Enterprise 4 Workbook Key
Enterprise 4 Workbook Key
Enterprise 4 Workbook Key
Eht9fğfise Intermediate
Enterprise Intermediate Workbook - Unit 1: People & Jobs
Enterprise Intermediate Workbook - Unit 2: Places /o Visit
14 1. it 3. they 5. he 7. it 5 1. a 2. d 3. e 4. c 5. b
2. it 4. it 6. she 8. we
Speakers’ Corner (p. 11)
persuade persuasion persuasive (Suggested answers)
explain explanation explanatory • A holiday in Swansea has something for
inform information informative everyone. You can go to one of the beaches
investigate investigation investigative where you can swim or sunbathe if the weather
describe description descriptive is good. There are lovely long walks and
communicate communication communicative medieval castles to visit. If it's raining you can go
prevent prevention preventative to the Leisure Centre and swim or play. You can
collect collection collective also go to the theatre, or visit F’lantasia, an
amazing indoor jungle.
(ii) 1. decisive 6. demonstration
2. impressive 7. creative • London is a place for sightseeing. There are
3. appreciation 8. imaginative many old and beautiful buildings to visit as well
4. possession 9. construction as shops,
5. attractive 10. objective clubs, museums and places of historical interest.
Swansea also offers some cultural attractions. On
Enterprise Intermediate Workbook - Unit 2. Places to visit
13 (Suggested answers)
If he buys a car, he'll be able to travel
further. If he travels further, he’ll find more
If he finds more gold, he’ll become a millionaire.
Enterprise Intermediate Workbook - L/nif 5: Festivals I Celebrations
18 (Suggested answers)
Unit 5 • Festivals / Celebrations
I wish I could travel around the world.
I wish I could be my own boss. Reading Comprehension (p. 32)
I wish I could buy a car.
I wish I could live in a big house. Warm-up Activities
19 a. He wishes he had listened to his wife's advice. (Suggested answers)
b. He wishes he hadn’t left his job. • "National Costume".
c. He wishes he hadn’t joined the gang. The text is about different European countries’ tradi-
d. He wishes they/he hadn’t robbed a/the tional dress.
e. He wishes he hadn’t got a 10-year
Enterprise Intermediate Workbook - Unit 5.° Festivals I Celebrations
(Suggested answers)
• The Helston Flora Day is held on May 8th each 9 1. In/Every, of 5. in, with/against
year in the town of Helston in Cornwall to celebrate 2. for, at 6. at
the begin- ning of the summer. In the weeks before, 3. of 7. with
local people prepare by finding their costumes — 4. At, in 8. to
suits for men, and white or floral dresses for the
women — and by
practising a special dance. On the day, the first 10 a) stand on ceremony = behave or act too formally
dance is just after dawn. It takes place in the streets and politely
of the town. There are other dances all through the b) the life and soul of the party = the most
day. It is a very enjoyable celebration for the people amusing person at a social event
of the town and all those who go to watch. c) music to sb’s ears = sth one hears that is very
• The clothes worn by people today are very different d) one’s Sunday best = one’s best clothes
to those worn at the beginning of the century.
Today, a much wider variety of styles is acceptable. 1. their Sunday best
Trousers are regularly worn by women now, 2. music to my/our ears
whereas then it would have been quite shocking. 3. the life and soul of the party
Men’s clothes were similar to the formal suits worn 4. stand on ceremony
today, but casual clothing such as jeans or
sweatshirts were unknown. 11 1. The music festival was attended by many people.
2. Fireworks were set off by the party organisers.
4 (Suggested answers) 3. Caribbean music will be played by several
reg- gae bands.
5 festive (cheery, happy, etc.)
4. A TV star has been hired to open the Battle of
6 bright (glittering, shiny, etc.)
7 loud (noisy)
5. Colour photos of the carnival are being
8 delicious (tasty, etc.)
published by the local newspapers.
9 crowded (full, busy, etc.)
5 1. belief 6. The national anthem was sung at the
2. custom 3. habit beginning of the ceremony.
6 1. celebrate 7. Seats for the parade had to be reserved (by
2. take 4. honour spectators) well in advance.
place 5. held 8. Their house had been decorated with balloons
3. take part 6. mark and streamers.
7 (Suggested answer) Preparations begin about a week before the actual
America’s greatest holiday, Independence Day, day. Red, white and blue flags are hung on public
takes place on the 4th of July. On this day,
Americans celebrate the day in 1776 when the
American colonies declared themselves free from
British rule.
