Satyana Et Al - 2019 - MTC Sumba - Ipa
Satyana Et Al - 2019 - MTC Sumba - Ipa
Satyana Et Al - 2019 - MTC Sumba - Ipa
Ancient MTC deposits (slides, slumps and debris RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
flows) also pose a problem for hydrocarbon
exploration and development in deep-water facies. Gravity Sliding-Tectonics
These units typically have low porosities and
Gravity sliding (or gliding) is the mechanism
permeabilities (Shipp et al., 2004), and their episodic
whereby large masses of rocks move downslope
and recurrent nature in many basins of the world
under gravitational force producing folding and
means that they can form significant baffles and
faulting of varying extent and complexity (De Jong
barriers to fluid flow deep-water facies stratigraphic
and Scholten, 1973). Gravity sliding is the basic type
of near-field stress driven deformation of a
sedimentary wedge that progrades into deeper water
The MTC occurs in onshore East Sumba Island and
(can also happen on land; landslides). Gravity gliding
continue into deep offshore Savu Basin (Fortuin et
occurs by the rigid translation of a rock mass
al., 1992; Roep and Fortuin, 1996). The Neogene
downslope (Morley et al., 2011). In a process, gravity
slide masses in the Sumba Island were deposited in
sliding can combine with gravity spreading. Gravity
deep marine environments, within the reach of large
spreading is also the type of near-field stress driven
amounts of clastics derived from a volcanic arc. We
deformation of a sedimentary wedge prograding into
visited Sumba Island in April 2018 with “Geotrek
deeper water. Gravity spreading is the flattening and
Indonesia”, a non-profit community dedicating for
lateral spreading of a rock mass under its own
studying and appreciating geo-historical heritages of
weight. Gravity spreading rarely affects the complete
Indonesia, found new MTC outcrop in Watuparunu
sedimentary section and is often limited to a thick
Coast, Southeast Sumba Island (Figure 1). The
mobile zone (usually either overpressured,
outcrop was not visited by previous researchers due
undercompacted muds or salt) at the base of the
to no access at the time they did field study. It is an
gravity-driven system (Morley et al., 2011). Gravity
excellent world-class outcrop, better than those
gliding is usually associated with linkage of up-dip
investigated by previous authors, showing deformed
extension with a down-dip contractional toe region
MTC. The outcrop forms a sea cliff of around 1 km
via a detachment zone and covers a wide range of
long and 20-50 m high.
temporal and spatial scales.
The main goal of the paper is to record and inform
Deformation of rock layers in forms of folding,
the presence of an excellent MTC outcrop at
faulting, or structures like fold-thrust belts resulted
Watuparunu, Southeast Sumba Island. This is the
from downslope movement of large masses of rocks
first publication describing this outcrop as an
under gravitational force (gravity sliding) is called
evidence of gravity-induced MTC related to
gravity tectonics. Gravity-induced downslope
subsidence of East Sumba. The outcrop is the sea
movement has been invoked by structural geologists
cliff that is very prone to sea abrasion, few or many
to explain an almost dizzying variety of phenomena
parts of the outcrop could be lost in the future due
on almost all geologic scales.
this natural process therefore, it should be recorded
before we lose them.
Mass Transport Complex (MTC) literature (Posamentier, 2005). They form a large
stratigraphic component of many ancient and
When a submarine slope failure occurs, material is modern deep-water margins around the world. In
translated downslope above a basal shear surface some settings, up to 70% of the entire slope and
which develops due to progressive shear failure deep-water stratigraphic column is composed of
(Varnes, 1978). Once failure initiates, the event may MTC’s and associated deposits (Maslin et al., 2004).
