Depreciation Mar 2020
Depreciation Mar 2020
Depreciation Mar 2020
Asset Number Description / Account Actual Start Disposal End Year Cost Inception to Date Year to Date Current Balance Adjustments
20055006 Villa Azizia 7 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2029 1 11,442,233.66 190,703.88- 190,703.88- 95,351.94- 95,351.94-
Depreciation - Building 266100.6501 95,351.94
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
95,351.94- 11,442,232.66 1.00 100.0000 %
Depreciation 11442232.66/ 120.0 : 101=10/03
Basis 11442233.66- 1.00 : 501=01-07
R12855 Al Rashed Holding Company 06/07/2020 7:58:38
Asset Number Description / Account Actual Start Disposal End Year Cost Inception to Date Year to Date Current Balance Adjustments
20055001 Laber Camp & Stor 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2039 1 226,900.00 68,069.52- 945.41 945.41-
Depreciation - Building 266100.6501 945.41
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
945.41- 226,899.00 1.00 100.0000 %
Depreciation 226899.0/ 240.0 : 101=10/03
Basis 226900.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20055002 Flat 31 & 32 Kingst 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2039 1 27,749,027.50 22,199,221.43- 115,620.94 115,620.94-
Depreciation - Building 266100.6501 115,620.94
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
115,620.94- 27,749,026.50 1.00 100.0000 %
Depreciation 27749026.5/ 240.0 : 101=10/03
Basis 27749027.50- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20055003 3, Thomas Crescent 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2039 1 11,139,507.88 2,784,876.61- 46,414.61 46,414.61-
Depreciation - Building 266100.6501 46,414.61
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
46,414.61- 11,139,506.88 1.00 100.0000 %
Depreciation 11139506.88/ 240.0 : 101=10/03
Basis 11139507.88- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20055004 Portugal Villa 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2039 1 6,303,896.68 1,470,909.20- 26,266.23 26,266.23-
Depreciation - Building 266100.6501 26,266.23
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
26,266.23- 6,303,895.68 1.00 100.0000 %
Depreciation 6303895.68/ 240.0 : 101=10/03
Basis 6303896.68- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20055005 Al-Nakheel Villa 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2039 1 27,758,839.37 1,226,155.84- 115,661.83 115,661.83-
Depreciation - Building 266100.6501 115,661.83
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
115,661.83- 27,758,838.37 1.00 100.0000 %
Depreciation 27758838.37/ 240.0 : 101=10/03
Basis 27758839.37- 1.00 : 501=01-07
R12855 Al Rashed Holding Company 06/07/2020 7:58:38
Asset Number Description / Account Actual Start Disposal End Year Cost Inception to Date Year to Date Current Balance Adjustments
20252515 Water Desalination 01/03/2020 01/03/2020 29/02/2040 1 7,389,016.74 30,787.57- 30,787.57- 30,787.57-
Depreciation - Machineri 266100.6505 30,787.57
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
30,787.57- 7,389,015.74 1.00 100.0000 %
Depreciation 7389015.74/ 240.0 : 101=10/03
Basis 7389016.74- 1.00 : 501=01-07
R12855 Al Rashed Holding Company 06/07/2020 7:58:38
Asset Number Description / Account Actual Start Disposal End Year Cost Inception to Date Year to Date Current Balance Adjustments
20252516 AC - Al Dareiya Far Error Number: 070R Error Description: Accumulated Cost are Zero
20252517 ﺠﮭﺎز ﻗﯿﺎس ﻤﺴﺎﺤﻲ Error Number: 070R Error Description: Accumulated Cost are Zero
R12855 Al Rashed Holding Company 06/07/2020 7:58:38
Asset Number Description / Account Actual Start Disposal End Year Cost Inception to Date Year to Date Current Balance Adjustments
20252501 Ac Unit 17.5 Ton 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 52,500.00 52,499.00-
Depreciation - Machineri 266100.6505
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
52,499.00 1.00 25.0000 %
Depreciation ((52499.0/ 48.0) * 12.0 ) * 1.000000000 : 102=((10/03) * 49 ) * 50
Basis 52500.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20252502 Samsung TV Smart 3D 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 39,999.00 39,998.00-
Depreciation - Machineri 266100.6505
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
39,998.00 1.00 25.0000 %
Depreciation ((39998.0/ 48.0) * 12.0 ) * 1.000000000 : 102=((10/03) * 49 ) * 50
Basis 39999.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20252503 Samsung TV UHD LED3 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 114,999.00 114,998.00-
Depreciation - Machineri 266100.6505
