Mock PWD Final

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Public Works Department

Junior Engineer (civil)

Mock Test

Disclaimer: This question paper is only for information purpose and intended only for test practice. It does not in any
way vouch for the correctness, difficulty level or the pattern of the questions used.


A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

2: Bitumen stabilisation acts as a

A.hydrophilic medium

B.adhesive for coarse grains and water proofing agent for fine grains

C. destroyer of organic matter and hence more strength

D.thin cover that gets oxidised in a few days

3: The deformations of soils under a circular or square footing are dimensional

B. two dimensional

C. three dimensional

D. none of these

4: Coefficient of percolation has a value

A.less than the coefficient of permeability

B.equal to the coefficient of permeability

C.greater than the coefficient of permeability

D.none of these

5: Air valves are provided at

A. saddles

B. summits

C. dead ends

D. regularly at 1 km intervals

6: खालील मािलका पूण करा.

1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16, ___

What comes next in the series : 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16, ___




7: भारताचे कोणते रा सवात मो ा े फळाचे आहे ?

Which is India's largest state, by area?

A.राज थान

B.म दे श
B.Madhya Pradesh


D.उ र दे श
D.Uttar Pratesh

8: Fill in the blank with the right option that follows accepted syntactical
constructions. A reward was offered _______. whoever would provide information about the militants. whomever would provide information about the militants. whosoever would provide information about the militants. whomsoever would provide information about the militants

9: A rectangular section has dimensions of 10 cm x 20 cm. The ratio of the

moment of inertia about x-axis passing through its centroid to the moment of
inertia about y-axis passing through its centroid is equal to





A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

11: भारताने 2030 पयत आप ा काबन उ जनाची ती ता कमी कर ासाठी किटब

अस ाचे जाहीर केले आहे . भारताने ा आप ासाठी जे ल िनधा रत केलेले आहे ते
िकती आहे ?

India has recently committed to cut its carbon emissions intensity by 2030.
What is the reduction target that India has set for itself?

A.25 ट े
A.25 percent

B.50 ट े
B.50 percent
C.30 ट े
C.30 percent

D.35 ट े
D.35 percent

12: समानाथ श ओळखा: वेल



C.व री


13: Creep is principally due to

A. wave motion of rails due to moving trains

B.rigid holding of track

C. motions in either direction as on a single track

D. longer lengths of rails

14: Flow through an earth dam is a case of

A. unconfined flow

B. confined flow

C. unconfined flow and confined flow

D. none of these
15: Sludge digestion is

A. disposal of sludge

B.dilution of sludge

C. stabilisation of sludge

D. removal of waste products from sludge

16: Which of the following is/are the reason(s) for the popularity of bricks as
construction material?
A. They are cheap and available locally at all places
B. They are durable and possess fairly good strength and lighter than
C. They have very good insulating property against heat and sound

A. only A

B. only A and B

C.only B and C

D. A, B and C

17: In a thick cylinder for internal fluid pressure, the hoop stress will be the
maximum at

A.outer surface

B.inner surface

C.centre of the thickness

D. at the centre of hollow portion

18: A lamphole is helpful in

A. illuminating sewer line

B. cleaning sewer line

C. repairing

D. testing sewers

19: अ) सूय एखा ा दीवशी न उगवले तर खरे कोतूक !

ब) सूय एखा ा िदवशी न उगवले तर खरे कौतुक !
वरीलपैकी कोणते वा ाकरणानुसार यो आहे .

A.फ अ

B.फ ब

C.दो ी अ आिण ब

D.दो ीही अ आिण ब नाही

20: The unit hydrograph is the graphical relation between rainfall and total runoff

B. total rainfall and the direct runoff

C.effective rainfall and the total runoff

D.effective rainfall and the direct runoff

21: The property of the soil which permits it to be deformed rapidly without
volume change, rupture and elastic rebound is termed as

A. ductility

B. malleability

C. elasticity
D. plasticity

22: िदले ा पयायातून णीचा यो अथ िनवडा.

कोर ाबरोबर ओले जळते

A.अपरा ाबरोबर िनरपरा ानाही दोष िदला जातो.

B.माणसाला आप ा सव गो ी चां ग ा वाटतात पण दु स या ा गो ीत ाला दोष


C.दोषी ठरिवणारे आपणच अन ां ना दोषी ठरिवले तेही आपलेच.

