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Carpeta de Evidencias

U N I T 8: A P P E A R A N C E
Universidad Veracruzana
Language School
English Language Degree

Reading Report

Students Anxiety Experiences in Higher Education Institutions.

Title of the text: _____________________________________________________________
By Nabila Y. Alkandari. IntechOpen
Reference: ________________________________________________________________
Mark (X) the kind of material you read:
Book ( ) Newspaper ( ) Magazine ( ) Novel ( )
Other(s): ___________________________________________________________________
30 minutes.
Time you spent reading this text: ________________________________________________
Number of the report: ___________ 103
Section: ________ October 22th, 2021.
Date: ______________________

1. Describe briefly what this text is about.

This text talks about how anxiety is more prominent amoug university students, bringing seve-
ral consequences such as the possible abandonment of their academic studies.
In addition, it explains how anxiety could complicate our physical and psychological state and
persist after graduation, potentially affecting our ability to work in the future.
2. Write something that has had a positive impact on your personal growth or that has made
you reflect as a human being from reading this text.
It __________________________________________________________________________
made me reflect on the importance of understanding the factors that cause anxiety in students.
Many students face it when we think that we can't achieve our academic purposes. Also, this
causes many symptoms that affect our mental health. Therefore, we must alleviate anxiety to
maintain our mental health and persist in the institution.
3. Write some examples of words or expressions you have learned from reading this text that
increase your level of language. Explain what those words or expressions mean.
-Widespread: Found or distributed over a large area or number of people.
-Lack: The state of being without or not having enough of something.
4. Write why you would or would not recommend this text.
would recommend this text because it's necessary to understand the magnitude of these -
factors in our learning.
Carla Gabriela Sánchez Hernández.
Student’s name: _____________________________________________________________

Designed by Copérnico Fernando Pereyra Centella (2018). Xalapa, Veracruz. Universidad Veracruzana.
Universidad Veracruzana
Language School
English Language Degree

Listening Report

Lady Gaga: Mental Health & Self-Care.

Title of the listening: __________________________________________________________
YouTube Channel: English Speeches.
Reference: ________________________________________________________________
Mark (X) the kind of material you listened:
Interview ( X ) News ( ) Documentary ( ) Song ( )
Other(s): ___________________________________________________________________

Number of the report: ___________ 103
Section: ________ October 22th, 2021.
Date: ______________________

1. Describe briefly what this listening is about.

In this interview, Lady Gaga talks about how people made fun of her because she wanted to
be a singer, her bullying experience in college and her struggle with mental health.
2. Mention something that has caught your attention in this listening and that you would like
to share with your partners.
She said that we should treat mental health as a medical condition because mental health is
as important as physical health. It affects how we think, feel and act in our daily life.
3. Write some examples of words or expressions you have learned from this listening.
-Secluded: Hidden from view. Private and not used or seen by many people.
-Isolated: Far away from everyone or everything else.
-Pursue: Follow (someone or something) in orden to catch or attack them.

Carla Gabriela Sánchez Hernández.

Student’s name: _____________________________________________________________

Designed by Copérnico Fernando Pereyra Centella (2018). Xalapa, Veracruz. Universidad Veracruzana.
Universidad Veracruzana
L a n g u a g e S c h o o l
Folder of Evidence
Carla Gabriela Sánchez Hernández.
Name: ______________________________________
October 22th, 2021.
Date: __________________________
Inglés Principiantes.
EE: _____________________________________

1. Write an (X) on the area you are working.

Grammar ( X ) Vocabulary ( ) Others: ____________________________________

2. Material’s classification or reference:

https://www.englisch- hilfen.de/en/grammar/have_got_has_ got.htm
3. Write some new vocabulary items you did not know and look up their meaning.
-Budgie: A small, brightly colored bird, often kept as a pet.
-Mudguard: A curved piece of metal or plastic above the wheels of a bicycle or motorcycle that
prevents dirt from getting on the rider.
-Essay: A short piece of writing on a particular subject, especially one done by students as part
of the work for a course.

