CH 24

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1. Many students smoke, drink alcohol, or ingest other addictive

substances, such as caffeine (in coffee, tea, or soft drinks). How do the
addiction models presented relate to students’ everyday habits?

It believes change is a process. Individuals must go through with different

factors affecting movement. This model proposes that the further an
intervention helps clients to progress on the stage continuum, the more
likely they are to exhibit change.

2. Do cigarette and alcohol ads you have seen contain primarily informative
content or persuasive content? What consequences would you predict from
your finding?

It is persuasive content, to demonstrate that a realistic inquiry into the

probable effects of banning cigarette advertising is essential before
pursuing a ban as public policy This imperative arises from history,
particularly the series of disappointments encountered in past
interventions in the cigarette market and in many other markets.

3. Someone says: “The advertising elasticity of cigarette demand may be

small, but it is big enough to warrant policy to ban cigarette advertising.”
What would “big enough” mean in this context?

Public health officials and consumers wanted stronger warning labels on

tobacco products and their advertisements banned from television and
radio, where they could easily reach impressionable children. (Tobacco
companies were the single largest product advertisers on television in
4. What does the evidence on the effects of the partial U.S. ban on cigarette
advertising suggest about the relative effectiveness of cigarette advertising
versus anti-smoking advertising?

The results have shown that fear ads were perceived as more effective and
reduced the urges to smoke in smokers. Non-smokers were more
supportive of tobacco control policies. In conclusion, this study showed that
fear campaigns can reduce the urge to smoke among smokers and are
perceived to be more effective.

5. How does the responsiveness to cigarette advertising and price differ

between youths and adults? Why is this important?

 Television advertisements have significant impact on youth including

product choices and overall perceptions of gender roles.Increased exposure
to television, magazines and movies put youth at a higher risk of adopting
unhealthy lifestyle habits. think of advertising as the basic need to generate
income. Indeed advertising creates awareness in people but nowadays
advertising is mainly used to promote or publicize a product among
people so that they can know all the details and the technology on which the
product is based. Advertising is very important.

6. Explain how it is possible to advertise too little or too much.

Consumers can overdose on advertising. Twenty percent of U.S. consumers

also say they'll stop using a product entirely if they get too many advertising
messages - and that's not all. Eleven percent of those polled say they'll go so
far as to protest excessive advertising on social media sites.

7. Suppose it takes considerable time for the large majority of cigarette

smokers to become fully informed about the fact that cigarette prices have
risen all over. How would this matter to the effectiveness of a tax hike?
What other effect of a cigarette tax hike may take considerable time?
An increase in income taxes reduces disposable personal income and thus
reduces consumption (but by less than the change in disposable personal
income). That shifts the aggregate demand curve leftward by an amount
equal to the initial change in consumption that the change in income taxes
produces times the multiplier.

8. How would an excise tax hike in Kansas curb smoking among Kansans if
the neighboring states (e.g., Missouri, Nebraska) did not also hike their
cigarette excise taxes?

An advantage of using taxation to control population-level tobacco

consumption is that it can raise government revenue which can be spent on
services and materials aimed at public health and wellbeing improvement.

9. When all costs are considered, which public policy tool for curbing the
consumption of bads would be the most costly to administer for a given
amount of consumption reduction among consumers?

Sustainable consumption and production refers to “the use of services and

related products, which respond to basic needs and bring a better quality of
life while minimizing the use of natural resources and toxic materials as
well as the emissions of waste and pollutants over the life cycle of the

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