07 Plidco Hot-Tapping+Saddle

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HOT TAPPING:+SADDLE Tap into a pressurized line for branch connections or for plugging operations without welding PLIDCO® Hot Tapping +Saddles are designed to ASME code section Vill and API GH to make branch connections on existing pipelines OR {or plugging operations witnout welding, They are easily installed ty simply tightening the side bolts. Patented steel GitderRings hold seals in piace to protect from damage and displacement during installation. Wen conditions are favorable PLIDCO® Hot Tapping +Saddes can bbe permanently welded tothe pipetin. PLIDCO® Hot Tapping Saddles when used for plugging operations are designed to include clamping area to restrict movement ofthe fing when seting the plug. Instalation is quick; bolt it on, assemble tapping equipment, perform a hydrotest and proceed withthe plugging operation. This product canbe recaimed, reconditioned and used again I it hasn't been welded to the pipeline. Branches are available in any range of sizes and pressures, ‘Threaded, welded or flanged outlets are available. BBuna-N packing is standard. Viton, Scone and other packings are available upon request. Standard body materials: ~ ASTM A106 Gr. C ~ ASTM A216 Gr. WCC. ~ ASTM ASI6 Gr. 70, Options: ~ Marine epoxy paint for corrosion protection Hinges for ease of installation = NACE MIROT7S /1SO 15156 compliant materials PLIDCO The Pipe Line Development Company 870 Canterbury Road * Cleveland, Ohio 44145 Phone: (440) 871-5700 * Fax: (440) 871-9577 * Toll Free: 1-800-848-3393, ‘www-plidco.com + E-mail pipeline@plidco.com PLIDCO® HOT-TAPPING+SADDLE with CLAMPING ELEMENTS INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS WARNING ! IMPROPER SELECTION OR USE OF THIS PRODUCT CAN RESULT IN EXPLOSION, FIRE, DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY, PROPERTY DAMAGE OR HARM TO THE ENVIRONMENT. Do not use or select a Plidco Hot-Tapping+Saddle until all aspects of the application are thoroughly analyzed. Do not use the Plidco HotTapping+Saddle until you read and understand these instalation instructions. Every effort has been made to securely package this product prior to shipment. Thoroughly inspect for any damage that may have occurred during shipment. if you have any questions, or encounter any difficulties using this product, please contact: PLIDCO “DEPARTMENT 100” at 440-871-5700 toll free U.S. & Canada 800-848-3333 READ CAREFULLY ‘The person in charge of the hot tap operation must be familar with these instructions and communicate them to all personnel involved with the installation, SAFETY CHECK LIST 0.1. Read and follow these instructions careful. Follow your company's safety policy and applicable codes and standards. | 2. Be absolutely certain that the correct seal material has been selected forthe intended use. | 3, The Plidco Hot-TappingsSaddle should never be used to couple pipe. No end restraint is provided with the Plidco WHot-Tapping+Sadle Fitting. Also, consideration should be given to the increased longitudinal stress imposed on the pipeline due to the cut into the pipe. |G 4, Valve and tapping equipment attached to the Plidco HotTapoing+Saddle may cause unreasonable loads on the fiting’s branch. This equipment may need to be additionally braced or supported against any torsional movement, particularly when hot tapping horizontally. (See section on Plidco Hot-Tapping+Saddle Clamping Elements) please consult Plidco Department 100 for further detail Q 5. Observe working pressure and temperature on the label ofthe Plidco Hot-Tapping+Saddle, Do not exceed maximum warking pressure or temperature as indicated on the unt. Plidco HotTapping+Saddles for plugging operations typically have a lower pressure rating applicable only during the plugging operation. The maximum plugging pressure is located on the label. Q 6. The Plidco Hot-Tapping+Saddle must be hydrostatically tested before tapping into the pipeline. Testing may be conducted through the Plidco Hot-Tapping+Saddle branch. The test pressure should not exceed the pressure inside the pipe at the time of testing. There is a danger of collapsing the pipe should this pressure be exceeded. 