progress by means of a number of mass movement They can be observed both in slope as well as basin
processes. This material which translated downslope floor settings. Such deposits can occur in a broad
by gravity sliding is called deep-water mass transport range of shapes and internal geometries from
complex (MTC) or deposits. MTC undergoes some massive to crudely bedded. The sizes of MTC are
combination of creeping, sliding, slumping, and/or also in broad range. It can reach 150 m or more in
plastic flow in a marine or freshwater lacustrine thickness, greater thicknesses are observed where
environment (Moscardelli and Wood, 2008). In a successive flows are amalgamated. Lateral reach of
deep-water environment, MTC’s, products of mass MTC in some instances can be as far as hundreds of
transportation processes, often dominate the basin kilometers across the basin floor. They can also be
stratigraphy, and are intercalated with turbidite quite local in nature, such as those that form on the
deposits (Dykstra et al., 2011). flanks of salt domes or mud volcanoes, or on the
inner and outer flanks of turbidity-flow channel
Shanmugam (2016) distinguished MTC from levees (Posamentier, 2005).
turbidite deposits, this was based on Dott (1963)
proposing the most meaningful and practical MTC slides are often triggered by short-term events
classification of subaqueous mass-transport e.g. storms, earthquakes and high rainfall. Gravity
processes. Dott (1963) broadly classified subaqueous gliding systems on passive margins where the
processes into: (1) elastic, (2) elastic and plastic, (3) detachment is buried deeper (~1 km or greater),
plastic, and (4) viscous fluid types based on extending for tens of kilometers in the transport
mechanical behavior. The importance of Dott's direction, develop as a result of long term geological
(1963) classification is that mass transport processes processes (e.g. high sedimentation rates, uplift of the
(MTC) do not include turbidity currents. In short, adjacent continental area resulting in tilting of the
mass-transport processes are composed of three margin) (Morley et al., 2011). Large MTC’s
basic types: (1) slide, (2) slump, and (3) debris flow. commonly originate on the mid to upper continental
Shanmugam (2016) showed four common types of slope. The location of where these deposits originate
gravity-driven downslope processes that transport largely determines the lithology of these deposits.
sediment into deep-marine environments (Figure 2). The location where mass transport deposits originate
A slide represents a coherent translational mass can be 1) at or near the shelf edge, 2) the mid- to
transport of a block or strata on a planar glide plane upper slope, and 3) locally, on the flanks of salt
(shear surface) without internal deformation. A slide domes or mud volcanoes, or on the flanks of channel
may be transformed into a slump, which represents a levees (Posamentier, 2005). Those flows that
coherent rotational mass transport of a block or strata originate in the mid- to upper slope in particular are
on a concave-up glide plane (shear surface) with most likely to be mud prone, whereas those
internal deformation. Upon addition of fluid during originating at the shelf edge stand a better chance of
downslope movement, slumped material may containing sand. However, even these deposits
transform into a debris flow, which transports commonly have a mud matrix and from a
sediment as an incoherent mass in which hydrocarbon exploration perspective commonly are
intergranular movements predominate over shear- characterized by poor reservoir quality.