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
114,998.00 1.00 25.0000 %
Depreciation ((114998.0/ 48.0) * 12.0 ) * 1.000000000 : 102=((10/03) * 49 ) * 50
Basis 114999.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20252508 Food Waste Disposer 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 10,202.00 10,201.00-
Depreciation - Machineri 266100.6505
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
10,201.00 1.00 25.0000 %
Depreciation ((10201.0/ 48.0) * 12.0 ) * 1.000000000 : 102=((10/03) * 49 ) * 50
Basis 10202.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20252509 Dishwasher For Outs 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 2,100.00 2,099.00-
Depreciation - Machineri 266100.6505
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
2,099.00 1.00 25.0000 %
Depreciation ((2099.0/ 48.0) * 12.0 ) * 1.000000000 : 102=((10/03) * 49 ) * 50
Basis 2100.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20252510 Kenmore Refrigerato 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 9,396.00 9,395.00-
Depreciation - Machineri 266100.6505
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
9,395.00 1.00 25.0000 %
Depreciation ((9395.0/ 48.0) * 12.0 ) * 1.000000000 : 102=((10/03) * 49 ) * 50
R12855 Al Rashed Holding Company 06/07/2020 7:58:38
Asset Number Description / Account Actual Start Disposal End Year Cost Inception to Date Year to Date Current Balance Adjustments
Basis 9396.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
R12855 Al Rashed Holding Company 06/07/2020 7:58:38
Asset Number Description / Account Actual Start Disposal End Year Cost Inception to Date Year to Date Current Balance Adjustments
20252504 6 Burner Gas Range 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 26,250.00 3,857.94- 546.86 1,093.71 546.85-
Depreciation - Machineri 266100.6505 546.85
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
546.85- 26,249.00 1.00 100.0000 %
Depreciation 26249.0/ 48.0 : 101=10/03
Basis 26250.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20252505 AC - Al Dareiya Far 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 230,531.00 14,460.76- 4,802.71 9,605.42 4,802.71-
Depreciation - Machineri 266100.6505 4,802.71
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
4,802.71- 230,530.00 1.00 100.0000 %
Depreciation 230530.0/ 48.0 : 101=10/03
Basis 230531.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20252506 Fridge- Al Dareiya 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 6,615.00 414.89- 137.79 275.58 137.79-
Depreciation - Machineri 266100.6505 137.79
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
137.79- 6,614.00 1.00 100.0000 %
Depreciation 6614.0/ 48.0 : 101=10/03
Basis 6615.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20252507 BeoLab Speaker -AlD 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 96,111.75 6,006.92- 6,006.92- 4,004.61- 2,002.31-
Depreciation - Machineri 266100.6505 2,002.31
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
2,002.31- 96,110.75 1.00 100.0000 %
Depreciation 96110.75/ 48.0 : 101=10/03
Basis 96111.75- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20252511 Grass Cutting Machi 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 4,650.00 3,616.23- 64.52 161.37 96.85-
Depreciation - Machineri 266100.6505 96.85
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
96.85- 4,649.00 1.00 100.0000 %
Depreciation 4649.0/ 48.0 : 101=10/03
Basis 4650.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20252512 Lighting for Night 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 890,051.93 180,601.09- 18,542.73 37,085.46 18,542.73-
Depreciation - Machineri 266100.6505 18,542.73
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
18,542.73- 890,050.93 1.00 100.0000 %
Depreciation 890050.93/ 48.0 : 101=10/03
R12855 Al Rashed Holding Company 06/07/2020 7:58:38
Asset Number Description / Account Actual Start Disposal End Year Cost Inception to Date Year to Date Current Balance Adjustments
Basis 890051.93- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20252513 Motor Smoke FOG 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 5,000.00 1,014.36- 104.14 208.29 104.15-
Depreciation - Machineri 266100.6505 104.15
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
104.15- 4,999.00 1.00 100.0000 %
Depreciation 4999.0/ 48.0 : 101=10/03
Basis 5000.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20252514 Irrigation system 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 58,873.50 3,679.53- 3,679.53- 2,453.02- 1,226.51-
