Ocr 12990 SM Gce Teach Sup
Ocr 12990 SM Gce Teach Sup
Ocr 12990 SM Gce Teach Sup
Version 2.0
A Level GCE
Teacher Support:
Extended Investigation
A separate Practical Skills Handbook for AS Unit F223 is available from the OCR
website (www.ocr.org.uk).
OCR will periodically update this document. Please check the OCR website
(www.ocr.org.uk) at the start of each academic year to ensure that you are using
the latest version.
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GCE Human Biology
Contents 3
1 Introduction 4
3 Mark Descriptors 11
5 Data Presentation 35
5.1 Tables 35
5.2 Graphs 35
6 Resources 39
6.1 Books 39
6.2 Websites 39
6.3 INSET 40
This handbook plays a secondary role to the specification itself. The specification is the
document on which assessment is based, and this handbook is intended to elaborate on the
content of the specification to clarify how skills are assessed and what practical experience is
necessary to support an assessment. This handbook should therefore be read in conjunction
with the specification.
In keeping with its context-based approach to teaching and learning, Human Biology has
developed a scheme for the assessment of candidates’ practical skills that emphasises the
progression from separate practical skills at AS to the application of these skills in the context of
a coherent investigation at A2. At AS level, practical skills are assessed in separate practical
Tasks; at A2 level, candidates are assessed in the context of a single Extended Investigation in
which each candidate pursues his or her own investigation.
During their study of Human Biology, candidates are expected to acquire experience of
planning, carrying out, interpreting, analysing and evaluating experiments, and it is important to
recognise that these aspects of practical work require both teaching and continual practice.
Experience has shown that evaluating experiments and suggesting improvements to the
procedures employed are difficult skills for candidates to master.
Unit F226 Extended Investigation in Human Biology includes synoptic assessment. Synoptic
assessment requires the explicit drawing together of knowledge, understanding and skills
learned in different parts of the Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced GCE Human Biology
courses. The inclusion of synoptic assessment is designed to encourage development of the
understanding of the subject as a discipline.
Synoptic assessment requires candidates to make and use connections within and between
different areas of GCE Human Biology at AS and A2 by:
• applying knowledge and understanding of more than one area to a particular situation or
• bringing together scientific knowledge and understanding from different areas of the
subject and applying them.
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2 Unit F226: Extended Investigation in
Human Biology
2.1 The assessment model
Practical and investigative skills developed within contexts encountered during Advanced
Subsidiary and Advanced GCE Human Biology (Units F221, F222, F223, F224 and F225) are
the basis for meeting the criteria for the A2 Extended Investigation (Unit F226).
Candidates are required to carry out a single Extended Investigation made up of three
connected sections, each of which assesses a particular group of skills:
• Use knowledge and understanding to pose scientific questions and define scientific
• Describe safe and skilful practical techniques and processes, selecting appropriate
methods of data collection.
• Make, record and communicate reliable and valid observations and measurements with
appropriate precision and accuracy.
• Analyse, interpret, evaluate and explain the methodology and results of the investigation.
Each Extended Investigation is teacher assessed and then externally moderated by OCR. For
each candidate, Centres will supply OCR with a single mark out of 40. Although Extended
Investigations can be carried out throughout the year, entry for the A2 unit is available only in
the June session of each year.
Skill A /15
Skill C /15
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2.2 Administration and regulations
The first assessment session for Unit F226 will be June 2010. Assessment will be available
each June thereafter; it is not possible to submit a Unit F226 mark for assessment in January.
Extended Investigations may be undertaken at any time during the A2 teaching programme.
However, it cannot be emphasised strongly enough that before candidates are assessed on
their investigative skills within the Extended Investigation, the requisite skills must be taught and
candidates must have opportunities to practice and develop their abilities. The work must be
marked and the final mark for each candidate must be submitted to OCR by 15 May each year.
Extended Investigations are not time-restricted, however 10-15 hours of class time should be
sufficient. Candidates are expected to spend approximately 4 hours collecting data as part of
their investigation, and are also required to spend an appropriate amount of time designing their
data collection strategy and analysing and evaluating their results.
Candidates within the class should be given similar time allowances to complete each Skill,
although the time required for Skill B may be less than that for Skills A and C.
There is no word limit for Extended Investigations, but it is anticipated that the completed report
will not exceed 3 500 words (excluding tables and graphs). Experience has shown that concise
reports, focused on the criteria, often gain more credit than very long reports.
Extended Investigation topics are not prescribed by OCR, rather they are devised by candidates
individually. The topic must be taken from an area of the A2 Human Biology specification.
The submission of proposed Extended Investigation topics/titles for approval by OCR is not a
requirement of the scheme. However, Centres wishing to obtain guidance on whether a
coursework topic or title is suitable may send an e-mail to GCEsciencetasks@ocr.org.uk for
guidance from the senior moderating team. Please include the Centre number in all e-mails.
OCR will acknowledge all e-mails but will only respond in detail within 4 weeks of
acknowledgement of receipt. Centres should retain copies of any correspondence with OCR
and forward copies to the Moderator with the sample of candidate work.
In Centres with a large number of candidates, it is permitted for all candidates in the Centre to
undertake Investigations with the same title in order to help the Centre to plan and manage the
provision of apparatus, materials and laboratory time. However, in such circumstances the
Centre must ensure that candidates work individually to design their own data collection
strategy for Skill A, collect and process their own data for Skill B, and analyse and evaluate for
Skill C (see section 2.2.6). A common method may be issued after candidates have completed
Skill A and before they start Skill B, but this must be noted to the Moderator when the sample is
sent for moderation and candidates must work individually to collect and process their own
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2.2.6 Group work
Candidates must work individually and must collect their own data. In some cases candidates
may need to share equipment or apparatus and the Centre must make arrangements for this to
take place without advantaging or disadvantaging any candidates.
2.2.7 Supervision
All practical work should be carried out under the supervision of the teacher. However, there is
no requirement for ‘examination conditions’ to be imposed. Candidates may need to interact as
they collect materials or use particular pieces of apparatus. The teacher must ensure that
candidates do not copy from or assist each other, so that s/he can with confidence authenticate
the work of each candidate.
The safety of all candidates and participants involved in any Investigation remains the
responsibility of the Centre and the teacher who approved the Investigation/data collection
strategy (see Chapter 4 of this handbook).
It is recognised that some Centres are likely to have more than one group with lessons
timetabled at different times. In these circumstances, Centres are asked to ensure that all
candidates are given similar time allocations to complete each Skill that contributes to the
Extended Investigation.
If a candidate is absent from a Centre when Extended Investigations are being carried out then
an alternative time should be provided at the Centre if practicable. In these circumstances,
Centres are asked to ensure that all candidates are given similar time allocations to complete
each Skill.
Candidates who are eligible for access arrangements and need additional time for the Extended
Investigation may be given up to 25% extra time and their name should be recorded on the
Interchange Access Arrangements site. Where other access arrangements are required,
applications should be made to OCR at the beginning of the course using the standard forms
and procedures in the Joint Council regulations and guidance document. However, it should be
remembered that the Extended Investigation is intended to assess planning, practical and
analytical skills. Credit is given to those skills which the candidate has performed independently.
The Disability Discrimination Act lays no duty on awarding bodies to make reasonable
adjustments with respect to the application of a competence standard or, in this case, the
assessment objective being tested.
If an unexpected problem (such as a fire alarm or other circumstance beyond the teacher’s
control) occurs while an Extended Investigation is taking place, the investigation may be
resumed subsequently provided the teacher ensures that no candidate is likely to have been
advantaged or disadvantaged by doing so.
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2.2.12 Support allowed for candidates
Teachers may provide additional safety instructions (including written advice) if this is felt to be
necessary. If it becomes necessary for a teacher to provide a candidate with assistance during
the course of an Extended Investigation, the work may still be marked but must be annotated to
indicate the assistance given. The teacher should use their professional judgement to award
marks appropriately.
2.2.13 Authentication
It is the responsibility of the Centre to ensure that the work submitted for assessment is that of
the candidates involved, and is authenticated as such by the teacher using form CCS160
(available to download from www.ocr.org.uk).
Centres must set up an internal standardisation process to ensure that all teachers at the
Centre are applying the criteria in the same way. This process could include double marking of
a sample of candidates’ work, or the remarking of work by a senior member of staff. Marks may
be adjusted during moderation or work may be returned to the Centre be remarked if there is no
evidence of internal standardisation.
All Extended Investigations must be marked internally by teachers at the Centre; a sample will
then be externally moderated by OCR. The purpose of moderation is to ensure that the
standard for the award of marks in coursework is the same for each Centre, and that teachers
have applied the standards appropriately across the range of candidates within the Centre.
For each candidate, the marks awarded for each of the three Skills should be added to together
and a total mark out of 40 submitted to OCR.
Candidates’ marks must be submitted to OCR to by no later than 15 May in the year of
Following the submission of marks, the Moderator will request a sample of candidate work – the
request will be sent by e-mail, so Centres must ensure that the Interchange e-mail account
registered with OCR is checked regularly for communications from the Moderator. If there are
ten or fewer candidates entered, all work should be sent to the Moderator.
The following paperwork must be included with the sample sent to the Moderator:
• any tick sheets (or similar) used during marking and internal standardisation;
* If the CCS160 form is not received, the publication of candidates’ results may be delayed. The
CCS160 is available to download from www.ocr.org.uk.
Coursework submissions should be clearly annotated by the teacher to support the marks
awarded to the candidates. The sample of work that is submitted to the Moderator for
moderation must show how the marks have been awarded in relation to the marking criteria.
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2.3 Marking advice for teachers
The mark descriptors for Skills A, B and C are set out in Appendix B of the specification. The
descriptors for each Skill have been made as explicit and as easy to apply as possible.
Teachers should note that the mark descriptors are not hierarchical.
Mark candidates’ work clearly in red ink and in accordance with the mark descriptors.
The descriptors are reproduced in Chapter 3 of this handbook together with additional guidance
outlining what is required to award each descriptor.
It is also useful to use a few words or phrases of explanation when this will help to demonstrate
why a mark descriptor was or was not awarded.
The annotations described above will be more helpful to the Moderator and to other staff than
simple ticks and crosses.
Once the work has been collected in, it must be marked by the teacher as it stands.
Coursework consultancy
OCR offers a free coursework consultancy service in which Centres can send up to three
photocopies of marked work to OCR for feedback from a senior Moderator. If a Centre wishes
to make use of this service, the photocopied work should be posted to OCR with a Coursework
Enquiry Form no later than 15 March each year (i.e. 8 weeks before the annual coursework
submission deadline of 15 May). OCR will return completed coursework consultancies within 6
weeks. The Coursework Enquiry Form is available to download from www.ocr.org.uk.
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2.4 General requirements for A2 practical work
2.4.1 Apparatus
All candidates will be expected to have access to standard laboratory apparatus. However, for
certain Investigations other more specialised equipment may be required.
