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Protostome Development Cleavage Patterns Spiral cleavage (see Figure 8.

10 ) occurs in most
protostomes. It differs from radial cleavage in two important ways. Rather than dividing parallel or
perpendicular to the animal-vegetal axis, blastomeres cleave obliquely (approximately 45-degree
angle) to this axis and typically produce quartets of cells that come to lie, not on top of but in the
furrows between cells of the underlying layer. The upper layer of cells appears offset (shifted in a
spiral fashion) from the lower (see Figure 8.10 ). In addition, spirally cleaving blastomeres pack
themselves tightly together much like a group of soap bubbles, rather than just lightly contacting
each other as do many radially cleaving blastomeres (see Figure 8.10 ). Mosaic development
characterizes most protostomes (see Figure 8.10 ). In mosaic development, cell fate is determined
by the distribution of certain proteins and messenger RNAs, called morphogenetic determinants, in
the egg cytoplasm. As cleavage occurs, these morphogenetic determinants are partitioned among
the cells unequally. When a particular blastomere is isolated from the rest of the embryo, it still
forms the characteristic structures decided by the morphogenetic determinants it contains (see
Figure 8.11 ). In the absence of a particular blastomere, the animal lacks those structures normally
formed by that blastomere, so it cannot develop normally. This pattern is called mosaic
development because the embryo seems to be a mosaic of self-differentiating parts. Fate of
Blastopore A protostome (Gr. protos, first, stoma, mouth) is so named because the blastopore
becomes the mouth, and the second, unnamed, opening becomes the anus. Coelom Formation In
protostomes, a mesodermal band of tissue surrounding the gut forms before a coelom is made. If
present, the inner coelomic cavity is made by schizocoely. To form mesoderm, endodermal cells
arise ventrally at the lip of the blastopore (see Figure 8.10 ) and move, via ingression, into the
space between the walls of the archenteron (endoderm) and outer body wall (ectoderm). These
cells divide and deposit new cells, called mesodermal precursors, between the two existing cell
layers (see Figure 8.13C ). The proliferating cells become the mesoderm. Meticulous celllineage
studies by embryologists established that in many organisms with spiral cleavage, for example,
flatworms, snails, and related organisms, these mesodermal precursors arise from one large
blastomere, called the 4d cell, that is present in a 29- to 64-cell embryo. Some protostomes do not
develop a coelom. Flatworms, like Planaria, develop to an early gastrula stage and then form a
mesodermal layer as just described. Mesoderm completely fills the blastocoel and a coelom never
forms (see Figure 9.3). Animals without a coelom are called acoelomate. In other protostomes,
mesoderm lines only one side of the blastocoel, leaving a fluid-filled blastocoel next to the gut (see
Figure 9.3). The fl uid-filled cavity surrounding the gut is called a pseudocoelom (Gr. pseudés, false,
koilos, cavity); it is bordered on the inner edge by the endodermal gut lining, and on the outer edge
by a layer of mesoderm next to the ectoderm. Thus, a pseudocoelom has mesoderm on only one
side, whereas a true coelom is a fluid-filled cavity completely surrounded by mesoderm (see Figure
9.3). Acoelomate and pseudocoelomate body plans are discussed in more detail in Chapter 9. For
coelomate protostomes, like earthworms and snails, the mesodermal layer forms as just described,
and a coelom is made by schizocoely (Gr. schizein, to split, koilos, cavity). A coelom arises, as the
name suggests, when the mesodermal band around the gut splits open centrally (see Figure 8.10 ).
Fluid collects in the coelom. Examples of Protostome Development The protostomes are divided
into two clades. One clade, lophotrochozoan protostomes, contains segmented worms, molluscs
(snails, slugs, clams, octopus and their kin) and several less familiar taxa. The name of this clade
refers to two features present in some members of the group: a horseshoe-shaped whorl of
tentacles called a lophophore (see pp. 324–328), and a trochophore larva (see p. 337).
Lophotrochozoans have the four protostome features described previously (see Figure 8.10 ). They
typically form mesoderm from the embryonic 4d cell. The other clade, ecdysozoan protostomes,
includes arthropods (insects, spiders, crabs, and related organisms), roundworms, and other taxa
which molt the exoskeleton. The name of this clade refers to shedding of the cuticle, ecdysis (Gr.
ekdyo, take off, strip). Variations in Protostome Cleavage Spiral cleavage is typical of protostomes,
but one highly specialized class of molluscs, hic70049_ch08_158-183.indd 169 7/12/07 2:16:53 PM
170 PART TWO Continuity and Evolution of Animal Life cephalopods, has bilateral cleavage like
that of ascidian chordates (see p. 167 and Figure 8.12 ). Octopus, squid, and cuttlefish, among
others, are cephalopods. Many ecdysozoans do not exhibit spiral cleavage; in some, cleavage
appears radial, and in others, such as insects, cleavage is neither spiral nor radial. Centrolecithal
eggs of insects undergo superficial cleavage ( Figure 8.15 ) where the centrally located mass of
yolk restricts cleavage to the cytoplasmic rim of the egg. This pattern is highly unusual because
cytoplasmic cleavage (cytokinesis) does not occur until after many rounds of nuclear division. After
roughly eight rounds of mitosis in the absence of cytoplasmic division (yielding 256 nuclei), the
nuclei migrate to the yolkfree periphery of the egg. A few nuclei at the posterior end of the egg
become surrounded by cytoplasm to form pole cells, which give rise to germ cells of the adult. Next,
the entire egg cell membrane folds inward, partitioning each nucleus into a single cell, and yielding
a layer of cells at the periphery surrounding the mass of yolk ( Figure 8.15 ). Because yolk is an
impediment to cleavage, this pattern avoids cleaving the yolk and instead confines cytoplasmic
division to small regions of yolk-free cytoplasm. Variations in Protostome Gastrulation In most
protostomes, mesodermal cells all derive from the 4d cell (see p. 169). However, in some
nemertean worms (see Figure 8.13C ), mesoderm derives from an earlier blastomere. Mesodermal
origins are difficult to determine in many ecdysozoan protostomes due to the modifi ed pattern of
cleavage. MECHANISMS OF DEVELOPMENT Nuclear Equivalence How does a developing
embryo generate a multitude of cell types of a complete multicellular organism from the starting
point of a single diploid nucleus of a zygote? To many nineteenthcentury embryologists there
seemed only one acceptable answer: as cell division ensued, hereditary material had to be parceled
unequally to daughter cells. In this view, the genome gradually became broken into smaller and
smaller units until finally only the information required to impart the characteristics of a single cell
type remained. This became known as the Roux-Weismann hypothesis, after the two German
embryologists who developed the concept. However, in 1892 Hans Driesch discovered that if he
mechanically shook apart a two-celled sea urchin into separate cells, both half-embryos developed
into normal larvae. Driesch concluded that both cells contained all genetic information of the original
zygote. Still, this experiment did not settle the argument, because many embryologists thought that
even if all cells contained complete genomes, the nuclei might become progressively modified in
some way to dispense with the information not used in forming differentiated cells. The efforts of
Hans Driesch to disrupt egg development are poetically described by Peattie: “Behold Driesch
grinding the eggs of Loeb’s favorite sea urchin up between plates of glass, pounding and breaking
and deforming them in every way. And when he ceased from thus abusing them, they proceeded
with their orderly and normal development. Is any machine conceivable, Driesch asks, which could
thus be torn down . . . have its parts all disarranged and transposed, and still have them act
normally? One cannot imagine it. But of the living egg, fertilized or not, we can say that there lie
latent within it all the potentialities presumed by Aristotle, and all of the sculptor’s dream of form,
yes, and the very power in the sculptor’s arm.” From Peattie, D. C. 1935. An Almanac for Moderns.