4. Write some examples of the grammar structures you are working on.
-Using 'have got' to describe appearance: She has got long, brown hair/ she's got long, brown
-Using 'have got' to talk about illness: They have got a terrible cold/ They've got a terrible cold.
-Using 'have got' for abstract things: I have got an idea for the weekend / I've got and idea for the

5. How do you evaluate your work?

Very good ( ) Good ( X ) Regular ( ) Bad ( )

6. Did you find any difficulty? Which one? What are you doing to solve this situation?
I didn't find any difficulty in particular, but I had a hard time learning the contractions.

7. You need to show evidence of your work:

• Enclose copies of your worksheets.
• Answer your worksheets in blue (or pencil) and make the necessary corrections in red.
• Be honest with your own professional development. Consult the key(s) after you have
answered your exercises on your own.

Dr. Copérnico Fernando Pereyra Centella
¡La educación, ministerio de vida!

Designed by Copérnico Fernando Pereyra Centella (2018). Xalapa, Veracruz. Universidad Veracruzana.
We use have got to talk about possession, relationships, appearance and illnesses.

-In affirmative sentences, the verb is placed after the subject along with a complement. We
use has got in the 3rd person singular (he, she, it), and we use have got with all other persons.

Long forms Contracted forms

I have got a brother. I've got a brother.
You have got a sister. You've got a sister.
He has got a budgie. He's got a budgie.
She has got a dog. She's got a dog.
It has got Bluetooth. It's got Bluetooth.
We have got CDs. We've got CDs.
You have got a nice room. You've got a nice room.
They have got pets. They've got pets.

-In negative sentences, we add 'not' between have and got.

Long forms Contracted forms
I have not got a brother. I haven't got a brother.
I've not got a brother.*
You have not got a sister. You haven't got a sister.
You've not got a sister.*
He has not got a budgie. He hasn't got a budgie.
He's not got a budgie.*
She has not got a dog. She hasn't got a dog.
She's not got a dog.*
It has not got Bluetooth. It hasn't got Bluetooth.
It's not got Bluetooth.*
We have not got CDs. We haven't got CDs.
We've not got CDs.*
You have not got a nice room. You haven't got a nice room.
You've not got a nice room.*
They have not got pets. They haven't got pets.
They've not got pets.*

-To create questions, we use have/has + subject + got.

Question Short answer

Have I got time? Yes, I have.
No, I haven't.
Have you got lots of friends? Yes, I have.
No, I haven't.
Has he got a mobile phone? Yes, he has.
No, he hasn't.
Has she got a pink car? Yes, she has.
No, she hasn't.
Has it got mudguards? Yes, it has.
No, it hasn't.
Have we got milk? Yes, we have.
No, we haven't.
Have you got a brown bag? Yes, we have.
No, we haven't.
Have they got nice books? Yes, they have.
No, they haven't.

Write the word to fill the gaps.
1. We have got two dogs and a cat.
2. He's got green eyes.
3. Have you got the time?
4. This book hasn’t got any pictures in it.
5. Has Daisy got a boyfriend?
6. I need to write an essay, but I haven’t got many ideas for it yet.
7. Mary’s family is really large. She has got two brothers and three sisters.
8. A: Has Simon got any brothers or sisters? B: No, he hasn’t.

Choose the correct phrase to complete the sentences.

1.- (They’ve got/They are) lots of friends at school.
2.- (She’s got/She gets) a new laptop.
3.- (Have you got/ Do you get) a minute?
4.- (I have/ I have got) breakfast at 7.30.
5.- (We do/ We’ve got) a maths class later.
6.- (He is/ He’s got) a terrible cold at the moment.
7.- (Everybody gets/ Everybody’s got) very hot in the summer.
8.- (We had/ We had got) a great time last night.

Complete the text with these words.

’s got ’s got ’ve got hasn’t got haven’t got

Guilia is a dancer at a festival. She’s tall and she 1 ‘s got long dark hair and blue eyes. She 2
‘s got special colourful clothes for the festival. She 3 hasn’t got make-up on her face because
she’s wearing a mask. It’s white. Her brothers are at the festival too. They’re tall too, but
they 4 haven’t got long hair. They 5 ‘ve got short, curly hair. They’re playing trumpets.