Advice about specialist equipment that may be suitable for candidates eligible for access
arrangements (e.g. talking thermometers, talking scales, notched syringes) can be obtained
from the RNIB (www.rnib.org.uk) and other specialist organisations. Before approving the use of
such equipment in an Extended Investigation, the Centre must contact OCR to ensure that the
equipment does not interfere with the competence standards being assessed.
Suggested practical activities have been included within the specification at the end of each
module. Carrying out these practical activities is not a requirement of the course, but allowing
candidates to undertake them will ensure that the skills required for assessment will have been
covered. Alternative experiments may be chosen, but Centres should consider carefully whether
candidates will have been afforded sufficient practical experience before the Extended
Investigation is undertaken.
There are generic skills that should be developed during the study of AS and A2 Human
Biology. The sophistication required of candidates should increase throughout the course, partly
as their practical experience grows, but also through the extra demands expected by more
complex experiments.
During teaching, teachers should focus on the key areas listed above whilst developing the
candidates’ skills through a coherent practical programme.
In carrying out classroom practical activities and the AS Practical Skills Assessment Tasks in
Unit F223, candidates should acquire the necessary experience to be able to carry out the
Extended Investigation.
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3 Mark Descriptors
3.1 Skill A – Designing a data collection strategy
Skill A is marked out of 15 marks, according to the 15 mark descriptors set out in Appendix B of
the GCE Human Biology specification.
The descriptors have been reproduced below, together with additional guidance outlining what
is required to award each descriptor.
• describe the biological knowledge that they have researched in order to help them
devise their data collection strategy;
• describe and justify the choice of the equipment, materials and experimental procedures
that they will use to achieve the aims of the investigation;
• include a list of references to the key sources that they have used to help them devise
their data collection strategy;
• use knowledge and understanding to pose scientific questions and define scientific
• describe safe and skilful practical techniques and processes, selecting appropriate
Candidates must complete and hand in their report for Skill A before they begin Skill B (i.e.
before they begin to collect data). A copy must then be returned to the candidate. The original
copy of the report handed in by the candidate is marked by the teacher.
The planned procedure may need to be amended to ensure that a safe and valid experiment is
carried out by the candidate. Such amendments may be made on advice from the teacher, but
must not contribute to the mark. Any amendments to the planned procedure should be noted
in the candidate’s report for Skill B. Under no circumstances can a candidate be allowed to
change work that has already been marked or annotated.
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Mark Descriptor
The candidate:
The question should be based upon an area of the A2 specification. A question based upon the AS specification will limit the candidate’s ability to
access descriptors A4 and C4.
Candidates are advised to investigate the effect of one independent variable; no additional credit can be given for investigating more than one
independent variable.
A prediction that simply states an expected increase or decrease is not sufficient. The increase or decrease must be given numerical values
related to stated values of the independent variable (for example: ‘A rise of 10 °C would cause the time for the colour to change to halve’ or ‘A 5%
increase in heart rate after 10 minutes of aerobic exercise’). A prediction in graphical form can be credited if appropriate, but a sketch graph
without numerical values for both axes would not meet this descriptor.
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Mark Descriptor
A3 Uses detailed, relevant scientific knowledge and understanding from Unit F221 and/or F222 to justify the stated question and/or
Additional guidance:
The candidate must include relevant scientific knowledge from the AS specification. Key terms must be used appropriately The scientific
knowledge and understanding must be of a sufficiently detailed AS standard. It is essential that the scientific knowledge and understanding has
been used to justify the prediction.
A description of the scientific knowledge relevant to the question being considered should include evidence of research by means of reference(s)
within the text of the plan to the source(s) used. The candidate must also provide a detailed bibliography of the research source(s) referenced in
the text.
The candidate must reference sources clearly within the text by use of superscript numbers with bibliography or footnotes. The inclusion of a
bibliography or footnotes without references in the text of the plan will not allow this descriptor to be awarded.
Class notes referenced in the bibliography should indicate the source clearly, and web pages should include the URL and the date of access.
For example:
1 Hayward J.J., Hart R.M. & Moore A.M., 2001, Methods in Practical Biology, pp. 44-45, Heinemann, ISBN 0-24-031980-1
2 Class notes (Teacher: Mr D. Patterson, 2009, Community High School)
3 www.useful-biology.com/enzymes.html (accessed 21 September 2009)
Mark Descriptor
A4 Uses detailed, relevant scientific knowledge and understanding from Unit F224 and/or F225 to justify the stated question and/or
Additional guidance:
The candidate must include relevant scientific knowledge from the A2 specification. Key terms must be used appropriately. The scientific
knowledge and understanding must be of a sufficiently detailed A2 standard. It is essential that the scientific knowledge and understanding has
been used to justify the prediction.
A description of the scientific knowledge relevant to the question being considered should include evidence of research by means of reference(s)
within the text of the plan to the source(s) used. The candidate must also provide a detailed bibliography of the research source(s) referenced in
the text, as in A3.
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Mark Descriptor
A5 Identifies an independent variable, a dependent variable and factors to be controlled or taken into account.
Additional guidance:
All relevant factors in the investigation must be categorised by the candidate into:
- independent variable (i.e. the variable that will be changed/investigated);
- dependent variable (i.e. the data that will be collected);
- factors to be controlled (i.e. the factors that will be kept the same).
This descriptor requires only a list of relevant factors in the appropriate categories. This can be achieved easily by use of a table, e.g.:
Factor/variable Description
Independent variable Length of exercise period
Dependent variable Heart rate
Factors to be controlled Gender, age, ethnicity, BMI, smokers/non-smokers, diet, medical
history/health, level of fitness, alcohol/caffeine intake, time of day, peak flow
Note: physiology investigations should be considered carefully before being selected for assessment purposes due to the number of factors to be
controlled when implementing an investigation of this type.
Mark Descriptor
A6 Proposes an appropriate range for, and number of values of, the independent variable and an appropriate number of measurements
of the dependent variable.
Additional guidance:
The candidate must state clearly each of the following:
- appropriate range for the independent variable;
- the number of values of the independent variable;
- appropriate number of measurements of the dependent variable.
The range proposed for the independent variable must be appropriate (for example, a range of 5 – 45 °C for an investigation of yeast respiration
at different temperatures) and should be determined using information gained from research.
There must be a minimum of five values of the independent variable, unless gender is being investigated (in which case it will be two).
There must be a minimum of three replicates for each value of the independent variable, or a minimum of ten participants in each category for a
human physiology investigation. If the candidate plans (in A14) to carry out a t-test, they must plan to collect at least 20 pieces of data in each
A7 Uses, appropriately referenced, material from one secondary source to design an appropriate data collection strategy.
Additional guidance:
‘Data collection strategy’ refers to the planned method, not to the prediction and theory parts of the investigation.
‘Uses’ means that the source (e.g. text or data) must be used to inform the planned method (e.g. to justify or determine a range for the
independent variable, or to indicate the necessity of including a particular step/chemical/piece of apparatus, etc.).
The candidate must reference one secondary source clearly within the text of their plan by use of superscript numbers with bibliography or
footnotes, as in A3. The inclusion of a bibliography or footnotes without references in the text of the plan will not allow this descriptor to be
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Mark Descriptor
A8 Uses, appropriately referenced, material from a second secondary source or uses data collected from preliminary studies to design
an appropriate data collection strategy.
Additional guidance:
The candidate must reference an additional secondary source clearly within the text of their plan by the use of superscript numbers with
bibliography or footnotes as in A3;
the candidate must use data collected from their own preliminary experimental work to develop the data collection strategy (e.g. deciding the
range for the independent variable). In the context of this descriptor, the word ‘studies’ can refer to repeats of the same experiment, and does not
imply that more than one preliminary investigation should be carried out.
Hazcards and CLEAPSS® should be consulted as necessary; see Chapter 4 of this Handbook for guidance.
Mark Descriptor
A10 Describes, in detail, a strategy for collecting precise and accurate data.
Additional guidance:
To meet this descriptor, the data collection strategy (i.e. method) written by the candidate must:
- be sufficiently detailed to enable the method to be repeated by another student and produce comparable data;
- give clear details of how precise data will be collected (e.g. by stating the precision of apparatus used);
- give clear details of how accurate data will be collected (e.g. by giving details of the techniques and apparatus that will be used to
measure out materials and measure the independent and dependent variables, by highlighting instances where special care or speed will
be needed, or by detailing how limitations and sources of error will be minimised or removed);
- include details of how the key factors identified in A5 will be controlled or regulated.
Note: precision is the number of decimal places to which any measurement can be recorded, as determined by the apparatus used, e.g. a 1 cm
graduated pipette has the smallest measuring unit of 0.01 cm3, therefore the precision is limited to 0.005 cm3 (half the smallest measured unit);
however, a timer cannot be used to record data to this level of precision because human reaction time does not allow the timer to be used this
precisely (only to the nearest second or half second).
Note: accuracy is an assessment of how close the obtained value is to the true value. Accuracy can be assessed by the calculation of (or a
comment on) the % error, or comment on the accuracy of pieces of apparatus. Accuracy can also be assessed by commenting on how the trend
line obtained compares with the theoretical trend line.
A11 Sequences the steps in the data collection strategy in a clear, logical manner.
Additional guidance:
The method may be described in continuous prose, bullet form or by means of a flow diagram of events, and must allow the exact procedure to be
GCE Human Biology
Mark Descriptor
A12 Justifies the proposed data collection strategy in terms of maximising the validity of the data that will be collected.
Additional guidance:
The candidate must justify the following:
- selection of apparatus;
The candidate must explain their selection of the apparatus used to measure volume, time, mass, (blood) pressure, length, temperature,
etc. This could take into account consideration of the percentage error of different pieces of apparatus.
- measurement/control of variables;
Key points in the method should be identified and an explanation given as to why the chosen method is the best approach in the
circumstances of the work. The justification can be integral to the steps or to the controls. For example, ‘All tubes will be incubated in a
water bath at 25 °C so any difference in colour change will only be due to the difference in the sugar present’.
The candidate should appreciate that results, measurements and procedures will vary in the extent to which they actually measure or carry out
Mark Descriptor
A13 Proposes an appropriate format for recording the raw (independent and dependent variable) data that will be collected.
Additional guidance:
The candidate must plan to display their data in a single table with:
- ruled lines and border;
- independent variable in the first column;
- informative column and row headings;
- SI units for independent variable and dependent variable;
- an appropriate number of rows and column so that sufficient data can be collected to meet A6.
A14 States how the raw data collected will be processed in order to answer the question asked or test the prediction made.
Additional guidance:
The key idea at this stage is for the candidate to indicate how they intend to analyse their data. An essential part of planning an investigation is to
consider how the raw data will be processed in order to address the prediction.
The candidate must state what processing of the data they will carry out, including:
- a simple numerical process (e.g. mean/gradient/percentage);
- a detailed numerical process (e.g. standard deviation/standard error/other appropriate statistical test).
If a suitable statistical test is proposed, it can be assumed that this also encompasses simple processing such as calculating the mean.
Following the collection of data, implementing the planned processing will allow candidates to access B6, B7, C5, C6 and C14; the candidate may
plan to perform more than one type of simple processing and more than one type of detailed processing.
