The Invisible Cyclist
The Invisible Cyclist
The Invisible Cyclist
March 2013
The National Urban Transport to change public perception about
Policy of India, while placing great cycling, those who cycle and
emphasis on the need to promote provide inputs to policy, processes
non-motorized modes of transport, and projects.
also specifically mentions the
Our film vignettes offer us a
disconnect between actual users
small glimpse into the lives of
(cyclists) and the infrastructure that
a few cyclists – who in many
is built for them and recommends
ways represent the whole cycling
greater interaction with the
stakeholders so that designs
actually cater to their needs. The profiles we’ve collected focus
not just on cycling, but on the
A cycling policy should ideally
person, his/her occupation, family,
include not just infrastructure,
community . . . so as to present the
but also many other enabling
full identity of the person.
mechanisms that make cycling
safe, convenient and comfortable We also present a summary of the
for those who actually cycle today. informal discussion sessions which
Unfortunately thousands of cyclists allowed a sharing of experiences,
do not have a voice, and decisions perhaps the first time that anyone
are being made about cycling asked the cyclists what they felt
based on assumptions. Cyclists about transport issues and what
are reduced to a statistic, be it they wanted the city to provide, so
their shrinking numbers or those that they could continue cycling
involved in accidents, without safely.
looking at the men and women
themselves. For us this represents not the end,
but the beginning of a process,
This is our attempt to give a name with the ultimate aim of sensitizing
and a face to these unsung heroes policy makers and empowering
and try to understand what they cyclists. When that happens,
really need and use this information change will be inevitable.
Introduction 3
Cyclists in Motion 4
Cyclists featured in the
video vignettes
In the spotlight 12
Photo profiles of
select cyclists
Sustainable development today, has become the new mantra for all, but there seems
to be little clarity on what it means, and what should be done to achieve it. This
lack of understanding is seen in all public sectors, glaringly so in the traffic and
transportation planning.
Commuting in the city has become But even with a good public
increasingly time consuming, transport system, there will always
dangerous and even expensive, but be place for the bicycle that can
ironically, the factors responsible provide door to door connectivity
for these trends are suggested as and freedom of movement for
solutions for the problem. Hence the user – provided the city is
we see the city’s development committed to improving cycling
oriented towards widening roads facilities.
and neglecting public transport
Unfortunately, most of our cities
and non-motorised transport by
fail to see the potential of cycling
catering almost exclusively to
for providing a non-polluting,
private, low capacity auto vehicles.
healthy and affordable mode of
It is an alarming prospect that Pune transportation that can contribute
is becoming a classic example of significantly to not only reducing
a motor-vehicle dominated city, road congestion, but also to
with little scope for those who do improve the quality of life in the
not own one. The authorities fail to city.
understand that with the explosive
It is about time that the bicycle is
growth of auto vehicles in the city,
recognized as a potential solution
no amount of road building will
to the city’s traffic issues, rather
solve the problems of congestion,
than as a relic from the past. For
pollution and road accidents
this, the cyclist has to be viewed as
growing by the day. More roads
This booklet is a collection of some an important part of transportation
of the many cyclists in the city who encourage even more auto vehicle
planning, and adequate facilities
cycle without necessarily knowing use, and bigger roads with faster
must be provided for him. If a city is
this broader picture, for which they moving vehicles threaten the safety
safe for cyclists, it is safe for almost
should be commended, instead of of cyclists and pedestrians.
all others too.
being ignored and threatened. They
should be given equal if not more
The sensible response and possible
rights on the road, like the right of solution to growing traffic chaos
way, exclusive and safe cycle tracks, in cities is a radical improvement
dedicated signals and other facilities in public transport to make it
which can not only make their adequate, comfortable and reliable,
journey safe, but also accelerate the whereby personal vehicle users will
process of building a city for people begin to opt for public transport.
rather than for vehicles.
Cyclists in Motion
Cyclists featured in the video vignettes
Apart from this, he also uses the
bicycle to drop his children to
school, his daughter Sharvari in the
front on a specially fitted seat, and
his son Shantanu on the back seat,
both smiling and without a care. All
his commutes in the city, for work,
for household errands are on the
the bus or the two wheeler fail to
attract her.
