Application Form For BCs

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India Post Payments Bank Limited AFFIX RECENT PASSPORT




Corp. Office: 2nd Floor, Bhai Veer Singh Marg, Gole Market, New Delhi – 110001 should overlap on
Tel: +91-11-23362148 Website: l Email: photo & APEF

Please fill the form in English with black ink and use BLOCK New Existing
* Mandatory to be filled


* Name

*Contact Number

*Address Line 1
*City/District Line 2

*Pin Code

*Alternate No.

*PAN (Please fill Form 60 if you do not have PAN)

Email ID

*Latitude *Longitude

Name First Name Middle Name Last Name

*Mother’s Maiden Name

*Date of Birth: (DD-MM-YYYY) *Gender Male Female Transgender


*Proof of ID (POI) Passport Driving Election Commission Income Tax Aadhaar Job card issued by NREGA duly signed by
License Voter ID Card Pan Card Identity Card an officer of the state government

*Proof of Address (POA) Passport Driving Election Commission Aadhaar Job card issued by NREGA duly signed
License Voter ID Card Identity Card by an officer of the state government

*Branch Name *IFSC

*Account Name (As per bank record)

*Account Type Saving a/c Current a/c

*Account Number


I have read and understood the terms & conditions provided in agreement and unconditionally accept them as binding on me. I hereby declare that the particulars given
herein are true, correct and complete in all respects and the documents submitted along with this ‘Business Correspondent Enr ollment form’ are genuine. I hereby
undertake to inform India Post Payments Bank Limited of any change in the information provided herein above.

Date :

Place :
Business Correspondent signature and stamp

FORM NO. 60 [See second proviso to rule 114B]

Form for declaration to be filed by an individual or a person (not being a company or firm) who does not have a permanent account number and who enters into any transaction specified in rule 114B
Name D.O.B
Father’s Name
Pin Code Telephone Number with STD Code Mobile Number
Amount of Transaction (First Cash in amt) Date of Transaction
In case of transaction in joint names member number of person involved in the transaction
Mode of Transaction: Cash Cheque Card Draft/ Bankers’ Cheque Online transfer other
Aadhar Number issue by UIIDAI (If available)
If applied for Pan and it is not yet generated enter date of application & Acknowledgement No
If pan not applied fill the estimate total income (Including spouse, Minor, Child etc. as per the section 64 of income tax act 1961for the financial year which the above transaction held
(a) Agriculture income (Rs.) (b)Other than Agriculture income (Rs.)

Detail of the document being produced support of identity Proof

(Doccode) (Doc identification number) (Doc issued authority Name & Address)

Detail of the document being produced support of address Proof

(Doccode) (Doc identification number) (Doc issued authority Name & Address)

Verification: I, do hereby declare that what is stated above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further declare that I do not have a Permanent
Account Number and my/ our estimated total income (including income of spouse, minor child etc. as per section 64 of Income-tax Act, 1961) computed in accordance with the provisions of Income-tax Act,
1961 for the financial year in which the above transaction is held will be less than maximum amount not chargeable to tax.
Verified today, the DD day of MM 20 YY Place:

(Signature of declarant)

Note: For List of Documents, Please see overleaf.

List of Documents

Individual Identity d. Certificate/ registration document issued by sales tax/ services tax/
professional tax authorities
e. License issued by the registering authority like Certificate of Practice issued
i. Proof of identity (Any of the below)
by institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Institute of Cost Accountants
a. Passport,
of India, Institute of Company Secretaries of India, Indian Medical Council,
b. Driving license, food and Drug Control Authorities, importer / exporter, registration /
c. Voter Id Card, licensing document issued in the name of the proprietary concern by the
d. Pan card, Central Government or state Government /Authority / Department.
e. Aadhaar identity card, f. The complete Income Tax Return (Not Just the acknowledgement) in
f. Job card issued by NREGA duly signed by an officer of the the name of the sole proprietor where the firm’s income is reflected duly
state government authenticated /acknowledged by the Income Tax Authorities.
g. Utility bills such as electricity, water and landline telephone bill in the name
ii. Proof of address (Any one of the below) of proprietary (Not more than 2 months old).
a. Certificate/License issued by the Municipal authorities under the shops & h. Certificate under Shop & Establishment Act.
establishment act
b. Sales and income tax return
c. CST/VAT certificate

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