsequently vacated. 5. Flows like a stream of Love.
18. It is said that Raja Ali Sher Khan of 6. swKI igAwrvIN, pwqSwhI pMjvIN[
Khart akhsho was having poli cal differences 7. lohw AwpUM nhIN qur skdw, AYsw hY mnmuK pr
with Ahmad Shah. In 1834, when Zorawar had aus dI bd-iksmqI dyKo ik byVI pws hY, pr
invaded Ladakh for the first me, Sher Khan fu`b irhw hY[
had entered into a secret alliance with the 8. ies leI pu`qr ƒ mwpy lwf lfWdy hn ik auh
Wazir and had requested him to invade Kt Klwvygw pr ikqnI Bu`l ivc hn[
Bal stan. Maulvi Hashmat Ali, Tarikh-i- Jammu 9. qwirAW ivc ijvyN cMn[
wa Ma uha Maharaja Gulab Singh, Urdu, 10. chwr ruqbw kudsI bwlw qr[
Lucknow, 1934, pp. 352-53, 691-92. 11. sIn Aw^rnyS
19. Cunningham, op. cit, p. 347. sr &rwiz hr byks
20. Cunningham, pp. 347.48. v bdsqgIrI hr do Awlm rwbs[
siqjug 24 AkqUbr 2021
Relevance of Gursikhi in the
Muddled World
Davinder Singh Baliharjawan
gurisKI dw prsxw TMfw qqw ByK AByKY] Physical Health Aspect: Health is the
gurisKI dI vwsu lY huie durgMD sugMD sryKY] most essen al part of humans' personality.
Today ironically, the very rapid world There is a saying- "a sound mind lives in a
has become a pond of stagnant water due to sound body." To have a piece of mind, which
pandemic Covid-19. From one corner of the the millennial genera on is craving, one needs
world to another, life has turned into an to have a healthy body. If an individual is not
extremely difficult mode. Due to this disaster, healthy then she/he cannot fulfill her/his
today's 21st-century human fraternity has du es. Most human beings consume as per
understood that they need to be disciplined, the taste of their tongue but not according to
forward planners, and must develop high-level their health requirements. They like to eat
managerial skills to combat such havoc in the non-homemade food (outside food) that leads
future. to an unhealthy body as it is not hygienic and
Here comes the relevance of Gursikhi pure. There is another saying- “as is the grain,
in the scenario of human life that helps one in so is the mind.” While reading “The Satjug
surviving in a balanced manner. No one can Magazine” we o en observe this advocacy
deny the million-dollar fact that balance is the that, “Outside food is not pure and hygienic
secret of happy and contented life and then why it is to be eaten.” The same has been
everyone wishes to have the same. reiterated countless mes in the pious
Let's understand first the true meaning sermons of Sri Satguru Partap Singh Ji, Sri
of Gursikhi. It consists of two words: Gur and Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji, and Sri Satguru Uday
Sikhi. Gur denotes the wisdom of Guru or Singh Ji. In one of his holy discourses, His
Satguru (true spiritual master) and Sikhi Holiness Sri Satguru Partap Singh Ji states that
(discipleship) refers to the life essen als or “if you want the be erment of your children,
commands for a Sikh (disciple of Guru) to live your community, your religion, you should
her or his life as per the philosophy of gurus make sure that children eat simple food, wear
(spiritual masters). simple clothes, both are advantageous for
Many ingredients cons tute a human you.” During this ongoing pandemic, the
being's existence. The wheel of human life relevance of Sodh-Maryada (decorum of
comprises several spokes but out of which purity) has become more evident.
physical, social, spiritual, and moral are the Mental Health Aspect: A er physical
most significant ones. health, the a ribute of mental health comes
siqjug 25 AkqUbr 2021
up. In the current turbulent mes, many of us ibKVy dwau lMGwvY myrw siqguru
are more engaged in social media than in our suK shj syqI Gir jwqy]
real life. We get influenced by all the (My True Guru will assist you, even on
glamorized posts associated with materialis c your difficult moves; you shall reach your true
objects worldly pleasure. When a spectator, home in celes al peace and poise.)
chained in the materialis c desires does not kir iesnwnu ismir pRBu Apnw
get this illusionary pleasure then it leads to mn qn Bey Arogw]
tensions, depression, and ul mately to (A er taking your cleansing bath,
suicide. Depression is one of the core remember your God in medita on, and your
problems being faced by the youth popula on. mind and body shall be free of disease.)
This is something more or less related to a lack Moral Aspect: The twenty-first-
of contentment. There is a relevant saying- century genera on, focuses on material values
“contentment is the greatest happiness.” A than moral values. Their outlook is becoming
ques on arises over here, who will enlighten more individualis c than social. But this is
them about this and the difference between something which is not an a ribute of a
real and reel world? Of course, the answer progressive society as every society requires
rests in one word, the 'Satguru'. One of the not just individuals but good human beings
principal teachings of Sri Satguru Nanak Dev Ji and Gursikhi plays a significant role in
is 'Naam-Japna' which is more relevant in transforming an individual into a good human
today's mes. The decree of Sri Satguru Ram being by helping themselves in their character
Singh Ji about Naam-Simran (chan ng sacred building. Truthfulness, honesty, sincerity,
name) for one hour daily has been consistently integrity, tolerance, charity are few examples
emphasized by all the revered Satgurus (true of moral values and the same have been
spiritual masters). Naam-Simran helps us to emphasized by all Sikh Gurus to incorporate in
get connected with the 'Akalpurakh' (Almighty one's personality.
lord), provides peace of mind, increases Sri Satguru Nanak Dev Ji advocates that
concentra on power, and makes us mentally snatching others rights is a sinful act as:
strong and physically healthy. hku prwieAw nwnkw ausu sUAr ausu gwie]
I'd like to cite two Gurbanni Verses (To take what righ ully belongs to
from the holy discourses of Sri Satguru Jagjit another, is like a Muslim ea ng pork, or a
Singh Ji about the relevance of 'Naam Simran' Hindu ea ng beef.)
which according to Sri Satguru Ji, every parent Farid Ji says,
must make their children get familiar them: bolIAY scu Drm JUTu n bolIAY]
auiT iesnwnu krhu prBwqy soey hir AwrwDy] (So speak the truth, in righteousness,
(Rise in the early hours of the morning, and and do not speak falsehood.)
take your cleansing bath. Before you go to jo guru dsY vwt murIdw jolIAY]
bed at night, remember to worship the lord.) (The disciple ought to travel the route
siqjug 26 AkqUbr 2021
pointed out by the Guru)
TMFw rih
Sri SatguruJagjit Singh Ji, in his holy
discourses always emphasised to recite the iek iK`qy ivc m`kI kmzor rih geI[ g`lW
“Rehetnama” (Manual of conduct) of Sri krdy ik vwh ky ku`J hor bIj dyeIey[ Kyq gey
Satguru Ram Singh Ji as in this Sri Satguru Ji has dyiKAw cwcy ny swfy m`kI dy iK`qy ivc pSU C`fy hoey
listed out utmost unique principles that sn[ aujwV id`qI[
enlighten us to lead a content and a happy life. bwpU ny ikhw- ieh kI kIqY Syr isAW?
Sri Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji also says, “to sacrifice cwcw hIN hIN krdw hoieAw kihMdw, “qusIN Awpy qW
your rights and protect the rights of others.” I ikhw krdy sI vwhWgy[” bwpU kihMdw- “swfI
feel that if the en re humanity follows the said Psl, aujwVnI huMdI mYN Apxy pSU Cfdw[ qYƒ kI
discourse of Sri Satguru Ji, peace can be h`k ?”
established across the globe. mYƒ bVw gu`sw l`gw[ mY bwpU ƒ kih id`qw
Gursikhi also emphasizes on to serve ik Twxy c`ilAW[ iesdI ig`dVku`t krvwxI zrUrI
society. For this, we follow the philosophy of hY[ bwpU mYƒ AwKI jwvy, “grm nI hoeIdw[” mYN
'Daswandh' which means to give the tenth ikhw, “auh koeI bMdw huMdY ijsƒ gu`sw eI nw
share of your earnings to Gurdwara (The Sikh Awey?”
Shrine) to help the needy people. It's needless bwpU kihMdw- “qUM luhwr dI Aihrn qy
to men on that how the en re Sikh jWdw huMnY, auQy dyiKAw nIN lohw grm huMdY qy luhwr
community is serving the humanity in ongoing TMFw? ies krky luhwr dI mrzI c`ldI hY[ jy lohw
pandemic Covid-19 across the globe. TMFw hovy qy luhwr grm, iPr lohy dI mrzI c`lygI[
In one of his holy discourses, His rwj krnY qW TMFw rih, grm hovyNgw qW hor koeI
Holiness Sri Satguru Uday Singh Ji says that, “I qyry aupr rwj krygw[ gurU goibMd isMG jI Xu`D dy
ask myself a ques on that would also come mYdwn ivc vI SWq rihMdy sn[”
into your mind, for what reason we need to - hrpwl isMG pMnU
associate our children with Sikhi? Because we
can give them happiness.” So, it's as clear as
crystal that if we want to give happiness to KuS rihx dy cwr muK AsUl
ourselves, we need to be within the contours
of Gursikhi so that, we can transform 1. kuJ nypry cVHdy rihx dw Aihsws
ourselves from a common individual to a good 2. srIrk qMdrusqI dw nroAw Aihsws
human being, dedicated learner, honest 3. iksy ApUrn &rz dy pCqwvy dI AxhoNd
earner, and a great contributor which have 4. KivK iv`c AwsW dw hulwrw
always been and will be required by the global
society. -gurbKS isMG pRIq lVI

siqjug 27 AkqUbr 2021

A Saga Of
Sri Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji
Dr. Sharada Jayagovind

