Ancient Rome: 3.1 The Beginnings of

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Some of the key takeaways are that Rome started as a monarchy ruled by Etruscan kings, but the Romans rebelled and established a republic. The republic had three levels of society and was governed by consuls, senators, and assemblies. Eventually powerful individuals sought more power and the Roman Empire was established under Augustus Caesar.

The Romans likely rebelled against the Etruscan kings because they wanted independence and self-governance rather than being ruled by outsiders from another tribe. They wanted the ability to elect their own leaders and make their own laws.

Society in Rome was organised into three levels - patricians (wealthy landowners), plebeians (common people), and slaves. Patricians had more power and influence than plebeians.


1 The beginnings of Senators Tribunes and assemblies

The tribunes were a group of citizens who
Ancient Rome represented the common people of Rome
(the plebeians) within the government.
The assemblies were made up of
plebeians. The assemblies elected officials,
The civilisation based in Ancient Rome began in about 500 bce. What was life
such as the tribunes, and voted on laws.
like before the city of Rome was established? How was society in Rome
The senators formed a group called the
organised? How were the Romans ruled?
Senate. Senators advised the consuls and
The founding of Rome How was the Roman approved or rejected laws. Senators
The Romans were one tribe of people who Republic governed? decided how to spend public money and
lived on the Italian Peninsula. They decided advised on Rome’s relationships with
A government is a group of people who other countries. Challenge
to live together and establish a city. No-one
make the rules for a city or country. The
is really sure when this happened, but it is The Romans displayed their most
government of the Roman Republic had
traditional to say that the city of Rome was Activities important laws on metal tablets
three main parts:
founded in 753 bce. called the Twelve Tables. Find out
1 Why do you think the Roman
Magistrates and consuls and write down three of these laws.
A Roman kingdom people rebelled against the
Magistrates were
Etruscan kings? Write a brief
To begin with, the Romans were ruled by leaders elected
kings from the Etruscan tribe who lived in by the people.
lands nearby. In 509 bce, the Romans Every year two of 2 Draw a simple diagram that
rebelled against these kings. Rome became the magistrates explains the three levels of
a republic. Instead of having one ruler, the were elected to society in the Roman Republic.
people started to elect their leaders. become consuls.
The two consuls
Who were the people of
were in charge of
Rome? Rome for one
Men and women who were not slaves in year. One consul led the government.

3 Ancient Rome
the Roman Republic were citizens. The other consul was responsible for
Citizens were divided into two groups. the army.
Patricians came from wealthy families
and owned land and property. Common Glossary words
people were called plebeians or ‘plebs’. citizen peninsula
Slaves were also part of Roman society. elect plebeian
founded Senate This is what the Senate may have looked like. Senators debated important issues.
They could not be citizens and had
34 patrician They made speeches to try to convince others about their ideas. 35
no power.

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3.2 The Roman Empire begins Augustus established a period
known as the Pax Romana (which
means Roman Peace) that lasted ATLANTIC

for 200 years. He also established GAUL nS

Alps ea
Some individuals in the Roman Republic wanted more power for themselves. a dynasty of rulers. The four Pyrenees Rome
Danube R.
Black Sea

Corsica MACEDONIA Byzantium

Who were these people? How did they change the way in which Rome was emperors who came after him SPAIN ASIA MINOR Tig
Sardinia R
ruled? Who founded the Roman Empire? were Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius Sicily
Crete Cyprus
p hra
R .
Mediterranean Sea
and Nero.
Roman power grows EGYPT

