Shigella MCQ

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168. In the kindergarten in 10

t different age groups there
children of
signs of acute enteric infectio clinica
weeks. During the
bacteriologic Juring4
of feces of these
patientsa examination
dysentery Sonne was isolated. The agentof
preventive measures in this
must be conducted group of children
because of
epidemic situation. What unfavorable rable
specific prophylaxis shouldpreparation for
children, who have contactedbe prescribed to
+A. Dysentery bacteriophage. with sick ones?
B. Antibiotics.
C. Sulfanilamides.
D. TABte vaccine.
E. Immunoglobulin.

169. A
patient with complains of
liquid stool with mucus nausea,
increase of a and bloodstreaks,
hospitalized temperature,
into weakness, was
f the infectious
doctor suspected departmen.
dysentery. What method
laboratory diagnostics it is more
to use edient
confirmation of diagnoSIS:
+A. Bacteriological
B. Serological
C. Mycological should be used for biochemical
D. Microscopic identification of causative
E. Protozoological +A. Olkenitsky's medium microorganism?
B. Meat
170. A pure culture of causative
peptone agar
C. Kitt-Tarozzi medium
microorganism was isolated in the laboratory D. Wilson-Blair medium
from a patient with dysentery. What E. Sabouraud's medium
researches must be conducted with the
purpose of its final serological 174.
Shigella sonne was isolated from
+A. Agglutination test with standard sera
patient's feces. What additional study it is
necessary to conduct for establishment of the
B. Agglutination test with patient's serum source of infection?
C. Indirect hemagglutination test A. Antibioticogram.
D. Reaction of molecular hybridization of +B. To phagotype the isolated
pure culture.
DNA C. To conduct
E. Detection of thermostabile antigens in the D. To conduct
precipitation test.

E. To conduct neutralization test.

171. From a patient with dysentery shigella 175. During the bacteriologic examination of
able to exotoxin production was isolated. feces of a patient with an enteric infection
What type of shigella is mentioned? Shigella sonnei was isolated. What
A. *Shigella dysentery serological reaction from listed below was
B. Shigella sonnei used for identification of isolated pure
C. Shigella flexneri culture?
D. Shigella boidii A. *Agglutination test
E. Shigella newcastle B. Precipitation test
C. Complement-fixation test
172. For retrospective diagnostics of D. Neutralization test
bacterial dysentery, it was decided to E. Reaction of lysis
conduct serological examination of human
blood serum aiming to establish the titer of 176. During the study of coproculture from a
antibodies against shigella. Which test of patient with a dysentery the presence of
listed below can be used for this purpose? gram-negative immobile bacilli, which
A. Passive hemagglutination according to serological features belong to
B. Complement-fixation S.sonnei, was established. Specify sugar lytic
C. Precipitation properties of S.sonnei in relation to a lactose
D. Hemolysis fermentation on the Endo medium.
E. Bacteriolysis +A. Slowly ferments the lactose
B. Does not ferment the lactose
173. A 36 years old patient with C. Ferments a lactose to acid and gas
complain of
pain located in a lower abdomen, frequent D.On the Endo medium the colonies are
stool with mucus and blood streaks, appealed bright red with metallic brilliance
to the infectious hospital department. A E. The Endo medium can't be inoculated by
doctor suspected dysentery. What medium S.sonnei

177. In a patient with the typical clinical
picture of shigellosis shigella wasn't isolated
during the bacteriologic examination of feces
because of the early application of
antibiotics. Title of antibodies against
shigella in in pair sera in PHAT is this
patient grew in 4 times. About that does it
A. Vaccinal reaction.
B. Excludes the diagnosis of shigellosis.
long before.
C. A patient had shigellosis
Heterospecific reaction.
+E.Confirms the diagnosis of shigellosis.
9 A patient has been suffering from diarrhea
for 5 days. On the fifth day colonoscopy
revealed that membrane of rectum was
inflamed, there were greyish-green films
closely adhering to the subjacent tissue.
What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Dysentery
B. Crohn's disease
C. Nonspecific ulcerous colitis
D. Typhoid fever
E. Salmonellosis
18. A 71-year-old man had been presenting
with diarrhea for 10 days. The feces had
admixtures of blood and mucus. He was
delivered to a hospital in grave condition and
died 2 days later. Autopsy of the body
revealed the following: diphtheritic colitis
with multiple irregularly-shaped ulcersof of
colon and
different depth in both sigmoid
analysis revealed
rectus. Bacteriological
the main disease?
Shigella. What was

A. Dysentery
ulcerous colitis
B. Nonspecific
C. Yersiniosis
D. Salmonellosis
E. Typhoid fever
31. A patient diagnosed with acute
has been treated for 3 days in an
diseases hospital. On admissio there
complaints of high
stomachache and temperature,
fluid excrements with
mucus as often as 8-10 times a
day. What
sample should be taken for analysis?
E. Blood
23. A patient diagnosed with acute dysentery
has been treated for 3 days in an infectious
diseases hospital. On admission there were
complaints of high temperature,
stomachache and fluid excrements with
mucus up to 8-10 times a day. What sample
should be taken for analysis?
A. Feces
B Urine
C Bile
D Liquor
E. Blood

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