During Patsha ji’s me, schools were established in New Delhi, Mandi, Himachal Pradesh,
and as far as Bangkok in Thailand. All these schools provide the type of educa on which combines
the best of modern and tradi onal knowledge systems. Modern Interna onal School Bangkok,
founded in 1997 with the blessings of Patsha ji, promotes educa on with an emphasis on Indian
cultural heritage.
Satguru Partap Singh Interna onal Public School affiliated to the Central Board of
Secondary Educa on (CBSE) was started in 2010 in Sri Jiwan Nagar. It draws children from nearby
villages and towns. With modern classrooms, well-equipped laboratories and Internet facili es,
in terms of quality and infrastructure, this school equals any ins tu on in metropolitan ci es
such as Delhi.
Satguru Jagjit Singh ji also promoted research on Namdhari Sikh history and tradi on. He
sponsored the visits of scholars Jaswinder Singh ji to Rangoon and of Surjit Singh Jeet ji and
Swaran Singh Snehi ji to London to study and collect documents on Namdhari Sikh history from
archives and other sources.
The Satguru Ram Singh Chair was established in 1997 at Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishwa
Vidyalaya, Varanasi and at Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, to promote research and study
of ancient literatures and Namdhari Sikh history.
Further, irrespec ve of caste and creed, Patsha ji financially supported the educa on of
innumerable poor students.
Satguru ji’s passion for sports
From childhood, Patsha ji loved sports and games. His favourite games included kabaddi,
badminton, hockey, football, wrestling and swimming. He was such a skilled swimmer that he
could traverse across any river or canal even during floods and monsoons. Patsha ji took personal
interest in grooming this culture of physical fitness amongst youngsters. Whenever and wherever
he found talent, he made it a point to nurture it.
At Sri Jiwan Nagar Vidyalya, he provided the best coaching facility to boys who played
hockey. If the hockey player hailed from a poor family, Patsha ji instructed the school authori es
to provide the player with a nutri ous diet. Didar Singh ji, who represented India in interna onal
hockey tournaments, recalls the manner in which Patsha ji encouraged the players. He said that
Patsha ji would arrive early in the morning to inspect the prac ce sessions.
siqjug 28 AkqUbr 2021
Patsha ji provided hockey s cks and shoes to poor children who could not afford to buy
them. The game of hockey became so popular that at a me about two hundred students trained
at Sri Jiwan Nagar School.
Patsha ji was instrumental in making the Namdhari kachera and the round turban a
ma er of pride in the field of sports. The Namdhari Sikh dress was accepted with dignity even on
the Olympics field. Through Patsha ji’s efforts, a hockey stadium with astro turf has been built at
Sri Bhaini Sahib. Recently, an astro turf of interna onal standards has been laid at Sri Guru Hari
Singh College in Sri Jiwan Nagar.
Most of the first genera on hockey players belonged to the two villages in Sri Jiwan Nagar
and they came from poor families. Patsha ji used to tell them: \
“I want you to have good houses, cars and other facili es.”
Many Namdhari players represented the Indian hockey team in Olympics and various
interna onal hockey tournaments. Prominent among them are Didar Singh, Harpal Singh and
Sardara Singh, the present captain of the Indian hockey team.
Today, the third genera on players are on the field and hockey has become a heritage
game. It has provided employment to many Namdhari Sikhs. They have got jobs in the
government sector, police and defence departments through the sports quota.
Today, Sant Nagar (near Sri Jiwan Nagar) sports huge bungalows with nameplates proudly
proclaiming “Captain, Indian hockey team,” “Member, Indian hockey team.”
Social welfare programmes
Patsha ji’s heart went out to the poor and suffering. His love embraced all the living
creatures of this world. Be it a human being, bird, animal or a tree, he was very gentle and caring.
Wiping others’ tears and bringing happiness into their lives was very natural to him.
Alexander the Great wept because he had no more worlds to conquer. On the contrary
here was a conqueror who wept when he missed an opportunity to help the unfortunate. During
one of his visits to Amritsar, a poor old Sikh approached Patsha ji and sought help as he had no one
to take care of him. Patsha ji was walking towards the dais to address the gathering. He stopped
and listened to the old man and asked him to meet him a er the programme.
When Patsha ji was about to leave the venue, he asked his aides to locate the old man so
that he could take him to Sri Bhaini Sahib. In the big crowd, the old Sikh could not be found. Patsha
ji shed tears for losing an opportunity to serve the poor old soul. It is this kind of concern for the
nameless des tute which made Patsha ji the true conqueror of hearts.
Many a me when Patsha ji visited the houses of devotees, if he saw old people who were
not properly taken care of, he would tell their children:
“If you do not mind, I will take care of your parents. Please send them to Sri Bhaini Sahib.”
This is how the Elders’ Home was established in Sri Bhaini Sahib and Sri Jiwan Nagar.