Why did the Romans

By 290 bce, the Romans


controlled the whole Italian expand their empire? The orange area shows the Roman Empire in 117 ce.
Peninsula. Roman emperors wanted to show
their power. The Romans also wanted the
How far did Roman
Expansion into Sicily Sea

brought the Romans

Mediterranean Sea
valuable resources from the lands they territories reach?
into conflict with the Atlantic Carthage conquered. The Roman Empire was at its largest in
Carthaginian Empire. In
Ocean 117 ce. The estimated population of the
Key People in conquered lands had to pay
146 bce, after 100 years of Roman Empire at that time was at least
Carthaginian Empire Syracuse
taxes to Rome. This money helped to pay
competition and three long
Roman Republic & Allies
Other notable city
60 million. This number was about one
for the Roman army and for managing
wars, the Romans beat the quarter of the world population at the time.
The Carthaginians competed with the Romans for trade the empire.
Carthaginians. They took across the Mediterranean. Trade was important because it The size of the empire meant that Roman
control of lands and trade provided resources and wealth. culture had a huge influence across the
around the Mediterranean.
Activities world. The Roman Empire lasted until 476 ce.
Glossary word 1 Write a brief explanation of why
How did the Roman Empire begin? culture the Romans wanted to expand
Did you know?
Rome was very powerful because of its strong army. their empire. When the Emperor Claudius invaded England
The army generals sometimes fought with in 43 ce, he had a group of war elephants in his
2 Work in a group. Find out some army. The Britons had never seen elephants
the Senate.
facts about the first five before and were probably terrified!
Julius Caesar was a powerful Roman emperors of the Roman Empire.

3 Ancient Rome
general. He took control of Rome in 49 bce. Include when they ruled and
Some senators did not want a king-like ruler why they are famous. Make a Challenge
and so they killed him in 44 bce. class poster that brings together
Use books and the Internet to find
Julius Caesar’s grand-nephew Octavian all the information.
out about the road network built
later seized power for himself and his name
by the Romans. Write a report of
became Caesar Augustus. Augustus ended Octavian was the first Roman Emperor
and took the name Caesar Augustus. He between 100 and 200 words.
the Roman Republic and founded the
36 ruled until his death in 14 ce. 37
Roman Empire in 27 bce.

841812_OIPH_SB4_Unit_3.indd 36-37 22/09/2017 16:12

3.3 Ancient Roman towns and cities What work did people do in towns and cities?
Roman towns and cities offered work for many people. Many rich people worked in
government. Skilled and educated men worked as lawyers, teachers and engineers.
Many people worked as craftspeople making household goods and luxury items for
Cities were centres of activity in Ancient Rome. What was city housing like?
the rich. Towns and cities were full of markets for buying and selling goods.
Where did people get their drinking water? What did people do for work
and pleasure? Slaves worked as household servants or as building labourers.

What was housing like for different people? What types of entertainment were there?
Poorer people lived in two-roomed Larger cities in Ancient Rome had a number of
apartments in blocks called insulae. Each buildings for public entertainment.
apartment block housed between 30 and ● 
Therewas a circus for chariot racing.
50 people. Insulae were built of mud ● 
An amphitheatre was used for gladiator
bricks and timber, and had shops at games.
street level. ● 
There was a theatre. Romans liked to watch
Wealthier people lived in private homes. comedies.
These houses had rooms arranged around ● 
There were public baths, so people who did not Chariot racing was very popular. The
an open area called an atrium. There An Ancient Roman street may have Circus Maximus in Rome could hold
have a bathroom at home could keep clean.
looked like this. over 150 000 people.
were rooms for dining and sleeping and a People also went to the baths to meet friends.
garden at the rear.

Glossary words Did you know?

