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The document discusses parking design standards and requirements for different types of developments including residential, commercial, industrial and recreational sites.

The document discusses maximum and minimum parking standards for different types of developments as well as standards for disabled, cycle and motorcycle parking.

The document mentions that factors like car ownership levels, competing centres, and local conditions governed by the local plan can affect parking provision requirements within different development types.

Chapter 7

Parking Design
7.1 General

7.2 On Road Parking

7.3 Off Road Parking

7.4 Residential Parking


7.5 Commercial, Industrial

Recreational and Service

7.6 Mobility Handicapped Parking

7.7 Cycle Parking

7.8 Fife Council Parking Standards

The provision of adequate suitably located on and off road parking is essential to ensure the
efficient operation of a new development layout. These standards should be considered in
conjunction with the other road design standards contained in Chapters 5 and 6.
7. Parking Design Standards

General 7.1

In general, adequate parking should be provided adjacent to all 7.1.1

new developments to ensure that vehicles are not parked on the Introduction
carriageway of a road where they may impede traffic flow and
constitute a safety hazard.

However, constraining car parking for new developments can

help focus attention on the overall travel context of the
development, including providing for travel by public transport, on
foot and by cycle. Fife Council have therefore adopted Maximum
Parking Standards in line with SPP17 Planning for Transport, as a
key part of it's integrated transport policy. Developers may be
required to adhere to these Maximum Parking Standards in
conjunction with a Travel Plan, possibly identified through a
Transport Assessment for the development (see Chapter 8).
Developers are encouraged to discuss Maximum Parking
Standards, Travel Plans and Transport Assessments with the
Lead Officer (Development Control) in Transportation Services'
Central, East or West Area offices (as appropriate to the location).

Parking requirements for developments are given according to

their particular function and are classified into the following types: Development
P 7.1 Good Residential Parking Provision Function
(a) Residential
(b) Commercial
(c) Industrial
(d) Recreational
(e) Service Industry
(f) Disabled
(g) Cycling

Provision for car, coach, taxi, pedal cycle and lorry parking should
be considered at an early stage in the design process so that a
balanced distribution of spaces can be conveniently sited
according to the use and trip destination.

The factors which can affect the required level of parking

provision within each of the above groups are as follows; Factors
(a) (car ownership levels Provision
(b) competing Centres
(c) local conditions governed by the Local Plan
(d) requirement for future provision/demand

Maximum Parking Standards, as outlined in Table 7.3, should be

applied to all new developments in Level 1 and 2 town centres Level of
and all other locations (for the land uses specified in the table) to Provision
encourage a more integrated and sustainable approach to travel
to developments. In some locations where it is desirable to avoid
P 7.2 Under provision of parking at on-street parking in the vicinity of a development, it may be
Commercial Site General appropriate to apply minimum parking standards. These are
outlined in tables 7.4 to 7.8, including disabled and cycling
parking provision. The application of minimum parking standards
as opposed to maximum standards should be discussed at an
early stage of the proposed development with Transportation

Provision of suitable cycle parking facilities should be included. 7.1.5

(Table 7.7) Cycle Parking

In the majority of cases the parking provision for a proposed

development will be predominately off-road and take the form of Off Road
either dedicated spaces for individual use, as in a residential Provision
development, or in a car park for the general use of visitors/
customers/ staff for that development. Where provision of off road
parking is not possible, on road parking may be considered only
in exceptional circumstances in conjunction with traffic calming of
the carriageway.

7. 1
7. Parking Design Standards

7.1.7 In developments involving the refurbishment or modernisation of

Refurbishment existing buildings within town centres, Transportation Services
Development may agree to the provision of a maximum standard where
space is severely limited. However, where possible, every effort
should be made to provide parking at the level required for
comparable new development. Selective demolition of certain
derelict buildings, utilisation of former garden ground or some
adjustment of road boundaries can be used to create off-road
parking areas. Careful attention to “built form” and landscaping
details will often be necessary to incorporate appropriate
parking provision while meeting aesthetic design criteria, and
the developer should discuss such matters with Transportation
Services at an early date.

7.1.8 Where a development contains a mix of differing facilities then

Mix of each part should be considered in its own right and the
Development appropriate parking provided to give an overall total parking
Types figure. However, in the case of commercial/leisure
developments some overlap of parking provision can be
accepted, provided that peak accumulations for both uses do
not coincide.
P 7.3
Dimensions and Manoeuvrability

7.1.9 The size of the standard car in the UK is approximately 4.75

Typical metres by 1.8 metres. Allowing suitable clearances all round
Dimensions right-angled car parking bays should be 4.8 metres by 2.5
metres where a manoeuvring width of 6.5 metres is available.
In areas where turnover is low i.e. staff parking, office
developments etc., it may be possible to reduce this to an
absolute minimum of 4.8 metres x 2.4 metres. Narrower road or
aisle widths will require the parking bay to be widened in
accordance with the dimensions in Paragraph 7.1.9. Parallel
parking bays should be 2.4 metres wide and 6.0 metres long
where the bays are internal or constrained by physical means.
Free access to an end space will permit the bay length to be
reduced to 5.0 metres. An internal minimum dimension of 5.5
metres by 3 metres is recommended, in order to encourage use
of the garage for parking. All garages adjacent to dwelling
houses to be located at least 6.0 metres from the road
boundary. P 7.4

