1st Summative Test Cookery 10

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____, 2020 | S.Y. 2020 - 2021

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DIRECTIONS: Write the letter of the best answer. Use capital letters only

1. Which of the following is used as a form of quality control for classifying egg based on its exterior and
interior quality?
A. Yolk B. Albumen C. HU D. Grading

2. It weighs about 420 grams by a dozen and considered to be the smallest kind of egg?
A. Extra Large B. Jumbo C. Pewee D. Small

3. What is the yellow-orange portion that makes up about 33% of the liquid weight of an egg?
A. Albumen B. Yolk C. Shell D. Air Cell

4. Which of the following vitamins is not found in egg?

A. Vitamin B B. Vitamin K C. Vitamin A D. Vitamin C

5. What part of an egg acts as its first line of defense against bacterial contamination?
A. Yolk B. Air Cell C. Shell D. Albumen

6. Which of the following part of an egg is barely existent in newly laid eggs and is used to determine the
freshness of an egg?
A. Latebra B. Chalaza C. Air Cell D. Germinal Disc

7. What is used to turn and lift eggs, pancakes and meats on griddles?
A. Offset spatula B. Rubber Scraper C. Wooden Spoon D. Slotted Spoon

8. It refers to a small hand tool used generally in decorative works such as making garnishes.
A. Sieve B. French Knife C. Channel Knife D. Paring Knife

9. Which of the following kitchen tools is used to blend, mix, and whip eggs and batter?
A. Spatula B. Rubber Scraper C. Spoon D. Wire Whisk

10. If you wanted to scrape off all the contents of bowls and pans for the sides and fold in beaten eggs in
batter or whipped cream, which of the following tools will you use?
A. Spatula B. Rubber Scraper C. Spoon D. Ladle

11. It refers to reducing harmful microorganisms by using very hot water or a chemical sanitizing solution.
A. Sanitizing B. Cleaning C. Ware washing D. Dishwasher

12. Which implement is used to grease the surface of unbaked pastries or cookies and sheet pans?
A. Pastry Wheel B. Pastry Tips C. Pastry Brush D. Pastry Bag

13. These are used for mixing ingredients together

A. Mixing Bowls B. Double Boiler C. Mixing Spoon D. Ladle

14. This kitchen tool is used for draining and washing ingredients
A. Egg Poacher B. Paring Knife C. Mixing Bowl D. Colander

15. This is made of cast iron or copper with rounded sloping sides and is used exclusively for making
omelette and never washed after used but cleaned with absorbent paper.
A. Sauce Pan B. Omelette Pan C. Egg Poacher D. Frying Pan

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