ITIL Project Management Methodology

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Project Management

For monitoring, tracking and control, we propose to follow the steps mentioned below.
These are designed to ensure that:

™ The real progress in the project is as per the detailed project plan.
™ In the event of anything going wrong, it will be detected well in time. The
recovery actions can be put in place with an objective of avoiding any slippage in
the project schedule.
™ Any technical issues from both the sides are recorded, assessed and acted upon in
proper time.

These steps are:

™ Client will provide a point-of-contact and ITIL will appoint a Project Manager.
This will facilitate a single point interface for easy and better project coordination.
™ ITIL will develop a Project Plan using Microsoft Project and send it to Client
stating project milestones and deliverables. These milestone reviews will
eliminate the delay in identifying errors or problems, if any, Client to get back
within two days, during the various stages of development.
™ ITIL will report progress at regular intervals against the Project Plan. Delivery
Plan and Implementation Plan will be prepared by ITIL and agreed with Client
™ ITIL and Client will agree on the standards and baselines for the project on
mutually agreed dates.
™ ITIL and Client will agree on the change control mechanism.
™ ITIL’s Project Manager will put Configuration Management in the development
™ For queries from both sides, a standard “Query Form” will be used. These Query
Forms will be numbered sequentially for easy identification and tracking.
™ Both ITIL and Client will maintain a log of incoming and outgoing queries, and
will report status as and when needed. Both Project Managers will focus their
attention to resolve any outstanding queries as shown in the log. This will ensure
timely action on all technical issues.
™ Both Client and ITIL will establish problem escalation routes at their end. This is
done during the finalization of detailed project plan.
Development Methodology

Quality Policy

The Quality policy of ITIL states that:

"We will achieve customer satisfaction by producing and providing systems, products
and services that meet stated and implied needs of the customer. We will do so by
providing leadership to drive the continuous quest for Quality at ITIL, By developing and
nurturing our human resources, recognizing that these are central to our line of business
and by following well defined and continuously improving processes to ensure that we
provide customer satisfaction consistently.”

Explanation of Quality Policy

Customer would mean an entity that enters into an agreement with us, commercial or
otherwise, to produce or provide systems, products or services. It may thus be an internal
or external customer. The definition extends to that of user of our services, if different
from that defined earlier. Taguchi has taken the definition of customer beyond that of the
immediate user/customer to include the customer of the customer and to include the
society as well. In case of conflict in our opinion, of the customer’s needs and the end
users needs, we should discuss and confirm these with the customer and suggest changes
if any.

The scope of products, services and system would be restricted primarily to software
systems, products and services, but may extend to hardware when so specifically required
by the customer.

By meeting the stated and implied needs of the customer, we shall go beyond their
requirements (equivalent to the stated needs). By doing so, we shall exceed their
requirements and we believe that it is this that will result in customer delight.

The role of leadership has been recognized as an extremely important ingredient to

ensuring quality in an organization. In fact, Dr. Deming rates this as the single most
important attribute of a TQM organization. ISO 9001 has recognized this by defining
Management responsibility as the first of the twenty clauses that characterize a quality
system. We recognize and emphasize this by including it in our quality policy.
Leadership at ITIL will continue to drive this search for quality.

The role of human resources to build a quality organization cannot be over emphasized.
A significant proportion of Dr. Deming’s fourteen principles discuss the importance of
human resources. Being in the software industry, human resources development and
nurturing takes on added importance.
Training and recruitment systems are in place and always monitored to ensure that human
resources continue to develop and grow.

Processes have been well defined and systems for process improvements are in place so
that consistency in providing customer delight is achieved.

Quality Objectives

The key quality objective for ITIL is to seek continuous improvement of the systems,
products and services that we produce and deliver, so as to ensure customer satisfaction
or customer delight. The delight comes from not only meeting the stated needs but also
meeting the implied needs of the customer. This also means that we will provide
competitive products, systems and solutions to our customers thus providing good value
for their money.

Demonstrate commitment to Quality first time, on time and every time in line with our
policy of consistency in providing customer satisfaction.

Metrics Plan
Software metrics is very effective tool to monitor the performance of various aspects of
SDLC. Following is the list of metrics, which will be prepared and analyzed in all the
releases of XYZ project.