Figure 7.1 Dimensions for parking bays

7. Parking Design Standards

Figure 7.2 details the layout and aisle width associated with the 7.1.10
standard right angle parking layout. The necessary width of entry Aisle Parking/
to a parking bay is related to the available width of carriageway of Driveway
a road or aisle of a car park. Where this width is limited,
alternatives can be developed by adjusting the width of the
parking bay to suit the available carriageway or aisle width. The
dimensions to be used for the parking bay widths and the parking
lane widths are given in Table 7.1 which also gives the
corresponding widths of driveways.

Figure 7.2 Layout and Aisle width of a standard right angle parking bay

Aisle/Road Width Bay Width Driveway

m m m

6 2.5 2.75

5.5 2.5 2.75

5.3 2.75 N/A

5.0 2.8 3.0

4.8 2.9 N/A

4.5 2.95 3.25

4.0 3.1 N/A

3.5 3.2 N/A

Note: Where parking is provided adjacent to a road, the

equivalent aisle width is based on the road width (see Figure 7.2)

Table 7.1 Aisle widths and driveway dimensions

7. 3
7. Parking Design Standards

7.1.11 Where the parking bay is adjacent to an area with restricted

Restricted width and overrun of cars is to be prohibited then a kerb or other
Widths appropriate barrier can be employed to restrict the forward
movement of the car on to this area (see Figure 7.3.).

Figure 7.3 Means of restricting car movement

A car free residential development may be considered where

7.1.12 alternative means of transport are closely available and where it
Car free
can be demonstrated that no on-street parking problems would

7. Parking Design Standards

On Road Parking 7.2

On road parking bays require to be clearly marked and can be 7.2.1

provided in any of the following forms; On Road
(i) end on parking,
(ii) parallel parking,
(iii) angled parking - on one way road only or central

Figure 7.4 Different Parking Layouts

Angle of Parking Aisle Width

(°) (m)

30° 3.2
45° 3.4
60° 4.0
75° 4.7
90° 6.0

Table 7.2 Aisle widths with Angled Parking

Note: One Way Circulation or on central reserve

Long rows of parked cars should be avoided, where possible, as

this creates difficulty and inconvenience for pedestrians to cross 7.2.2
the adjacent carriageway. Conversely, small groups of parking Groups of
spaces can encourage random pedestrian movements. Groups of
P 7.5 Avoid long uninterrupted parking bays 4 to 6 are appropriate to keep pedestrians to the footway.

7. 5
7. Parking Design Standards

7.2.3 Poorly located on-road parking can create difficulty on all roads,
Obstructions especially Traffic Distributor Roads where traffic should flow
to Traffic Flow freely. Individual bays require to be of sufficient size to allow the
drivers to enter and leave the spaces without delay thereby not
interfering with the traffic flow (See Paragraph 7.1.9).

7.2.4 Spaces must also be located to ensure that they do not interfere
Obstruction to with access points or service bays and create a problem with
Access and queuing traffic at junctions. They should be located such that
Visibility they do not compromise junction or forward visibility splays.

P 7.6 Parallel Parking

7. Parking Design Standards

Off Road Parking 7.3

Off road parking will normally occur as either spaces located for 7.3.1
the use of individual premises, or as a larger area designated as Location
a car park for multiple users. The location of car parking areas in
any development should be considered at an early stage in the
design process to achieve a balanced distribution of spaces
throughout the site, conveniently related to user destinations.

Early contact with Transportation Services should be made to

establish which, if any areas of parking will be adopted by the

Figure 7.5 Off Road Parking

Typical layouts for off-road parking areas are shown in Figure 7.5. 7.3.2
It should be noted that angled parking layouts tend to be Typical Layout
appreciably less efficient in land use than right angled parking
layouts even with the narrower aisle widths possible with single-
way working. The use of angled parking may, however, be
appropriate on narrow sites.

Since parked vehicles can be visually intrusive, particularly in the 7.3.3

residential environment, it is desirable to have an element of Screening/
screening of the actual parking bays, either by the judicious use Security
of landscaping or by setting them behind building lines. However,
communal parking areas can be subject to anti-social behaviour
where these areas are not overlooked. Off-road parking should,
therefore, be located in such a manner that parking spaces are
within sight of associated premises and, where spaces are
allocated to individual dwellings, ideally they should be visible
from the appropriate house.

