DSS 2 (7th&8th) May2018

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Roll No. Total No.

of Pages: 02
Total No. of Questions: 09

B.Tech. (CE) (2011 Onwards) (Sem. – 7, 8)

M Code: 71859
Subject Code: BTCE-801
Paper ID: [A2956]
Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 60

1. SECTION-A is COMPULSORY consisting of TEN questions carrying TWO marks each.
2. SECTION-B contains FIVE questions carrying FIVE marks each and students have to
attempt any FOUR questions.
3. SECTION-C contains THREE questions carrying TEN marks each and students have
to attempt any TWO questions.


o m
1. a) Explain what is structural steel. List out the important properties of such steel.

b) How the rolled steel beams are classified?

.r c m
p e
c) How the flange area of a plate girder is designed?

d) Define permissible stresses and Working stresses.

e) What is un-stiffened seat connection?

p .r c
b r
f) Explain about Crane gantry girders.

g) What is mill bent explain with neat sketch.

p e
h) What is stringer?

i) What is bearing? Explain the main function of bearings.

j) What is the difference between stringer and cross girder?


2. What are advantages and disadvantages of steel structures?

3. Design a plate girder, 20 m span, to be provided a hall of a restaurant. The super-imposed

load, exclusive of self weight is 100 KN/m. design the web splice of one third of span.

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4. Design a suitable bearing for a plate girder railway bridge of span 3.5m centre to centre of
bearings. The bridge is designed for Broad gauge single track main line.

5. Explain the design procedure of Mill bent for an industrial building.

6. Design the timber planks for railway foot-bridge for following particulars.

Type of girder- N-type

Span of girder- 20 meters

Spacing of cross-girder- 2.5 meters

Clear walking width of main girders- 3 meters

Live load- 4.5KN/m2


carries a uniformly distributed load of 150KN/m.

o m
7. Design a Welded plate girder 21 m. in effective span and simply supported at the two ends. It

.r c
8. Design a gantry girder to be used in an industrial building carrying an EOT crane for the
following data:

Crane capacity = 300 KN.

p e o m
.r c
Total self weight of all components = 280 KN.

p a
Minimum approach at the crane hook of gantry girder = 1.1 m

Wheel base = 3.5m

b r
C/C distance between gantry rails = 16.5m
p e
C/C distance between columns = 8m

Self weight of rail section = 329 N/m

Yield stress = 250 N/mm2

Design the main gantry section. Connection design not required.

9. Write short notes on (any two):

a) Portal Bracings.

b) Roller bearings

c) Cross girder

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