A New European Standard For Biocontamination Control - EN 17141 Will Replace EN ISO 14698 Parts 1 and 2:2003
A New European Standard For Biocontamination Control - EN 17141 Will Replace EN ISO 14698 Parts 1 and 2:2003
A New European Standard For Biocontamination Control - EN 17141 Will Replace EN ISO 14698 Parts 1 and 2:2003
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Roland Durner
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Table 1: Comparison of the existing ISO 14698 parts 1 and 2 with the new EN 17141
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Working Group 5 task list 5. Provide an overview of various 10. Consider the role and practical use
from CEN/TC 243 industries, including food, life sciences of scientific/technical progress,
This was the list of tasks approved in and healthcare, and deciding whether especially the possible application of
the new work item proposal approved classification tables are possible and AMM/RMM measurement methods.
by the TC: appropriate in each case.
1. Retain the relevant parts of the
6. Develop application-related
existing ISO 14698 Parts 1 and 2. The new EN 17141:2020
checklists of relevant topics
The aim of the standard is to provide the
2. Review and limit scope to remove in biocontamination control.
user with guidelines for first establishing
viruses, prions, endotoxins and
7. Improve the structure to make and then demonstrating microbiological
water based biocontamination
it easier to use the standard and control. For this purpose, the normative
control. The use of the term
improve readability. part adopted the Quality Risk
micro-organism in this standard
Management (QRM) approach of the EU
applies ONLY to bacteria, yeast 8. Include how to set Alert and Action
GMP Annex 1,7 which is currently in
and spores/moulds. limits, where appropriate.
consultation. EN 17141 deals exclusively
3. Include implementation of risk 9. Carry out an independent review with monitoring and not classification,
management and control (including and comparison of alternative since today’s methods only allow indirect
ICH QRM 5 and HAACP 6). real-time microbiological measurements of biocontamination.
measurement methods (AMMs) These are carried out using growth-
4. Follow the principle of first
and rapid microbiological based methods, which result in a delay
establishing and then demonstrating
measurement methods (RMMs) between sampling and results. In
microbiological control
and sampling technology. addition, the sensitivity of the
(environmental monitoring).
26 Clean Air and Containment Review | Issue 42 | 2020 Number Two www.cleanairandcontainment.com
measurement is not remarkably high, an effective environmental monitoring as part of a harmonised approach to
since not all viable germs can be program for biocontamination control in contamination control in cleanrooms
propagated by incubation. clean controlled environments. and clean controlled environments.
Large parts of ISO 14698 are still A final bibliography enables easy As part of this alignment the term
relevant according to the working location of further literature on the “Biocontamination control” will be
group. However, it decided to remove various issues. changed to “Microbiological control”
unnecessary parts (or those described A glimpse into the future: rapid and align with other parts of ISO
in other standards). To emphasize and alternative microbiological 14644 which address total particles,
continuity, the term ‘biocontamination methods (RMM/AMMs) micro-organisms, chemicals,
control’ remains in the name, although The working group concluded that nanoparticles and macroparticles
the standard takes into account RMMs and AMMs are not yet mature in air and on surfaces. A new work
micro-organisms, but not viruses, enough to replace conventional growth- item application to this effect will be
endotoxins, prions, or pollen. based microbiological detection submitted to the next plenary meeting
Table 1 gives a headline comparison methods. However, the technology is of ISO/TC 209 in October 2020.
between ISO 14698 Parts 1 and 2 and rapidly evolving and holds the prospect The ISO 14644 series of standards is
EN 17141. of immediate actionable monitoring designed to support a contamination
The different requirements of different results. This view was reflected by control plan that first establishes control
fields of application for biocontamination including Annex F with general and then demonstrates control of
control are a challenge. For example, guidance on implementation and specified contaminants in cleanrooms
microbial steps in the food industry can validation of these technologies. and clean controlled environments. This
be part of a production process, whereas
the complete absence of micro-organisms
in aseptic production is a crucial quality “This document establishes the requirements,
feature. In addition, the new standard
should not be in conflict with existing
recommendations and methodology for microbiological
industry-specific regulations. contamination control in clean controlled environments.”
A lot of consideration was given to
microbiological surface and air sampling
methods and their validation. For What are the next steps? is a central principle of the new EN
example, the d50a number was EN 17141:2020 was adopted by the 17141 and follows on from risk and
introduced as a parameter for the member states on October 3, 2019 with impact assessments.
physical collection efficiency of active air 20 votes in favour, no rejection and 13 Furthermore, it is one of the key
samplers so the results from different abstentions. The amendments tabled, objectives of CEN/TC 243 that EU
active air samplers with the same d50 along with some editorial changes have Directives refer to EN 17141 (or a
number are comparable. now been processed by the CEN central future ISO 14644-??) for guidance
Secretariat. The agreed English version on cleanrooms and clean controlled
Industry-specific checklists of EN 17141 is going through the final environments. The current revision and
facilitate the application translation stage (into German and update of EU Annex 1 GMP guidance
Particular attention was paid to the French) and is expected to come into is an example, where it already refers
informative annexes (listed in Table 1). force in all CEN affiliated countries in to ISO 14644-1 for total airborne
Simple checklists, flowcharts and, in the summer of 2020. particles. A reference to EN 17141
some cases, warning and action limits As part of the standard ISO (or the equivalent ISO 14644-??) for
were compiled based on the current systematic review process, countries microbiological control would be a
state of technology and science. voted unanimously to withdraw (vs welcome scientific addition.
Some applications, such as medical retain or update) the existing ISO 14698
device manufacture, are discussed in Parts 1 and 2:2003. The next step in the References
more detail than those with already ISO process is a formal vote to withdraw 1. ISO 14698-1:2003 Cleanrooms and
well-established regulatory guidance. ISO 14698 Parts 1 and 2:2003. This vote associated controlled environments
The guidance for Medical Devices in is scheduled for some time later in 2020 — Biocontamination control — Part 1:
informative Annex B occupies nearly half and is expected to complete the formal General principles and methods
of the entire informative section. Three withdrawal process of this standard. For
2. ISO 14698-2:2003 Cleanrooms and
examples are given and Table B1 in the Europe, the EN ISO 14698 version will
associated controlled environments
Annex aligns with the corresponding be automatically withdrawn with the
— Biocontamination control — Part 2:
table in EU GMP Annex 1. publication of EN 17141.
Evaluation and interpretation of
With detailed checklists for different It is the intention of CEN/TC 243 to
biocontamination data
areas of application, EN 17141 gives integrate the new EN 17141 standard
informative guidance on how to establish into the ISO 14644 family of standards
a. The physical collection efficiency is the cut-off size (d50 value) which defines the aerodynamic equivalent
particle diameter size at which the sampler collects 50 % of the particles in the air
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