P 7.7 Surveillance of off-street parking

7. 7
7. Parking Design Standards

Figure 7.6 Recommended Parking Areas in relation to road

Normally, access to a car park should be unrestricted. Where

7.3.4 any restrictions are necessary the access points should be
clearly marked for drivers by adequate signing and reinforced by
physical measures where necessary. Parking areas provided for
communal use should be located to be obvious to visitors to the

7.3.5 The entry to a car park should emphasise the changed nature of
Traffic the car park where pedestrians and cars have equal priority.
Calming Traffic calming should be employed to heighten driver
awareness of the change in driving environment.

7.3.6 Vehicular access to small off-road parking areas with 20 spaces

Footway or less will normally be taken from the public road via a footway
Crossing crossing as described in Paragraphs 5.2.5 and 10.8.2.

7.3.7 For large car parks of more than 20 spaces, access should be
Vehicle taken via a vehicle-priority footway crossing, formed in
Priority accordance with Paragraph 5.2.5. The car park access should
be constructed to the appropriate details contained in Paragraph

7.3.8 Pedestrian access to premises should be so arranged that it is

General easier and more convenient to use the designated parking
Consideration areas than to park casually on the road (see Figure 7.7) The
access should be of sufficient capacity to ensure that cars do
not queue back into the road, particularly where there are large
surface or multi storey car parks associated with industrial,
commercial and shopping developments or where barrier
control is in operation. The exit capacity should be sufficient to
avoid internal congestion.

7. Parking Design Standards

Figure 7.7 Building Entrance in relation to parking area

Large unbroken expanses of parking are visually unattractive and 7.3.9

can be confusing. It is desirable, therefore, for larger parking Large car
areas to be subdivided, with the use of appropriate landscaping, parks
into units of between fifty and one hundred spaces, often with
identification being provided for each area to assist drivers to find
their car when returning. However, landscaping should always be
arranged in such a way that sightlines and clearances for
movement of vehicles and pedestrians are not obstructed to any
extent. Care should also be taken to avoid the creation of
shadowy or concealed pockets which may create security risks.
Clear pedestrian routes and paths are required.

Adequate lighting will be required in all car parks to ensure that 7.3.10
users feel secure. Developers should liaise with the local crime Lighting
prevention officer with regard to appropriate advice on car park Security
security. Car parks should be illuminated to a high standard with
columns so arranged to avoid dark shadowy areas within or
adjacent to the car park.

The detailed design for multi-storey car parks is beyond the scope
of this document but the same basic principles may be applied to Multi Storey
the layout. Car Parks

A developer wishing to operate a charged public car park should 7.3.12

contact Transportation Services. Charging
Public Car

7. 9
7. Parking Design Standards


Figure 7.8 Car Park layout

P 7.8

7. Parking Design Standards

Residential Parking Requirements 7.4

In residential development specific provision should be made for 7.4.1

residents’ and visitors’ parking. Early contact should be made with Application
Transportation Services to determine which areas of parking, if
any, will be adopted by the Council.

The parking requirement in residential areas depends on the size 7.4.2

of the dwellings (i.e. number of bedrooms). The appropriate Provision
values are given in Table 7.4 for each size of house, with different
proportions of “allocated” and “unallocated” spaces.

“Allocated” spaces are those which are either contained wholly 7.4.3
within the curtilage of a dwelling and could be either garages, the
driveways in front of the garages or in areas specially designated
such as lock ups or individual spaces with lockable bollards.
These spaces will relate to the specific dwelling and will be for the
exclusive use of the residents of the dwelling and their visitors.

Allocated spaces will not be eligible for adoption.

P 7.9

P 7.10

P 7.11

Figure 7.9 Allocated Parking

7. 11
7. Parking Design Standards

7.4.4 “Unallocated” spaces are those which are considered to be for

Unallocated the use of either residents or visitors and will be used on a “first
Spaces come first served” basis. These spaces will not relate directly to
any particular dwellings, but should be appropriately located for
general use. See table 7.4. 0.25 spaces per dwellings should be
provided “on road” for adoption as public spaces. The
remainder of unallocated spaces should be provided within
private parking areas conveniently located near the dwellings.
Unallocated/allocated parking spaces which are being provided
as part of a private residential development, in lieu of incurtilage
parking, will not be considered for adoption, except for those
being provided as an allocation for visitors.

7.4.5 It is essential that provision is appropriately located to avoid

Distance from indiscriminate and obstructive parking. The maximum distance
Dwelling from any dwelling to the nearest “allocated” space should not
exceed 30 metres and it is desirable that the maximum distance
to “unallocated” spaces should also be 30 metres.
P 7.12 Double driveway allows manoeuvrability
Where lock-up garages are provided more than 30 metres from within curtilage of site
Lock Up the dwellings they serve, other provision will be required for the
Garages convenient temporary parking of residents’ cars.

