AnnexurePpart I 1
AnnexurePpart I 1
AnnexurePpart I 1
The Saraswati Kunj Co-Op House Building Society Ltd
Balance Sheet
1-Apr-1982 to 29-Dec-2004 Date:- 02-Aug-2017
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Capital Account 1035000.00 Current Liabilities 2110000.00
Closing Stock .
Cash-in-hand 12551462.37
Profit & Loss A/c 544545549.85
Opening Balance
Current Period 544545549.85 1
NOTE :-The accounts prepared as per available record furnished by the society. Society had not furnished the receipts books,
cash cum day book for the year 1999-2000 and bank statements. The personal accounts of the members segregated with the
photocopies of receipts issued to the members available in the personal files of the members because the names not found
written in the cash book of the society as one membership number given to more than one. Moreover the detail of cheques.
received from the members and in which bank these cheques were deposited is not written in the cash CUM day book. So
Bank Balances, Sundry debtors, Cash in Hand and Land purchased details are not verifiable.
Page i ot
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NOTE:-The accounts prepared as per ovailabie record furnished by tare society. Society = ad not furnished the receip.
books, cash cum day book for the year 1999-2000 and bank statements. The personal z:,,:counts of the members
segregated with the photocopies of receipts issued to the members available it: the pe.-5onal files of the members
becaUse the names not fnunci written in the cash book of the society as one membersh:'p number given to more 1.11
one. Moreover the detail of cheques receiver from the members and in which Dank the.:,; cheques were deposited
not written in the cosh a m day book. So 3ank Balances, Sundry' debtors, Cash )'n Hand Land purchased details
not verifiable.
Page 2_ ct 1
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The SaraswatiKunj Co-Op House Building Society Ltd
Trial Balance
1-Apr-1982 to 29-Dec-2004 Date:- 02-Aug-2017
1:-C 6it Page 1 of 2
The Saraswati Kunj Co-Op firise MdinerSociety Ltd
Trial Balance
1-Apr-1982 to 29-Dee-2004 Date:- 02-Aug-2017
NOTE :-The accounts prepared as per available record furnished by the society. Society had hat
furnished the receipts books, cash cum day book for ,the year 1999-2000 and bank statements. The
personal accounts of the members segregated with the photocopies of receipts issued to the members
available in the personal files of the members because the 40171es not found written in the cash book of
the society as one rnernbership number given to more than one. fi/loreaver the detail of cheques
received from the members and in which bank these cheques were deposited is not written in the cash
cum day book. So Bank Balances, Sundry debtors, Cash in Hand and Land purchased details are not
Page 2 of 2
The Saraswati Kunj Co-Op House Building Society Ltd
P (3) CO
Balance Sheet
1-Apr-1982 to 30-Jun- 985
Trial Balance
1-Jul-1988 to 31-Mar-1989
Trial Balance
1-Apr-1989 to 31 -Mar-1990
Trial Balance
1-Apr-1990 to 31-Mar-1991
Balance Sheet
1-Apr-1992 to 31-Mar-1993
The Saraswati Kunj Co-Op House Building Society Ltd
Trial Balance
1-Apr-1992 to 31-Mar-1993
Trial Balance
1-Apr-1993 to 31-Mar-1994
Trial Balance
1-Apr-1995 to 31-Mar-1396
Trial Balance
1-Apr-1996 to 31-Mar-1997
ed Acc
The Saraswati Kunj Co-Op House Building Society Ltd
Trial Balance
1-Apr-1997 to 31-Mar-1998
Particulars 1-Apr-1998 to 31-Mar-1999 Particulars 1-Apr-1998 to 31-Mar-1999
Trial Balance
1-Apr-1998 to 31-Mar-1999
Carried Over 5,90,45,600.48 Cr 74,80,74,978.40 74,80,7
r-c /