Overview of Billing and Price Models: Open Telekom Cloud

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Open Telekom Cloud

Overview of billing
and price models

One of the main arguments for using cloud computing is its dynamic availability—with costs based on actual use. So simple,
clear and cost-effective to find out the prices for hourly usage of virtual machines, such unclear pricing when additional com-
ponents are used. Because hardly anyone uses only VMs. Network connection, storage, licenses for software (operating
­systems, middleware, databases and applications)—complete IT environments comprise a large number of components.
Self-service also always means that users have to keep track of costs.

With the Open Telekom Cloud, bills are issued every calendar month. In these bills, the services used are offset reductions in
against any credit balance and free contingents (from reserved contracts). price up to

For the core offering of the Elastic Cloud Server, in addition to hourly pay-as-you-go models, there are also reserved models
available that offer users discounts of up to 60 percent on regular orders of resources over 12, 24 or 36 months. Two dis-
count models are available: monthly advance payments and prefinancing of the entire period (upfront). The upfront model
offers the biggest discounts.
for reserved

Fig.1: Price models for computing services: on demand or for long-term use

This document explains how the individual cost blocks for the Open Telekom Cloud are calculated. This is to provide trans-
parency regarding the billing models underlying the different services. Some services offer free contingents, meaning they
can be used free of charge up to a specified volume. If the free monthly contingent is not exceeded, no costs are charged.
For other services, costs increase with increased usage on a linear basis or in scales (i.e., higher volumes can be used at rela-
tively lower costs). The presentation of the pricing is based on the individual services, starting with the core IaaS services.

Prices given in the example calculations are based on the price table from November 2019.

Open Telekom Cloud Overview of billing and Price Models

management & security

Web Application Log Tank
network Firewall Service

Virtual Private Health

NAT Gateway Also available:
Network Dashboard
paas Enterprise Agreements*

*dependent on contractual
Private Link Financial Cloud Trace Cloud Search partner and ordering channel
Access Service
compute storage Dashboard* Service Service

Cloud Container Storage Disaster Content Delivery Firewall as a Resource Document

Engine Recovery Service Network Service Template Service Database Service

Bare Metal Scalable File Mobile Storage Simple Message Data Ingestion
Service Elastic IP Solution Service
Server Notification

Dedicated Host Cloud Server Virtual Private Tag Management Distributed Data Warehouse
Backup Service Cloud Service Message Service Service

Elastic Cloud Elastic Load Key Management Price Online Distributed

Server Object Storage Balancing Service Display Cache Service

Elastic Volume Domain Name Identity and Migration as a Relational

Auto Scaling Service Access Service Database Service
Service Management
Image Volume Backup Big Data:
Management Direct Connect Anti-DDoS Cloud Eye Workspace MapReduce
Service Service Service Service

Fig. 2: Overview of services in the Open Telekom Cloud


ECS Elastic

On the Open Telekom Cloud, the pay-as-you-go model is referred to as „elastic“ (as opposed to „reserved,“ see above). one Billing
Elastic instances can be ordered and canceled as required. Only the time in which the ­ordered instances are active, i.e., item per
have the status „running“ is billed. A separate billing item is generated for each kind of VM (flavor plus operating system): VM Model
a Computing-I flavor with CentOS and a Computing-I flavor with Windows are recorded separately, but several Compu-
VM Model:
ting-I flavors of the same type with open Linux derivatives are not. The usage time of the individual VMs is recorded
second-by-second and summed up in the course of the calendar month. The resulting total time (in hours) is billed. Flavor (HW) + OS


In the course of June, you use several ECS instances of s2.xlarge.2 (4 vCPUs, 8GB RAM). One on June 10 for 2 hrs 30
mins, one on June 12 for 1 hr 30 mins, two on June 15 for 45 mins, one on June 20 for 12 hrs 15 mins.

2.5 h + 1.5 h + 2 x 0.75 h + 12.25 h = 17.75 h

17.75 hours are charged on the monthly bill.

