Parking Design Standard PDF
Parking Design Standard PDF
Parking Design Standard PDF
Parking Design
7.1 General
The provision of adequate suitably located on and off road parking is essential to ensure the
efficient operation of a new development layout. These standards should be considered in
conjunction with the other road design standards contained in Chapters 5 and 6.
7. Parking Design Standards
General 7.1
Provision for car, coach, taxi, pedal cycle and lorry parking should
be considered at an early stage in the design process so that a
balanced distribution of spaces can be conveniently sited
according to the use and trip destination.
7. 1
7. Parking Design Standards
7. Parking Design Standards
Figure 7.2 details the layout and aisle width associated with the 7.1.10
standard right angle parking layout. The necessary width of entry Aisle Parking/
to a parking bay is related to the available width of carriageway of Driveway
a road or aisle of a car park. Where this width is limited,
alternatives can be developed by adjusting the width of the
parking bay to suit the available carriageway or aisle width. The
dimensions to be used for the parking bay widths and the parking
lane widths are given in Table 7.1 which also gives the
corresponding widths of driveways.
Figure 7.2 Layout and Aisle width of a standard right angle parking bay
m m m
6 2.5 2.75
7. 3
7. Parking Design Standards
7. Parking Design Standards
30° 3.2
45° 3.4
60° 4.0
75° 4.7
90° 6.0
7. 5
7. Parking Design Standards
7.2.3 Poorly located on-road parking can create difficulty on all roads,
Obstructions especially Traffic Distributor Roads where traffic should flow
to Traffic Flow freely. Individual bays require to be of sufficient size to allow the
drivers to enter and leave the spaces without delay thereby not
interfering with the traffic flow (See Paragraph 7.1.9).
7.2.4 Spaces must also be located to ensure that they do not interfere
Obstruction to with access points or service bays and create a problem with
Access and queuing traffic at junctions. They should be located such that
Visibility they do not compromise junction or forward visibility splays.
7. Parking Design Standards
Off road parking will normally occur as either spaces located for 7.3.1
the use of individual premises, or as a larger area designated as Location
a car park for multiple users. The location of car parking areas in
any development should be considered at an early stage in the
design process to achieve a balanced distribution of spaces
throughout the site, conveniently related to user destinations.
Typical layouts for off-road parking areas are shown in Figure 7.5. 7.3.2
It should be noted that angled parking layouts tend to be Typical Layout
appreciably less efficient in land use than right angled parking
layouts even with the narrower aisle widths possible with single-
way working. The use of angled parking may, however, be
appropriate on narrow sites.
7. 7
7. Parking Design Standards
7.3.5 The entry to a car park should emphasise the changed nature of
Traffic the car park where pedestrians and cars have equal priority.
Calming Traffic calming should be employed to heighten driver
awareness of the change in driving environment.
7.3.7 For large car parks of more than 20 spaces, access should be
Vehicle taken via a vehicle-priority footway crossing, formed in
Priority accordance with Paragraph 5.2.5. The car park access should
be constructed to the appropriate details contained in Paragraph
7. Parking Design Standards
Adequate lighting will be required in all car parks to ensure that 7.3.10
users feel secure. Developers should liaise with the local crime Lighting
prevention officer with regard to appropriate advice on car park Security
security. Car parks should be illuminated to a high standard with
columns so arranged to avoid dark shadowy areas within or
adjacent to the car park.
The detailed design for multi-storey car parks is beyond the scope
of this document but the same basic principles may be applied to Multi Storey
the layout. Car Parks
7. 9
7. Parking Design Standards
P 7.8
7. Parking Design Standards
“Allocated” spaces are those which are either contained wholly 7.4.3
within the curtilage of a dwelling and could be either garages, the
driveways in front of the garages or in areas specially designated
such as lock ups or individual spaces with lockable bollards.
These spaces will relate to the specific dwelling and will be for the
exclusive use of the residents of the dwelling and their visitors.
P 7.9
P 7.10
P 7.11
7. 11
7. Parking Design Standards
7. Parking Design Standards
Private driveways should normally meet the road at right angles 7.4.7
at dropped kerb access and unless giving direct access to a Driveway
garage should be at least 12 metres long. This will facilitate the Dimension
future construction of garages. The minimum width of driveways
should be 2.75 metres with widening required on narrow
carriageways. Widening within the curtilage may be required to
accommodate off road parking and a turning facility. The
desirable size of parking spaces in a driveway layout should be
2.5 metres wide by 5 metres long. However considering that the
majority of parking in driveway can be expected to be long term
duration the minimum bay size can be 2.4 metres wide by 4.8
metres long. Figures 7.11 and 7.12 indicate appropriate driveway
dimensions and suggested layouts. A width of 4.5 metres will
accommodate a parked car with sufficient space to allow access.
Double width parking can be accommodated on a 4.8 metres
wide driveway however wheelchair or perambulator access may
not be possible in these circumstances and therefore
consideration should also be given to providing a segregated
pedestrian access or local widening of the driveway. The length of
double driveways required in front of a garage to accommodate a
parked vehicle and access to the garage should be a minimum of
10.5 metres.
7. 13
7. Parking Design Standards
7.4.11 See table 7.4 for the level of residential parking provision for the
Level of appropriate type of development.
7. Parking Design Standards
Provision will require to be made for staff parking and for visitor 7.5.2
parking. There is no need for separate accesses to be made for Staff
these two users but the staff parking should be clearly marked to
ensure that it is only available for staff.
