Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
In this chapter the researchers discussed the methodology and the procedure
that employed in the study. The following part included research design used in the
conduct of the study, the locale, the participants, procedure followed and statistical
Research Design
the researchers to gather information about present existing conditions relevant to the
influences of social media on marketing and promotions of the tourism and hospitality
industry. This type of method aimed in describing the nature of a situation, as it exists
at the time of the study and to explore the causes of particular phenomena.
Research Setting
The study was conducted on different hotels and restaurants that are located
within Dipolog City, Zamboanga del Norte. These are the possible establishments;
ten(10) hotels including Mibang Hotel, GV Hotel, Top Plaza Hotel, D’ Hotel, Camila
1, Camila 2, West End Court, Missio Dei, Ariana Hotel, C&L Innand ten (10)
atihan, Big Joss, Chicken Inato, Chapters, C&L Fast Food in Dipolog City, mostly
There were 75 sample size selected from 93 target population using Slovin’s
formula. The respondents of the study were hoteliers or employees coming from
different hotels and establishments that are currently using social media in order to
promote their businesses. These establishments are located within a close proximity in
Dipolog City. This study included employees who are in charge of social media
Slovin’s Formula
n = sample size = 75 n=
= 75
Table 1
Distribution of Respondents
A. Hotels Frequency or Number Percentage
Mibang Hotel 2 2.2%
GV Hotel 4 5%
Top Plaza 6 8%
D’ hotel 3 3.2%
Camila 1 2 3.2%
Camila 2 2 3.2%
West End Court 2 3.2%
Missio Dei Hotel 2 3.2%
Ariana hotel 5 6.5%
CL Inn 2 2.2%
B. Restaurants
McDo 10 13%
Jollibee 15 20.4%
Greenwich 3 4.3%
Mang Inasal 5 6.4%
Chowking 3 4.3%
Ati-Atihan 2 3.1%
Big Joss 2 2.2%
Chicken Inato 2 3.2%
Chapters 2 2.2%
C&L fast food 1 1%
Total No. of Respondents 75 100%
Research Instrument
order to obtain the necessary information that pertains to the influences of social
media in the tourism and hospitality industry of Dipolog City. Interview will also be
The questionnaire was divided into three parts. The first part is the business
profile and respondents’ profile, second part is to determine the influences of social
media to the marketing and promotions of tourism and hospitality industry and which
social media flat forms where mostly used by hotels and restaurants in advertising
their products and services, and the third part is to assess the marketing and promotion
The questionnaire designed for the study is subjective for a validation process for
face and content validity. There would be experts to check the research questions and
instrument. In the validation process of this study, copies of the questionnaire and
copies of the research questions will be given to some professors of Hotel and
will be administered to the HRM students. This is to be done in order to see: 1) how
the subject will react to the questionnaire; 2) whether the items are clear enough and
easily understood; 3) whether there is the need to include more items in certain areas;
or 4) whether there are some items to which they would not like to respond; as well as
5) to determine the workability of the proposed method of data analysis for the study.
However, with the aid of the pilot test, the researcher will be able to understand the
ambiguity of some items and will modify it to the level of the questionnaire. That is,
The data were gathered through using of survey questionnaire made by the
efficient questionnaire that help in assessing how social media influences the
establishments which came from 10 hotels and 10 restaurants on the said location.
Statistical Treatment
All the data were gathered, tallied, encoded and interpreted using different
mean which are used base on the purpose of the study. The use of Likert rating scale
were used in second part of questions such as determining the influences of social
media to the marketing and promotion of tourism and hospitality industry, which
social media flat forms where mostly used by hotels and restaurants in advertising
services. The Likert rating scale was also used in Part III to assess the marketing and