Complete the questions and short answers about Guilia.

1 Has she got blue eyes? Yes, she has.
2 Have her brothers got long hair? No, they haven’t.

Write sentences.
1 Joe / a nice house Joe’s got a nice house.
2 Annika and Ray / not / a car Annika and Ray haven’t got a car.
3 you / a bike? Have you got a bike?
4 Catherine / a sister? Has Catherine got a sister?
5 we / not / any children We haven’t got any children.
6 I / not / a cold. I / the flu I’ve not got a cold. I’ve got the flu.

Complete the text with is or has got.

Penelope Cruz 1 is an actress. She 2 is 1m 68. She 3 has got dark hair and brown eyes. She
4 has got a nice smile. She 5 is from Spain. She 6 has got a brother, Eduardo, and a sister,

British Council. (Julio de 2012). Recuperado el 22 de Octubre de 2021, de


www.ngllife.com. (s.f.). Recuperado el 22 de Octubre de 2021, de National Geographic Learning, a

Cengage Learning Company: https://www.ngllife.com/teacher-resources/extra-practice-

www.ngllife.com. (s.f.). Recuperado el 22 de Octubre de 2021, de National Geographic Learning, a

Cengage Learning Company: https://www.ngllife.com/student-zone-grammar-practice-
Universidad Veracruzana
L a n g u a g e S c h o o l
Folder of Evidence
Carla Gabriela Sánchez Hernández.
Name: ______________________________________
October 22th, 2021.
Date: __________________________
Inglés Principiantes.
EE: _____________________________________

1. Write an (X) on the area you are working.

Grammar ( X ) Vocabulary ( ) Others: ____________________________________

2. Material’s classification or reference:

3. Write some new vocabulary items you did not know and look up their meaning.
-Booked: Past Simple and Past Participle of book. To arrange to have a seat, room, performer,
etc. at a particular time in the future.

4. Write some examples of the grammar structures you are working on.
-Using Present Continuous tense to talk about the future: I'm spending Christmas and New Year
with my mom and dad/ We're meeting Susan at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon/ She's visiting her
friend tomorrow.

5. How do you evaluate your work?

Very good ( ) Good ( X ) Regular ( ) Bad ( )

6. Did you find any difficulty? Which one? What are you doing to solve this situation?
I didn't find any difficulty.

7. You need to show evidence of your work:

• Enclose copies of your worksheets.
• Answer your worksheets in blue (or pencil) and make the necessary corrections in red.
• Be honest with your own professional development. Consult the key(s) after you have
answered your exercises on your own.

Dr. Copérnico Fernando Pereyra Centella
¡La educación, ministerio de vida!

Designed by Copérnico Fernando Pereyra Centella (2018). Xalapa, Veracruz. Universidad Veracruzana.
We use the present continuous to talk about temporary things which have begun but haven't
finished. They are often happening now, at this moment.

-In affirmative sentences we use subject + verb to be + present participle+ complement.

I am/ I’m listening to music.
You are/ You’re listening to music.
He is/ He’s listening to music.
She is/She’s listening to music.
It is/ It’s listening to music.
We are/ We’re listening to music.
They are/ They’re listening to music.

-I'm just uploading some photos to Facebook and I'm sending a message to Billie.
-We're all riding camels and the sun's shining.
-They're waiting for me to get off the phone!

-In negative sentences we use subject + verb to be + not + present participle + complement.

I am not / I’m not listening to music.
You are not/ You’re not/ You aren’t listening to music.
He is not / He’s not/ He isn't listening to music.
She is not /She’s not/ She isn’t listening to music.
It is not / It’s not/ It isn’t listening to music.
We are not/ We’re not/ We aren’t listening to music.
They are not / They’re/ They aren’t not listening to music.

- You aren't really studying.
-They aren't using the computer room at the moment.
-This program isn't working.
-He isn't coming with us.
-We aren't talking.

-To create questions, we use verb to be + subject + present participle + complement.

