Figure 17.5.1 Typical Section of Small Craft Wharf

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Face Line of Wharf


5.00 10.00 10.00

Wave wall 2.00 6.00 2.00

(to be provided)
7.00 3.00
Mooring Bitt ( 150KN )
+5.00 Concrete Block Paving
Rubber Fender

1.5% +250
H.W.L +1.50
L.W.L +0.00

Sand Fill 2.0L×1.50H ×2.0W

Fabric Sheet 1:1
2.0L×1.50H ×2.5W
Main Breakwater
Quarry-run 2.0L×1.50H ×3.0W

1: 2.0L×1.50H ×4.0W


Rubble Stone ( 20-100 kg)

Figure 17.5.1 Typical Section of Small Craft Wharf

0.60 0.60

+3,00 1.0-1.5%

H.W.L +1.5 +1.5
H.W.L +0.0 . 5 Reclamation
1: 1 4,00
1: 1
Armor Rock 2
Fabric Sheet
(50-200 kg)


Figure 17.6.1 Revetment for Container Wharf

Chapter 18 Implementation Program

18.1 General Conditions

18.1.1 Construction Component of Short Term Development Plan

The following construction components are proposed in the Short Term Development Plan;

Table 18.1.1 Construction Component of Short Term Development Plan

Construction Component Description Quantity

1. Dredging and Reclamation
1) Dredging Hard rock 100,000 m3
Soft rock 1,199,200 m3
General soil 360,000 m3
2) Reclamation Dredged Material 1,143,000 m3
2. Breakwater Extension ( -14.0 m) Rubble Mound L = 400 m

3. New Wharf and Berth

1) Bulk Berth (-13.0 m) R.C. Caisson L = 260 m
2) Container Wharf (-12.0 m) R.C. Caisson L = 300 m
3) Access to Bulk Berth Rubble Mound L = 110 m
4) Small Craft Berth (-5.0 m) Concrete Block L= 150 m
4. Existing Wharf Improvement
1) Manganese Berth ( -12.0 m) Concrete Block L = 200 m
2) Multi-purpose Berth (-12.0 m) Concrete Block L = 300 m
5. Building/ Utilities Works ( Container Terminal)
1) Administration Office 2 stories, approxi. 500m2 1 set
2) Gate Gate booths 1 set
3) Electrical / Mechanical works 1 set
6. Other Construction Items
1) Container Yard paving Concrete block paving 120,000 m2
2) Drainage Including extension of
Existing drainage lines 1 set
3) Navigation Aid Lighted buoys, Lights 1 set
4) Port Access Road improvement 1 set

18.1.2 Major Construction Materials

Major construction materials to be used in the development plan are shown in Table 18.1.2.

Table 18.1.2 Main Construction Materials

Material Quantity Supply Source

1. Rock Materials (548,000 m3)
1.1 Armor rock ( 10-15 t ) 35,000 m3 Local quarry(s)
1.2 Armor rock ( 1-5 t ) 75,000 m3 Ditto
1.3 Rubble ( 50-500 kg ) 317,000 m3 Ditto
1.4 Rubble ( foundation ) 25,000 m3 Ditto
1.5 Quarry-run 96,000 m3 Ditto
2. Filling Sand 110,000 m3 Dredged sand /
Quarry dust
3. Concrete (100,000 m3) Concrete batching plant
3.1 Characteristic strength > 20 MPa 36,000 m3 Imported / Local cement
3.2 Ditto < 20 MPa 39,000 m3 Local cement
3.3 Paving concrete block 138,000 m (25,000 m3) Local cement/ products

4. Reinforcement Bars 2,200 t Import

5. Other Materials
5.1 Fabric sheet 34,000 m2 Import
5.2 Marine fittings Rubber Fender, Bollards Import

Note; The above quantities are for Civil Works only, and exclude Drainage/Port Access Road
Works and aggregates/ crushed stones for concrete/ paving works.

18.1.3 Supply of Construction Materials

(1) Rock Materials

Approximately 550,000 m3 of rock materials are estimated to be required in the construction, of

which more than 60% is to be used for Breakwater construction.

The rock materials are to be supplied from the existing quarries located at Essipon, about 13 km
distant from Takoradi Port to the east. At Essipon three (3) quarries exist, at present however
only one (1) quarry is commercially operating (another quarry is also operational but used
exclusively for some road project). The supply capacity of the operating quarry is expected to be
around 15,000~20,000 m3/month depending on rock type and size, and is provided with max.
1,000 m3/day capacity of crushing machine.

Since quite a large amount of rock materials is to be used in the construction, it is recommended
that rocks be transported by sea instead of road transportation that may cause serious traffic
congestion in the area between Secondi and Takoradi towns. To this end the existing small loading
wharf at Secondi Fishing Harbour, which had been used as a temporary loading berth during its
construction time. The loading wharf is located just beside the Secondi Fishing Port and the
distance from the quarries is only 4~5 km.


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