To be continued......
siqjug 29 AkqUbr 2021
sRI siqgurU audy isMG jI dy id`lI drSn - do QwvW ’qy jp pRXog AwrMB
sRI siqgurU audy isMG jI id`lI invwsI swD isMG nwmDwrI DrmSwlw ivKy sRI siqgurU jI dI
sMgq ƒ drSn dyx leI, id`qy hoey pRogrwm dy hzUrI ivc hoieAw Aqy s. swDU isMG kOmIvwlw qy
muqwbk 10 sqMbr 2021 idn Su`krvwr svyry gurbKSIS isMG rwjw dy nimq sRI siqgurU jI
10.30 bMglOr qoN Awey[ id`lI hvweI A`fy qoN hzUrI ivc piv`qr gurbwxI dy pwTW dy Bog pwey
nwmDwrI klonI rmyS ngr s. divMdr isMG gey[ hzUrI rwgI blvMq isMG, hrpRIq isMG soƒ ny
PiqAwbwd vwly dy Gr pRSwd pwxI Ckx auprMq Swm dw kIrqn kIqw[ Sbd sI ‘kbIr hwf jly
sRI siqgurU jI smyq mwqw gurSrn kOr jI Aqy sRI ijau lwkVI’ Swm dy dIvwn smyN s. Avqwr isMG
siqgurU jgjIq isMG jI dIAW AQwh ^uSIAW dy ihq pRDwn ptnw swihb gurduAwrw smyq id`lI
pwqr rhy, sMgIq jgq dy mhwn klwkwr pdm gurduAwrw kmytI dy mYNbr bIbI mnjIq kOr, s.
BUSn pMifq rwjn-swjn imSrw dy gRih ivKy BuipMdr isMG igMnI Aqy sRI iSv crn AYm.AYl.ey.
drSn id`qy[ ipCly idnIN pMfq rwjn imSrw jo ny sRI siqgurU jI dy drSn krn Awey[ siqgurU jI
Acwnk ies PwnI sMswr qoN Akwl clwxw kr gey ny Awey mihmwnW ƒ isropwE dy ky invwijAw[
sn[ jo ik sMgIq jgq leI nw pUrw hox vwlw Gwtw pRogrwm dI smwpqI qoN bwAd fyry Awx ivSrwm
hY[ sRI siqgurU jI pMifq rwjn imSrw jI dy Brw kIqw[
pMfq swjn imSrw jI nwl Aqy aunHW dy smu`cy 11 sqMbr 2021 idn SnIvwr svyry
pirvwr nwl hmdrdI pRgt krn Aqy smu`cy AMimRq vyly sRI siqgurU jI ny nwmDwrI DrmSwlw
pirvwr ƒ idlwsw dyx leI aunHW dy gRih ivKy swihbpurw ivKy 3.30 vjy drSn dyx dI ikrpw
drSn id`qy[ pMfq swjn imSrw jI Aqy smu`cy kIqI[ A`j ie`Qy AMimRq vyly nwm ismrn jpu pRXog
pirvwr ny sRI siqgurU jgjIq isMG jI v`loN imly dI AwrMBqw dI Ardws sRI siqgurU jI dI hzUrI
ipAwr Aqy siqkwr dy bcn sRI siqgurU jI nwl iv`c kIqI geI[ swD sMgq dI BrpUr hwzrI sI[
sWJy kIqy[ sRI siqgurU jI ny pirvwr ƒ Bwxw mMnx ie`QoN hI c`l ky sRI siqgurU jI cwr vjy nwmDwrI
dw hukm kIqw[ ie`Qy hI nwmDwrI klonI ivKy s. DrmSwlw rmyS ngr ivKy drSn id`qy[ ie`Qy vI
kmljIq isMG dy spu`qr s. gurbKSIS isMG dyy swD sMgq v`loN jp-pRXog AwrMB kIqw jwxw sI,
cVHweI krn ’qy pirvwr ƒ drSn dyx dI ikrpw swrI iqAwrI mukMml sI Aqy siqgurU jI dy drSn
kIqI[ ieQy hI s. swDU isMG dy cVHweI krn ’qy Gr dyx ’qy siqgurU jI dI hwzrI iv`c nwmDwrI
crn pwey[ ie`QoN hI sRI siqgurU jI Awpxy fyry DrmSwlw rmyS ngr ivc nwm ismrn jp pRXog
rwjOrI gwrfn Awx ivSrwm kIqw[ Swm dy vkq dI AwrMBqw dI Ardws hoeI[ siqgurU jI dy
rwjOrI gwrfn s. byAMq isMG suBwS ngr, drSn dyx kwrn swD sMgq dy ichry ’qy ^uSI Aqy
prmjIq isMG, drSn isMG ivSƒ gwrfn, s. KyVw sI[ Awsw dI vwr dw kIrqn rwgI blvMq
hzwrw isMG, mw. kuldIp isMG, gurivMdr isMG isMG, hrpRIq isMG soƒ dI AgvweI 'c swQIAW ny
mwnsrovr gwrfn iv`c pirvwrW ƒ drSn id`qy[ kIqw[ ie`Qy hI do AnMd kwrj siqgurU jI dy hzUr
Swm dw nwm ismrn 6 qoN 7 vjy q`k rmyS Awsw dI vwr dI smwpqI smyN hoey Aqy
siqjug 30 AkqUbr 2021
pwTW dy Bog pwey gey[ auprMq s. sqivMdr isMG hn[ sRI siqgurU audy isMG jI Awpxy id`lI dOry smyN
pMjwb motrvwly Gr crn pwey[ moqIngr s. ieQoN hI ielwkw sRI jIvn ngr dI swD sMgq ƒ
dlmIq isMG dy Gr drSn id`qy[ k 17 rwjOrI drSn dyx leI imqI 11 sqMbr 2021 idn
gwrfn hMspwl jI dy Gr Awx kuJ smW rukx SnIvwr ƒ Swm q`k sRI msqwngVH Awx ivSrwm
auprMq hrI ngr ivKy s. rCpwl isMG dy gRih ivKy kIqw[
pRSwd pwxI Ckx auprMq ielwkw sRI jIvn ngr 12 sqMbr 2021 idn AYqvwr ipMf sMq
leI cwly pwey[ ngr dI swD sMgq dy Arz krn ’qy sRI siqgurU
audy isMG jI AMimRq vyly 3 vjy siqgurU pRqwp isMG jI
dI Xwd iv`c auswry gey suMdr Aqy v`f AkwrI mMdr
nwmDwrI DrmSwlw isrsw ivKy iv`c drSn id`qy Aqy ngr invwsI swD sMgq
siqgurU jI dI hzUrI iv`c nwm ismrn jpu pRXog dI
siqgurU jI dy drSn AwrMBqw dI Ardws hoeI[ mMdr iv`c hwzrI BrpUr
sI[ ie`Qy hI Awsw dI vwr dw kIrqn sRI siqgurU jI
11 sqMbr 2021 SnIvwr ƒ id`lI qoN dy hzUrI rwgI blvMq isMG, hrpRIq isMG soƒ Aqy
vwieAw ihswr, PiqAwbwd huMdy hoey, siqgurU audy swjn isMG ny kIqw[ vwr dI smwpqI bwAd
isMG jI ny PiqAwbwd dI swD sMgq ƒ drSn dyx, msqwngVH kuJ smW ruky Aqy iPr it`bw Pwrm ’qy
auprMq nwmDwrI DrmSwlw isrsw ivKy Awx drSn drSn id`qy[ sMq ngr mwn isMG h`tI vwly dy Gr
id`qy[ ie`Qy swD sMgq v`loN id`qy pRogrwm muqwibk 5 crn pwey[ pRqwp ngr s. dIdwr isMG Aqy aunHW dy
qoN 6 Swm dy nwm ismrn smyN sRI siqgurU jI drSn Brw dy Gr drSn id`qy[ sRI jIvn ngr nMbrdwr
dyx dI ikrpw kIqI[ auprMq isrsw dy hrivMdr Amr isMG dy lVky sMqoK isMG dy Gr drSn dyx dI
isMG rwgI dy isiKAwrQI b`icAW ny Aqy swjn isMG ikrpw kIqI[ Swm dw nwm ismrn 6 qoN 7 vjy q`k
rwgI dIAW isiKAwrQI b`cIAW ny sRI siqgurU jI dI msqwngVH ivKy sRI siqgurU jI dy hzUr hoieAw Aqy
hzUrI iv`c gurbwxI dw Sbd gwien kIqw[ swD 4 pwTW dy Bog pwey gey[ ie`k pwT sRI siqgurU rwm
sMgq ny Awdr Aqy siqkwr sihq kqwrW ivc l`g isMG jI dy drSnW nimq, iek pwT sRI siqgurU
Bytw Dr sRI siqgurU jI ƒ m`Qw tyikAw[ ie`QoN hI jgjIq isMG jI dI Xwd iv`c, ie`k pwT sUbw Drm
pRogrwm dI smwpqI auprMq sRI siqgurU jI is`KW isMG jI dI Xwd iv`c Aqy ie`k pwT s. kuldIp isMG
syvkW sihq Swm hnHyrw hox q`k msqwngVH phuMcy gulwtI hYdrwbwd nim`q vrHIxy dw, rwgI blvMq isMG
Aqy au~Qy hI rwq ivSrwm kIqw[ Aqy hrpRIq isMG ny kIrqn kIqw[ ie`Qy hI
