Remedial Introduction To Organic

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NAME : DATE: 25 March 15




Introduction to Organic Chemistry

Remedial 3– term 3

Mind Your Handwriting. You May Use A Calculator.

1 How many structural and cis-trans isomers are there for dicholoropropane, C3H4Cl2?
A. 3 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7

2 The isomers, citric acid and isocitric acid, are intermediates in the Krebs cycle of the
oxidation of glucose in living cells.

How many chiral centres does each acid possess?

citric acid isocitric acid
A 0 1
B 0 2
C 1 1
D 1 2

3 Which of these always applies to a nucleophile?

A it is negatively charged
B it is a single atom
C it attacks a double bond.
D it has a lone pair of electrons

4 Which gas is present in the exhaust fumes of a car engine in a much greater amount
than any other gas?
A. Carbon dioxide C. Nitrogen
B. Carbon monoxide D. Water vapour

5 The Russian composer Borodin was also a research chemist who discovered a reaction
in which two ethanal molecules combine to form a compound commonly known as aldol

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(reaction I). Aldol forms another compound on heating (reaction II).

Which of the following best describes reactions I and II?

A addition elimination
B addition reduction
C elimination reduction
D substitution elimination

6 Chloroethane is used as a starting material for the production of ‘time-release capsules’

in pharmaceutical products. One way of preparing chloroethane is to react chlorine and
ethane in the presence of ultraviolet light.
Which statement is correct about the first stage of the mechanism of this reaction?
A The Cl – Cl bond is split homolytically
B The Cl – Cl bond is split heterolytically
C The C – H bond is split homolytically
D The C – H bond is split heterolytically


1. Some perfumes and scents of flowers and fruit contain compounds which are structural
isomers. Two such examples are citronellol and geraniol.

A confirm that citronellol and geraniol are isomers by calculating their molecular
formula and their molecular mass, Mr. [Ar C = 12.0, H = 1, O = 16.0]
i. Molecular formula ………………………….

ii. Mr ……………………………………………
B Name two functional groups present in both molecules.
i. ……………………….
ii. ………………………..
C Citronellol and geraniol also show stereoisomerism.
i. What do you understand by the term stereoisomerism.

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ii. On the diagram of the structure of citronellol above (no 1), draw a circle around
a chiral carbon atom.
D Draw the other cis-trans isomer of geraniol.

E Explain why geraniol has no optical isomers.


2 Find all the isomers of C7H14 you may draw the structural formula and skeletal
formula. If there is a cis-trans isomerism draw the structural formula of it and name

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