Pdce-Cmce Sertec: Electromagnetic Field Protector
Pdce-Cmce Sertec: Electromagnetic Field Protector
Pdce-Cmce Sertec: Electromagnetic Field Protector
The most effective protection
The PDCE-CMCE SERTEC is designed to protect using countermeasures that control and
compensate the electroatmospheric effects produced by climate change, industrial,
meteorological or solar electromagnetic pollution, manifested in the form of electrical storms,
electromagnetic pulses, etc. The PDCE SERTEC is permanently protecting its coverage area to
correct the effects of electromagnetic disturbances according to their origin, frequency, voltage
and intensity. Compensating, stabilizing the current of the electric charges in its environment,
draining them to earth in harmless milliamperes, minimizing the formation of the lightning in its
protection area
The PDCE-CMCE SERTEC is the result of the discovery of the behavior of electroatmospheric
phenomena that interact in the atmosphere of our planet. The novelty of this technological
development is supported by the well-known laws of OHM and Maxwell's equations, on which
this new technology is based. Essentially to have at all times the stabilized electric field of the
atmosphere referring to earth in the protection area. The system behaves passively at the level
of prevention, based on atmospheric electrical activity with the aim of maintaining a clean and
controlled environment of electrical and magnetic contamination.
The multiple electric field compensator,
is a passive sensor system designed to balance and deionize at all times the effects of atmospheric phenomena
through multiple compensators, generating a protective shield in its coverage area, its operating principle is
based on compensating, stabilizing the existing electric field in its environment, in this way it cancels the formation
of the ascending tracer neutralizing the lightning draining the electric charges to earth, in harmless milliamperes.
In a balanced
environment an
discharge is not
When we
propitiate the
conditions, an
discharge occurs,
whose power and
impact is
The current climate change is generated by air pollution,
deforestation, greenhouse gases. To all this we should add
the solar flares that when they reach our atmosphere,
generate weather phenomena causing the electrification of
the severe atmosphere for hours, creating large
thunderstorm cores with a lot of lightning activity, where the
positive polarity predominates (rising lightning) , although
there is also a negative polarity (descending lightning).
ENVIRONMENTAL SERTEC S.R.L. demonstrates its commitment
RESPONSIBILITY to the environment by developing a production
system that is also effective, friendly and
A legacy of one of the most privileged minds: Nikola Tesla
The PDCE-CMCE ensures a 99% reduction of lightning impacts in almost all types of buildings and
structures through the deionization of electrostatic charge.
Our device guarantees the reliability of computer systems and data during storms, optimizes production by increasing
competitiveness and improves staff safety, among other positive aspects.
It does not excite or capture the lightning, since it Excites and captures the lightning, generating
does not generate ascending tracers. upward tracers.
Complies with the basic principles of occupational Does not comply with the basic principles of
risk prevention. occupational risk prevention
Ground connection is compatible with low voltage Ground connection is NOT compatible with the low
electrical ground connections according to the REBT. voltage electrical earth electrodes according to the REBT.
Price is very competitive in relation to safety. Price is NOT competitive in relation to safety.
No No
CMCE Lightning Lightning
Of The Lightning Rod
Benjamin Franklin, published in London in his famous almanac (Poor Richard's Almanack), an
article where he proposed the idea of using pointed steel rods, on roofs, to protect themselves
from falling lightning. His theory was tested in England and France before he even executed his
famous comet experiment in 1752. One would say that he invented the lightning rod and
presented the so-called single fluid theory to explain the two types of atmospheric electricity, the
positive and negative.
In 1753, the Russian Georg Wilhelm Richmann followed Franklin's investigations to verify the
protective effect, but in his investigation a lightning strike struck him when he was excited and
attracted by the lightning rod, and he received a deadly electric shock when manipulating part of
the installation of the lightning rod.
The foundation of an ESE (Early Streamer Emission) terminal as it is known generates impulses
of controlled magnitude and frequency at the tip of the terminal during high static fields before a
lightning strike. This allows the creation of an uplink leader from the terminal that propagates
into the downlink leader from the cloud.
A lightning conductor creates an electric field distribution with field lines concentrated at its tip,
thus facilitating the current of ionized particles, which is a lightning bolt. This applies to any
lightning rod, when trying to facilitate the path of charges and therefore say that it is "attracts
Already in 1916 Nikola Tesla in his patent Nº 1.266.175 mentioned the principles of operation of
a primitive device based on the principles that sustain our product, the protector of
electroatmospheric field PDCE-CMCE SERTEC, explaining the disadvantages that already at
that time produced the point lightning conductors that instead of protecting the goods and
people, attracted the rays increasing the feasibility of fall of lightning and consequently the risks
for the goods and people.
....It is
popularly believed that by
allowing a leak into the air, the
needle-shaped lightning rod fulfills two
functions: one, to drain the ground of its negative
electricity, the other to neutralize the positive of the clouds.
To a certain extent it performs both functions. But a
systematic study of electrical disturbances on earth has
made it palpably evident that the action of the Franklin
conductor, as commonly interpreted, is largely illusory. The
actual measurement proves that the amount of electricity
escaping from numerous points is entirely insignificant when
compared with that induced within a considerable terrestrial area,
and unimportant in the dissipation process. But it is true that the
negatively charged air in the vicinity of lightning rods, which has been
converted into a conductor through the influence of lightning, facilitates
the passage of lightning. This increases the probability of lightning
strikes in the immediate vicinity. The fundamental facts behind this type of
lightning conductor are: First, it attracts lightning, so that it will be struck by
one more often than if it were not; second, it makes most, but not all,
discharges it receives become harmless; third, by turning the air into a
conductor, and for other reasons, it is sometimes the cause of damage to objects
in the vicinity; and fourth, in general, its power to prevent damage predominates,
more or less, over the risks it summons..... (condensed translation patent 1,266,175)
Technical Specifications
meters CMCE EVO 100
Coverage Area
Description: For use in Residences, offices,
telecommunications, etc.