Depreciation - Machineri 266100.6505 1,226.51
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
1,226.51- 58,872.50 1.00 100.0000 %
Depreciation 58872.5/ 48.0 : 101=10/03
Basis 58873.50- 1.00 : 501=01-07
R12855 Al Rashed Holding Company 06/07/2020 7:58:38
Asset Number Description / Account Actual Start Disposal End Year Cost Inception to Date Year to Date Current Balance Adjustments
20101001 Dodge Ram 2008 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 111,000.00 110,999.00-
Depreciation - Vehicles 266100.6502
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
110,999.00 1.00 25.0000 %
Depreciation ((110999.0/ 48.0) * 12.0 ) * 1.000000000 : 102=((10/03) * 49 ) * 50
Basis 111000.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20101002 Toyota Bekab 2011 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 78,000.00 77,999.00-
Depreciation - Vehicles 266100.6502
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
77,999.00 1.00 25.0000 %
Depreciation ((77999.0/ 48.0) * 12.0 ) * 1.000000000 : 102=((10/03) * 49 ) * 50
Basis 78000.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20101003 Ford Crown Victoria 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 96,750.00 96,749.00-
Depreciation - Vehicles 266100.6502
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
96,749.00 1.00 25.0000 %
Depreciation ((96749.0/ 48.0) * 12.0 ) * 1.000000000 : 102=((10/03) * 49 ) * 50
Basis 96750.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20101004 Jet Boat 430 HP 200 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 90,000.00 89,999.00-
Depreciation - Vehicles 266100.6502
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
89,999.00 1.00 25.0000 %
Depreciation ((89999.0/ 48.0) * 12.0 ) * 1.000000000 : 102=((10/03) * 49 ) * 50
Basis 90000.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20101005 Speedester 1800 Boa 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 20,000.00 19,999.00-
Depreciation - Vehicles 266100.6502
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
19,999.00 1.00 25.0000 %
Depreciation ((19999.0/ 48.0) * 12.0 ) * 1.000000000 : 102=((10/03) * 49 ) * 50
Basis 20000.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20101006 Jetski Boat 1995 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 10,000.00 9,999.00-
Depreciation - Vehicles 266100.6502
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
9,999.00 1.00 25.0000 %
Depreciation ((9999.0/ 48.0) * 12.0 ) * 1.000000000 : 102=((10/03) * 49 ) * 50
R12855 Al Rashed Holding Company 06/07/2020 7:58:38
Asset Number Description / Account Actual Start Disposal End Year Cost Inception to Date Year to Date Current Balance Adjustments
Basis 10000.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20101007 Audi A8 2013 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 490,000.00 489,999.00-
Depreciation - Vehicles 266100.6502
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
489,999.00 1.00 25.0000 %
Depreciation ((489999.0/ 48.0) * 12.0 ) * 1.000000000 : 102=((10/03) * 49 ) * 50
Basis 490000.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20101008 BMW 740il 2013 In D 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 383,896.00 383,895.00-
Depreciation - Vehicles 266100.6502
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
383,895.00 1.00 25.0000 %
Depreciation ((383895.0/ 48.0) * 12.0 ) * 1.000000000 : 102=((10/03) * 49 ) * 50
Basis 383896.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20101009 Mercedes G63 AMG 20 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 674,580.00 674,579.00-
Depreciation - Vehicles 266100.6502
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
674,579.00 1.00 25.0000 %
Depreciation ((674579.0/ 48.0) * 12.0 ) * 1.000000000 : 102=((10/03) * 49 ) * 50
Basis 674580.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20101010 Mercedes S500 L 201 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 726,069.87 726,068.87-
Depreciation - Vehicles 266100.6502
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
726,068.87 1.00 25.0000 %
Depreciation ((726068.87/ 48.0) * 12.0 ) * 1.000000000 : 102=((10/03) * 49 ) * 50
Basis 726069.87- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20101011 Cadillac Escalade P 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 367,400.00 367,399.00-
Depreciation - Vehicles 266100.6502
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
367,399.00 1.00 25.0000 %
Depreciation ((367399.0/ 48.0) * 12.0 ) * 1.000000000 : 102=((10/03) * 49 ) * 50
