Energy: Guanfei Meng, Hongxun Liu, Jianglong Li, Chuanwang Sun
Energy: Guanfei Meng, Hongxun Liu, Jianglong Li, Chuanwang Sun
Energy: Guanfei Meng, Hongxun Liu, Jianglong Li, Chuanwang Sun
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: China receives great global attention for its energy consumption. To implement effective and fair policies
Received 18 February 2021 to save energy, it is critical to understand what drives China's energy consumption and regional dis-
Received in revised form parities. Most of previous studies failed to include indirect factors embodied in the inter-sectoral and
23 September 2021
regional input-output flows. Therefore, a hybrid structural decomposition analysis is conducted to
Accepted 25 September 2021
Available online 30 September 2021
explore drivers of energy consumption and regional disparities. The results present: (1) energy, directly
or indirectly, is flowing from coastal regions to Northwest, Southwest and Central China. (2) The growth
of residents' income to contribution of energy consumption is by 106.7% and 169.8% during 2002e2007
Energy consumption
and 2007e2012, respectively. Meanwhile, the positive impact of income on energy consumption is larger
Driving forces in urban than rural areas, and the structure effect has a significantly negative impact on energy con-
Regional disparities sumption in Northwest and Southwest regions. (3) By factors, the substitution effect non-energy to
Structural decomposition analysis energy inputs in industry sector might bring more energy consumption. By sectors, the technological
Input-output advancement of the non-industry sectors decreases energy consumption by 31.7% and 174.6% during
2002e2007 and 2007e2012, respectively. Technological advancement of industry sectors plays the most
important role in increasing energy consumption across China.
© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0360-5442/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G. Meng, H. Liu, J. Li et al. Energy 239 (2022) 122191
Fig. 1. The changes of global energy consumption during and share of energies in total. Note: Oil comprises crude oil and oil products; renewable energy includes Wind, solar, etc.
and biofuels and waste. Unit is million toe. Data sources: IEA World Energy Balances 2020
In the paper, econometric regression [ [15,16]] and index disparity in China. Section 3 introduces the method and data used
decomposition analysis (IDA) [17] are not adopted to explore the in this paper. Section 4 presents and discusses our main findings.
topic owing several reasons. Econometric regression can evaluate Section 5 lists concluding remarks and policy recommendations.
impacts of any quantitative indicators, but has two major flaws.
First, econometric regression narrows the hypothesis down to a 2. An overview on energy consumption and its regional
conditional-mean function. Thus, the estimated coefficient of an disparity in China
individual independent variable (i.e., the impact of the independent
variable on energy consumption) is fixed, making it difficult to Energy consumption in China varies a lot from one region to
explore the dynamic changes in the impacts [ [17,18]]. Second, another owing to the differences in economic growth, industrial
econometric regression is likely to omit some important driving structure, and energy-related policies [25]. Following Mi et al.
factors, which are included in the error term. Thus, the goodness- (2017) [26], the mainland of China is divided (excluding Tibet, Hong
of-fit (i.e., R2 statistics) of a regression usually needs to be very Kong, Macao and Taiwan for data unavailability) into 8 regions
close to 100% if the regression is used to investigate driving forces of (Fig. 2). In 2017, primary energy consumption in the central China,
energy consumption or regional disparities. northern coast, northwest, southern coast, southwest, eastern
Compared to the econometric regression approach, IDA usually coast, northeast and Beijing-Tianjin region was approximately 984,
decomposes energy consumption into three factors: energy in- 691, 681, 643, 625, 473, 421 and 151 million tons of coal equivalents
tensity [20], industrial structure [21], and economic activity [22]. It (Mtce), respectively. Among the driving forces, economic growth
provides a framework to capture the multiple factors of energy was evidenced to have the largest impact on energy consumption
consumption changes in each period and region. However, IDA does [27], followed by energy-related policies [28].