Metering of consumption stops the moment the instance is no longer active, i.e., when the status is „stopped.“ It does not Already
have to be deleted from the console. Use of the autoscaler does not change anything: If the autoscaler is used to start or stop Inclusive:
instances, then this is charged as if it had been manually started. ▪ Auto Scaling
▪ Image Manage-
Please note: If the instances are stopped, additional costs are incurred for the associated Elastic Volume Storage
ment Service
and Elastic IP! They must be deleted separately. Flavors with integrated disks or GPU will be charged even in the
„stopped“ mode (This applies to bare metal servers, some high performance flavors as well as disk-intensive
flavors and GPU flavors).

Open Telekom Cloud Overview of billing and Price Models


At 10:00 a.m. on April 1, you start an ECS instance s2.xlarge.4 (4 vCPUs, 16 GB RAM) with CentOS. At 9:00 a.m. on
April 5, you start a second instance of the same type. Both instances run until 12:20 p.m. on April 10 and are then
stopped. The basic costs for an instance is 20.1 cents/hour.

1/4 5/4 10/4

10:00 09:00 12:20

s2.xlarge.4 218 h 20 min

s2.xlarge.4 123 h 20 min
341 h 40 min x 19.9 Ct/h = 67.99 €

On November 11, you use an ECS instance s2.large.1 (2 vCPUs, 2GB RAM) for 3 hrs 30 mins. On November 12, you use two
such instances for 1 hr 45 mins. On November 13, you use both instances together with a General Compute instance v2
s2.large.8 (2 vCPUs, 16GB RAM) for 2 hrs 20 mins. All instances are operated with an open Linux version.

11/11 12/11 13/11

s2.xlarge.1 3:30 1:45 2:20 7 h 35 min
11 h 40 min x 8.9 Ct/h = 1.04 €
s2.xlarge.1 1:45 2:20 4 h 05 min
s2.xlarge.8 2:20 2 h 20 min x 11.9 Ct/h = 0.28€
1.32 €

ECS Reserved

Reserved instances are not available for all flavors. The service description sets out the available instances. Reserved instan-
ces can be reserved for a period of 12, 24 or 36 months. They are not fixed to a specific instance, rather, only to the instance
type, and are billed even if the instance is inactive. Users acquire a credit balance corresponding to uninterrupted use of an
instance of the selected type for the chosen period. This credit balance is spread over the individual months of the contract
term (days of each month x 24 hours). Contract term always starts at midnight on the order date. If a reserved package is
ordered, the usage in the first month is billed proportionately (only the remaining days of the month in which the order
occured are billed). The same is valid for the last month of the duration of the package. Reserved packages are not renewed

If the instance is not used for the full month, the unused contingent for that month is forfeited; nor can it be used later on in
the reserved period. But it is possible, for example, in the course of a month, instead of using one instance for the entire
period, to use two instances for partial periods. The use of capacities in excess of the ordered amount is billed on top using
the elastic model.

Open Telekom Cloud Overview of billing and Price Models


On January 28, you reserve an ECS instance s2.xlarge.8 (4 vCPUs, 2GB RAM) for 12 months. In February, you use two
ECS instances of the type ordered at the same time from 8:00 a.m. on February 3 to 9:20 a.m. on February 17. The use of
672 hours in excess of the monthly contingent (2 h 40 min) is charged using the elastic model.
Feb. Mar.
1/28 2/3 2/17 1/28
08:00 09:20

672 h


} Operating Time
2 x (13 Tage x 24 h + 16 h + 9 h 20 min) = 674 h 40 min
Reserved Contingent - 672 h 00 min
2 h 40 min
Cost of Elastic 2 h 40 min x Ct 26 = € 0.69

Anytime, it is possible to upgrade to larger instance types. It is also possible to upgrade an old-generation ECS to a new-
generation ECS within the contract; e.g. a Compute II to an ECS instance s2.large.2. The contractual term remains the
same. Time already used in the reserved package is billed on a daily basis at the old cost rate (daily rate of the monthly
price x days passed). The new package applies until the end of the originally agreed term and is also billed on a daily