D.िदलेले ेक काम हे सावकाश करावे नाहीतर ा कामाचा दजा खालावतो.

23: Tractive resistance of a railway line is only one fifth of the pneumatic tyre on
metalled road. This is due to the

A.flat slopes on railway track

B. steel wheel to steel rail has least friction

C.vacuum braking system

D. cushioning developed in the track

24: The time required for full dissipation of pore water pressure will depend on

A. thickness of soil sample only of permeability of soil only

C. both thickness and co-efficient of permeability only

D. none of these
25: ‘A ‘हे ‘B’ चे वडील आहे . आिण ’C’ हा ‘D’ चा मुलगा आहे . जर ’A’ हा ’D’ चा नवरा आहे ,
तर ‘C’ हा ’A’ चा कोण?

A is the father of B. C is the son of D. If A is the husband of D, then C is A's






26: On the presence of which of the following, does the turbidity in water

A. suspended solids

B.suspended solids and colloidal solids

C.any material capable of preventing light

D. intensity of colouration

27: The minimum co-efficient of lateral friction for a highway is




28: खाली िदले ा णीचा यो अथ दशिवणारा पयाय िनवडा: हाजीर तो वजीर

A.तो हजर तो वजीर होता

B.जो वेळेला हजर असतो ाचा फायदा होतो.

C.वेळेला मह आहे .

D.तु ी हजर असलात तर िजंकलात

29: The percentage elongation of a material from a direct tensile test indicates

A. ductility

B. strength

C. yield stress

D. ultimate strength

30: Honey combed structure is found in

A. gravels

B. coarse sands

C.fine silts and clays

D.highly plastic clays

31: Rainfall mass curve shows the variation of

A.rainfall intensity with time

B.rainfall intensity with cumulative rainfall

C.rainfall excess with time

D. cumulative rainfall with time

32: The weight of a vehicle affects the design of

A. camber and gradient of a road

B. pavement thickness and gradient of a road

C.cross drainage works and tunnels

D. permissible speed of vehicle

33: भारतात, पयावरण संर ण काय ानुसार, भरती ा रे षेपासून ______ अंतरापयत
िकनायावरील जमीन को ल िकंवा को ल िनयामक झोन णून घोिषत केले आहे .
को ल

In India, as per Environment Protection Act, coastal land upto a distance of

______ from the High Tide Line is declared as Costal Regulatory Zone.

A.200 मीटर
A.200 mts

B.250 मीटर
B.250 mts

C.500 मीटर
C.500 mts

D.1000 मीटर
D.1000 mts

34: Coefficient of permeability of a soil

A.increases with the decrease in temperature

B. increases with increase in temperature

C.does not depend upon temperature

D. none of these

35: The valve that is most commonly provided on rising mains is

A.pressure relief valve

B. blow off valve

C. reflux valve

D. sluice valve

36: The syphon well drop is ideal for

A. low discharges and low drops

B. low discharges and large drops

C.high discharges and low drops

D. high discharges and high drops

37: BOD test is not well suited to industrial wastes, because

A. it is a slow process

B. toxic chemicals produce wrong results

C. the waste lacks in nutrients

D. oxidation is incomplete

38: The primary operations in a Trickling Filter are

A. sorption + biological oxidation

B. filtration + aeration

C.oxidation + nitrification

D. aerobic + anaerobic oxidation

39: संिवधाना ारे विणले ा मूलभूत कत ां पैकी खालीलपैकी कोणते कत भारता ा

नाग रकां साठी बां धील नाही?

Which of the following is NOT one of the Fundamental Duties described by

the Indian Constitution for its citizens?

A.वै ािनक भाव िवकिसत करणे

A.To develop a scientific temper

B.नैसिगक पयावरण संर णासाठी

B.To protect natural environment

C.धमादाय कायाचे समथन करणे आिण ाला वा न घेणे

C.To support and engage in charity

D.दे शाचे र ण कर ासाठी

D.To defend one's country

40: A pile commonly used to reduce seepage and control the uplift pressures
under hydraulic structures is known as

A. sheet pile

B. friction pile

C.bearing pile

D. compaction file

41: The slope of the bending moment (B.M) diagram changes its sign, when
A.B.M. changes its sign