New York, G. P. Putnam’s Sons. Around the turn of the century Hans Spemann introduced a new
approach to testing the Roux-Weismann hypothesis. Spemann placed minute ligatures of human
hair around salamander zygotes just as they were about to divide, constricting them until they were
almost, but not quite, separated into two halves. The nucleus lay in one half of the partially divided
zygote; the other side was anucleate, containing only cytoplasm. The zygote then completed its first
cleavage division on the side containing Figure 8.15 Superfi cial cleavage in a Drosophila embryo.
The zygote nucleus at fi rst divides repeatedly in the yolk-rich endoplasm by mitosis without
cytokinesis. After several rounds of mitosis, most nuclei migrate to the surface where they are
separated by cytokinesis into separate cells. Some nuclei migrate to the posterior pole to form the
primordial germ cells, called pole cells. Several nuclei remain in the endoplasm where they will
regulate breakdown of yolk products. The cellular blastoderm stage corresponds to the blastula
stage of other embryos. Cellular blastoderm Pole cells Nuclei hic70049_ch08_158-183.indd 170
7/12/07 2:16:53 PM CHAPTER 8 Principles of Development 171
the nucleus; the anucleate side remained undivided. Eventually, when the nucleated side had
divided into about 16 cells, one of the cleavage nuclei would wander across the narrow cytoplasmic
bridge to the anucleate side. Immediately this side began to divide and developed normally.
Sometimes, however, Spemann observed that the nucleated half of the embryo developed only into
an abnormal ball of “belly” tissue. The explanation, Spemann discovered, depended on the
presence of the gray crescent, a pigment-free area shown in Figure 8.7B . The gray crescent is
required for normal development because it is the precursor of the Spemann organizer discussed in
the opening essay on page 158. Spemann’s experiment demonstrated that every blastomere
contains sufficient genetic information for the development of a complete animal. In 1938 he
suggested another experiment that would demonstrate that even somatic cells of an adult contain a
complete genome. The experiment, which Spemann characterized as being “somewhat fantastical”
at that time, would be to remove the nucleus of an egg cell and replace it with the nucleus from a
somatic cell from a different individual. If all cells contained the same genetic information as a
zygote, then the embryo should develop into an individual that is genetically identical to the animal
from which the nucleus was obtained. It took several decades to solve the technical difficulties, but
the experiment was successfully performed on amphibians, and today it is done in a variety of
mammals. The procedure is now familiarly called cloning. One of the most famous cloned
mammals, Dolly the sheep, got the genetic material in her nuclei from the mammary glands of a six-
year-old ewe. If all nuclei are equivalent, what causes some cells to develop into neurons while
others develop into skeletal muscle? In most animals (excluding insects), there are two major ways
by which cells become committed to particular developmental fates: (1) cytoplasmic partitioning of
determinative molecules during cleavage and (2) interaction with neighboring cells (inductive
interactions). All animals use both of these mechanisms to some extent to specify different cell
types. However, in some animals cytoplasmic specification is dominant, whereas others rely
predominantly on inductive interactions. Cytoplasmic Specifi cation A fertilized egg contains
cytoplasmic components that are unequally distributed within the egg. These different cytoplasmic
components are thought to contain morphogenetic determinants that control commitment of a cell to
a particular cell type. These morphogenetic determinants are partitioned among different
blastomeres as a result of cleavage, and the developmental fate of each cell becomes specified by
the type of cytoplasm it acquires during development (see mosaic development, p. 169). This
process is especially striking (and easily visualized) in some tunicate species in which the fertilized
egg contains as many as five differently colored types of cytoplasm (see Figure 8.12 ). These
differently pigmented cytoplasms are segregated into different blastomeres, which then proceed to
form distinct tissues or organs. For example, yellow cytoplasm gives rise to muscle cells while gray
equatorial cytoplasm produces notochord and neural tube. Clear cytoplasm produces larval
epidermis and gray vegetal cytoplasm gives rise to the gut. Embryonic Induction Induction, the
capacity of some cells to evoke a specific developmental response in others, is a widespread
phenomenon in development. The classic experiments, cited in the opening essay on page 158,
were reported by Hans Spemann and Hilde Mangold in 1924. When a piece of dorsal blastopore lip
from a salamander gastrula was transplanted into a ventral or lateral position of another salamander
gastrula, it invaginated and developed a notochord and somites. It also induced the host ectoderm
to form a neural tube. Eventually a whole system of organs developed where the graft was placed,
and then grew into a nearly complete secondary embryo ( Figure 8.16 ). This creature was
composed partly of grafted tissue and partly of induced host tissue. It was soon found that only
grafts from the dorsal lip of the blastopore were capable of inducing the formation of a complete or
nearly complete secondary embryo. This area corresponds to the presumptive areas of notochord,
somites, and prechordal plate (see p. 500). It was also found that only ectoderm of the host would
develop a nervous system in the graft and that the reactive ability was greatest at the early gastrula
stage and declined as the recipient embryo got older. Spemann designated the dorsal lip area the
primary organizer because it was the only tissue capable of inducing the Figure 8.16 The Spemann-
Mangold primary organizer experiment. Discarded mesoderm opposite dorsal lip Donor mesoderm
from dorsal lip Dorsal lip Primary neural fold Secondary neural development Primary notochord and
neural development Secondary notochord and neural development hic70049_ch08_158-183.indd
171 7/12/07 2:16:54 PM 172 PART TWO Continuity and Evolution of Animal Life development of a
secondary embryo in the host. It is now often called the Spemann organizer. Spemann also termed
this inductive event primary induction because he considered it the fi rst inductive event in
development. Subsequent studies showed that many other cell types originate by later inductive
interactions, a process called secondary induction. Usually cells that have differentiated act as
inductors for adjacent undifferentiated cells. Timing is important. Once a primary inductor sets in
motion a specific developmental pattern in some cells, numerous secondary inductions follow. What
emerges is a sequential pattern of development involving not only inductions but cell movement,
changes in adhesive properties of cells, and cell proliferation. There is no “hard-wired” master
control panel directing development, but rather a sequence of local patterns in which one step in
development is a subunit of another. In showing that each step in the developmental hierarchy is a
necessary preliminary for the next, Hans Spemann’s induction experiments were among the most
significant events in experimental embryology. GENE EXPRESSION DURING DEVELOPMENT
Since every cell with few exceptions receives the same genetic material, cytoplasmic specification
and induction must involve the activation of different combinations of genes in different cells.