Interrogative form.
Am I listening to music?
Are you listening to music?
Is he listening to music?
Is she listening to music?
Is it listening to music?
Are we listening to music?
Are they listening to music?

-Are you working hard for the exam?
-What are you doing?
-Is anybody sitting here?

There are some spelling rules for –ing forms:

-If a verb ends in e, you take off the e and add –ing.
have - having ride – riding

If a verb ends in a vowel + a consonant, the consonant is usually doubled before you add –ing.
swim - swimming run - running

But we need to be careful with verbs with more than two syllables where the stress isn't on the last
syllable. With those, we don't double the consonant.
visit - visiting open – opening

If the stress is on the last syllable, we do double the final consonant.

begin – beginning

-Also, there is a group of verbs which are called state verbs which we use for states (not actions)
and we don't usually use these in the continuous form.

want - need - like - love - hate - prefer - believe - think - know - realize - understand - recognize -
suppose - be - exist - appear - look - seem - belong - have (for possession) - own - feel - smell – taste

We can also use the Present Continuous tense to talk about future arrangements. We must add a
future word. "Future words" include, for example, tomorrow, next year, in June, at Christmas etc.


-We're eating at Joe's Cafe tonight. We've already booked the table.
-They can play tennis with you tomorrow. They're not working.
-When are you starting your new job?
Write the present continuous form of the verb in brackets.
1.-I'm really busy – I 'm studying (study) for the exam.
2. Right now we 're riding (ride) camels!
3. They said they 're having (have) a great time.
4. Daisy is downloading an album.
5. What are you doing (you do) at the moment?
6. They 're waiting (wait) for me in the café.
7. Is Oliver working (Oliver work) hard?
8. The weather's terrible, so we aren't going (not go) walking much.

Complete the sentences below. Use ‘ing’ verb forms.

1. I am (watch) watching TV with my family.
2. Why are you (stop) stopping the car?
3. Julia is (have) having lunch in the cafeteria.
4. My wife and I are (plan) planning to travel next summer.
5. Richard is (pay) paying his telephone bill.
6. I am (talk) talking to my friend on the phone.
7. She is (show) showing the report to her boss.
8. My friends are (meet) meeting each other in New York.
9. I am (fill) filling the bucket with water.
10. The barber is (cut) cutting my hair.
11. Are you (eat) eating breakfast now?
12. I think our team is (win) winning the game!

Choose the correct answer to each question.

1. I am watching TV and my brother (reading/is reading/reads) a book.
2. Thomas and Patrick (are playing/is playing/plays) outside in the yard now.
3. (A) (What are you/What you/What do you) doing? (B) I am washing dishes.
4. They (not/don’t/aren’t) eating their dinner right now because their food is too hot.
5. (A) Are you studying English now? (B) Yes, I (do/am/are).
6. (A) (What/Where/When) are you doing? (B) I’m taking a test.
7. I can’t talk to you right now because I (am study/are studying/am studying).
8. He usually goes for a walk at this time, but he (doesn’t go/not go/isn’t going) for a walk now.
9. It’s very noisy upstairs! What (are they doing/they doing/do they do)?
10. (A) Are they working now? (B) No, they (aren’t/don’t/isn’t).
11. I (am not making/don’t make/not make) dinner because we ordered pizza a few minutes ago.
12. (A) (He sleeps/Is he sleeping/He sleeping) right now? (B) Yes, he is.
13. What (is/are/does) that cat doing over there by the chair?
14. Why are we waiting? Who (we are waiting/are we waiting/we wait) for?
15. (A) (Where/What/Who) is driving the car? (B) David is driving the car.
16. (A) Is your friend sitting down? (B) No, (not/he doesn’t/ he isn’t).
Circle the correct option.
Grammar present simple and present continuous.
1 They go/are going on work trips every two or three weeks.
2 2 Where does he travel/is he travelling now?
3 3 I like/am liking photographs of unusual festivals.
4 4 We usually stay/are usually staying at the same hotel in London.
5 5 What are you doing/do you do at the moment?
6 6 She isn’t walking/doesn’t walk to work this week.