B.S.F. is maximum

C.S.F. changes its sign

D.rate of lading changes suddenly

42: The most effective method for compacting sand is by using

A. pneumatic rollers

B. sheep foot rollers

C. steeltyred rollers

D. vibration

43: Which of following is the result of the rise in water table upto the ground

A.reduction of pore water pressure but no change in total stress

B. decrease of pore water pressure and decrease in total stress

C. increase of pore water pressure and increase in total stress

D. increase of pore water pressure and decrease in total stress

44: The slope of the flow curve obtained in liquid limit test is called

A. liquidity index

B. plasticity index

C. toughness index

D. flow index
45: एक पु ष उ रे कडे तोंड क न उभा आहे . नंतर तो डा ा बाजूला वळतो.नंतर तो उज ा
बाजूला वळतो. परत तो उज ा बाजूला वळतो. नंतर तो पूण मागे वळतो. शेवटी तो डा ा
बाजूला वळतो. आता ाचे तोंड कोण ा िदशेला आहे ?

A man is facing North. He then turns left. He then turns right. He then turn
right again. He then does an about turn. Finally he turns left. Which direction
is he now facing?

A.उ र

B.दि ण


D.पि म

46: A, B, C, आिण D एका बाकावर बसले आहे त. A हा कोप यात नाही. B म े बसला आहे .
C हा A ा शेजारी बसलेला नाही. मग C जवळ कोण बसले आहे ?

A, B, C and D sit on a bench. A is not at the corner. B is in the middle. C is

not sitting adjacent to A. Who sits next to C?

A.B आिण D
A.B and D

B.फ D
B.only D

C.फ B
C.only B

D.A आिण D
D.A and D

47: A flownet may be used for the determination of

A. exit gradient
B.seepage flow rate

C.eepage pressure

D.exit gradient, seepage flow rate and seepage pressure

48: Plasticity index is obtained as the difference between

A.liquid limit and shrinkage limit

B.shrinkage limit and plastic limit

C. liquid limit and plastic limit

D. none of these

49: The value of partial safety factor as per limit state method for shop welded
connection is taken as ___





50: The ratio of settlement at any time ‘t’, to the final settlement is called as

A. percentage settlement

B. partial settlement ratio

C. degree of consolidation

D. residual consolidation
51: The moment of inertia of a rectangular section about the base is

A.twice the moment of inertia about the centroidal axis

B. three times the moment of inertia about the centroidal axis

C. four times the moment of inertia about the centroidal axis

D.none of these

52: The infiltration capacity of the given soil

A.increases with increase in the initial soil moisture

B.decreases with increase in the initial soil moisture

C. is independent of the initial soil moisture

D. none of these

53: The net bearing pressure which can be used for the design of foundations,

A. gross safe bearing capacity

B. ultimate bearing capacity safe settlement pressure allowable bearing pressure

54: Choose the option which is farthest in meaning to the word: sham




55: For sight distance calculation ‘Time of perception’ and reaction depends on

A. speed of the vehicle

B.gradient of road

C.alertness of driver

D.nature of pavement

56: Higher pH for water is undesirable, because corrodes zinc, copper and lead pipes induces sour taste

C. it renders chlorination less effective

D. it promotes growth of iron and sulphur bacteria

57: The value of cohesion of saturated clay will be ________ the value of
unconfined compression strength.

A. two times

B. equal to

C. half of times

58: Through a point in a loaded soil, the normal stress is the maximum on

A. major principal plane

B. minor principal plane

C.plane making an angle of 45 degree with principal plane

D. none of these

59: ते ाला णाले, कोण रे तू ? या वा ातील ाथक सवनाम ओळखा.



C. ाला


60: Explain the meaning of the phrase: time and tide waits for no man cannot stop time and hence should not procrastinate

B.never venture in the water

during high tides

C.being on time is important

D.tides changes in a timely manner

61: Heaved railway track is formed because of

A.formation of poor drainage properties

B. ballast with no interlocking action

C. sleeper that cannot keep the gauge

D. rails that developed corrugations

62: एका ाला दोन िवधाने आहे त. ‘A’ आिण ‘B’

‘ P’ हा ‘Q’ पे ा बुटका आहे का?

A) जर ‘R’ हा‘ P’ पे ा बुटका असेल तर ‘Q’ हा ‘ P’ पे ा बुटका आहे .
B) ‘Q’ हा ‘R’ पे ा बुटका आहे .