surface movements. A debris flow behaves as a
plastic laminar flow with strength. As fluid content In recent years 2D, and particularly 3D, seismic data
increases in debris flow, the flow may evolve into have enabled large MTC’s to be described in
Newtonian turbidity current. Not all turbidity considerable detail. One recent example of
currents, however, evolve from debris flows. Some describing MTC in Indonesia using seismic data set
turbidity currents may evolve directly from sediment was from Armandita et al. (2015) studying Pliocene
failures. Turbidity currents can develop near the shelf MTC in slope area of the South Makassar Strait
edge, on the slope, or in distal basinal settings (Figure 3). The internal seismic expression of mass
(Shanmugam, 2016). transport deposits can vary from transparent to
chaotic, contorted internal seismic reflection
MTC’s are a common feature in many deep-water character, and in isolated instances to convolute
settings and have been well-described in the bedded, both in section and plan view (Posamentier,
2005). MTC’s can assume a variety of shapes and The stratigraphy of Sumba covers rock complex of
sizes ranging from lobate to sheet to channel-form. Late Cretaceous to Quaternary (Figures 4, 5). The
Some of the larger deposits take the form of large pre-Tertiary basement of Sumba reveals faulting
excavated trenches where detachment and shearing with rifted blocks. Recent seismic data in offshore
at the base and sides of the deposits suggests a Sumba prove this. Overlying this is the Late
mechanism of substrate failure and sliding, providing Cretaceous-Paleocene marine turbidites of the
distinctive aspect of the erosional scour that can Lasipu Formation,accompanied by two major calc-
commonly be observed at the basal contact. alkaline magmatic episodes: the Santonian-
Campanian episode (86-77 Ma) and the
Using three-dimensional (3D) seismic reflection Maastrichtian-Thanetian one (71-56 Ma). During the
data, Bull et al. (2009) proposed anatomy of MTC’s Paleogene, Sumba was a part of a magmatic arc
from which kinematic indicators can be identified. (Abdullah et al., 2000) characterized by calc-alkaline
Kinematic indicators are geological structures or volcanic rock series (western Sumba) and shallow
features which may be analyzed to allow the marine fossiliferous limestones and sandstones of the
direction, magnitude and mode of transport to be Paumbapa Formation and have an Eocene and
constrained. The various indicator types have been Oligocene age (Effendi and Apandi, 1994). The
classified according to where they may typically be corresponding deposits include tuffs, ignimbrites,
found within the MTC body exhibiting a typical greywackes, intercalations of foraminiferal
‘tripartite’ anatomy: the headwall domain, limestones, marls, micro-conglomerates and
translational domain and the toe domain (Figure 2). claystones. Sumba contains typical Eocene low-
Although there may be some overlaps among them. latitude Sundaland larger forams of Assilina,
The imaging of kinematic indicators using seismic Pellatispira, and Biplanispira and no Eocene high
surveys which provide large areal coverage allows latitude Australian fauna of Lacazinella, showing SE
swift and confident evaluation of the direction of Sundaland origin for Sumba, not Australia (Lunt,
translation, and in many cases also allow the degree 2003).
of translation of the displaced slide material to be
constrained. Imaging of the basal shear surface, In the early Miocene there is another period of
analysis of internal architectures and determination volcanic activity (Wensink, 1994). This volcanism of
of transport direction are areas which are of the Jawila Formation, is restricted to western Sumba.
particular benefit from the analysis of 3D seismic. Large areas are covered with tuff, tuff agglomerates,
tuff-sandstones and lahars while rather fresh basalts
Geologic Setting of Sumba Area and basaltic andesites occur as well. There are small
exposures of the Middle Miocene Pamalar
Sumba Island belongs to Lesser Sunda Islands Formation with claystone and limestone, the latter
Group. Presently, the island is located in forearc both in lagoonal and in reef facies. An enormous
setting in front of Quaternary Sunda-Banda volcanic mass of sediments with a thickness of at least 800 m
arcs comprising mainly islands of Bali-Lombok- covers large areas on Sumba. These sediments,
Sumbawa-Flores-Alor-Wetar. Sumba is tectonically which slightly unconformably overlie older rocks,
important since it is located at the border of belong to the Sumba Formation and have a late
subduction and collision zones. To the west of Miocene to early Pliocene age (Fortuin et al. 1992).
Sumba, oceanic crust of the Indian Ocean plate The deposits show a general shallowing from east to
subducts beneath the Sunda Arc. To the east of west (Figure 6). The East facies of the Sumba
Sumba, there is collision zone where Australian Formation, often called Kananggar Formation,
continental crust underthrusts Timor Island. Sumba comprises basal conglomerates, overlain by
has been considered as micro-continent or volcanoclastic turbidites, sands, gravels and
continental fragment/ sliver (Hamilton, 1979) which intercalated white, pelagic chalks. In East Sumba the
detached from its provenance and transported to its formation contains many slumps, showing coeval
present position as an exotic terrane. Satyana and subsidence (Figures 4 - 6). The western facies is
Purwaningsih (2011) discussed the debates of mainly shallow marine; here, deposits of the
previous authors of Sumba origin as a micro- Waikabubak Formation are found with carbonate
continent and based on integrated data concluded platform sediments of reef and lagoonal origins. The
that Sumba came from SE Sundaland in the area Quaternary is represented by coral-reef terraces
close to present Sulawesi. Gravity data show that which fringe the island on the west, north and east
Sumba has gravity anomaly of +160 to +200 mGal coasts. These terraces comprise sandstones,
and is underlain by continental crust with a thickness conglomerates, marls and prominent reef limestones.