How did people in towns and cities get water?
The Aqua Appia was the first Roman
To bring clean water to towns for aqueduct gladiator
aqueduct. It was built in 312 bce and
drinking and washing, Roman chariot sewers
covered a distance of 16.4 kilometres from
engineers developed the aqueduct. its source to the city of Rome.
Aqueducts carried water to a town Activities
from a water source that could be
1 Roman towns and cities were
many kilometres away. Aqueducts Challenge
laid out in a grid. Work in a group

3 Ancient Rome
passed through tunnels under hills and
to draw a plan of a Roman town. Use books and the Internet to find
over aqueduct bridges across valleys.
Show the different buildings and out about the nearest Roman ruins
Water went through pipes to different other features mentioned on to where you live. Write a report of
parts of the town or city. Water was this page. between 100 and 200 words that
available in public fountains and was
2 Work in a group to discuss what describes what archeologists have
supplied to some private homes. This Roman aqueduct is in the town of Segovia life was like in a Roman town found there and why the Romans
The water also carried away waste in Spain. This aqueduct bridge was probably
38 or city. were there. 39
built in about 50 bce and is 813 metres long.
in sewers.

841812_OIPH_SB4_Unit_3.indd 38-39 22/09/2017 16:12

3.4 Everyday life in the Richer people had more variety in their
diet and more meat. Their food was often
What was it like to live
in the country?
Roman Empire flavoured with exotic spices such as
pepper, cloves and nutmeg.
Most people across the Roman Empire
worked on small farms. A farming family
Food varied across the Roman Empire lived in a small house and may have had
Family was an important part of life for Ancient Romans. The amount of money depending on what was available locally. some slaves to help them.
that a family had affected many things, from education to clothes and food. Rich people owned large estates and lived
What did Ancient
What was life like for all the different people in the Roman Empire? in villas.
Romans wear?
What were families like in Many girls married when they were young Basic clothes were made from linen for the Glossary words
Ancient Rome? teenagers. summer and wool for the winter. estate    exotic    villa
The man was the head of the Roman Children of poorer families did not attend Women wore a dress Rich women wore
called a stola and a jewelled brooches Slaves and workmen wore
family. Women managed the household, school. They had to help the adults in the and pins, earrings, a simple tunic made of a
cloak called a palla
did chores and raised their children. family with work and daily chores. when they went outside. rings and necklaces. rough material.
Wealthy women had slaves to help them
do these tasks and so they had more
What was food like in Men and

leisure time. Ancient Rome? women

both wore
Most people ate simple foods such as a simple
Rich children went to school. Education tunic under
porridge, beans, bread, vegetables, fish
was mostly for boys, but some girls from other
and fruit. clothes. Important
wealthy families did go to school. officials
wore togas
Richer men of finer
wore a toga. material
This was a such as
large piece of Indian
cloth wrapped cotton or
around the Citizen Matron Workman Slave Senator
Chinese silk.
body, with The most common footwear was
one arm free. leather sandals.

3 Ancient Rome
Activities Challenge
1 Write to invite some friends to an evening banquet. Carry out
In your invitation, tell your friends what food you research and
will offer and what entertainment there will be. write about all
Wealthy Romans sometimes invited friends 2 Write a brief description of how life was different for the work done by
At school, children learned reading, to share food and to enjoy entertainment, rich and poor people in Ancient Rome. Think about slaves in Ancient
writing, mathematics, literature and for example provided by musicians. Evening
40 housing, food, education and work. Rome. 41
effective speaking. banquets often lasted several hours.

841812_OIPH_SB4_Unit_3.indd 40-41 22/09/2017 16:12

3.5 Art and culture of Roman architecture has inspired
architects around the world. Many

Ancient Rome architects use Roman features in

their buildings.
1 Work in a group. Prepare a
presentation about what
Roman art, jewellery and
Literature literature tell us about Ancient
The Romans produced art and buildings
The Romans wrote in a language called Roman culture.
across the whole of their huge empire.
Latin. Important pieces of Roman
Roman authors produced writings that have 2 Work in a group. Discuss what
literature include poems, speeches,
been read for thousands of years. What was the Ludovisi Battle sarcophagus
histories and works of philosophy.
special about Roman art, architecture and can tell us about the Roman
People continued to use Latin for army and what Romans
important documents for centuries after thought about war.
What can we learn from Ancient Roman times. Languages such as
Roman art? English, French and Italian were all