not include intermediate input factors and fails to consider inter- Previous studies usually evaluated driving forces of energy
regional influences [ [23,24]]. consumption in each region separately [29]. Actually, energy con-
The contributions of this study are as follow. First, this study sumption and its driving forces in each region are not independent
attempts to conduct a hybrid structural decomposition analysis of but highly interacted with each other through economic activities,
energy consumption at sector and regional level in China based on as input and output factors (including energy) in production are
the latest input-output (IO) tables. Second, this study makes a flowing across regions and sectors. For example, regions rich in
comparative analysis on direct effect of energy and indirect effect of energy resources are likely to foster heavy industries with huge
non-energy flows in various sectors owing to technological energy, and trade with other regions for agricultural and light-
advancement. Thus, the potential heterogeneous effect of sectoral industrial products. In addition, regional disparities of energy
and regional energy consumption is found. Third, decomposition consumption and impacts of the driving forces are changing owing
analysis provides a comprehensive overview of factors influencing to industrial transfer, technological advancement and population
energy consumption from different components of final demand. migration. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the drivers on
Finally, by analyzing the relative contribution of factors driving energy consumption systematically and dynamically by including
energy consumption, insights into the implement of energy policy the inter-sectoral and regional input-output flows.
targeted at reducing the energy consumption are provided. Un- Fig. 3 compares energy consumption and economic develop-
derstanding of the relative contribution between the factor pairs is ment in eight regions of mainland China in 2000 and 2017,
crucial for optimizing energy structure and improving the devel- including share of energy consumption in total (energy consump-
opment model. tion share), share of GDP in total (GDP share), and share of indus-
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 trial output value in region GDP (industrial share). It was found that
provides a brief overview on energy consumption and its regional (1) energy consumption share decreased in northeast and eastern
G. Meng, H. Liu, J. Li et al. Energy 239 (2022) 122191
Fig. 3. Regional disparities of energy consumption and economy in mainland China. Note: Data are collected from the China Statistical Yearbook and China Energy Statistical Yearbook
published in 2001 and 2018.
coastal regions from 2000 to 2017, while GDP share and industrial industrial share slightly decreased but GDP share largely increased
share decreased significantly. (2) Energy consumption share, GDP in the Beijing-Tianjin region. Policy was a major reason of energy
share, and industrial share increased in the northwestern and consumption decrease in the Beijing-Tianjin region in the context
southwestern China. (3) Energy consumption share in the Beijing- of GDP increase. To fight against the severe air pollution in Beijing,
Tianjin region decreased from 4.6% in 2000 to 3.3% in 2017, while the Chinese government implemented a large number of policies in
G. Meng, H. Liu, J. Li et al. Energy 239 (2022) 122191
period 1 (period 0), and the hybrid final demand matrix in period 1 energy sectors and monetary sectors, respectively. Since f * is the
(period 0), respectively. Using the final demand and Leontief in- *
same department structure as f *;1 and f_ is also the same total final
verse matrices in either period 0 or period 1 only, the equations are P
n P
as follow: demand (namely, fi* ¼ fi*;0 ) as f *;0 . The first (second) term on
i¼1 i¼1
the right side of Eq. (9) reflects change in final demand magnitude
Dx ¼ L*;0 þ DL , f *;0 þ Df * L*;0 ,f *;0 (final demand structure) with unchanged final demand structure
¼ ðDLÞ,f *;0 þ L*;0 ,ðDf * Þ þ ðDL* Þ,ðDf * Þ (final demand magnitude), and thus is treated as the level (struc-
tural) effect. Owing to the different measure units of physical
quantity (tce) and monetary value (¥), direct adding them up in the
Dx ¼ L*;1 ,f *;1 L*;1 DL* , f *;1 Df * decomposition is error. To solve this issue, the approach in Die-
¼ ðDL* Þ,f *;1 þ L*;1 ,ðDf * Þ ðDL* Þ,ðDf * Þ tzenbacher and Stage (2006) [32] is adopted, which separated the
final demand matrix into physical quantity flows for energy inputs
By adding up Eq. (4) and Eq. (5), Eq. (3) can be expressed as
and monetary value flows for non-energy inputs.
