The document provides instructions for students at Savitribai Phule Pune University to apply for photo/scan copies or reevaluation of exam answers online. It outlines the login process, filling out forms with details like PRN number and seat number, selecting subjects to apply for, making payment for the application, and printing the final application form. Students are instructed not to send a hard copy of the application to the university and that fees paid are non-refundable. It also provides contact information for additional support.
The document provides instructions for students at Savitribai Phule Pune University to apply for photo/scan copies or reevaluation of exam answers online. It outlines the login process, filling out forms with details like PRN number and seat number, selecting subjects to apply for, making payment for the application, and printing the final application form. Students are instructed not to send a hard copy of the application to the university and that fees paid are non-refundable. It also provides contact information for additional support.
The document provides instructions for students at Savitribai Phule Pune University to apply for photo/scan copies or reevaluation of exam answers online. It outlines the login process, filling out forms with details like PRN number and seat number, selecting subjects to apply for, making payment for the application, and printing the final application form. Students are instructed not to send a hard copy of the application to the university and that fees paid are non-refundable. It also provides contact information for additional support.
The document provides instructions for students at Savitribai Phule Pune University to apply for photo/scan copies or reevaluation of exam answers online. It outlines the login process, filling out forms with details like PRN number and seat number, selecting subjects to apply for, making payment for the application, and printing the final application form. Students are instructed not to send a hard copy of the application to the university and that fees paid are non-refundable. It also provides contact information for additional support.
Log on to . Click on Examination Section.
Savitribai Phule Pune University
1 . Students Section will be displayed. User click on “Photo/Scancopy & Revaluation”.
2. Please read instructions and Select proper option
Savitribai Phule Pune University
3. Login Page will be displayed. New users can create Login on highlighted text
**Note: If you received any mail from university as this is your Username and Password for photocopy; you can use the provided Credentials.
Savitribai Phule Pune University
4. After filling all the details in Sign Up form, you can login by using username & password which you have entered at the time of Sign Up.
A. User Name:-Username can be a combination of letters that
a user (student) can remember to login and can be used for future use for Reprint the application form if required. **Note: Student has to login with the same Username and Password for Photo/Scancopy and Revaluation.
B. Password:-A valid password which user (Student) must
remember for future use. C. PRNo: - A PRN No. is a unique number given to each and every regular student. A student can get PRN no. from their respective colleges.
Savitribai Phule Pune University
D. Seat no.:- A Seat no is a number given to each and every student every time he/she appears for exam. A student must write a seat no for the exam he/she is applying.
E. Email:- Please enter active Email Id for communication purpose.
F. Mobile:-Please enter correct Mobile Number for communication purpose.
**Note::Please fills all the information correctly because this
information can be validated and used for Online System.
G. After logging, you will redirect to selection page where
you can select the option for Photocopy (Scan Copy) /Revaluation. H. Select an option and click on Proceed button to fill the form.
I. Student will have to fill separate forms for Photocopy
(Scan Copy)/Revaluation (After Photocopy (Scan Copy)) of answer books under same Login account.
Savitribai Phule Pune University
Savitribai Phule Pune University
5. Student can select the subjects for which he/she wants to apply. After submitting the form it will get redirected to Payment Process Page.
Savitribai Phule Pune University
6. Student can make payment through Online Payment/ Cash mode.
7. Student can print his/her application form by clicking on
Print button as shown in following image.
Don't send hard copy of the Application form to Savitribai
Phule Pune University / College.
The fee once paid will not be refundable for any reason
For more information: Log on to:
Mail To: Contact No.: 020- 25601209, 25601235