of 24 km (Chamalaun et al.,1981).
The Savu Basin to the east of Sumba is important to differential compaction around buried ridges, local
discuss in this study since the MTC observed in irregularities in the chalk beds due to solution and
Sumba Island continued into this deep basin in Mio- sliding. The larger structures are well-developed
Pliocene and also at the present day as revealed by between Mauramba and Kananggar and between
seismic sections (van Weering et al., 1989; Roep and Kananggar and Kambaoni. This folding must have
Fortuin, 1996; Tampubolon and Saamena, 2009; taken place while the beds were still plastic, as they
Toothil and Lamb, 2009) (Figures 7, 9). The Savu have the same hardness as the low dipping beds and
Basin extends over an area of 52,000 km2, at below and no secondary structures as cleavage and
maximum water depth of 3470 m). The Savu Basin striae have developed. It is thought that these
represents a complex forearc basin, situated at the structures originated by contemporary folding
western margin of the Banda Arc, and is affected by caused by submarine land slip or creep. The thinning
late Miocene and late Pliocene collisional events of the beds over the anticlinal axes points also to a
(van der Werff et al., 1994). The Savu Basin is plastic (flowage) folding of the yet unconsolidated
underlain by series of east-west trending basement sediments by the force of gravitation (van
ridges. The ridge divides the Savu Basin into Bemmelen, 1949).
southern (South Savu Basin) and northern (North
Savu Basin) structural basin. The thickness of Later, submarine slide and slump of Kananggar
basement rocks in the northern part of Savu Basin is Formation was discussed by von der Borch et al.
12-14 km, suggesting an oceanic crust (Beiersdorf (1983) when they reviewed the late Tertiary
and Hinz, 1980). The basement ridges that underlie submarine fan sequences of Sumba, van Weering et
the South Savu Basin have high density and may in al. (1989) discussing slumping and sliding in Recent
part be related to an early-middle Miocene volcanic and sub-Recent sediments of the Savu forearc,
arc (van der Werff et al., 1994). Bathyal sediments of Fortuin et al. (1992) and Roep and Fortuin (1996)
Middle to Upper Miocene are accumulated in this investigating slumping and sliding structures in
region during the period between 16 and 7 Ma when Sumba based on field geology and compared to
the Savu Basin was growing by extension. The basin Neogene and Quaternary analogues in seismic
was shortened after the Sumba Block ceased to move profiles from the offshore Savu basin (Figures 7 – 9).
independently and related to the uplift of the outer-
arc high, resulted in northward tilting since 7 Ma that MTC requires subsidence to occur. Subsidence of
has been accompanied by gravitational displacement northern to East Sumba started in the early Miocene
of the sedimentary material northward into the when carbonate platforms (Waikabubak Formation)
southern part of Savu Basin (van Weering et al., developed laterally on top of gradually subsiding
1989). Oligocene-Miocene volcanic eruption centers
(Effendi and Apandi, 1994) (Figures 4 – 6).
