Air-Condtioning: Course No. ME40107

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Course no. ME40107

Dr. Sourav Mitra

Room No. 204 (first floor)
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
• A fluid is a substance that flows and deforms continuously under an
applied shear stress. Solids can resist a shear stress by static
deformation. Shear stress no matter how small will result in fluid flow.
a) Solid: Tangential force is
applied on a plate
bonded to the top
surface of solid block
while the bottom
surface is kept fixed.
The solid will deform Shear force applied to a) solid and b) fluid
and after sometime
resist the applied force.

b) Fluid (e.g. oil/glycerine etc.) is filled in between two plates. Bottom plate is kept
stationary while the top plate is pulled. The fluid will deform and flow continuously till
the force is applied on top plate. (Fluid under rest is in a state of zero shear stress)

An important fluid property associated with this phenomenon is Viscosity (μ).

Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
• Fluid flow in general can be compressible, i.e., the density (ρ) of the
fluid may vary along the flow direction.
• However, in most of the air conditioning applications the density
variations may be assumed to be negligible.
• Hence, the fluid flow for such systems is treated as “incompressible”
• Also most of the air conditioning problems deal with steady flows.
• The assumption of steady and incompressible flow makes the
analysis relatively simple
• However, the effect of density change has to be taken into account
in buoyancy driven flows, commonly encountered in natural
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
• An ideal fluid is the one which does not offer any resistance to flow
• Viscosity is a measure of fluid’s resistance to flow
• In the previous example, the fluid near the stationary plate is at zero
velocity and the fluid near the moving plate is at the plate velocity.

• This condition is called as “no slip condition”

• The no slip condition creates a velocity gradient in the fluid, which
gives rise to shear stress
∂u x
• The shear stress, τ is given by: τ x = − µ
• The shear stress, τ is in the opposite direction of the fluid flow.
• This stress gives rise to a viscous drag force
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics

shear stress

Ideal fluid

Shear Strain rate ∂u

Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Mass Conservation (Continuity equation)

• The flow is assumed to be steady and

V1 , A1 V2 , A2
m ρ=
= VA constant

• Where A is the area normal to the flow direction and ρ is the density
V = Average velocity =
A ∫ vdA

• Conservation of mass for flow through a conduit:

= m ρ= 1V1 A1 ρ 2V2 A2 =Q V=1 A1 V2 A2 (incompressible fluid)
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Bernoulli Equation:

• This is a statement of conservation of

energy for a steady, inviscid,
incompressible and isentropic flow with
no work addition
• Applied between any two stations 1 and 2 along a flow conduit, it is
given by:
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Limitations of Bernoulli Equation:

One or more of the assumptions made while deriving Bernoulli’s equation

are invalid for all the above examples
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Flow past a thin stationary plate (Viscous)
Let fluid flow at uniform velocity U (x-direction) strikes a stationary plate in a parallel manner.

The figure shows the velocity (U) profile in the y-direction. Just at the tip of the plate the flow
is uniform and downstream the velocity profile changes due to the wall effect.

x-direction velocity profile

• Fluid near the wall comes to rest due to no slip condition and the fluid element above it
(in y-direction) decelerates due to viscosity and so on…this effect propagates within the
• This entire region where the fluid flow is effected by the wall is called the Boundary
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Flow inside a circular pipe/ducts (Viscous)
Let fluid flow at uniform velocity U (x-direction) enter a circular pipe axially.

The figure shows the velocity (U) profile at any cross-section. Just at the entry to the pipe the
flow is uniform and downstream the velocity profile changes due to the wall effect.
r velocity, U

Parabolic profile
velocity, U

of velocity

No slip

• Fluid near the wall comes to rest due to no slip condition. However, the centerline
velocity increases !! Why ??
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Laminar & Turbulent flows:

Increasing flow rate Increasing viscosity

Effect of flow rate Effect of viscosity

Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Laminar & Turbulent flows:
Reynolds experiment (1883)

It is observed that for a circular pipe, the flow remains laminar, when
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Laminar & Turbulent flows:

Laminar flow Turbulent flow

It is extremely important to know whether

the flow is laminar or turbulent as the
momentum and energy exchange between a
surface and the fluid flowing over it depend
upon the nature of the flow

The value of the Reynolds number is an

indication of the nature of the flow
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Reynolds number and Hydraulic diameter:

Laminar flow Turbulent flow

Reynolds number for any flow channel/ducts is defined as:

Where Dh is the hydraulic diameter for flow through ducts

A = Cross sectional area of the duct (normal to flow)

Pw = wetted perimeter
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Laminar & Turbulent flows:
Turbulent flow is unsteady and
hence we use time-averaging to
represent the velocity at any given

For turbulent flows the velocity profile at

any cross section inside the pipe/duct
fairly uniform when compared to Laminar
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Modified Bernoulli Equation:
• Make suitable modifications to the
original equation to include frictional
pressure loss and power input (due to blower

• Where ∆Pblower is the pressure rise due to blower and ∆Ploss is the
pressure loss between stations 1 and 2 due to friction and other losses
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Modified Bernoulli Equation:

For a horizontal pipe of uniform cross

section, modified Bernoulli eq. becomes: blower


The power requirement of the blower, Wblower is:

Q ∆Ppump / blower
W =
η pump / blower
Q is the flow rate (m3/s) and ηblower is blower efficiency

How to obtain the ΔPloss in pipes and fittings ?

Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Estimation of pressure loss:
The total pressure loss, ∆Ploss is due to:
1. Frictional effects, ∆Pfriction
2. Momentum change or minor loss, ∆Pminor loss

∆Ploss = ∆Pfriction + ∆Pminor loss

Frictional loss:
• The frictional loss, ∆Pfriction is given by Darcy-Weisbach equation
 fL   ρV 2 
∆Pfriction =
  
 h 
D 2 
• Where f is the Darcy friction factor, L is the length of the conduit and Dh
is the hydraulic diameter of the conduit
• V is the average velocity and ρ is the fluid density
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Friction factor (f):
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
 64 
= f for Red < 2300 
Friction factor (computation):  0.25
= f for Red > 4000 
  ε d 5.4  

  log  + 0.9   
   3 .7 Red   

Surface roughness for commercial ducts:

Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Minor loss:
For any pipe system the losses due to the following are considered “Minor losses”:
1. Area change (pipe entry/exit, fittings)
2. Bends, elbows, tees and other fittings
3. Valves (open or partially closed)
 ρV 2 
∆Pfriction =
K 
 2 
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Loss Coefficient (K):
Entrance loss
Area change (Entry or Exit losses)

Entrance loss

Entrance loss


Exit loss
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Loss Coefficient (K):
Area change (use of fittings: reducer/expander)

Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Loss Coefficient (K):

90° Pipe Bend


Dh = constant

 Rbend 
 
 Dh 
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Loss Coefficient (K): Losses in fully open condition
Valves (some typical data)


Opening fraction = h/D

Loss coefficient with valve opening is provided by
the manufacturer
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Loss Coefficient (K):
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Estimation of total pressure loss:
• Considering both friction and momentum (or minor) losses, the total
pressure loss is given by:

• In the above equations, i and j stand for number of straight lengths

and number of bends/fittings, respectively.
• For pipe bends the pipe curved length also to be included in the
frictional losses. For other fittings/valves only K-value to be
• The power requirement of the blower/pump, is: W =
Q ∆Ppump / blower
η pump / blower
Example 1
Velocity profile of air flowing between two infinite parallel plates is given
by u = uo*(y/L); where uo = 10 m/s is the velocity of top plate and the
bottom plate is held stationary. L = 0.002 m is the vertical distance
between the two parallel plates. If viscosity of air is 2*10-5 Pa.s what is
the shear stress on the bottom plate?
Example 2
Air at 3 kg/s passes through a large straight circular insulated duct of
diameter 250 mm and length 25 m. Assume the duct material to be
smooth. A fan with 70% efficiency is provided to just overcome the
frictional pressure drop inside this duct. Estimate the power of the fan
required? What is the temperature change in air as it flows over the fan?
(Assume density of air = 1.2 kg/m3, viscosity = 2 x 10-5 Pa.s, Cp = 1.0 kJ/kg.K)

m ρ AV
= ⇒
= V 51 m/s
ρVD f = 0.0125 (Moody chart)
Re = 7.65 ×105
 L   ρV 
∆Ploss =
∆Pfan =
f   =
1950.75 Pa
 D  2 
 ∆P m ∆P
= = = 6.97 kW
η ρη
Example 3
Pipe roughness is ε/D = 0.001. Viscosity of water is 8.0×10-4 Pa.s and
density is 1000 kg/m3. Determine the power consumed by the pump to
flow water from tank 1 to 2 at 150 lpm assuming 80% efficiency ?

36 m


60 m straight pipe,
300 mm d = 50 mm

60 m straight pipe,
d = 50 mm
Neglect pipe length
Example 3: Solution

1 1
P1 + ρ gz1 + ρV12 + ∆Ppump= P2 + ρ gz2 + ρV22 + ∆Ploss
2 2
Minor Loss K
⇒ Patm + ρ gz1 + 0 + ∆Ppump
= Patm + ρ gz2 + 0 + ∆Ploss
Sharp Entrance 0.5
Fully open globe valve 6.9 Ppump ρ g ( z2 − z1 ) + ∆Ploss
⇒ ∆=
Pipe bend 0.15
  fL    ρV 2  Q = A ⋅V ⇒ V =1.31 m/s
90° Elbow 0.95 ∆Ploss = Σ   + ΣK   
Half open gate valve 4.0   h 
D   2 
Sharp exit 1
TOTAL (ΣK) 13.5 Re ≈ 74000 ⇒ f ≈ 0.025 ( Moody Chart )
 1000 ×1.312 
∆Ploss = 73.73 ×  = 63.27 kPa
 fL  0.025  2 
Σ  × ( 60+0.47+60 ) ≈ 60.2
 Dh  0.05 ∆Ppump = 357.57 kPa
357570 × 0.0025
=W pump = 1117.4 W
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Branching of pipes:
• Series
In this case from continuity we
have mass flow rate is same
through all pipes
 fi Li
 ρVi 2 
→B ∑ 
i =1 
+ Ki  
= =
1 1 A=
2V2 A3V3
 i
D  2

• Parallel
In this case the pressure loss
across each pipe is same
Q = ∑ AV
i i
i =1

 f1 L1  ρV12  f 2 L2  ρV2 2
∆PA→ B =  + K1  =  + K2  = ....
 D1  2  D2  2
Example 4
A pipe network is created as shown in the figure
using “galvanised iron pipe” of 25 mm diameter.
Each straight pipe length is 10 m. A globe valve is
present at one of the branches as shown. All the
Screwed 90° elbow
fittings are of 25 mm diameter. What should be the
opening fraction of the globe valve so that the flow 25 lpm

rate through each branch is equal? Density of water Globe Valve

= 103 kg/m3 and viscosity = 10-3 Pa.s, use the
following correlation for friction factor: A B
50 lpm 25 lpm

Screwed Tee joints

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