Where different units are serviced from one car park, the car park 7.5.4
should be located such that indiscriminate parking will not occur Shared
on internal development roads or on roads adjacent to the Facilities/
development and the pedestrian routes from the car park must Pedestrian
follow a safe and convenient route. Route
In industrial developments consisting of individual units the
provision of communal car parking, instead of parking for each Considerations
unit, may lead to parking adjacent to the individual units on the
road possibly causing difficulties for larger vehicles.
7. 15
7. Parking Design Standards
P 7.15
P 7.16
P 7.17
P 7.18
7. Parking Design Standards
Table 7.6 gives the required number of designated car parking 7.6.3
Level of
P 7.19
P 7.19a
7. 17
7. Parking Design Standards
P 7.20
7. Parking Design Standards
The different needs of the cyclist should also be considered and 7.7.3
where it is expected that longer term parking will be required a Assessing
more secure and sheltered system of parking may be necessary. Needs
Changing and shower facilities should be considered at places of
7. 19
7. Parking Design Standards
(i) Secure;
(ii) Vandal proof
(iii) Well lit
(iv) Easy to use
(v) Accessible
7. Parking Design Standards
Constraining car parking for new developments can help focus 7.8.2
attention on the overall travel context of the development, Maximum
including providing for travel by public transport, on foot and by Parking
Standards in
cycle in addition to the private car.
the overall
travel context
Getting the balance right between provision for the car and other of
means of accessing development sites can make an important developments
contribution to more sustainable patterns of travel. This may
require developers to invest in sustainable transport to support
the Maximum Parking Standards applied, or may need
implementation of a Travel Plan (see Chapter 8).
7. 21
7. Parking Design Standards
1 Below this threshold, minimum parking standards apply as defined in Table 7.5
2 Level 1 Town Centres are Kirkcaldy, Dunfermline, Glenrothes and St Andrews
3 Level 2 Town Centres are Cupar, Leven and Cowdenbeath
Plans showing level 1 and 2 town centres are shown in Figures 7.17 to 7.23.
7. Parking Design Standards
7. 23
7. Parking Design Standards
Allocated Visitor
Size of dwelling
Spaces Spaces
(number of bedrooms)
2 or 3 2 0.25
4 or more 3 0.25
Note – Layout of within-curtilage parking spaces shall be in accordance with Fig 7.12
Town Centre
Redevelopment and 1 space per dwelling
Note – If spaces are allocated to each flat, spaces should be provided in accordance with “Housing” section above.
Nursing/Old People’s
Homes/Childrens’ 1 space per 4 residents Includes provision for staff and visitors
7. Parking Design Standards
Lorry parks and transhipment depots will often require spaces to be set aside for
overnight parking where external deliveries may arrive at inappropriate times.
2.0 staff/visitors
Factories and Warehouses Special provision may be required for buses
0.5 service day
0.5 staff/visitors
Warehousing (non-sales) Office space to be assessed separately
0.5 service day
7. 25
7. Parking Design Standards
Appropriate Provision (spaces per 100m
Type of Development public floor area (PFA) unless otherwise Comment
Social Clubs/Function
1 space per 5 public seats
1 space per 2 staff
and Restaurants
Public Houses 10
Sports Centres
Swimming Baths 10 spaces per 100m pool area Special provision for
Snooker Halls 1 space per table buses/coaches may be
Other Facilities 1 space per 2 players at peak time necessary
Spectators 1 space per 10 seats
Staff 1 space per 2 staff at peak time
Marinas 1 space per berth + 1 space per 2 staff
Gymnasium 5 spaces per 100m PFA + 1 space per 2 staff
1 space per 30m public display
Museums/Public Art Galleries
space + 1 space per 2 staff
Licensed Clubs 5
7. Parking Design Standards
Health Centres/Clinics 4 spaces per consulting room 2 spaces per consulting room
Includes Dental and Veterinary + 1 space per practitioner acceptable where appointment
Surgeries + 1 space per 3 other staff system operates
Private Nurseries 1 space per staff member Provision of drop-off pick up point
Universities and Colleges 1 space per 2 staff members (Additional parking for residences:
+ 1 space per 15 students see Table 7.4)
7. 27
7. Parking Design Standards
Appropriate Provision
(spaces per 100m gross floor
Type of Development Comment
area (GFA) unless otherwise
1 space per 10m public floor
Banks 1 suitable space for security van.
space + 1 space per 3 staff
7. Parking Design Standards
Appropriate Provision
(spaces per 100m2 gross floor
Type of Development Comment
area (GFA) unless otherwise
1 space per 20m of display
Car Auction Rooms
+ 1 space per 2 staff
7. 29
7. Parking Design Standards
Number of Spaces
Type of Development Size of Car Park Comment
Designated for Disabled
3 spaces or 6% of total
Shopping, Leisure or Up to 200 spaces number, whichever is Minimum of 3 spaces
Recreational greater
7. Parking Design Standards
Residential Requirements
General Commercial (Superstores 2 spaces, plus 4 spaces per 100 car parking spaces
Shopping Centres Retail Parks and Markets)
Offices 0.25 spaces per 100m gross floor area
Motor-trade, Trade and Warehousing 1 space per 25 staff
Banks, Shops in Established Centres 0.25 spaces per 100m2 gross floor area
Hotels, B&B 1 space per 8 car parking spaces
Service Industry
P 7.22
7. 31
7. Parking Design Standards
Note 1:
A minimum of 1 motorcycle parking space shall be provided within a development, which has an
off-street car park less than the above requirements. In other words a proposed industrial
development requiring only 25 car parking spaces shall be provided with 1 motorcycle parking