Overview of the Open Telekom Flavors



1 1 2 4 8

2 2 4 8 16

4 4 8 16 32

8 8 16 32 64

16 16 32 64 128

32 32 64 128 256

60 --- 128 256 512

Fig. 3: Overview of BASIC flavors


2 4, 8, 16 4
32 + 3,6 TB
4 8, 16, 32 8 + vGPU 8, 8 + vGPU 128
32 + 5,4 TB
16 + vGPU, 64 + GPU**, 64 + 7,2 TB 88 + Xilinx
8 16, 32, 64 16, 16 + vGPU 128 / 256
64 + GPU*** 64 + 10,8 TB VU9P
12 256
32, 64, 128 128 + 14,4 TB
16 128 + 2 GPU*** 470
128*, 256* 128 + 21,6 TB
18 445
24 192 + 21,6 TB
*with Infiniband/KVM,
32 64, 128, 256, 256* 256 + 4 GPU*** 256 + 28,8 TB 940 ** Nvidia M60 (KVM),
36 256 + 43,2 TB 890 pass-through
*** NVidia P100 or
60 540 + 43,2 TB V100 (KVM),

Fig. 4: Overview of ADVANCED flavors

Open Telekom Cloud, V. 7.0 12. November 2018 1

Open Telekom Cloud Overview of billing and Price Models


You configure a ECS instance s2.large.4 (2 vCPUs, 8 GB RAM, SUSE Linux) in the Open Telekom Cloud and use this
continuously from 8:00 a.m. on May 2. From 9:00 a.m. on May 15, you order a reserved package for this instance type
that applies for 12 months with retroactive effect from midnight on May 15. At 10:00 a.m. on June 1, a second instance
of the same type is started to cover a spike in utilization (autoscaler). This is then stopped again, with the first, after pre-
cisely 12 days. At 8:00 a.m. on June 20, the first instance is started up again. At 5:00 p.m. on July 29, the active instance
is switched off.

5/2 5/15 6/1 6/13 6/20 6/30 7/29 5/14
08:00 00:00 10:00 10:00 08:00 24:00 17:00 24:00




Operating Time 29 days x 24 h + 16 h = 712 h
Reserved Contingent - 408 h
Rest 304 h
Cost of Elastic 304 h x 18.9 Ct/h = € 57.46

6/1-6/13 + 6/20-6/30
Operating Time 12 days x 24 h + 10 h = 298 h
10 days x 24 h +16 h = 256 h
554 h
Operating Time 12 days x 24 h = 288 h
June s2.large.4
842 h
Reserved Contingent - 720 h
Rest 122 h
Cost of Elastic 122 h x 18.9 Ct/h = € 23.06

7/1 -7/29
Operating Time 28 days x 24 h + 17 h = 689 h
July Reserved Contingent - 744 h
Rest - 55 h
Cost of Elastic €0

In the reserved upfront mode, a fixed amount is billed at the start of the term. It is not possible to switch to a larger instance.
In the subsequent months, the reserved upfront instances are also shown on the bill as a reserved upfront package, without being
charged for. The credit balance „depletes“ over the selected term, with the pro rata amount available each month (hours x days).
The only difference from the example above is that the complete amount for 8,760 hours (365 days x 24 hours) is billed at the end
of the month in which the order is placed.

Open Telekom Cloud Overview of billing and Price Models

Dedicated Host

Dedicated hosts are also available on the Open Telekom Cloud. Within the technical parameters, several separate virtual
machines (VMs) can be set up and modified on these reserved resources. The bill shows only the licenses for the VMs, no
costs are incurred for open Linux. The same billing models as for ECS also apply for dedicated hosts: elastic, reserved and
reserved upfront, with the rates applicable for the hosts.


The Open Telekom Cloud offers five storage types: Elastic Volume Service (EVS, block storage – always linked to virtual already
machines), Object Storage Service (OBS), Cloud Server/Volume Backup Service (CSBS/VBS), Storage Disaster Recovery Inclusive:
Services (SDRS), and Scalable File Storage (SFS). The pricing models vary between the object storage and the block- 5 GB Basic
storage offers (EVS, VBS). In general, object storage is VM-independent and a more cost-effective storage option, whereas Volume OBS
block storage enables fast data access thanks to a directly connected virtual hard drive.