Grammar present continuous.

Complete the sentences with the present continuous form of these verbs.

make read not take rain take visit wear not work work

1 We’re reading an interesting book about the Dinagyang festival.

2 He isn’t taking photos for fashion magazines this week because he’s on holiday.
3 We’re visiting different cities in Asia this month.
4 Are they working on a project together?
5 It’s Friday so everyone is wearing casual clothes in the office today.
6 My email isn’t working at the moment. Can I send the designs tomorrow?
7 She’s making masks for the festival at the weekend.
8I usually walk to work but I ‘m taking a train today because it’s raining.

learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org. (s.f.). Recuperado el 22 de Octubre de 2021, de British

Council: https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/grammar/beginner-

www.allthingsgrammar.com. (s.f.). Recuperado el 22 de Octubre de 2021, de All things Grammar:


www.ngllife.com. (s.f.). Recuperado el 22 de Octubre de 2021, de National Geographic Learning, a

Cengage Learning Company: https://www.ngllife.com/teacher-resources/extra-practice-
1.- Look at the pictures and write which part of the face is.

Chin Eyelash Nasolabial folds Temple Side burn

Cheekbone Gum Pupil Hair part Earlobe
Cupid’s bow Tear duct

Cheekbone Nasolabial folds Earlobe

Pupil Chin Temple

Hair part Gum Tear duct

Side burn Cupid’s bow Eyelash

2.- Complete the sentences with the accurate word to describe physical appearance.

Dreadlocks Wiry Flabby Baggy eyes Mohican haircut

Hourglass shape Crooked Bushy eyebrows Rosy cheeks

d) She’s got soft

and flabby
a) She's got a toned
since she
hourglass shape. loses weight.

e) She's got
b) He's got long hair and
crooked teeth.

h) She’s got baggy eyes.

c) His nose is crooked.

i) He is skinny but
athletic. He's got
g) She's got red hair
a wiry build.
and rosy cheeks.

f) She's got a
Mohican haircut. j) She's got bushy eyebrows.
3.- Write the parts of the face in the correct place.

Lower lip Nostril Jaw Nasal bridge Iris Eyelid

Upper lip Lateral commissure Brow bone Iris Dark
circles Waterline Vermillion border Eyebrow

Brow bone Nasal bridge

Dark circles Waterline
Upper lip Vermillion border
Lower lip Jaw

Lateral commisure

Pinterest. (s.f.). Recuperado el 23 de Octubre de 2021, de www.pinterest.com.:


Pinterest. (s.f.). Recuperado el 23 de Octubre de 2021, de www.pinterest.com.:


Pinterest. (s.f.). Recuperado el 23 de Octubre de 2021, de www.pinterest.com.:


1.- Match the clothes with 10

their corresponding picture. 15

26 9

2.-Beanie Hat
3.-Mini skirt
21 4.-Singlet

5.-Long sleeve top


7.- Hawaiin shirt

19 16
8.-Straw hat

9.-Swimming hat

1 10.- Stockings 17
11.-Wellington boots

12.- Cargo shorts

4 18
13 13.- Cargo boots
14.- Crop top

15.- Swimsuit

16.- Braces
14 17.-Overalls 24
18.-Fur coat 8


25 21.-Bolero jacket

22.- Kimono jacket

23.- Shawl collar sweater

24.- Trapper hat

25.- Top hat 12


Pinterest. (s.f.). Recuperado el 23 de Octubre de 2021, de www.pinterest.com.:
22 https://www.pinterest.com.mx/search/pins/?q=clothes%20worksheet&rs=rs&e
1. Match the words with the pictures.