7. Parking Design Standards

Private driveways should normally meet the road at right angles 7.4.7
at dropped kerb access and unless giving direct access to a Driveway
garage should be at least 12 metres long. This will facilitate the Dimension
future construction of garages. The minimum width of driveways
should be 2.75 metres with widening required on narrow
carriageways. Widening within the curtilage may be required to
accommodate off road parking and a turning facility. The
desirable size of parking spaces in a driveway layout should be
2.5 metres wide by 5 metres long. However considering that the
majority of parking in driveway can be expected to be long term
duration the minimum bay size can be 2.4 metres wide by 4.8
metres long. Figures 7.11 and 7.12 indicate appropriate driveway
dimensions and suggested layouts. A width of 4.5 metres will
accommodate a parked car with sufficient space to allow access.
Double width parking can be accommodated on a 4.8 metres
wide driveway however wheelchair or perambulator access may
not be possible in these circumstances and therefore
consideration should also be given to providing a segregated
pedestrian access or local widening of the driveway. The length of
double driveways required in front of a garage to accommodate a
parked vehicle and access to the garage should be a minimum of
10.5 metres.

A dedicated turning area shall be provided where access is on to

a main road.



Figure 7.11 Driveway width in relation to carriageway width

Individual garages or car parks provided adjacent to buildings 7.4.8

should be set back by at least 6 metres from the heel of the Position of
footway (or 8 metres from the kerbline if there is no footway). This
provides space for car washing purposes and allows garage
doors to be opened when the car is in the driveway.

The first 2 metres of a driveway should be paved to prevent 7.4.9

deleterious material (e.g. loose chippings) being carried on to the Paving
road. Severe gradients, which render driveways unsuitable for car
parking, should be avoided (desirable maximum 10%). In addition
the driveways should have appropriate vertical curves to ensure
adequate ground clearance for vehicles.

7. 13
7. Parking Design Standards

Fig 7.12 Driveway Dimensions

7.4.10 Where an off-street parking space is being formed within the

Off-street curtilage of an existing or proposed house with access being
parking taken directly from a distributor road (A, B or C class), then
provision shall be made within curtilage of the site for a turning
area to allow a car to enter and exit the driveway in a forward
gear. The turning area shall be formed out with the parking

Where vehicular access is to be taken from a residential core

road, the provision of a turning area is desirable.

Where vehicular access is to be taken from a minor residential

road (Cat 4, 5 or 6) there is no requirement for a turning area.

7.4.11 See table 7.4 for the level of residential parking provision for the
Level of appropriate type of development.

7. Parking Design Standards

Commercial, Industrial, Recreational and 7.5

Service requirements

Where a development contains a mix of differing facilities then 7.5.1

each part should be considered in its own right and the Mixed
appropriate parking should be provided to give an overall total Development
parking figure. It will be permissible to provide this parking at one
centralised location provided that the differing facilities are clearly
signed from the car park.

Provision will require to be made for staff parking and for visitor 7.5.2
parking. There is no need for separate accesses to be made for Staff
these two users but the staff parking should be clearly marked to
ensure that it is only available for staff.

The location of car parking areas in a development should be 7.5.3

considered at an early stage in the design process to achieve a Location
balanced distribution of spaces throughout the site, conveniently
related to user destinations.

Where different units are serviced from one car park, the car park 7.5.4
should be located such that indiscriminate parking will not occur Shared
on internal development roads or on roads adjacent to the Facilities/
development and the pedestrian routes from the car park must Pedestrian
follow a safe and convenient route. Route

In industrial developments consisting of individual units the
provision of communal car parking, instead of parking for each Considerations
unit, may lead to parking adjacent to the individual units on the
road possibly causing difficulties for larger vehicles.

At certain developments, especially in the service industry, such 7.5.6

as schools and railway stations, a minimum number of 5 spaces Dropping Off/
should be provided to allow the dropping off/ picking up of car Picking Up
passengers. Where these points are required, they should be
located preferably within the curtilage of the development but
bays adjacent to the carriageway may be considered. Particular
attention should be given to the provision of facilities for buses
and their passengers at schools.

7. 15
7. Parking Design Standards

7.5.7 Consideration should be given to safe pedestrian/cycle routes

Pedestrian through parking areas.
Cycle Routes

7.5.8 Consideration should be given to Travel Plans for employees.

Travel Parking areas remote from industrial unit can
be underused and create access difficulties

P 7.15

Figure 7.13 Inappropriate Location of Parking Provision

Special provision for buses, coaches and taxis may be

Recreational necessary for certain recreational developments. Where the
Developments need for coach parking is identified, suitable access/ egress
arrangements to the car park should be provided.

P 7.16

P 7.17

Figure 7.14 Details of coach provision

7.5.10 See tables 7.3 Maximum Parking Standards

Level of 7.5 (a) Industrial
Parking 7.5 (b) Recreational
7.5 (c) Service
7.5 (d) Commercial
7.6 Disabled
7.7 Cycle
7.8 Motorcycle

P 7.18

7. Parking Design Standards

Mobility Handicapped Parking 7.6

Disabled Persons' Parking

Special consideration should be given to the needs of disabled 7.6.1

people concerning the number of designated spaces, their Application
location and the pedestrian routes to these spaces. Spaces
should not be provided where gradients exceed 5%.