The reference period here is also the relevant calendar month. The average volume of allocated storage is determined (in
GB) and used as the basis for billing. In the block storage option, prices rise on a linear basis in line with the data volume.
For object storage, prices are based on (discounted) stepped scales. The scales are of specific sizes and stack on top of
each other. The higher the scale, the lower the costs for the storage volumes allocated in that scale. The exception to this rule
is that the basic volume of 5 GB for standard object storage is free of charge.

total EVS, VBS,

cost SFS OBS

5 GB 1 TB 10 TB 50 TB 500 TB 1PB 5 PB 10 PB
(not true to scale)

Fig.5: Price pattern of EVS and OBS in comarison with increasing use

Criteria OBS EVS/VBS

CALCULATION BASIS amount of data allocated storage/backup volume
no access from the internet/
access options access from internet direct connection to ECS VM
price pattern declining scaled prices fixed/GB - linear
cost of Request cost per request inclusive
Special Characteristics exemption for 5 GB five performance classes
SAS boosted, SSD boosted)
Fig.6: Comparison OBS and EVS/VBS

Open Telekom Cloud Overview of billing and Price Models

Elastic Volume Storage/Volume Backup Storage/Scalable File Service

Elastic Volume Storage (EVS) can be ordered in three classes. Prices also vary according to access speed. Monthly costs are Pricing Model
determined on the one hand by the allocated storage volumes in GB, and on the other by the duration of their use. I.e., if the also valid for
storage is only provided for half a month, then only half of the costs are incurred. Elastic Volume Storage is deemed to be SFS and CSBS
provided even if the associated instance is stopped, as long as the storage has not been deleted. EVS pricing model is also
applied to Scalable File Service and Cloud Server Backup Service.

Only the ordered/allocated storage volumes are relevant when calculating the EVS, not the specific data volumes.
There is a difference using VBS or SFS: In this cases only the actual stored data is billed.

The amount of storage used (OBS) or allocated (EVS) is multiplied by the number of usage hours and divided by the total
number of hours for the month. This gives the average storage used in a month.
The average storage allocated in a month is multiplied by the basic price per GB. This results in a linear increase in costs as
the volume of allocated storage increases.


The storage associated with a VM fluctuates over the course of a month. It increases from 100 GB to 320 GB, falling
again to 200 GB at the end of the month. Thus the average amount for the month is 200 GB. This average amount is
multiplied by the basic rate (4.6 Ct/GB).

200 Average

January 10 20 30
Fig. 7: Determination of the monthly average for EVS (schematic)

Storage Desaster Recovery Service (SDRS)

Storage Disaster Recovery Service (SDRS) is billed according to EVS. The service features mirroring of hard disks across
two availability zones (AZ). An additional hard disk for data replication in the target AZ is deployed. The additional and
the original EVS are billed. A fee for the service comes on top. The fee depends on size of the disks and if the disks are shared.

EVS SATA (original) 1 x 200 GB x 0.046 € = 9.20 €
EVS SATA (mirror) 1 x 200 GB x 0.046 € = 9.20 €
SDRS SATA 1 x 200 GB x 0.046 € = 9.20 €
27.60 €

Open Telekom Cloud Overview of billing and Price Models

Object Storage

Object storage is billed differently from block storage. For object storage, only the storage actually used (i.e., the actual data already
volume) is billed. However, additional costs are incurred for requests to access the object storage. For every 1,000 requests, Inclusive:
0.7 cents is billed for standard object storage. The data volume is billed on a stepped price scale – at the higher scales, the 1 GB Outbound
price for storage falls. The lowest scale ranges from 0 - 5 GB. Use of this scale is free of charge. The scales then go up with OBS
limits of 1 TB, 50 TB, 500 TB, ​1 PB, 5 PB, 10 PB.

The average data volume stored in a month fills the scales from the bottom upwards, with the amounts charged at the prices Private
for the corresponding scales (€/GB). The total price for object storage is calculated as the sum of the costs for each Images in IMS
­individual scale used. For outbound traffic, costs are generally incurred for network services. However, 1 GB of outbound are billed as
transfer per month is free of charge. Standard

In the middle of the month, 4,000 GB in 1 million files is uploaded to the object storage. A request is charged for each
uploaded file, regardless of file size. 1 million requests incurs costs of € 7 (1,000 x 0.7 Ct). Since the data were
uploaded in the middle of the month, the average storage volume for the month is 2,000 GB. This is spread over the
object storage scales as follows:

GB/month scales
1.000.000 There are three positions for
2,000 GB data volume storage on the bill:
5 the exempt amount and the two
following scales.

