B1 UNIT 5 Everyday English
B1 UNIT 5 Everyday English
B1 UNIT 5 Everyday English
HBD to you LEARNING OUTCOME learn how to use social networking language
4 05 Listen to the dialogue. What does Ingrid decide to do?
Ingrid is staying with a host family in the UK. Rosie, their daughter, is the same age as Ingrid.
Rosie: Do you ever chat online, Ingrid? Ingrid: Who is that?
Ingrid: Yes, but not so much with my English friends. Rosie: Just a football team. Not very interesting.
I don’t understand some of the language. Ooh, video awards – that’s better!
Rosie: (1) Most words are Ingrid: Zoella? Who is that?
abbreviations, like ‘A-B-T’ means ‘about’. The Rosie: She’s a vlogger. A vlogger is
others often take the first letter of each word in a (5) . A blogger writes
small phrase, like ‘H-A-N-D’ means ‘Have a nice opinions and posts them on a website and a
day’. And you use ‘F-2-F’ when you want to meet vlogger appears in front of a camera.
someone (2) . Oh, it’s a message from Katie. Let’s see if you can
Ingrid: What is ‘B-F’? understand it.
Rosie: (3) It’s the first letters of Ingrid: U-C prog a-b-t Liam? F2F later? Did you see the
‘best friend’. You use it to talk about a very special programme about Liam? Do you want to meet
friend. face to face later?
Ingrid: And what does ‘trending’ mean? Rosie: Wow! (6) You’re good!
Rosie: It means ‘what’s popular right now’. I’ll show you. Do you want to open a Twitter account?
I’m going to log in to my Twitter account. Ingrid: Come on, then. Let’s do it!
Look, this is a list (4) .
5 Read and complete the dialogue with the phrases (a–f). Over to you!
Then listen again and check.
6 Work in pairs. You are going to text
a … someone who posts short d Exactly right!
your friend. Follow the steps below
films on video-sharing sites. e ‘face to face’. and send each other written texts.
b It’s easier than you think. f We use this one a lot. Use the expressions in the Everyday
c … of what’s trending at the English Toolkit.
moment. Step 1: Think about a TV show, a blog,
a piece of music, a film, an artist, or a writer
that you both know.
Step 2: Send a message to your friend
Write the social networking language next to the meanings. asking for an opinion about your choice
from Step 1.
ABT • BF • B/C • B4 • HAND • HBD • IC • IDK • KK • TMB
Step 3: Write a reply expressing your
a) tweet me back TMB f) because opinion and then keep the ‘conversation’
b) have a nice day g) happy birthday
Exchange several short messages.
c) a very special friend h) I see
d) I don’t know i) cool cool
e) before j) about