7. If the pipeline has been shut down, repressuring after hot tapping should be done with extreme caution. Repressuring should be accomplished slowly and steadily without surges which could vibrate the pipeline and fiting. Industry codes and ‘standards are a good source of information on this subject. Do not exceed maximum working pressure. Personnel should not be allowed near the installation until the seal has been proven, PLIDCO HOT-TAPPING+SADDLE CLAMPING ELEMENTS Line plugging operations require a clamping feature which prevents the saddle from shifting when the plug is inserted into the pipe. This type of clamping may be either INTEGRAL or SEPARATE. The INTEGRAL type has clamping sections that are one piece with the Hot-Tapping+Saddle. (See Figure 1) Fig. 2 ‘A clamping feature may also be required to provide torsional restraint when hot tapping from the side. This type of clamping feature must be INTEGRAL. ‘A clamping feature may be required to provide support when het tapping on a vertical ine. This type of clamping feature may be either INTEGRAL or SEPARATE. PIPE PREPARATION 1. Remove ali coatings, rust and scale from the pipe surface where the circumferential seals of the Plidco Hot-TappingsSaddle, Clamp Ends or Clamp+Ring, if applicable, will contact the pipe 2. The seal can tolerate minor surface irregularities up to 2182" INSTALLATION Petroleum based lubricant Silicone based lubricant Glycerin based lubricant Buna-N Viton Silicone... Ethylene Propyiene Neoprene Aflas Teflon . Keviar 0000000 The seals and GitderRings can be damaged by careless han- dling. Liting devices such as chains, cables or lift truck forks should not contact the seals or GirderRings. Contact can result in the seals being pulled from their grooves. (See Figures 182) 1. Coat all exposed surfaces of the sealing material with a lubricant. The following chart indicates the lubricants that ‘are recommended for the various seals, The customer must determine ifthe lubricant is compatible with the product in the pipeline. 2. Clean and lubricate all studbolts and nuts, and prove tree land easy nut running prior to installation, Assemble the Plidco Hot-Tapping+Saddle around the pipe ‘making sure the yellow painted ends are matched and that, the fiting is centered over the area to be hot tapped. If the ‘SEPARATE Clamp Ring is to be used, it must be assembled adjacent to the Plidco Hot-Tapping+Saddle at the end near {est to where the plug willbe positioned. There,can be no gap between the Plidco HotTapping+ Saddle and the SEPARATE (Clamp+Ring. The forces acting on the plug are transferred, to the Clamp+Ring thereby preventing axial movement of the Plidco Hot-Tapping+Saddle (See Figures 2 & 3) Fig. 3 4. All studbolts and nuts should be uniformly torqued as indicated by the Plidco Torque Chart on page 4. The best results are obtained by maintaining an equal gap all around between side bars while tightening the bolts. Higher torque values ate provided for the bolts located within the clamping areas of the Plidco Hot-Tapping +Saddle or the Clamp+Ring's bolts if applicable. 5, To complete assembly, ALL studbolts should be rechecked at the recommended torque. Keep in mind, the slightest increase in torque on one studbott can cause a decrease in torque on neighboring studbolts. 