Metrics Identification & Retrieval Mechanism

Type of Core Description Retrieval mechanism
Defect Density It will be prepared for each Project size (FP) and Fault
release of XYZ. It will show Report data of Internal Test,
the ratio of number of bugs System Test & UAT will be
found during internal testing captured for the metrics.
as well during UAT against
the size (FP) of a release.
Weighted Defect It is similar to the Defect Project size (FP) and Fault
density Density metrics. Only Report data of Internal Test,
difference is that severity System Test & UAT will be
wise different weights are captured for the metrics.
applied while counting the
Defect Removal This metrics shows the ratio Fault Report data of Internal
Efficiency of total bugs found during Test, System Test & UAT
internal testing (integration will be captured for the
testing + system testing) and metrics.
sum of bugs found in all
types of testing (internal +
UAT) in each release.
Type of Core Description Retrieval mechanism
Weighted Defect This metrics shows the ratio Fault Report data of Internal
Removal Efficiency of total bugs found during Test, System Test & UAT
internal testing (integration will be captured for the
testing + system testing) and metrics.
sum of bugs found in all
types of testing (internal +
UAT) in each release. Here
severity wise different
weights are applied while
counting the bugs.
Project wise It provides the comparative Project Size and actual effort
Productivity analysis of the productivity spent on each release.
of the development team for
each release of XYZ in
terms of function points
Effort Slippage Percentage slippage in effort Planned (agreed) effort and
(man-days) over agreed actual effort of each release
effort for each release. in man-days.
Schedule Slippage Percentage slippage in Planned (agreed) duration
schedule (number of days) and actual duration of each
over agreed schedule for release in man-days.
each release.
Customer It gives the comparative ‘Project Evaluation Form’ as
Satisfaction Factor analysis of feedback provided by the client for
provided by the client each completed release.
through ‘Project Evaluation
Form’ for each release.

Roles and responsibility of Metrics

The overall responsibility of collection and review of this metrics data at project (XYZ)
level lies with the Project Manager.
For analysis of this reviewed data at organization (ITIL) level Quality Assurance Group
(QAG) is responsible.
Metrics Review Plan
Project Manager will review captured metrics data as per ITIL Software Metrics
Procedure, and review records will be maintained for the same. Review of the metrics
data will be done at two levels as described below:
Release End Review:
⇒ This review will be done when a software release of XYZ project completes.
⇒ All the above mentioned metrics for the release will be reviewed in the Release End
(windup) meeting.
⇒ Accordingly the metrics goals (as described in next section) for future releases will be
Intermediate Review:
⇒ It is also planned that in every month all the above-mentioned metrics will be
prepared based on the latest data of all the releases.
⇒ Causal analysis will be done for any metrics touching the threshold limits (upper or
⇒ Preventive action will be planned for keeping the metrics under control.
⇒ The metrics will be delivered to client also.
Release wise Metrics Goals
Type of Core Metrics XYZ 1.3 XYZ 1.5 XYZ 2.0
Defect Density (Defects Internal Test: Internal Test: Internal Test:
per FP) 0.20 0.23 0.23
UAT: 0.03 UAT: 0.025 UAT: 0.025

Defect Removal Efficiency 87% 90% 90%


Weighted Defect density Internal Test: Internal Test: Internal Test:

(Defect per FP) 0.15 0.20 0.20
UAT: 0.02 UAT: 0.02 UAT: 0.02

Weighted Defect Removal 88% 91% 91%

Efficiency (%Defects)

Project wise Productivity 1.14 1.15 1.16

(FP per man-days)

Effort Slippage (%man- +- 5% +- 4.5% +- 4%


Schedule Slippage (% +- 5% +- 4% +- 3%

Customer Satisfaction Overall Overall Overall

Factor (Rating) Rating=1 Rating=1 Rating=1

Upper Threshold Limit (UTL) & Lower Threshold Limit (LTL) will be +/- 20% of the
metrics goals for each release. When any metrics touches the UTL or LTL it would be
reviewed and preventive action will be taken to keep the metrics within the goals limit.

