MCQ FMS 4 (2016) With Answers
MCQ FMS 4 (2016) With Answers
MCQ FMS 4 (2016) With Answers
Batch 2016
1.A woman came with a complaint of white grayish fishy odor. What causes this condition?
Decrease population of lactobacillus
2. A child came to the doctor and is diagnosed with sepsis bacteria and there’s gram
negative bacteria. What is the virulence factor in the bacteria?
3. A man is diagnosed with Staphylococcus aureus virulence, what enzyme is the virulence
A. Hialuronidase
B. Protein M
C. Streptolysin
5. A 1-year-old baby was admitted with symptoms of meningitis, the gram stain of CSF fluid
show many neutrophils and gram positive lancet-shaped diplococci. Which transmission
is the most possible source of infection for Streptococcus pneumonia?
A. Food poisoning
B. Ingested spore
C. Respiratory droplet
D. Contact with contaminated animal
E. Contaminated food
6. Which of the bacterial components is least likely to have antigen for research?
A. exotoxin
B. ribosome
C. cell wall
D. capsule
E. flagella
8. A 9-year-old boy with the signs and symptoms of pertussis (whooping cough). Onset is
20 days prior to visit. Mother is quite certain that her son is vaccinated. What is the
diagnostic test needed?
A. Send a nasopharyngeal aspirate for B. pertussis culture
B. Send blood for serological test
C. Send for both serology & culture
D. Do nothing
11. A young boy came with sore throat, rash, bright red tounge, pharyngitis. What
properties can cause this?
A. Gram positive, cocci in cluster, beta-hemolytic ( s. Pyogenes)
B. Gram positive, cocci in cluster, alpha-hemolytic
C. Gram positive, diplococci lancefield group
D. Gram negative, coccobacili cell coated
E. Gram Negative, bacilspora producing.
16. PasienTBC pas di chest x-ray ada right lobe nodule. Sel mana yang menghasilkan
A. T Cells
B. B Cells
C. Monocytes
D. Neutrophils
E. Macrophages
17. Laki2 ada painful purulence urethral discharge, udh 3x ngalamin. Stain shows internal
gram negative diplococci. The reason is because of lack protection from these previous
infection ( gonorheae)
A. IgA sth
B. delay hypersensitivity
C. pilin and opa protein
D. B cell deficiency
18. A person is diagnosed with viral disease for 10 days, there’s a high ratio of IgM to IgG.
What is the cell that is involed in the synthesis of immunoglobulin?
A. T lymphocytes
B. B lymphocytes
C. Macrophages
D. Monocytes
22. A 25-year-old woman came because of high fever continuously for 4 days, fully
conscious, headache, pain in her eyes, muscle, and bone, felt discomfort on her abdominal,
red spot on legs & hands, her gum easily bleed, doctor said she’s infected by RNA virus.
Kenavirusnyaapa?( dengue)
A. Filoviridae
B. Flaviviridae
C. Coronaviridae
D. Picornaviridae
E. Orthornyxoviridae
23. A man with flu-like syndrome, enlarged liver and spleen, white patches on tonsil and
palate. This disease is associated with nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Which is the possible
effect to the infected cell?(EBV infection)
A. Latency of B lymphocytes
B. Replication in cytoplasm
C. Persistent infection
D. Cytophatic
E. Transformation
30. A boy was taken to pediatrician after experiencing high fever, malaise and anorexia
followed by painful bilateral swelling on cheeks (Mumps), he has no received all his
vaccinations. Which of the following prevention would be related to this disease?
31. Boy with low grade fever and runny nose for 3 days. Has rash starting from the face
lowering to the trunk. The disease is self timing. Which of the following pathogens is
responsible for this disease?
Togaviridae (Rubivirus)
35. A man who suffered a viral infection was a given a prophylaxis antibiotic by his doctor.
He refused it. What is your comment? Agree, because viral infection is self-limiting disease.
36. female has herpes and prescribed a drug earlier. What drug to give?
A. Acyclovir
B. Foscarnet
C. Trifluridine
D. Amantadine
E. Ritonavir
38. A 32-year-old women had 3 days history of fever, headache, retro-orbital pain, myalgia,
and a petechial-rash. She also had nose bleeding, leucopenia and thrombocytopenia.
Serology investigation was positive for IgM anti-dengue and if tested using Antigen
Japanese Encephalitis is positive also. Which is of the following is responsible for this
condition ?
a. TH cells
b. Adjuvant
c. Nonspecific Ab
d. Similar epitope on Ag
e. Genetic similar between species
49. Rizkykena hemorrhagic dengue fever, vector controlnyaapabiar dengue tidak spread
a. defecate on toilet
b. use sandals
c. drink lot of water
d. abitasi
e. hand hygene
*an 18 yo girlhad suden hi fever for 5 days she also complains of headache, pain in her eyes
muscle, bone, and stomach; and twice of nose bleed, she was weak but fully consious. The
doctor noted some red spot on her hands. lab showed
trombocytopenia&haemoconcentration. the etiologic agent was spread by *satu kata g
kebaca* which is lab tes identification should u expect ?
a. increase titer of ASO
b. Broad base budding
c. Fourfold rise in antibody
d. positive monospot test
e. selective def. Ig A
51. Trichuristrichiuraobatnyaapa ?
Pyrantelpamoat single dose only
Albendazole 100 mg
Mebendazole 300mg (DOC)
Metronidazole 500 mg
52. After backpacking in the mountains, a 24-year old man develops diarrhea. He
acknowledges drinking stream water without purification, and you suspect that he is
showing symptoms of giardiasis. Because you know that laboratory detection of cyst or
trophozoites in the feces can be difficult, you decide to treat the patient empirically with :
53 A young boy was diagnosed with multiple infection in unusual place through out his
whole body. Blood biochemistry shows severe deficiency in B-cell function. What lab test
should be done to find out B-cell defunction?