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Mark Descriptor
A15 Proposes an appropriate format for presenting the processed data graphically.
Additional guidance:
The candidate must propose how they will present the processed data that will be generated by the processing proposed in A14. In the majority
of investigations this will be in the form of a graph of means or mean rates. Candidates may choose (ideally) to sketch the proposed format, and/or
to describe it in words.
Skill B is marked out of 10 marks, according to the 10 mark descriptors set out in Appendix B of
the GCE Human Biology specification.
The descriptors have been reproduced below, together with additional guidance outlining what
is required to award each descriptor.
- make, record and communicate reliable and valid observations and measurements with
appropriate precision and accuracy;
- process their raw data and present the processed data in an appropriate format.
The report, table and graph must be collected in by the teacher and validated as the
candidate’s work. The originals or copies should then be returned to the candidate.
Should a detailed common method be given to candidates to enable a common strategy for
Skill B to be used, teachers should report this to the Moderator when the sample is sent for
moderation. Note that the following marks may not be supported by the Moderator if too much
guidance has been given: B2, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8 and B10.
In the event of a candidate failing to generate their own valid data in Skill B, the Centre may
provide a table of raw and processed data and appropriate graph to the candidate to continue
with the assessment of Skill C. This must be reported to the Moderator when the sample is sent
for moderation. The candidate must not be awarded Skill B marks using the sample data
and graph.
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Mark Descriptor
The candidate:
B2 Collects and records data sufficient to answer the stated question and/or prediction.
Additional guidance:
This should comply with the candidate’s plan and must be consistent with the minimum requirements of A6.
B3 Produces a report summarising how the effects of uncontrolled variables and other factors were minimised during the collection of
Additional guidance:
This must be a written report of at least 100 words, separate from Skill A and Skill C, giving details of how the uncontrolled variables were taken
into account.
The candidate must record any modification they make to the initial data collection strategy planned in Skill A, and explain the reason for
modification. This may include modifications made as a result of generic advice given by the teacher or technician.
- use of an upturned measuring cylinder in place of the burette planned for collecting gas over water;
- extension of independent variable range or number of replicates.
be appropriate to the precision of the apparatus used to collect the data (see A10).
Mark Descriptor
The candidate may transcribe their raw data into a neat copy for marking.
A table of pooled raw data must not be used to award B5. Teachers must not provide a template for any candidate to record data – all decisions
regarding the presentation and formatting of the raw data table must be made by the candidate.
on a graph. Allow up to one calculation and/or rounding error but no more. Allow error carried forward from B6 (i.e. credit SE or SD calculated
correctly from incorrect mean or rate etc.).
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Mark Descriptor
B9 Identifies, using an appropriate method, anomalous values (outliers) in the raw data.
Additional guidance:
Anomalous values should be indicated clearly in the table of raw data and/or on the graph.
Error bars or range bars may also be plotted, and may help the candidate to access C5, C6, C7 and C14. Note: an error bar is plotted by the
addition and subtraction of one standard deviation from the mean; a range bar plots the highest and lowest readings for each set of data.
3.3 Skill C – Analysis and evaluation
Skill C is marked out of 15 marks, according to the 15 mark descriptors set out in Appendix B of
the GCE Human Biology specification.
The descriptors have been reproduced below, together with additional guidance outlining what
is required to award each descriptor.
- analyse, interpret, evaluate and explain the methodology and results of the investigation;
- describe and explain the trends and patterns in their data, using appropriate scientific
knowledge and understanding;
Candidates must complete and hand in their report for Skill C after they have completed their
analysis and evaluation of the whole investigation. The report should be authenticated and
marked by the teacher.
In the event of a candidate failing to generate their own valid data in Skill B, the Centre may
provide a table of raw and processed data and appropriate graph to the candidate to continue
with the assessment of Skill C. This must be reported to the Moderator when the sample is sent
for moderation.
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Mark Descriptor
The candidate:
C2 Makes a valid statement about the trends and patterns in the processed data and the original question asked and/or prediction made.
Additional guidance:
The candidate should make a statement identifying whether their original prediction was supported or undermined, or their question was
answered, by the data collected. Trends and patterns must be drawn from the processed data.
C3 Uses detailed scientific knowledge and understanding from Unit F221 and/or F222 to explain the trends and patterns in the
processed data.
Additional guidance:
The candidate must include relevant scientific knowledge from the AS specification. Key terms must be used appropriately. The scientific
knowledge and understanding must be of a sufficiently detailed AS standard. It is essential that the scientific knowledge and understanding has
been used to explain the trends and patterns described in C1 and C2.
Mark Descriptor
C4 Uses detailed scientific knowledge and understanding from Unit F224 and/or F225 to explain the trends and patterns in the
processed data.
Additional guidance:
The candidate must include relevant scientific knowledge from the A2 specification. Key terms must be used appropriately. The scientific
knowledge and understanding must be of a sufficiently detailed A2 standard. It is essential that the scientific knowledge and understanding has
been used to explain the trends and patterns described in C1 and C2.
Considering the reliability of the data is to consider the spread of the raw data from the mean.
The candidate may also consider whether some data sets are more reliable than others.
The criteria for assessing accuracy (see C6) must not be used to award this descriptor.
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Mark Descriptor
Accuracy is an assessment of how close the obtained value is to the true value.
The candidate could assess the accuracy of the data by commenting on any of the following:
- the percentage error of pieces of equipment;
- how the obtained trend line compares with the theoretical trend line;
- how close the data point(s) is/are to the line of best fit.
The candidate may also consider whether some data sets are more accurate than others.
The criteria for assessing reliability (see C5) must not be used to award this descriptor.
A reliable data collection strategy produces concurrent replicate results. A data collection strategy can be made less reliable due to errors and
limitations. Limitations will be considered in later descriptors, so C7 must be awarded on the basis of a discussion of errors.
An error is not a design fault of the procedure, but is a single or 'one off' incident or event caused by the candidate during their working. The
candidate must discuss whether any errors during the practical work will have affected the reliability of the data collection strategy.
Mark Descriptor
C8 Lists three significant limitations in the data collection strategy that will have affected the accuracy and/or precision of the raw data
Additional guidance:
Limitations are factors that have not been controlled or taken into account in the design of the procedure; limitations can be thought of as ‘design
faults’, and will affect each run and replicate equally throughout the investigation.
The candidate must identify three limitations of the procedure. These may be presented in a table.
This descriptor must not be awarded for a discussion of errors (see C7).
C9 Explains the effect one significant limitation will have had on the accuracy and/or precision of the raw data collected.
Additional guidance:
The candidate must consider one limitation in detail to explain its effect on the raw data, and the effect must be quantified.
For example:
The carbon dioxide was collected in a 50 cm3 measuring cylinder instead of a gas syringe, so the value recorded for the volume of
gas evolved was less precise – only to the nearest 0.5 cm3 instead of to the nearest 0.05 cm3.
C10 Explains the effect a second significant limitation will have had on the accuracy and/or precision of the raw data collected.
Additional guidance:
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A second limitation must be considered in detail to explain its effect on the raw data, and the effect must be quantified. This explanation may be
presented in a table with C8 and C9.
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Mark Descriptor
C11 Lists three improvements to the data collection strategy that would improve the accuracy and precision of the raw data collected.
Additional guidance:
The improvements suggested need to be realistic and practical within the context of the investigation (e.g. using standard school apparatus).
These improvements may be presented in a table.
The improvements must relate specifically to improving the strategy in terms of improving the accuracy and/or precision of the raw data. To that
end, reference to performing more replicates will not in itself be sufficient, nor will references to increasing the accuracy of the mean (as the mean
is processed data and the descriptor specifically requires the improvements to consider the raw data).
C12 Explains the effect one improvement would have on the accuracy and precision of the raw data collected.
Additional guidance:
Is the improvement likely to bring data points closer to a line of best fit or bring the trend line closer to the predicted trend line? This explanation
may be presented in a table with C11 and C13.
C13 Explains the effect a second improvement would have on the accuracy and precision of the raw data collected.
Additional guidance:
Is the improvement likely to bring data points closer to a line of best fit or bring the trend line closer to the predicted trend line? This explanation
may be presented in a table with C11 and C12.
Mark Descriptor
- commenting on:
- confidence levels in any statistical tests carried out;
- the accuracy and precision of the data collected;
- the reliability of the strategy and data collected;
- sources of error and limitations within the strategy;
- reference to appropriate published data.
- and then assessing the confidence that can be placed in the conclusion drawn in C2.
C15 Uses appropriate technical terms, spelt correctly, throughout the investigation.
Additional guidance:
Scientific and technical terms should be spelt correctly and used in the correct context throughout the whole investigation (i.e. in all three
Skills). An isolated mistake should not prevent this mark being awarded.
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4 Health and Safety
4.1 Laboratory health and safety
Candidates are expected to be familiar with the standard hazard symbols illustrated below.
Oxidising Harmful
Toxic Irritant
In UK law, health and safety is the responsibility of the employer. For most establishments
entering candidates for AS and Advanced GCE, this is likely to be the local education authority
or the governing body. Employees, i.e. teachers and lecturers, have a duty to cooperate with
their employer on health and safety matters. Various regulations, but especially the COSHH
Regulations 2002 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, require
that before any activity involving a hazardous procedure or harmful micro-organisms is carried
out, or hazardous chemicals are used or made, the employer must provide a risk assessment. A
useful summary of the requirements for risk assessment in school or college science can be
found at www.ase.org.uk/htm/teacher_zone/safety_in_science_education.php.
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For members, the CLEAPSS® guide Managing Risk Assessment in Science* offers detailed
advice. Most education employers have adopted a range of nationally available publications as
the basis for their Model Risk Assessments. Those commonly used include:
• Safety in Science Education, DfEE, 1996, HMSO, ISBN 0 11 270915 X (now out of print but
sections are available at: www.ase.org.uk/htm/teacher_zone/safety_in_science_education.php);
• Safeguards in the School Laboratory, 11th edition, 2006, ASE ISBN 978 0 86357 408 5;
• CLEAPSS® Hazcards*;
Where an employer has adopted these or other publications as the basis of their model risk
assessments, an individual school or college then has to review them, to see if there is a need
to modify or adapt them in some way to suit the particular conditions of the establishment.
Such adaptations might include a reduced scale of working, deciding that the fume cupboard
provision was inadequate or the skills of the candidates were insufficient to attempt particular
activities safely. The significant findings of such risk assessment should then be recorded, for
example on schemes of work, published teachers guides, work sheets, etc. There is no specific
legal requirement that detailed risk assessment forms should be completed, although a few
employers require this.
Certain Extended Investigations may involve the use of novel procedures, chemicals or
organisms that are not covered by the employer’s model risk assessments. The employer
should have given guidance on how to proceed in such cases. Often, for members, it will
involve contacting CLEAPSS® (or, in Scotland, SSERC).
* These, and other CLEAPSS® publications, are on the CLEAPSS® Science Publications CD-ROM issued
annually to members. Note that CLEAPSS® publications are only available to members. For more
information about CLEAPSS® go to www.cleapss.org.uk. In Scotland, SSERC (www.sserc.org.uk) has a
similar role to CLEAPSS® and there are some reciprocal arrangements.
