Classification & Labeling Taxonomy in Contoso: Information Protection
Classification & Labeling Taxonomy in Contoso: Information Protection
Classification & Labeling Taxonomy in Contoso: Information Protection
Highly Confidential
3. By applying the "Confidential \ Contoso Executive and Staff" label, only members of ExecStaff & ExecDir can
view, forward, reply, print and save the content. However, only members of ExStaff can remove the Encryption - while
members of ExecDir cannot.
The recipient….
Classification Can view Can forward the Can reply to the Can print Can save Can re-
applied by content/mail? mail? mail? content/mail? content/mail? protect/remove
owner: protection
Non-Business N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Public N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
General N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Confidential /
Yes No Yes No Yes No
Recipients Only
Confidential / Yes (only
Yes (exstaff + Yes (exstaff + Yes (exstaff + Yes (exstaff + Yes (exstaff +
Contoso Executives members of
execdir) execdir) execdir) execdir) execdir)
and Staff exstaff)
Confidential /
Yes (Only FTE) Yes (Only FTE) Yes (Only FTE) Yes (Only FTE) Yes (Only FTE) Yes (only MS FTE)
Contoso FTE Only
Confidential / Yes (FTE + non Yes (FTE + non Yes (FTE + non Yes (FTE + non Yes (FTE + non
Yes (only MS FTE)
Contoso Extended FTE) FTE) FTE) FTE) FTE)
Confidential / Any N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
User (Audited – Not
Highly Confidential /
Yes No Yes No Yes No
Recipients Only
Highly Confidential /
Contoso Executives Yes No Yes No Yes No
and Staff
Highly Confidential /
Yes No Yes No Yes No
Contoso FTE Only
Highly Confidential /
Yes No Yes No Yes No
Contoso Extended
Highly Confidential / N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Any User (Audited –
Not Encrypted)
N/A = No encryption.
Use cases for each label
The section calls out some common use cases for using the different labels & sub-labels.
Non-Business Non-business data which does not belong to Contoso. Data is not encrypted and cannot be tracked or
revoked. Do not use Non-Business to classify any personal data which is collected by or which belongs to Contoso.
Such content should be classified as either Confidential or Highly Confidential. Common examples include:
1. You are a writing an email (using your work PC) to a friend and share photos from your last vacation.
2. You are planning a weekend getaway with your spouse and sharing the brochure over mail.
3. You are writing a mail requesting for updated car insurance rates
Public To be used for business data specifically prepared and approved for public consumption. Data is not Encrypted
and owners cannot track or revoke content using AIP. Common examples include:
General To be used for business data which is NOT meant for public consumption. However, this can be shared with
internal employees, business guests and external partners as needed. Data is not Encrypted and owners cannot track
or revoke content using AIP. This is default label in Contoso and common examples include:
Confidential To be used on sensitive business data which could cause business harm if over-shared. Recipients (see
table above) are trusted and get full delegation rights (including the ability to remove the Encryption). Data is
protected using AIP and owners can track and revoke content. Common examples include:
Highly Confidential To be used on very sensitive business data which would certainly cause business harm if over-
shared. Recipients (see table above) do NOT get delegation rights (or rights to modify or remove the Encryption). Data
is protected using AIP and owners can track and revoke content. Common examples include:
Contact global helpdesk from http://Link
Contoso Classification
Highly Confidential
Examples of data commonly classified as Highly Confidential include but is not limited to:
Examples of data commonly classified as General include but is not limited to:
· Commonly shared (internal) information, including operating procedures, policies and interoffice
· Companywide announcements and information that all employees, contingent staff, and those under NDA
have been approved to read
Public Data
Examples of data commonly classified as Public include but is not limited to:
Your personal emails to family, friends and colleagues not related to Contoso business activities (e.g. lunch
Flyer sharing children’s summer camp information (not a Contoso sponsored event)
Individual non-Contoso data, such as your tax filing