Lab2 (Raw Assay)

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University of Jordan

faculty of pharmacy

Pharmaceutical instrumental analysis laboratory

Experiment 2
Assay of Paracetamol raw material
Aim of the experiment
• To be able of determining the purity of a pharmaceutical
compound using UV spectroscopy.
Theoretical background
• Paracetamol is an Analgesic and
antipyretic compound.
• Molecular formula: C8H9NO2 and
Mwt =151.2g/mol
• Characters: White, crystalline
powder. Sparingly soluble in water,
freely soluble in alcohol, very
slightly soluble in methylene
Theoretical background
• Percentage purity of a pharmaceutical compound =
• [Practically found weight / theoretical weight ] x 100%
Beer’s- Lambert’s law
• A = A1%. b. C
• A : absorbance,
• B: path length (mostly 1cm)
• C : concentration expressed as g% and
• A1% : a physical constant known as absorptivity of the compound at
a particular wavelength.
Beer’s- Lambert’s law
• The value of A1% is usually given by the pharmacopeia in
pharmacopoeial procedure or else it can be determined
practically in the lab.
• In order to be able to obtain the value of A1%, a reference standard
material of the analyte should be available; if so prepare a series
of standard solution of the material and measure them properly
at the desired wavelength.
• Plot the obtained values of absorbance against corresponding
concentrations. The slope of the obtained linear line should
represent A1%

To determine the absorptivity of paracetamol

A. Calibration curve
Be careful!?
• We will be using two paracetamol powder
• Paracetamol standard powder ,which is 100% pure
paracetamol, for the absorptivity measurement
(calibration curve)
• Paracetamol raw powder which purity is to be
• 1. Calibration curve for paracetamol
•3. From stock 2 pipette the following
volumes in 50 ml volumetric flasks and
complete the volume with 0.1M NaOH

• 1. Dissolve 0.085g •2. From stock 1 pipette 4. Scan the
paracetamol standard in 2 ml and complete the most
50 ml flask using 0.1M volume up to 50ml with 4ml concentrated
NaOH 0.1M NaOH solution to
6ml determine
lambda max of
8ml paracetamol
then measure
the absorbance
of the 5
Stock 1 Stock 2 10ml
• Calibration curve results
• The link below will help you in plotting calibration curve via excel

Solution concentration Absorbance

0.00027 0.195
0.00054 0.394
0.000816 0.58
0.00109 0.75
0.00136 0.902
• 2. Raw assay

• 1. Dissolve 0.085g 2. From stock 1 pipette

3. From stock 2 pipette 4. Measure the
paracetamol raw material 2ml into 50 ml v. flask
5ml into 50 ml v. flask absorbance of the
in 50 ml flask using 0.1M and complete the
and complete the resulting solution
NaOH volume with 0.1M
volume with 0.1M at 257nm

Stock 1 Stock 2 Diluted raw solution

Purity calculation

• 1. For the results of the experiments we can apply Beers’

law to calculate the concentration of the diluted raw
solution .

Absorbance Concentration
absorptivity (1 cm)
(raw (unknown) ?
material )
curve )
Purity calculation

• 2. note that the concentration we get from beers law is

for diluted raw solution, so it should be multiplied by the
dilution factor to get the original concentration.
• Concentration before dilution= Concentration after* dilution factor
Purity calculation

• 3. Now we need to convert the concentration to mass by

multiplying by the volume of the solution.
• Mass(g) = concentration(g/100ml)* volume (ml)
Purity calculation

• 4. purity is ready to be determined

• Purity = (Actual wt/ theoretical wt )*100%

The mass you

got From the The mass you
calculation weight on the

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