It is the Centre’s responsibility to ensure the safety of all candidates and participants
involved in any Investigation.
OCR does not permit Investigations that involve the administration of alcohol, caffeine, nicotine
and other similar substances to human participants. Further, the administration of glucose and
other sugars to human participants is also prohibited due to the risk of undiagnosed diabetes.
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5 Data Presentation
The guidelines in this chapter are adapted from the following publication:
Cassidy, M., Lakin, L., Madden, D., Meatyard, B., Roberts, R., and Tribe, M. (2009) Biological
Nomenclature: Standard Terms and Expressions used in the Teaching of Biology (Fourth
edition), Institute of Biology.
5.1 Tables
• All raw data in a single table with ruled lines and border.
• Independent variable in the first column; dependent variable in columns to the right.
• Processed data (e.g. means, rates, standard deviations) in columns to the far right.
• Each column headed with physical quantity and correct SI units; units separated from
physical quantity using either brackets or a solidus (e.g. “mass / g”).
• Raw data recorded to a number of decimal places and significant figures appropriate to
the least precise piece of apparatus used to measure the data.
• All raw data recorded to the same number of decimal places and significant figures.
• Processed data recorded consistently to up to one decimal place more than the raw
5.2 Graphs
The following general guidelines should be followed when presenting data in graphs.
• The type of graph used (e.g. bar chart, histogram, line graph, pie chart or scattergram)
should be appropriate to the data collected.
• The graph should be of an appropriate size to make good use of the paper.
Guidelines for specific types of graphs are given on the following pages.
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Histograms are sometimes referred to as frequency diagrams, and are plotted as a series of
• The x-axis (horizontal) represents the independent variable; the scale is numerical and
continuous but is divided into classes. The number of classes will largely depend on the
type and nature of the data, though five times the log of the number of observations is
one approach.
• A block is drawn for each class. The blocks may not be the same width, depending on
the sizes of the classes, and must be drawn touching. The width of the block must be
related to the size of the class.
• The edges of the blocks are labelled, so a block may be labelled ‘7’ at the left-hand edge
and ‘8’ at the right-hand edge; this block represents class range 7 - 8 units but it is
understood that 7.0 is included in this range but 8.0 is not; 8.0 is included in the next
class range, 8 - 9.
• The y-axis (vertical) represents the dependent variable (the number or frequency), and
has ascending equidistant whole number intervals. The height of the bar therefore
represents the number or frequency recorded for the class.
• Each axis must be labelled clearly to describe what it represents, and have an
appropriate scale. Axis labels are written horizontally in lower case.
Bar charts
Bar charts are used to illustrate relationships between the independent variable and the
dependent variable, and are plotted as a series of lines or blocks.
• The x-axis (horizontal) represents the independent variable, and is divided into discrete
descriptive categories. Each category must be labelled clearly.
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• A line or block is drawn for each category. The lines or blocks must be drawn with equal
width and separate from each other (i.e. the edges do not touch).
• The lines or blocks can be arranged in any order, but it can aid comparison if they are
arranged in ascending order.
• The y-axis (vertical) represents the dependent variable, and has ascending equidistant
intervals. The axis should be a labelled with SI units where appropriate, either
abbreviated (e.g. “s”) or written out in full (e.g. “seconds”).
• Each axis must be labelled clearly to describe what it represents, and have an
appropriate scale. Axis labels are written horizontally in lower case.
Line graphs
Line graphs are used to illustrate relationships between the independent variable and the
dependent variable, and are plotted as a series of data points joined by a line or curve.
• The independent variable is plotted on the x-axis (horizontal) and the dependent variable
is plotted on the y–axis (vertical).
• Data should be plotted using encircled dots ( ~ ) or saltire crosses ( x ). Vertical crosses
( + ) may also be used, providing that they can be distinguished easily from the grid lines.
• Plots should be joined by straight plot-to-plot lines drawn with a ruler (a smooth curve is
only drawn if there is reason to believe that intermediate values fall on the curve).
• Both axes must have an appropriate scale with ascending equidistant intervals. Axis
labels are written horizontally in lower case, with SI units where appropriate (either
abbreviated or written out in full).
• If the origin (0,0) is not included on an axis, the axis should be broken.
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• If a graph shows more than one line, then each line must either be labelled to show what
it represents or the data plotted using different symbols and identified by a key.
• A line or curve of best fit can be drawn to illustrate the trend. It must not be assumed
that a straight line drawn between the first and last data plots is the most appropriate line
of best fit.
Scatter graphs
Scatter graphs are used when investigating the relationship between two variables of a sample
or replicate, and the measurements are in pairs. The relationship can be a positive correlation, a
negative correlation or no correlation at all.
• The two variables are plotted for each sample or replicate as a point. The measurement
of one of the variables gives the x-axis co-ordinate, and the measurement of the other
variable gives the y-axis co-ordinate. Each point on the graph represents an individual, a
sample or a replicate.
• Both axes must have an appropriate scale with ascending equidistant intervals. Axis
labels are written horizontally in lower case, with SI units where appropriate (either
abbreviated or written out in full).
Pie charts
Pie charts are used when displaying data that are proportions or percentages, and are plotted
as a circle divided into sectors.
• Sector angles are calculated by dividing the percentage by 100 and multiplying the
answer by 360o; if the data are proportions then just multiply by 360o.
• When presenting two or more pie charts for comparison, the order of the segments
should be the same.
• The size of the pie circle can be made proportional to the size of the sample.
• Pie charts should not contain more than 6 or 7 sectors, otherwise they become
• There should be sector labels (or a key), written horizontally in lower case, identifying
each sector and the proportion or percentage it represents.
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6 Resources
There are many resources available to help teachers provide support to candidates. Some
suggestions are listed below.
6.1 Books
Cadogan, A. and Ingram, M., 2002, Maths for Advanced Biology, Nelson Thornes, ISBN
Cassidy, M., Lakin, L., Madden, D., Meatyard, B., Roberts, R., and Tribe, M., 2009, Biological
Nomenclature: Standard Terms and Expressions used in the Teaching of Biology (Fourth
edition), Institute of Biology, ISBN 090049039X
Clegg, C. J. and Mackean, D.G., 2000, Advanced Biology Principles and Applications, Hodder
Murray, ISBN 0719576709
Edmondson, A. and Druce, D., 1996, Advanced Biology Statistics, Oxford University Press,
ISBN 0199146543
Ennos, R., 2006, Statistical and Data Handling Skills in Biology, Prentice Hall, ISBN
Jones, A., Reed, R. and Weyers, J., 2007, Practical Skills in Biology, Benjamin Cummings,
ISBN 0131755099
Geatrell, B., Lowrie, P. and Tilley, A., Series editor: Fuller, F., 2008, AS/A2 Human Biology
(OCR endorsed textbook), Heinemann, ISBN 0435692100
6.2 Websites
The following list of websites has been compiled from suggestions by teachers at training
events, and may be helpful in classroom teaching as well as during Extended Investigations.
While these websites may be useful, OCR does not endorse them, does not contribute to or
regulate them in any way, and is not responsible for any of their content or the way in which
they are used.
• www.theseashore.org.uk/theseashore/Stats%20for%20twits/Distressed%20twit%20advice.html
– ‘Stats for Twits’, an accessible student guide to selecting and performing statistical
tests for different data types, provided by the Field Studies Council
• www.istockphoto.com – general (good for flowers, food, scenery, animals, objects etc.)
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• www.fredonia.edu/Athletics/health/Davis/HLTH_300/AP%20Interactive%20Animations.htm
– anatomy and physiology interactive animations
• www.hpa.org.uk – Health Protection Agency, good for health data and statistics
OCR offers a full programme of training events for teachers related to the new GCE Human
Biology specification, and these include sessions either wholly or partly in support of the AS
Practical Skills Assessment Tasks (Unit F223) and the A2 Extended Investigation (Unit F226).
Further details are available from the ‘Training’ section of the OCR website (www.ocr.org.uk).
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7 Frequently Asked Questions
Can OCR provide a list of suitable Extended Investigation titles?
OCR has not published a list of recommended titles, in order to encourage candidates to
undertake a diversity of investigations of their own choosing. However, section 2.2.5 of this
handbook gives guidance on choosing a suitable Extended Investigation topic.
Can all candidates in the class use the same investigation title?
Yes, but certain procedures must be followed – see sections 2.2.5 and 2.2.6 of this handbook.
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Does a statistical test have to be carried out as part of the Extended Investigation?
A well-planned investigation should include an appropriate statistical test. Candidates will not be
able to access all of the mark descriptors if they do not plan and carry out simple and detailed
processing of their data.
Can candiates hand in a single report covering all three Skills at the same time?
No. A report on the plan (Skill A) must be completed and handed in to the teacher for marking
prior to the commencement of Skill B. A copy (not the original) must then be given back to the
candidate to enable data collection to begin. A report on Skill B must be handed in when data
collection is complete and prior to the commencement of Skill C. A copy must then be returned
to the candidate so that they can complete and submit Skill C.
Can candidates be given feedback by the teacher after submitting their plan?
Teachers can indicate in general terms the areas of the assessment criteria that have not been
addressed by candidates, but reference to specific mark descriptors must not be made. Under
no circumstances can a candidate be allowed to change work that has already been marked.
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8 Example Candidate Work and Marking
The marked examples of candidate work presented in this chapter are designed to assist
teachers with marking Extended Investigations.
Candidate 1 – ‘Does the respiration rate of yeast vary with different sugars?’
The three investigations are not perfect exemplars of Extended Investigations; they have been
chosen deliberately because they do not meet all of the mark descriptors for Skills A, B and C,
and are therefore useful as marking exercises. It is essential that the Investigations are read in
conjunction with the accompanying marking commentaries, and they must not be taken as
perfect exemplar Investigations.
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Candidate 1
F226 Extended Investigation
Sugars come in different forms known as isomers, for example glucose and fructose, and also
in differently sized molecules. A monosaccharide is a sugar molecule, such as glucose, that
cannot be broken down in hydrolysis to form a simpler sugar. Whereas, a disaccharide, such as
lactose, is a form of sugar that composes of two monosaccharides joined together by a 1-4
glycosidic bond, for example lactose is composed of the monomers glucose and galactose. As
the sugars have to be taken into the yeast cell via its protein channels, the size of the molecule
would be important (2). The smaller monosaccharides would be absorbed faster, with glucose
being the fastest of all due to it being the preferential respiratory substrate of most organisms,
as they cannot be broken down further and so the protein channels would have to be adapted
for diffusion of molecules of this size. However, the larger disaccharides would firstly need to be
broken down to their component monosaccharides by hydrolysis of glycosidic bonds in order for
facilitated diffusion to take place, therefore increasing the time taken for disaccharides to be
absorbed. An exception being lactose; lactose cannot be broken down by yeast because it does
not produce the required enzyme needed to hydrolyse the disaccharide into its constituent
In order to test to see whether the different sizes of the molecules alter the rate of respiration in
the yeast, an artificial hydrogen acceptor called triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (TTC) will be
used. TTC behaves in the same way as NAD or FAD does in that it accepts hydrogen during
respiration and becomes reduced. However, when reduced, TTC changes from a colourless
liquid to pink. The time for this colour change to occur can be used to measure the rate of
respiration when the TTC is mixed with a respiring yeast suspension.