Bays provided for the disabled person should be a minimum of 7.6.2

4.8 metres (and up to 6.6 metres) long, with access to the rear of Dimension/
the vehicle where wheelchairs are often stored. Spaces should be Layout
2.4 metres wide plus a minimum of 0.9 metres (and up to 1.2
metres) wide cross-hatched strip to facilitate the transfer of
wheelchair passengers. Economy of space can be gained by
combining spaces in pairs of standard 4.8 x 2.4 metres
dimensions with a common transfer zone. Alternatively, space
may be saved by designating the end bays of a row of parking
spaces, provided that access can be gained onto the adjacent
road surface.

Table 7.6 gives the required number of designated car parking 7.6.3
Level of

P 7.19

Figure 7.15 Dimensions for Special Needs Parking Bays

P 7.19a

7. 17
7. Parking Design Standards

7.6.4 A flush dropped kerb must be provided at any disabled parking

Footway bay to allow access to the footway. Dedicated spaces should be
Access located to give direct and safe access to the building.

Parent and Child Parking

7.6.5 Parents with children can be considered as persons with a

Application temporary mobility handicap and the provision of dedicated
parking should be considered in retail developments. Provision
may be equal to that for disabled persons (Table 7.6) with a
suggested layout shown in figure 7.15.

P 7.20

See table 7.6 for the number of designated parking bays.

Level of

7. Parking Design Standards

Cycle Parking 7.7

Consideration should be given to the installation of secure and 7.7.1

covered cycle parking facilities at shopping and other communal Secure
centres where significant cycle usage is anticipated. A suitable Parking
method of creating secure parking is the “Sheffield” stand design.

Figure 7.16 Sheffield Stand

For maximum security, stands should be placed away from 7.7.2

access by motor vehicle. The location of cycle stands is also Location
important as incorrectly located parking stands will lead to them
being ignored and cycles being chained to drainpipes, railings
and other such objects at locations throughout the area. Cycle
parking should be close to main doors or under the supervision of

The different needs of the cyclist should also be considered and 7.7.3
where it is expected that longer term parking will be required a Assessing
more secure and sheltered system of parking may be necessary. Needs
Changing and shower facilities should be considered at places of

Cycle parking stands should be provided in new developments 7.7.4

and where possible for refurbishments, at the level shown in Level of
Table 7.7. Provision

Cycle parking stands/spaces should be designated such that they

cannot be abused by vehicular parking.
P 7.21 Surveillance of Cycle Stands

7. 19
7. Parking Design Standards

7. 7. 6 Parking facilities should be conveniently located, secure, easy

Parking to use, adequately lit, well signed and preferably sheltered.

7.7. 7 Cycle parking is generally required for 3 time periods:

Standards (i) Short Term: < 2 hours
(ii) Medium Term: 2-12 hours
(iii) Long Term: > 12 hours

Short to medium term parking facilities are generally used at:

7.7. 8
Short to
Medium Term (i) Public Transport Interchanges
Parking (ii) Public Buildings
(iii) Work Places
(iv) Education Facilities
(v) Shops and Shopping Centres
(vi) Parks and Leisure Facilities
(vii) Places of Entertainment

Design at these facilities should aim to be:

(i) Secure;
(ii) Vandal proof
(iii) Well lit
(iv) Easy to use
(v) Accessible

7. 7. 9 Medium to long term parking facilities are generally required at:

Medium to
Long Term (i) Major transport interchanges
Parking (ii) Student Halls of Residence
(iii) Private residences
(iv) Hotels and hostels
(v) Camping and holiday sites

In addition to the requirements for short - medium term parking,

designs should aim to provide:

(i) Higher level of security

(ii) Weather protection
(iii) Storage areas

Cycle lockers, cycle stores (compounds) or supervised areas

within car parks are likely to be more appropriate than
unsupervised Sheffield stands, as they provide increased
security and storage facilities. Where necessary, Sheffield
stands located near to luggage lockers may be used.

7. Parking Design Standards

Fife Council Parking Standards 7.8

Maximum Parking Standards, based on SPP17 Planning for 7.8.1

Transport, have been adopted for use in Fife as presented in Parking
Fife's Parking Strategy, which was approved by the Council in Standards -
2003. Application of these standards helps to ensure consistency
and Concept
of approach to parking at a national level.

All prospective developments in Fife should proceed on the

assumption that Maximum Parking Standards will apply. There
may, however, be occasions when Minimum Standards should be
applied (see section 7.8.6). The summary of the concept of the 2
approaches is outlined below:

Maximum Parking Standards - this is the maximum number of

parking spaces to be provided for a development and should not
be exceeded. This is applied to encourage use of more
sustainable forms of transport to a development. Maximum
standards do not apply to residential developments, or to cycle,
motorcycle or disabled parking standards.

