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1 author:
Dr. Swaminathan J
A. V. C. College of Engineering
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J.Swaminathan, Dr.S.Aramvalarthan
This study focused on how employee engagement is an antecedent of job involvement and
what should the management of hospitals do to make their managers engaged. This study
conducted was to find out the levels of employee engagement, the drivers of it, which
includes Employee Empowerment, Communication, Team Work, Training and Development,
Recognition, Leadership Quality, and Work Life Balance to analyze their impact and to offer
suggestions to improve the same. The study adopted non-probability sampling using
systematic method to collect primary data. The samples of the study constituted 100
managerial staff from various hospitals in Nagapattinam District, Tamil Nadu, India. Anova,
Chi square and Paired t-test were employed in the analysis of data.
The results of the study indicated that the Employee Engagement of Managerial Staff in
Hospitals of Nagapattinam District is moderate and Recognition helps to attain Employee
Engagement.. The hospitals should concentrate on dimensions like Recognition and Team
work to improve Employee Engagement of the hospitals.
Key words: Employee empowerment, Team work, Recognition, Communication, Work life
Identifying what enables employee engagement is difficult, because within the literature, a
multitude of definitions and drivers of engagement are suggested. Research conducted by IES
in 2004 (Robinson et al., 2004) found considerable variation in the views of authors in what
drives engagement and pointed out that ‘there is no easy answer as far as engagement is
concerned’. (p. 26). The levels of engagement and its drivers vary according to the
organisation, employee group, the individual and the job itself (Robinson, 2004). There is ‘no
definitive all- purpose list of engagement drivers’(CIPD, 2007).
Employee Empowerment: It means giving the employees the authority to make decisions and
providing them with financial resources to implement these decisions.
According to the report, employee engagement is a very big deal. There is clear and
mounting evidence that high levels of employee engagement keenly correlates to individual,
group and corporate performance in areas such as retention, turnover, productivity, customer
service and loyalty.
Any manager can influence significantly the engagement levels of employees from the
moment people are recruited into the organization. ‘Employee engagement research shows
that the right managers can have a direct impact on bringing people into the organisation who
are committed to doing quality work and facilitating a fun and caring atmosphere, which can
nurture friendships among employees.’ (Ott et al, 2007)
‘The quality of the relationship that an employee has with his or her immediate manager is
one of the most influential factors driving engagement and satisfaction.’(Dulye, 2006) backed
up by a number of sources. A study by Kenexa Research Institute found that managers are
critical to engagement (Kenexa, 2008). Also individual performance was closely tied to
satisfaction with one’s supervisor (Judge et al. 2001). Initially management style and process
as a key source of employees feeling psychologically safe in their work environment as a
contributor to employee engagement was identified by Kahn (1990). A strong link between
employees’ self- reported engagement and perceptions of supportive supervisor relations
was found by May et al. (2004).
Many of the factors that influence employee engagement and retention are factors directly or
indirectly within the manager’s control.’(Towers Perrin, 2006). Blessing White (2008) report
had a major concern that managers are not effectively recognising and rewarding
achievements, and not effectively encouraging the use of their talents. ‘The immediate
manager influences many aspects of working life, leading ultimately to higher or lower
engagement levels.’ (Robinson et al., 2007). ‘The line manager clearly has a very important
role in fostering employees’ sense of involvement and value.’ (Robinson et al., 2004)
So we may conclude that the managers has an important role in influencing employee
engagement and it means if managers can enable their staff to feel involved and valued in
their work, with freedom and support, then they play a very important role in nurturing
Employee Engagement is the energy, passion or fire that employees have towards their work
and the organization. The major reason for disengagement is the absence of appreciation or
‘positive stroke’. Knowing the current level of Managerial Engagement in Private Hospitals
will also enable to uncover actionable findings by identifying the prime “Drivers” of
employee engagement. It also helps to identify the productive managers of the organization,
who are psychologically committed to their role in the organization. Sometimes the
intelligent, capable managers also disengage when they do not get support from their
management for the good work they did or sometimes, they loose their confidence about Top
management’s credibility.
Employee Engagement:….
•To ascertain the level of employee engagement among managerial staff of private hospitals.
•To identify the key factor among the drivers of employee engagement.
•To give suitable suggestions for improvement.