· PDCE-CMCE Technology Weight: 7,130 kilograms (Gross)
Measurements: Ø 24.17 cm x 36.72 cm.
Method: Cover radius Packaging: Galvanized Metallic Material
depending on the model varies Height: 41cm.
between 25m. to 120m. (Check Diameter: 28 cm.
model’s manual).
· All models must be installed at
a height of 3m. above the
highest point to be protected
(For more detailed information
check the manual). meters CMCE SERTEC 120
· Rolling Spheres Method: For Protection Descripction: Greater deionizing power, for use in
protection levels I, II, III and IV buildings, large complexes, mining, boats, electric
defined according to IEC stations, etc.
Weight: 8.370 kilograms (Gross)
62305, the rolling sphere Measurements: Ø 24.17 cm x 36.72 cm.
method must be used, with the Packaging: Galvanized Metallic Material
protection radius marked by Height: 41cm.
Diameter: 28 cm.
the standard.
Connection system to
the mast: 120
It incorporates in its axis the meters CMCE BLACK 120
connection system to the mast. The
Component Materials:
Recycled Aluminum, Insulator: meters CMCE-AT 120
Polyacetal, also called Description: Developed for installations in high
MODELS Specifications
CMCE maximum working meters CMCE HOME
voltage WITHOUT
Description: Developed to protect all types of
structures on land, residences, small buildings,
lightning discharge warehouses, etc.
640,000 volts to one meter, Weight: 2,460 kilograms (Gross)
according to high voltage laboratory Measures: 24 cm. Height x 15.5 cm. diameter.
Packaging: Galvanized Metallic Material
Maximum allowable
current of short circuit
The tests carried out according to meters CMCE NANO
IEC-10/350 Q curves of 100,000 Description: Developed for Small deposits,
Amperes, specified in the IEC- Telecommunications Towers, Medium and High
62305 norms, show that the Voltage Power Lines, Traffic Lights, Small Radars,
equipment supports 7 continuous Road Cameras, Garitas, and other structures that
can be covered by their protection radius.
degasses of 89,906KA; 89.62KA; Weight: 980 grams (Gross)
88.53KA; 89.3KA; 90.44KA; Measures: 17cm. Height x 10 cm. diameter.
96,656KA; 89,688KA; without Packaging: Galvanized Metallic Material
breaking materials or marks of
deterioration or perforation.
Protection effectiveness meters CMCE- HIGH VIBRATION
Description: Developed with the same
99% reduction of impact of direct characteristics as the CMCE 120, but with a special
rays in the protected structure. In design to avoid the fall of the equipment, especially
case of direct impact of lightning for derricks, etc.
Weight: 11,170 kilograms (Gross)
(1%) or indirect effects due to Measurements: Ø 24.17 cm x 36.72 cm.
external induced overvoltages in the Packaging: Galvanized Metallic Material
protected structure, the CMCE Heigh 41cm. | Diameter 28 cm.
behaves like a thermal fuse,
absorbing part of the lightning
energy in heat by melting its
components, minimizing (between meters HIGH RESISTANCE
60% - 90%) electromagnetic effects. Description: Designed for highly corrosive
The innovation is based on the properties of Graphene, on which this new technology is based, since one of the
fundamental characteristics of this material is its great conductivity even superior to copper, its low resistance,
capable of converting every photon that absorbs in multiple electrons (excited electrons) and induce a greater
number of electrons than low energy photons that can conduct electrical current. To this strength is added that it is
the highest strength material known so far, it is estimated that it can be 200 times stronger than steel and at the same
time it is light as carbon fiber. The prevention and protection device behaves as a passive system and is designed to
generate counter measures to prevent the formation of electrical phenomena (lightning). Therefore, the device will
attenuate the formation of electric fields that are generated in its environment, maintaining a clean environment of
electrical, electromagnetic and magnetic contamination.
High Voltage Comparative Tests in the INTI according to NFC-17100, where the
comparative difference is that there are no lightning discharges.
A.1. General tests (Section.c.3.1UNE21186: 2011 // NF C17-102: 2011)
Test: Documentation, information and identification (C.3.1.1)
Test: Marking (C.3.1.2)
A.2. Mechanical tests (Section.c.3.2 UNE21186: 2011 // NF C17-102: 2011)
Test: Mechanical tests (C.3.2)
A.3 Environmental tests (Section.c.3.3UNE21186: 2011 // NF C17-102: 2011)
Test: Salt spray test (C.3.3.1)
Test: Test in sulphurous humid atmosphere (C.3.3.2)
A.4 Current test (Section.c.3.4UNE21186: 2011 // NF C17-102: 2011)
Test: Current test (C.3.4)
TO 5. Priming advance tests (Section.c.3.5UNE21186: 2011 // NF C17-102:
Test: Determination of the progress in the PDC priming (C.3.5.3 UNE 21186:
/ C. NF C17-102: 2011)
SERTEC S.R.L. is approved within the NATO Cataloging System (NOC) with the
NCAGE code SFKU3 for our CMCE-SERTEC lightning conductors
DUNS REGISTER Number 955067967
MAINTENANCE: Annual mandatory, carried out and certified by the
official installer.
PRODUCT WARRANTY 5 YEARS warranty for manufacturing defect,
proving annual maintenance.
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Asunción - Paraguay