Based on the above equations, Eq. (10) could be obtained, where
energy consumption change from period 0 to period 1 (included in
Dx* ¼ ð1 = 2ÞðDL* Þ f *;0 þ f *;1 þ ð1 = 2Þ L*;0 þ L*;1 ðDf * Þ (6) Dx*) is completely decomposed into 4 driving forces: technological
advancement in the energy sector from period 0 to period 1 (term 1
where total output change (Dx*) from period 0 to period 1 is in Eq. (10)), technological advancement in the non-energy sectors
decomposed into two parts: technological advancement and final from period 0 to period 1 (term 2 in Eq. (10)), changes in final de-
demand. Df* is the change in final denmad in Eq. (6). DL* is the mand magnitude from period 0 to period 1 (term 3 in Eq. (10)), and
change in technological advancement in Eq. (6), which is calculated changes in final demand structure from period 0 to period 1 (term 4
as below based on Eq. (3) [ [26,30]]. in Eq. (10)). A positive (negative) value of a term indicates that the
G. Meng, H. Liu, J. Li et al. Energy 239 (2022) 122191
factor leads to energy consumption increase (decrease) from period the 42 sectors in the IeO tables is downscaled into 11 sectors to
0 to period 1. match the Energy Balance tables. Units of the factors in the 6 sec-
n h
X i
*ðjÞ;1 *ðjÞ;0
DX * ¼ ð1 = 2ÞðDL* Þ f *;0 þ f *;1 þ ð1 = 2Þ L*;0 þ L*;1 ðDf * Þ ¼ ð1=2Þ L*;1 AE AE L*;0 , f *;0 þ f *;1
X n h i
*ðjÞ;1 *ðjÞ;0
¼ þ ð1=2Þ L*;0 þ L*;1 , f *;1 þ f * ¼ ð1=2Þ L*;1 AM AM L*;0 , f *;0 þ f *;1 þ ð1=2Þ L*;0 þ L*;1 , f *;1 þ f *
|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} j¼1 |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}
3 |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} 3
þ ð1=2Þ L*;0 þ L*;1 , f * þ f *;0 (10)
3.2. Data sources and processing tors are RMB and thus the 6 sectors are identified as monetary
sectors in the hybrid IeO tables (S1eS6 in Table 1). Second, 5 en-
Data are collected from the Chinese provincial IeO tables (in ergy sectors from the Energy Balance tables are included, i.e., the
2002, 2007, and 2012, as the tables were published every five years coal sector, the oil sector, the natural gas sector, the fossil-fired
and 2012 is the most recent one available) and provincial Energy electricity sector, and the renewable energy sector. Units of en-
Balance tables of 30 provinces in mainland China. Tibet is not ergy are all in the form of Mtce and thus the 5 energy sectors are
included due to data unavailability and its low share of energy identified as physical sectors in the hybrid IeO tables (S7eS11 in
consumption to the total energy consumption in China). Table 1). Sectors in the hybrid IeO tables and the original Chinese
As the IeO tables divide the Chinese economy into 42 sectors, provincial IeO tables are listed in Table A1, Appendix. The hybrid
while the Energy Balance tables divide the economy into 11 sectors, IeO tables provide both monetary flows and physical flows of
the sectoral division need to reorganize to ensure that the IeO ta- different energy, thus driving factors and regional disparities for
bles and Energy Balance tables are comparable before setting up each individual energy can be evaluated as well.
the hybrid SDA model. There are two ways to fix the difference: the
first method is adjusting the IeO tables to suit the Energy Balance
tables. However, some information might miss as the more detailed 4. Results and discussions
division in the IeO tables (with 42 sectors) is downscaled to have
only 11 sectors. The second way is to split the 11 sectors in the 4.1. Energy consumption changes and regional disparities in China
Energy Balance tables to match the IeO tables. However, the dif-
ficulty in the second method is how to set the sectoral weights on Energy consumption in the coastal regions and the central China
inputs and outputs of Energy Balance tables and coefficients in the in 2007e2012 significantly decreased in comparison with
hybrid model for dis-aggregating. As there is no prior information 2002e2007, especially in eastern China; while energy consumption
on the weights so far, it is likely to result in biases or even errors in the western China had a dramatic increase trend (Fig. 4). There
using irrational setting. are two potential reasons to explain the decline trend in coastal
Therefore, the first method, a more popular method in previous regions and the central China. First, implementation of energy
studies, is adopted to construct a hybrid IeO table [ [33e35]]. First, conservation policies decreased energy consumption in the coastal
regions and central China. For example, substantial energy
Table 1
A frame of the developed hybrid input-output table.
Outputs Intermediate Demand Final demand in rural areas Final demand in urban areas
Inputs S1 … S6 S7 … S11
Energy sectors (Mtce) S7 ZijE firural E fiurban E
Note: S1eS6 and S7eS11 indicate monetary flows and energy flows from sector i to sector j, respectively (i, j ¼ 1,2, …11). To get more details, final demand in the residential
sector is separated into urban and rural areas.