Basis 367400.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20101012 Range Rover 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 665,000.00 664,999.00-
Depreciation - Vehicles 266100.6502
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
664,999.00 1.00 25.0000 %
R12855 Al Rashed Holding Company 06/07/2020 7:58:38
Asset Number Description / Account Actual Start Disposal End Year Cost Inception to Date Year to Date Current Balance Adjustments
Depreciation ((664999.0/ 48.0) * 12.0 ) * 1.000000000 : 102=((10/03) * 49 ) * 50
Basis 665000.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20101013 Toyota 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 93,500.00 93,499.00-
Depreciation - Vehicles 266100.6502
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
93,499.00 1.00 25.0000 %
Depreciation ((93499.0/ 48.0) * 12.0 ) * 1.000000000 : 102=((10/03) * 49 ) * 50
Basis 93500.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
R12855 Al Rashed Holding Company 06/07/2020 7:58:38
Asset Number Description / Account Actual Start Disposal End Year Cost Inception to Date Year to Date Current Balance Adjustments
20101014 Ford GT500-RD13-GAS 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 55,000.00 33,285.07- 1,145.81 2,291.62 1,145.81-
Depreciation - Vehicles 266100.6502 1,145.81
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
1,145.81- 54,999.00 1.00 100.0000 %
Depreciation 54999.0/ 48.0 : 101=10/03
Basis 55000.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20101016 Mitsubishi Pajero 2 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 118,935.00 39,719.34- 2,477.79 4,955.58 2,477.79-
Depreciation - Vehicles 266100.6502 2,477.79
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
2,477.79- 118,934.00 1.00 100.0000 %
Depreciation 118934.0/ 48.0 : 101=10/03
Basis 118935.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20101017 Isuzu D'Max 2019 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 112,625.00 16,552.89- 2,346.34 4,692.67 2,346.33-
Depreciation - Vehicles 266100.6502 2,346.33
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
2,346.33- 112,624.00 1.00 100.0000 %
Depreciation 112624.0/ 48.0 : 101=10/03
Basis 112625.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
R12855 Al Rashed Holding Company 06/07/2020 7:58:38
Asset Number Description / Account Actual Start Disposal End Year Cost Inception to Date Year to Date Current Balance Adjustments
20101015 Mercedes Maybach 20 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2027 1 997,500.00 14,579.04- 8,949.94 10,252.33 1,302.39-
Depreciation - Vehicles 266100.6502 1,302.39
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
1,302.39- 125,029.11 1.00 100.0000 %
Depreciation 125029.109589041/ 96.0 : 101=10/03
Basis (997500.00/ 96.0)*12.0 * (366.0-.00000000)/365.000000 : 105=(10/03)*49 * (16-11)/12
20101018 Mercedes Benz G63 A Error Number: 070T Error Description: Mod. Start Date After Proc. Option Date
R12855 Al Rashed Holding Company 06/07/2020 7:58:38
Asset Number Description / Account Actual Start Disposal End Year Cost Inception to Date Year to Date Current Balance Adjustments
20151501 London Furniture 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 1,855,387.54 1,855,386.54-
Depreciation - Furniture 266100.6503
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
1,855,386.54 1.00 25.0000 %
Depreciation ((1855386.54/ 48.0) * 12.0 ) * 1.000000000 : 102=((10/03) * 49 ) * 50
Basis 1855387.54- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20151503 Villa AZIZIA 7 Furn 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 3,735,780.61 3,735,779.61-
Depreciation - Furniture 266100.6503
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
3,735,779.61 1.00 25.0000 %
Depreciation ((3735779.61/ 48.0) * 12.0 ) * 1.000000000 : 102=((10/03) * 49 ) * 50
Basis 3735780.61- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20151504 Bahrain Villa Furni 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 139,860.00 139,859.00-
Depreciation - Furniture 266100.6503
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
139,859.00 1.00 25.0000 %
Depreciation ((139859.0/ 48.0) * 12.0 ) * 1.000000000 : 102=((10/03) * 49 ) * 50
Basis 139860.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
R12855 Al Rashed Holding Company 06/07/2020 7:58:38
Asset Number Description / Account Actual Start Disposal End Year Cost Inception to Date Year to Date Current Balance Adjustments
20151502 Villa BSF 1 Furnitu 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 68,310.00 44,335.60- 1,423.11 2,846.21 1,423.10-
Depreciation - Furniture 266100.6503 1,423.10
