A-Level Programme: Universal College Lahore

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College Lahore
(a project of UCL Pvt. Ltd)

A-Level Programme

Academic Session: September 2021 - May 2022

Fee Structure
Merit Scholarship Scheme
Fees Payable
New/Internal Intake refers to a student’s status at the entry point of a Programme and the status
determined continues till the end of the Programme.

New Intake refers to the students taking admission from institutions other than Bloom ield Hall
and UCL and this status continues till the completion of the academic programme;

Internal Intake refers to the students who joins UCL after completing the academic programme
from Bloom ield Hall/UCL.

Payable once at the time of Admission:

New Internal
(with irst Installment) Intake Intake
Registration Fee Rs. 3,000 NIL
Admission Fee Rs. 25,000 NIL
Continuing Fee NIL Rs. 10,000
Security Deposit Rs. 20,000 Carried forward
(See Rule 7 regarding the above) from BH

Tuition Fee (for the academic session): Rs. 372,000 Rs. 339,000
Annual Charges:
• Library Charges/Extra Curricular Activities Rs. 13,000 Rs. 13,000
• Lab Charges (Science/Computer/Art & Design/Media Studies) per subject Rs. 17,000 Rs. 17,000
• Functions (except overnight trip) Rs. 13,000 Rs. 13,000

Tuition fees for the programme are collected in full at the start of the academic year. However, for the
convenience of the parents, the fees may be paid in three equal installments in A1 (‘A’ Level 1st Year).
The following dates constitute the last date of payment of the tuition fee:

*1st installment 8th September

2nd installment 8th December
3rd installment 8th March

* New Admissions to pay by the date mentioned in the Offer Letter.

Note: In A2 (‘A’ Level 2nd Year) the tuition fee for the academic year is collected in two
equal installments payable as follows:

1st installment 8thSeptember

2nd installment 8thDecember

Examination Entry will be forwarded to the relevant

Examining Board only if UCL dues have been paid in full.
Merit Scholarship Scheme
The Merit Scholarship for A1 is calculated on the basis of results of the examination(s) taken in the
‘O’ Level in at most two of his/her latest attempts before the 1st of September of the year of
admission at UCL.
Scholarship Scheme: A1

7 or more A grades at GCE ‘O’ level 100% of the tuition fee
6 A grades at GCE ‘O’ level 75% of the tuition fee
5 A grades at GCE ‘O’ level 50% of the tuition fee

NOTE: For quali ications not listed above, an equivalence certi icate from the HEC/Relevant Examining
Board will be required to determine the scholarship.
Only one scholarship of 50% of tuition fee will be given for the academic year on the
recommendation of the UCL Sports Board.

Scholarship Scheme: A2
Scholarship in A2 is based on the inal grades attained in A1 which are a weighted average of
examination results, assignments/monthly tests, teachers’ evaluation and attendance
record, as follows:
4 As 100% of the tuition fee
3 As or 2 As and 2 Bs 65% of the tuition fee
If already a scholarship holder, then, all 30% of scholarship availed in A1
subjects passed at a minimum of grade C
Sports scholarship will continue provided the following criteria are met:
a) Satisfactory report from the Sports Head
b) Passing all subjects at A1

Other Rules
Merit scholarship is paid only if:
a) all dues, including tuition fees, are paid up-to-date
b) the student has not received fee concession on any other ground
c) the student is not availing any other UCL Scholarship
d) Merit Scholarship is for the academic session payable in 3 equal installments in the
following months: September, December & March. A2 students receive scholarship in 2
equal installments: September & December.
e) on student/parents’ written request the scholarship may be adjusted against the fee
Rules: A-Level Fees
1. In A1, the tuition fee for the year is collected in full at the start of the academic year. However, for the
convenience of the parents, the fee may be paid in three equal installments. The last dates of the
payment of each installment are:
1st Installment: 8thSeptember; 2nd Installment: 8thDecember; 3rd Installment: 8th March
2. In A2, the tuition fee for the academic year is charged in two equal installments. The following dates
constitute the last dates of payment:
1st Installment: 8th September; 2nd Installment: 8th December
3. As per Government Policy, where applicable, advance tax on the fee paid will be collected.

4. Tuition fee cards are issued well in advance of the last date of payment of tuition fee. Fee cards are sent
to parents through the students. If the fee card is not received by the parent, it should be assumed that
the student has misplaced it and the parent MUST contact the College regarding this matter.
5. In case the fee card is lost or misplaced, a charge of Rs. 200 is made to prepare a duplicate card.
6. After the inal date of payment, the fee may be paid within a grace period of 10 days, with a ine of
Rs. 2,000.
7. The Registration, Admission and Continuing Fees are payable once at the time of admission and are
non-refundable. The Security Deposit is refundable only when:
a. tuition fees are not outstanding
b. no deductions have been made against the deposit, and
c. claimed within three years of the College leaving date.
8. After the grace period is over, the student's name is subject to cancellation and re-admission of the
student is conditional upon:
a. the payment of the Re-Admission Fee (50% of the Admission Fee) and all outstanding dues
b. a vacancy in the class since the place might have been offered to another applicant, and
c. recommendation by the Head for re-admission of the student.
9. If the fee is paid by cheque and the cheque is returned unpaid by the bank, a charge of Rs. 1,000 is
made to cover administrative costs in addition to the late fee charges (if applicable).
10. Tuition fee once paid is not refundable irrespective of whether the student leaves the course voluntarily
or is asked to leave the course on academic, discipline or any other grounds. The same applies to
students whose examination entries are not sent by the College and who may or may not enter any
examination privately.
11. Lab. fee for science subjects, Computing, Media Studies and Art & Design is not refunded retrospectively
even if the student drops the subject (s). Fee adjustment for future is made only in the next installment(s).
12.Parents with more than two children attending the College are charged full fee for the two older
children and half fee for the other children.

13.Tuition fees normally increase at the rate of 10-20% per year.

14. College Leaving Certi icates/Results etc are issued within a period of ten working days on the
presentation of Accounts Clearance Certi icate.
15. Fees paid in cash are ONLY received by the College banks. Fees paid by cheque are received by the
College Accounts Of ice.
16. After paying fee to the bank, a photocopy of the Parent's Copy of the Fee Card MUST immediately be
returned to the Accounts Of ice.

The College reserves the right to change or amend the rules/conditions stated.

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