Understanding development is therefore ultimately a problem of understanding the genetics
involved. It is not surprising that developmental genetics was first studied in the geneticists’ favorite
model organism, the fruit fly Drosophila. These studies have been repeated in several other model
animals, such as the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans, zebra fish Danio rerio, frog Xenopus
laevis, chick Gallus gallus, and mouse Mus musculus. This research suggests that epigenesis
proceeds in three general stages: pattern formation, determination of position in the body, and
induction of limbs and organs appropriate for that position. Each stage is guided by gradients of
gene products that function as morphogens. Pattern Formation The first step in organizing
development of an embryo is pattern formation: determination of the front-to-rear (anteroposterior),
left-to-right, and back-to-front (dorsoventral) axes. As Spemann demonstrated in salamanders, the
anteroposterior axis of the embryo is determined by the Spemann organizer, located in the gray
crescent of a zygote. In Drosophila the anteroposterior axis is determined even before an egg is
fertilized. Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard and her colleagues in Germany found that this determination
is due to a gradient of mRNA that is secreted into the egg by nurse cells in the mother. The end of
the egg that receives the highest level of this mRNA is fated to become the anterior of the embryo
and eventually of the adult. The mRNA is transcribed from a gene called bicoid (pronounced BICK-
oyd) in the nurse cells. After an egg is fertilized, bicoid mRNA is translated into a protein morphogen
called bicoid (not italicized) that binds to certain other genes. The products of these genes in turn
activate others in a cascade that ultimately causes the production of an anteroposterior gradient.
Bicoid is one of about 30 maternal genes that control pattern formation in an embryo. Some of
these determine the dorsoventral axis. The gene short gastrulation leads to development of ventral
structures, such as the nerve cord. One of the most exciting discoveries in developmental genetics
has been that the developmental genes of vertebrates and many other animals are similar to those
of Drosophila; they are conserved over a wide range of animals. A gene similar to bicoid is also
important in pattern formation in vertebrates. In vertebrates, however, the gene, called Pitx2,
determines positioning of certain internal organs to either the left or right side of the body. Mutations
in Pitx2 in frogs, chicks, and mice can place the heart and stomach on the right instead of the left
side. Such mutations may explain a reversal of organ position that sometimes occurs in humans.
Pitx2 is in turn activated by a protein produced by the gene sonic hedgehog (Shh), which is similar
to a Drosophila gene called hedgehog. (The name hedgehog refers to the bristly appearance of fruit
flies lacking the gene. The “sonic” comes from the video-game character Sonic the Hedgehog.) In
vertebrates, sonic hedgehog is active in the left side only at the anterior end of the primitive streak
(see Figure 8.13 ). Short gastrulation also has a counterpart in vertebrates—the gene chordin,
which produces one of the proteins from the Spemann organizer. In Drosophila, as well as other
arthropods, annelid worms, chordates, and a few other groups, one important aspect of pattern
formation along the anteroposterior axis is segmentation, also called metamerism. Segmentation is
a division of the body into discrete segments or metameres (see Fig 9.6, p. 195). The segments are
identical early in development, but later activation of different combinations of genes causes each
segment to form different structures. For example, the anterior segment of insect embryos will form
antennae, eyes, and mouthparts, while segments farther back will form legs. Segments are obvious
in insects, but in fishes segmentation is apparent only in somites that produce such structures as
vertebrae and repeated muscle bands (myomeres) (see Figure 24.24, p. 531). In Drosophila the
number and orientation of segments is controlled by segmentation genes. There are three classes
of segmentation genes: gap, pair-rule, and segment-polarity. Gap genes are activated first and
divide an embryo into regions such as head, thorax, and abdomen. Pair-rule genes divide these
regions into segments. Finally, segment-polarity genes, such as hedgehog, organize the anterior-to-
posterior structures within each segment. Homeotic and Hox Genes Segmentation genes
apparently regulate expression of other genes, ensuring that they are active only in appropriate
segments. Such segment-specific genes are called homeotic genes. Mutations in homeotic genes,
called homeotic mutations, place appendages or other structures in the wrong part of the body. For
example, in Drosophila the homeotic gene Antennapedia, hic70049_ch08_158-183.indd 172
7/30/07 10:37:48 AM CHAPTER 8 Principles of Development 173
which helps trigger development of legs, is normally active only in the thorax. If the Antennapedia
gene is activated by a homeotic mutation in the head of a maggot, the adult will have legs in place
of antennae ( Figure 8.17 ). Antennapedia and some other homeotic genes, as well as many other
genes involved in development, include a sequence of 180 DNA base pairs, called the homeobox.
The homeobox produces the part of a protein that attaches to the DNA of other genes, activating or
blocking their expression. Several other homeotic and nonhomeotic genes that are clustered close
to Antennapedia on the same chromosome in Drosophila also include a homeobox. Genes in this
cluster are called Hom genes. Hom genes do not encode specific limbs and organs. Instead, they
function by specifying the location in the body along the anteroposterior axis. Intriguingly, the order
of the Hom genes within the cluster on the chromosome is the same as the order in which they are
expressed along the length of the body ( Figure 8.18 ). One of the most exciting discoveries of the
late twentieth century was that genes similar to Hom genes of Drosophila occur in other insects, as
well as in chordates and unsegmented animals such as hydra and nematode worms. They also
occur in plants and yeasts, and perhaps in all eukaryotes. These genes in organisms other than
Drosophila were called Hox genes, but now all such genes are usually called Hox genes. Most Hox
genes occur in a cluster on one chromosome. Mammals have four clusters, each on a different
chromosome, with from 9 to 11 Hox genes each. As in Drosophia, the sequence of Hox genes
within a cluster is the same as the front-to-rear order in which they are expressed in the body.