In the investigation, TTC will be used to find out if the rate of respiration in S. cerevisiae
changes when different sugars are used as the respiratory substrate. The sugars used to
investigate this will include the monosaccharides glucose and fructose, as well as the
disaccharides sucrose and lactose. The yeast source will be Allinson Dried Active Yeast mixed
with distilled water.
The hypothesis is that the yeast cells will respire the monosaccharides faster, the time for TTC
to turn pink will be half compared to a disaccharide being respired at the same temperature of
35 °C . The null hypothesis is that there is no significant difference between the rates of
respiration of the yeast using monosaccharide or disaccharide as a respiratory substrate.
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Candidate 1
It is predicted that glucose and fructose will cause the TTC to change colour the fastest, with the
disaccharide sucrose causing it to undergo the colour change in about half the time taken for a
monosaccharide. Furthermore, it can be predicted that the disaccharide lactose will not cause a
colour change of the TTC at all. This being due to under normal circumstances yeast cannot
break down the lactose into its monosaccharides and so should not be able to be absorbed;
meaning no respiration should take place.
The results of the tests will be analysed using the Student’s T-test to provide a statistical
examination of whether the hypothesis and predictions are correct.
1. Biological Science 1&2 Green Stout Taylor CUP 1991 ISBN 0 521 38380 3
Pages 19 170-4
2. Advanced Biology Jones & Jones CUP 1997 ISBN 0 521 48473-1 page 33-35
3. Yeast website
TTC is an irritant if it comes into contact with the eyes, skin or if it is ingested. It is also sensitive
to light in that the light can cause the TTC to change colour. In order to reduce these risks,
gloves, apron and goggles shall be worn at all times when handling the TTC. As well as this, the
TTC will remain covered by aluminium foil at all times prior to testing to reduce risk of colour
change not induced by the respiring yeast. TTC can also be combustible when exposed to a
naked flame. To avoid this, the TTC will be kept a safe distance away from the Bunsen burner
at all times.
Due care will be given when using the Bunsen burner and the water bath in the glass beaker to
avoid burns or other injury. Tongs shall be used to remove any test tubes from this water bath
as the water in it will be boiling.
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Candidate 1
Standard laboratory practices including avoiding spillages, handling equipment with precision
and care, washing hands after handling any substances or chemicals and keeping work area
clean and free of obstacles must be observed at all times.
All tests will be conducted in a well ventilated area to reduce the risk of damage by inhalation of
chemical fumes or particles from the various other substances.
A yeast suspension will be produced in a conical flask using 10 g of the dried yeast to 100 cm3
of distilled water. To this will then be added 2.5 g of a sugar and stirred thoroughly using a glass
rod. This will be carried out four times so that each yeast suspension contains one of the four
sugars being tested. Another yeast suspension will be produced without any sugar being added.
This shall be used as a control test. These flasks will then be placed in an incubator for one
hour before the tests begin. During this time, five test tubes will be labelled for each of the four
sugars as well as one for the control yeast. Another five test tubes will be labelled for the TTC
solution. Next, using a 1 cm3 syringe, 1 cm3 of TTC will be measured out and placed into each
of the labelled test tubes. After one hour, the yeast suspensions will be removed from the
incubator and 10 cm3 of each yeast placed into its corresponding test tube using a graduated
pipette. All ten of the test tubes will then be placed in a test tube rack in the water bath for two
minutes so they come to the correct temperature. During this time, the temperature will be
checked regularly using a thermometer to ensure the water bath remains at a steady 35 °C.
After equilibration, the TTC solution will be added to the yeast suspensions and timed using a
stopwatch until the TTC turns pink. This process will then be repeated five times for each yeast
Temperature needs to be controlled as the rate of respiration of yeast may vary considerably in
different temperatures, due to the action of enzymes at different temperatures. For example, a
respiratory enzyme such as dehydrogenase enzyme may have an optimum temperature of
40 °C, and at this temperature would ensure rapid respiration rates. Whereas, at 50 °C, the
same enzyme may be denatured and so respiration may not be able to take place at all, if not at
a slower rate. Due to the nature of the investigation being carried out, it is very important that
the temperature remains constant throughout.
Another variable that should be considered is that for all tests the same volumes of TTC
solution and the same masses of the yeast and sugars are used. Using the same volumes of
TTC each time will ensure that the colour change of the TTC is not affected by how much TTC
is used. The same masses of yeast and sugars will ensure that the respiratory rate of the yeast
is not affected. This point is important as if there is a larger mass of either sugar or yeast, the
respiratory rate will rise accordingly and this will have a large impact on the investigation.
Controlling these variables will therefore ensure that minimum error can occur to within a decent
degree of accuracy.
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Candidate 1
All the yeast suspensions used will be of the same age. This will reduce the risk that the yeast
has been able to respire any sugars used for a longer period which could alter the results
dramatically, especially in the case of the disaccharides.
Finally, the oxygen concentration during the investigation needs to be controlled as much as is
physically possible. This is because the rate of respiration of the yeast may be different in
anaerobic conditions than it is in aerobic conditions. To try and prevent anaerobic conditions,
the yeast will be stirred thoroughly to try and give aerobic conditions throughout. Also the tests
will be carried out in a well ventilated area.
Control test
To test whether the TTC changed colour without being reduced by the respiring yeast cells, a
control test was carried out. Each yeast suspension was produced with boiling distilled water in
order to kill the yeast cells. This was also then incubated for an hour. Following this, 10 cm3 of
each suspension was put into a boiling tube by pipette and placed in a water bath at 100 °C,
over a Bunsen burner. These were then left at 100 °C for five minutes to ensure that the yeast
cells were dead. Then, 1 cm3 of TTC was added to each. The solution was then timed to see
whether any colour change of the TTC occurred.
After 20 minutes, there was no colour change in any of the yeast suspensions and it was
concluded that the TTC required live respiring yeast cells in order to become reduced and
therefore change colour. This meant using the TTC in the investigation was a valid test of the
rate of respiration.
Preliminary test
This was carried out to ensure the method outlined would be suitable to gather usable and
reliable results.
During this test, a problem arose; the TTC in all of the yeast suspensions was turning pink
within 120 seconds of being added regardless of whether the sugar used was a
monosaccharide or disaccharide. A repeat of this test under the same conditions gave similar
results again. This showed that the method being used was not correct for the investigation.
These results were thought to be because the yeast suspensions were being incubated for too
long a period before testing. If this was the case, the yeasts may have had enough time to
hydrolyse the disaccharides into their constituent monosaccharides. This would mean during
testing, all the yeast suspensions would be respiring at a similar rate (apart from the lactose and
control suspensions) as there would only be monosaccharides available as a respiratory
The proposed method was altered so that the incubation period would only be 600 seconds for
each suspension.
The results following this change of method were more satisfactory, so it was decided this was
the most reliable method to use.
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Candidate 1
sugar Test one Test two Test three Test four Test five
A bar graph will be plotted of named sugar on x axis and time (s) to turn TTC pink on the y axis
as shown below.
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Candidate 1
The averages and the standard deviations of the results are as follows:
Average Standard
Sugar (seconds) Deviation
Glucose 478.4 4.5
Fructose 565.6 2.8
Lactose 271.6 11.2
Sucrose 622.0 2.8
Water 284.4 2.5
This data was then poltted into a bar chart as shown on the next page.
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Candidate 1
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Candidate 1
In order to statistically analyse this data to check its reliability, the Student’s T-test was carried
out. This test shows whether or not there is a significant difference between two pieces of data.
Therefore, in this investigation it will show whether there is conclusive evidence to suggest that
the rates of respiration varies with different sugars.
First of all t-values had to be calculated for all the data being compared. It was because there
were more than two variables to be considered, various T-tests would be carried out to compare
different relationships. The chosen tests would be carried out between glucose and fructose in
order to compare monosaccharides and between glucose and sucrose to compare a
monosaccharide with a disaccharide. It was also decided that because lactose had given an
unexpected result, it would be compared with distilled water. This would show whether there
was a relationship between the two as neither were expected to turn the TTC pink.
X = mean
S2 = standard deviation
n = number of samples.
Sugars t-value
glucose and fructose 72.17
glucose and sucrose 118.57
lactose and distilled
water 7.6
After viewing a stats table, it was discovered that the critical value for t in this investigation was
2.31. This was using the 95% confidence level.
A comparison between the t-values of the investigation to the critical value shows that there is a
highly significant difference between the rates of respiration of yeast with glucose and fructose.
This is evident because the t-value is considerably larger than the critical value of t. Therefore,
the null hypothesis can be discarded on this particular relationship. This supports the prediction
that glucose would be respired by yeast faster than another monosaccharide.
Comparing the t-value of the glucose and sucrose with the critical value shows an even more
significant difference between the two of 116.26 than that apparent with the glucose and
fructose of 69.86. Again, this means that the null hypothesis can be discarded and that there is
a significant difference between the rates of respiration of the yeast respiring monosaccharides
and disaccharides. This data also supports the prediction that not only will yeast respire
monosaccharides faster than disaccharides, but also supports the idea that glucose is respired
© OCR 2009 51
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Candidate 1
Looking at the t-value of the lactose and distilled water as well as the critical value also
highlights a significant difference between the respiration rates with lactose and distilled water.
However, the t-value of this relationship is considerably smaller than that of the other two
relationships; approximately 16 times smaller than the relationship between glucose and
sucrose and approximately 9 times smaller than the relationship between the two
monosaccharides. This could be due to the unexpected nature of the results gained in this
particular relationship
The unusual relationship highlighted in the results may be due to unexpected characteristics in
the yeast used for the investigation. Yeast is not usually able to respire lactose due to it not
being able to produce the enzyme β-galactosidase which is needed to break down lactose into
its constituent monosaccharides (4). This means lactose is too large a molecule to be diffused
into the yeast cell and so it is not used as a respiratory substrate. However, some strains of
yeast have been genetically modified so that they are able to produce this enzyme and so
respiration of lactose by yeast becomes possible. This may be a reason as to why the yeast
used in the investigation reduced the TTC and turned it pink as the yeast used may have been
a strain that has been modified.
However, this theory does not explain why the yeast with only distilled water also reduced the
TTC and caused its colour change. This, and the lactose result, could be attributed to the fact
that the yeast used was dried active yeast. This means the yeast was grown at a previous time
and then dried. Because of this, the yeast may already have contained residual sugars from its
previous growth period and so may well have been respiring this sugar content rather than the
A few accuracy issues became apparent during the investigation that could have been the
cause of error. The tests involved using the colour change of TTC to measure the rate of
respiration of the yeast. However, this may have been a cause of significant human error
because of colour determination. It was difficult to try to distinguish an end point using only the
human eye each time when the TTC was reduced. This meant that the timing of each test may
have differed slightly from each. In future tests, a better method may be to measure the volume
of carbon dioxide emitted by the yeast as this is a more reliable test.