Chandrakant Methkar is a frail looking man, under control certificate) , license,
Sakharam Methkar who may not be noticed when he signals and so on. In his own style
cycles on the roads, as invisible as of speaking he compares driving
most of the other cyclists in the motorised vehicles to be as good
city, but only till he starts talking. as being at home and dozing, for
Once he does, it opens up a whole want of exercise! He is aware of the
new perspective of a genuine maneuvering capacity of a cycle --
cyclist in this city, interesting in it can fit anywhere and can get out
so many different ways. A painter of anywhere, even the small lanes
by profession, he has been cycling of his slum.
in the city for more than 14 years
When asked about his experiences
now. He cycles everywhere and for
as a cyclist in the city and the
everything. His daily routine for
way other motorists treat him,
cycling is from Kothrud to Deccan
he agrees that the attitude is not
and then wherever his assigned site
at all right, but over the years he
may be. He lives with his wife and
has developed techniques of not
two children in Kelewadi, a slum
always letting them have their
area in Kothrud.
way. It is interesting to listen to
He ardently defends the bicycle him as he describes his technique,
as the best mode of transport, his but at the same time he says that
most important point being that it the lack of safety in the city and
keeps him fit and away from the the attitude of drivers has much
hassles of police, PUC (pollution to do with changes in the city
such as the widening of roads. The talking with him we could tell that
clarity with which he sees this and he had worldly wisdom and social
his explanation for it is so simple commitment that eludes so many
and yet so convincing, because others.
it has come out of first hand
It is good to know that such people
experience. And though he feels
still exist, but at the same time it’s
he has mastered the art of cycling
a matter of concern that this breed
safely in this increasingly hostile
of cyclists is on the hit list of our
environment, his wife still continues
urbanization process that seems to
to worry about him when he is
be moving headlong towards the
When asked about the facilities for
cyclists in the city, he says he uses
cycle tracks wherever they exist, but
they aren’t made well enough and
hence more often than not he ends
up cycling on the road.
He has been cycling religiously since A lawyer by profession, she started He owns a paan shop in Narayan
he was 10 years old, and today cycling again when she got involved Peth and cycles for about 14 kms
he is over 70. He is one of those in an environmental NGO about everyday. He says that cycling has
few people who enjoy cycling for seven years back. She realised that reduced in the city because people
what it is, not hassled by the many people should cycle for the city to want to get to places faster. Even
problems that cyclists in the city become more livable. he had tried driving a two wheeler,
face today. He is one of the founder but in few days he started losing his
Though she enjoys cycling, she now
members of Pune Cycle Pratishthan, sleep because of it. His job requires
finds it difficult to cycle during peak
a group of cycling enthusiasts like him to sit for long hours and gives
time, when there is heavy traffic
him. They arrange regular cycle him no exercise at all. Cycling gives
and not much discipline. She finds
rallies in the city as well as long him the much needed exercise.
bus drivers especially intimidating.
distance trips.
It appals her that two wheelers On Sinhagad Road, where he lives,
He feels our lifestyle has become shamelessly encroach on cycle there are cycle tracks – but when
such that nobody has the time or tracks and footpaths, even though traffic is more it spills over on the
patience to appreciate the benefits the whole road is there for them. tracks. Motorists make it difficult
of cycling. We are inviting problems She feels a five feet strip for cyclists for everyone, he observes, neither
such as pollution in our city, and is not too much to ask for, and it is are they able to move, nor are the
the ensuing health problems as essential for the cyclist’s safety. cyclists.
well. The quality of life in the city is
Even so, he says he will continue
diminishing by the day because of
cycling for the next 10 years at
high reliance on motorised vehicles.
least. Cycling keeps him fit and it
gives him a chance to interact with
people around him as well.
Gunwant Mahajan Amogh Paralikar
He works at the Ecological Society, Amogh started cycling everywhere is needed to cycle than to drive a
and cycles from Sanghvi to Senapati about three years back and is vehicle. Today it is the opposite. A
Bapat Road, a distance of 12 kms. surprised why he ever stopped change in attitude of all involved is
He comes from a village, where he cycling after school in the first necessary, especially for cyclists in
never felt the need for a vehicle, place. Cycling is convenient, the city who cycle because that is
most distances were covered on environment friendly and safer as their only alternative.
foot. After coming to Pune, things speed is controlled.