hirAwxw srkwr dy mMqrI cODrI rxjIq isMG sRI
siqgurU jI dy drSn krn Awey[ rwq msqwngVH
ivKy ivSrwm kIqw[
sRI siqgurU jI dy jIvn ngr ivKy Aqy
13 sqMbr 2021 idn somvwr sRI siqgurU
ipMfW dy jp pRXogW iv`c drSn jI ny aucycI ikrpw krdy hoey ielwky dy ipMfW iv`c
c`l rhy nwm ismrn (jp pRXog) smyN drSn dyx dI
At`l pRqwpI siqgurU pRqwp isMG jI dI ikrpw kIqI[ svyry AMimRq vyly pihlW msqwngVH qoN
swjI Aqy siqgurU jgjIq isMG jI dI invwjI hoeI c`l ky ipMf imrjwpur ivKy nwmDwrI DrmSwlw ivc
DrqI hY, ielwkw sRI jIvn ngr[ ijs ƒ vrqmwn jp pRXog smyN swD sMgq ƒ drSn dyx dI ikrpw
siqgurU audy isMG jI hmySW mwx Aqy siqkwr idMdy kIqI[ ies qoN bwAd ipMf Amrwsr (AMimRqsr
siqjug 31 AkqUbr 2021
klW) ivKy nwmDwrI DrmSwlw iv`c j`p pRXog smyN ieiqhwsk sQwn hY, ijQy At`l pRqwpI sRI siqgurU
drSn id`qy[ nOjvwn jQy ny bMqw isMG Amrwsr dI pRqwp isMG jI dw AwnMd kwrj pUjnIk mwqw
AgvweI iv`c Awsw dI vwr dw kIrqn vwry dy rUp BuipMdr kOr jI nwl 1914 eI. iv`c hoieAw sI[ ausy
iv`c kIqw[ auprMq sRI siqgurU jI ny nwmDwrI sQwn ƒ nvW invyklw rUp dy ky siqgurU audy isMG jI
DrmSwlw eylnwbwd ivKy Awx drSn id`qy[ ie`Qy ny sMBwilAw hY Aqy sQwn ƒ nvIN id`K pRdwn kIqI
siqgurU jI dy hzUr rwgI blvMq isMG, hrpRIq isMG hY[ iesy sQwn ’qy mwqw jI dI Xwd iv`c mylw
soƒ ny jQy smyq Awsw dI vwr dw kIrqn kIqw[ siqgurU jI dy hzUr kIqw igAw[ myly dI SurUAwq
vwr dy Bog auprMq smwpqI bwAd sRI siqgurU jI ny smyN s. nirMdr isMG AblUKurwxw ny ie`k kivqw
ipMf rwmpur (bu`FImwVI) sMq qrn isMG vihmI jI dy pVHI, mhMq bUtw isMG PUlyvwl ny kQw kIqI, kwmryf
ngr ivKy drSn id`qy[ ngr dI swD sMgq ny au~dm s. svrn isMG ivrk jI ny ieiqhwsk p`K ƒ pyS
krky ipMf dy purwxy gurduAwry dI QW ’qy ie`k bhuq kIqw Aqy sMq inSwn isMG jI ny kQw kIqI[
AwlISwn suMdr mMdr iqAwr kIqw hY[ ijs dw hzUrI rwgI blvMq isMG jI Aqy hrpRIq
audGwtn sRI siqgurU audy isMG jI ny p`Qr dI is`l isMG soƒ ny kIrqn smyN Sbd piVHAw ‘DMn DMn qUM
qoN prdw htw ky kIqw[ mMdr iv`c drSn dyx smyN mwqw dyvkI]’ sUbw srbjIq isMG ny ielwky dI swD
swD sMgq v`loN Arz krn ’qy ik ies mMdr dw nwm sMgq v`loN sRI siqgurU jI Aqy mwqw gurSrn kOr jI
r`Kx dI ikrpw kro qW sRI siqgurU audy isMG jI ny ƒ jI AwieAW AwiKAw Aqy siqgurU jI dw drSn
ies mMdr dw nwm sRI siqgurU rwm isMG jI dy nwm dyx ’qy DMnvwd kIqw[ ie`QoN do GrW ivc crn pwaux
’qy ‘rwm mMdr’ r`iKAw[ swD sMgq ny sRI siqgurU auprMq siqgurU jI ny sRI BYxI swihb leI cwly pwey[
jI dw drSn dyx ’qy DMnvwd kIqw[ ie`QoN c`l ky
sUbw blivMdr isMG J`l
ipMf dmdmw ivKy s. bldyv isMG dI Drm pqnI
bIbI dlIp kOr dy cVHweI krn ’qy pirvwr ƒ
drSn dyx dI ikrpw kIqI[ ipMf sMqngr s.
koivf-19 tIkwkrn dI muMihm
surjIq isMG, Drm isMG qy suKcYn isMG smsyvwly dy
Gr Awx pRSwd pwxI Ck auprMq vwps msqwngVH
ivKy Awx vwpsI leI kmrk`sy kIqy Aqy iPr AsIN swry jwxdy hI hW ik pUry ivSv iv`c
siqgurU jI ny mwqw BuipMdr kOr jI dy pyky ngr koronw mhWmwrI ny Awpxw jwl ivCwieAw hoieAw
gurUsr v`l ipAwnw kIqw[ hY[ ies dy bcwA leI ishq ivBwg v`loN smyN-smyN
’qy ivSyS kYNp lgw ky koivf-19 tIkwkrn dI muMihm
ƒ lokW q`k iljwieAw jw irhw hY[
siqgurU audy isMG jI dy ip`Cly idnIN sRI siqgurU audy isMG jI dI
ikrpw nwl 31 Agsq 2021 idn mMglvwr ƒ
ipMf gurUsr ivKy drSn
nwmDwrI ShIdI smwrk, rwm bwg AMimRqsr v`loN
isvl hspqwl, AMimRqsr dy sihXog nwl iek
13 sqMbr 2021 idn somvwr ƒ ielwkw ivSyS tIkwkrn kYNp lgwieAw igAw[ nwmDwrI
sRI jIvn ngr dy dOry qoN vwpsI smyN siqgurU audy ividAk jQw AMimRqsr dy nOjvwnW dy sWJy au~dm
isMG jI ny ipMf gurUsr ivKy pUjnIk mwqw BuipMdr sdkw lgwey kYNp dOrwn krIb 200 srIrW ny koronw
kOr jI dI Xwd ivc mnwey jw rhy myly smyN drSn vwiers iKlw& tIkwkrn krvwieAw, ijs iv`c 18
dyx dI ikrpw kIqI[ ieh auh purwqn Aqy swl qoN aupr srIr sn[ ijs ivc nwmDwrI sMgq
siqjug 32 AkqUbr 2021
qoN ielwvw hor lokW ny vI tIkwkrn krvwieAw[ v`loN luiDAwxy qoN sUbw hrBjn isMG jI Aqy sRI BYxI
isvl srjn fw. rGU jI ny koronw ibmwrI qoN bcwA swihb qoN sMq inSwn isMG jI dI AgvweI hyT fw.
Aqy vYksIn bwry ivsQwr pUrvk jwxMU krvwieAw Avqwr isMG, kvI suKivMdr isMG, inrml isMG
qy ikhw ky “koronw qoN frn dI loV nhIN sgoN bcwA B`tI, fw. hIrw isMG, sMq Avqwr isMG qy inSwn
isMG 'id`lI' ies smwgm ’c Swml hoey[ lgpg
dupihr dy 3:15 ku vjy sRI siqgurU jI v`loN ByjI geI
dsqwr, loeI, kuJ ieiqhwsk pusqkW Aqy pMQk
icMnH, mwlw qy gVvw nvyN bxy SwhI iemwm mOlwnw
muhMmd ausmwn rihmwnI jI ƒ ByNt kIqy[
styj ’qy bolidAW sMq inSwn isMG jI ny
d`isAw ies pirvwr dy bzurg bu`Fw dirAw ’qy
ieSnwn kridAW sRI siqgurU rwm isMG jI ƒ imly
qW aunHW ny ‘bMdgI dI dwq pRwpq hovy’ leI Arz
kIqI[ siqgurU jI bcn kIqw svyry AMimRq vyly
au~T srIr ƒ piv`qr kr ^udw A`gy bynqI krnI ik
leI ishq ivBwg vloN jwrI CotIAW-CotIAW
swƒ ies Xu`g dI bMdgI pRwpq hovy[ quhwfy ’qy Awpy
swvDwnIAW Apxw ky qMdursq irhw jw skdw hY
ikRpw ho jwvygI[ aunHW d`isAw ik iesI pirvwr dy
Aqy koronw dy vYksIn qoN vI frn dI loV nhIN ikauN
ik koronw vwiers qoN bcx dw ieh ie`ko ie`k rwh
hY[” fwktr swihb Aqy auhnW dI tIm dw ieh
kihxw hY ik ieh swfw pihlw kYNp hY, ijs iv`c
nwmDwrI nOjvwnW ny bhuq qrIky nwl syvw inBweI
hY qy auhnW dy kMm ƒ bhuq suKwlw kIqw hY[ Awey
hoey fwktr Aqy auhnW dI tIm dw sUbw AmrIk
isMG jI Aqy nwmDwrI ividAk jQw AMimRqsr v`loN
mwn snmwn kIqw igAw[
rwjw isMG BMgvW