2,3 Ct/GB

3 Storage Cost 1,000 GB x Ct 2.2 = € 22.00
995 GB x Ct 2.2 = € 21.89
2,4 Ct/GB

2 5 GB x Ct 0 = € 0.00
Cost of Requests 7.00
0 Ct/GB
0 1 € 50.89

Fig.9: Scales for Object Storage (schematic)

Cold object storage

The storage part of the cold object storage is billed in the same way as for standard object storage. Cold object storage uses
a low-cost, “slow” storage medium and stores data in compressed form. It is suitable for data that is to be called up and
recovered on rare occasions only. The data storage is very cost-effective, but recovery results in additional costs. Recovery
takes place on standard object storage as a cache. This is not included in the free contingent and is added to the monthly
bill. The recovery process also incurs costs – depending on speed. Data can be called up at three speeds: bulk, standard,
and expedited. The bulk request is the slowest but also the most cost-effective while expedited recovery is the most
expensive option. Since the object storage is designed for the long-term storage of data, there is a minimum storage period
of 90 days. If this period is not achieved due to the early deletion of data, the difference to the minimum storage period is
calculated and billed with the charge of the first scale .

Open Telekom Cloud Overview of billing and Price Models

Warm object storage

Warm object storage behaves similarly to standard object storage in terms of data transfer and requests, but has more
favorable storage prices and slightly higher prices for requests. Similarly to standard object storage, data is not retrieved as
quickly either. This is why warm object storage is particularly suited to medium-term data storage. Its minimum storage
period is therefore 30 days. If this period is not achieved due to the early deletion of data, the difference to the minimum
storage period is calculated and billed with the charge of the first scale.


Data Access Speed Data Access Speed Data Access Speed

Storage Price Price Request Storage Price Price Request Storage Price Price Request

Fig. 10: Speed and Price comparison for Standard, Warm, and Cold Object Storage


Cloud computing is defined as a sourcing model that provides computing and storage capacities from pools via networks.
Accordingly, the network is also an integral component of cloud computing. VPCs separate the resources of different
tenants from each other, VPN and Elastic IP enable secure access via the Internet, etc. Data transfer to and within the Open
Telekom Cloud is free of charge; downloading and sending out data are priced on a stepped scale based on data volumes.
The entire outbound data volume for a calendar month is added up and used as a basis for billing.

For the other network services of the Open Telekom Cloud, other pricing models are used. Elastic IP, NAT Gateway Service
and Elastic Load Balancer are charged on a „pay as you go“ basis (hours).


You have 100 TB of data stored in the Open Telekom Cloud. In the course of the month, you added another 15 TB. In
the same period, users used the stored data. In total, 20 TB of data were downloaded by users accessing the data. Only
the downloaded data (Internet traffic outbound upflow) incur charges. This data traffic reaches the fourth billing scale.

Open Telekom Cloud Overview of billing and Price Models

inbound traffic
free of charge GB/month scales
15 TB 20 TB 150.000
20.000 GB

6,0 Ct/GB

100 TB
6,4 Ct/GB

3 10,000 GB x Ct 6.0 = € 600.00
9,000 GB x Ct 6.4 = € 576.00
6,8 Ct/GB

2 999 GB x Ct 6.8 = € 67.93
1 GB x Ct 0 = € 0.00
0 Ct/GB
0 1 € 1,243.93

Fig. 11: Calculation of costs for data traffic (schematic)

Domain Name Service (DNS)

With the DNS, two components flow into the accounting: Firstly, the number of domains created, and secondly the number
of queries/requests. The created domains are billed per hour, the queries are billed per million. If the service is used
intensively (more than one billion queries per month), users receive staggered discounts.

Direct Connect and Private Link Access Service

Direct Connect (DC) and Private Link Access Service (PLAS) go hand in hand. With a direct connection to the Open Telekom
Cloud, both services must be calculated. Billing is based on the bandwidth provided on an hourly basis. Direct Connect and
PLAS provide a connection to the Open Telekom Cloud via MPLS, Managed IP VPN or Ethernet Connect. The Direct Connect
Service is charged based on the selected bandwidth. To this end, a coupling to the T-Systems data center must be provided.
The costs for this are not included in the Direct Connect fee. The coupling to the Open Telekom Cloud is billed based on the
selected bandwidth and for each physical port used for transfer. 1 G and 10 G ports are provided for connections.
Direct Connect requires a one-time set-up charge of € 249 per connection.