In order to analyse the data the researchers used statistical package for social sciences (SPSS)
by using the tools
? Anova
? Chi square
? Paired t-test
Male Female
53 47 100
40 &
20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40
Age Above
12 17 38 15 18
Arts / With
High Diplom Scienc Management Engineerin
School a e Qualificatio g Degree
Degree ns
Education 1 5 20 55 19 100
Single Married
Marital status 47 53 100
10K – 15K- Above
< 10000 20K-25K
15K 20K 25K
15 39 41 9 5 100
Freshers 1-3 Above5Ye
Than 1 3-5
Years ars
Experience 4 10 41 15 30 100
Journal of Business & Management (COES&RJ-JBM), 1(3), pp. 166-174
Wt Avg
Opinions seem to count 24 55 15 1 5 78.4
Opinions implemented 15 30 30 18 7 65.6
Been successful 10 31 23 30 6 61.8
Satisfied with Information provided by 26 60 13 0 1 82
Satisfied with Level of Trust on The 26 59 14 1 0 82
Satisfied with Supportiveness of the team 30 63 7 0 0 84.6
Satisfied with Training program provided 18 44 26 7 5 72.6
based on with
Satisfied performance
Training program update 34 47 11 5 3 80.8
knowledge and skills for excellent
Satisfied with Rewards 20 31 28 18 3 69.4
Satisfied with the recognition system 20 59 12 5 4 77.2
Satisfied with the Kind of Supervision 6 13 60 14 7 59.4
Satisfied with Supportiveness of 26 59 13 1 1 81.6
Satisfied with Festivals celebrated in 37 54 7 0 2 84.8
Satisfied with Stress Relief Programs 16 25 10 1 1 27.6
Average 72.0
Are you Engaged 16 57 25 0 2
Employee Engagement:….
TOTAL 798 24
At work Between 206.8 51.70 4
opinion is been Group
implemented 223.20 29.56 20 4.633 Significant
( Age* Within
Opinion ) Group
TOTAL 430.00 24
At work Between 182.40 45.600 4 4.079 Significant
opinion is been group
( Experience* Within 223.60 11.180 20
Opinion ) group
406.00 24
At work Between 362.40 90.60 4
opinion is been group
implemented 4.748 Significant
( Experience* Within
Opinion ) group 381.60 19.08 20
Total 744.00 24
At work Between 4
opinion is been group 206.80 51.70
counted 1.215 Not
( Salary* Within 851.20 20 Significant
Opinion ) group
satisfied with the stress relief programs conducted by the organization. In total 57% of
respondents are engaged in their job.
(Table 4 may be inserted here)
The chi-square test showed the marital status has a significant impact on counting the opinion
of managers but not so in implementing. Only 30% of respondents’ opinion had been
implemented. This shows that the implementation is purely based on the merit of the opinion
suggested and 31% of respondents opinion had succeeded after implementing. But, rewarding
of employees for excellent performance has a gender bias because most of the hospitals
follow a pattern of awarding two employees at a time like one male and one female.
(Table 5 may be inserted here)
The Paired t- test shows that there is no significant association between the gender wise
employees opinion counted at work, success of opinion or rewarding of employees for
excellent performance.
The ANOVA test on the collected data shows that the opinion given by the managers are
having significant differences among many variables. The qualification and the salary of the
managers are not considered in selecting the opinions and suggestions given by the
managerial staff. This difference is mainly because of the individual perceptions.
Finally the average score of Employee Engagement among the hospital managerial staff are
72 which is higher than the global average for all industries (Gallup and Towers Perrin
Reports) which is a good sign. But when the employees are asked about their own
engagement level and when included in the average score it increased by 5% (77) which is
mainly because individuals perception about Employee Engagement which may be neglected.
? The hospitals shall consider the opinions of employees based on their experience and
qualification and can implement their opinions to make them engaged at work.
Employee Engagement:….
? The employees can be provided with training programs based on the qualification and
performance to update the knowledge.
? The employees can be encouraged by providing reward for excellent performance based on
gender and fair compensation to make them feel that they are getting worth of their input.
? The employees may be encouraged to get advice from other members in their team which
will help them to approach work problem from variety of constructive angels and make them
engaged at work.
? Recognition is the mediating factor to employee engagement, persons with creative ideas
and those who are honest, hardworking and experienced need to be recognized and
appreciated. Employees who do well need to be felicitated through public functions.
? Team Work is positively influencing Employee Engagement and hospitals can encourage
team bonding between employees to complete any task.
? The employees can be provided with the stress relief program to make employees cope
with pressures. The employees need to be provided with flexible working hours and there
should be more frequent social get-togethers for employees and their families to make them
meet their personal, family and social commitments.
The primary focus of the study was to ascertain the level of Employee Engagement of the
managerial staff of hospitals. The Employee Engagement drivers are used to ascertain the
level of Engagement at their work. One of the factors Recognition is the key factor to
employee engagement and the Team work is most influential factor to the key factor
recognition. Since the recognition is key to employee engagement, the hospitals should
recognize their employee through considering their opinion according to their experience. The
opinion may be implemented where ever possible. The employee should be rewarded when
the implemented opinion succeeds.
The team work and empowerment of the employee are also the most influential factors to the
key factor recognition. It is suggested that organization may encourage Team Work to make
employees to be committed to the work which will result in increased employee engagement.
The hospitals may identify the right kind of people for the right job and make them a group,
and assign suitable task to the group, motivate them by providing training based on the
performance to achieve their task within reasonable time bound. So that the empowerment
can be enhanced and make the employee loyal to the organization.
If the hospitals concentrate over the other dimensions like Work life balance by conducting
some games, celebrations to reduce work stress, Leadership Quality by providing supportive
superiors, Training and Development by providing training based on the performance of the
employees and Communication that employees are getting the information from superiors to
do their job effectively and will make employees engage highly at work.
Journal of Business & Management (COES&RJ-JBM), 1(3), pp. 166-174