Morphogenesis of Limbs and Organs Hox and other homeobox genes also play a role in shaping
individual organs and limbs. As shown in Figures 8.18 and 8.19 , for example, regions of the brain
and identity of somites are specified by particular Hox and homeobox genes. Many other
developmental genes that are also involved in pattern formation for the entire body also help shape
individual limbs and organs by producing gradients of morphogens. One example, which has been
studied by Cheryll Tickle and her coworkers at University College in London, is formation and
development of limb buds in chicks. They have found that a new limb bud can be induced to grow
from the side of a chick by implanting a bead soaked in fibroblast growth factor (FGF). This result
implies that limbs are normally induced to develop by activation of the gene for FGF in appropriate
parts of the body. Whether the limb bud develops into a wing or a leg depends on whether the FGF
is applied toward the front or the rear of the chick. Figure 8.17 Head of a fruit fl y with a pair of legs
growing out of head sockets where antennae normally grow. The Antennapedia homeotic gene
normally specifi es the second thoracic segment (with legs), but the dominant mutation of this gene
leads to this bizarre phenotype. Figure 8.18 Homology of Hox genes in insects and mammals.
These genes in both insects (fruit fl y) and mammals (mouse) control the subdivision of the embryo
into regions of different developmental fates along the anterior-posterior axis. The homeobox-
containing genes lie on a single chromosome of the fruit fl y and on four separate chromosomes in
the mouse. Clearly defi ned homologies between the two, and the parts of the body in which they
are expressed, are shown in color. The open boxes denote areas where it is diffi cult to identify
specifi c homologies between the two. The Hox genes shown here are only a small subset of all the
homeobox genes. Fruit fly Fruit fly embryo Mouse embryo Mouse Fly chromosome Mouse
chromosomes Anterior end 3′ Posterior end 5′ Hox A Hox B Hox C Hox D lab pb Dfd Scr Antp Ubx
Abd-B hic70049_ch08_158-183.indd 173 7/12/07 2:16:55 PM 174 PART TWO Continuity and
Evolution of Animal Life FGF also plays a role in shaping the limb. It is secreted by cells in an apical
ectodermal ridge at the end of the limb bud. FGF acts as a morphogen that forms a gradient from
the apical ectodermal ridge to the base of a limb bud. This gradient helps establish a proximodistal
axis—one of three axes that guide development of a limb ( Figure 8.20 ). Fingers or toes develop at
the end of the proximodistal axis with the highest level of FGF. An anteroposterior axis is
established by a gradient of sonic hedgehog and ensures that fingers or toes develop in the
appropriate order. Finally, Wnt7a, a protein produced by a gene that is similar to the segment-
polarity gene wingless in Drosophila, helps determine the dorsoventral axis. Wnt7a makes the
dorsal side of the wing or foot different from the ventral side. Evolutionary Developmental Biology
Zoologists have always looked to embryology for clues to the evolutionary history, or phylogeny, of
animals. Developmental features such as the number of germ layers and the fate of the blastopore
do suggest evolutionary relationships among different phyla. Advances in development genetics,
such as those just described in the previous section, have made the relationship between
development and evolution even closer and have given rise to an exciting new field called
evolutionary Figure 8.19 How the inhibition of a homeodomain regulatory protein alters normal
development of the central nervous system of a frog tadpole. When the protein (encoded by a
homeobox DNA sequence known as X1Hbox 1) was inactivated by antibodies directed against it,
the area that should have become anterior spinal cord transformed into hindbrain instead. Control
tadpole Tadpole injected with antibodies to X1Hbox 1 protein Anterior spinal cord Hindbrain
(expresses X1Hbox 1) Figure 8.20 Morphogenesis in a vertebrate limb bud. The skeleton of a
mature chicken limb is shown for orientation. Three axes are established in the limb bud: a
proximal-distal axis by fi broblast growth factor (FGF) from the apical ectodermal ridge; an anterior-
posterior axis by sonic hedgehog protein from the zone of polarizing activity; and a dorsal-ventral
axis by Wnt7a protein from dorsal ectoderm. Ventral Anterior Proximal Dorsal Posterior Distal Zone
of polarizing activity Apical ectodermal ridge Dorsal ectoderm Limb bud Developing chick wing
hic70049_ch08_158-183.indd 174 7/12/07 2:16:57 PM CHAPTER
8 Principles of Development 175 developmental biology. Evolutionary developmental biology, often
nicknamed evo-devo, is based on a realization that evolution is essentially a process in which
organisms become different as a result of changes in the genetic control of development. The fact
that the genes that control development are similar in animals as different as fruit flies and mice
offers hope that we can reconstruct the evolutionary history of animals by understanding how
functioning of those genes came to differ. Evolutionary developmental biology has already
contributed several exciting concepts to our thinking about animal evolution, but the field is so new
that it would be premature to accept these concepts as established. It is best to state them as
questions for further study. Are the body plans of all bilaterally symmetric animals fundamentally
similar? As noted on page 172, chordin, one of the genes responsible for development of the
nervous system in the dorsal part of a frog, is similar to short gastrulation, which is necessary for
development of the ventral nerve cord in Drosophila. In addition, the gene decapentaplegic
promotes dorsal development in Drosophila, and the similar gene bone morphogenetic protein-4
promotes ventral development in frogs. In other words, insects and amphibians, whose body plans
look so different, actually share a similar control of dorsoventral patterning, except that one is
upside down compared with the other. This finding has prompted a reappraisal of an idea first
proposed by the French naturalist Etienne Geoffroy St. Hilaire in 1822 after he noticed that in a
dissected lobster on its back the nerve cord was above the gut, and the heart was below it, as in a
vertebrate in its normal position. The idea that a vertebrate is like an inverted invertebrate was
quickly rejected, but now biologists are once more considering whether the body plans of
protostomes and deuterostomes are simply inverted relative to each other. Can the anatomy of
extinct ancestral species be inferred from the developmental genes shared by their descendants?
