CB Week3
CB Week3
CB Week3
HEI Unique Institutional Identifier: 09077
Name: Sheena Jane B. Pontanar Date: 10/17/21
Course & Year: BEED III- GROUP 2 HPS: 50 Pts. Rating: ________
> The difference between the analytic and holistic rubric. An analytic rubric is one that breaks
down an assignment into its basic skills and gives students instructions for what each
performance level for each skill should look like. An analytic rubric, as you can see, gives pupils
a much clearer clarification of the evaluation criteria. While a holistic rubric is made up of a
single scale that considers all of the evaluation factors at the same time clarity, organization, and
mechanics. With a holistic rubric, the rater assigns a single score typically on a 1 to 4 or 1 to 6
point scale to the student's work based on an overall assessment. An full piece of student work is
matched to a single description on the scale by the rater.
C. Scan some assignments given to you by your teacher. What did the performance require
you to do? In what ways did the performance enable you to show what you know and can
do? In what ways did the performance inhibit what you know and can do? Reflect and
write your insights.
> The power point presentation, the performance that required to create a power point
presentation show your passion and connect with your audience, keep it simple, concentrate on
your core message and focus on your audience's needs. The way on how we know to do a power
point presentation is Use the slide master feature to create a consistent and simple design
template. It is fine to vary the content presentation but be consistent with other elements such as
font, colors and background. Simplify and limit the number of words on each screen. Use key
phrases and include only essential information. A PowerPoint presentation can help students
learn more. At the same, it helps teachers in their instructional strategies. Students can learn new
material faster by using different designs, visual effects, and highlighting.
Your group in Science and Technology class is asked to perform a laboratory activity
in preparing juice drinks in varied concentration. Perform what you believe you will
need to arrive at the desired learning outcomes. Set up three solutions and identify the
saturated solution. Validation of answer can be done by asking the classmates to taste
the prepared juice drinks. A representative from the group shall report the findings of the
> The missing of this performance task is procedure, it is important to perform a laboratory
activity in preparing juice drinks. The procedure can be used to determine the total acidity of
most natural fruit juice.
Ave Maria College
HEI Unique Institutional Identifier: 09077
Development of Scoring Scheme
Name: Sheena Jane B. Pontanar Date: 10/17/21
Course & Year: BEED III- GROUP 2 HPS: 50 Pts. Rating: ________
Directions: Do the following. Use separate short bond paper for your entry.
A. From the discussion of the steps in designing performance-based assessment, choose a topic
related to your field of specialization and create a process-oriented performance-based
assessment following the guidelines and principles of crafting meaningful performance-
based assessment. (10 pts.).
General Competency: *Recognize more common sight words in order to read simple phrase
or sentences.
Analytic Rubrics
5 4 3 2 score
workmanship The slogan is The slogan is The slogan is The slogan is
exceptionally attractive in acceptably distractingly
attractive in term of attractive messy
term of neatness. through it
neatness. Good may be bit
Well- construction messy.
constructed and not very
and not messy.
creativity Slogan is Slogan is Slogan is The slogan
exceptionally creative and a creative and does not
attractive in good amount some reflect any
terms of of thought throught was degree of
neatness. was put into put into creativity.
Well- decorating it. decorating it.
and not
originality Exceptional Good use of Average use No use of
use of new new ideas and of new ideas new ideas and
ideas and originality to and originality to
originality to create slogan. originality to create slogan.
create. create slogan.
Holistic Rubrics
Level Description
Exemplary Media variety- slogan
(15-20) Content- accurate provides key information
Design- visually attractive and easy to
Acceptable 2-3 types of material
(10-15) Content- accurate provides key information
Design- ordinary, lacking visual coordination
Needs Improvement 1-2 types of material
(4-9) Content – key information incomplete
Design – visually confusing
Ave Maria College
HEI Unique Institutional Identifier: 09077
Name: Sheena Jane B. Pontanar Date: 10/17/21
Heterophonic Hetero means different. It occurs when there are two or more
version of the same melody happening
at the same time.
1. What are the roles of texture and harmony in both instrumental and vocal music? Can a piece
stands alone without these elements? Why?
In both instrumental and vocal music, texture refers to the way melodic, rhythmic, and
harmonic materials are combined in a piece, determining the overall sound quality.Harmony is
produced when two complementary notes sound at the same time. The piece can’t stand alone
without these element because, musical texture can be used by composers to create drama and
contrast by differences in the layers of sound, whether melody or harmony, the relations
between these layers of sound, and how many layers there are.And also the Harmony is
important because some type of tone direction makes it easier for listeners to connect because
it contains sounds that they relate deeply with a specific emotional response, tapping into a
deep connection.
Activity No. 3
Texture Analysis
Instruction: Select one song and construct a texture analysis using the information given from
this lesson. Include the title, singer and discuss the appropriate texture used in the
piece. ( Not less than 300 words).
"Beautiful in White" is a song by Shane Filan, an Irish singer-songwriter, from his third
studio album, Love Always (2017). The song was composed by Savan Kotecha and Arnpor
Birgisson for Filan's band Westlife's next album at the time. Because of its love-filled lyrics and
excellent soundtracks presented in the most lovely manner, Beautiful in White gained the hearts
of many. It is a popular wedding song throughout Asia, particularly in India. This report
summarizes the lyrics and music of a well-known song.