MTC in East Sumba Increased subsidence later resulted in pelagic
sedimentation. In East Sumba this started at the end
The presence of MTC in Sumba area was firstly of the Early Miocene. Sumba's Neogene sediments
identified by deformation style of the sedimentary (Kananggar Formation, van Bemmelen, 1949) show
rocks in East Sumba which cannot be explained by in general an upward decrease of volcaniclastic
horizontal compressive stresses (far-field stress). turbidites and debrites, and an increase of pelagic
Witkamp (1913) already noticed peculiar folding and oozes. In East Sumba fossiliferous pelagic chalky
faulting of the Neogene in East Sumba and assumed marls, rich in planktonic foraminifera are found both
intra Neogene tectonic folding (Fortuin et al., 1992). at the base of the series and towards the top. The
Kinser and Dieperink (1941, quoted by van pelagic muds in between have a chalky appearance,
Bemmelen, 1949 as following sentences) reported in but the carbonate content appears to be very low and
East Sumba the regional structure seems to be they are practically devoid of foraminifera, apart
controlled by the Massu updoming. They do not from foraminifera turbidites and reworked marl
believe that all folding in the Neogene series of clasts. These sequences were considered to have
Sumba is due to horizontal compressive stresses. The been deposited below the CCD (Fortuin et al., 1992),
great irregularity of almost universally present stressing strong subsidence. These dissolution
folding, and the fact that regional lines of folding effects disappear in central Sumba, where subsidence
were not found, are reasons for this belief. It is must have been less strong. Here the strata overlying
believed that some of the structural features, the pre-Neogene basement tend to be younger and
especially the smaller ones, can best be explained by the amount of intercalated volcaniclastic debris is
one or more of the following processes: original dips limited compared to East Sumba. Slumping and
due to deposition of beds on a surface of much relief,
sliding is less conspicuous in this part of the island The most striking view of the MTC outcrop at
(Fortuin et al., 1992). Watuparunu Coast is their complicated deformation
and chaotic features. Figures 10 – 13 clearly show
The onshore Neogene slide masses of volcaniclastic this complexity. The cliff is generally can be
debris flows, turbidites and interbedded pelites, and distinguished into two parts: lower and upper parts.
pelagic chalky marl sequences were deposited in The lower part is more complicated deformed with a
deep marine slope environments The beds overlie a series of folds and thrusts from south to north
late Cretaceous basement-early Miocene volcanics direction. The folds and thrusts are very tight, steeply
(Massu Mountains), which underwent several dipping or recumbent. Some of the fold structures are
episodes of block faulting prior to deposition of the complicated showing superposed folding (deformed
Neogene. Since the Pliocene, uplift with slight N-NE fold structures). In part of synclinal limb of fold
tilting with consistent downthrow of the south structure and anticlinal limb of fold structure which
coastal regions has taken place. This tectonically is deformed, an upward pressure ridge is observed,
induced oversteepening is considered as a main this is due to tectonic loading of the two fold
cause of failure (Fortuin et al., 1992) (Figure 8). structures compressing the area in between and
Fortuin et al. (1992) distinguished three types of slide buoyant sediments pierced upward forming pressure
masses, ranging from: mud clast-rich debris flows ridge structure (Figure 12). The vergency/direction
(type 1), elongate lenticular slumps (type 2), to over of tectonic transport based on dip of thrusts are to NE
100 m thick slide masses of intimately mixed and (40° azimuth). The strikes of thrusts/faults are
folded strata together with rafts of less deformed generally W-E (N285°E) (Figures 10, 11). The
sediments (type 3). With proven lateral dimensions vergency of structures to NE and strike of structures
up to 10 km (but possibly more) and thicknesses up W-E shows consistency with regional direction of
to 120 m, they are of moderate to medium size MTC’s in East Sumba and their gravitational
compared to present-day analogues described from structures (Roep and Fortuin, 1996) (Figure 7). All
continental margins (Fortuin et al., 1992). Large- structures in MTC are thin-skinned with the presence
scale slumping and sliding affected the middle to of detachment surface as base of folds and thrusts.
lower slope of the southern and southwestern Savu These thrusts are ramps that sole onto detachment
Basin (van Weering et al.,1989b). This area of nearly surface which at these outcrop are not exposed,
4000 km2 is the eastward continuation of the northern underground. Low angle thrust faults originating at
submarine slope of Sumba and is deeper than 1500 the flow base and extending through to the top of the
m. Near the westernmost extension of the offshore flow deposit are common features in MTC
Sumba Ridge a giant blocky slide occurs. All slide (Posamentier, 2005). These thrust faults are
masses are located on slopes with increasing expressed near the surface of the deposit as arcuate
gradients, due to differential vertical movements fault traces oriented transverse to the flow direction.