12 1. by, with 3. with,
2. by, with 4. with, by
Enterprise Intermediate Workbook - Unit 6: Eating Had/ts
20 1. no 4. any 7. any
10. any
2. any 5. any 8. some
3. no 6. some 9. no
Unit 7 • Crime
21 1. anything 4. Someone 7. something
2. no 5. any 8. Anybody
3. nowhere 6. nothing Reading Comprehension (p. 46)
Speakers’ Corner (p. 53) 10. Travelling by plane is very safe, but it is
also expensive.
(Suggested answers) Travelling by plane is very safe; however,
a) The Paralympic Games are the Olympic Games it is also expensive.
for the disabled. Mentally and physically 11. My boss is very polite. He is also fair.
disabled athletes take part. My boss is very polite, and in addition he is fair.
12. He had no experience;
b) Four types of Paralympic events are mentioned: however/nevertheless, they gave him the
swimming, basketball, sailing and track and job.
5. need to washing
6. mind for coming Speakers’ Corner (p. 59)
7. so has been my father
8. her to come out (Suggested answers)
• Recycled paper can be used to make birthday cards
16 1. varied 6. importance and cereal boxes as well as hundreds of other
2. stressful 7. activity things. One farmer in the USA even uses it instead
3. relaxing of straw for his cows in their barn. Recycled car
8. increasingly
4. awareness headlights, which are made of plastic can be used
9. involvement
5. growth to make windows which are more difiicult to break
10. willingness
than normal glass ones. Recycled plastic can also
be used to make
17 1. .. has grown out of carpets and rugs. Recycled aluminium cans can be
2. mind my sister borrowing used to make new ones and it is also possible to
3. works in Essex, doesn’t ... make new cars using recycled metal from old
4. regret moving into .../... regret having ones. Old glass bottles can be recycled and used
moved into to make new ones. Recycled glass can also be
5. not many biscuits left mixed with asphalt or cement and used to make
6. needs servicing/needs to be serviced new roads.
7. no intention of telling
8. .. like watch\ing • We could start buying recycled products which will
9. might be given help to conserve natural resources. We could also
10. .. had my car radio stolen use environmentally friendly cleaning products which
11. grows up, he will be ... could help to reduce water pollution. In addition to
this we should try to help reduce air pollution by
using public transport or bicycles instead of private
4 1. planet 5. astronomers
2. galaxy 6. meteors
3. solar 7. comet
Unit 9 • Earth: SOS 4. constellations
3 1. C 3. A 5. C 7. B
2. B 4. D 6. A
9 the salt of the earth = the most dependable/honest
a drop in the ocean = a very small
amount wiped off the face of the earth =
completely destroyed
from all corners of the earth = coming from
every part of the world
live off the fat of the land = live very comfortably
Enterprise Intermediate Workbook - Unit 9: Earth: SOS
13 (Suggested answers)
(i) 1. This is a good example because it gets the
reader’s attention with a rhetorical
2. This is a bad example because it expresses
strong personal opinion.
Enterprise Intermediate Workbook - Unit 10: Education
4. ’II take, get
5. arrives, will have eaten
6. will lose, stick
7. go, will buy
8. miss, will you do
9. watches, shouts
10. will bring, visits
, Enterprise Intermediate Workbook - Unit 11: Entertainment
12 (Suggested answers)
18 1. when 9. the/its
1. Although living on an island might seem like 2. way 10. be
paradise at first, after a few weeks many of us 3. middle 11. all
would be longing for home. Peace and quiet is 4. iS 12. well
lovely now and then, but activity, excitement 5. but 13. example/instance
and human company are also important parts 6. much/far 14. only
of our lives. 7. cannot 15. One
2. It is my opinion that women (or men) should 8. which
be given some kind of government allowance
in payment for their work in the home. In view
of the benefits to children in particular, it would
be money well spent.
3. To conclude, if you want to go exactly where Unit 11 • Entertainment
you want to go, when you want to go, then a
car is your best choice. On the other hand, if
you live in
an area with very heavy traffic, you’d be better
Reading Comprehension (p. 70)
off taking the bus.
4. I think that military service helps a country by Warm-up Activities
increasing the size of the armed forces and
ensuring that all young men receive some (Suggested answer)
useful training. It is, therefore, a practice that • I don’t know much about Sharon Stone, except that
should be continued. she’s a famous actress. I’ve seen one of her films,
The Specialist.
