Dithiocarbamate-Group-GC Methods
Dithiocarbamate-Group-GC Methods
Dithiocarbamate-Group-GC Methods
Dithiocarbamates are a class of fungicides extensively used in many crops worldwide. The current
residue definition of dithiocarbamates in food for compliance with maximum residue limits, at
national and international levels, is total residues arising from the use of any or each dithiocarbamate
fungicide, determined as CS2. The analytical method most frequently used to analyze dithiocarbamate
residues in food for monitoring purposes was proposed more than 30 years ago. In this method,
total dithiocarbamates are decomposed to CS2, which is purified and reacted with a cupric reagent.
The yellow complex formed is quantified by spectrophotometry. In this paper, a new reaction system
for the purification and complexation of CS2 is proposed. The new system is less fragile than the
traditional design, is easier to assemble, and allows for a higher sample throughput, in addition to
being of low cost. Recovery of added mancozeb, thiram, or ziram (0.15-8.0 mg/kg) in rice, beans,
apple, banana, orange, papaya, tomato, cucumber, and potato ranged from 82 to 120%, with relative
standard deviations from 0 to 10% (n ) 3 or 5). Analysis of apple, tomato, and papaya samples with
field-incurred dithiocarbamate residues showed comparable results using both the traditional and
the new reaction systems.
Table 1. Recovery of Added Dithiocarbamate Fungicides Table 2. Analysis of Samples with Field-Incurred
in Food Using the Proposed Vertical CS2 Reaction Dithiocarbamate Residues Using the Traditional
System In-Series and the Proposed Vertical Reaction Systemsa
amount added av % RSDb traditional proposed
food compound (mg of CS2/kg) recoverya (%)
mg of RSD mg of RSD RSDb
apple mancozeb 0.15 102 9.9 crop CS2/kg (%) CS2/kg (%) (%)
1.0 82 7.8
apple 1.2 4.7 0.98 12 14
3.0 98 5.1
0.96 13 0.87 10 6.9
thiram 1.0 110 0
0.29 11 0.34 6.7 11
ziram 1.0 90 5.1
tomato 0.45 6.9 0.47 4.3 3.1
papaya mancozeb 0.15 120 2.8 0.49 10 0.43 7.3 9.2
1.0 106 4.9 papaya skin 0.46 13 0.48 7.1 2.7
thiram 0.15 103 2.8 a Each residue value is the average of three replicate samples.
1.0 91 1.5 b Relative standard deviation of residues in both systems.
3.0 106 3.0
orange mancozeb 0.15 86 4.5 foods chosen represent the different crop classes that
1.0 95 7.3 are normally treated with dithiocarbamates: cereal
banana mancozeb 0.15 105 3.8 grains (rice), legume vegetables (beans), fruits with
1.0 93 5.1 edible and inedible peels (apple, banana, orange, and
2.0 106 8.2 papaya), fruiting vegetables (tomato and cucumber), and
thiram 1.0 110 0 root vegetables (potato). The results are shown in Table
ziram 1.0 87 4.0
1. For all of the compounds and foods tested, the
dry beans mancozeb 0.15 102 9.9 recoveries fell within the range of 82-120%, with
1.0 96 1.0 relative standard deviations (n ) 3 or 5) ranging from
thiram 1.0 110 0 0 to 10%.
ziram 1.0 90 3.9
The vertical CS2 reaction system described in this
polished rice mancozeb 0.15 120 3.3 paper has been applied successfully in our laboratory
1.0 101 7.5 for monitoring dithiocarbamates in food for compliance
8.0 95 6.6 with Brazilian MRLs and for dietary exposure assess-
thiram 1.0 91 2.8
ziram 0.15 108 1.5 ment. The system represents a considerable improve-
1.0 110 0 ment from the traditional in-series two-trap system in
3.0 106 7.4 three main aspects: (a) reduced space requirements in
a laboratory; (b) reduced time needed for assembling/
potato mancozeb 0.15 98 10
1.0 86 4.0 deassembling, resulting in a higher sample throughput;
thiram 1.0 107 2.0 and (c) lowered repair costs. In a laboratory bench space
ziram 1.0 90 2.3 of 1.5 × 0.5 m, where there were two in-series two-trap
systems, we now have five new systems. The two-trap
tomato mancozeb 0.15 107 0
1.0 105 2.0 traditional system has at least four segments, which
4.0 103 1.4 have to be handled carefully to avoid damage, demand-
ing ∼10 min for assembling, including checking for gas
cucumber mancozeb 0.15 104 7.2 leaks. The vertical system has only two segments, which
1.5 102 3.9
thiram 0.15 100 0 are much less fragile, requiring <2 min to assemble,
1.5 93 0 and does not need to be checked for gas leaks. The
ziram 0.15 100 0 robustness of the new system also reduced considerably
1.5 91 3.8 its maintenance due to damaged parts, decreasing the
a n ) 3 in all cases except for thiram in papaya and ziram in costs per analysis.
rice at 0.15 and 3.0 mg/kg, where n ) 5. b Relative standard From over the 100 food samples of rice, beans, tomato,
deviation. potato, banana, papaya, and orange collected at local
market and analyzed in the laboratory using the vertical
was removed from the system, large gas bubbles were system, dithiocarbamates were detected in only tomato,
formed, carrying basic vapor from trap 1 to the color apple, and papaya skin. Analysis of samples with field-
reagent solution in trap 2, changing its pH. The ef- incurred dithiocarbamate residues was performed using
ficiency of the complexation reaction in trap 2 decreased both the traditional in-series and the proposed vertical
as the pH increased, yielding low recoveries (<60%). systems (Table 2). The two systems yield comparable
The N2 flow rate was also found to be critical and results, with the relative standard deviations (RSD) of
should not be >180 mL/min; otherwise, it could also the values falling within the same range of each system
carry NaOH from trap 1 to trap 2. Higher flow rates RSD.
can decrease the volume of the alcoholic color reagent Conclusion. Although chromatographic methods
solution in trap 2, also affecting the performance of the have been applied successfully in the analysis of dithio-
system. The antireflux retention valve helps to regulate carbamates as CS2 in food, the spectrophotometric
the gas flow, in addition to preventing any reflux in case method proposed by Cullen (17) and Keppel (18) is still
of a sudden decrease in pressure. widely used. The method can achieve the sensitivity
The efficiency and reproducibility of the new system required for compliance with national and international
(Figure 3) were tested with different food crops spiked MRLs, and it is especially suitable for monitoring
with dithiocarbamates (Figure 1) at levels from 0.15 to laboratories in developing countries, due to its low costs
8.0 mg of CS2/kg. These concentrations are within the and minimal laboratory and analytical expertise re-
range of MRLs for dithiocarbamates in various crops quirements. We have proposed a new CS2 reaction
in Brazil (10) and in the Codex Alimentarius (11). The system for use with the spectrophotometric method. The
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