(Figures 7, 9). Some upper detachment is observed within MTC as
base for upper thrusts (Figure 10). The upper part of
the coastal cliff outcrop is not as complicated
MTC Outcrop of Watuparunu Coast, Southeast deformed as the lower one. Here there is no a series
Sumba of fold and thrust observed except some faults
considered formed as compensating faults as
Watuparunu Coast is located at the southeastern end response to subsidence. The individual layers are
of Sumba Island. It can be accessed by car, small bus, generally thicker, this may be the reason why the
or motorcycles from Waingapu to the coast through rocks are deformed in other ways. The top of the cliff
Melolo town (Figure 1). The outcrop is coastal cliff, is erosional contact which is not in regular pattern,
minimum 1 km long showing MTC irregular top surface is usually a seismic character of
(Figures 10 – 15). top MTC. Different structural styles between the
lower and upper parts of the cliff may show that the
MTC outcrop at Watuparunu Coast dominantly is process of gravity tectonics of this MTC was
composed of tuffs and marl to chalky deposits, and multiple not a single history. The MTC at
intercalations of claystones. Figures 11, 13, 16 show Watuparunu shows excellent outcrops of stages
clear appearance of the lithology. The rocks are light uplift, erosion, and deposition of younger sediments
gray, gray, and light crème in colors. Dissolution by as shown by very striking angular unconformity in
sea abrasion occurs in some parts of the outcrop 3G geometry configuration due to sea abrasion. Here
resulting in solution structures like holes, hollows, we can enter into the chamber of unconformity and
caves, and arches. The name of Watuparunu is given see the bottom of unconformity surface (Figure 15).
to these kind of solution structures (Figure 15).
In some instances, successive flows result in laterally CONCLUSIONS
directed compressional microstructures like
convoluted beds commonly observed here (Figure 1. Mass transport complex (MTC) compose the
16), accompanied by internal deformation consistent Mio-Pliocene stratigraphy and structure of East
with compressional fore shortening and subsidence. Sumba in forms of slides, slumps, and debris
flow with deformation related to gravity sliding/
Mass transport deposits commonly characterized by gliding. This was resulted from subsidence of
compressional structures like at Watuparunu Coast East Sumba to the north, northeast, and east as a
show the location of MTC near their termini/margins response to uplift of the southern and western
(Posamentier, 2005) or in the area of toe domain part of Sumba and opening of the Savu Basin to
(Bull et al., 2009). The presence of compressional the east of Sumba.
structures here does not mean that Watuparunu was
the margin of MTC because the basin subsided to the 2. Excellent – a world-class outcrop of MTC is
north and northeast when the Kananggar sediments exposed at Watuparunu Coast, Southeast Sumba.
were deposited. The presence of fold and thrust The outcrop dominantly shows slump structures
system here is considered because of local high with tight fold and thrust system, rotated blocks,
regionally, in this case was the Sumba Ridge located superposed folding, pressure ridge, in chaotic
just east offshore of Watuparunu (Roep and Fortuin, nature. The outcrop provides a good reference
1996) (Figure 7). for slump structures of MTC that can be a guide
for interpreting MTC in seismic data set.
The geometry and internal deformation of MTC’s are
consequences of the mechanism of failure and the 3. Knowledge of MTC is important for various
morphology of the slope over which translation aspects, such as: geohazard related to submarine
occurs. In addition, the mode of deformation will be slides, exploration and development in deep-
influenced by the rheology of the rock and dependent water environment, stratigraphic and structural
on several factors including lithology and strain rate. history of sedimentary basin.