G. Meng, H. Liu, J. Li et al. Energy 239 (2022) 122191
Fig. 5. Impacts of final demand and technological advancement on energy consumption and regional disparities in China. Note: NE, J-J, NeC, E-C, SeC, Cen, NW, SW represents
Northeast, Beijing-Tianjin, Northern coast, Eastern coast, Southern coast, Central China, Northwest, Southwest, respectively.
consumption in Shandong and Jiangsu were likely to reduce owing accelerate upgrading of industrial technology, increase investment
to the implementation of Action Plan for Industrial Transformation in R&D of energy-saving technologies, and improve energy-saving
and Upgrading [36]. Second, numerous energy consumption and incentives and constraints. The dramatic increase trend in western
associated air pollution in the coastal regions and central China China is likely a result of energy-intensive industrial transfer from
resulted in a heavy environmental pressure. It implies the need to the coastal regions to the western region [37].
G. Meng, H. Liu, J. Li et al. Energy 239 (2022) 122191
4.2. Driving forces of energy consumption changes and regional [38], for example, the service sector is not greener than
disparities in China manufacturing industry, the energy efficiency gap between the two
sectors is mainly caused by output structure effect and technical
4.2.1. Driving forces of aggregated energy consumption changes and efficiency. Moreover, Auda [39] also proposed that the impacts of
regional disparities efficiency technologies on energy consumption varied by technol-
Energy consumption changes in the 8 regions of China are ogy type.
decomposed into four driving forces, including final demand and As final demand is further decomposed into a level effect and a
technological progress (Fig. 5). The results indicated that final de- structure effect, the result indicates that level effect (i.e., increase in
mand led to energy consumption increases while technological final demand magnitude) is the major driving force of energy
advancement decreased energy consumption across China from consumption increases while the structure effect (i.e., changes in
2002 (2007) to 2007 (2012). Impacts of final demand were larger final demand structure) has a minor impact on energy consumption
than technological advancement, thus energy consumption for all the regions. Particularly, in the eastern coast, structure effect
increased from 2002 (2007) to 2007 (2012) in all the regions. In was negative during 2002e2007 but turned to be positive during
addition, impacts of final demand and technological advancement 2007e2012. Oppositely, in the northern coast, northwest and
were larger during 2007e2012 than 2002e2007, indicating a faster southwest, structural effect was positive during 2002e2007 but
economic development as well as technological advancement after turned to be negative during 2007e2012.
2007 than before in China.
As technological advancement is further decomposed into 4.2.2. Driving forces of individual energy consumption changes and
technological advancement of energy sectors and non-energy regional disparities
sectors, the results indicate that technological advancement in In spite of energy consumption across China increased signifi-
the energy sectors is the major driving force of energy consumption cantly during 2002e2012, few evidence discussed the changes of
decrease across China. The northwest was an exception, where various energy. Thus, the hybrid SDA model was applied to further
technological advancement in the energy sectors led to energy evaluate changes in individual energy (including coal, oil, natural
consumption increases during 2002e2007 potentially because of gas, fossil-based electricity, and renewable energy) and how final
an energy rebound effect. Technological advancement in the non- demand and technological advancement influenced the changes for
energy sectors led to energy consumption increase in most of the each region during 2002e2007 and 2007e2012 (Fig. 6).
regions. This is similar with the research of Bai and Meng (2017)
Fig. 6. Impacts of technological advancement and final demand on individual energy changes during 2002e2007 and 2007e2012 in each region of China. Note: 1e5 in the x-axes
denote impact of technological advancement on coal (1), oil (2), natural gas (3), fossil-fired electricity (4), and renewable energy (5). 6e10 denote impact of final demand on coal (6),
oil (7), natural gas (8), fossil-fired electricity (9), and renewable energy (10).
G. Meng, H. Liu, J. Li et al. Energy 239 (2022) 122191
Fig. 7. Direct and indirect effects of technological advancement in various sectors on individual energy consumption across China. Note: The direct impact indicates that technical
progress of energy inputs exerts energy consumption for total production structure, which is embodied by the hybrid direct consumption coefficient matrix
*ðjÞ;1 *ðjÞ;0
½L*;1 ðAE AE ÞL*;0 ; and indirect impact indicates that technical progress of non-energy inputs, such as capital, labor, etc., exerts energy consumption for total production
*ðjÞ;1 *ðjÞ;0
structure, which is embodied by the hybrid direct consumption coefficient matrix ½L*;1 ðANE ANE ÞL*;0 , as discussed in Section 3.1.