The fact that dorsoventral patterning is similar in protostomes and deuterostomes suggests that the
most recent common ancestor of these two branches had a similar dorsoventral patterning with a
heart and nervous system separated by the gut. One can also infer from the similarity in Hom/ Hox
clusters in insects and chordates that the most recent common ancestor of protostomes and
deuterostomes may have been segmented and that its segments differentiated by similar genes. It
may also have had at least rudimentary eyes, judging from the fact that similar genes, eyeless/Pax-
6, are involved in eye formation in a wide range of both protostomes and deuterostomes. Instead of
evolution proceeding by the gradual accumulation of numerous small mutations, could it proceed by
relatively few mutations in a few developmental genes? The fact that formation of legs or eyes can
be induced by a mutation in one gene suggests that these and other organs develop as modules
(see p. 173). If so, then entire limbs and organs could have been lost or acquired during evolution
as a result of one or a few mutations, which would challenge Darwin’s theory of gradualism (p. 121).
If this is correct, then the apparently rapid evolution of numerous groups of animals during the few
million years of the Cambrian explosion and at other times is more easily explained. Instead of
requiring mutations in numerous genes, each with a small effect, evolution of different groups could
be a result of changes in timing, number, or expression of relatively few developmental genes.
VERTEBRATE DEVELOPMENT The Common Vertebrate Heritage A prominent outcome of shared
ancestry of vertebrates is their common pattern of development. This common pattern is best seen
in the remarkable similarity of postgastrula vertebrate embryos ( Figure 8.21 ). The likeness occurs
at a brief moment in the development of vertebrates when shared chordate hallmarks of dorsal
neural tube, notochord, pharyngeal gill pouches with aortic arches, ventral heart, and postanal tail
are present at about the same stage of development. Their moment of similarity—when the
embryos seem almost interchangeable—is all the more extraordinary considering the great variety
of eggs and widely different types of early development that have converged toward a common
design. Then, as development continues, the embryos diverge in pace and direction, becoming
recognizable as members of their class, then their order, then family, and finally their species. The
important contribution of early vertebrate development to our understanding of homology and
evolutionary common descent is described in Chapter 6 in the section on Ontogeny, Phylogeny,
and Recapitulation, page 116. Amniotes and the Amniotic Egg Reptiles, birds, and mammals form a
monophyletic grouping of vertebrates called amniotes, so named because their embryos develop
within a membranous sac, the amnion. The amnion is one of four extraembryonic membranes that
compose a sophisticated support system within the amniotic egg ( Figure 8.22 ), which evolved
when the first amniotes appeared in the late Paleozoic era. The amnion is a fluid-filled sac that
encloses the embryo and provides an aqueous environment in which the embryo fl oats, protected
from mechanical shock and adhesions. Evolution of the second extraembryonic membrane, the yolk
sac, actually predates appearance of amniotes many millions of years. The yolk sac with its
enclosed yolk is a conspicuous feature of all fish embryos. After hatching, a growing fish larva
depends on the remaining yolk provisions to sustain it until it can begin to feed itself ( Figure 8.23 ).
The yolk sac functions differently in animals that give live birth. In many viviparous vertebrates from
diverse groups, the yolk sac becomes vascular and intimately associated with the mother’s
reproductive tract, allowing transfer of nutrients and respiratory gases hic70049_ch08_158-183.indd
175 7/30/07 10:37:52 AM 176 PART TWO Continuity and Evolution of Animal Life Figure 8.21 Early
vertebrate embryos drawn from photographs. Embryos as diverse as fi sh, salamander, tortoise,
bird, and human show remarkable similarity following gastrulation. At this stage (top row) they
reveal features common to the entire subphylum Vertebrata. As development proceeds they
diverge, each becoming increasingly recognizable as belonging to a specifi c class, order, family,
and fi nally, species. FISH SALAMANDER TORTOISE CHICK HUMAN between mother and fetus.
Thus, a yolk sac placenta is formed. The mass of yolk is an extraembryonic structure because it is
not a part of the embryo proper, and the yolk sac is an extraembryonic membrane because it is an
accessory structure that develops outside the embryo and is discarded after the yolk is consumed.
The allantois is a sac that grows out of the hindgut and serves as a repository for metabolic wastes
during development. It also functions as a respiratory surface for exchange of oxygen and carbon
dioxide. The chorion lies just beneath the eggshell and completely encloses the rest of the
embryonic system. As the embryo grows and its need for oxygen increases, the allantois and
chorion fuse to form the chorioallantoic membrane. This double membrane has a rich vascular
network connected to the embryonic circulation. Figure 8.22 Amniotic egg at an early stage of
development showing a chick embryo and its extraembryonic membranes. Yolk sac Allantois
Embryo Shell Shell membrane Amnion Chorion hic70049_ch08_158-183.indd 176 7/12/07 2:16:59
PM CHAPTER 8 Principles of Development 177 Lying just beneath
the porous shell, the vascular chorioallantois serves as a provisional “lung” across which oxygen
and carbon dioxide can freely exchange. Thus an amniotic egg provides a complete life-support
system for the embryo, enclosed by a tough outer shell. The amniotic egg is one of the most
important adaptations to have evolved in vertebrates. The evolution of a shelled amniotic egg made
internal fertilization a reproductive requirement. A male must introduce sperm directly into the
female reproductive tract, since sperm must reach and fertilize the egg before the eggshell is
wrapped around it. The Mammalian Placenta and Early Mammalian Development Rather than
developing within an eggshell like most other vertebrates most mammalian embryos evolved the
strategy of developing within the mother’s body. We have already seen that mammalian gastrulation
closely parallels that of egg-laying amniotes. The earliest mammals were egg layers, and even
today some mammals retain this primitive character; monotremes (duck-billed platypus and spiny
anteater) lay large yolky eggs that closely resemble bird eggs. In marsupials (pouched mammals
such as opossums and kangaroos), embryos develop for a time within the mother’s uterus, but an
embryo does not “take root” in the uterine wall, and consequently it receives little nourishment from
the mother before birth. The young of marsupials are born at an early stage of development and
continue developing sheltered in a pouch in the mother’s abdominal wall, nourished with milk
(reproduction in marsupials is described on pp. 628–629). All other mammals, composing 94% of
class Mammalia, are placental mammals. These mammals have evolved a placenta, a remarkable
fetal structure through which an embryo is nourished. Evolution of this fetal organ required
substantial restructuring, not only of extraembryonic membranes to form the placenta but also of the
maternal oviduct, part of which had to expand into long-term housing for embryos, the uterus.
Despite these modifications, development of extraembryonic membranes in placental mammals is
remarkably similar to their development in egg-laying amniotes (compare Figures 8.22 and 8.24 ).
