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How Many Routes

This question
comes from
the UK

Beaver Jane regularly walks to school.

INSTRUCTIONS: Print in colour single sided | Cut on the solid line | Fold on the dotted line | Stick together
Jane likes to change her route each day, but she only
Answer Explanation
Beaver Jane can walk to school using three different
The correct answer is 3
takes paths to the school that are most direct. routes. Each route uses a different combination of
roads but all three pathways lead her to the school.

How many different routes can Jane take to school?
Computational Thinking:
1 2 3 4 5 6 Abstraction

This question
comes from

You are building a birdhouse for a friend

who has given you these instructions: Answer Explanation
House 1 is not correct because it has only one window
House 3
“I would like a birdhouse with 2 windows and a heart”. and two hearts.
House 2 is not correct because it has
two windows, but no heart.
House 4 is not correct because it has only one window.

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House 1 House 2 House 3 House 4

Which birdhouse fits those rules?
Computational Thinking:
1 2 3 4 Abstraction
This question
comes from

Benjamin is asked to fill a box with different shapes. The box has 9 sections.

INSTRUCTIONS: Print in colour single sided | Cut on the solid line | Fold on the dotted line | Stick together
Rules: There must be only one of the same shape in each row.
Answer Explanation
A is wrong because there is at least
C is correct according
There must be only one of the same shape in each column. 1 column with two of the same shapes.
to the rules
Benjamin has four goes! B is wrong because there is at least
1 row with two of the same shapes.
D is wrong because there is at least
1 row with two of the same shapes.


Which of the following boxes is correct?
Computational Thinking:
A B C D Abstraction

This question
comes from

A worm is sitting at the end of

the branch of the tree shown Answer Explanation
The worm has to reach all the apples.
to the right. The correct answer is 13. 4m and 9m are not the correct answers, because it is
It wants to eat all the apples not possible to reach all apples passing 4 or 9 branch
parts only. A path with a length of 13m allows the
by moving through the worm to reach all the apples. First it has to reach the
tree’s branches. closest apple and then the remaining three apples.
Each branch section is made Notice, it does not matter in which order the worm

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will reach the remaining apples. The 15m long path is
of 1m long sections. too long.

What is the shortest distance, in metres,
that the worm has to crawl to eat all the apples? Computational Thinking:
4m, 9m, 13m or 15m Modelling and Simulation
Parking Lot
This question
comes from

There are 12 spaces for cars in a parking lot.

INSTRUCTIONS: Print in colour single sided | Cut on the solid line | Fold on the dotted line | Stick together
Each space is labelled with a number. Answer Explanation
Only spots 13, 16, 18 and 19 did not have a car parked in them.
4 spaces were empty on both
The pictures below show which spaces were used on
Monday and Tuesday as can be
Monday and which spaces were used on Tuesday. seen in the image below.
Monday Tuesday

How many parking spaces were empty both on Monday and Tuesday?
Computational Thinking:
3 4 5 6 Abstraction

Shoe Prints
This question
comes from

Four footprints have been found in the mud.

The police are looking for a robber who wore
Answer Explanation
If you look at all the shoe prints in the question,
Shoe print 4
shoes with these properties: only the shoe print shown has both thin heels
and a stripey sole.
• The soles have a stripey pattern
• The heel is thin

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1 2 3 4

Computational Thinking:
Which shoe print would match the robber? Abstraction
Ant Hill Scramble
This question
comes from

Edna the echidna

INSTRUCTIONS: Print in colour single sided | Cut on the solid line | Fold on the dotted line | Stick together
wants to go to Answer Explanation
All answers begin with Edna walking right
the anthill. A from the starting point, but only A collects
To get there she must all red ants and ends up at the ant hill.
collect all the lager, B can’t be right as the path described does
red ants. not collect all red ants.
C and D can’t be right as the paths as they
do not follow the line of ants.
A Right, up, right, down, right, up, right
B Right, up, right, up, right up, right, down, right, down, right
C Right, up, right, up, left, down, right
D Right, up, right, down, right, down, right

What set of commands would get Edna all the red ants?
Computational Thinking:
A B C D Algorithms

Snake Samba
This question
comes from

Sally the snake is coming

up with a dance. Answer Explanation
A, B & D can’t be right as it does not follow the pattern as
C the tail of the snake changes position in each dance step:
it is either a straight or bent after the other. The small black
stripe swaps to be over or under the wide black stripe in
each alternate move and in each second dance step the
snake rotates (90 degrees) in a clockwise direction.