Flow cytometry
Immunologic skin test
Complete blood count
Protein electrophoresis
Polymerase chain reaction
57. Plasma cell is a specific type of immune cell which plays a major role in antibody
mediated immunity. What does plasma cell secrete? One type of antibody, two types of
antibody, more than 1 type of antibodies, it's own antigen?
60. Man with meningitis, given vancomycin and fluconazole. have HIV for 4 years. CSF was
taken for india ink. Most likely Virulance factor for this pathogenetic illness?Lps capsule
61. Ada orang dikepalanya ada scaly patches gitu. Terussi orang tsbpunyapeliharaan.
Penyebabpenyakitorangnyaapa? Jawaban : Microsporum Canis
62. A patient had red spots on his hands which radiated to his trunk. It grew larger and
eventually popped, but it didn’t hurt. What tests should be done? ???
66. A 26-year old woman with AIDS develops cryptococcal meningitis. She refuses IV
medication. which of the following antifungal agents is the best choice for oral therapy of
the meningitis?
Amphotericin B
68. 3 month old baby ada repeated bacterial infection. cumabisasembugdikasih antibiotic.
infection produce multiple disseminated granuloma. has high level of serum antibody
specific for various bacteria. CBC normal. defect nyadmn?
B cell
T cell
69. 12-year-old boy examination for determination his blood group. Examination shows
agglutinogen A and agglutinin B. Which is the following blood group of this boy ?
71. A man with 2-day history of fever, productive cough, pleuritic left-sided chest pain and
dyspnea. The doctor diagnosed him with pneumonia caused by gram + diplococcic with
many PMNs. Which following defense system is activated by that pathogenic agent?
Alternative complement.
75. Our findings show a septated hyphae. What drug should be given to the pts?
A Penicillin
B Voriconazole (Obat Jamur)
C Acyclovir
D Albendazole
E Metronidazole
76. The most important cell involved in destruction or virus infected cell?
B cell
NK cell
Helper T cell
Cytotoxic T cell
78. A 25 year old mother lg trimester pertamatruskena rabies, untuk prevent anaknyakena
rabies hrs dilakukanapa?Immunisation
81. Infeksisifilis secondary, dikasih ... penicillin, trskena fever dan chill, kenapagitu?
Ada penyakit lain
Dinding bakteri yang rusak melepaskan endotoxin
Reduce complementary pathway
Penicillin bikin bakterikluarin pyrogen exotoxin
82. If someone’s B and T cells can’t be detected, what structural damage might cause it?
Impairment of bone marrow (HSC)
84. A patient comes to your clinic with fever for a week and looks dehydrated. You treat the
patient with fluids and IV antibiotic, but he continues to have fever. The result of the
bacterial culture reveals that the patient has severe infection caused by methicillin-
resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The antibiotic of choice to treat the patient is
86. Woman is admitted to the hospital with acute chest pains, on the second day it is
confirmed that she has myocardial infarction. Also on the secind day she sudders from
severe diarrhea. Bacterial culture of cut confirms salmonella. This type of infection is:
Hospital aquired
91. After red blood cell transfusion, a patient have severe fever and chills. Which of the
following explains why
Direct targeted cell killing
Cytokine mediated inflammation (immediate reaction)
Eosinophil mediated killing
94. A woman has assymetricalfacid paralytic (polio) on her right leg and looks thin, shorter
and wasted. She never had oral immunization before. What is the mechanism that cause
this problem :
The organism destroy the lower motor neuron
Mutation in gene coding of tyrosine kinase
Defect of IL-12
She got this illness via transplacental
Reccurent of pyogenic bacteria infection
97. A newborn with rhesus negative was delivered with jaundice and intra-uterine fetal
development retardation. it was diagnosed with rhesus incompatibility. immunoglobulin yg
mana ygkonsentrasinyatertinggidinewborn blood?
Author’s note:
a. A girl developed bacterial meningitis from Haemophilus influenza infection. She was
treated with cefatoxime. Why? This bacteria forms beta lactamase
d. HLA A,B,C HLA DQ,DR,DS. In resting T Cell, what MHC class 1 is expressed? All two
alleles of HLA A, B, C
e. A lab result shows uniform, septated hyphae with no yeast cells. What
microorganism is the causative agent? Aspergillusflavum
f. Infection with a thymus independent antigen. After 6 months, what will you find?
High titer of IgM
g. A tea farmer who works with bare feet was infected with worm infection.
h. A boy was suffering itch on his anus at night (Strongyloides infection). What causes
it? Migration of adult female worm while laying eggs.
i. Husband and wife with different rhesus. What complication does the second child
have? Major Histocompatibility Complex 2
j. A boyis having pseudo membrane coating of pharynx and tonsil. He has not been
vaccinated with DTP. Stain Albert/Neisser/Telorite. What is the virulence factor?
m. Vaccines in Hongkong are not the same with ones in Russia. What is it called?
n. A woman feels itch and redness in her vagina. Microscopic finding: a yeast-like etc.
o. A child who suffers muscle rigidity etc. Virulence factor? Toxin (Tetanus)
p. A culture with MacConkey agar. A microorganism with fruity smell and causes
pneumonia. Answer: Klebsiellapneumoniae
q. An infection of gram positive cocci in chain. What lab investigation can you do to
know the etiologic agent? Anti streptolysin O (ASO)