Minimum Parking Standards - this defines a minimum number of

parking spaces (which can be exceeded), but should only be
applied as agreed with Transportation Services where it is
desirable to limit overspill parking around a development, or
where the size of the development is less than the threshold
figures for Maximum Parking Standards set out in Table 7.3.

Factors considered in determining the standards included public

transport accessibility; walking and cycling opportunities;
economic development including tourism objectives; availability of
public on-and off-street parking; town centre issues; and the need
for parking control zones.

Constraining car parking for new developments can help focus 7.8.2
attention on the overall travel context of the development, Maximum
including providing for travel by public transport, on foot and by Parking
Standards in
cycle in addition to the private car.
the overall
travel context
Getting the balance right between provision for the car and other of
means of accessing development sites can make an important developments
contribution to more sustainable patterns of travel. This may
require developers to invest in sustainable transport to support
the Maximum Parking Standards applied, or may need
implementation of a Travel Plan (see Chapter 8).

Locating development where it is most accessible to more

sustainable modes of travel particularly benefits those without
access to a private car.

Maximum Parking Standards are applicable to all new 7.8.3

development in specified land uses shown in Table 7.3 below. Application of
These specified land uses mirror those detailed in SPP17. Maximum
In the event of any dubiety into which of the specified land use
categories a development falls, the matter should be discussed at
an early stage with Transportation Services.

7. 21
7. Parking Design Standards

Development Threshold Level 1 town Level 1 town All other locations

above which centres2 (inner centres2 (outer (as per SPP17)
standard core) core) and
applies1 Level 2 town
Retail (food) 1000m2 1 space per 20m2 1 space per 1 space per 14m2
Retail (non-food) 1000m2 1 space per 40m2 1 space per 1 space per 20m2
Business 2500m2 1 space per 60m2 1 space per 1 space per 30m2
Cinemas 1000m2 1 space per 10 1 space per 7.5 1 space per 5 seats
seats seats
Conference 1000m2 1 space per 10 1 space per 7.5 1 space per 5 seats
facilities seats seats
Stadia 1500 seats 1 space per 30 1 space per 1 space per 15 seats
seats 22.5 seats
Leisure (other 1000m2 1 space per 44m2 1 space per 1 space per 22m2
than cinemas and 33m2
Higher and further 2500m2 1 space per 4 1 space per 3 1 space per 2 staff
education staff plus staff plus plus
1 space per 30 1 space per 1 space per 15
students 22.5 students students
Table 7.3 Maximum Parking Standards

Notes to Table 7.3

General - Threshold square meterage figures refer to Gross Floor Area.

1 Below this threshold, minimum parking standards apply as defined in Table 7.5
2 Level 1 Town Centres are Kirkcaldy, Dunfermline, Glenrothes and St Andrews
3 Level 2 Town Centres are Cupar, Leven and Cowdenbeath

Plans showing level 1 and 2 town centres are shown in Figures 7.17 to 7.23.

7. Parking Design Standards

Where planning applications are received for extensions to 7.8.4

existing development, the new gross parking maximum should be Extensions to
calculated on the new gross floorspace inclusive of the extension. existing
This could result in no car parking being allowed in respect of an

Prospective developers may, for specific developments, seek 7.8.5

exemptions from maximum car parking standards. The case for Exemptions
exemptions should be made in a Transport Assessment (see from
Chapter 8). However, it should be noted that any development Maximum
application over the thresholds within the categories set out in the Parking
maximum car parking standards, which the Council wishes to
approve, will have to be referred to the Scottish Ministers under
The Town and Country Planning (Notification of Applications)
(Scotland) Amendment Direction 2003. The Scottish Ministers will
then decide whether to allow the Council to proceed or whether to
call in the application for their own determination.

There may be occasions when Minimum Parking Standards 7.8.6

should be applied. These define a minimum number of parking
spaces (which can be exceeded), but should only be applied (as Standards
agreed with Transportation Services) where it is desirable to limit
overspill parking around a development, or where the size of the
development is less than the threshold figures for MPS. This
should be discussed at an early stage of the proposed
development with Transportation Services. However, any
development over the thresholds within the categories set out in
the maximum parking standards which breaches these standards
to be referred to the Scottish Ministers, as in 7.8.5 above.

In cases where Minimum Parking Standards are to be applied,

the minimum level of parking provision to be provided for each
particular type of development is outlined in the tables listed

Table 7.4 Residential

Table 7.5 (a) Industrial
Table 7.5 (b) Recreational
Table 7.5 (c) Service
Table 7.5 (d) Commercial
Table 7.6 Disabled
Table 7.7 Cycle
Table 7.8 Motorcycle

7. 23
7. Parking Design Standards


Type of Development Appropriate Provision Comment

Allocated Visitor
Size of dwelling
Spaces Spaces
(number of bedrooms)

The unallocated spaces shall be provided in

1 1 0.25
the form of lay-bys or off-street car parks.