changed, and he got a two wheeler,
While cycling in the city, he realises
only to realise he ended up spending
that there is no conscious planning
too much time stuck in traffic. Since
for the cyclists at all. Cycle tracks
then he started cycling, and is happy
are there, but with no connectivity
with his choice.
whatsoever. Also the quality of the
He feels cycling in the city is difficult, cycle tracks is questionable.
especially with the attitude of other
The city should become more
vehicles. Lack of respect for cyclists
involved in understanding the
is evident. Cycle tracks often become
problems that cyclists face, and
dumping grounds for construction
come up with simple ideas like
materials, apart from being badly
dedicated cycle track network in
constructed and encroached upon.
the city as well as signals. Ideally,
There is no connectivity, they start
cyclists should have priority over
and end abruptly, with no ramps for
other vehicles, because more effort
cycles to get on and off the tracks.
In the Spotlight
Photo profiles of select cyclists
Tanmay Kedare
Age: 14 years
Lakshman Dhondu Nikam Lakshman Dhondu Nikam came to He lives in Rajendranagar, and
Pune from Raigad in 1968 when he cycles about 20 kms every day.
Age: 63 years
took up a job in a small restaurant He cycles because he finds the
on Laxmi Road. The bicycle has distances very manageable, instead
been with him since , but now it of spending money on fuel for a
also doubles as his paan shop. two wheeler.
He opened a paan shop in 1975,
but when it had to be moved, his
bicycle became his shop.
Raghunath Kisan Takle He works as a peon in an office He says he doesn’t face any major
in Pune Cantonment area, cycling problems while cycling, but the
Age: 57 years
around 40 kms everyday. He lives traffic on the roads has increased
in Kothrud and has been cycling dramatically over the years, so he is
regularly for the past 15 years and cautious about his riding.
although he has a two wheeler, he
prefers his cycle as it keeps him
Vasant Tatyabhau Vajalwar
Age: 64 years
Suresh Ram Ghude Suresh Ghude has been cycling ever Having seen Pune right from his
since he was 9 years old, and has childhood, he says that in the past
Age: 49 years
spent his childhood in Pune itself. everybody used to cycle, there were
Today he owns a flower shop in hardly any two wheelers then.
the core city area of Pune. He lives But now, cyclists like him have to
in Balajinagar, and cycles around confront heavy traffic, pollution
30 kms daily from his home to the and the arrogance of motorists.
shop and back. His family consists But he continues to cycle because
of his wife and two children. it keeps him active. He says that his
profession is such that most of his
day is spent sitting at one place, so
cycling is the best exercise to make
up for this.
Sanjay Kulkarni
Age: 55 years
Chandrakant Shankarrao He has been working in the Back when he just started with his
Marane Ammunition Factory at Khadki for job, he says everyone used to come
the past 30 years. He lives on FC on a bicycle. But now, out of the
Age: 58 years
Road, and hence ends up cycling at 20,000 staff workforce, hardly 10%
least 25 kms everyday. He rides an cycle. Today he can easily afford
old model of the bicycle, a company to buy a two wheeler, but chooses
named Raleigh and says these were not to, because cycling keeps him
the best cycles and are the easiest healthy and cheerful.
to ride. He never realises how
much he has cycled when on these
Jayant Vishwanath Pethe Jayant Pethe lives in Narayan Peth He says cycling in the city has
and owns a small paan shop in become dangerous now, but he has
Age: 70 years
the same area. He uses the bicycle seen it all and can tackle the young
for all his transport needs, inspite and the restless behind the wheels!
of the fact that he owns 2 two-
wheelers. He proudly says, that even
at this age he has no ailments of
any kind and that is because of his
cycling. His body is used to working
now, and cycling keeps him active.
Jayashri Dattatraya Joshi Though Jayashri learned cycling She says that she cycles because
at the age of 12, she never cycled it is still possible for her to do so,
Age: 62 years
much then as distances were short and a two wheeler will just not
and they walked to most places in be affordable when it comes to
Pune. But when she came to her managing the monthly household
grandmother’s place for holidays, budget. Her husband who owns
she would cycle everyday along a groceries shop also cycles
with other children. everywhere.
After her marriage, she didn’t start She says that even though traffic
cycling until after she had two has increased, she continues
daughters. Since then she’s been to cycle. Yes, the speeding two
cycling everywhere. She works at wheelers are a problem at times,
Kesari the local newspaper as a but by and large it isn’t all that
group reader. She lives in Shaniwar unsafe.