It is therefore possible, through the characterization
and analysis of the external geometry and internal
distribution of deformational structures, to unravel ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the strain history of the MTC and formulate a
kinematic model of emplacement (Bull et al., 2009). We acknowledge the Technical Program Committee
of IPA for accepting the paper to publish in IPA
Based on beds and structures observation at Convention, and giving additional time to complete
Watuparunu Cliff, the MTC here is dominantly the manuscript. H.L Ten Haven (Total Singapore)
composed of slump structures to distinguish it from and Arse Kusumastuti Clarijs (Gaffney, Cline &
slide, debris flow, and turbidite (Shanmugam, 2016). Associates) reviewed the paper. The visit to Sumba
A slump is a coherent mass of sediment that moves was conducted in April 2018 as part of program of
on a concave-up glide plane (detachment surface) Geotrek Indonesia community, Deni Sugandi
and undergoes rotational movements causing (Geotrek Indonesia) and Nofi Kristanti Ndruru
internal deformation. Slumps represent rotational (social worker in Sumba) are thanked for guiding
shear-surface movements. Slumps are capable of field visit in Sumba. Community members of
transporting gravel and coarse-grained sand because Geotrek Indonesia are thanked for sharing some
of their inherent strength (Shanmugam, 2016). discussions and pictures.
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Figure 1 - Above – Part of mass transport complex (MTC) outcrop at Watuparunu Coast, showing fold and thrust belt system of gravity slump structures, within
yellow ellipse are people. Below – Google map of Watuparunu Coast, Southeast Sumba, road access is from Waingapu-Melolo-Watuparunu.
Figure 2 - Above - A-Schematic diagram showing four common types of gravity-driven downslope processes that transport sediment into deep-marine
environments. A slide without internal deformation. A slump with internal deformation. A debris flow transports sediment as an incoherent mass. As
fluid content increases, the flow may evolve into turbidity current (Shanmugam, 1996). Below - Schematic representation of a MTC and the likely
occurrence and associations of kinematic indicators relative to the various domains. (1) Headwall scarp. (2) Extensional ridges and blocks. (3) Lateral
margins. (4) Basal shear surface ramps and flats. (5) Basal shear surface grooves. (6) Basal shear surface striations. (7) Remnant blocks. (8) Translated
blocks. (9) Out runner blocks. (10) Folds. (11) Longitudinal shears/first order flow fabric. (12) Second order flow fabric. (13) Pressure ridges. (14) Fold
and thrust systems (Bull et al., 2009).
Figure 3 - Example of MTC (early Pliocene) in South Makassar Strait with seismic sections traversing the MTC. Lobe of MTC is plotted (based on seismic).
Seismic sections A and B show detailed internal character of MTC, green line – top of MTC, blue line – base of MTC. Seismic section CD and its
interpretation show regional line crossing parallel with direction of MTC (Armandita et al., 2015).
Figure 4 - Surface geological map of Sumba Island (Effendi and Apandi, 1994). Geological sections and their locations of section lines are shown. MTC of East
Sumba occurs in Kananggar Formation (Tmpk) (Mio-Pliocene), light yellow in color, mostly distributed in East Sumba. Red box is the location of
Watuparunu coast.
Figure 5 - Stratigraphic columns of Sumba at western, central, and eastern parts (Abdullah et al., 2000). Note in East Sumba the presence of stratigraphic sections
of tuffs and pelagic carbonates triggering MTC as slump structures.
Figure 6 - Simplified section (onshore: based on geological map, offshore: based on seismic section) showing tilting and subsidence of northern and northeastern
Sumba. This triggered MTC in Mio-Pliocene sediments.
Figure 7 - Morphotectonic elements of Sumba and adjacent Savu Basin, showing the extent and direction of progradation (arrow) of the Miocene submarine fan.