2 or 3 2 0.25

4 or more 3 0.25

Note – Layout of within-curtilage parking spaces shall be in accordance with Fig 7.12

Town Centre
Redevelopment and 1 space per dwelling

2 unallocated spaces per


Note – If spaces are allocated to each flat, spaces should be provided in accordance with “Housing” section above.

0.5 spaces per dwelling + 0.5

Housing Associations spaces visitor parking per
0.5 spaces per dwelling + 0.3
Amenity Housing spaces visitor parking per

1 space per 3 non resident staff

+ 1 space per warden
Sheltered Housing
+ 1 space per 3 units for visitors

Nursing/Old People’s
Homes/Childrens’ 1 space per 4 residents Includes provision for staff and visitors

Allowance shall be made for

1 space per 7 students
future provision of parking assessed
Students Flats + 1 space per 3 staff
on the basis of possible subsequent
+ 1 space per warden
occupation as mainstream housing

1 space per 4 beds

Covered secure cycle parking should be
Halls of Residence + 1 space per 3 part time staff
+ 1 space per resident staff

Table 7.4 Residential Development Provision

7. Parking Design Standards


Lorry parks and transhipment depots will often require spaces to be set aside for
overnight parking where external deliveries may arrive at inappropriate times.

Appropriate Provision (spaces per

Type of Development 100m gross floor area (GFA) unless Comment
otherwise indicated)

2.0 staff/visitors
Factories and Warehouses Special provision may be required for buses
0.5 service day

0.5 staff/visitors
Warehousing (non-sales) Office space to be assessed separately
0.5 service day

Science Park 3.0 for staff/visitors

High tec industry 0.5 service bay

Table 7.5a Industrial Development Provision

7. 25
7. Parking Design Standards


Appropriate Provision (spaces per 100m
Type of Development public floor area (PFA) unless otherwise Comment

Social Clubs/Function
1 space per 5 public seats
1 space per 2 staff
and Restaurants
Public Houses 10

Theatres and Concert Halls 1 space per 5 seats

1 space per 10 seats

Cinemas/Bingo Halls
2 spaces at entrance for setdown/pick up

Sports Centres
Swimming Baths 10 spaces per 100m pool area Special provision for
Snooker Halls 1 space per table buses/coaches may be
Other Facilities 1 space per 2 players at peak time necessary
Spectators 1 space per 10 seats
Staff 1 space per 2 staff at peak time
Marinas 1 space per berth + 1 space per 2 staff
Gymnasium 5 spaces per 100m PFA + 1 space per 2 staff

1 space per 30m public display
Museums/Public Art Galleries
space + 1 space per 2 staff

Licensed Clubs 5

Dance Halls and Discotheques 5

Bowling Alleys 2 spaces per bowling lane

1 space per 2 staff

Golf Courses
3 spaces per hole

1 space per 2 staff

Caravan/Camp Sites 1 space per pitch
Visitors 1 space per 10 pitches

1 space per 2 staff

1 space per 15 seats

Table 7.5b Recreational Development Provision

7. Parking Design Standards


Appropriate Provision (spaces per

Type of Development 100m gross floor area (GFA) unless Comment
otherwise indicated)

1 space per 3 beds

Hospitals + 1 space per doctor/surgeon Includes provision for visitors
+ 1 space per 3 other staff

Health Centres/Clinics 4 spaces per consulting room 2 spaces per consulting room
Includes Dental and Veterinary + 1 space per practitioner acceptable where appointment
Surgeries + 1 space per 3 other staff system operates

Includes for casual visitors but

playgrounds should be used to
Schools – 1 space per staff member
accommodate visitors parking on
Nursery, Primary and Secondary + provision for buses where required
open days and for evening activities.
Intensive staffing at nursery schools.

Private Nurseries 1 space per staff member Provision of drop-off pick up point

Universities and Colleges 1 space per 2 staff members (Additional parking for residences:
+ 1 space per 15 students see Table 7.4)

Libraries 3 + 1 space per 3 staff

Lower figure applicable to centres

Community Centres 5.0 – 20.0 with catchment within walking

Churches 1 space per 10 seats

Will require to be increased by 10% if

adjacent roads can not be used as
Crematoria 1 space per 5 seats
overspill parking. Provision will be
required for buses.

Table 7.5c Service Industry Development Provision

7. 27
7. Parking Design Standards


Appropriate Provision
(spaces per 100m gross floor
Type of Development Comment
area (GFA) unless otherwise

Office Accommodation 3.0 The provision for call centres is

based on the high occupancy levels
Call Centres 5.0 for this type of use. This standard
(Banks, Financial Services) will be applied if the end user of the
proposed development is likely to
Visitors 10% of staff provision operate a call centre.