MPLS/ Direct connect



Fig. 12: Highly performant network connections in the Open Telekom Cloud—Direct Connect and Private Link Access Service (PLAS)

Open Telekom Cloud Overview of billing and Price Models

There are different scenarios for direct connections to the Open Telekom Cloud (OTC). With Ethernet Connect one-way or
two-way (active/ passive) can be connected. MPLS always has a two-way connection in active/passive mode. We always
recommend a redundant connection. Currently, only a two-path active/passive connection is supported.

billing unit quantity to calculate

one-way two-way
PLAS bandwiDth 1X 1X
Direct Connect Bandwidth/Port 1X 2X
Setup one-off fee 1X 2X
(Direct Connect)

Fig.13: Calculation volume for PLAS


Bandwith Costs Direct Costs Private total costs per month

Connect Access Link with 2 x DC +1 x PLAS
50 MBIT 68.55 € 218.73 € 287.28 €
100 Mbit 77.53 € 232.69 € 310.22 €
1 GBit 108.56 € 483.99 € 592.55 €


Many Security Services of the Open Telekom Cloud are free, including identity and account management, the anti-DDos Already
­service, and EVS and OBS encryption. inclusive:
▪ Cloud Eye
Key Management Service ▪ Anti-DDoS
▪ Identity and
The use of Key Management Service (KMS) incurs usage-based charges. The usage of the generated keys is calculated Access
on an hourly basis. The free contingent for KMS comprises 20,000 API calls. In addition, API calls incur charges: Management
1,000 calls generate costs of 0.3 cents.

Open Telekom Cloud Overview of billing and Price Models

Web Application Firewall

The Web Application Firewall protects web domains. The special feature here: The hours are divided into scales.

Scales time in hours equals price in Ct/h

per month Web Application
1 0 - 2,000 3 21
2 2,000 - 5,000 4-7 17
3 >5,000 7 14

Fig. 14: Costs for WAF, conversion to monthly WAFs used full-time (approximate values).

As with the other scales, the scales are quantity-based, i.e. in the case of ten commissioned WAFs, the first scale is used for
the first three WAFs, the second for the following four and the third for the last three.


Management services are generally free of charge. This applies for the use of the Price Online Display (the displaying of
costs when activating services), Cloud Eye (resource monitoring), Cloud Trace (monitoring of access to resources) and
Heat/Resource Templates.

For management services that trigger follow-up activities (Distributed Messaging Service—DMS, Simple Message
Notification—SMN), there are basic free contingents. Usage in excess of the basic free contingent incurs costs for the excess
amount. This can include costs for network services.

Distributed Messaging Service

DMS is measured in terms of the number of API calls and queues triggered. The first 1 million calls per month are free, after
which € 1 is charged per million calls. Hence 7.5 million API calls incur costs of € 6.50.

Simple Message Notification

SMN can trigger a range of different actions: sending of text messages, e-mails, http calls, or API calls. These actions can
entail the transmission of large volumes of data.

Costs for actions in excess

Free Contingent of the free contingents
SMS 100 11.1 Ct/SMS*
E-Mails 1,000 2.1 Ct/E-Mail
http Calls 100,000 10 Ct/1000,000 Calls
API Calls 1 Mio. € 1 pro 1 Mio. Calls
(identical with the use of DMS)
*Note: Triggering an SMS could provoke significant additional costs!

Fig. 15: Free contingents and costs for SMN (usage of SMS, E-Mail and http calls also evoke an API call)

Open Telekom Cloud Overview of billing and Price Models


MaaS triggers a data transfer from other cloud sources to the Open Telekom Cloud. MaaS itself is free of charge, and
inbound traffic is free too. Only the object storage used in the Open Telekom Cloud is billed.


Cloud Container Engine already

The Cloud Container Engine (CCE) is also classified as a platform service on the Open Telekom Cloud. CCE is free of charge Cloud Container
up to 50 nodes (non HA). Bigger clusters or HA clusters are billed hourly. If instances are subsequently started, these are Engine (CCE)
billed at the corresponding costs. Data Warehouse Service is billed according to the used ECS in the respective price
models (elastic/reserved).

