PR2 LAS - Quarter 1 - Week 5 - October 11 - 15, 2021
PR2 LAS - Quarter 1 - Week 5 - October 11 - 15, 2021
PR2 LAS - Quarter 1 - Week 5 - October 11 - 15, 2021
B. Look closely at the picture below. Relate the scene/s in the picture to real life situations.
Analyze it given all the clues below. Write in 3-5 complete sentences on a separate sheet of paper.
Organization-5 points, Content- 10 points=Total: 15 points
C. In-text Citation Practice. Below are in-text citations that need improvement. Write how it
can be improved. All citation exercises are in APA format.
1. According to (Nick Joaquin, 2004), we are being shaped by the tools we shape; and culture is the
way of life being impressed on a community by its technics.
2. Bruce said, “At the heart of this book is my conviction that it is now time for educators to address
the difficulties of boys in English with the same energy and commitment that have been applied so
successfully to the problem of girls in math” (Pirie, 2002)
3. Understanding the writing process can help improve your writing skills, because being aware of
how each part works can make writing more manageable (Marella Therese A. Tiongson and Maxine
Rafaella C. Rodriguez, 2016)
4. The literacy of our youth is indeed a critical issue in society and in education, all the more so
because increasingly higher literacy skills are required to function successfully in society (Bonnie O.
Ericson, 1)
5. When you read nonfiction, one goal is to understand and remember the most important ideas
through summarizing (spandel, 2001).
D. Identify the word being described by the clue and the magic letter. Write the answer on the
space provided below each item.
1. Magic Letter: B, Clue: The context of the study is established by the __________ of research.
Answer: ______________
2. Magic Letter: C, Clue: Examples of __________ guides are MLA, APA, and Chicago Manual of Style.
Answer: _______________
3. Magic Letter: C, Clue: ____________ frameworks presents specific and well-defined concepts which
are called constructs. Answer: __________________
4. Magic Letter: L, Clue: Review of Related _______________ is one of the components of a research
process. Answer: ___________________
5. Magic Letter: P, Clue: The copy of ideas and statements from sources without giving credit to its
authors is called ________________. Answer: __________________
6. Magic Letter: P, Clue: Diaries, memoirs, and autobiographies are examples of ________ sources.
Answer: ____________________
7. Magic Letter: R, Clue: All kinds of sources are otherwise called as _________. Answer: __________
8. Magic Letter: S, Clue: Newspapers, books, and magazines are examples of ____________ sources.
Answer: _____________________
9. Magic Letter: S, Clue: Thesis and Dissertations are sources for Review of Related __________.
Answer: ______________
10. Magic Letter: T, Clue: ____________ frameworks shapes the justification of the research
problem/research objectives to provide the legal basis for defining its parameters.
Answer: ___________________