Peth and all her household chores
are done on the bicycle. She
has carried almost 15-20 kgs of
foodgrains and vegetables at times
on her bicycle.
Surendra Singh He came to Pune 3 years back from He doesn’t show any special
Dhaulpur, Rajasthan and started affection for a two wheeler, saying
Age: 18 years
living with his brother at Gokhale he has driven one at home. But he
Nagar. He cycles not only from says he’ll definitely buy his own
Gokhale Nagar to Kothrud, where motorcycle when he gets married,
he sells bhel, but also to places like but plans to keep his bicycle at the
Juna Bazar, Pune Station and so on. same time.
When asked how he feels when
he cycles such long distances, he
merely smiles and says, “It isn’t that
far, it takes hardly 5 minutes to
come from Gokhalenagar to Paud
Habib Kazi He lives in Dattawadi and has He lives with his wife, son,
been cycling for the past 9 years daughter-in-law and two
Age: 68 years
on a regular basis. He sells flower grandchildren. They have a
garlands near Narayan Peth. He motorcycle at home, but he says
cycles around 10 kms everyday. His he will continue cycling as long
cycle doubles up as his mobile shop as he can. It allows him to not
as well. only earn some money, but also be
independent and well occupied.
Umakant Joshi He lives in Chatushrungi area with He says, very few of his colleagues
wife and a son in a rented house, and friends have continued cycling,
Age: 45 years
but he has bought his own house because money changes everything.
now in Katraj. He came to Pune in But for him, he cycles for its health
1990 from Beed because of drought benefits as well as for its low cost
conditions back at home. He has of maintenance – both physical and
been cycling, however, since 1982. monetary.
Sunil Pardesi Sunil came from Allahabad 10 Now he works for a coal company,
years ago. Since then he has taken and delivers sacks of coal from
Age: 41 years
up different jobs in Pune, like Shivajinagar to Deccan everyday,
manual labour, delivery jobs and couple of times. He lives in the Juna
so on. During his stay of so many Bazar area. On an average, he cycles
years, the bicycle has been his only 30 kms. He says that the bicycle is
mode of transport. affordable and easy. Though a two
wheeler might save time and effort,
it isn’t very good for carrying goods.
Shankar Rao Hande
Age: 65 years
Shashikant Rajaram Shashikant owns a tea stall in He has been cycling for 8 years now
Thakur Kothrud, and delivering tea to and will continue to do so as the
offices, shops around the locality bicycle is economical and serves his
Age: 48 years
has him cycling more than 40 kms purpose as well.
everyday. He makes several trips to
surrounding areas with a tea kettle,
and a stack of cups to deliver hot
tea to his customers.
Amir Mujavar
Age: 50 years
Community Chat
Cyclists in conversation
vehicles on road.”
Tophkhana This group consisted mostly of While most of them cherish the
school and college going young dream of a two wheeler, they value
boys, ranging from the age of the exercise that cycling provides
14 years to 20 years. The group them with. They are also aware that
came together as residents of cycling would reduce the pollution
Tophkhana Vasti, and the meeting in the city.
was held in the vasti itself in their
“When we go to college on our
local gym.
bicycles, we do feel a little ashamed,
For these youngsters, cycling as many of our friends have moved
is a mixture of recreation and on to two wheelers.”
complete commute. They are not
“We enjoy riding the bicycle when
afraid of riding their bicycles on
there is no traffic. In fact, we often
road, but only because they have
go to Sinhagad on our cycles early
learnt to handle the heavy traffic,
in the mornings just for fun, when
and not because cycling is safe
there is no traffic at all.”
in the city. They are particularly
cautious of buses on road, as they “I want to drive a two wheeler, but
tend to be intimidating and often my parents won’t get me one yet.”
inconsiderate to cyclists.
“When I cycle, I am always caught
They would love to have a cycle between pedestrians on one side
track network in the city, as well and motorised vehicles on the other.
as some security from theft and The conflict is endless.”
manhandling of parked cycles.
Why cycle tracks are not used
Steps of foot-over-bridge encroaching on cycle track Dilapidated signage lying on the cycle track
Parked motor cycles obstructing the cycle track Car parked on the footpath
Untrimmed hedge blocking the cycle track Improperly closed man-hole cover
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