Performance Improvement Exam Form

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Savitribai Phule Pune University

Guidance for filling the option form for performance

improvement examinations

Log on to Click on Examination Section.

Savitribai Phule Pune University

1. Click on link 1/link 2 to fill the performance improvement examination form.
 The performance improvement link is provided only for those students who had filled
Exam form for April-May 2020 examination and only to those students whose theory
Subject examination results are computed using the mathematical formula.

2. After clicking on the link screen as shown below appears. Read instructions carefully before
Filling examination form.
 Dear Students, you are aware that results of April-May (summer 2020) examination for
The first to pre-final year examinations are declared.
 Link for filling the option form for the performance improvement examinations (optional)
For interested and eligible students (regular, even semester examination and whose result
Is computed using mathematical formula) is kept open for next 10 days from the date of
Opening the link for specific examination.
 Please note that, results obtained after the assessment of answer books for the selected
Subjects of the performance improvement examination will be final.
 Special examination facility is not available for the performance improvement examination.
 Marks computed using the mathematical formulae for those subjects for which students
Have not opted for the performance improvement examination will remain unchanged
 Please note that, student need not have to pay separate examination fees for the
Performance improvement examination.
 Facility is provided to delete the performance improvement form through your login.
You are then eligible once again for filling form for the performance
Improvement examination.

Savitribai Phule Pune University

3. Please verify the contents in check box. (I hereby confirm that I have read and understood all
instructions). You may then proceed for login.

4. After appearing of login screen on monitor, put your own “student profile login” details.
 These details are kept same as used by students for filling examination form for April-May
2020 examination.

Savitribai Phule Pune University

5. Please Click On the button marked as- “Performance Improvement Examination Form”

6. Students are instructed to read instructions carefully before creating an application for the performance
improvement examination.

 Students are instructed to fill only one application for the performance improvement
 Click on the "Create Application" button.
 Theory subjects of even semester for regular students as per Hall Ticket Data are available
for the selection of specific subjects for the performance improvement examination.
 Provision is made to view your application for the performance improvement examination.
 Confirm your application after satisfying yourself about the correct selection of subjects .
 Facility of printing after the confirmation of details filled by student is also available.

Savitribai Phule Pune University

7. After login using your credentials you will be able to view following details.
Student name, mother name, PRN/Eligibility no, seat no, course name, puncode, college
 You will also be able to see the details about theory subjects of even semester as
filled by students for April-May 2020 examination.

8. Students are instructed to select desired subject from the list available for the
performance improvement examination. After selection these subjects, it is
instructed to press the Submit button available on screen.

Savitribai Phule Pune University

9. Dashboard will be available after clicking on the submit button.
 Non-editable details such as application ID, course name and application status
can be seen on screen.
 Provision is made to edit your application for the performance improvement

10. Student is instructed to view application form.

 Details about student profile and subjects selected for the performance
improvement examination will be available on screen.
 After the confirmation of application, provision of further editing application form
is not provided.

Savitribai Phule Pune University

11. Use edit button for changing contents before confirmation of your examination
 Provision is made to change subject/s selected for the performance improvement
examination. Then click on to complete the process.

12. After the confirmation of application for the performance improvement

examination, there is no provision for further editing of contents filled in this form.
 You can view your application submitted on web-portal. Facility of printing of this
application form is given.

Savitribai Phule Pune University

13. Provision of deleting of complete application form is given to students.
 After deleting of this examination form student will be able to re-fill only once the
application for the performance improvement examination.

Note: Only one application is allowed to delete then after applied application will be
strictly considered as final application for Performance Improvement.

Savitribai Phule Pune University

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