The arrows indicating the orientation of the slope and main palaeocurrent direction of the Neogene volcaniclastic turbidites of East Sumba. Fault F5 is
interpreted as a growth fault between the position of the Pliocene Kambatana channel (triangle) and the main turbidite fan (Roep and Fortuin, 1996).
Red box is Watuparunu Coast with the outcrop of slump structures showing northeastward transport, parallel with the regional trends.
Figure 8 - (a) Schematic WSW-ENE structural cross-section of East Sumba across the line Melolo-Massu Mountains, transect II. Distorted levels within the
Neogene indicate observed slides. (b) SW-NE cross-section through the Neogene Kananggar, located just east of Kananggar, slides and slumps are
shown (Fortuin et al., 1992).
Figure 9 - Seismic section across the Savu Basin, showing possible presence of MTC, sourced from southern uplift moved downslope northward into subsided
basin (seismic section after Toothill and Lamb, 2009).
Figure 10 - Part of the MTC outcrop cliff at Watuparunu Coast, SE Sumba, uninterpreted and interpreted pictures. Lithology are tuff and pelagic carbonates of
Mio-Pliocene Kananggar Formation. The MTC show slump structures of fold and thrust system. Slump structure is a part of MTC representing a
coherent rotational mass transport of a block or strata on a concave-up glide plane (shear surface) with internal deformation (Shanmugam, 2016).
Detachment/shear surface is underground, upper detachment is observed in the middle of the outcrop into which some upper faults ramp to. Upper
part of the outcrop is not as complicated as the lower one, indicating multiple history of MTC. Tectonic transport is 40°NE (direction of principal
stress) with strikes of faults 285°NE, this parallel with regional trend of MTC in East Sumba (Fortuin et al., 1992; Roep and Fortuin, 1996). Note the
dimension of outcrop compared with people of Geotrek Indonesia community.
Figure 11 - Coherent slump structures with fold and thrust system verging to the right (northeastward), at sea cliff of Watuparunu Coast, part of the MTC of East
Sumba. Most of the structures are recumbent. The lithology are tuff and pelagic carbonates of Mio-Pliocene Kananggar Formation.
Figure 12 - Fold and thrust system of slump structures of Watuparunu Coast outcrop, SE Sumba with pressure ridge in between faulted folds. Left bottom inset
shows in more detail the pressure ridge. Pressure ridge is created due to tectonic loading of the two fold structures compressing the area in between
and buoyant sediments pierced upward forming pressure ridge structure, with some broken formation. Right bottom inset shows eroded fault plane by
sea abrasion forming a sea cave. The sea cave was formed right at the weakness zone of the fault plane.
Figure 13 - Chaotic rotated blocks of tuffs and pelagic carbonates (marls and chalks) with internal deformation of Mio-Pliocene Kananggar Formation in slump
structures of MTC of East Sumba at Watuparunu Coast outcrop.
Figure 14 - Sea cliff of Watuparunu Coast, SE Sumba, seen from top of the cliff. The cliff shows deformation of Mio-Pliocene Kananggar Formation related to
gravitational slump structures of East Sumba MTC. Bottom insets show the observation of the cliff by the community of Geotrek Indonesia.
Figure 15 - Above – The karstified pelagic carbonates forming sea arches and caves of the Mio-Pliocene Kananggar Formation, the name of Watuparunu (means
arched rock in local language) is due to these arches. Note the presence of angular unconformity, detailed in the bottom inset pictures. The surface of
angular unconformity is eroded by sea abrasion in some places making the 3D geometry of the angular unconformity into which people can enter and
observe the surface of unconformity from below.
Figure 16 - Successive flows result in laterally directed compressional microstructures like convoluted beds commonly observed in MTC outcrop of Watuparunu
Coast, SE Sumba, accompanied by internal deformation which is consistent with compressional fore shortening and subsidence.