CH 24
CH 24
CH 24
2. Do cigarette and alcohol ads you have seen contain primarily informative
content or persuasive content? What consequences would you predict from
your finding?
The results have shown that fear ads were perceived as more effective and
reduced the urges to smoke in smokers. Non-smokers were more
supportive of tobacco control policies. In conclusion, this study showed that
fear campaigns can reduce the urge to smoke among smokers and are
perceived to be more effective.
8. How would an excise tax hike in Kansas curb smoking among Kansans if
the neighboring states (e.g., Missouri, Nebraska) did not also hike their
cigarette excise taxes?
9. When all costs are considered, which public policy tool for curbing the
consumption of bads would be the most costly to administer for a given
amount of consumption reduction among consumers?