Medical Paper
Medical Paper
Medical Paper
Thomas Olah
Medical Marijuana
May 2, 2021
Medical Marijuana is a very important part soon for the medical field in general. Instead
of having to prescribe Opioids and other pain killing drugs that are typically highly addictive,
they can prescribe a drug that is much safer and less addictive than pain killers. Marijuana has
been used for pain for years and other medical conditions and there have been plenty of positive
results. The idea that smoking marijuana is evil, and a bad thing is the way of the past. More and
more people are coming around to the idea that marijuana in general is good, especially for the
medical side. This is due to more research and people coming out and saying how much more
beneficial it is for them rather than taking pills. It relaxes the patients who take it and lets them
remain calm and collective. For others it helps them get through their days whether it is to deal
with pain or nausea or other symptoms that can be repelled with marijuana. Marijuana is
important to these medical patients who need it and use it daily. There are others who use
marijuana to cope with their seizures. This is mostly children who have uncontrollable seizures.
The best example of this is Charlotte’s web, a strand of CBD marijuana that helps reduce the
number of seizures that some children may end up having. This strand has been proven to work
on some children. But this does not begin to show what potential medical marijuana can hold for
us in the future.
Marijuana is not evil, even if people say it is. Marijuana is a type 1 drug, but how many
overdoses have there ever been of marijuana? The answer is zero. There has never been an
overdose on marijuana, unlike that of prescription pills. Every year there are thousands of deaths
due to opioid overdoses. “In 2019, nearly 50,000 people in the United States died from opioid-
relievers, heroin, and synthetic opioids such as fentanyl—is a serious national crisis that affects
public health as well as social and economic welfare. The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention estimates that the total "economic burden" of prescription opioid misuse alone in the
United States is $78.5 billion a year, including the costs of healthcare, lost productivity,
addiction treatment, and criminal justice involvement” (National Institute on Drug Abuse). This
opioid crisis has been going on for years now and the solution has been looking politicians and
doctors right in the face, but yet they refuse to use it. Medical marijuana has so many less risks
than opioids, and if the person who was prescribed the marijuana does not like it, then they can
request opioids for the time they would need it. The idea that marijuana has more negative
effects then opioids is just false. And as stated in the quote above, the united states lose 78.5
billion dollars each year due to opioid misuse. This is a massive amount to just be okay with.
This is adding to the debt that America must pay off and this means more taxes for the citizens.
A way to help pay off this debt could be a marijuana tax. If the government has a problem with
this amount, then they could just put a high tax on marijuana. While this might stink, it is at least
allowing legal marijuana to be sold to patients. This can help lighten the load when it comes to
the amount of money that is being lost due to the opioid crisis.
Medical marijuana has been proven to help people. There are millions of people on the
program at this point and they love it. It allows them to get legal marijuana to help deal with
their aches and pains. The best example though, of medical marijuana helping someone is
through a strand called Charlotte’s Web. Charlotte’s Web is a strand of marijuana that is
extremely high in CBD and low in THC and is given to children who suffer from having
multiple seizures a day. This allows the children to live a more normal life and go to school. One
case showed that there is a girl who suffered from multiple seizures each day, they were painful
and hard for the parents to watch their child suffer so much. They tried all the traditional
medicine but the best medicine they found was this strand of CBD marijuana called Charlotte’s
Web. She stopped having seizures all the time and she could live her life. “By age 5, Charlotte
was having over 300 seizures a week, about one every 30 minutes, Ms. Figi said. Charlotte was
in a wheelchair and used a feeding tube because she could not swallow, her mother said. On
several occasions, she was resuscitated after her heart stopped. The family tried dozens of
medications, but they did not work. “We were told by the doctor there was nothing left to try
pharmaceutically,” Ms. Figi said. Ms. Figi began to research CBD, a nonintoxicating,
nonpsychotropic compound found in cannabis. The cannabinoid was being used overseas to treat
epileptic patients. She found a grower who agreed to grow the hemp needed to extract CBD oil
for Charlotte. “I didn’t think it was going to work,” Ms. Figi said. But it did. Charlotte did not
have any seizures for seven days after starting the treatment, Ms. Figi said. “She started talking,
making eye contact, walking, and we removed her feeding tube,” her mother said. The seizures
were reduced to about one a month” (Sandra E. Garcia). Even though Charlotte was having over
300 seizures a week, they did not give up. Charlotte sadly lived be only 13 due to complications
with Covid-19, but she lived longer than she would have if she did not take the CBD. This
prolonged her life and let her enjoy a bit more time with her loved ones.
Medical Marijuana is extremely important to those who use it. It helps these people get
their lives back on track and work again without worrying about pain or nausea symptoms. I do
believe medical marijuana has the ability to help those who suffer from extreme anxiety, but this
has yet to have substantial evidence for it. Medical Marijuana has helped plenty of people and
will continue to do so. As I write this paper more and more states are thinking about legalizing
marijuana not just for medical, but for recreational. Most states have a medical program but
slowly more will open to recreational as well. But the medical side of marijuana has more to
show us, and we will find out all the good it can do for us in the near future.
Work Cited
National Institute on Drug Abuse. “Opioid Overdose Crisis.” National Institute on Drug Abuse,
11 Mar. 2021,
Garcia, Sandra E. “Charlotte Figi, Who Helped Popularize CBD for Medical Use, Dies at 13.”
The New York Times, The New York Times, 10 Apr. 2020,