13 A 1.......with a view to discussing
2.......for fear it might • a) F b) T c) F
3. .. so as not to have ..
4. ... denied having lied . 1 1. E 2. A 3. G 4. D 5. B
5. . to prevent burglars (from)
6. . so as not to be 2 (Suggested answers)
7. . is visiting her uncle ... death row = place in prison where prisoners who have
been sentenced to death are kept
B 2. .. tallest tree I've ever . liberating = freeing
3. ... had better .. messing up = making untidy
4. ... takes after .. turn her nose up = show lack of respect for an idea,
5.......had remembered to set person, etc.
6. ... smoking brought on .. the Establishment = group of powerful people who
7.......apologised for interrupting/having control ideas, style, people, etc.
interrupted . rocking = disturbing; shocking
8.......spite of the exam ('s) being try her hand = try to do sth for the first time
9. . must have booked turned all that around = changed the whole situation
10......video tape can be borrowed
Enterprise Intermediate Workbook - Unit 12: Transport
3 1. C 3. D 5. C 8 1. d 2. a 3. c 4. e 5. b
2. A 4. C 6. D
9 1. more, much 3. bit 5. far
much 2. more 4. 6. far
Speakers’ Corner (p. 77)
10 1. than, the, in 4. than
(Suggested answers) 2. the, in, than 5. than, the, of
• Cabin pressure can cause discomfort to the tubes 3. of, than 6. Of, the
in the ears as well as the eardrums. Stitches from
surgery may even burst. 11 1. Lucy is as old as Tom.
2. Her house was not as expensive as mine.
• Nervousness may result in a passenger feeling 3. That dress is as elegant as this one.
breath- less. 4. The bus station is not as close to my house
• Lack of movement: Being still or cramped can lead as the underground station (is).
blood clots in the legs. This can be dangerous if a
blood clot reaches the lungs. 12 1. like, as, 6. as
as 7. like
• When travelling through different time zones, the 2. like, as 8. like
passenger may feel tired and experience jetlag. 3. as, as, 9. as, as
like 10. as, as
• My favourite way of travelling is by train because I 4. as, as,
can like
5. as
relax and watch the scenery outside. 13 1. . is (a) faster (runner) than
• expense - these days it can be expensive to travel 2. . to go out rather than
because travelling by plane is costly, whereas in 3. .. longer the match went on ..
the past means of transport were cheaper, except 4. .. as funny as that
for luxury trains and cruise ships, which were costly 5.......would rather dance than
even back then. 6.......was the least entertaining of
7. . the fastest she can
speed - in modern times, it is much faster to travel 8. ... was much more boring than ...
by plane; there are even trains and ferries which
travel faster than traditional or ordinary trains/boats. 14 1. more 3. the 5. far 7. the
How- ever, in the past it could take days or even 2. 4. 6. very 8. with
weeks to reach a destination which today can be
reached within a few hours. 15 1. b 2. c 3. a
convenience - modern ways of travelling are
16 (Suggested answers)
quicker and easier than traditional ones. For
example, it’s so much easier to travel by jet plane 1. A significant number of people under 18
rather than a steam train. take up smoking each year.
2. 75% of those surveyed say that they eat
4 1. nose 6. tail well and take regular exercise.
2. jet engine 7. fin 3. A large proportion of mothers who work full-
3. wing 8. fuselage time buy ready-made meals.
4. flap 9. cockpit
5. undercarriage 17 (i) Model A is a survey report.
Model B assesses good and bad points.
5 1. warden 6. guard Similar:They are both written in formal
2. conductor 7. cyclists language, they both have a main heading,
3. captain 8. motorists they are both based on some kind of
4. steward 9. mechanic research, and they both have subheadings.
5. pedestrians 10. crew Present tenses are used in both models.
Different: A survey report includes facts and
6 1. for, on 3. On, for generalisations, whereas assessing good and
2. for, to 4. on, for bad points includes positive and negative as-
pects joined with appropriate linking words.
7 1. with, in, in 6. on, for
2. to, in 7. on, for (i) Model B
3. to, on 8. for, for Background: One drawback (2nd line)
4. to, on 9. to, on Features: However (3rd line)
5. on, of 222
10. for, on
(3rd line)
Enter]orise Intermediate WorkL›ook - Unit 1 2: Transport