Chapter One 1.0 1.1 Background of Study: Maintenance and Repairs

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1.1 Background of Study

This project involves the maintenance and repairs of the solar power system
installed at the Main library of Ambrose Ali University Epkoma.

The concentrated solar power uses lenses or mirrors and tracking devices to focus a
large area of sunlight into a small beam.

The photovoltaic panel converts light energy into electric current using the
photovoltaic effect. In the photovoltaic effect, sunlight is absorbed by the solar
panel whereby causing excitation of an electron or other charge – carrier to a
higher energy level.

Solar energy is readily available and renewable, hence it provides a safe, clean and
cheap substitute to the increasing problems of over-dependence on plants,
generators etc. for electricity which is also, the air pollution resulting from the
exhaust from plants and generators has given the ‘generation of electricity through
solar’ an edge.

The solar power system is cheap, noiseless because it constitutes no moving parts
in the system; it is durable, reliable and requires little or no maintenance practice to
sustain it.

Moreover, the solar power system has an edge especially in areas where electricity
cannot be sent to through transmission lines.

The solar power system consist of an array of photovoltaic which collects a

substantial amount of sunlight and converts it into Direct Current (DC) which
fluctuate naturally with the intensity of the sun, hence the inverter is used to
convert this fluctuations of the DC signals to the desired / required Alternating
Current .
The question is what is the amount or how can constant electricity be restored
through the already installed solar power that was not in operation since few years?

The answer to this has been stated in the aims and objectives below.

1.2 Statement of Problems Affecting the Solar System Power Supply in the

Main Library

In our country today interrupted power supply has been a serious issue and it
makes life difficult and unbearable because people on earth, firms, industries,
churches, shopping malls, school, and even business center etc. depends on power
supply for the day-to-day running of their activities.

However, some have resorted to plants and generators to enables them meet up.
But these machines, with their emissions of gasses to the atmosphere pose health

The solar panel that was initially installed in the building along with all its
necessary component years ago was not operational thereby leaving the library to
depend only on the power supply and gasoline generator

If constant supply of electricity is ensured and the solar system is brought back to
operational, all the setbacks would be forestalled. This is exactly what this project
intends to proffer solution to.

1.3 Aims and Objectives

The main purpose of this project is to maintain and repair the solar system
that was not in operation over the years thereby powering an average load of
3.5KVA in a Main Library Building.
1.4 Significance of the Study

This work entails maintenance and repairs of a solar power system that will bring
back constant power supply in the Main Library there carrying a load of 3.5KVA.
Solar power system serves as an alternative source of electrical power supply
which is needed not only at the Main but also in our society.

1.5 Scope of the Study

The scope of this work shall cover the following areas.

 The work will cover the maintenance, repairs and replacement of the
damaged parts of solar charge controller, battery and inter-connectors
(cables) based on its initial installation.

 Losing, testing and observation of the solar panels

 The economics analysis (bills of engineering measurement and evaluation).

 Testing and experimentation of the system

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