Also, each sample of yeast may have included varying numbers of yeast cells which could have
affected the results. This was caused because the yeast cells in the original samples made may
have settled to the bottom, even after stirring. To prevent this, a haemocytometer could be used
to measure the number of yeast cells per sample and this could be aided by stirring the yeast
samples throughout the testing.
he water bath used may also have given a degree of error to the investigation because it was
an unstirred water bath. This means that although a thermometer was used to measure the
water temperature, this temperature may not have reflected the temperature throughout the
water bath as different areas may have been warmer than others. Using a stirred water bath
could help to resolve this issue in future tests.
The oxygen content in the samples may have varied. Whilst in the test tubes, the yeast sample
may have become more anaerobic at the bottom of the tube than at the top. This could mean
that the respiration rates of the yeast within a single sample may have varied as the rates at the
top of the tube in more aerobic conditions may have been higher than those at the bottom.
52 © OCR 2009
GCE Human Biology
Candidate 1
In order to extend the investigation, tests could be carried out with different strains of yeast,
including some that are genetically modified, to explore how well different yeasts respire
lactose. This would also give more insight into the unexpected results in this investigation
concerning the lactose yeast sample. Also, investigations could be carried out to examine
whether the yeast used do contain residual sugars.
In conclusion, the tests mainly provided evidence to support the hypothesis that yeast respires
monosaccharides at a faster rate than it does disaccharides. The results also agree with the
prediction that glucose is respired faster than all the other respiratory substrates investigated.
However, the prediction that lactose is not respired by yeast was not supported by the results
due to unexpected reduction of TTC in these samples. On the other hand, the yeast containing
just yeast and distilled water also gave an anomalous result which could contribute to ideas as
to why the lactose sample reduced TTC as well.
© OCR 2009 53
GCE Human Biology
Candidate 1 – Skill A marking commentary
Descriptor Commentary
A1 Aim given in third paragraph ‘to see whether different sizes of the 1
molecules alter the rate of respiration’, and clear from surrounding
paragraphs that sugars are the molecules.
A2 Predictions given in fifth paragraph, and quantified. 1
A3 Second paragraph – information on membranes and glycosidic 1
bonds, linked to the prediction, and referenced with bibliography.
A4 Paragraph 1 and 3 – some relevant knowledge from A2 used to 0
link TTC change to detailed respiration but not linked to the
prediction in enough detail.
A5 Control variables identified; however, independent and dependent 0
variables are stated the wrong way around.
A6 Sufficient replicates (i.e. five, which is more than the required 0
three), but insufficient values of the independent variable (i.e.
only four sugars tested – needs to be five).
A7 (More than) one secondary source referenced in the text with 0
numbers and bibliography, but it is not clear how the sources have
been used to inform the data collection strategy.
A8 “Preliminary test” used to develop the strategy (though ideally the 1
data should have been presented – benefit of the doubt has been
given on this occasion).
A9 Risk assessment included. 1
A10 Strategy is detailed and includes sufficient information on control 0
of variables; however, the end point is being judged subjectively –
“timed using a stopwatch until the TTC turns pink” does not
sufficiently consider how to gather precise and accurate data.
A11 Sequence is clear; benefit of the doubt given for repeatability (see 1
comment in A10 on difficulty in judging end point).
A12 Selecton of apparatus and measurement techniques is not 1
justified, but some justification of critical steps in the strategy (e.g.
allowing tubes to equilibrate to correct temperature, and
importance of controlling variables); preliminary study also used to
devise “the most reliable method”.
A13 Suitable table format proposed for recording data, however the 0
dependent variable and units (s) should have been given in the
column headings rather than in the title.
A14 Simple processing not explicitly identified, but inferred by plan to 1
perform T-test; appreciation that this will allow hypothesis to be
tested statistically.
A15 Suitable graphical method suggested, with appropriately labelled 1
54 © OCR 2009
GCE Human Biology
Candidate 1 – Skill B marking commentary
Descriptor Commentary
B1 Validated by teacher. 1
B2 For a valid t-test, more repeats are needed (ideally 20 in each 0
B3 No report of how effect of uncontrolled variables was minimised. 0
B4 All raw data recorded to the nearest second – an appropriate level 1
of precision for a stopwatch, due to impact of human reaction time.
B5 Table meets all requirements of B5 except for the inclusion of an 0
informative title.
B6 Means calculated and rounded correctly (benefit of the doubt 1
allowed for references to “average” rather than “mean”).
B7 Cannot award this descriptor for the t-test, as this was performed 1
in the report for Skill C; however correct calculation of standard
deviations in Skill B means the descriptor can be awarded.
B8 Decimal places used appropriately and consistently. 1
B9 Anomalous values/outliers not identified in Skill B. 0
B10 Appropriate graph plotted by hand, all plots correct, correct scaling 1
and SI units; error bars may have helped the candidate analyse
the data later and the x-axis should have had a label, but the
candidate has done just enough for the mark here.
© OCR 2009 55
GCE Human Biology
Candidate 1 – Skill C marking commentary
Descriptor Commentary
C1 Trends described when considering the results of the t-test, 0
however these are ‘sweeping’ – talking about monosaccharides
and disaccharides rather than the specifics of the study – and
presented more in the form of conclusions rather than a
discussion of trends in the processed data; the descriptor can not
be awarded if there is not clear evidence in support of it.
C2 Mark given for the statements made in the final paragraph (”In 1
conclusion…”) of the analysis and evaluation.
C3 Theory of hydrolysis of glycosidic bonds discussed as possible 1
explanation for lactose results.
C4 No detailed discussion of respiratory co-enzymes, so the mark has 0
not been given.
C5 Although standard deviation has been calculated, there is no 0
comment on what this implies about the reliability of the raw data.
C6 Paragraph discussing “A few accuracy issues…”. 1
C7 No clear comment on the reliability of data collection strategy; this 0
could be inferred from the discussion of the timing issue or the
“number of yeast cells” issue, but these are not related to reliability
of the data collection strategy explicitly; the descriptor can not be
awarded if there is not clear evidence in support of it.
C8 Discussion of TTC and timing issue, varying yeast cells issue and 1
unstirred water bath and oxygen content.
C9 The effect of varying oxygen concentration on the dependent 1
variable explained.
C10 The effect of a second limitation is not discussed. 0
C11 Three improvements needed; accept measuring evolved carbon 0
dioxide to improve reliability of results and stirring water bath so
that measured temperature is true reflection of actual temperature;
however, it is not made clear how using a haemocytometer to
“measure the number of yeast cells” or stirring the yeast
suspension would be used to overcome the issue of variation in
the number of yeast cells per sample; the descriptor can not be
awarded if there is insufficient clear evidence in support of it.
C12 Does not clearly explain effect of any improvement on the 0
C13 accuracy and precision of the raw data. 0
C14 Descriptor awarded for comments on significance levels following 1
the t-test.
C15 Spelling, punctuation and grammar good on the whole; one or two 1
isolated mistakes do not prevent this descriptor being awarded.
56 © OCR 2009
GCE Human Biology
Candidate 2
Extended Investigation
Skill A
I am doing this experiment because I have been involved in sports and I am interested in learning about
some of the finer points of the recovery system. I am interested in finding out if their are any differences
in the recovery rates of the different genders; this is because it is a controversial argument that men are
fitter then women.
The measurement of how fast the heart recovers is said to be the Heart Recovery Rate.
The structure of the heat makes it very efficient, it never stops pumping, and this means that it is very
important that the heart is strong. The average heart contracts and relaxes 70-80- times per minute
(cardiac output) 70 ml of blood is pumped out the heart in one beat at rest and fluctuates as the intensity
levels change.
HIS bundle
(3) .
The heart is locacted just to the left behind the breastbone and is the size of an adult fist. The heart has 4
main chambers which the blood passes through. The blood enters the heart deoxygenated and when it
leaves is oxygenated. Each chamber holds 70 ml of blood.
The job of the heart is to pump enough blood around the body to the working muscles as efficiently as
possible so that they don't fatigue. In terms of recovery the heart is able to get back to it’s resting heart
rate after exercise and this varies in the male and female body due to the fact that males have a higher
maximum heart rate for adults in particular.
The system that is being used for recovery is the autonomic nervous system. This is the part of the
nervous system that can regulate the heart and blood supply system (1).
© OCR 2009 57
GCE Human Biology
Candidate 2
Athlete's heart is a common term for the enlargement of the heart due to extra stress and exercise on the
body this is why elite athletes are able to have a more efficient respiratory system and therefore they will
be able to recover a lot quicker than the average heart.
binds to
(5) .
The size of the heart makes a difference in the recovery rates and therefore a bigger heart will recover
quicker. Males have a bigger respiratory system so there fore it will be expected that males will have a
quicker recovery rate than women due to oxygen debt being the main cause that the body has to recover
after exercise. This size difference is due to the fact that males are bigger physically any way. Women
also have a lower hemeoglobin level in the cells which carry the oxygen in the blood to the working
muscles this oxygen will be used in the recovery rate and therefore males will again recover quicker than
the women. There is a 10- 1 5% gap in the efficiency and working of the female body in terms of exercise
and this will also have effects on the recovey rates. It is expected that the heart rate of any person should
fall by at least 20 beats per minute in the first minute after exercise after this it is expected that the rate
will slow down gradually.
Null hypothesis
There will be no difference in the recovery rate of males and females after exercise.
The recovery rates of the females will be slower then the recovery rates of the males due to differences in
anatomy and physical fitness.
To determine if their is a significant difference between the recovery rates of males and females I will be
taking the resting rate and then exercising the participant’s and then recording how long it takes for them
to reach their resting heart rate.
58 © OCR 2009
GCE Human Biology
Candidate 2
I predict that the mean male recovery rate will be faster by at least one minute compared to the mean
female recovery rate.
Preliminary test
1. Ask participants if they have any medical reason why they can’t take part.
2. Tell the participants exactly what you are doing.
3. Take the participants heart rate before they do any exercise.
4. Participants run for 7 minutes.
5. Take heart rate immediately afterwards.
6. Take heart rate for 6 minutes at 1-minute intervals.
For my preliminary test I did a 7minute run rather than a step test, however it did not have the same effect
on the heart rate of the participants also it was difficult to keep them running at a steady pace as some
were quiet obviously fitter and able to run at a faster pace than some of the other participants. The
proposed method will have to be changed to a step test. This will allow me to control a set pace of
stepping. This means I should get reliable results.
• Stop watch.
• Pens.
• Paper.
• Participant’s.
© OCR 2009 59
GCE Human Biology
Candidate 2
Fair test
I have made my experiment a fair test by making sure that all the participants are the same age, testing
them all at the same time so as to have them in virtually the same position in terms of their heart rate. I
made sure that they were exercising at the same rate for the same amounts of time.
Dependant Variable:
Male or female subjects
Independant Variable:
Recovery time after exercise
• Age of subjects. This is because recovery times will change as humans age as they slowly lose their
physical fitness.
