CRM Axis
CRM Axis
CRM Axis
Keywords Globalization, Innovation, Competitive Advantage, Strategic tool & Customer, Experience.
Today one of the approaches which are creating the buzz in the banking sector is Customer Relationship
Management. Indian Banks are realizing that the magical formula for attaining success in a competitive environment is to
focus on maintaining relationship with customers. The main purpose behind this study is to analyze whether banks are re-
ally implementing the whole concept and philosophy of CRM as a means of securing competitive advantage. The research
design in this study will consist of exploratory research whereby different aspects with regards to CRM in the banking sector
have been extracted from literature review and tested on a sample size of both employees and customers. These results
were discussed and analyzed so as to get an indication of how far CRM is strategically implanted to secure competitive
advantage. Based on the findings, a set of recommendations will be made so as to pinpoint how CRM can be used to
secure competitiveness.
3.) Panda 2003: CRM is fundamental to building a customer- Mostly all of the customers happy with the services like ATM
centric organisation. CRM is a key element that allows a bank and E-banking technology of the bank. Nearly 25% are hap-
to develop its customer base and sales capacity. The goal py with the loan process as the data collected was young
of CRM is to manage all aspects of customer interactions in population.
a manner that enables the organisation to maximise profit-
ability from every customer. The author described customer TABLE 3: TIME TO GET JOB DONE AT AXIS BANK
expectations are difficult to manage but are often the cause 0-10 MIN 27
of dissonance which results in loss of existing customer base. 10-20 MIN 09
So understanding of customer expectations with regard to 20-30 MIN 12
service delivery levels and product quality is essential for es- 30 AND MORE 02
tablishing a long term symbolic value relationship.
Due to lack of time we were not able to collect large num- More than 50% customers are getting quick services from the
ber of data but still we were able to find suggestions which bank i.e. within 0-10 minutes once they reach to branch of
are going to help the bank to perform better. A sample of Axis Bank in Thane city.
around 100 customers and 20 employees of six branches of
Thane city of Maharashtra State were selected. With the help TABLE 4: BEHAVIOUR OF STAFF
of the questionnaire developed for both employees as well FRIENDLY 01
as customers were collected to analyze the level of customer CORDIAL 42
relationship maintained by the organization and the level of OK 07
customer satisfaction that the customer was able to get. The NOT GOOD 00
questionnaire is attached with the paper.
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