Project 1

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Finlatics Investment Banking Experience Program- Project 1

1. In this case study an appropriate profile- idea combination would be A (Engineer with an
MBA degree experience in information technology) and C (an international transfer
remittance software). Having prior experience in information technology background and
idea of international remittance software would be more proper and sufficient implantation
in accordance with other such combinations.

An MBA Degree:
Arjun is an MBA graduate and the path of implanting idea, establishing, commercializing
and growing business would be clearer to him. He should be aware about all the resources
and requirement which would be required to expand his business. He will know methods
of networking, managing workforce, proper utilization of resources etc. which will grow
its business more frequently in compare to other profile.

A meaningful work experience:

Having a prior work experience in same area in which your start- up is taking place, will
be very helpful to understand that business scenario and current market trends. Initial phase
of business in such experiences will be proper managed and growth rate of business will
also increase. Arjun has also work experience in information technology sector which
would be beneficial for him to establish business in the same sector.

The Financial Benefit:

Among the four benefits of private equity investments, Arjun would be emphasizing more
on financial benefits. Looking at investors, Arjun will raise funds that helps company to
grow. Because the business requirement also seems quite serious as there must be security
of payment transaction through software made by Arjun himself. It would require more
funds in order to implement such safer and high technology to fulfil the basic requirement
of product.

Trishneet Arora Story:

Trishneet Arora, founder of TAC security and solution is a young entrepreneur who
initiated a start- up based on security solution from his home town to government of India.
It clearly indicates that if knowledge and idea had a better combination, only that one factor
is enough to multiply the rate of growth of your business. In this case Arjun had knowledge
and experience and idea which is applied at a starting phase a business.

Other combination in the case study are still appropriate and good to initiate but
combination of this profile- idea will result more growth rate of business in comparison of

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