A question is followed by two statements marked A and B.

Is P shorter than Q?

A. If R is shorter than P then Q is shorter than P.
B. Q is shorter than R.

A. ाचे उ र फ ‘A’ िवधानाने होऊ शकेल

A.Question can be answered with the help of statement A alone.

B. ाचे उ र फ ‘B’ िवधानाने होऊ शकेल

B.Question can be answered with the help of statement B alone.

C. ाचे उ र दो ी िवधानाने होऊ शकत नाही

C.Question cannot be answered even with the help of both the statements.

D. ाचे उ र
फ दो ी िवधानाने (A आिण B) होऊ शकेल
D.Question can be answered only with the help of both the statements

63: When lime is added to soil, it

A. increases grain size due to electrolytic and chemical action

B. lowers plastic limit and increases liquid limit

C.enders soil brittle

D. reduces binding action

64: A cast-in-situ concrete pile with one or more enlarged bulbs on its stem is

A. vibro pile

B. franki pile

C. under reamed pile

D.simplex file

65: One important principle of interlocking is

A. points should be capable only when the signal is set ‘on’

B.signal should be set ‘off’ unless all the points are set for it

C. two different signals when set ‘off’ should not cause confusion

D. up signals should interlock down signals and vice versa

66: In a fixed beam, the slopes at the ends are



C.same as at the centre

D. zero

67: The total discharge from two wells situated near to each other is

A. sum of the discharges from individual wells

B. greater than the sum of the discharges from the wells

C.less than the sum of the discharges from the wells

D. none of these

68: दु पारी 2:00 p.m. वाजता मा ा घडयाळात 3:00 p.m. वाजले आहे असे दाखवते. ेक
तासात माझे घडयाळ 60 िमिनटा ऐवजी 90 िमिनटे पुढे जाते. तर ाच िदवशी सं ाकाळी
5:00 p.m. वाजता, मा ा घडयाळात िकती वाजले असतील?

At 2:00 p.m., my watch shows time as 3:00 p.m. Every hour, my watch
moves ahead by 90 minutes instead of 60 minutes. On the same day, what
time will my watch show when the actual time is 5:00 p.m. ?





69: कोण ा कंपनीने नोिकयाचा जागितक फोन वसाय संपादन केला आहे ?

Which company acquired the global phone business of Nokia?




70: ात िदले ा श ास िव ध अथाचा श िदले ा पयायातून िनवडा:
अ ाव क

A.आव क

B.अनाव क



71: Into how many subdivisions, shall the coarse grained soils be divided for
classification purposes?

B. two


D. four

72: Within the elastic range of tensile test, the deviation from Hooke’s law and
some after effects may be noticed. This is due to which of the following

A.The thermo elastic effect

B.The material does not obey Hooke’s law

C.The yield stress is crossed

D.The elastic limit is greater than ultimate strength

73: The rate of flow of water through a vertical strip of aquifer of unit width and
extending the full saturation height under unit hydraulic gradient is known as

A.coefficient of permeability coefficient

C. specific retention

D. coefficient of transmissibility

74: Choose appropriate pair of words to complete the sentence.The ____

reached between the enemies won the ____ of the observers.

A.accord, accolade

B.victory, decoration

C.peace, hearts

D.pitch, enmity

75: The water content at which the soil changes from liquid state to plastic state
is known as

A. plastic limit

B. liquid limit

C. shrinkage limit

D.none of these

76: To avoid any possibility of tension occurring in masonry structures, the

resultant of various forces at any level must pass through

A. the section

B. the centre of the section

C. middle third of the width or depth of the section

D. a corner of the section

77: According to third Road development Plan, which of the following category
of roads is included in the Secondary system?