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To meet all of these rules the next dance step the head
of the snake points in new direction (down), with the tail
remaining unmoved (straight), and the black small stripe
moves over the wide black stripe.


Which image comes next in the dance?
Computational Thinking:
A B C D Pattern Recognition
This question
comes from

Lucilla is learning how to eat pizza. Here are her Mum’s rules:

INSTRUCTIONS: Print in colour single sided | Cut on the solid line | Fold on the dotted line | Stick together
Pieces with crust should be eaten with hands.
Answer Explanation
The image shows the only three pieces that have
Three pieces no crust which would be eaten with a fork.
Pieces without crust should be eaten with a fork.

Computational Thinking:
How many pieces of pizza should be eaten with a fork? Abstraction

Trees in a Circle
This question
comes from

The green circles on the right show the position of

six trees. Joni has tied a rope around them shown Answer Explanation
The image shows that six trees would be looped if
by the yellow line. 6 trees a rope was extended around the trees around the
Only five trees are touched by the rope. outside of the group.


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If the trees shown on the
right are wrapped with
a rope in the same way,
how many trees will be
touched by the rope?
Computational Thinking:
4 5 6 7 Modelling and Simulation
Rubbish Robots
This question
comes from

A park is divided into rectangles. The number in each rectangle

INSTRUCTIONS: Print in colour single sided | Cut on the solid line | Fold on the dotted line | Stick together
represents the number of pieces of rubbish left there by visitors. Answer Explanation
Boris will collect 3, then 6, then 0, for a total of 9.
9 pieces of rubbish
The park rangers have two robots, Anton and Boris, who collect The last square that Boris lands in will have 0 pieces
all the rubbish they find in every rectangle they enter. in it as Anton, who goes first, would have already
collected them.
The robots were given the following instructions:
First, robot Anton was sent:

= upwards = upwards = left

Next, robot Boris was sent:

= upwards = upwards = left

How many pieces of rubbish will Boris collect?
Computational Thinking:
3 9 11 12 Evaluation

Falling Robot
This question
comes from

A robot moves through a vertical maze. The maze

consists of various platforms. The robot begins in Answer Explanation
The robot follows the same basic rule, or algorithm when
the upper left corner and then moves to the right. C moving down the maze. This makes the robot fall in a
When it reaches the end of a platform, pattern changing directions at each level of the maze.

it falls down onto the platform below.

As soon as the robot lands it changes direction.
Eventually the robot reaches one of the buckets

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at the bottom of the maze.
The image on the right gives an example
of how the robot will move down.

Which bucket will the robot reach in the maze?
Computational Thinking:
A B C D Modelling and Simulation
Ice Cream Machine
This question
comes from

There is a special ice cream machine that creates cones

INSTRUCTIONS: Print in colour single sided | Cut on the solid line | Fold on the dotted line | Stick together
with 4 scoops of ice cream. Answer Explanation
The order of ice creams always follow a pattern:
It does so in an ordered way. Here you see, from left to yellow – blue – purple – red – yellow – blue – purple – red.
right, the last 3 ice creams that the machine has made. Applying this pattern you can see that A is the next
ice cream in the pattern.


Which ice cream will the machine produce next?
Computational Thinking:
A B C D Pattern Recognition

Broken Window
This question
comes from

Six children were playing in the yard.

One of them threw a ball and broke Mr. Beaver’s window.
Answer Explanation
Only three of the children wear a red shirt: Jane, John and
John broke the window. Dan. But Jane has long blonde hair and Dan’s hair is violet.
Mr. Beaver only saw the back of the child running away.
So, it had to be John.
The child had a red shirt and short dark hair.

