Air-Condtioning: Course No. ME40107
Air-Condtioning: Course No. ME40107
Air-Condtioning: Course No. ME40107
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
• A fluid is a substance that flows and deforms continuously under an
applied shear stress. Solids can resist a shear stress by static
deformation. Shear stress no matter how small will result in fluid flow.
a) Solid: Tangential force is
applied on a plate
bonded to the top
surface of solid block
while the bottom
surface is kept fixed.
The solid will deform Shear force applied to a) solid and b) fluid
and after sometime
resist the applied force.
b) Fluid (e.g. oil/glycerine etc.) is filled in between two plates. Bottom plate is kept
stationary while the top plate is pulled. The fluid will deform and flow continuously till
the force is applied on top plate. (Fluid under rest is in a state of zero shear stress)
shear stress
Ideal fluid
• Where A is the area normal to the flow direction and ρ is the density
V = Average velocity =
A ∫ vdA
The figure shows the velocity (U) profile in the y-direction. Just at the tip of the plate the flow
is uniform and downstream the velocity profile changes due to the wall effect.
• Fluid near the wall comes to rest due to no slip condition and the fluid element above it
(in y-direction) decelerates due to viscosity and so on…this effect propagates within the
• This entire region where the fluid flow is effected by the wall is called the Boundary
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Flow inside a circular pipe/ducts (Viscous)
Let fluid flow at uniform velocity U (x-direction) enter a circular pipe axially.
The figure shows the velocity (U) profile at any cross-section. Just at the entry to the pipe the
flow is uniform and downstream the velocity profile changes due to the wall effect.
r velocity, U
Parabolic profile
velocity, U
of velocity
No slip
• Fluid near the wall comes to rest due to no slip condition. However, the centerline
velocity increases !! Why ??
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Laminar & Turbulent flows:
It is observed that for a circular pipe, the flow remains laminar, when
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Laminar & Turbulent flows:
• Where ∆Pblower is the pressure rise due to blower and ∆Ploss is the
pressure loss between stations 1 and 2 due to friction and other losses
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Modified Bernoulli Equation:
Q ∆Ppump / blower
W =
η pump / blower
Q is the flow rate (m3/s) and ηblower is blower efficiency
Entrance loss
Entrance loss
Exit loss
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Loss Coefficient (K):
Area change (use of fittings: reducer/expander)
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Loss Coefficient (K):
Dh = constant
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Loss Coefficient (K): Losses in fully open condition
Valves (some typical data)
m ρ AV
= ⇒
= V 51 m/s
ρVD f = 0.0125 (Moody chart)
Re = 7.65 ×105
L ρV
∆Ploss =
∆Pfan =
f =
1950.75 Pa
D 2
∆P m ∆P
= = = 6.97 kW
η ρη
Example 3
Pipe roughness is ε/D = 0.001. Viscosity of water is 8.0×10-4 Pa.s and
density is 1000 kg/m3. Determine the power consumed by the pump to
flow water from tank 1 to 2 at 150 lpm assuming 80% efficiency ?
36 m
60 m straight pipe,
300 mm d = 50 mm
60 m straight pipe,
d = 50 mm
Neglect pipe length
Example 3: Solution
1 1
P1 + ρ gz1 + ρV12 + ∆Ppump= P2 + ρ gz2 + ρV22 + ∆Ploss
2 2
Minor Loss K
⇒ Patm + ρ gz1 + 0 + ∆Ppump
= Patm + ρ gz2 + 0 + ∆Ploss
Sharp Entrance 0.5
Fully open globe valve 6.9 Ppump ρ g ( z2 − z1 ) + ∆Ploss
⇒ ∆=
Pipe bend 0.15
fL ρV 2 Q = A ⋅V ⇒ V =1.31 m/s
90° Elbow 0.95 ∆Ploss = Σ + ΣK
Half open gate valve 4.0 h
D 2
Sharp exit 1
TOTAL (ΣK) 13.5 Re ≈ 74000 ⇒ f ≈ 0.025 ( Moody Chart )
1000 ×1.312
∆Ploss = 73.73 × = 63.27 kPa
fL 0.025 2
Σ × ( 60+0.47+60 ) ≈ 60.2
Dh 0.05 ∆Ppump = 357.57 kPa
357570 × 0.0025
=W pump = 1117.4 W
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Branching of pipes:
• Series
In this case from continuity we
have mass flow rate is same
through all pipes
fi Li
ρVi 2
→B ∑
i =1
+ Ki
= =
1 1 A=
2V2 A3V3
D 2
• Parallel
In this case the pressure loss
across each pipe is same
Q = ∑ AV
i i
i =1
f1 L1 ρV12 f 2 L2 ρV2 2
∆PA→ B = + K1 = + K2 = ....
D1 2 D2 2
Example 4
A pipe network is created as shown in the figure
using “galvanised iron pipe” of 25 mm diameter.
Each straight pipe length is 10 m. A globe valve is
present at one of the branches as shown. All the
Screwed 90° elbow
fittings are of 25 mm diameter. What should be the
opening fraction of the globe valve so that the flow 25 lpm