SwhI iemwm dy SrDWjlI smwgm ivc

nwmDwrI v&d v`loN iSrkq

ipCly idnIN pMjwb dy SwhI iemwm mOlwnw bzurg mOlwnw hbIb-aur-rihmwn 'luiDAwxvI' vI
hbIb-aur-rihmwn swnI 'luiDAwxvI' jI 10 v`fy AwzwdI GulwtIey hoey hn[ aunHW dy siqgurU
sqMbr 2021 ƒ srIr iqAwg gey[ aunHW dI Xwd pRqwp isMG jI nwl nyVly sMbMD sn[ A`j vI iek
'c SrDWjlI smwgm 19 sqMbr 2021 ƒ jwmw qsvIr pRwpq hY ijs iv`c mOlwnw swihb qy sRI
msijd (luiDAwxw) dy bwhr hoieAw[ sRI siqgurU jI keI hor AwzwdI sMgrwmIAW dy nwl
siqgurU audy isMG jI dy hukm Anuswr nwmDwrI pMQ bYTy hn[
siqjug 33 AkqUbr 2021
ieh pirvwr pIVHI dr pIVHI Awpxy nwm bu`cV gaUAW kql krky SrHyAwm gaU mws vycdy
nwl 'luiDAwxvI' zrUr ilKdy hn[ mOjUdw SwhI sI[ ienHW isMGW ny ies byAdbI ƒ nw shwrdy hoey,
iemwm mOlwnw ausmwn rihmwnI 'luiDAwxvI' jI ny 14-15 jUn 1871 dyr rwq ƒ bu`cVKwny ’qy hmlw
ie`k vfmu`lI rcnw 'dwsqwn-ey-luiDAwxw' krky bu`cVW ƒ mwr mukwieAw Aqy gaUAW ƒ Awzwd
AwpxI pI.AY~c.fI. dOrwn ilKI hY[ ijs iv`c aunHW kr id`qw[ ies kwrnwmy dy ksUr ivc AMgryz
ny luiDAwxw prgny dIAW ivSyS S^sIAqW, QWvW puils A&srW ny bydoiSAW ƒ ku`tmwr krky zulm
qy GtnwvW ƒ klm-bMd kIqw hY[ jo ik ieiqhws qy kbUl krw ilAw[ auDr ienHW isMGW ƒ sRI siqgurU
swihqk p`KoN iek invyklw qy SlwGwXog kwrj hY[ rwm isMG jI ny shI rsqw idKwauNdy hoey Awpxw
nwmDwrI drbwr ij`Qy mrhUm mOlwnw hbIb-aur- zurm kbUl krn leI hukm kIqw[ ienHW isMGW ny
rihmwn luiDAwxvI jI dy ieMqkwl ’qy Sok pRgt hukm mMn ky AMimRqsr kcihrI iv`c jw ky zurm
krdw hY au~Qy hI ieh aumId r`Kdw hY ik nvyN SwhI iekbwl kIqw[ ijs ’qy cwr isMGW ƒ PWsI dI szw
iemwm mO l wnw mu h M m d au s mwn rihmwnI qy do ƒ kwly pwxI dI szw imlI[ JMfw isMG ƒ do
luiDAwxvI jI Awpxy vwild swihb vWgrW hI pRym swl bwAd 1873 eI. nUM PWsI dI szw id`qI geI[
qy praupkwr dy mu`deI bx AwpsI BweIcwrk ’qy kuJ isMG jo ies swky ivc hor vI Swml sn, auh
sWJIvwlqw dIAW qMdW ƒ hor mzbUq krngy[ AMgryz dI pkV iv`c nw Awey[ ies swky iv`c
inSwn isMG id`lI Swiml swry hI nwmDwrI ShIdW dI Xwd iv`c
swlwnw smwgm hwzrw hzUr sRI siqgurU audy isMG
jI dI pwvn hzUrI iv`c krvwieAw igAw[ koronw
mhWmwrI dIAW pwbMdIAW kwrn ieh smwgm sRI
sRI siqgurU jI dI hzUrI iv`c
siqgurU jI dy hukmW Anuswr sImq smyN svyry 4 vjy
AMimRqsr swky dy ShIdW dw mylw qoN lY ky 9 vjy q`k hI kIqw igAw[
Awsw dI vwr dw kIrqn svyry swFy cwr
15-9-2021, AMimRqsr- sRI siqgurU vjy hzUrI rwgI sMq blvMq isMG jI dy rwgI jQy ny
rwm isMG jI duAwrw dyS dI AwzwdI leI AMgryz kIqw, ijnHW dw swQ qbly ’qy sMq hrpRIq isMG soƒ,
hkUmq i^lw& 12 ApRYl 1857 ƒ AwrMB kIqy kUkw rwgI sqnwm isMG Aqy sMqw isMG ny id`qw[
AMdoln ƒ ApnwauNdy hoey AMimRqsr
dy nwl l`gdy ielwky dy nwmDwrI
isMGW ny dyS dI AwzwdI Aqy
piv`qr AsQwn sRI hirmMdr
swihb dI piv`qrqw ƒ kwiem
r`Kx leI AMgryz srkwr dI
nIqI dy iKlw& KMfw KVkwieAw[
AMimRqsr iv`c AMgryz srkwr ny
gaU b`D krn leI iejwzq dy ky
bu ` c VKwny Ko l H id` q y [ iek
bu`cVKwnw sRI hirmMdr swihb dy
nzdIk hI KoilHAw igAw[ ij`Qy