In fact, for some nonmammalian vertebrates that give live birth, the extraembryonic membranes
form a placenta. Some viviparous lizards and snakes have either a yolk sac placenta or a
chorioallantoic placenta or both. One of the most intriguing questions the placenta presents is, why
is it not immunologically rejected by the mother? Both placenta and embryo are genetically alien to
the mother because they contain proteins (called major histocompatibility proteins, p. 775) that differ
from those of the mother. We would expect uterine tissues to reject the embryo just as the mother
would reject an organ transplanted from her own child. The placenta is a uniquely successful
foreign transplant, or allograft, because it has evolved measures for suppressing the immune
response that normally would be mounted against it and the fetus by the mother. Experiments
suggest that the chorion produces proteins and lymphocytes that block the normal immune
response by suppressing formation of specifi c antibodies by the mother. Early stages of
mammalian cleavage, shown in Figure 8.13E , occur while a blastocyst is traveling down the oviduct
toward the uterus, propelled by ciliary action and muscular peristalsis. When a human blastocyst is
about six Figure 8.23 Fish larvae showing yolk sac. A, The one-day-old larva of a marine fl ounder
has a large yolk sac. B, After 10 days of growth the larva has developed mouth, sensory organs,
and a primitive digestive tract. With its yolk supply now exhausted, it must capture food to grow and
survive. A B Yolk sac filled with yolk Figure 8.24 Generalized diagram of extraembryonic
membranes of a mammal, showing how their development parallels that of a chick (compare with
Figure 8.22). Most extraembryonic membranes of mammals have been redirected to new functions.
Allantoic mesoderm Allantois Future umbilical cord Yolk sac Chorion Villi Amniotic cavity Amnion
Extraembryonic coelom hic70049_ch08_158-183.indd 177 7/12/07 2:17:05 PM 178 PART TWO
Continuity and Evolution of Animal Life days old and composed of about 100 cells, it contacts the
uterine endometrium (uterine lining) ( Figure 8.25 ). On contact, the trophoblast cells proliferate
rapidly and produce enzymes that break down the epithelium of the uterine endometrium. These
changes allow the blastocyst to implant in the endometrium. By the eleventh or twelfth day the
blastocyst is completely buried and surrounded by a pool of maternal blood. The trophoblast
thickens, sending out thousands of tiny, fingerlike projections, the chorionic villi. These projections
sink like roots into the uterine endometrium after the embryo implants. As development proceeds
and embryonic demands for nutrients and gas exchange increase, the great proliferation of
chorionic villi vastly increases the total surface area of the placenta. Although a human placenta at
term measures only 18 cm (7 inches) across, its total absorbing surface is approximately 13 square
meters—50 times the surface area of the skin of the newborn infant. Since a mammalian embryo is
protected and nourished through the placenta rather than with stored yolk, what happens to the four
extraembryonic membranes it has inherited from early amniotes? The amnion remains unchanged,
a protective water jacket in which the embryo floats. A fluid-filled yolk sac is also retained, although
it contains no yolk. It has acquired a new function: during early development it is the source of stem
cells that give rise to blood, lymphoid cells, and gametes. These stem cells later migrate into the
developing embryo. In organisms such as racoons and mice, a heavily vascularized yolk sac
implants in the uterus, along with the typical placenta. The two remaining extraembryonic
membranes, allantois and the chorion, are recommitted to new functions. The allantois is no longer
needed for storage of metabolic wastes. Instead it contributes to the umbilical cord, which links the
embryo physically and functionally with the placenta. The chorion, the outermost membrane, forms
most of the placenta itself. The rest of the placenta is formed by the adjacent uterine endometrium.
The embryo grows rapidly, and in humans all major organs of the body have begun their formation
by the end of the fourth week of development. The embryo is now about 5 mm in length and weighs
approximately 0.02 g. During the first two weeks of development (germinal period) the embryo is
quite resistant to outside influences. However, during the next eight weeks, when all major organs
are being established and body shape is forming (embryonic period), an embryo is more sensitive
to disturbances that might cause malformations (such as exposure to alcohol or drugs taken by the
mother) than at any other time in its development. The embryo becomes a fetus at approximately
two months after fertilization. This ushers in the fetal period, which is primarily a growth phase,
although organ systems (especially the nervous and endocrine systems) continue to differentiate.
The fetus grows from approximately 28 mm and 2.7 g at 60 days to approximately 350 mm and
3000 g at term (nine months). Figure 8.25 Early development of the human embryo and its
extraembryonic membranes. Inner cell mass Trophoblast Blastocoel 1 week 10 days 5 weeks 4
weeks 2 weeks Placenta Amniotic sac Embryo Endometrium Myometrium Trophoblast Amniotic
cavity Embryo Amniotic cavity Early chorionic villi Yolk sac Chorion Implanted embryo Uterine cavity
Cervix Hypoblast Epiblast Uterine endometrium hic70049_ch08_158-183.indd 178 7/12/07 2:17:06
PM CHAPTER 8 Principles of Development 179 DEVELOPMENT
OF SYSTEMS AND ORGANS During vertebrate gastrulation the three germ layers are formed.
These differentiate, as we have seen, first into primordial cell masses and then into specific organs
and tissues. During this process, cells become increasingly committed to specific directions of
differentiation. Derivatives of the three germ layers are diagrammed in Figure 8.26 . Assignment of
early embryonic layers to specifi c “germ layers” (not to be confused with “germ cells,” which are the
eggs and sperm) is for the convenience of embryologists and is of no concern to the embryo.
Whereas the three germ layers normally differentiate to form the tissue and organs described here,
it is not the germ layer itself that determines differentiation, but rather the precise position of an
embryonic cell with relation to other cells. Derivatives of Ectoderm: Nervous System and Nerve
Growth The brain, spinal cord, and nearly all outer epithelial structures of the body develop from
primitive ectoderm. They are among the earliest organs to appear. Just above the notochord, the
ectoderm thickens to form a neural plate. The edges of this plate rise up, fold, and join together at
the top to create an elongated, hollow neural tube. The neural tube gives rise to most of the nervous
system: anteriorly it enlarges and differentiates into the brain and cranial nerves; posteriorly it forms
the spinal cord and spinal motor nerves. Much of the rest of the peripheral nervous system is
derived from neural crest cells, which pinch off from the neural tube before it closes ( Figure 8.27 ).