Lower leg Wrist Fingernails Knuckle Thumb Pubis Palm Heel Cuticle
Breast Collarbone Adam's apple Nape Belly Button Upper arm Spine

1 2 3

Breast Spine Wrist

4 5 6

Fingernails Knuckle Heel

7 8 9

Belly Button Thumb Upper arm

10 11 12

Collarbone Palm Cuticle

14 15

Lower leg
Adam’s apple Pubis


en.islcollective.com (s.f.). Recuperado el 23 de

Octubre de 2021, de iSL Collective ESL worksheets:
2.- To complete the exercise, write the correct vocabulary next to the body.
Chest Armpit
Nipple Elbow Forearm
Stomach Small of the back hip
Navel Hip

Knee Calf

Arch of the foot
Ball of the foot
Toenail Ankle www.easypacelearning.com (s.f.). Recuperado el 23
Foot de Octubre de 2021, de Easy Pace Learning:
Big toe Sole level-2/775-body-parts-learning-about-the-human-
The Philippines.


In my city, we celebrate The Spring Festival on March 21.

No, they don't.

No, they don't eat special food, but there's live music in the central park.
It's very noisy and crowded.
2 1

She was on holiday.

Three children were in the masks.
In the summer.
For the food and the music.

She thinks they are ugly.

The white face of the
third mask.
Yes, they are.

Because she's got blonde hair and a red ribbon.

've got
've got

has got
's got

She's got a red ribbon.

He's got a white face, red lips and
red cheeks. He's ugly.
He's got one eyebrow.
They've got big heads.
She's got blue eyes. She's beautiful.
He's got brown hair and a hat.



Dark Brown
A fashion photographer.
She works in the
fashion capitals of the word.
'm calling
's speaking
Sentence 1.

'm not staying

'm waiting

are you going

Are you travelling

're working

isn't working


a) dress trousers
Present Simple Tense.

jumper skirt

Shoulder Chest
Back Hand
Arm Leg
Foot Knee
Neck Ankle




They are on the subway,
they feel tired.

I think this is not an interesting photo because there is nothing attractive on it.

She likes the photo because she doesn't look at people

very closely in their everyday life, but Gerritsen does.

The New York subway.

1st: The man and woman on the right. 2nd: The woman in the middle. 3rd: The woman with blond hair.
4th: The other blond woman on the left. 5th: The other woman on the back.



Loud and happy music.


Pink, yellow, red, blue, orange and purple.

costume mask Venice.

Every year.



gloves trumpet



The USA.

He is listening to his national anthem.

has got
haven't got
have got

hasn't got
haven't got
has got

Have got
Has got

're working
always stars
are you doing
is writing

are living
Do you like
are you wearing

're driving
Noisy. F
Crowded. F

5 4
1 2
6 7

have got
has got

has got

ch ks
st r ght
bl nd
The USA.

A reservation.
a Red and yellow.
It's very warm.

Red and black.

Long, black hair.

Selling things.

Her dress and her hat.

We like buying new clothes.

Your new dress is like mine.

These shoes are like my old ones.

I don't like my uniform.

This hat is like a cowboy hat.

Jason likes wearing jeans.

4 6
No. 2 3 5
're staying


are standing

Do know

'm walking

Do like

's buying
isn't selling
isn't making
is designing
isn't playing
's reading H a t
d r e s s
What is he wearing? S h o e s
j u m p e r
Is Trisha buying or selling clothes?
s h i r t
B e l t
What is Georgio designing?
S k i r t
Is he playing a computer game? S o c k s

No neck
Don't know back
Yes shoulder
Don't know
This photo
on the right

in the middle

in front of her

A family.
The family looks
They are wearing
Dinner. I think

The photo is interesting

The boy.


Because of the women's clothes.

b4 Hi. Sry I'm l8.
pls Hi, where ru?
4get On the train, where ru?
@ the cinema. I'm waiting 4u.

ru :) 2day? Could we meet l8ter?

sry, I'm I8.

r we meeting @ the w/e?

Sure, what time?
I <3 the film.

I have gr8 news!

@ 5?
Call me b4 u leave.

cu l8er.

Ok, I'll w8 in the café :)

T (take off)
I (eat out)
T( turn off)
T (look at)
I (go back)
T (look up)

In the Philippines.


In Papua New Guinea.

put on
In ice.
get up
eat out
Chris Rainier.
Look at

turn off
Reinier Gerritsen.

go back
take off Emoticons.

look up

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