siqjug 34 AkqUbr 2021

rwgI jQy ny vYrwg meI kIrqn krdy hoey AwiKAw[
bIr rsI Sbd ‘jau qau pRym Kylx kw cwau’, ‘sIs iv`idAk jQy nwl ivSyS iek`qrqw
jwey qW jwey myrw is`KI isdk nw jwey’ Awsw dI vwr myly dy Bog qoN bwAd nOjvwn lVky lVkIAW ƒ sRI
iv`c gwey[ siqgurU jgjIq isMG XwdgwrI hwl AMdr iek`qr
sRI siqgurU jI dy pwvn drSn Awsw dI krky aunHW dy ivcwr suxy, ijnHW iv`c v`K-v`K
vwr dy kIrqn AwrMB hox dy smyN hI ho gey[ pwqSwh nOjvwnW ny Awpxy ivcwr Aqy iv`idAk jiQAW dI
jI dI Awmd ny sMgq iv`c KuSI dI brswq kr irport siqgurU jI dy snmu`K pyS kIqI[ ijnHW iv`c
id`qI[ pwqSwh jI styj ’qy sjI suMdr pwlkI iv`c rwjw isMG, mndIp isMG, suKcYn isMG, svrn isMG,
suSoiBq ho ky sMgqW dy mnW dI ipAws ƒ drSnW nwl prmjIq isMG, rxbIr isMG, mnpRIq kOr, au~jl
SWq kIqw[ kOr Aqy mnpRIq kOr Swiml sn[ sRI siqgurU jI ny
kvISrI rMg iv`c ShIdI ieiqhws Awsw dI nOjvwnW ƒ kuJ suJwA qy hukm dy ky pRyrnw id`qI[
vwr dy Bog auprMq sRI BYxI swihb qoN Awey nOjvwn GrW iv`c piv`qr crn pwey- sUbw n`Qw
kvISr gurlwl isMG, gurBgq isMG qy rxjIq isMG isMG jo ik ibmwr hn, siqgurU jI ny aunHW dy gRih
ny ShIdW dw ieiqhws sMgqW ƒ suxw ky ^Ub kvISrI ivKy drSn id`qy Aqy aunHW dw hwl-cwl jwixAw[
rMg bMinHAw[ fw. kuldIp isMG nIloN dy ipqw jI cVHweI kr gey
ivdvwnW dy viKAwn- ies smwgm ivc sn, aunHW dy Gr crn pwey Aqy pirvwr ƒ hOslw
ivdvwnI dy Kyqr iv`c au~cy pihcwx r`Kx vwly suGV id`qw[ hriSMdr isMG ipMf kMbo dy Gr sRI siqgurU jI
isAwxy ieiqhwskwr ny pihlI vwr crn pwey
lyKk suvrn isMG Aqy KuSIAW id`qIAW[
ivrk jI ny Awpxy srbjIq isMG bYNk
ivcwrW nwl ShIdW vwly dy nvyN gRih ivKy
dy AmIr ivrsy nwl crn pwey Aqy aunHW dy
sMgqW ƒ jwxMU do h qry ƒ dsqwr
krwieAw[ aunHW dw sjweI Aqy BrwvW dy
vwh nwmDwrI pMQ dy Gr vI ikrpw kIqI[
igAwnvwn gurbwxI sUbw AmrIk isMG dy
dy igAwqw sMq gRih ivKy siqgurU jI ny
inSwn isMG jI sRI BYxI pRSwdw Ckx qoN bwAd
swihb ny ShIdW dy ieiqhws ’qy cwnxw pwieAw[ B`tI Pwrm nyVy qwrW vwlw pul ivKy iek pirvwr ƒ
myly dI syvw- ies myly dI syvw sUbw drSn id`qy[ ies pirvwr dw ipCokV nwmDwrI sI,
AmrIk isMG jI ny pirvwr sihq SrDw nwl kIqI[ ijnHW ƒ pwqSwh jI ny guris`KI jIvn ’qy c`lx dw
aunHW ny iql Pul Byt kr sRI siqgurU jI ƒ nmskwr bcn kIqw[ krqwr isMG dy pirvwr dI nvIN
kIqI Aqy bKiSS mMgI[ irhwieS ’qy inaU AMimRqsr drSn id`qy[
piv`qr aupdyS sRI siqgurU jI ny swD sMgq myly dIAW iqAwrIAW dI syvw- AMimRqsr
dy Bly leI kilAwxkwrI aupdyS idMidAW swD sMgq dI sMgq ny myly ƒ nypry cwVHn leI SrDw nwl syvw
ƒ eIrKw dvYS C`f ky AMimRq vyly au~T ky rozwnw Bjn kIqI[ iv`idAk jQw SihrI, idhwqI, iesqrI
bwxI krn Aqy ShIdW dy kurbwnI Bry ieiqhws nwl iv`idAk jQw dy lVky lVkIAW ny pRDwn rxjIq
Awaux vwlI pIVHI ƒ joVn leI XqnSIl rihx leI isMG, Awsw isMG, mnpRIq kOr dI dyK ryK hyT sw&
siqjug 35 AkqUbr 2021
s&weI lMgr bxwaux vrqwaux dI syvw SrDw nwl kOr hn[ swrw pirvwr hI siqgurU audy isMG jI dy
kIqI[ myly dy pRbMDW leI sUbw AmrIk isMG, gurByj pRqI AQwh SrDw r`Kdw hY[ bIbI jI nim`q AMiqm
isMG qrnqwrn, rivMdr isMG jOhl, jQydwr Ardws nwmDwrI DrmSwlw rmyS ngr ivKy 3
divMdr isMG kohlI, rwijMdr isMG BMgvW, blivMdr sqMbr 2021 ƒ hoeI[ jQydwr inSwn isMG qy mhMq
isMG fwlw ny sRI siqgurU jI dI ikRpw nwl idn rwq pRIqm isMG jI ny h`ly dy dIvwn sjwey[
syvw ivc ih`sw ilAw[ ies myly iv`c v`K-v`K
izilHAW qoN sUbw hrBjn isMG luiDAwxw, sUbw
AjIq isMG btwlw, sUbw Swm isMG qrnqwrn, sUbw
blivMdr isMG c`k XkUb, sMq hrdyv isMG sMq gurmuK isMG Kurwxw nhIN rhy
ibjlIvwl, sMq pwl isMG soFI, sMq jiqMdrpwl
isMG icMkw, sMq krnpwl isMG, sUrq pwl isMG Aqy ipClI idnIN 16 Agsq 2021 ƒ ie`k rof
hor sMgqW hwzr hoeIAW[ styj sk`qr dI syvw AYksIfYNt iv`c sMq gurmuK isMG jI pirvwr qy
rivMdr isMG jOhl ny inBweI[ siqgurU jI A`gy qoN sMswr ƒ sdw leI Alivdw AwK gey[ aunHW dy jwx
sMgqW ƒ v`D cVH ky syvw krn dw bl b^Sx[ nwl pirvwr dy nwl-nwl nwmDwrI sMgq qy klonI
rivMdr isMG jOhl Xmnw pwr id`lI ƒ
v`fw Gwtw ipAw hY[
hr Dwrimk smwgm
bIbI drSn kOr jIvn pugw gey AMdr qn, mn, Dn
nwl v`D cVH ky auh
bIbI drSn kOr ipCly idnIN 24 Agsq hmySW syvw kirAw
2021 ƒ lgpg 70 ku swl dI AwXU Bog gurU crnW krdy sn[ v`fy
'c jw ibrwjy[ aunHW dw jnm 2 AkqUbr 1952 eI. nUM purSwrQI vI swƒ
ipqw joigMdr isMG qy mwqw surjIq kOr Gr hoieAw[ id`lI dy v`fy k`pVy
sMq hzwrw isMG jI nwl AwnMd kwrj hoieAw[ sMq bwzwr cWdnI cOk 'c nwmDwrI islk AYNporIAm dy
hzwrw isMG jI nwmDwrI swD sMgq Swm ngr, nwm hyTW k`pVy dI dukwn krdy rhy, nwl Xmunw pwr
ivSƒ gwrfn, id`lI dy pRDwn hn[ lgpg 40 swl ielwky 'c nwmDwrI iblfrz kMpnI dy vI mwlk
qW nwmDwrI pMQ dy sn[ sMq jI dw jnm 18 nvMbr 1956 ƒ ipqw
v`fy myilAW 'c swD gurcrn isMG Kurwxw qy mwqw gurbcn kOr Gr
sMgq dy joVy sWBx hoieAw[ bIbI suirMdr kOr nwl SwdI hoeI[ pirvwr
dI syvw inBw rhy vjoN ie`k lVkw jspwl isMG qy ie`k lVkI
hn[ bIbI jI hr AmnpRIq kOr hY[ jspwl isMG dw ivAwh bIbI qyj
QW swD sMgq dI kOr nwl hoieAw[ jo ik sUbw swDw isMG jI mMfI
syvw v`D cVH ky vwilAW dI DI hY[ sMq gurmuK isMG jI nimq AMiqm
krdy rhy[ BwvyN auh Ardws qy pwT dw Bog qW nwmDwrI DrmSwlw rmyS
gurduAwry lMgr ngr pwieAw igAw[ mhMq pRIqm isMG brnwlw ny
pkwaux dI syvw hovy BWfy mWjx dI hovy jW JwVU mwrn dIvwn sjwieAw bwAd 'c rwgI eISr isMG qy
dI hovy[ pirvwr vjoN iek spu`qr prmjIq isMG swQIAW ny kIrqn kIqw[
inSwn isMG id`lI
pMmw qy do spu`qrIAW bIbI blivMdr kOr qy kMvljIq
siqjug 36 AkqUbr 2021
aunHW mu`FlI iv`idAw “sRI gurU hrI isMG
sjxu myry rMguly jwie suqy jIrwix]
mhWividAwlw” sRI jIvn ngr qoN Aqy aucyrI
sR. bUtw isMG kMvl bwry swfy im`qr sihpwTI iv`idAw nYSnl kwlj isrsw qoN pRwpq kIqI[
jgdIS cOpVw (isAwsI slwhkwr, sRI mnohr lwl isrsw ijlHw pihlW ihswr ijlHy dw ih`sw huMdw sI,
K`tr mu`K mMqrI hirAwxw) dw mYnUM Pon AwieAw ik ijs iv`c sRI jIvn ngr dy ielwky dy 17-18 ipMf
sR. bUtw isMG swnUM C`f gey hn[ AsIN Awpxy ies nwmDwrI vsoN vwly sn jo ik KuShwlI BirAw jIvn
rMgly s`jx dIAW purwxIAW XwdW sWJIAW kIqIAW[ bSr kr rhy hn[ ieh sB kuJ sRI siqgurU pRqwp
mn bhuq audws sI iesy au~Ql-pu`Ql iv`c mYN sR. isMG jI dI dUr AMdySI sdkw hI hY ijMnHW ny 1947 dI
rivMdr isMG nwgI (swbkw sUcnw kimSnr, pMjwb) Bwrq-pwik vMf qoN pihlW hI KrId ky Awpxy is`KW
jo ik sR. bUtw isMG kMvl dw msyr Brw hY, nwl g`l nUM ie`Qy vswieAw sI[ sR. bUtw isMG kMvl ivcwrW
kIqI qW aunW ku`J Aws dI ikrn dw ieSwrw krky AiKl Bwrq ividAwrQI pRISd (ABVP) nwl
kridAW ikhw ik Ajy ielwj c`l irhw hY[ myry mUMhoN juiVAw hoieAw sI pr mYN pihlW qoN hI sYkUlr
Awp muhwry hI inkilAw “pRB BwvY ibn sws qy ivcwrDwrw dw hwmI sW pr jQybMdk FMg nwl c`lx
rwKY” iPr myrI qy nwgI swihb dI ies sMdrB iv`c dy dovyN hwmI sW[ AsIN ielwky dy nwmDwrI pirvwrW
g`lbwq huMdI rhI pr AwiKr sR. bUtw isMG kMvl dy iv`coN Aqy kuJ hor AgWhvDU Drm inrp`K ivcwrW
sdIvI ivCoVy vwlI p`kI Kbr nSr ho geI[ vwlyy nOjvwnW nUM nwl lY ky “nwmDwrI Xuvk sMG”
sR. bUtw isMG kMvl PrwK idl, im`qrW dw nwm dI jQybMdI bxweI ijsdw mYN (gurmuK isMG Swh)
im`qr, hr idl AzIj, vDIAw ienswn sI jo idl pRDwn qy sR. bUtw isMG jnrl sk`qr Aqy hor