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Computational Thinking:
Who broke the window? Decomposition
Shelf Sort
This question
comes from

Beatrix is trying to rearrange her shelf. She has two rules:

INSTRUCTIONS: Print in colour single sided | Cut on the solid line | Fold on the dotted line | Stick together
1. Rectangular items must not be next to each other.
Answer Explanation
A can’t be right as there are rectangular objects together.
D follows the rules correctly.
2. Circular items must not be next to rectangular items. B can’t be right as there is a circular object next to
a rectangular object.
C can’t be right as there is a circular object next to
a rectangular object.

A B The only correct answer can be D as it follows the

rules stated.


Which one of these shelves has followed her rules correctly?
Computational Thinking:
A B C D Algorithms

This question
comes from
the USA

A beaver puts five bottles

on a table. Answer Explanation
The bottles need to be sorted based on their shape and size.
He places them so that every The wider the top or the middle of the bottle, the further
bottle has a bit showing. back it is placed on the table.

He places the first bottle at

the back of the table and
puts each new bottle in front

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of those already placed.

In what order are the bottles placed when they
appear as shown in the picture?
Computational Thinking:
Tube System
This question
comes from

A mouse wants to reach the cheese at the end of tube 5.

INSTRUCTIONS: Print in colour single sided | Cut on the solid line | Fold on the dotted line | Stick together
The mouse always follows these commands: Answer Explanation
The mouse must always follow the rules and
Tube 3 move in the same pattern.
1. Go downwards until
From tube 1 the mouse always
a crossing.
reaches tube 3.
2. At the crossing, move From tube 2 it reaches tube 1.
through to the next
From tube 4 it reaches tube 2.
vertical tube.
From tube 5 the mouse gets to tube 4.
3. Go to command 1.

In which tube should the mouse start so that it reaches the cheese?
Computational Thinking:
1 2 3 4 5 Algorithms

This question
comes from

Jane is playing a guessing game on the computer.

Jane tries to guess the colour of five different flowers
Answer Explanation
The first flower was pink so answer
C: pink blue blue pink orange
hidden within a bud. When Jane guesses the colour correctly A cannot be correct.
the bud opens up and reveals the correct colour of the flower. The second flower must be blue because the flower
did not appear when pink and orange were guessed.
Jane’s first go: Jane’s second go: So answer D cannot be correct.
The fourth flower must be pink because the

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flower did not appear when orange and blue were
guessed. So answer B cannot be correct.

What colours did the computer choose for the five flowers?
A. blue pink blue orange orange C. pink blue blue pink orange Computational Thinking:
B. pink blue blue blue orange D. pink pink blue pink orange Decomposition
Birthday Balloons
This question
comes from

Mother Beaver bought ten balloons of three colours

INSTRUCTIONS: Print in colour single sided | Cut on the solid line | Fold on the dotted line | Stick together
with the numbers as shown: Answer Explanation
The question states that the balloon with the number 1 on
Yellow, Green, Red, Green it will be yellow, and the 3 green. So we know the answer
0 Green must start with yellow and end in green. If we continue
1 Yellow the pattern, 6 is green, 7 is yellow, 8 is red and 9 is green.
The answer therefore must be yellow, green, red, green.
2 Red
3 Green
4 Yellow
5 Red
... etc.

If Mother Beaver was born in the year 1983, can you pick the balloons
in the correct order to show Mother Beaver’s year of birth?
Yellow, Red, Green, Red Yellow, Red, Red, Green Computational Thinking:
Yellow, Green, Green, Green Yellow, Green, Red, Green Abstraction

Setting the Table

This question
comes from

Beaver Bob has set the breakfast table as shown in the picture,
including a tablecloth, napkin, cup and saucer, a knife and a plate. Answer Explanation
To find the object that was placed on the table first you can
The tablecloth was placed look at each object and ask the question, “is this object on
first because all the other top of something else?” If the answer is yes, the object was
things are on top of it. not the first item to be placed on the table.
The next item was the cup
because the napkin is on
top of the cup. The plate

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is on top of the napkin
and the knife is on the plate.

Computational Thinking:
In which order has he placed the objects on the table?

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