Roman art included paintings, mosaics and

Mosaics are large images made influenced by Latin. Challenge
of small pieces of coloured glass
images on pottery. The art often showed scenes or stone. Mosaics were used to Use the Internet and other sources
from everyday life. Some images were records decorate walls and floors. to find out the history of how
of important events.
domes have been used in
Another popular form of art in Roman times was architecture throughout the world.
relief carving. Reliefs are images carved into stone.
They are found on buildings and special objects
such as a sarcophagus. Be a good historian
Good historians know that not all historical
The Romans liked sculptures in the Greek style.
documents simply present the facts. Some
There were sculptures in homes, places of work,
are written to show events or people in a
public spaces and public buildings. certain way. What other evidence might a
historian use to find out how accurate a
What are the features document is?
This is a small section from the

3 Ancient Rome
of Roman architecture? Ludovisi Battle sarcophagus. It was
Roman architects used ideas from Ancient made for an army general in about Did you know?
Greece, including columns to 250 ce.
The Pantheon is a building in Rome that is
support large roofs. The Romans developed the
almost 2000 years old. The Pantheon has a
arch and also the dome. Arches allowed the Glossary words This railway station in Washington DC,
dome that measures 43 metres across. A blue
Romans to build huge structures including USA, has arches that were influenced
arch sarcophagus whale, which is 30 metres long, would
by Roman architecture. The station was
amphitheatres and aqueduct bridges. dome sculpture comfortably fit inside!
completed in 1908 ce.
42 philosophy 43

841812_OIPH_SB4_Unit_3.indd 42-43 22/09/2017 16:12

3 Review 8 In your notebook, complete the key
for the map to show who controlled
Now answer these questions.
14 The mosaic floor shown below is in a
the area shaded green. 1st century ce Roman villa in the
Answer these questions in your 4 Insulae were: Rewrite these two sentences so that town of Vaison-la-Romaine in France.
notebook. a public baths they are correct. What can we learn from this mosaic?
Choose the best answer from the choices b apartment buildings for poorer Write an archeologist’s report
9 People and goods travelled between
given. Write a, b or c as your answer. people describing everything the mosaic
Roman cities along aqueducts.
c large houses for wealthy citizens tells you. Think about:
1 Wealthy citizens of Ancient Rome 10 All boys in Ancient Rome went to
5 The channel bringing water into a • what the image shows
were called: school.
Roman town is called: • the technique used to create the
a patricians Look at the timeline that shows the
a a viaduct mosaic
b plebeians period covered by Ancient Rome.
b an amphitheatre • the type of people who lived in
c patriarchs
c an aqueduct the villa
2 The first emperor of the Roman 1000 bce 500 bce 0 500 ce 1000 ce
6 Artists made mosaics by: • why the villa is in France.
Empire was:
a painting onto pieces of pottery 15 ‘The rulers of the Roman Empire were
a Julius Caesar
b painting onto a wall only interested in using force to
b Claudius
c using small pieces of coloured 11 Write the name of a civilisation that conquer new lands.’
c Caesar Augustus
glass or stone started before the Ancient Roman Do you agree with this statement?
3 The Roman Empire reached its
Now complete these tasks. civilisation.
greatest extent in:
12 Write the name of a different
a 117 ce 7 Look at this map. In your notebook,
civilisation that may have traded
b 14 ce write the names of the three cities
with the Ancient Romans.
c 44 bce marked. The first letters have been
13 Make a simple timeline that shows
given to help you.
the changes in the way the Roman
people were ruled over time.
Include the dates for:
R • the beginning of Rome

3 Ancient Rome
Tyrrhenian • when the Roman Republic was
Mediterranean Sea founded
• when Julius Caesar took power
Atlantic C
Ocean • when Caesar Augustus became
Key emperor
Roman Republic
… • the death of Caesar Augustus.

44 45

841812_OIPH_SB4_Unit_3.indd 44-45 22/09/2017 16:12

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