dw bwdSwh sI[ Ahudydwr sn[ sRI siqgurU jgjIq isMG jI dw
sR. bUtw isMG kMvl dy jnm smyN kudrq dw ASIrvwd swfy isr ’qy sdw hI sI[ smwj Aqy
ie`k hor qrHW dw vrqwrw sI[ aunHW dy mwqw bIbI nwmDwrI pMQ leI kuJ krn dw jnUMn qy jzbw swfy
svrn kOr jI d`sdy hMudy sn ik sR. bUtw isMG jdoN ’c bhuq sI[ AsIN ie`k pRogrwm auilikAw ik hr
Ajy 13 idnW dw sI jdoN mYN iesnUM k`uCV cu`k ky ies swl BwSx pRqIXogqw, lok sMgIq Aqy kvI drbwr
dy ipqw sR. joigMdr isMG dy sMskwr smyN SmSwn Gwt krvw ky ij`qx vwlI tIm jW ivAkqI nUM kuJ nkd
iv`c geI sW[ sR. joigMdr isMG Amrohw SUgr im`l Aqy rinMg tRwPI id`qI jwieAw krygI[ pihlw
iv`c sR. ieMdr isMG cIP ieMjInIAr nwl kMm krdy pRogrwm krvwaux leI swry pRbMD kIqy gey[ v`K-v`K
sn ik Acwnk hwdsw gRsq ho gey sn[ Aijhy smyN ividAk AdwirAW, kwljW Aqy AdwirAW qoN
koeI ivrlw hI Fwl bxky pirvwr nwl KVHdw hY[ ielwvw Sihr Aqy ielwky dIAW pRBwvSwlI
mwqw svrn kOr jI nUM vI gurU qoN ibnW koeI shwrw nw S^sIAqW nUM Swml hox leI bkwiedw s`dy p`qr Byjy
id`isAw qW auh sRI siqgurU jgjIq isMG dI Srn gey[ swirAW v`loN BrpUr sihXog imilAw[ sRI
iv`c cly gey Aqy sRI siqgurU jI qoN ielwvw mhwrwj siqgurU jgjIq isMG jI v`loN ies PMkSn dI
bIr isMG jI, mwqw cMd kOr jI, mwqw dlIp kOr jI pRDwngI krn leI dI pRvwngI iml geI[ pRogrwm
Aqy dovW TwkurW dI syvw iv`c l`g gey[ qoN ie`k idn pihlW Swm nUM mYN qy sR. hrdyv isMG
sR. bUtw isMG dy v`fy Bwg hI sn ik aunHW dw rwKvwly ny rwq nUM sRI jIvn ngr ivKy phuMc ky sRI
pwlx-poSx vI gurU pirvwr iv`c hI hoieAw[ ie`QoN siqgurU jgjIq isMG jI dy drSn kIqy Aqy pRogrwm
q`k ik mYN A`KIN vyiKAw ik keI vwr byby dlIp kOr sMbMDI Arz kIqI[ sRI siqgurU jI v`loN KuSIAW
jI bUtw isMG dy kys Awp DONdy qy isr vwh ky jUVw imlIAW qy pRvwngI id`qI geI qy AsIN sRI siqgurU
krdy sn[ jI dy lMgr iv`coN lMgr CikAw[ mYN ieh swrI vwrqw
siqjug 37 AkqUbr 2021
sR. bUtw isMG nwl sWJI kIqI qW aunHW ikhw ik
sRI siqgurU jI Aw rhy hn, ieh swrw pRogrwm
kursIAW qy kIqw jwvy qW AsIN qurMq kursIAW
dw pRbMD kIqw[ pRogrwm vwly idn svyry hI
sunyhw Aw igAw ik siqgurU jI iksy kwrn
pRogrwm iv`c nhIN Aw skdy[ swfy swirAW dy
hoS au~f gey, mn iv`c v`K-v`K qrHW dy
zjbwq BwrU ho gey[ EDroN v`Ko-v`K kwljW qoN
lVky/lVkIAW dIAW tImW phuMcxIAW SurU ho
geIAW[ mYN qy bUtw isMG ny isr joV ky PYNslw
kIqw ik pRogrwm qy krWgy hI[ mYN sR. bUtw
isMG nUM ikhw ik qusIN styj qy hor pRbMD sWBo,
mYN iksy mu`K mihmwn dI Bwl krdw hW[ audoN
Ajy isrsw izlHw nhIN sI bixAw[ mYN
ku`J zmIn dI b^ss vI kIqI[ mOjUdw g`dI nSIn sRI
AYs.fI.AYm. swihb dw pqw kIqw auh bwhr sn
siqgurU audy isMG jI nwl vI nwmDwrI sIfz bMglOr
iPr mYN kwhlI nwl sRI gupqw cIP jufIsIAl
iv`c krIb 25 swl syvw kIqI Aqy syvw mukq hox
mYijstyRt dy invws ’qy igAw, ijnHW bwry Awm Dwrnw
auprMq vI sRI siqgurU jI dy hukm iv`c hwzr rihMdy
sI ik auh bhuq s^q suBw dy iemwndwr j`j hn[
sn[ sR. bUtw isMG myry nwl Awm g`lbwq kridAW
jdoN mYN aunHW nUM swry pRogrwm bwry d`isAw qW pihlW
d`sdy sn ik sRI siqgurU jgjIq isMG jI ny aunHW nUM
aunHW ny ie`k j`j dw pbilk PMkSn iv`c nw jw skx
syT hox dw vr id`qw sI qy mYN syTW vwlI izMdgI hI
dI mzbUrI d`sI, iPr mYN bVI hI ADIngI nwl h`Q
ijauN irhw hW[ aunHW kuJ swl iksy nwl rl ky
joV ky qrlw ijhw lYNidAW bynqI kIqI ik sr swfI
ivswKwptnm ivKy jhwjW dy mlby dw vpwr vI kIqw
ie`jq dw svwl hY Aqy aunHW nUM ivsQwr nwl d`isAw
sI[ sR. bUtw isMG dI ieMgilS ’qy kw&I pkV sI[
ik ies PMkSn dI pRDwngI sRI siqgurU jgjIq isMG
sRI siqgurU audy isMG jI sIfz kwnPrMsW iv`c keI
jI ny krnI sI pr iksy kwrn auh nhIN Aw skdy qy
vwr AwpxI QW ’qy v`K-v`K dysW iv`c Byjdy sn jo ik
aunHW ny myrI inmrqw qy nwmDwrI pihrwvy v`l ghu
sR. bUtw isMG qndyhI nwl inBwauNdy sn[ mYnUM sR. bUtw
nwl q`kidAW ikhw ik Agr sRI siqgurU jI iksy
isMG ny keI vwr bMglOr Awaux dw s`dw id`qw pr
mzbUrI krky nhIN phuMc skdy qW mYN zrUr AwvWgw-
srkwrI ruJyivAW krky mYN inkl nw sikAw[
Awp PMkSn SurU kro, ieh suxky myrw swh iv`c swh
irtwiermYNt qoN bwAd mYN, myrI isMGxI qy poqy smyq
AwieAw[ mYN muV PMkSn iv`c Swml hoieAw qy bUtw
jhwj rwhIN bMglOr phuMcy[ sR. bUtw isMG ny g`fI
isMG nUM d`isAw ik j`j swihb Aw rhy hn[ so j`j
eyAr port ’qy ByjI jo swnUM Sihr ivKy sR. bUtw isMG
swihb inSicq smyN ’qy phuMc gey[ swrw pRogrwm sRI
dI irhwieS ’qy lY gey[ AsIN aunHW pws ruky[ sR.
siqgurU jI dI ikrpw nwl bhuq vDIAw ho igAw[
bUtw isMG dI Drm pqnI bIbI inrml kOr qy b`icAW
j`j swihb ny swrw pRogrwm hI BugqwieAw qy jyqU
dw bVw imlwpVw suBwA ie`k AwpxI iK`c r`Kdw hY,
tIm nUM trwPI qy ienwm vMf kIqI[
aunHW dI mihmwn invwjI lw imswl[ aunHW dw hoxhwr
sR. bUtw isMG kMvl ny gurU pirvwr dI nyVqw
lVkw kwkw blvMq isMG swnUM AwpxI kwr ’qy mOl
sdkw au~cw su`cw jIvn inBwieAw hY[ sRI siqgurU
’c CwipMg leI lY igAw qy hor bhuq swrIAW vyKx
jgjIq isMG jI ny sR. bUtw isMG nUM it`by vwly KUh qy
siqjug 38 AkqUbr 2021
Xog QwvW, pwrk Awid ivKwey[ ie`k idn mYN qy myrw drSn dyx dI ikrpw kIqI[ mwqw gurSrn kOr jI,
pirvwr sR. bUtw isMG nwl iek`Ty nwmDwrI sIfz rwgI blvMq isMG, rwgI hrpRIq isMG Aqy kuJ
ibVdI Pwrm ’qy gey, dupihr dw Kwxw au~Qy KwDw, pqvMqy is`K vI Awp jI dy nwl sn[
v`K-v`K pkvwnW qoN ielwvw syvIAW vI bxvweIAW ipCly idnIN koronw dI dUsrI lihr dOrwn
geIAW, aus idn au~Qy fI.sI. qy AYs.AYs.pI. vI pMifq rwjn imSrw jI ies Aswr sMswr ƒ
Kwxw Kw ky gey sn[ jo pMjwbI Kwxw bhuq psMd krdy Alivdw AwK gey sn[ sRI siqgurU jI imSrw
sn[ sR. bUtw isMG ny d`isAw ik Swh jI ieh syvIAW pirvwr ƒ AwpxI rUhwnI AwBw nwl idlwsw b^Sx
Twkur jI (vrqmwn siqgurU jI) ny quhwfy leI ivSyS leI phuMcy sn[ siqgurU jI dw suAwgq pMifq rwjn
bxvweIAW hn qW mn hor vI pRsMn ho igAw[ ies imSrw jI dy Brwqw Aqy jIvn Br gwiek Kyqr ’c
PyrI dOrwn AsIN mYsUr, kwvyrI fYm Aqy aUtI Awid joVIdwr rhy, pMfq swjn imSrw jI ny Pu`lW dw hwr
QwvW ’qy gey[ kmwl hY ik AsIN ij`Qy vI gey swfy pw ky kIqw[ pMifq rwjn imSrw jI dI pqnI Aqy
phMucx qoN pihlW swrw pRbMD hoieAw huMdw sI[ aunHW dy dovyN spu`qr irqyS imSrw, rjnIS imSrw,
sR. bUtw isMG ny Awm lokW leI sRI jIvn pMfq swjn imSrw jI dI pqnI, Gr dIAW ƒhW,
ngr ivKy b`s A`fy Aqy sRI jIvn ngr, QyhVI qy lVkIAW Aqy hor pirvwr ny siqgurU jI dy crn
Awr.E. vwtr kUlr lgvwey-auh dwnI s`jx sn[ prsy[
jdoN vI sRI siqgurU jI v`loN iksy grIb dI m`dd leI siqgurU jI hwl dy m`D iv`c so&y ’qy ivCy
hukm hMudw qW auh iKVy m`Qy pUrw krdy sn[ AMq iv`c s&Yd su`cy Awsx ’qy suBwiemwn hoey qW pMfq swjn
Es Akwl purK A`gy bynqI krdw hW ik ivCVI imSrw jI, siqgurU jI dI Awmd nwl gdgd hoey
Awqmw nUM Awpxy crnW iv`c invws bKSx Aqy purwxy smyN ƒ Xwd kr siqgurU jgjIq isMG jI
pirvwr nUM Aqy swnUM swirAW nUM Bwxw mMnx dw bl dIAW eys Gr Aqy pirvwr ’qy hoeIAW bKiSSW dw
bKSx[ viKAwn krn l`gy[ pMfq jI ihMdI ’c boldy aunHW
gurmu`K isMG Swh
ikhw “Awj qo Awp ny bhuq ikRpw kI hY[ Xh ikRpw
AYsy hI bxwey rKyN[ siqgurU jgjIq isMG jI kBI BI
drSn dyny Aw jwqy AOr aun ky swQ ieqny is`K Awqy
siqgurU jI ny sv. rwjn imSrw Qy sB glI s&Yd ho jwqI[ siqgurU jI bhuq PurqI sy
dy pirvwr nUM drSn id`qy Aw jwqy AOr qyzI sy sIVIAW cVH Gr au~pr hwl myN