• Intensity of the exercise is being kept the same. This will make sure the same amount of stress is put
on all the subject’s hearts.
• The pulse rate will be measured in exactly the same way each time.
Final Method
60 © OCR 2009
GCE Human Biology
Candidate 2
Table to show the time taken to recover resting pulse rate after exercise:
Enough result’s will be collected to carry out a statistical analysis using the student t test (9).
A graph should be plotted of mean time (s) from completion of exercise on the x axis against pulse rate
(bpm) on the y axis for males and females. Range bars may be included to show variability of the results.
1 http://www.skyaid.org/Skyaid%200rg/Medical/stress_test_recovery_rate.htm
2 www.mamashealth.com/HEART
3 http://www.biologybits.co.uk/images/heart.jpg
4 http://home.hia.no/-stephens/gender.htm
5 http://www.heart-beats.com/hemoglobin.jpg
6 www.tiscalli.co.uk/reference/encyclopedia/hutchinson/mOO06818.html
7 www.sin.fi.edu/bioscilstructure/structure.html
8 www.abc.net.au/rn/talks/8.30/helthript/stories/563595.htm
9 Statistics in Advanced Biology. Coxon, S.R. and Coxon, B. Cambridge University Press.
© OCR 2009 61
GCE Human Biology
Candidate 2
Skill B
Table to show the time taken to recover resting pulse rate after exercise (girls):
These girls showed a range of recovery from 120 to 360 seconds. Mean recovery time for these girls was
Table to show the time taken to recover resting pulse rate after exercise (boys):
These boys showed a range of recovery from 60 to 240 seconds. Mean recovery time for these girls was
I am not using Js' results due to the fact that I cannot determine when he will recover as all the others
have recovered by 5 minutes.
62 © OCR 2009
GCE Human Biology
Candidate 2
Statistical test
Recovery in minutes
-x (X-x)2
K 3 0.7 0.49
L 1 1.3 1.69
M 2 0.3 0.09
N 1 1.3 1.69
O 3 0.7 0.49
P 3 0.7 0.49
Q 1 1.3 1.69
R 4 1.7 1.7
∑= 9.52
Recovery in minutes
-x (X-x)2
A 6 1.9 3.61
B 5 0.9 0.81
C 5 0.9 0.81
D 5 0.9 0.81
E 6 1.9 3.61
F 2 2.1 4.41
G 3 1.1 1.21
H 2 2.1 4.41
I 3 1.1 1.21
∑= 20.89
© OCR 2009 63
GCE Human Biology
Candidate 2
The T-test:
T= XA – XB
(SA)2 + (SB)2
√ n n
T= 4.1 – 2.3
(1.62)2 + (1.17)2
√ 9 8
T= 1.8
√ 0.2916 + 0.1711
T= 1.8
T= 2.6462
64 © OCR 2009
GCE Human Biology
Candidate 2
© OCR 2009 65
GCE Human Biology
Candidate 2
Skill C
From the graph it is obvious that both males and females recover form exercise but the recovery rate of a
male is on average quicker than that of a female. This is mainly because their is a 10-15% gap in the
efficiency of the heart and the respiretory system. It may also be because of the difference in physical size
of the male and female body, the heart will adapt to the size of the body for example in males their body
is bigger so they will have a bigger and therefore more efficient heart. This is important, as the whole
reason for the body needing to recover is the oxygen debt that occurs after exercise. Their is also evidence
to suggest that women have a lower hemeoglobin level, which will also lead to males recovering faster
because this will supply more oxygen to get rid of the oxygen debt a little faster in males.
My statistical tests show that in my results there is a significent difference and therefore I am able to
reject my Null hypothesis. This accepts that my prediction was correct and that males do in fact recover
faster than females. I have used the T test because for my results it will be the most accurate test to carry
out. I was able to use my degrees of freedom to decide wether I could accept or reject my null hypothesis
at 5% . Although my results show that their was a difference this may not be as big as first thought due to
the fact that there are overlaps on my graphs showing that at some stages of the graph the rate of recovery
was virtually the same. This could be due to not having enough data and therefore my results not being as
reliable as they should be.
However, if I were to do my experiment again I would make some changes to make it more reliable. I do
not have a lot of confidance in my results due to the fact that their aren't many of them and this will not
show a perfect result of how much of a difference their actually is. The more results that I have the more
precise my results will be. I would also be a lot more random in my selection of subjects.
The fact that some subjects would have had more physical training by taking part in sports than others
would have meant that they were likely to recover more quickly males (L, P) and females (E, F) might
have been the most physically fit and from my data this can make a lot of differance in the recovery rate
of the heart and so my results are quite varied for both sexes. Had I used fifteen males and fifteen females
my results would have been more accurate. I have to admit that my planned data collection did not turn
out to be very reliable.
Some subjects were overweight so the body mass index of some subjects would have been much higher
than others. This would have meant their hearts ‘at rest’ would have been under more strain so their
resting pulse rate would probably have been higher and their recovery slower. In my small sample this
factor could have been the cause of the slower recovery time for females.
66 © OCR 2009
GCE Human Biology
Candidate 2
1 A larger sample of subjects, a minimum of 15 males and 15females. This would have made my data
collection more reliable.
2 Only allow subjects with a BMI of between 20-24 to take part. This would have meant the experiment
started with ‘low stress’ hearts.
4 Use a complete medical questionnaire before entering subjects into the experiment.
Smoking has a large affect on the cardiovascular system, up to 20% less oxygen is carried to the muscles
so the pulse rate would be higher than average and the oxygen debt larger than average so it would take
longer than average to recover, perhaps male J is a smoker
Medical screening would also help to make the data more accurate as some short or long term
medications can alter the cardiovascular system, this could lead to longer recovery time or a subject being
unable to complete the experiment. I now realize that subjects on medication should not be allowed to
take part in this experiment
Overall my experiment was carried out successfully and my results confirmed my prediction. I did not
have to modify my experiment throughout as my results were what I had expected.
But now I have carried out the experiment I realize how many variables I did not properly control so it
might be pure chance that my results agreed with my prediction. My experiment is not really valid due to
the mistakes I made, however if the improvments were carried out for a second experiment the results
would be more valid.
I had to exclude one of the boys results based on the time of his recovery, the rest of the boys had
recovered by the 5minute mark and he was still recovering to his normal resting heart rate at 7 minutes, so
I cannot be sure of when he did actually recover.
© OCR 2009 67
GCE Human Biology
Candidate 2 – Skill A marking commentary
Descriptor Commentary
A1 Question set out in “Aim” section (i.e. “determine if there is a 1
significant difference between the recovery rates of males and
A2 Prediction clearly stated in its own section, and is quantitative. 1
A3 Much irrelevant material, not used to justify question or prediction; 0
some links to learning outcome 1.2.1 in Unit F221 but stroke
volume not explained in the context of this experiment; the
descriptor can not be awarded.
A4 No links to A2 theory made. 0
A5 Some control variables identified; independent variable and 0
dependent variable clearly stated but the wrong way around.
A6 The candidate has not stated clearly anywhere in the report for 0
Skill A how many participants will be in each category, therefore
the descriptor cannot be awarded (it only becomes apparent from
the Skill B report how many males and females are participating).
A7 Reference 9 has been used to inform the data collection strategy 1
(to define how many results to collect), and has been referenced in
the text and in a bibliography.
A8 “Preliminary test” used to develop a potentially more reliable data 1
collection strategy (though ideally the data from the preliminary
study should have been presented).
A9 Risk assessment present in a table in the “Safety” section. 1
A10 Data collection strategy not described in sufficient detail (e.g. How 0
high is the step? / How is the heart rate measured? How are the
start and stop times administered, and how is accuracy ensured?
How are variables controlled?)
A11 The sequence is clear, even though the method lacks details. 1
A12 There is a discussion of some of the control variables (though a 0
number of significant factors, e.g. BMI etc., not considered);
however, the lack of detail in the data collection strategy and lack
of justification of the apparatus and techniques chosen means that
there is insufficient evidence that the candidate has fully
considered how the planned strategy will maximise the validity of
the data collected.
A13 Incorrect table format – the independent variable (gender) should 0
be in the first column with sufficient rows to record results for 10
males and 10 females; dependent variable columns lack
informative heading.
A14 Appropriate processing suggested (T-test). 1
A15 It is not clear from the description of the proposed graph what type 0
of graph will be plotted (bar? line?) and it is not clear what data will
be plotted on the x-axis.
68 © OCR 2009
GCE Human Biology
Candidate 2 – Skill B marking commentary
Descriptor Commentary
B1 Validated by teacher. 1
B2 Results recorded for only nine males and nine females, which 0
does not meet the minimum requirement of 10 in each category for
a gender based investigation, nor the minimum requirement for 20
results for the t-test.
B3 No report of how effect of uncontrolled variables was minimised. 0
B4 All raw data recorded to the nearest second – an appropriate level 1
of precision for a stopwatch, due to impact of human reaction time.
B5 Innapropriate table format, as described in A13. 0
B6 Mean pulse rate calculated at each time point (though this is 0
irrelevant, and there are a number of calculation and rounding
errors); candidate has not shown how they calculated the mean
recovery time, and it is incorrect..
B7 Standard deviation and t-test calculated correctly. 1
B8 The switch from seconds to decimal minutes is not appropriate. 0
B9 An anomalous set of data has been identified but the reasoning is 0
B10 A graph has been plotted by hand but there are no labels or units 0
on the axes; it is not clear which data have been plotted; x-axis
scale is not correct; etc.
© OCR 2009 69
GCE Human Biology
Candidate 2 – Skill C marking commentary
Descriptor Commentary
C1 A basic trend is described but has not been supported by quotes 0
from the processed data.
C2 Uses outcome of t-test to reject null hypothesis, and relates this to 1
the prediction.
C3 There is just enough significant scientific knowledge and 1
understanding (SKU) from the AS units.
C4 No significant SKU from the A2 units. 0
C5 Third paragraph comments on reliability of the raw data. 1
C6 No clear discussion of the accuracy of the raw data; the descriptor 0
can not be awarded if there is not clear evidence in support of it.
C7 This descriptor could have been awarded due to comments 0
relating to the reliability of the existing data collection strategy in
the “Improvements” section, but these do not relate to errors.
C8 Lists (more than) three significant limitations, but these would not 0
impact the accuracy and/or precision of the raw data (they would
impact the reliability of the data and the validity of any conclusions
C9 Explains in the “Improvements” section the effect of smoking on 0
blood oxygen concentration, but does not describe how this would
have any effect on the accuracy and/or precision of the raw data.
C10 Notes in the “Improvements” section that some medications can 0
“alter” the cardiovascular system, but does not describe how this
would have any effect on the accuracy and/or precision of the
raw data.
C11 Lists (more than) three possible improvements, but these would 0
not impact the accuracy and/or precision of the raw data.
C12 It is not made clear how the suggested improvements would 0
C13 impact the accuracy and/or precision of the raw data. 0
C14 Comments on significance levels following the t-test, and on the 1
range bars, and links these to a lack of confidence in the results of
the investigation.