6. The side bars are gapped approximately 1/8” at the sealing area when the Plidco Hot-Tapping+Saddle is fuly tightened. The gap between the side bars on a clamping element is, typically greater than 1/8" and is dependent on the pipe ste. 7. Consult the manufactures instructions for valve and tapping equipmentthatisattachedto the PlidcoHot-Tapping Saddle, This equipment may need to be additionally braced or supported against any torsional movement or unreasonable loads on the fiting’s branch, particularly when hot tapping horizontally. (See section on Plidco Hot-Tapping+Saddle, Clamping Elements) FIELD WELDING INSTRUCTIONS Failure to follow field welding instructions could result in explosion, fire, death, personal injury, property damage and/or harm to the environment. If @ SEPARATE Clamp+Ring was required for the hot tapping ‘operation it must be removed prior to welding, but only after the forces that were being restrained by the Clamp+Ring have been eliminated. PIPELINE SHOULD BE FULL AND UNDER FLOW Ifthe pipeline has been shut down, repressuring to test the seals should be done with extreme caution. Repressuring should be accomplished slowly and steadily without surges which could vibrate the pipeline and fiting. Industry codes and standards are a good source of information on this subject. Do not exceed maximum working pressure, Personnel should not be allowed near the installation unti the seal has been proven, Use absolutely dry electrodes which are of equal or greater tensile strength than the pipe. Carefully control the size and shape of the circumferential filet welds, The size of the filet Wold should be at least 1.4 times the wall thickness of the pipe, This assumes @ 1.0 joint efficiency. You may need to select a diferent joint efficiency based on your level af inspection. Strive for a concave faced filet weld with streamlined blending into both members; avoid notches and undercuts. ‘The smoother and more streamlined the weld, the greater the resistance to fatigue failure, The worst possible shape would be heavy reinforced convex weld with an undercut. Improper weld 's-ape can lead to rapid fatigue fallure which can cause leakage, rupture or explosion with attendant serious consequences. Welders and weld procedures should be qualified in accordance with API Standard 1104 “Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities", or RP 1107 “Recommended Pipeline Maintenance Welding Practices”, latest edition. API 1104 and 1107 have easy to follow directions for procedure qualification, We encourage the use of low hydrogen electrodes (E-XX18) because of their high resistance to moisture pick-up and hydrogen cracking. They are also the preferred electrode for seal welding the studbolts and nuts. Shielding metal arc welding (SMAW) filler listed in API 1104 and 1107 include the cellulose coated electrodes (E-XX10 series) which are offen preferred because of the excellent dowshill welding characteristics, These are acceptable filer metals, provided they are proven by procedure qualification, Cellulose coated electrodes (€-90(10) are not recommended for seal welding the studbotts and nut, It is very important that the field welding procedure closely {ollow the essential variables of the qualified procedure so that the quality of the field weld is represented by the physical tests performed on the procedure qualification test specimen. Monitor the heat generated by welding or preheating, particularly near the area of the seals, by using tempera: ture crayons or probethermometers. If the heat generated approaches the temperature limit of the seal material which is indicated on the label. welding should be discontinued or sequenced to another part of the fiting so that the affected ‘area has a chance to cool Seal_welding the grade B-7 studbolts of a Plidco Hot-Tapping+Saddle is the most ifficut phase of field welding. They are made of AIS! 4140 steel with a high carbon equivalence. By using low hydrogen electrodes (€-20118) andamodest preheat donot exceed 200degreesF), the problem of hydragen cracking and pin holes can be reduced, The preheat wil help to dry out any moisture, oll dampness or thread lubeicant that may be present in the seal weld area, Welding Sequence FIELD TESTING 1. Caution should be observed so that welding does not overheat the seals. Sequence THE PLIDCO the welding so thatthe hea s not concentrated in one area. wil be necessay” LOT -TAPPING+SADDLE to retorque the studbolts and nuts periodically during field welding because weld contraction causes them to loosen. 