10 sqMbr 2021, Su`krvwr, nvIN id`lI

sMgIq dy Kyqr iv`c ijhVw ggn cuMBI

mh`l siqgurU jgjIq isMG ny auswirAw, aus
dw r`K rKwv, sWB sMBwl qy aus dw nvInIkrn
siqgurU audy isMG jI bVI iS`dq nwl AwpxI
rUhwnI rihmq dy sdkw kr rhy hn[ Awp jI
dw vI sMgIq dy sMgIqkwrW Aqy pRym siqgurU
jgjIq isMG jI vWg hI vrsdw hY[ Awp jI
aucycy qOr ’qy sv. pMifq rwjn imSrw dy
pirvwr ƒ aunHW dy rmyS ngr siQq gRih ivKy
siqjug 39 AkqUbr 2021
cly Awqy AOr sMgIq bYTk SurU ho jwqI, AOr smyN kI bSr ik`dW c`lygw[” siqgurU jI hukm kIqw ikMnI
qo koeI sImw hI nw rihqI[” pMifq jI ny bynqI qn^wh lYNdy ho qW rwjn jI au~qr id`qw ik 600
kIqI “bs AB Awp BI vYsy hI ikRpw rKnI[ jb rupey mhInw qW siqgurU jI hukm kIqw ik nOkrI
BI idlI AwE qo jrUr drSn do, vYsI hI sMgIq C`f idE qn^wh AsIN dy idAw krWgy Aqy pUry swl
bYTk ho[ Awp ky isvw koeI AOr sMgIq ko vYsy dy ihswb nwl qn^wh dy ky sMgIq vwly pwsy
sMBwl nhIN skqw[” lwieAw[ ies qrHW vI pMfq swjn imSrw jI ny
siqgurU jI ny pu`iCAw “qusIN pihlI vwr siqgurU jI dy bVy bcn Xwd kIqy, siqgurU jI
siqgurU jI dy swhmxy kd gwien kIqw sI” qW dIAW sMgIqk b^iSSW dw vrnx kIqw[ pMifq jI
pMifq jI ny d`isAw ik siqgurU pRqwp isMG jI dy d`isAw ik rwjn jI ky jwny ky bwAd qo sB kuJ
XwdgwrI sMgIq ^qm ho igAw[ sB
sMmyln leI bMd kr dIAw Qw
gurdyv isMG jI pr Ab DIry-DIry
aunHW dy cwcw iPr sy QoVHw bhuq
pM i fq go p wl sMgIq SurU kIAw
imSrw jI ƒ hY[
s`dw dyx Awey siqgurU
sn[ jdoN ienHW audy isMG jI hukm
dy Gr Awey qW kIqw ik qusIN swry
ienHW pMifq pRogrwm bxw lvo
rwjn imSrw jdoN sRI BYxI
jI ƒ suixAw qy swihb Aw sko[
aunHW ƒ vI sMgIq sMmyln iv`c hwzrI Brn leI pMfq jI dI Xwd iv`c pwT dy Bog vI pw lvWgy Aqy
AwiKAw Aqy siqgurU jI ƒ Awx bynqI kIqI ik Swm ƒ sMgIq bYTk vI r`K lvWgy[ kuJ BYxI swihb
gopwl imSrw jI dy BqIjy hn, aunHW ƒ vI gvwauxw dy b`cy vI gwien kr lYxgy[ irqyS jI, rjnIS jI
hY[ siqgurU jI vloN pRvwngI hoeI qW pMifq jI ny vI zrUr gwien krn Aqy pMfq swjn imSrw jI qoN
aus pRogrwm 'c gwiex kIqw[ aus qoN bwAd vI sMgq ƒ kuJ suxn dw mOkw iml jwvygw[ pMifq
siqgurU jI ny dovW BrwvW ƒ Awpxy ivSyS snyh dw jI Aqy swry pirvwr ny ies pRogrwm bwry sux ky
pwqr bxw ilAw[ bhuq KuSI jqweI[ pMifq jI ny bynqI kIqI “Ab
pMfq swjn imSrw jI ny d`isAw ik Awp siqgurU jgjIq isMG jI ky qrHW hI pUry Bwrq
siqgurU jgjIq isMG jI ny pu`iCAw ik “kI krdy ky sMgIqkwroN ky sr pr hwQ rKo[ BYxI swihb ky
ho?” qW pMifq rwjn imSrw jI au~qr id`qw ik sMgIq ividAwrQI qo bhuq A`Cw kr hI rhy hY[”
“DCM k`pVy dI im`l 'c nOkrI krdw hW” qW lMmw smW bhuq swry bcn ies AlOikk mulwkwq
siqgurU jI bcn kIqw “kbIr dy Sihr ’coN ho ky iv`c hoey siqgurU jgjIq isMG jI Aqy imSrw
id`lI Aw ky vI kbIr vwlw ik`qw hI r`iKAw[” bMDUAW dw ipAwr swry smyN hr vwikAw iv`c
siqgurU jgjIq isMG jI pMfq jI ƒ hukm kIqw, idRSmwn huMdw idsdw sI[ pirvwr ƒ AwSIrvwd dy
“nOkrI C`f ky sMgIq dI hI syvw ’c l`g jwE” qW pwqSwh jI Agly pVwA v`l rvwnw hoey[
pMfq rwjn imSrw jI ny bynqI kIqI, “gurU jI hrpwl isMG soDI
siqjug 40 AkqUbr 2021
vD ky A`gy ho qyzI nwl mMdr ivc phuMc irhw sI qW
swlwnw jp pRXog AwrMB ik Ardws iv`c Swml ho sky[
ies jp pRXog dI AwrMBqw sRI siqgurU
pRqwp isMG jI ny kIqI sI[ nihr dy kMFy ’qy 40
sRI siqgurU jI dI pwvn hzUrI iv`c sRI BYxI idnW dw pRXog sMpUrn kIqw[ siqgurU jI QoVHw Ckdy
swihb ivKy imqI 16 sqMbr 2021 ƒ svyry 3 vjy QoVHw Awrwm krdy ichry ’qy lwlI qy nwm dw nUr
jp pRXog AwrMB hoieAw[ sRI siqgurU jI dy jp sI[ mwqw BuipMdr kOr jI ny sRI siqgurU jI dy crnW
pRXog dI Ardws koTI nMbr 1 iv`c jp pRXog vwly ’c Arz krky mweIAW ƒ vI pRXog krn dI
kmry iv`c 2 vjy hoeI[ ijs dI Ardws sMq iejwzq lY ky id`qI[ ies mhwn kuMB sRI siqgurU
blkwr isMG jI ny kIqI[ sRI siqgurU jI ie`k GMtw jgjIq isMG jI dy smyN inrMqr jwrI irhw[ aunHW ny
pRXog krn qoN bwAd 3 vjy pRqwp mMdr ivKy drSn mhIny qoN swl ivc ies pRXog ƒ bdl id`qw[
id`qy[ ij`Qy sUbw blivMdr isMG jI ny AwrMBqw dI pihlW ieh pRXog BwdroN dy mhIny huMdw sI[ hOlI-
Ardws kIqI[ pRqwp mMdr sMgqW nwl BrpUr sI[ hOlI ieh A`sU dy mhIny iv`c bdl igAw[ ieh
koivf-19 dy inXmW dI pwlxw krdy hoey sMgqW mhInw AYsw huMdw hY ijs dI hr ie`k nwmDwrI
BwrI igxqI iv`c ies pRXog iv`c Swiml hoeIAW[ aufIk krdw hY[ dUr durwfy qoN sMgqW bhuq hI cwA
b`cy qoN bzurg q`k sMgqW 15 qwrI^ dI Swm qoN hI qy aumMg nwl Swiml huMdIAW hn[ sRI siqgurU audy
soD dw ieSnwn kr AMimRq Ck rhIAW sn[ swrI isMG jI dy smyN iv`c ies pRXog iv`c Gor vwDw
rwq qy AMimRq vyly q`k AMimRq Ck swD sMgq hoieAw[ ies mhwn kuMB dy myly qy sMgqW svyry
iqAwr br iqAwr ho geI[ svyry 3 vjy q`k swry AMimRq vyly 1 vjy auT sxkysIN ieSnwn kr pRqwp
pRqwp mMdr ivc Awpxy AwsxW ’qy suSoiBq sn[ mMdr iv`c phuMc jWdIAW hn[ svyry 3 vjy qoN 6 vjy
sMgqW iv`c bhuq hI cwA sI[ hr is`K ie`k-dUjy qoN q`k Aqy dupihry 12 qoN 4 vjy q`k inrMqr nwm

imqI 3 vjy 4 vjy


16-9-2021 1950 2370 2280 2570
17-9-2021 570 990 620 1080
18-9-2021 500 880 520 950
19-9-2021 525 925 645 1070
20-9-2021 485 875 550 970
21-9-2021 505 875 530 905
22-9-2021 490 850 510 880
23-9-2021 480 840 508 912
24-9-2021 470 815 495 835
25-9-2021 460 805 490 845
26-9-2021 508 862 565 945
27-9-2021 465 810 505 860
siqjug 41 AkqUbr 2021
ismrn c`ldw rihMdw hY[ dupihr vyly ivdvwnW ny cwrW swihqkwrW ƒ isropwE dy ky invwijAw[
v`loN dsm gRMQ dI kQw qy j`s jIvn dI kQw huMdI kzwk swihb ny iPr Awpxy idl dI vydnw AwKdy
hY[ auprMq nwm ismrn qy iPr rwgIAW duAwrw hoey siqgurU jI ƒ ikhw “mYN A`j DMn ho igAw hW jo
kIrqn kIqw jWdw hY qy iPr jotIAW dy Sbd jQy. Awp jI dy dIdwr pRwpq hoey hn[”
blbIr isMG jI dy jQy (ibDI isMG, gurdrSn styj qoN bwAd lwiebryrI iv`c nwmDwrI
isMG, lKivMdr isMG, ibkrmjIq isMG) duAwrw jIvn jwc bwry bhuq swrIAW g`lW hoeIAW gurlwl
pVHy jWdy hn[ isMG, Bjn isMG, gurdyv isMG cImw, mlkIq isMG
swD sMgq nwm ismrn Aqy syvw krdI hY[ bwT Aqy qrn b`l ny nwmDwrIAW dy ivl`Kx
lMgr iv`c mwqw gurSrn kOr jI, hr roz svyry Aw s`iBAwcwr bwry ivsQwr nwl jwxkwrI id`qI[
ky Awp syvw krdy hn[ swD sMgq dy vwsqy siqjug dy 100 swlw AMk Aqy kuJ
nOjvwnW v`loN bdwmW dI CrdweI qy gloA hr roz 4 nwmDwrI ieiqhws nwl sMbMiDq hor ikqwbW Byt
vjy iqAwr kr sMgq ƒ CkweI jWdI hY[ kIqIAW[ pRXog dy idnW iv`c nwmDwrIAW dI kI
hwzrI qoN pqw l`gdw hY ik sMgqW ivc idn cirAw hY, ies bwry sux kzwk swihb dI
ikMnw auqSwh hY[ ies qrHW ieh inrMqr jpu pRXog sMKyp it`pxI sI ik qusIN s`cmu`c hor DrqI ’qy rih
c`ldw rhygw qy bwAd dI irport myly dy Bog ’qy rhy ho qy ieh d`sy jWdy svrg nwloN G`t nhIN[ swdw
pUrI kIqI jwvygI[ sRI siqgurU jI swrI sMgq ƒ rihx-sihx, Kwx-pIx Aqy pihnx A`j dy smyN
au~dm b^Sx syvw qy ismrn krn dw bl b^Sx[ dI mu`K loV hY[ BYxI swihb dy Awly-duAwly dI
suMdrqw vyK kzwk swihb ny ikhw-
'sw DrqI BeI hirAwvlI
ijQY myrw siqguru bYTw Awie]
fw. ikrpwl kzwk sRI BYxI swihb Awey s`cmuc hI BYxI swihb dw Awlw duAwlw
rmxIk hY[ ies qrHW dI DrqI hI nwm pRymIAW
25 sqMbr 2021 nUM pwvn piv`qr DrqI leI zrUrI hY[ dyr Swm ƒ kzwk swihb ny Awpxy
sRI BYxI swihb dI izAwrq krn pMjwbI dy SRomxI swQIAW nwl vwpsI kIqI[
swihqkwr fw. ikrpwl kzwk pDwry[ kzwk gurdyv isMG cImw
swihb ny d`isAw ik auh pihlW vI sRI siqgurU
jgjIq isMG jI dy drSn krn leI Awey sn[
ieh aunHW dI dUjI PyrI hY[ dupihr dy inqnym qoN
Bu`l dI soD
bwAd aunHW ny sMgq ƒ sMboDn krdy hoey ikhw ik
aunHW dy DMnBwg hn jo siqgurU rUpI pwrs dI Coh
ipCly AMk iv`c CpI irport ‘suMdr
pRwpq kr rhy hn, mYN vI A`j DMn ho igAw hW
ikauNik ieMnI nyVy qoN drSn prsn dw suBwg ngr ivKy Aiq duKdweI hwdsw...’
bixAw hY[ kzwk jI nwl pMjwbI dy iqMn
(lyKk hrpwl isMG syvk) iv`c glq
khwxIkwr suirMdr rwmpurI, muKiqAwr isMG Aqy
rGbIr isMG mwn ny vI siqgurU jI dy crn prsy qwrI^ Cp geI sI[ jo ik shI qwrIk hY-
Aqy kIrqn suixAw[ 12 Agsq 2021
kIrqn dI smwpqI qoN bwAd siqgurU jI
siqjug 42 AkqUbr 2021
siqgruU jI dI hzUrI iv`c pRis`D swihqkwr ikrpwl kzwk sMgq nUM sMboiDq huMdy hoey

K`ibEN s`jy- gurlwl isMG, ikrpwl kzwk, rGbIr isMG mwn qy Bjn isMG

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