B.National Highways

C.Major District Roads

D.Other District Roads

78: The length of the main sewer leading to treatment or disposal units is called

A. lateral

B. branch sewer

C. trunk sewer

D. outfall sewer

79: The compressive strength of first class and second class bricks should not
be less than

A. 40 kg/cm2

B.50 kg/cm2

C. 80 kg/cm2

D. 100 kg/cm2

80: The safe bearing capacity under dynamic loads such as in machine
foundations is taken to be

A.more than that for static loads

B.same as that for static loads

C. less than that for static loads

D. depends on the weight of machine

81: The process of heating the lime stone to redness in contact with air is

A. carbonation


C. hydration


82: The water which the soil particles freely adsorb from atmosphere by the
physical forces of attraction, and is held by the force of adhesion is known
as moisture

B. hygroscopic water

C. adsorbed water

D. contact moisture, hygroscopic water and adsorbed water

83: If the natural water content of soil mass lies between its shrinkage limit and
plastic limit, the soil mass is said to be in

A.liquid state

B.plastic state

C.semi-solid state

D.solid state
84: Thiessen polygon method is used determine the parameters of the aquifer locate the depth of water table compute the average depth of rainfall drive the ordinates of unit hydrograph

85: Cement concrete road can be laid over

A.any surface of ground earthen road subjected to traffic for 1 year

C. a WBM road of thickness greater than 150 mm and subjected to traffic

for a month

D. any block top road in use at least for 2 weeks

86: From among the following, choose the word which is misspelt.





87: In tests for AIDS, a false positive result indicates that people have AIDS,
when, in fact, they do not; a false negative result indicates that people do
not have AIDS, when, in fact, they do., To detect AIDS most accurately,
doctors should use the laboratory test that has the lowest proportion of false
positive results.
Which of the following, if true, supports the suggestion above?
A.The accepted treatment for AIDS does
not have damaging side effects.

B.In treating AIDS patients, it is

essential to begin treatment as early as possible, since even a week of
delay can be fatal.

C.The proportion of inconclusive

test results is equal for all laboratory tests used to detect AIDS.

D.All laboratory tests to detect

AIDS have the same proportion of false negative results.

88: Longitudinal cracks observed in timber beams are due to

A.high bending stresses

B.application of concentrated loads over the beams

C.shear failure between layers

D.timber not being strong in compression

89: The minimum water content at which the soil just begins to crumble when
rolled into threads of 3 mm diameter is known as

A. shrinkage limit

B. plastic limit

C. liquid limit

D. consistency limit

90: If the volume of voids is equal to the volume of solids in a soil mass, then
the values of porosity and voids ratio respectively are

1.0 and 0.0

0.0 and 1.0

0.5 and 1.0

1.0 and 0.5

91: Over flow rate of a sedimentation tank is

A.discharge / plan area

B. discharge / area of longitudinal section

C. discharge / cross sectional area

D. discharge / (plan area ×liquid depth)

92: Quick sand is

A. pure silica sand

B. a condition in which cohesion is decreased quickly

C. a sand which can act as a quick filter

D.a condition in which cohesionless soil losses its shear strength due to the
upward flow of water

93: The stress developed at a point in a soil mass due to a concentrated load
which is applied at the ground surface is inversely proportional to

A. depth of concerned point from the ground surface

B. square of the depth of concerned point from the ground surface

C. cube of the depth of concerned point from the ground surface

D. square root of depth of concerned point from the ground surface

94: खालीलपैकी कुठ ा शहरात “बीबी का मकबरा” हे सु िस ारक आहे ?

In which town or city will you find the famous monument of Bibi Ka Maqbara



C.औरं गाबाद


95: The base period of a ‘6 h’ unit hydrograph of a basin is ‘84 h’. Then, the
base period of a ‘12h’ unit hydrograph of the same basin will be

A. 90 h

B. 84 h

C.72 h


A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

97: चार िवधाने (P,Q,R,S ) िदलेली आहे . िदले ा पयायाम े जर पिह ा दोन िवधानां चा
तकिन ष ितसरे िवधान आहे , तर कोणता पयाय बरोबर आहे .
(P) सव कार जलद आहे त.
(Q) सव ऑटोमोबाइल जलद आहे त.
(R) सव ऑटोमोबाइल कार आहे त.
(S) सव कार ऑटोमोबाइल आहे त.

4 statements (P, Q, R and S) are given. Choose the option in which the third
statement is a logical conclusion of the first two statements.
(P) All cars are fast.
(Q) All automobiles are fast.
(R) All automobiles are cars.
(S) All cars are automobiles.





98: If ‘P’ is the effort required to lift a load ‘W’, then mechanical advantage
(M.A.) is given by




99: The volumetric strain produced in a sphere is how much times the strain in
its diameter?




D.One and a half

100: The minimum settlement that is to be observed for ending the plate load test

A. 10 mm

B. 15 mm

C. 20 mm

D. 25 mm

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