Program Overview
Grades 4–11
Aligned to the
ommon Core
Vocabulary from Classical Roots is based on the latest research about best practices
in vocabulary development. To download a copy of the research base, visit
Test Generator
Customize your own personal tests and quizzes to accompany your Vocabulary from
Classical Roots lessons. This flexible assessment tool provides a wide variety of prewritten
questions to choose from. Ready-to-use tests are also available to help teachers save
valuable time.
Writing is integrated with vocabulary development; every lesson provides Students develop their ability to respond to writing prompts incorporating
expository and creative writing prompts. key vocabulary – skills commonly encountered on standardized tests.
Special “Nota Bene” sections provide interesting and Students gain a better understanding of word origins and the evolution of
valuable information about word histories and etymologies. language as well as clarification of commonly confused words.
Words are presented in multiple forms and with multiple definitions for Students are able to challenge themselves with additional words and word
vocabulary development that far exceeds the 240 key words. forms and significantly increase vocabulary.
Book E – Grade 11 Book D – Grade 10 Book C – Grade 9 Book B – Grade 8 Book A – Grade 7
the Grades All or Nothing omnis, totus
Moving Toward Numbers Mot, numer, -less More or Less megas, poly
Delighted with Questions Ques, deli, -ful Before and After ante, pre, post
Book 4 – Grade 4
Exploring Distant Places astr, tele, scope Personal Relationships mater, pater, frater
Changing Meaning (with semi-, in-, ig-, il-, im-, Feelings philos, phobos
Prefixes) ir-, dis-, non-, un- Creature Comforts dormio, lavo
Creating Order civi, ord, -ity The Head cerebrum, dens
Measuring in Math therm, metr/meter, kilo- The Body corpus, derma
and Science and milli- The Hands manus, dextra, digitus
Pulling Together struct, tract, ex- The Feet pes, ambulo
Cracking Open rupt, frac/frag , -ment Believing divino, theos
Placing the Foundation bas, pos, -ure Thinking and Knowing mnemonikos, scio
Connecting (with Prefixes) re-, com-/con-, col-, co-, cor- Reading and Writing littera, scribo, logos
Seeing vis, spect, super- Speaking dico, glossa, lingua
Hearing audi, phon, -orium/-arium Earth and Air terra, humus, anima
Speaking voc, dict, pre- Fire and Water flamma, pons
Writing scrib/scrip as in scribe, script, Order and Disorder ordo, kosmos
Book 6 – Grade 6
Blackline master test books are available for all Vocabulary from Classical Roots student books. These reproducible tests
include question types commonly found on standardized tests and cover every key word in every lesson. Questions include
multiple-choice sentence completions, analogies, and multiple choice questions. More challenging exercises in Test Book
E ask students to provide the meaning of an unknown word using a known root, which helps students transfer and apply
their knowledge. Like the student books, the test questions often include historical and cultural information. As an assess-
ment tool, the Vocabulary from Classical Roots tests are invaluable; as an experience for students they are like the books—
challenging, interesting, and fun. (See page 15 for a description of the Online Test Generator.)
Vocabulary from Classical Roots can be easily incorporated into any language arts curriculum. The student books can
be used to teach valuable vocabulary strategies as well as word origins and etymologies. The books can be used
independently or as part of a larger language arts or spelling program. The exercises can be assigned as homework,
small group work, or they can be incorporated into a whole class lesson.
Skills Covered
Exercises increase
understanding and help
familiarize students with
question types often
encountered on
standardized tests.
Built-in review
Book C
Dictionary-style definitions
give pronunciation, parts
of speech, and multiple
word forms.
Book E
Cloze procedure
provides reinforcements
for using context clues.
Test Book C
A wide variety of
pre-written questions
allow you to create your
own customized tests
and quizzes.
in Varied Subject Matter
This series is particularly useful for students of varying reading abilities.
The consistent format allows students in the same class to use different levels.
■■ Build literal and inferential reading comprehension skills
■■ Content-area topics provide cross-curricular reading practice
■■ Build essential vocabulary skills in context