For the details on Metrics Plan refer to the attached excel sheet titled metrics.xls
16.4. Configuration Management

The objective of this procedure is to provide a means for identifying, controlling and
tracking the different versions of each software item. In many cases earlier versions are
still in use must also be maintained and controlled. The configuration management
system should:

Identify uniquely the versions of each software item. Identify the versions of each
software item, which together constitute a specific version of a complete product. Control
simultaneous updating of a given software item by more than one person. Provide
coordination for the updating of multiple products in one or more locations as required.
Identify and track all the actions and changes resulting from a change request, from
initiation through to release.
This procedure applies to software items during all phases of Software Development Life


Configuration Identification Phase

Configuration Management Plan is prepared for each project that must include:
ƒ The identification of Configuration Items
ƒ Setting up baseline for Configuration Items
ƒ Procedure to manage the Configuration Items
ƒ Procedure to control the changes
ƒ Procedure to maintain the current status of the Configuration Items

Baselines are identified depending on the size of the project. An initial set of
configuration items is defined in line with the task inputs (e.g. customer supplied
products), task outputs, as defined in the Project Plan. When all the development items
for the stage have been converted into configuration items, the baseline for that stage is
finalized. Development items for inclusion into the next baseline are identified.
Configuration Management is carried out as defined in the Configuration Management
Plan in the Project. Configuration Status of the Project is maintained at defined baselines.

16.5. Change Control

Originator of change request (who can be Client Representative, Development Team

Member, testing team member) supplies identification information with each Change
such as project name, date on which request raised, software item, version of the product,
specifications of Change Request, justification of the change, consequences of non-
implementation of change, etc. on the Change Request Form.

Change Requests are checked and reviewed to ensure that these apply to the current
release of the product and the information is complete and accurate. A serial number is
assigned to the Change Request. Change is analyzed and Change Analysis Form is filled
up. Information, which includes impact on other items, additional efforts required, effect
on elapsed time, urgency of change etc. are analyzed. A change can have impact not only
on code but also on the documentation such as specifications, analysis, design, user
manual etc. Analysis is reviewed and the reviewer approves/rejects/seeks clarification on
the Change Request. Originator is informed accordingly. In case the change request has a
substantial effect on either the cost or the delivery schedule, the Head of Software
Development and the Head of Marketing Department will also be informed and higher-
level approval will also taken place. The approved change requests are incorporated into
existing D&Q Plan and other plans, if necessary. In case of a Change Request applying to
a future release, for which no development plan exists, it is deferred until that planning is
initiated. Change Summary is maintained for each change to the product. If a change to
any configuration item is warranted, scheduled date of incorporation of the change into
the relevant baseline is recorded. Change requests and change analysis can also be
maintained electronically, using spreadsheets/tables, provided all the information is
contained in.

Configuration Status Maintenance

Initial set of development items is recorded as "uncontrolled" items. Status of the item are
recorded as "development item - under review" when it is undergoing the product
assurance disciplines. No further development work is allowed on that item, until the
review is completed. Status of the item is recorded as "development item - review
complete" at the end of the product assurance work on the item. Status of the item is
changed to "configuration item" if the item passes the product assurance disciplines
satisfactorily and records the date. Baseline is formed when the first products of a
particular stage reach configuration item status. Collection of items within the baseline is
recorded. Baseline with subsequent conversions of development items to configuration
items for the same stage is updated. Baseline audits will be conducted along with the
Internal audit.

16.6. Backup Procedure

Once the acceptance certificate from the client is received or formal approval for the
closure of the project is received from the Head of the Software Development, the
process of Project Windup is initiated.

The project is closed in a Windup Meeting. In this meeting the project is reviewed and on
the basis of feedback, process improvement initiatives are discussed. Product metrics and
process metrics, if applicable, are presented. Customer feedback is discussed and
archiving details are confirmed.

The project directory is archived onto the backup media on two copies and proper
identification will be given to them.
A project windup report is prepared Refer to the Format for Project Windup Report.
Windup report will also document the contents of the folders and backups along with
their identification.

Project Manager prepares a Project Feedback Report.

The Software along with backup copies and all the documents (both deliverables as well
as other project documents e.g. correspondences, etc.) are handed over to Software
Librarian for archiving. The Project Manager keeps one copy of software for a period of
six months. This period may be changed as per the requirements (e.g. a new project is
started which is related to the previous project).


Weekly Progress report

To: <client name> Project: <Project Name> Start Date:

From: <ITIL> Date: End Date:


Activities for current week

Activity Start date End date Status Remarks

Activities for next week

Activity Start date End date Status Remarks
Typical ITIL software development team structure:

Director- Operations

Sr. Project Manger

Project Leader Project leader

Quality Assurance Sr. Software developer Tester

Software Developers

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