C15 Spelling, punctuation and grammar errors throughout mean this 0
descriptor can not be awarded.
70 © OCR 2009
GCE Human Biology
Candidate 3
Memory is located in a section of the fore brain called the hippocampus, a part of the limbic
system. The hippocampus is thought to be responsible for short term memory whilst the long
term memory is located in the frontal and temporal lobes of the cerebral cortex. Short term
memory is a temporary store of information required to carry out complex tasks such as
learning, reasoning, and comprehension. It is involved in encoding information to long term
memory as well as retrieving information from long term memory (2).
Long term memory can be in the form of facts, sound or smell. Memory is thought to be
possible as synapses between brain cells are either newly made or reinforced by recalling
existing memories. The biological mechanism of memory is not fully understood but it seems to
result from changes in connections (synapses). One possible mechanism is long-term
potentiation (LTP), this refers to a process whereby if two neurones are usually active together
the connection between them will be strengthened, this means that activity in one neurone will
tend to produce activity in another neurone (3).The multi store model of memory was proposed
in 1968. It suggests that short term memory (STM) and long term memory (LTM) are
permanent structural features of the brain with control processes to transfer memories from
STM to LTM (1). People suffering from stroke in their left brain lose STM and this type of test
could be used to find out how damaged STM is and possibly by repetition of this type of test
some LTP can be built up again to improve the quality of life. (4).
As the age group increases the mean number of symbols correctly remembered will decrease
by one symbol for each 10 year increase in age.
Controlled variables -
1 The environment used for carrying out the memory tests. The same corner of the laboratory
will used.
3 colour blind subjects- the grid will be black symbols on a white background so any form of
colour blindness will not interfere with the ability to memorise.
© OCR 2009 71
GCE Human Biology
Candidate 3
Uncontrolled variables -
It will not be possible to check for alcohol consumption before the test (I do not have access to
a breathaliser) or to determine whether the participants are taking long term medication.
Proposed method
1 Select seven subjects for each of five age groups (16-20, 21-25, 31-35, 41-45 and 51-55
3 Ask the subject to sign a consent form to ensure that they have given informed consent to
participate in the experiment.
4 Present a randomised grid of numbers and letters for the subject to attempt to memorise
(into their short term memory).
5 After 5 seconds remove the grid. Ask the subject to fill in a blank grid.
6 8 3
2 9 1
72 © OCR 2009
GCE Human Biology
Candidate 3
Preliminary study
The mean number of correct responses was 6.4. This was lower than expected for subjects
under 20 years of age. Several subjects complained afterwards that they did not have long
enough to look at the grid. As this might lead to older subjects getting very low scores I will
double the exposure time to 10 seconds in my final method. I will also make sure that only one
subject at a time is in the room and that the subject’s score remains confidential. They also
complained that the grid was too small (36font)
Risk assessment
1 I will make sure the corner of the laboratory has no hazards such a chemicals (ask the
technician to clean the bench )
2 Also that there are no trip hazards (such as bags, trailing wires)
I have chosen a low number of subjects as this is all that is necessary for the Mann Whitney U
test. It can determine significance with only seven pieces of data. (5)
I will change the exposure time to 10 seconds to reduce stress on the subjects and ensure the
possibility of a wider range of results. Changing the font size to 72 will also be less stressful for
those subjects with poor eyesight.
I originally planned to use 11- 15 year olds as my first age group but I would need written
consent from their parents and this going to be too difficult to do. As I am interested in aging
the 16-20 yrs group will be acting as a base line that I would expect to give similar results to
11-15 year olds.
© OCR 2009 73
GCE Human Biology
Candidate 3
Data recording
I will use the Mann Whitney U test to test for significant differences between each age group
tested. (5)
A bar chart will be plotted to show the mean number of correctly recalled symbols (on the y-
axis) against human age in years (on the x-axis). Range bars will be added to indicate the
variability of the results.
1 Psychology of the science of the mind and behaviour. Gross R. Hodder and Stoughton 2001
ISBN 0 340 796061 x
2 www. Medterms.com/script/main/art?articlekey=7142
3 www.memorylossonline.com/glossary/memory
4 Human Biology OCR Greatrell B. Lowie P. Tilley A. Editor Fuller F. Heinemann 2008 ISBN978-
0-435-69210-0 page 231
5 www.theseashore.ork.uk/stats/for /twits
74 © OCR 2009
GCE Human Biology
Candidate 3
Age 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mean
Class correct
(years) Recall
16-20 12 12 11 10 9 11 12 11.0
21-25 11 11 11 10 12 10 10 10.7
31-35 10 10 9 10 9 8 11 9.6
41-45 7 9 8 12 8 9 10 9.0
51-55 10 7 9 8 9 8 7 8.3
The Mann Whitney u test was carried out comparing each age group against the 51-55 year
age group. The method used followed the formula given on the FSC website (5)
There is no significant difference between the memory of symbols in different age groups.
Alternative Hypothesis
There is a significant difference between the memory of symbols of different age groups
From tables of U the critical value for a comparison of 7 samples with 7 samples is 8. If a U
value is equal to or lower than this value the difference is significant at the 5% confidence
Anomalous results
There is one possible anomaly subject 4 in 41-45 yrs scored 12. This may be a genuine score or
as only twelve symbols needed to be recalled there could have been an element of luck. I will
leave the result in the table for analysis.
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Candidate 3
Graphical presentation
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Candidate 3
There is a clear trend in the data. As age increases the short term memory deceases. The
youngest age class had a mean correct recall of 11.0 symbols out of a maximum of 12 whereas
the oldest age class only had a correct recall of 8.3 symbols.
The rate of decline is not constant and can be best seen on the graph. In this experiment the
fastest rate of decline was between 21-25 year olds and 31-35 year olds and the smallest
decline between 16-20 year olds and 21-25 year olds. However as there is not a ten year gap
between these to groups as compared to the others this may not be a fair comparison.
Had I been able to test 61-65 year olds I would have expected a mean value of less than 8 if
the trend continued at the same rate.
Explanation of trends
The trend shown by my data suggests a significant decline in memory with age. This could be
due to the need for more processing time compared to younger subjects. A repeat of the
experiment at different time intervals might show this to be the case. Subjects still in education
might have had some pathways strengthened by regularly having to do word searches and
similar puzzles. On the other hand some of the older subjects were teachers and others may do
mind training puzzles so it seems to be true that putting information into STM is less efficient
as you get older.
The collection of data was reliable because all the subjects could complete the task and this
took place in the same environment.
1 A small sample of each year group. It would have been better to test 7 males and 7 females
for each year group
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Candidate 3
I would repeat the experiment with equal numbers of males and females to find out if there are
any differences in memory ageing between the sexes. Females often have to multitask so it
might be expected that their short term memory might be better than males in the older age
I would screen subjects for a suitable minimum of weekly exercise as it is often suggested that
exercise improves brain function.
I could not screen for the other variables in a school as rejecting subjects after filling in a
simple questionnaire could be too distressing for subjects.
Final conclusion
This test could possibly be used to quickly reassure older people that they are not beginning to
suffer from dementia as some decline in STM could easily be confused with the early symptoms
of dementia. Alternatively it could be used as a therapy after left brain strokes to try to
strengthen or rebuild connections in the STM centre. The results I have gathered seem to be
valid as they showed significant differences between some age groups using a non parametric
statistical test (a normal distribution of data is not assumed).
78 © OCR 2009
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Candidate 3 – Skill A marking commentary
Descriptor Commentary
A1 The candidate has not clearly stated a question, separate from the 0
prediction, to be investigated; the descriptor can not be awarded if
there is not clear evidence in support of it.
A2 Prediction is clearly stated, and it is quantitative. 1
A3 No SKU from the AS units has been presented. 0
A4 Reference to F225 5.2.3, but no clear reference to 5.4.2; SKU has 0
not clearly been used to inform the prediction or linked to it.
A5 Some control variables identified; independent and dependent are 0
clearly and correctly stated; however, gender is an important
variable that has not been considered, so this descriptor cannot be
A6 The range of five different age groups with seven participants in 1
each group is sufficient on this occasion as the planned statistical
test is the Mann Whitney U test (however, it expected that on most
occasions a minimum of 10 participants should be planned for and
used in a human physiology investigation).
A7 Reference 5 has been used to inform the data collection strategy 1
(to determine how many participants would be necessary), and
has been referenced in the text and in a bibliography.
A8 Preliminary study used to refine the data collection strategy. 1
A9 Risk assessment not extensive but just adequate for the 1
A10 Strategy lacks important details (e.g. What is the text of the 0
briefing to participants? What does the consent form look like?
What equipment is used to time the 5 seconds? Etc.), which
means the method could not be repeated exactly by another
A11 The sequence is clear, even though the method lacks details. 1
A12 Some justification is present, and discussion of some of the 1
control variables; just enough for the descriptor to be awarded.
A13 Appropriate table format proposed to record data. 1
A14 Appropriate simple processing (mean) and detailed processing 1
(Mann Whitney U test) proposed.
A15 Suitable graphical method* (although not sketched) described in 1
sufficient detail (orientation of axes, labels and units described).
* Note: a bar chart (rather than a histogram) is appropriate here as there are 5-year gaps in
between most of the sample categories.
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Candidate 3 – Skill B marking commentary
Descriptor Commentary
B1 Validated by teacher. 1
B2 Sufficient data collected for the proposed statistical test. 1
B3 No report of how effect of uncontrolled variables was minimised. 0
B4 Whole number appropriate here. 1
B5 Format appropriate.. 1
B6 Mean values calculated correctly. 1
B7 Mann Whitney U test carried out correctly, and significance 1
B8 Means recorded correctly and consistently to 1 decimal place 1
(which is one decimal place more than the raw data).
B9 A possible anomalous raw result is identified but the reasoning is 0
B10 An appropriate graph has been plotted correctly by hand and 1
labelled correctly.
80 © OCR 2009
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Candidate 3 – Skill C marking commentary
Descriptor Commentary
C1 A basic trend is described and supported by quotes from the 1
processed data.
C2 Refers to U test statistical difference in the trend. 1
C3 No significant SKU from the AS units. 0
C4 Relates findings back to SKU from the A2 units, but SKU has not 0
been used to explain the trend.
C5 The candidate has deemed the data “reliable”, but has not related 0
this to a consideration of the concordancy of the raw data, the SD
or SE, the range bars, etc.
C6 No clear discussion of the accuracy of the raw data. 0
C7 A more detailed consideration of the reliability of the data 0
collection strategy is required than that given in the “Reliability and
accuracy” section; discussion of error also required.
C8 The limitations given would not affect the accuracy and/or 0
precision of the raw data.
C9 Explains a possible effect of gender on memory but does not 0
describe how this or any of the limitations would have any effect
C10 0
on the accuracy and/or precision of the raw data.
C11 0
Three improvements are suggested, but the third statement is
C12 inappropriate and there is no discussion of how these would 0
improve the accuracy and/or precision of the raw data.
C13 0
C14 Good use and understanding of the Mann Whitney U test. 1
C15 Spelling, punctuation and grammar good throughout. 1
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