It was found that technological advancement led to decreases in consumption, as the Chinese government implemented a large
almost all individual energy consumption during 2002e2007 and number of policies to control coal and oil consumption for air
2007e2012 across China. There were a few exceptions, where pollutant and carbon emission reduction. Particularly, China has
technological advancement slightly led to energy consumption included “energy conservation and emission reduction” into the
increases, potentially caused by energy rebound effect [40]. For national economic and social development five-year plan since
example, in the northern coastal region, technological advance- 2006. Thus, impacts of technological advancement on coal and oil
ment led to increases of natural gas and renewable energy from consumption decreases were much larger during 2007e2012 than
2007 to 2012. But energy rebound effect didn't occur in coal or oil 2002e2007 (Fig. 6).
G. Meng, H. Liu, J. Li et al. Energy 239 (2022) 122191
Table 2
Further decomposition of final demand.
Unit: Mtce
It was also found that final demand mainly increases fossil fuels It is found that the direct effects of technological advancement
(including fossil-fired electricity) during 2002e2007 and are significantly negative for almost all individual energy con-
2007e2012 across China. Final demand led to renewable energy sumption across China (Fig. 7 (a)). However, there are a few ex-
consumption increases as well, in the central and western inland ceptions. For example, technological advancement of energy factors
regions, eastern and southern coastal regions. It is because those from the coal sector led to increases in all individual energy con-
regions are rich in renewable energy resources. Thus, they are sumption in the northwest in 2007e2012. Technological advance-
targeted as pioneers by the Chinese government for deploying ment in energy factors from the oil & gas sector also led to increases
renewable energy. The renewable energy of northeast and northern in all individual energy consumption across China during
coast only slightly increased with large final demand, due to 2007e2012. In addition, technological advancement in energy in-
shortages in local renewable energy resources and limitation in puts from the non-industry sector led to oil consumption increases
China's long-distance electricity transmission. in the northwest, southern coast, and northern coast during
However, the indirect effects of technological advancement on
4.3. Further discussions on technological advancement: direct and
energy consumption varied from sectors (Fig. 7 (b)). The techno-
indirect effects
logical advancement in non-energy inputs from the non-industrial
sectors decreased energy consumption. With energy price rising
So far, it has been found that technological advancement
and constrain of carbon emission, the substitution of labor for en-
(especially in the energy sectors) led to the aggregated energy
ergy in non-industrial sector decreased energy consumption. This is
consumption decreases in all the regions except the northeast, and
because a plenty of highly-free migrant labor (which is usually
the impacts occurred in almost all the individual energy during
named as “migrant worker”) makes factories to prefer to substitute
2002e2012. But it is not clear yet how technological advancement
energy with labor, but in the future, the substitution of labor for
in energy and non-energy input factors from various sectors affect
energy might decline due to China's disappearing demographic
individual energy consumption. Thus, the research further analyzes
dividend. The technological advancement in non-energy inputs
direct and indirect impacts on individual energy consumption in
from the industrial sectors increased energy consumption across
each region of China during 2002e2007 and 2007e2012. The direct
China during 2002e2007 and 2007e2012. This is probably due to
and indirect impacts refer to technological advancement in energy
the development of technology brings the mechanization and
and non-energy input factors, respectively.
automation of industrial sector, the substitution effective between
To better present the results, the 11 sectors in Table 1 are clas-
energy and non-energy inputs might be achieved. For example, as
sified into 5 sectors according to their characteristics: S1eS6 (the
technology develops, this substitution may bring more energy
monetary sector) are split into 2 sectors (the industry and non-
consumption and less non-energy inputs such as labor in industry
industry sectors), S7 (the coal sector) remains unchanged, S8 and
[41]. Moreover, it also indicates that technology advancement
S9 (the oil and natural gas sectors) are merged into 1 sector (the oil
embodied in capital are probably more carbon intensive than
& gas sector), S10 and S11 (the fossil-fired electricity sector and
before because the lagged adjustment process might actually “drag
renewable energy sector) are merged into 1 sector (the electricity
down” carbon emission [42].
sector). In the end, 5 sectors are in total: the non-industrial sector,
the industrial sector, the coal sector, the oil & gas sector, and the
electricity sector.
G. Meng, H. Liu, J. Li et al. Energy 239 (2022) 122191
Fig. 8. Relative contributions of the driving forces to energy consumption in each region.