1 space per 10m public floor
Banks 1 suitable space for security van.
space + 1 space per 3 staff

Shops in Established Centres

Customers 4.0 Minimum permissible provision.

Staff 1.0
Service 0.2

Food Superstore (Stand Alone)

(includes Hypermarkets and Extensions to freestanding shopping
Supermarkets) developments to be assessed
according to their incremental effect
Staff 1.0 on the Gross Floor Area rather than
Customers 10.0 as a separate development.
Service bay 0.2

Retail Parks (Non-food Only)

A mixed site of DIY and other uses
Staff 1.0
but not containing food retail.
Customers 5.0
Service bay 0.2

DIY Superstore (Stand Alone)

Non-food retail warehouse
Staff 1.0 specialising in DIY goods & possibly
Customers 5.0 including garden centres.
Service bay 0.2

1 space per stall holder/pitch

Markets and Car Boot Sales
+ 1 space per 50m2 sale area

Table 7.5(d) Commercial Development Provision

7. Parking Design Standards

COMMERCIAL ~ TABLE 7.5(d) Contd.

Appropriate Provision
(spaces per 100m2 gross floor
Type of Development Comment
area (GFA) unless otherwise

Cash and Carry Warehouse

Includes staff parking.
Lower figures applicable to bulky
Staff 0.5
non-food sales such as carpets and
Customers 4.0
Service Bay 0.5

Motor Trade Includes showrooms and any

external display area.
Vehicle Display Area 4.0 Provision stated is for customers
Spares Department 4.0 only and must be reserved and
Servicing/Bodywork 4 spaces per service bay marked for their use. Developers
Tyre & Exhaust Centre 2 spaces per service bay will be required to demonstrate that
Car Wash 5 spaces per queuing space space has been allowed for storage
Scrapyards 2 spaces of new/used cars and other
Staff 1 space per 2 staff operational requirements.

Additional parking to be assessed

Petrol Stations 1 space per 2 staff at busiest time
where there is a shop.

Car Wash 5 spaces per queuing

1 space per 20m of display
Car Auction Rooms
+ 1 space per 2 staff

Maximum permissible provision.

For bars open to non-residents
1 space per room
Hotels and B & B additional parking will be required
1 space per 3 staff
as for public houses (see Table

Restaurants 1 space per 5 seats

Cafes 1 space per 3 staff

Table 7.5(d) Commercial Development Provision

7. 29
7. Parking Design Standards


Number of Spaces
Type of Development Size of Car Park Comment
Designated for Disabled

1 space per disabled

employee plus 2 spaces or
Up to 200 spaces Minimum of 2 spaces
5% of total number,
Employment Premises whichever is greater

6 spaces plus 2% of total

Over 200 spaces

3 spaces or 6% of total
Shopping, Leisure or Up to 200 spaces number, whichever is Minimum of 3 spaces
Recreational greater

4 spaces plus 4% of total

Over 200 spaces

Table 7.6 Number of Designated Disabled Parking Bays

7. Parking Design Standards


Type of Development Appropriate Provision

Residential Requirements

Flats 1 space per flat

Student Flats/Halls of Residence 1 space per 6 staff and residents


General Commercial (Superstores 2 spaces, plus 4 spaces per 100 car parking spaces
Shopping Centres Retail Parks and Markets)
Offices 0.25 spaces per 100m gross floor area
Motor-trade, Trade and Warehousing 1 space per 25 staff
Banks, Shops in Established Centres 0.25 spaces per 100m2 gross floor area
Hotels, B&B 1 space per 8 car parking spaces


Business Parks, Science Parks

Factories and Warehouses 1 space per 8 car parking spaces


General 1 space per 8 car parking spaces

Service Industry

Hospitals 1 space per 8 car parking spaces

Health Centres 1 space per 8 car parking spaces
Churches, Community Centres 1 space per 8 car parking spaces
Libraries 0.25/100m
Primary & Secondary Schools 1 space per 25 staff and pupils
Universities and Colleges 1 space per 25 staff and students
Crematoria 1 space per 25 staff

Table 7.7 Cycle Parking Requirements


Covered, secure cycle parking to be provided

to the standards, where appropriate.

P 7.22

7. 31
7. Parking Design Standards


Type of Development Appropriate Provision

Developers shall give consideration to providing secure motorcycle

parking spaces within flatted developments.

Industrial 1 space per 50 car parking spaces

Recreational 1 space per 25 car parking spaces

Service 1 space per 50 car parking spaces


Retail 1 space per 100 car parking spaces

Offices 1 space per 50 car parking spaces

Table 7.8 Motorcycle Parking Requirements

Note 1:

A minimum of 1 motorcycle parking space shall be provided within a development, which has an
off-street car park less than the above requirements. In other words a proposed industrial
development requiring only 25 car parking spaces shall be provided with 1 motorcycle parking

Figures 7.17 to 7.23 (Town Centre Plans)


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