Among the multitude of different cell types and structures that originate with the neural crest are
portions of the cranial nerves, pigment cells, cartilage and bone of most of the skull (including jaws),
ganglia of the autonomic nervous Figure 8.26 Derivatives of the primary germ layers in mammals.
endoderm from extraembryonic membranes Cleavage • Neural tube Brain, spinal cord, motor
nerves • Neural crest Sensory ganglia and nerves, adrenal medulla, sympathetic ganglia, skull, gill
arches, dentine of teeth • Outer epithelium of body and derivatives Hair, nails, epithelial glands,
lining of mouth, enamel of teeth, lens of eye, inner ear, nasal and olfactory epithelium • Epithelium
of respiratory tract • Epithelium of the gut • Pharynx Pharyngeal pouches, thyroid, parathyroid •
Liver, pancreas • Inner lining of urinary bladder • Smooth muscle and connective tissue of digestive
tract • Notochord • Lining of thoracic and abdominal cavities • Circulatory system Blood, bone
marrow, endothelium of blood vessels, lymphatics • Somites Skeletal muscle, bone and cartilage of
skeleton (except skull), dermis, connective tissues • Organs of urogenital system Ureter, kidney,
gonads, reproductive ducts hic70049_ch08_158-183.indd 179 7/12/07 2:17:08 PM 180 PART TWO
Continuity and Evolution of Animal Life system, medulla of the adrenal gland, and contributions to
several other endocrine glands. Neural crest tissue is unique to vertebrates and was probably of
prime importance in evolution of the vertebrate head and jaws. How are the billions of nerve axons
in the body formed? What directs their growth? Biologists were intrigued with these questions,
which seemed to have no easy solutions. Because a single nerve axon may be more than a meter
in length (for example, motor nerves running from the spinal cord to the toes), it seemed impossible
that a single cell could reach out so far. The answer had to await the development of one of the
most powerful tools available to biologists, the cell culture technique. In 1907 embryologist Ross G.
Harrison discovered that he could culture living neuroblasts (embryonic nerve cells) for weeks
outside the body by placing them in a drop of frog lymph hung from the underside of a cover slip.
Watching nerves grow for periods of days, he saw that each axon was an outgrowth of a single cell.
As the axon extended outward, materials for growth flowed down the axon center to the growing tip
(growth cone) where they were incorporated into new protoplasm ( Figure 8.28 ). The second
question—what directs nerve growth—has taken longer to unravel. An idea held well into the 1940s
was that nerve growth is a random, diffuse process. A major hypothesis proposed that the nervous
system developed as an equipotential network, or blank slate, that later would be shaped by usage
into a functional system. The nervous system just seemed too incredibly complex for us to imagine
that nerve fibers could find their way selectively to so many predetermined destinations, yet it
appears that this is exactly what they do! Research with invertebrate nervous systems indicated that
each of the billions of nerve cell axons acquires a distinct identity that somehow directs it along a
specific pathway to its destination. Many years ago Harrison observed that a growing nerve axon
terminated in a growth cone, from which extend numerous tiny threadlike pseudopodial processes
(filopodia) ( Figure 8.28 ). Research has shown that the growth cone is steered by an array of
guidance molecules secreted along the pathway and by the axon’s target. This chemical guidance
system, which must, of course, be genetically directed, is just one example of the amazing flexibility
that characterizes the entire process of differentiation. Figure 8.27 Development of neural tube and
neural crest cells from neural plate ectoderm. Neural plate Neural plate Neural fold Neural crest
Neural crest Neural tube Epidermis Figure 8.28 Growth cone at the growing tip of a nerve axon.
Materials for growth fl ow down the axon to the growth cone from which numerous threadlike fi
lopodia extend. These serve as a pioneering guidance system for the developing axon. Direction of
growth is shown by arrows. hic70049_ch08_158-183.indd 180 7/12/07 2:17:09 PM CHAPTER 8 Principles of Development 181 The tissue culture
technique developed by Ross G. Harrison is now used extensively by scientists in all fi elds of
active biomedical research, not just by developmental biologists. The great impact of the technique
has been felt only in recent years. Harrison was twice considered for the Nobel Prize (1917 and
1933), but he failed ever to receive the award because, ironically, the tissue culture method was
then considered “of rather limited value.” Derivatives of Endoderm: Digestive Tube and Survival of
Gill Arches In frog embryos the primitive gut makes its appearance during gastrulation with the
formation of the archenteron. From this simple endodermal cavity develop the lining of the digestive
tract, lining of the pharynx and lungs, most of the liver and pancreas, the thyroid and parathyroid
glands, and the thymus (see Figure 8.26 ). In other vertebrates the alimentary canal develops from
the primitive gut and is folded off from the yolk sac by growth and folding of the body wall ( Figure
8.29 ). The ends of the tube open to the exterior and are lined with ectoderm, whereas the rest of
the tube is lined with endoderm. Lungs, liver, and pancreas arise from the foregut. Among the most
intriguing derivatives of the digestive tract are the pharyngeal pouches, which make their
appearance in the early embryonic stages of all vertebrates (see Figure 8.21 ). During development
the endodermally-lined pharyngeal pouches interact with overlying ectoderm to form gill arches. In
fishes, gill arches develop into gills and supportive structures and serve as respiratory organs.
When early vertebrates moved onto land, gills were unsuitable for aerial respiration and respiratory
function was performed by independently evolved lungs. Why then do gill arches persist in embryos
of terrestrial vertebrates? Although gill arches serve no respiratory function in either embryos or
adults of terrestrial vertebrates, they are necessary primordia for a variety of other structures. For
example, the first arch and its endoderm-lined pouch (the space between adjacent arches) form the
upper and lower jaws and inner ear of vertebrates. The second, third, and fourth gill pouches
contribute to the tonsils, parathyroid glands, and thymus. We can understand then why gill arches
and other fishlike structures appear in early mammalian embryos. Their original function has been
abandoned, but the structures are retained for new uses. The great conservatism of early
embryonic development has conveniently provided us with a telescoped view of the origins of new
adaptations. Derivatives of Mesoderm: Support, Movement, and Beating Heart The mesoderm
forms most skeletal and muscular tissues, the circulatory system, and urinary and reproductive
organs (see Figure 8.26 ). As vertebrates have increased in size and complexity, mesodermally
derived supportive, movement, and transport structures have become an even greater proportion of
the body. Most muscles arise from the mesoderm along each side of the neural tube ( Figure 8.30 ).