4.4. Further discussions on final demand: population, income and residents living in rural areas migrate into urban counterparts each
structure effects year.1 Due to the unevenly distributed administrative power across
regions, public services (such as education, medical care, and public
As discussed above, final demand can be further decomposed facilities, etc.) are much better provided in cities, especially
into level and structure effect. To obtain more details, here the comparing to villages. This leads to further concentration of pop-
authors further decompose level effect into population and income ulation to cities and outflow from villages. This migration process
effect [30]. The population (income) effect indicates how rural- has affected the spatial distribution of population and related ac-
urban population migration (income increases in urban and rural tivities, which could generate large positive impact on urban en-
areas) affect energy consumption and its disparity. Table 2 presents ergy consumption in China.
the decomposition results of final demand, i.e., how income, pop- Impacts of final demand structure on energy consumption were
ulation, and consumption structure affect energy consumption less than income and population in most regions during
across China. 2002e2007 and 2007e2012. Besides, the energy consumption
It was found that income played a leading role in energy con- caused by structure effects almost decreased a lot after 2007 in both
sumption across China among the three effects. The impact of in- urban and rural areas across China. Particularly, the mid-western
come on energy consumption in urban areas was much larger than decreased more than 1.29 times in 2007e2012 over 2002e2007.
that of rural areas. The regional disparities regarding the income Among the rest of regions, the underdeveloped western regions
effect can be attributed to two reasons. The first reason is that (including the northwest and southwest) had positive structure
residents’ income in the developed regions and urban areas are effects before 2007, which turned to be negative after 2007 in both
usually higher than that in the undeveloped regions and rural areas. urban and rural areas. The structure effect of developed eastern
Thus, residents living in the developed regions and urban areas are coast was negative before 2007 and minor positive after 2007. One
more affordable to energy-efficient products compared to their possible reason is that final demand structure was changing from
peers in the underdeveloped regions and rural areas. Besides, Yang relatively energy-intensive to energy-conservative in China starting
et al. (2019) [43] indicated that middle-income residents had a from the 11th Five-Year Plan (2006e2010). This is because that the
stronger sense of energy conservation than low-income residents most important point of China's 11th Five-Year Plan firstly proposed
in the process of urbanization. The second reason is that the energy-saving and emission-reduction as constrain targets of
developed regions and urban areas are more likely to apply environmental protection.
advanced energy-saving technologies compared to the underde-
veloped regions and rural areas [24]. 4.5. Relative contributions of the driving forces to energy
Population effects in urban and rural areas were quite different consumption
in most regions. It reflected that during the population urbaniza-
tion process, urban (rural) population were increasing (decreasing) Fig. 8 depicts relative contributions of the driving forces to en-
and thus led to energy consumption increase (decrease) in urban ergy consumption in each region.
(rural) areas. In addition, the rising energy consumption caused by During 2002e2007, income effect had the largest impact on
population urbanization of coastal areas was the most prominent energy consumption form the view of final demand, accounting
during 2002e2007, while population urbanization of costal and totally for 106.7%. And in terms of income effect, the central and
western regions played an important role in increasing energy northern coastal regions contributed the most, by 22.9% and 18.4%,
consumption during 2007e2012. The Beijing-Tianjin region was an respectively. Energy consumption was partly offset by technolog-
exception, where population urbanization increased energy con- ical advancement. Especially, technological advancement of the
sumption in both urban and rural areas. non-industry sectors decreased totally by 31.7% energy consump-
Population urbanization actually increases energy consumption, tion decreases in China. Concerning the decline trend attributed to
whether the eastern coastal regions or inland of China. However, technological advancement of the non-industry sectors, the central
the impact magnitude might exist huge differences owing different and northern coastal regions contributed 9.6% and 6.7%, respec-
population urbanization. For example, the population urbanization tively. However, technological advancement of energy sectors
of the eastern region accounted for 61.0%, while that of the central increased energy consumption in some regions, indicating an en-
and western regions accounted for 47.0% and 43.0% in 2011, ergy rebound effect.
respectively. Thus, the heterogeneous population urbanization
caused different energy consumption increase across China.
Moreover, over the surveyed period, more than 20 million Chinese 1
Data sources:
html, accessed by August 28, 2021.