Relational Database Service (RDS)

The RDS and the MapReduce Service are charged using the elastic (pay-as-you-go) model of the Elastic Cloud Server as
described above. The ECS flavors are each rolled out and provided with an operating system and a mySQl/PostgreSQL/
MSSQL image or the corresponding images for the big data analyses. This is charged based on the hourly prices for
the corres­ponding VMs. Additional storage for backups and images is billed using the model described above for the
storage options.


At 1:00 p.m. on September 12, you start an instance of type RDS db.s1.2xl (8 vCPUs, 32 GB RAM) with PostgreSQL. To
this end, you chose a SATA disk with a volume of 1 TB. At 1:00 p.m. on September 15, you stop the instance. You keep
the data on the data disk.

For the three days in which it runs actively, the RDS incurs costs of 72 h x 79.2 Ct/h = € 57.02. The storage of 1 TB is
allocated for 443 hours. 443 h x 1000 GB / 720 h = 615.28 GB. Additionally billed, 616 GB x 9.9 Ct/GB = € 60.98. The
total costs in September amount to € 118.00. The costs for the operating system and database software are included in
this price. The main cost driver is the permanent data storage.

9/12 9/15
13:00 13:00

RDS db.s1.2xl RDS 72 h x 83 Ct/h = € 57.02

443 h x 1,000 GB
Storage = 615.28 GB
720 h
616 GB x 9.6 Ct/GB = € 60.98
€ 118.00

Distributed Cache Service (DCS)

The decisive factors for the costs of DCS are the main memory (RAM) and variant (single node, master stand-by, cluster)
used. With master stand-by, the user is provided with a high-availability service. If the Distributed Cache Service is confi-
gured as master stand-by, two instances are provided in technical terms but only one DCS item is listed on the bill. The
hourly rate charged for using the service depends on the combination that is chosen.

Open Telekom Cloud Abrechnungs- und Preismodelle im Überblick

RAM GB Single Node Master Stand-By Cluster

per Hour per Hour per Hour
1 0,015 0,026
2 0,035 0,062
4 0,075 0,131
8 0,190 0,332
16 0,426 0,745
32 0,654 1,144
64 1,368 2,393 2,496
128 4,992
256 9,984
512 16,968

Fig. 16: Hourly costs for DCS at a glance


Data Ingestion Services uses four parameters for cost calculation. Firstly, the actual monthly average data volume is billed;
total amount of data and duration are cost-relevant. Additionally – similarly to the object storage – requests generate costs.
Requests are e.g. data package uploads or downloads. The number of requests are also related to the volume of a single data
package. Per 25 kB one request is counted. Thus a 100 kB package results in four requests (although it is only one package).
(The charge for 1 million requests is 2 cent). The fourth component for costs is the number of used partitions. Furthermore DIS
distinguishes between „general“ and „advanced“.

Enterprise Agreement

The Enterprise Agreement has been designed for customers with particularly high requirements and the desire for more
direct support. The Enterprise Agreement is offered in three variants: Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Customers can order one
of the packages depending on their requirements. One package can be ordered for every tenant. Every tenant is then
entitled to use the corresponding service (which does not have to be standardized throughout the company). Since it takes
eight weeks for the Enterprise Agreement to be provided, billing will not start until this period has ended. The minimum
term of twelve months will not start before this date either. After the 12-month minimum term, the Enterprise Agreement
may be terminated with a notice period of one month. Enterprise Agreements are only available for direct sales customers.

If the regular platform-internal financial dashboard for cost transparency doesn‘t meet the customers‘ demands, an
improved enterprise dashboard can be ordered. It allows a plethora of additional evaluation and specific price display
options as well as generation of customized reports. The usage fee is 95 euros per month per tenant. The enterprise
dashboard is integrated into the platinum enterprise agreement (without further costs).

Open Telekom Cloud Services T-Systems International GmbH
Phone from Germany: 0800 33 044 77 Hahnstr. 43d
Phone Internationally: 0800 33 04 47 70 60528 Frankfurt am Main
Mail: opentelekomcloud@telekom.de Germany
Internet: https://cloud.telekom.de

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