This mesoderm divides into a linear series of blocklike somites (38 in humans), which by splitting,
fusion, and migration become the axial skeleton, dermis of the dorsal skin, and muscles of the back,
body wall, and limbs. Mesoderm gives rise to the first functional organ, the embryonic heart. Guided
by the underlying endoderm, two clusters of precardiac mesodermal cells move amebalike into
position on either side of the developing gut. These clusters differentiate into a pair of double-walled
tubes, which later fuse to form a single, thin tube (see Figure 8.14 , p. 168). As the cells group
together, the first twitchings are evident. In a chick embryo, a favorite animal for experimental
embryological studies, the primitive heart begins to beat on the second day of the 21-day incubation
period; it begins beating before any true blood vessels have formed and before there is any blood to
pump. As the ventricle primordium develops, the spontaneous cellular twitchings become
coordinated into a feeble but rhythmical beat. New heart chambers, each with a beat faster than its
predecessor, then develop. Figure 8.29 Derivatives of the alimentary canal of a human embryo.
Brain Thyroid gland Notochord Thymus Trachea Stomach Pancreas Intestine Anus Liver Mouth
Esophagus Somites Gill pouches Front limb bud Hind limb bud Umbilical cord Post-anal tail Figure
8.30 Human embryo showing somites, which differentiate into skeletal muscles and axial skeleton.
hic70049_ch08_158-183.indd 181 7/12/07 2:17:11 PM 182 PART TWO Continuity and Evolution of
Animal Life Early development of the heart and circulation is crucial to continued embryonic
development, because without circulation an embryo could not obtain materials for growth. Food is
absorbed from the yolk and carried to the embryonic body, oxygen is delivered to all tissues, and
carbon dioxide and other wastes are carried away. An embryo is totally dependent on these
extraembryonic support systems, and the circulation is the vital link between them. S U M M A R Y
Developmental biology encompasses the emergence of order and complexity during the
development of a new individual from a fertilized egg, and the control of this process. The early
preformation concept of development gave way in the eighteenth century to the theory of
epigenesis, which holds that development is the progressive appearance of new structures that
arise as the products of antecedent development. Fertilization of an egg by a sperm restores the
diploid number of chromosomes and activates the egg for development. Both sperm and egg have
evolved devices to promote efficient fertilization. The sperm is a highly condensed haploid nucleus
provided with a locomotory flagellum. Many eggs release chemical sperm attractants, most have
surface receptors that recognize and bind only with sperm of their own species, and all have
developed devices to prevent polyspermy. During cleavage an embryo divides rapidly and usually
synchronously, producing a multicellular blastula. Cleavage is greatly infl uenced by quantity and
distribution of yolk in the egg. Eggs with little yolk, such as those of many marine invertebrates,
divide completely (holoblastic) and usually have indirect development with a larval stage interposed
between the embryo and adult. Eggs having an abundance of yolk, such as those of birds, reptiles,
and most arthropods divide only partially (meroblastic), and birds and reptiles have no larval stage.
Based on several developmental characteristics, bilateral metazoan animals are divided into two
major groups. The Protostomia have mosaic cleavage and the mouth forms at or near the
embryonic blastopore. The Deuterostomia have regulative cleavage and the mouth forms
secondarily and not from the blastopore. At gastrulation, cells on an embryo’s surface move inward
to form germ layers (endoderm, ectoderm, mesoderm) and the embryonic body plan. Like cleavage,
gastrulation is much influenced by the quantity of yolk. Despite the different developmental fates of
embryonic cells, every cell contains a complete genome and thus the same nuclear information.
Early development through cleavage is governed by cytoplasmic determinants derived from the
maternal genome and placed in the egg cortex. As gastrulation approaches, control gradually shifts
from maternal to embryonic as an embryo’s own nuclear genes begin transcribing mRNA.
Harmonious differentiation of tissues proceeds in three general stages: pattern formation,
determination of position in the body, and induction of limbs and organs appropriate for each
position. Each stage is guided by morphogens. Pattern formation refers to determination of the
anteroposterior, dorsoventral, and left-to-right body axes. In amphibians the anteroposterior axis is
established by morphogens such as chordin from the Spemann organizer in the gray crescent of
the zygote. In Drosophila that axis is determined by the morphogen bicoid, which is transcribed from
maternal mRNA deposited at the anterior of the egg. In these and other segmented animals, such
morphogens activate genes that divide the body into head, thorax and abdomen, and then into
correctly oriented segments. The structures appropriate to each segment are then induced by
homeotic genes, which are characterized by a particular sequence of DNA bases called the
homeobox. Mutations in homeotic genes result in the development of inappropriate structures on a
segment: legs on the head, for example. The anteroposterior axis of an embryo is determined by
homeotic and other homeobox-containing genes contained in one or more clusters on particular
chromosomes. These genes, called Hox genes, occur not only in Drosophila and amphibians, but
apparently in all animals. Each Hox gene is active in a particular region of the body, depending on
its position within the cluster. Dorsoventral and left-right axes are similarly determined by
morphogens that are produced only in the appropriate regions of the embryo. Similarly,
morphogens guide the development of limbs along three body axes. Morphogens have been found
to be remarkably similar in animals as different as Drosophila and amphibians. This realization has
given rise to the field of evolutionary developmental biology, which is based on the idea that the
evolution of the enormous variety of animals is the result of changes in the position and timing of
relatively few genes that control development. The postgastrula stage of vertebrate development
represents a remarkable conservation of morphology when jawed vertebrates from fish to humans
exhibit features common to all. As development proceeds, species-specifi c characteristics are
formed. Amniotes are terrestrial vertebrates that develop extraembryonic membranes during
embryonic life. The four membranes are amnion, allantois, chorion, and yolk sac, each serving a
specifi c life-support function for the embryo that develops within a selfcontained egg (as in birds
and most reptiles) or within the maternal uterus (mammals). Mammalian embryos are nourished by
a placenta, a complex fetal-maternal structure that develops in the uterine wall. During pregnancy
the placenta becomes an independent nutritive, endocrine, and regulatory organ for the embryo.
Germ layers formed at gastrulation differentiate into tissues and organs. The ectoderm gives rise to
skin and nervous system; endoderm gives rise to alimentary canal, pharynx, lungs, and certain
glands; and mesoderm forms muscular, skeletal, circulatory, reproductive, and excretory organs.
Finally a specialized area of heart muscle called the sinoatrial (SA) node develops and takes
command of the entire heartbeat (the role of the SA node in the excitation of the heart is described
on p. 694). The SA node becomes the heart’s primary pacemaker. As the heart builds a strong and
efficient beat, vascular channels open within the embryo and across the yolk. Within the vessels are
the first primitive blood cells suspended in plasma. hic70049_ch08_158-183.indd 182 7/12/07
2:17:12 PM CHAPTE

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