G. Meng, H. Liu, J. Li et al. Energy 239 (2022) 122191
During 2007e2012, income still kept a leading role in increasing consumption, income exerted the largest impact on energy con-
energy consumption, contributing totally 169.80%. The prominent sumption, accounting totally for 106.70% and 169.8% during
increase of energy consumption was mainly derived from the 2002e2007 and 2007e2012, respectively. Among, the central,
central and northwest regions, by 39.2% and 24.3%, respectively. northern coastal regions and northwest contributed the most.
However, different form 2002e2007, impact of technological About the decline of energy consumption, the technological
advancement of industrial sectors significantly increased energy advancement of non-industry sectors always played an important
consumption, contributing 84% and second by the income effect. role in decreasing energy consumption in almost all regions.
Among regions, the northwest and northern coastal regions Based on the above conclusions, several policy recommenda-
contributed the most, by 25.4% and 16.6%, respectively. The tech- tions might be proposed. First, although technical progress gains
nological advancement of non-industry sectors still plays an much achievement in energy conservation, however, the pressure
important role in the decline of energy consumption, decreasing in energy consumption caused by substitution effect of non-energy
totally by 174.6%. Especially in the central and northwest regions, to energy inputs is likely to increase. Accordingly, policymakers
they accounted for 30.5% and 32.5%, respectively. could adjust properly energy plans and environmental protection
measures other than always much attention to heavy industry and
energy sectors.
5. Conclusions and policy implications Second, with rising income and the continuous improvement of
living standards, the consuming behaviors and lifestyle influence
Uncovering driving forces of energy consumption and regional energy consumption. Therefore, the energy structure of the rural
disparities are crucial to design and implement policies to save and urban residents could be adjusted, i.e., accelerating the con-
energy and reduce emissions. In this paper, a hybrid structural struction of natural gas stations, encouraging the use of renewable
decomposition analysis is conducted to investigate how techno- energy, and installation of energy efficiency projects. For example,
logical advancement and final demand affected energy consump- reductions of gas consumption for cavity wall insulation and new
tion in various regions of China during 2002e2007 and 2007e2012. condensing boilers are broadly equivalent with savings in the range
To dig more information, technological advancement is further 13.5e19.5% in England owing to installation of energy efficiency
decomposed into technological advancement in energy inputs and measures [44]. Furthermore, it is crucial to optimize the urban
non-energy inputs. In addition, final demand is decomposed into transportation distribution system and advocate the buses and
level effect (including population effect and income effect) and subways as commuting ways.
structure effect. Moreover, the relative contributions of the driving Finally, different regions may make differentiation strategies.
forces to energy consumption are investigated to discuss the The developed regions such as Beijing-Tianjin and coastal regions
effectiveness of energy policies and to guide adjustments of energy could attach importance to the development quality of the econ-
structure. There are four key conclusions from this study. omy as well as energy use efficiency from space planning and
First, technological advancement significantly reduced energy consumption guidance. The central China may improve the in-
consumption in all regions, decreasing totally by 285.01 Mtce in dustry screening mechanism to reduce excessive energy con-
2002e2007 and 777.25 Mtce in 2007e2012, respectively. However, sumption. The undeveloped regions such as western and northeast
the impact of technological advancement on energy consumption is regions may adhere to the baseline of ecological and environmental
different across regions, inputs and sectors. By regions, techno- protection and upper limits for resource utilization, and rationally
logical advancement of energy inputs in all regions decreases en- undertake the transfer of energy-intensive, highly polluting, and
ergy consumption except for the northwest. By inputs factors, the resource-based industries, thereby avoiding “polluting first and
substitution effect energy to non-energy inputs in industry sector then treating”.
might bring more energy consumption. By sectors, the technolog- In future, the exploration of energy consumption and regional
ical advancement of the non-industry sectors decreases energy disparities within carbon emission constraints and environmental
consumption by 31.7% and 174.6% during 2002e2007 and regulation also might be considered to improve the understanding
2007e2012, respectively. Technological advancement of industry of regional disparities regarding implementation of energy policies.
sectors plays the most important role in increasing energy con- Furthermore, our study has still certain limitations. On the one
sumption across China. hand, a hybrid SDA is only one of the possible decomposition; on
Second, final demand prominently increased energy consump- the other hand, as put forward by Su et al. (2010) [45], sectoral
tion in all regions, increasing totally by 1254.77 Mtce in 2002e2007 aggregation may lead to inaccuracy of decomposition, about 40
and 1667.14 Mtce in 2007e2012, respectively. Meanwhile, energy sectors might be necessary, whereas in our IeO table were inte-
consumption, directly or indirectly, is flowing from coastal regions grated into 11 sectors. Thus, the design of appropriate weight and
to Northwest, Southwest and Central China. Income effect played a decomposition in sectoral material flow might be further studied.