Beautiful in White is a self analysis of the bridegroom's concern when he sees his bride in
white at the church, which is how the song begins. Shane Filan is unique in his ability to capture
the situation's most primal feelings. However, as the song progresses, the deepest feelings of true
love and caring emerge. The bride is a 'missing piece' in his life that only demonstrates his
weakness without her. He is content because he now feels complete. The words communicate the
concept that, while a person's wedding day is special, it must also be remembered as a red letter
day. Towards the end of the chorus the line end with, you look so beautiful in White. Tonight”
attention must be paid here that the words ‘white’ and ‘night’ are a symbolic representation of
the light and darkness. In other words, though it’s night, her presence makes it all hopeful and
bright. Finally, in the melody, the poet describes the future of this married couple, including their
daughter's wedding, which will be held in the same manner as theirs. What I've determined is
that it's a technical expression of natural and perfect human feelings. The music of this song is
well helmed and arranged keeping in mind the mood of the lyrics. The song is written in verse-
chorus-bridge format. The song belongs the Pop genre. It seems perfect to begin with acoustic
guitar and bells in the background to put into the mood of love and sacredness of the church
premise. The song is written in 4/4 timing and it progresses in the moderate tempo. The song
begins on beat in the verses. In the case of chorus it changes to off beats pattern. The song is
composed in C major scale, with Filan’s vocal ranging from the chords of E4 to B5. The
common chord progression is followed until the bridge. The bridge is composed in a higher
scale, D major, and follows a standard chord pattern. After the bridge, the final chorus is
composed in E major scale, which is one scale higher than the previous chorus.
Apart from the colors used in the chorus, the chords in the chorus change on the rest beat,
making the song great for getting one in the mood for romance.
The rhythm section has done an excellent job of setting the tone for the entire piece. When
other instruments, such as bells, guitar, and piano, are used to great effect, the sound becomes
complete. Listening to Shane Filan sing with such clear and perfection is a real treat. The voice
variation is in perfect harmony with the excellent music composition.
Ave Maria College
HEI Unique Institutional Identifier: 09077
Name: Sheena Jane B. Pontanar Date: 10/17/21
B. Instruction: Briefly explain the different benefits of teaching the following literature genre
to elementary grades pupils.
2. Poems Poetry also helps in the understanding of different perspectives. Using poetry
to teach and learn can help students respect and understand people from all
over the world. It lets adolescents and adults to communicate emotions in a
controlled manner, whether orally or in writing.
3. Short Stories help students to learn the four skills--listening, speaking, reading and
writing--more effectively because of the motivational benefit embedded in
the stories. In addition, with short stories, instructors can teach literary,
cultural, and higher-order thinking benefits.
4. Drama It's long been understood that a study of drama at the elementary, middle and
high school level helps students improve in a wide range of areas, such as
self-confidence, self-esteem, self-expression, communication, collaboration,
interpersonal skills, aesthetic awareness and, last but not least, imagination.
Ave Maria College
HEI Unique Institutional Identifier: 09077
Grade 3
Quarter 1st
Week 1
Target Grammar
Language Skill
Specific Target Phrases or Sentences
Competencies/ EN3G-Ia-1.1 *Distinguish sentences from non-sentences
Objectives *Recognize more common sight words in order to read simple phrase
(description) and sentences.
* Construct simple sentences.
Materials to be
integrated/used Pictures, Poster
Topic and
Literatures to Phrases or Sentence
be used
Let’s Get Better in English 3 Page 3-6
I. Instruction: Identify the following statements by picking the correct answer from the box
Write your answers on the space provided.
Pablo Picasso 1. He publicly utilized the idea when he pasted a printed image of chair caning
onto his painting titled Still Life with Chair Caning (1912).
Nature printed 2. This process superbly detailed and life-like.
Terra cotta 3. This word means “Cooked earth”.
Material 4. In choosing a subject for sculpture, the most important thing to consider is the
Ed Castrillo 5. He made the sculpture of Polytechnic University of the Philippines.
Oil Paint 6. This can provide both increased opacity and greater transparency than tempera.
Drying 7. Colors in oil change little when _____________.
Graftiti 8. A painting that is made with aerosol spray paint.
Guillermo Tolentino 9. UP oblation made by ________________.
Terra cotta 10. It is made when Moist Clay is molded and then subjected to heat.
> The principles of design are made up of many combinations of design elements that are
used in one image to improve its presentation. When more than one principle is used, an
artist can create artwork that will surprise others and get positive attention, hopefully
helping the artist who created it.
> Printmaking is an artistic process that requires printing pictures from a mixture to a
different surface, most usually paper or fabric. Woodcut, etching, cutting, and printing
are traditional printmaking processes, but modern artists have increased the available
techniques to include screen printing.
Act. No. 3
Show your skills in making your own version of 3-D Sculpture Artwork. Provide one hardcopy
picture of your artwork and paste the picture with an explanation in your portfolio.