2. Fillet wold ends to pipe. (See Figure 4) 3, Seal weld side openings. 4, Retorque studbolts and nuts. 5. Seal weld around bottoms of nuts to side bar. 6, Seal weld nuts to stuabotts. HOT-TAP-+SADOLE the Plidco Hot-Tapping+Sadale is capable of being field tested up to 1-1/2 times its design pressure, STORAGE INSTRUCTIONS Plidco Hot-Tapping+Saddles should be stored in a dry environment to prevent the unpainted surfaces from rusting. Storage temperatures should not exceed 120°F. (49°C). Cover with 4 dark polyethylene to keep the direct ‘sunlight from the packing. It is best to ‘exclude contamination, light, ozone and radiation. Improperly stored Plidco HotTapping+Saddles can cause the seal material to become cracked and brittle and lose its ability to seal ‘Sealing Area Studbots =e = = |2 t ; a a 148 8 ie 8 138: 8 wie: 8 | 236 | 485 136 8 196 8 178 8 f8 21m 2 8 Bin 8 TORQUE VALUES Torque values shown in the table represent two different coefficients of friction (C.0.F), .08 and .15. When the C.OF. is .08, it is assumed that the studboltsandnutsare-clean, freerunning, free of obvious surface flaws and lubricated with a high grade graphite-ci thread lubricant. When the C.O.F is 15, itis assumed that the studbolts and nuts are clean, free running, free of obvious surface flaws and lubricated with alight ‘weignt machine ol. The torque values fare safe minimums and approximately represents the corresponding studbolt pre-stress, as 9 | ave | 2060 38 | 45e | 9785 | 5139 bum ia|s 825 Zin 8 | Sag | 6043 | a1oe sae | saa | 7447 | 10009 4-8 | 61m | 905s | 12278 4a - 8 | eve | esas | 12057 41228 | 67m | 10560] 14331 dae 8 | Ban | 19375] 26072 | 5717 | apes sas <8 | sale | 22156] 30084 | 4073 | 55425, S28 | sie | 25191] 34r60 | 46506 | 62089 Studbolts: ASTM A-193 Grade 87 Nuts: ASTM A-194 Grade 2H = 25,000 PSI Stress Lavel ++ 23,000 PSI Stress Level * 18,800 PSI Suess Level fy 52.500 PS! Stress Laver }## 47,500 PSI Suess Level vee 37500 PSI Suess Lave! ‘ octet HTS15 . PLIDCO Hor TAPPING.SADDLE 48" x 48 * x 12" 60O# Plidco Hot Tapping+Saddle. 30" x 30" Plidco Hot Tapping+Saddle with a 20" S008 br designed far 2°60 psig workin PLIOGO® + 870 Canterbury Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44145, USA p. (44D) 871-5700 « f (4401 871-9577 « & pipeine@pkco.com * w- wv phdcocom oe PL ipbeoe HOT TAPPING-SADDLE 3°X 3" x2" 150# Plidco Hot Tapping+Saddle with a double row of packing 8° 8" x6" 150# Plidco Hot Tapping+Saddle with hinges, double raw of packing and white marine epoxy paint. 28" x 28" Speci al Pidco Hot Tepping* Saddle with a 12" 4008 valve branch, double row of packing and 12° x 12" x 12" BODH Plidco Hot Tepping*Saddle for clamping area. stopple with LOR flange, PLIDGO? + 870 Canterbury Road, Cleveland, Oho 44145, USA «p: (440) 871-5700 ef (440) B71-8577 «e: pieline@plidc.com « w: wa pido com HIs7 . PLIDCO HOT TAPPING.SABELE In 1963, the CATC Group of oil companies, consisting of Continental, Atiantic, Tidewater and Cities Service, were successful in an undertaking to connect underwater pipelines ata depth of 130 feet, 20 miles affshore in the Gulf of Mexico. ‘This was the first underwater connection of pipelines at such depths ever achieved in any part of the world so far as it is known and considered to be an important advance in pipeline technology ‘An 8 inch pipeline was tapped into @ 12" crude oil pipeline using the set-up pictured here. The pipe is coated with concrete as shown. Maximum working pressure was 1500 psi ‘The inset shows the key element in the tapping set-up, the Plidco Hot Tepping+Saddle, formerly called the SpiitTee. It an adaptation of the Piidco Spit+Sieeve, successfully used for airing leaks in onshore and offshore pipelines carrying ai, emical, steam and other products. PLIDGO + 870 Cancerbury Roa Cleveland, Ohio 44145, USA « p: (440) 877-5700 + f (440) 871-9577 « & pipeleetpiceo com + wi www pio com

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