leading role in increasing energy consumption. The impact of in-
come on energy consumption also varied across sectors and re-
gions. Income effect of the developed areas such as Beijing-Tianjin Credit author statement
is lower than that of the undeveloped areas such as the north-
western China. Additionally, the population effect of the undevel- Guanfei Meng: Methodology, Software, Experiment design and
oped regions contributes more to increase of energy consumption data analytical methods, Visualization, Writing e original draft,
than that of the developed regions. The urbanization in developed review & editing. Hongxun Liu: Conceptualization, Investigation,
regions achieves easily energy conservation by scale effect of public Supervision, Methodology, Writing e review & editing.Jianglong
facilities and environment-friendly industry. The income effect is Li: Conceptualization, Investigation, Funding acquisition, Project
much greater than the structure effect, thereby decreasing the administration, Supervision, Methodology, Writing e review &
negative impact of the structure effect on energy consumption. editing. Chuanwang Sun: Investigation, Funding acquisition, Proj-
Finally, there is significant regional disparities on relative con- ect administration, Supervision, Methodology, Writing e review &
tributions of the driving forces over time. Concerning rising energy editing
G. Meng, H. Liu, J. Li et al. Energy 239 (2022) 122191
Declaration of competing interest of China (Grant no. 72173095, 71703120), China Postdoctoral Sci-
ence Foundation (Grant no. 2016M602784), Special Foundation of
The authors declare that they have no known competing China Postdoctoral Science (Grant no. 2018T111027), Postdoctoral
financial interests or personal relationships that could have Science Foundation in Shaanxi Province (No. 2017BSHTDZZ07).
appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
Appendix A
Table A1
Sectors in our developed hybrid IeO tables and the original Chinese provincial IeO tables
Sectors in our developed hybrid IeO tables Sectors in the original Chinese provincial IeO tables
Monetary S1: Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, 1. Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery sector
sectors fishery and water conservancy
(RMB) S2: Industry 2. Mining and washing of coal
3. Extraction of petroleum and natural gas sector
4. Production and supply of gas sector
5. Processing of petroleum, coking, and nuclear fuel
6. Production and supply of electric power and heat power
7. Management of water conservancy, environment and public facilities sector
8. Mining of metal ores
9. Mining of non-metal ores and other ores
10. Manufacturing of food, beverage and tobacco
11. Manufacturing of textiles
12. Manufacturing of textile wearing apparel, footwear and caps
13. Processing of timber
14. Manufacturing of wood and furniture, manufacturing of paper and paper products
15. Printing
16. Reproduction of recording media
17. Chemical industry
18. Manufacturing of non-metallic mineral products, smelting and pressing of metals
19. Manufacturing of metal products
20. Manufacturing of general purpose machinery and special purpose machinery
21. Manufacturing of transport equipment, manufacturing of electrical machinery and equipment
manufacturing of communication equipment, computers and other electronic equipment
22. Manufacturing of measuring instruments and machinery for cultural activity and office work
23. Manufacturing of artwork
24. Other manufacturing
25. Recycling and disposal of waste
26. Production and supply of water
S3: Construction 27. Construction
S4: Transportation, storage, and postal 28. Transport and storage sector, post sector
S5: Wholesale and retail accommodation and 29. Wholesale and retail trades sector
catering 30. Hotels and catering services sector
S6: Other service industries 31. Information transmission
32. Computer services and software
33. Financial intermediation
34. Real estate leasing
35. Business services
36. Scientific research and technical services
37. General technical services
38. Services to households and other services
39. Education
40. Health, social security and social welfare
41. Culture, sports and entertainment
42. Public management and social organizations
Physical S7: Coal
sectors S8: Oil
(Mtce) S9: Natural gas
S10: Fossil-fired electricity
S11: Renewable energy
G. Meng, H. Liu, J. Li et al. Energy 239 (2022) 122191
Table A2
Changes in energy consumption in each region of China and their driving forces.
Unit: Mtce
Energy consumption Final demand Level effect Structure effect Technological advancement Energy sectors Non-energy sectors
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