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
1,423.10- 68,309.00 1.00 100.0000 %
Depreciation 68309.0/ 48.0 : 101=10/03
Basis 68310.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20151505 Nakhail Villa Furni 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 4,782,272.49 1,095,937.22- 99,630.65 199,261.31 99,630.66-
Depreciation - Furniture 266100.6503 99,630.66
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
99,630.66- 4,782,271.49 1.00 100.0000 %
Depreciation 4782271.49/ 48.0 : 101=10/03
Basis 4782272.49- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20151506 Dareiya Farm Wood W 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 2,286,642.49 336,078.87- 47,638.37 95,276.73 47,638.36-
Depreciation - Furniture 266100.6503 47,638.36
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
47,638.36- 2,286,641.49 1.00 100.0000 %
Depreciation 2286641.49/ 48.0 : 101=10/03
Basis 2286642.49- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20151507 MV5 Villa Furniture Error Number: 068E Error Description: ** Fiscal Year Setup Error
R12855 Al Rashed Holding Company 06/07/2020 7:58:38
Asset Number Description / Account Actual Start Disposal End Year Cost Inception to Date Year to Date Current Balance Adjustments
20202007 Computer Eng Ahmed 01/03/2020 01/03/2020 29/02/2024 1 4,032.00 83.98- 83.98- 83.98-
Depreciation - Computer 266100.6504 83.98
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
83.98- 4,031.00 1.00 100.0000 %
Depreciation 4031.0/ 48.0 : 101=10/03
Basis 4032.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
R12855 Al Rashed Holding Company 06/07/2020 7:58:38
Asset Number Description / Account Actual Start Disposal End Year Cost Inception to Date Year to Date Current Balance Adjustments
20202001 Printer moawia offi 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 2,015.00 2,014.00-
Depreciation - Computer 266100.6504
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
2,014.00 1.00 25.0000 %
Depreciation ((2014.0/ 48.0) * 12.0 ) * 1.000000000 : 102=((10/03) * 49 ) * 50
Basis 2015.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20202002 Scanner Moawia Offi 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 3,750.00 3,749.00-
Depreciation - Computer 266100.6504
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
3,749.00 1.00 25.0000 %
Depreciation ((3749.0/ 48.0) * 12.0 ) * 1.000000000 : 102=((10/03) * 49 ) * 50
Basis 3750.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20202003 Computer Haya 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 5,030.00 5,029.00-
Depreciation - Computer 266100.6504
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
5,029.00 1.00 25.0000 %
Depreciation ((5029.0/ 48.0) * 12.0 ) * 1.000000000 : 102=((10/03) * 49 ) * 50
Basis 5030.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
R12855 Al Rashed Holding Company 06/07/2020 7:58:38
Asset Number Description / Account Actual Start Disposal End Year Cost Inception to Date Year to Date Current Balance Adjustments
20202004 Transfer Printer mo 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 1,550.00 1,434.03- 11.24- 21.03 32.27-
Depreciation - Computer 266100.6504 32.27
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
32.27- 1,549.00 1.00 100.0000 %
Depreciation 1549.0/ 48.0 : 101=10/03
Basis 1550.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20202005 LAPTOP Moawia Offic 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 7,560.00 2,842.17- 157.48 314.96 157.48-
Depreciation - Computer 266100.6504 157.48
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
157.48- 7,559.00 1.00 100.0000 %
Depreciation 7559.0/ 48.0 : 101=10/03
Basis 7560.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
20202006 LAPTOP Eng Ahmed 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 1 4,515.00 567.60- 94.04 188.08 94.04-
Depreciation - Computer 266100.6504 94.04
Rule 1 Depreciation Basis Lower Limit Upper Limit Salvage Value Annual Multiplier Apportionment
94.04- 4,514.00 1.00 100.0000 %
Depreciation 4514.0/ 48.0 : 101=10/03
Basis 4515.00- 1.00 : 501=01-07
R12855 Al Rashed Holding Company 06/07/2020 7:58:38
Asset Number Description / Account Actual Start Disposal End Year Cost Inception to Date Year to Date Current Balance Adjustments
Company/LT Totals
Accumulated Deprec. Account Amount LT Subl/Type
266000.2105 95,351.94- AA
266000.2120 83.98- AA
266000.2125 30,787.57- AA
266000.2105 304,909.02- AA
266000.2110 7,272.32- AA
266000.2115 148,692.12- AA
266000.2120 283.79- AA
266000.2125 27,459.90- AA
Grand Total: