PPL Test Prep
PPL Test Prep
PPL Test Prep
STUDY & PREPARE Pass your test and know what is
essential to become a safe, competent pilot — from the most
trusted source in aviation training
Pass your test and know what is essential to
become a safe, competent pilot—from the most
trusted source in aviation training.
The FAA Knowledge Exam Questions can change
throughout the year. Stay current with test changes;
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Paul Hamilton
Sport Pilot and Light-Sport Aircraft Expert
Adventure Productions
Flight instructor, FAA Designated Examiner, and Sport/
Ultralight Pilot for more than 30 years, Paul contributed
sport pilot, light-sport aircraft information, and incorpo-
ration of weight-shift control and powered parachute
Chapter 10 Navigation
VHF Omnidirectional Range (VOR)..................... 10 – 3
VOR Orientation.................................................. 10 – 3
Course Determination......................................... 10 – 6
VOR Airways....................................................... 10 – 8
VOR Receiver Check Points................................ 10 – 9
Global Positioning System (GPS)...................... 10 – 10
Welcome to ASA’s Test Prep Series. ASA’s test books have been helping pilots prepare for the FAA
Knowledge Tests since 1984 with great success. We are confident that with proper use of this book, you
will score very well on any of the private and recreational pilot certificate tests.
Begin your studies with a classroom or home-study ground school course, which will involve read-
ing a comprehensive Private Pilot textbook. Conclude your studies with this Test Prep or comparable
software. Read the question, select your choice for the correct answer, then read the explanation. Use
the Learning Statement Codes and references that conclude each explanation to identify additional
resources if you need further study of a subject.
The FAA Private and Recreational Pilot questions have been arranged into chapters based on
subject matter. Topical study, in which similar material is covered under a common subject heading,
promotes better understanding, aids recall, and thus provides a more efficient study guide. Study and
place emphasis on those questions most likely to be included in your test (identified by the aircraft cat-
egory above each question). For example, a pilot preparing for the Private Airplane test would focus on
the questions marked “ALL” and “AIR,” and a pilot preparing for the Private Helicopter test would focus
on the questions marked “ALL” and “RTC.”
It is important to answer every question assigned on your FAA Knowledge Test. If in their ongoing
review, the FAA authors decide a question has no correct answer, is no longer applicable, or is otherwise
defective, your answer will be marked correct no matter which one you chose. However, you will not be
given the automatic credit unless you have marked an answer. Unlike some other exams you may have
taken, there is no penalty for “guessing” in this instance.
The FAA exams are “closed tests” which means the exact database of questions is not available to
the public. The question and answer choices in this book are based on our extensive history and expe-
rience with the FAA testing process. You might see similar although not exactly the same questions on
your official FAA exam. Answer stems may be rearranged from the A, B, C order you see in this book.
Therefore, be careful to fully understand the intent of each question and corresponding answer while
studying, rather than memorize the A, B, C answer. You may be asked a question that has unfamiliar
wording; studying and understanding the information in this book and the associated references will give
you the tools to answer all types of questions with confidence.
If your study leads you to question an answer choice, we recommend you seek the assistance of a
local instructor. We welcome your questions, recommendations or concerns:
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The FAA appreciates testing experience feedback. You can contact the branch responsible for the
FAA Knowledge Exams at:
Federal Aviation Administration
AFS-630, Airman Testing Standards Branch
PO Box 25082
Oklahoma City, OK 73125
Email: afs630comments@faa.gov
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The FAA rolls out new tests as needed throughout the year. The FAA Knowledge Exams are “closed
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tion materials available in the industry.
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Practice tests are also available as an app! www.asa2fly.com/apps
All test questions are the objective, multiple-choice type, with three choices of answers. Each question can
be answered by the selection of a single response. Each test question is independent of other questions,
that is, a correct response to one does not depend upon or influence the correct response to another.
As stated in 14 CFR §61.63, an applicant need not take an additional knowledge test provided the
applicant holds an airplane, rotorcraft, powered-lift, or airship rating at that pilot certificate level. For
example, an applicant transitioning from gliders to airplanes or helicopters will need to take the test. A
person transitioning from weight-shift or powered parachute to airplane will need to take the test. An
applicant transitioning from airplanes to gliders, or airplanes to helicopters, or airplanes to weight-shift
or powered parachute, will not be required to take the test.
For the most efficient and effective study program, refer to the following table, placing emphasis on
those questions most likely to be included on your test (identified by the aircraft category above each
question number). Use the Prepware software or www.prepware.com to practice the test as if you were
at the testing facility. These programs can also be used to obtain the endorsement you need to take the
official exam.
The Prepware software or www.prepware.com can be used to get your test authorization directly
from ASA.
The FAA references the following documents to write the FAA Knowledge Exam questions. You should
be familiar with all of these as part of your ground school studies, which you should complete before
starting test preparation:
Airport/Facility Directory
AC 91-51 Effect of Icing on Aircraft Control and Airplane Deice and Anti-Ice Systems
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM)
Visit the ASA website for these and many more titles and pilot supplies for your aviation endeavors:
Four aerodynamic forces are considered to be basic because they act upon an aircraft during all flight
maneuvers. There is the downward-acting force called WEIGHT which must be overcome by the
upward-acting force called LIFT, and there is the rearward-acting force called DRAG, which must be
overcome by the forward-acting force called THRUST.
Category rating. This question may
be found on tests for these ratings.*
3201. (Refer to Figure 14.) The four forces acting on an
See separate book: Airman Knowledge
airplane in flight are
Testing Supplement (CT-8080-XX)
A— lift, weight, thrust, and drag.
B— lift, weight, gravity, and thrust. Question and answer choices
C— lift, gravity, power, and friction.
Lift, weight, thrust, and drag are the four basic Explanation
aerodynamic forces acting on an aircraft in flight.
(PLT235) — FAA-H-8083-25
Answer (B) is incorrect because the force of gravity is always the same Code line. FAA Learning Statement
number and reacts with the airplane’s mass to produce a different Code in parentheses, followed by
weight for almost every airplane. Answer (C) is incorrect because references for further study.
weight is the final product of gravity, thrust is the final product of
power, and drag is the final product of friction. Power, gravity, and
friction are only parts of the aerodynamic forces of flight.
Incorrect answer explanation. Reasons why
answer choices are incorrect explained here.
* Note: The FAA does not ALL = All aircraft SPO = Sport Pilot (all aircraft categories)
identify which questions are AIR = Airplane LSA = Sport Pilot Airplane
on the different ratings’ tests. GLI = Glider LSG = Sport Pilot Glider
Unless the wording of a LTA = Lighter-Than-Air (applies to hot air balloon, gas balloon and airship) LSL = Sport Pilot Lighter-Than-Air
question is pertinent to only REC = Recreational LSP = Sport Pilot Powered Parachute
one rating category, it may be RTC = Rotorcraft (applies to both helicopter and gyroplane) LSR = Sport Pilot Rotorcraft
found on any of the tests. PPC = Powered Parachute LSW = Sport Pilot Weight-Shift-control
WSC = Weight-Shift Control
Where do flight instructors come from? The most visible Certified Flight Instructors (CFIs) are often
the aspiring airline pilots who populate flight schools on their way to a jet cockpit. Despite occasional
concerns about “time-building,” the vast majority of those folks do a super job.
But the current airline hiring boom is soaking up flight instructors faster than they can be replaced,
and there’s no end in sight. That means fewer CFIs to provide the quality instruction we need in both
general and professional aviation.
Where can we find flight instructors with the commitment and long-term interest to meet the needs
of general aviation? The answer is that more CFIs must sprout from the enthusiastic general aviation
pilots we meet every day at the airport. You know, people like us, who find flying a 172, a Kitfox, or a
Baron to be a blast. Pilots who delight in doing a professional job of piloting even while sustaining other
full-time careers. Aviators who’d love a professional flying career, but who aren’t interested in flying the
“heavy iron.”
Me? An Instructor?
Many student and private pilots wonder about the feasibility of one day becoming a CFI. Well, with the
CFI shortage upon us and deepening rapidly, that ad up above has your name on it! Let’s consider why
becoming a flight instructor is a worthy mission for you to pursue right now.
We’ve already touched upon some reasons for becoming a CFI; demand is high, and your experience
and dedication can benefit the industry. But there are other great reasons to become a flight instructor.
First, the old adage, “the best way to master a subject is to teach it,” is most definitely true. As an
active CFI your knowledge and flight proficiency will rapidly exceed your greatest expectations as a
Private Pilot. By teaching others you will truly learn to fly as a pro.
Next comes the reward of setting goals and achieving them. Many of us find ourselves sitting at
home on a given day, thinking, “Gee, I wish there was a reason to go flying today.” Well, there is! Start
working toward that CFI and you’ve got a meaningful personal and professional objective to justify the
time, effort, and investment in continuing regular flying.
Then there’s the contribution to be made to the aviation community. Not only can you as a CFI per-
sonally impact the safety and proficiency of pilots you train, but there’s also the critically important role
CFIs serve in recruiting new blood to aviation. The vast majority of new pilots sign up through the direct
or indirect efforts of active CFIs, and we need your help carrying the flag.
Best of all, here’s your big chance to become an honest-to-goodness pro. Almost every active pilot
harbors the dream of flying professionally. But for many reasons — age, family and lifestyle considerations,
success in another occupation — only a certain percentage of pilots are in position to pursue, say, the
captain’s seat in a Boeing or a LearJet. Well here’s your opportunity to fly professionally under schedule
and conditions more or less of your own choosing, all while having someone pay you to do it.
Portions of this material first appeared in Flight Training magazine. Greg Brown is the author of The Savvy Flight
Instructor: Secrets of the Successful CFI, published by ASA.
Aerodynamic Terms
An airfoil is a structure or body which produces a useful reaction to air movement. Airplane wings,
helicopter rotor blades, and propellers are airfoils. See Figure 1-1.
The chord line is an imaginary straight line from the leading edge to the trailing edge of an airfoil.
See Figure 1-2. Changing the shape of an airfoil (by lowering flaps, for example) will change the chord
line. See Figure 1-3.
In aerodynamics, relative wind is the wind felt by an airfoil. It is created by the movement of air
past an airfoil, by the motion of an airfoil through the air, or by a combination of the two. Relative wind
is parallel and in the opposite direction to the flight path of the airfoil. See Figure 1-4.
The angle of attack is the angle between the chord line of the airfoil and the relative wind. By
manipulating the aircraft controls, the pilot can vary the angle of attack. See Figure 1-5.
The angle of incidence is the angle at which a wing is attached to the aircraft fuselage. The airplane
pilot has no control over the angle of incidence. See Figure 1-6. The angle of incidence changes for a
powered parachute based on the design, and is controlled by the pilot on a weight-shift control aircraft.
3203. (Refer to Figure 1.) The acute angle A is the
angle of
A— incidence.
B— attack.
C— dihedral.
3204. The term “angle of attack” is defined as the angle
A— between the wing chord line and the relative wind.
B— between the airplane’s climb angle and the
C— formed by the longitudinal axis of the airplane
Figure 1-5. Angle of attack and the chord line of the wing.
3203 [B] 3204 [A]
3204-1. The angle between the chord line of an airfoil 2225. The angle of attack at which an airfoil stalls will
and the relative wind is known as the angle of A— increase if the CG is moved forward.
A— lift. B— remain the same regardless of gross weight.
B— attack. C— change with an increase in gross weight.
C— incidence.
When the angle of attack is increased to between 18°
The angle of attack is the acute angle between the chord and 20° (critical angle of attack) on most airfoils, the
line of the wing and the direction of the relative wind. airstream can no longer follow the upper curvature of
(PLT168) — FAA-H-8083-25 the wing because of the excessive change in direc-
Answer (A) is incorrect because the angle of lift is not an aerody- tion. The airfoil will stall if the critical angle of attack is
namic term used in aviation. Answer (C) is incorrect because the exceeded. The indicated airspeed at which stall occurs
angle between the chordline of an airfoil and the longitudinal axis of will be determined by weight and load factor, but the stall
an aircraft is known as the angle of incidence.
angle of attack is the same. (PLT477) — FAA-H-8083-25
Answers (A) and (C) are incorrect because an airfoil will always stall
at the same angle of attack, regardless of the CG position or gross
3317. Angle of attack is defined as the angle between
the chord line of an airfoil and the
A— direction of the relative wind. SPO
B— pitch angle of an airfoil. 2225-1. What is the effect of advancing the throttle in
C— rotor plane of rotation. flight?
A— Both aircraft groundspeed and angle of attack will
The angle of attack is the angle between the chord increase.
line of the airfoil and the direction of the relative wind. B— Airspeed will remain relatively constant but the
(PLT168) — FAA-H-8083-21 aircraft will climb.
C— The aircraft will accelerate, which will cause a
turn to the right.
3204-1 [B] 3317 [A] 2225 [B] 2225-1 [B]
Air is a gas which can be compressed or expanded.
When compressed, more air can occupy a given Figure 1-11. Relationship of forces in flight
volume and air density is increased. When allowed
to expand, air occupies a greater space and density is decreased. Temperature, atmospheric pressure,
and humidity all affect air density. Air density has significant effects on an aircraft’s performance.
As the velocity of a fluid (gas or liquid) increases, its pressure decreases. This is known as Bernoulli’s
Principle. See Figure 1-12.
Lift is the result of a pressure difference between the top and the bottom of the wing. A wing is
designed to accelerate air over the top camber of the wing, thereby decreasing the pressure on the top
and producing lift. See Figure 1-13.
Several factors are involved in the creation of lift: angle of attack, wing area and shape (planform),
air velocity, and air density. All of these factors have an effect on the amount of lift produced at any given
moment. The pilot can actively control the angle of attack and the airspeed, and increasing either of
these will result in an increase in lift.
Weight is the force with which gravity attracts all bodies vertically toward the center of the earth.
Thrust is the forward force which is produced by the propeller acting as an airfoil to displace a large
mass of air to the rear.
Drag is a rearward-acting force which resists the
forward movement of an airplane through the air.
Drag may be classified into two main types: para-
site drag and induced drag.
Parasite drag is the resistance of the air pro-
duced by any part of an airplane that does not
produce lift (antennae, landing gear, etc.). Parasite
drag will increase as airspeed increases.
Induced drag is a by-product of lift. In other
words, drag is induced as the wing develops lift.
The high-pressure air beneath the wing, which is
trying to flow around and over the wing tips into
the area of low pressure, causes a vortex behind
the wing tip. This vortex induces a spanwise flow
and creates vortices all along the trailing edge
of the wing. As the angle of attack is increased Figure 1-14. Drag curve diagram
(up to the critical angle), lift will increase and so
will the vortices and downwash. This downwash redirects the lift vector rearward, causing a rearward
component of lift (induced drag). Induced drag will increase as airspeed decreases. See Figure 1-14.
During unaccelerated (straight-and-level) flight, the four aerodynamic forces which act on an airplane
are said to be in equilibrium, or:
Lift = Weight and Thrust = Drag
3201-1. Which statement relates to Bernoulli’s principle? 3201. The four forces acting on an airplane in flight are
A— For every action there is an equal and opposite A— lift, weight, thrust, and drag.
reaction. B— lift, weight, gravity, and thrust.
B— An additional upward force is generated as the C— lift, gravity, power, and friction.
lower surface of the wing deflects air downward.
C— Air traveling faster over the curved upper surface Lift, weight, thrust, and drag are the four basic aero-
of an airfoil causes lower pressure on the top dynamic forces acting on an aircraft in flight. (PLT242)
surface. — FAA-H-8083-25
3201-1 [C] 3201 [A] 3213 [A]
3205. What is the relationship of lift, drag, thrust, and 2229. Climb performance depends upon the
weight when the airplane is in straight-and-level flight? A— reserve power or thrust.
A— Lift equals weight and thrust equals drag. B— maximum L/D ratio.
B— Lift, drag, and weight equal thrust. C— cruise power setting.
C— Lift and weight equal thrust and drag.
Climb depends upon the reserve power or thrust.
Lift and thrust are considered positive forces, while Reserve power is the available power over and above
weight and drag are considered negative forces and the that required to maintain horizontal flight at a given
sum of the opposing forces is zero. That is, lift = weight speed. (PLT125) — FAA-H-8083-25
and thrust = drag. (PLT235) — FAA-H-8083-25
3205 [A] 3202 [A] 2239 [A] 2229 [A] 2215 [B] 2216 [A]
Stability is the inherent ability of an airplane to return, or not return, to its original flight condition after
being disturbed by an outside force, such as rough air.
Positive static stability is the initial tendency of an aircraft to return or not return to its original posi-
tion. See Figure 1-15.
Positive dynamic stability is the tendency of an oscillating airplane (with positive static stability) to
return to its original position relative to time. See Figure 1-16.
Aircraft design normally ensures that the aircraft will be stable in pitch. The pilot can adversely affect
this longitudinal stability by allowing the center of gravity (CG) to move forward or aft of specified CG
limits through improper loading procedures. One undesirable
flight characteristic a pilot might experience in an airplane
loaded with the CG located aft of the aft CG limit would be
the inability to recover from a stalled condition.
The location of the CG with respect to the center of lift
(CL) will determine the longitudinal stability of an airplane.
See Figure 1-17.
An airplane will be less stable at all airspeeds if it is loaded
to the most aft CG. An advantage of an airplane said to be
inherently stable is that it will require less effort to control.
Changes in pitch can also be experienced with changes
in power settings (except in T-tail airplanes). When power is
reduced, there is a corresponding reduction in downwash on
the tail, which results in the nose “pitching” down.
A properly designed weight-shift control is stable because
the center of lift is above the CG. Slower than trim, the cen-
ter of lift moves aft. Faster than trim, the center of lift moves
forward to make the aircraft stable.
Powered parachutes are stable because the center of
gravity is well below the wing, creating pendulum stability. Figure 1-15. Static stability
3212. What causes an airplane (except a T-tail) to pitch
nosedown when power is reduced and controls are not
A— The CG shifts forward when thrust and drag are
B— The downwash on the elevators from the
propeller slipstream is reduced and elevator
effectiveness is reduced.
C— When thrust is reduced to less than weight, lift
is also reduced and the wings can no longer
Figure 1-17. Effect of CG on airplane stability support the weight.
3211. What determines the longitudinal stability of an AIR, GLI, WSC
airplane? 3287. An airplane has been loaded in such a manner
A— The location of the CG with respect to the center that the CG is located aft of the aft CG limit. One unde-
of lift. sirable flight characteristic a pilot might experience with
B— The effectiveness of the horizontal stabilizer, this airplane would be
rudder, and rudder trim tab. A— a longer takeoff run.
C— The relationship of thrust and lift to weight and B— difficulty in recovering from a stalled condition.
drag. C— stalling at higher-than-normal airspeed.
The location of the center of gravity with respect to the Loading in a tail-heavy condition can reduce the air-
center of lift determines to a great extent the longitudinal plane’s ability to recover from stalls and spins. Tail-heavy
stability of an airplane. Center of gravity aft of the center loading also produces very light stick forces, making it
of lift will result in an undesirable pitch-up moment during easy for the pilot to inadvertently overstress the airplane.
flight. An airplane with the center of gravity forward of (PLT003) — FAA-H-8083-25
the center of lift will pitch down when power is reduced. Answer (A) is incorrect because an airplane with an aft CG has less
This will increase the airspeed and the downward force drag from a reduction in horizontal stabilizer lift, resulting in a short
takeoff run. Answer (C) is incorrect because an airplane with an aft
on the elevators. This increased downward force on CG flies at a lower angle of attack, resulting in a lower stall speed.
the elevators will bring the nose up, providing positive
3210 [B] 3211 [A] 3212 [B] 3287 [B]
3288 [A] 3211-1 [C]
l lif
l lift
Horizontal force
component Centrifugal
Figure 1-18. Forces during normal coordinated turn
Referencing FAA Figure 2, use the following steps: Referencing FAA Figure 2, use the following steps:
1. Enter the chart at a 60° angle of bank and proceed 1. Enter the chart at a 45° angle of bank and proceed
upward to the curved reference line. From the point upward to the curved reference line. From the point
of intersection, move to the left side of the chart and of intersection, move to the left side of the chart and
read a load factor of 2 Gs. read a load factor of 1.5 Gs.
2. Multiply the aircraft weight by the load factor: 2. Multiply the aircraft weight by the load factor.
2,300 x 2 = 4,600 lbs 4,500 x 1.5 = 6,750 lbs
Or, working from the table: Or, working from the table:
2,300 x 2.0 (load factor) = 4,600 lbs 4,500 x 1.414 (load factor) = 6,363 lbs
(PLT309) — FAA-H-8083-25 Answer B is the closest.
(PLT309) — FAA-H-8083-25
3215. (Refer to Figure 2.) If an airplane weighs 3,300 AIR, WSC
pounds, what approximate weight would the airplane 3217. The amount of excess load that can be imposed
structure be required to support during a 30° banked on the wing of an airplane depends upon the
turn while maintaining altitude?
A— position of the CG.
A— 1,200 pounds. B— speed of the airplane.
B— 3,100 pounds. C— abruptness at which the load is applied.
C— 3,960 pounds.
At slow speeds, the maximum available lifting force of
Referencing FAA Figure 2, use the following steps: the wing is only slightly greater than the amount neces-
1. Enter the chart at a 30° angle of bank and proceed sary to support the weight of the airplane. However, at
upward to the curved reference line. From the point high speeds, the capacity of the elevator controls, or a
of intersection, move to the left side of the chart and strong gust, may increase the load factor beyond safe
read an approximate load factor of 1.2 Gs. limits. (PLT311) — FAA-H-8083-25
2. Multiply the aircraft weight by the load factor: Answer (A) is incorrect because the position of the CG affects the
stability of the airplane, but not the total load the wings can support.
3,300 x 1.2 = 3,960 lbs Answer (C) is incorrect because abrupt control inputs do not limit
Or, working from the table:
3,300 x 1.154 (load factor) = 3,808 lbs
Answer C is the closest.
(PLT309) — FAA-H-8083-25
Answers (A) and (B) are incorrect because they are less than 3,300
pounds; load factor increases with bank for level flight.
3214 [C] 3215 [C] 3216 [B] 3217 [B]
3218 [B] 3301 [A] 3316 [A]
Rectangular Course
For best results when planning a rectangular course, the flight path should be positioned outside the
field boundaries just far enough that they may be easily observed from either pilot seat by looking out
the side of the airplane. The closer the track of the airplane is to the field boundaries, the steeper the
bank necessary at the turning points. See Figure 1-21.
In a steep turn, the ground speed will be the same
when the airplane has the same headwind com-
ponent. The steepest angle of bank is required at
the points where the airplane is flying downwind.
The airplane will have to be crabbed into the wind
the greatest amount where it is flying crosswind.
In the first half of an S-turn, the bank should
begin shallow and increase in steepness as the
airplane turns crosswind, and become steepest
where the turn is downwind. If the turn is started
with too steep a bank angle, the bank will increase
too rapidly and the upwind half of the “S” will be
smaller than the downwind half. The turn will not
be completed by the time the airplane is over the
reference line. See Figure 1-23.
Figure 1-22. Turns around a point
A— 1-2-3 because the bank is decreased too rapidly A constant gliding speed should be maintained because
during the latter part of the turn. variations of gliding speed nullify all attempts at accuracy
B— 4-5-6 because the bank is increased too rapidly in judgment of gliding distance and the landing spot.
during the early part of the turn. (PLT208) — FAA-H-8083-3A
C— 4-5-6 because the bank is increased too slowly
during the latter part of the turn.
3202-1 [C] 3202-2 [A] 3202-3 [B] 3202-4 [B] 3202-5 [C]
3263 [C] 2233 [A] 3309 [C]
3310. During a spin to the left, which wing(s) is/are 3311. The angle of attack at which an airplane wing
stalled? stalls will
A— Both wings are stalled. A— increase if the CG is moved forward.
B— Neither wing is stalled. B— change with an increase in gross weight.
C— Only the left wing is stalled. C— remain the same regardless of gross weight.
One wing is less stalled than the other, but both wings When the angle of attack is increased to between 18°
are stalled in a spin. (PLT245) — FAA-H-8083-3 and 20° (critical angle of attack) on most airfoils, the
Answer (B) is incorrect because both wings must be stalled through airstream can no longer follow the upper curvature of
the spin. Answer (C) is incorrect because both wings are stalled; but the wing because of the excessive change in direction.
the right wing is less fully stalled than the left. The airplane will stall if the critical angle of attack is
exceeded. The indicated airspeed at which stall occurs
will be determined by weight and load factor, but the stall
angle of attack is the same. (PLT168) — FAA-H-8083-25
Answers (A) and (B) are incorrect because an airplane will always
stall at the same angle of attack, regardless of the CG position or
gross weight.
Extending the flaps increases the wing camber
and the angle of attack of a wing. This increases
wing lift and also increases induced drag. See
Figure 1-25.
The increased drag enables the pilot to make
steeper approaches to a landing, without an
increase in airspeed. VFR approaches to a landing
at night should be made the same as during the Figure 1-25. Use of flaps increases lift and drag
3310 [A] 3311 [C] 3219 [C] 3220 [A]
Ground Effect
Ground effect occurs when flying within one wingspan or less above the surface. The airflow around the
wing and wing tips is modified and the resulting pattern reduces the downwash and the induced drag.
These changes can result in an aircraft becoming airborne before reaching recommended takeoff speed
or floating during an approach to land. See Figure 1-26.
An airplane leaving ground effect after takeoff will require an increase in angle of attack to maintain
the same lift coefficient, which in turn will cause an increase in induced drag and therefore, require
increased thrust.
3315 [B] 3312 [A] 3313 [A]
3314 [B] 3324 [C] 3735 [C] 2223-2 [B]
Wake Turbulence
All aircraft leave two types of wake turbulence: Prop or jet blast, and wing-tip vortices.
The prop or jet blast could be hazardous to light aircraft on the ground behind large aircraft which
are either taxiing or running-up their engines. In the air, jet or prop blast dissipates rapidly.
Wing-tip vortices are a by-product of lift. When a wing is flown at a positive angle of attack, a pressure
differential is created between the upper and lower wing surfaces, and the pressure above the wing will
be lower than the pressure below the wing. In attempting to equalize the pressure, air moves outward,
upward, and around the wing tip, setting up a vortex which trails behind each wing. See Figure 1-27.
The strength of a vortex is governed by the weight, speed, and the shape of the wing of the generat-
ing aircraft. Maximum vortex strength occurs when the generating aircraft is heavy, clean, and slow.
Vortices generated by large aircraft in flight tend to sink below the flight path of the generating aircraft.
A pilot should fly at or above the larger aircraft’s flight path in order to avoid the wake turbulence created
by the wing-tip vortices. See Figure 1-28.
Close to the ground, vortices tend to move laterally. A crosswind will tend to hold the upwind vortex
over the landing runway, while a tailwind may move the vortices of a preceding aircraft forward into the
touchdown zone.
To avoid wake turbulence when landing, a pilot should note the point where a preceding large aircraft
touched down and then land past that point. See Figure 1-29.
On takeoff, lift off should be accomplished prior to reaching the rotation point of a preceding large
aircraft; the flight path should then remain upwind
and above the preceding aircraft’s flight path. See
Figure 1-30.
Figure 1-27. Wing-tip vortices Figure 1-30. Rotation and wake beginning
Flight tests have shown that the vortices from large ALL, SPO
aircraft sink at a rate of about 400 to 500 feet per min- 3826. Wingtip vortices created by large aircraft tend to
ute. They tend to level off at a distance about 900 feet
below the path of the generating aircraft. (PLT509) — A— sink below the aircraft generating turbulence.
FAA-H-8083-25 B— rise into the traffic pattern.
C— rise into the takeoff or landing path of a crossing
Answer (A) is incorrect because wing-tip vortices always trail behind
an airplane and descend toward the ground; they will also drift with runway.
the wind. Answer (B) is incorrect because wing-tip vortices descend.
Flight tests have shown that the vortices from large
aircraft sink at a rate of about 400 to 500 feet per min-
ute. They tend to level off at a distance about 900 feet
below the path of the generating aircraft. (PLT509) —
Answers (B) and (C) are incorrect because wing-tip vortices sink
toward the ground; however, they may move horizontally depending
on crosswind conditions.
3829-2 [A] 3829-3 [C] 3827 [C] 3824 [C] 3825 [C] 3826 [A]
3828. The wind condition that requires maximum caution 2039. What wind condition prolongs the hazards of
when avoiding wake turbulence on landing is a wake turbulence on a landing runway for the longest
A— light, quartering headwind. period of time?
B— light, quartering tailwind. A— Light quartering headwind.
C— strong headwind. B— Direct tailwind.
C— Light quartering tailwind.
A tailwind condition can move the vortices of a preceding
aircraft forward into the touchdown zone. A light quarter- A light wind with a cross runway component of 1 to 5
ing tailwind requires maximum caution. Pilots should be knots could result in the upwind vortex remaining in the
alert to large aircraft upwind from their approach and touchdown zone for a period of time and hasten the
takeoff flight paths. (PLT509) — FAA-H-8083-25 drift of the downwind vortex toward another runway.
Answer (A) is incorrect because headwinds push the vortices out of Similarly, a tailwind condition can move the vortices of
the touchdown zone when landing beyond the touchdown point of the preceding aircraft forward into the touchdown zone.
the preceding aircraft. Answer (C) is incorrect because strong winds The light quartering tailwind requires maximum caution.
help diffuse wake turbulence vortices.
(PLT509) — AIM ¶7-3-4
3829. When landing behind a large aircraft, the pilot
2234-1. A go-around from a poor landing approach
should avoid wake turbulence by staying
A— should not be attempted unless circumstances
A— above the large aircraft’s final approach path and
make it absolutely necessary.
landing beyond the large aircraft’s touchdown
B— is preferable to last minute attempts to prevent a
bad landing.
B— below the large aircraft’s final approach path and
C— should not be attempted after the landing flare
landing before the large aircraft’s touchdown
has been initiated regardless of airspeed.
C— above the large aircraft’s final approach path and It is safer to make a go-around than to touch down
landing before the large aircraft’s touchdown point. while drifting or while in a crab, or make a hard drop-in
landing from a high round-out or a bounced landing.
When landing behind a large aircraft stay at or above the
(PLT170) — FAA-H-8083-3
large aircraft’s final approach path. Note its touchdown
Answer (A) is incorrect because a go-around should be executed
point and land beyond it. (PLT509) — FAA-H-8083-25 whenever unfavorable conditions exist. Answer (C) is incorrect
Answer (B) is incorrect because below the flight path, you will fly into because the go-around can be started at any time in the landing
the sinking vortices generated by the large aircraft. Answer (C) is process.
incorrect because by landing before the large aircraft’s touchdown
point, you will have to fly below the preceding aircraft’s flight path,
and into the vortices.
3830. When departing behind a heavy aircraft, the pilot
should avoid wake turbulence by maneuvering the aircraft
A— below and downwind from the heavy aircraft.
B— above and upwind from the heavy aircraft.
C— below and upwind from the heavy aircraft.
3828 [B] 3829 [A] 3830 [B] 2039 [C] 2234-1 [B]
Reciprocating Engines
Most small airplanes are powered by reciprocating (“recip”) engines made up, in part, of cylinders,
pistons, connecting rods and a crankshaft. The pistons move back and forth within the cylinders. Con-
necting rods connect the pistons to the crankshaft, which converts the back and forth movements of the
pistons to a rotary motion. It is this rotary motion which drives the propeller.
One cycle of the engine consists of two revolutions of the crankshaft. These two crankshaft revolu-
tions require four strokes of the piston; namely, the intake, compression, power, and exhaust strokes.
The top end of the cylinder houses an intake valve, an exhaust valve, and two spark plugs.
During the intake stroke, the intake valve is open and the piston moves away from the top of the
cylinder and draws in an air/fuel mixture (Figure 2-1A).
At the completion of the intake stroke, the intake valve closes and the piston returns to the top of the
cylinder and compresses the air/fuel mixture (Figure 2-1B).
When the piston reaches a precise point near the top of its stroke, the spark plugs ignite the com-
pressed mixture and the rapid expansion of the burning mixture forces the piston downward (Figure 2-1C).
As the piston completes the downward movement of the power stroke, the exhaust valve opens and
the piston rises to the top of the cylinder. This exhaust stroke forces out the burned gases and completes
one cycle of the engine (Figure 2-1D).
Because of the many moving parts in a reciprocating engine, as soon as the engine is started, power
should be set to the RPM recommended for engine warm-up and the engine gauges checked for the
desired indications.
Should it be necessary to start the engine by “hand propping,” it is extremely important that a
competent pilot be at the controls in the cockpit. In addition, the person turning the propeller should be
thoroughly familiar with the procedure.
AIR, WSC, PPC, LSA, LSR, LSW, LSP The dual ignition system has two magnetos to supply
3223. One purpose of the dual ignition system on an the electrical current to two spark plugs for each com-
aircraft engine is to provide for bustion chamber. This provides both a redundancy of
A— improved engine performance. ignition and an improvement of engine performance.
B— uniform heat distribution. (PLT478) — FAA-H-8083-25
C— balanced cylinder head pressure. Answer (B) is incorrect because heat distribution is not affected by
the ignition system. Answer (C) is incorrect because cylinder head
pressure in not affected by the ignition system.
3657 [B] 3656 [A] 3656-1 [C] 3223 [A]
3223-1. An electrical system failure (battery and alter- 2238. An electrical system failure (battery and alterna-
nator) occurs during flight. In this situation, you would tor) occurs in a magneto equipped aircraft during flight.
A— experience avionics equipment failure. In this situation, you would
B— probably experience failure of the engine ignition A— probably experience engine failure due to the
system, fuel gauges, aircraft lighting system, and loss of the engine-driven fuel pump and also
avionics equipment. experience failure of the radio equipment, lights,
C— probably experience engine failure due to the and all instruments that require alternating
loss of the engine-driven fuel pump and also current.
experience failure of the radio equipment, lights, B— probably experience failure of the engine ignition
and all instruments that require alternating current. system, fuel gauges, aircraft lighting system, and
avionics equipment.
If you experience an inflight electrical system failure, you C— experience avionics equipment failure.
have an avionics equipment failure and cannot use your
electrical fuel boost pump. (PLT208) — FAA-H-8083-25 If you experience an inflight electrical system failure, you
Answer (B) is incorrect because the ignition system of an aircraft have an avionics equipment failure and cannot use your
reciprocating engine is powered by two self-contained magnetos electrical fuel boost pump. (PLT207) — FAA-H-8083-25
that are not dependent upon the aircraft electrical system. Answer
Answer (A) is incorrect because the engine-driven fuel pumps are
(C) is incorrect because the engine-driven fuel pumps are mechani-
mechanical and not dependent on the electrical system. Answer (B)
cal and not dependent on the electrical system.
is incorrect because the ignition system of an aircraft reciprocating
engine is powered by two self-contained magnetos that are not
dependent upon the aircraft electrical system.
3223-2. If the ground wire between the magneto and
the ignition switch becomes disconnected, the most LSA, LSR, LSW, LSP
noticeable result will be that the engine 2364. Concerning the advantages of an aircraft genera-
A— will run very rough. tor or alternator, select the true statement.
B— cannot be started with the switch in the ON A— A generator always provides more electrical
position. current than an alternator.
C— cannot be shut down by turning the switch to the B— An alternator provides more electrical power at
OFF position. lower engine RPM than a generator.
C— A generator charges the battery during low
If the ground wire between a magneto and the ignition engine RPM; therefore, the battery has less
switch becomes disconnected, the primary current chance to become fully discharged, as often
cannot be directed to ground, and the engine cannot occurs with an alternator.
be shut down by turning the switch to the OFF position.
(PLT478) — FAA-H-8083-25 One of the basic differences between a generator and
an alternator used on an aircraft engine is the number
of magnetic poles used to produce the electricity. Gen-
LSA, LSR, LSW, LSP erators normally have 2 or 4 poles, while alternators
2242. One purpose of the dual ignition system on a have between 8 and 14 poles. Because of the greater
two-cycle engine is to provide for number of poles, an alternator can provide more elec-
A— system redundancy in the ignition system. trical power at a lower engine RPM than a generator.
B— uniform heat distribution. (PLT207) — FAA-H-8083-25
C— balanced cylinder head pressure.
3223-1 [A] 3223-2 [C] 2242 [A] 2238 [C] 2364 [B]
AIR, RTC, WSC, PPC The mixture becomes richer as the airplane gains alti-
3225. The operating principle of float-type carburetors tude, because the carburetor meters the same amount
is based on the of fuel as at sea level. Leaning the mixture control pre-
A— automatic metering of air at the venturi as the vents this by decreasing the rate of fuel discharge to
aircraft gains altitude. compensate for the decrease in air density. (PLT249)
B— difference in air pressure at the venturi throat and — FAA-H-8083-25
the air inlet. Answer (A) is incorrect because the pilot would increase the amount
C— increase in air velocity in the throat of a venturi of fuel to compensate for increased air density. Answer (C) is incor-
rect because the pilot would decrease the amount of fuel to compen-
causing an increase in air pressure. sate for decreased air density.
3225 [B] 3226 [B] 3228 [A]
Carburetor Ice
As air flows through a carburetor it expands rapidly. At the same time, fuel forced into the airstream is
vaporized. Expansion of the air and vaporization of the fuel causes a sudden cooling of the mixture which
may cause ice to form inside the carburetor. The possibility of icing should always be considered when
operating in conditions where the temperature is between 20°F and 70°F, and the relative humidity is high.
Carburetor heat preheats the air before it enters the carburetor and either prevents carburetor ice
from forming or melts any ice which may have formed. When carburetor heat is applied, the heated air
that enters the carburetor is less dense. This causes the fuel/air mixture to become enriched, and this
in turn decreases engine output and increases engine operating temperatures.
During engine runup prior to departure from a high-altitude airport, the pilot may notice a slight
engine roughness which is not affected by the magneto check, but grows worse during the carburetor
heat check. In this case, the air/fuel mixture may be too rich due to the lower air density at the high alti-
tude, and applying carburetor heat decreases the air density even more. A leaner setting of the mixture
control may correct this problem.
In an airplane with a fixed-pitch propeller, the first indication of carburetor ice would likely be a
decrease in RPM as the air supply is choked off. Application of carburetor heat will decrease air density,
causing the RPM to drop even lower. Then, as the carburetor ice melts, the RPM will rise gradually.
Fuel injection systems do not utilize a carburetor and are generally considered to be less susceptible
to icing than carburetor systems are.
3227 [A] 3231 [C]
3235 [C] 3229 [C] 3230 [A] 3230-1 [B] 3232 [B]
3233 [B] 3234 [A] 3236 [A] 2341 [C]
Aviation Fuel
Fuel does two things for the engine; it acts both as an agent for combustion and as an agent for cooling
(based on the mixture setting of the engine).
Aviation fuel is available in several grades. The proper grade for a specific engine will be listed in
the aircraft flight manual. If the proper grade of fuel is not available, it is possible to use the next higher
grade. A lower grade of fuel should never be used.
The use of low-grade fuel or an air/fuel mixture which is too lean may cause detonation, which is the
uncontrolled spontaneous explosion of the mixture in the cylinder. Detonation produces extreme heat.
Preignition is the premature burning of the air/fuel mixture. It is caused by an incandescent area
(such as a carbon or lead deposit heated to a red hot glow) which serves as an ignitor in advance of
normal ignition.
Fuel can be contaminated by water and/or dirt. The air inside the aircraft fuel tanks can cool at night,
and this cooling forms water droplets (through condensation) on the insides of the fuel tanks. These drop-
lets then fall into the fuel. To avoid this problem, always fill the tanks completely when parking overnight.
Thoroughly drain all of the aircraft’s sumps, drains, and strainers before a flight to get rid of all the
water that might have collected.
Dirt can get into the fuel if refueling equipment is poorly maintained or if the refueling operation is
sloppy. Use care when refueling an aircraft.
Two fuel pump systems are used on most airplanes. The main pump system is engine driven and an
auxiliary electric driven pump is provided for use in the event the engine pump fails. The auxiliary pump,
commonly known as the “boost pump,” provides added reliability to the fuel system, and is also used as
an aid in engine starting. The electric auxiliary pump is controlled by a switch in the cockpit.
3224. On aircraft equipped with fuel pumps, when is 3237. If the grade of fuel used in an aircraft engine is
the auxiliary electric driven pump used? lower than specified for the engine, it will most likely
A— All the time to aid the engine-driven fuel pump. cause
B— In the event engine-driven fuel pump fails. A— a mixture of fuel and air that is not uniform in all
C— Constantly except in starting the engine. cylinders.
B— lower cylinder head temperatures.
Two fuel pump systems are used on most airplanes. The C— detonation.
main pump system is engine driven and an auxiliary
electric driven pump is provided for use in the event Using fuel of a lower rating is harmful under any circum-
the engine pump fails. The auxiliary pump, commonly stances because it may cause loss of power, excessive
known as the “boost pump,” provides added reliability heat, burned spark plugs, burned and sticky valves, high
to the fuel system, and is also used as an aid in engine oil consumption, and detonation. (PLT250) — FAA-H-
starting. The electric auxiliary pump is controlled by a 8083-25
switch in the cockpit. (PLT253) — FAA-H-8083-25 Answer (A) is incorrect because the carburetor will meter the lower-
grade fuel the same as the proper fuel. Answer (B) is incorrect
because lower-grade fuel raises cylinder head temperatures.
3224 [B] 3237 [C]
3238 [A] 3238-1 [C] 3240 [B] 3242 [A] 3243 [C] 3243-1 [C]
Engine Temperatures
Engine lubricating oil not only prevents direct metal-to-metal contact of moving parts, it also absorbs
and dissipates some of the engine heat produced by internal combustion. If the engine oil level should
fall too low, an abnormally high engine oil temperature indication may result.
On the ground or in the air, excessively high engine temperatures can cause excessive oil consump-
tion, loss of power, and possible permanent internal engine damage.
If the engine oil temperature and cylinder head temperature gauges have exceeded their normal
operating range, or if the pilot suspects that the engine (with a fixed-pitch propeller) is detonating during
climb-out, the pilot may have been operating with either too much power and the mixture set too lean,
using fuel of too low a grade, or operating the engine with an insufficient amount of oil in it. Reducing
the rate of climb and increasing airspeed, enriching the fuel mixture, or retarding the throttle will aid in
cooling an engine that is overheating.
The most important rule to remember in the event of a power failure after becoming airborne is to
maintain safe airspeed.
To prevent detonation, the pilot should use the correct Operating an engine at a higher temperature than it
grade of fuel, maintain a sufficiently rich mixture, open the was designed for will cause loss of power, excessive oil
throttle smoothly, and keep the temperature of the engine consumption, and detonation. It will also lead to seri-
within recommended operating limits. Some aircraft ous permanent injury to the engine including scoring of
have an automatically enriched mixture for enhanced cylinder walls, damage to pistons and rings, and burning
cooling in takeoff and climb-out at full throttle. Lowering and warping of valves. (PLT342) — FAA-H-8083-25
the nose will allow the aircraft to gain airspeed, which Answer (A) is incorrect because internal engine damage is more
eventually lowers the engine temperature. (PLT115) — likely to result before external damage occurs. Answer (C) is incor-
FAA-H-8083-25 rect because excessively high engine temperatures seriously affect
an aircraft engine.
Answer (A) is incorrect because leaning the mixture increases
engine temperatures; detonation results from excessively high
engine temperatures. Answer (C) is incorrect because although a
richer fuel mixture results from applying carburetor heat, the heat
may offset the cooling effect of the mixture change. The most effi-
cient initial action would be to increase airspeed.
2353 [C] 3239 [B] 3221 [B]
Excessively high engine temperatures result from insuf- Oil, used primarily to lubricate the moving parts of the
ficient cooling caused by too lean a mixture, too low engine, also helps reduce engine temperature by remov-
a grade of fuel, low oil, or insufficient airflow over the ing some of the heat from the cylinders. Therefore, if the
engine. (PLT250) — FAA-H-8083-25 oil level is too low, the transfer of heat to less oil would
Answer (B) is incorrect because higher octane fuel will burn at lower cause the oil temperature to rise. (PLT324) — FAA-H-
temperatures, keeping the engine cooler. Answer (C) is incorrect 8083-25
because high oil pressure does not cause high engine temperatures. Answer (B) is incorrect because the higher the viscosity, the bet-
ter the lubricating and cooling capability of the oil. Answer (C) is
incorrect because a rich fuel/air mixture usually decreases engine
3221-1 [C] 3222 [C] 3241 [A] 3244 [C] 2354 [A] 3245 [A]
3651 [A] 3652 [A] 3711 [A]
A propeller provides thrust to propel the airplane through the air. Some aircraft are equipped with a
constant-speed propeller. This type of propeller allows the pilot to select the most efficient propeller
blade angle for each phase of flight. In these aircraft, the throttle controls the power output as registered
on the manifold pressure gauge, and the propeller control regulates the engine RPM.
A pilot should avoid a high manifold pressure setting with low RPM on engines equipped with a
constant-speed propeller. To avoid high manifold pressure combined with low RPM, reduce the manifold
pressure before reducing RPM when decreasing power settings (or increase the RPM before increasing
the manifold pressure when increasing power settings).
3653 [A] 3654 [B] 3655 [B]
An airplane of standard configuration has an insistent tendency to turn to the left. This tendency is called
torque, and is a combination of four forces: namely, reactive force, spiraling slipstream, gyroscopic pre-
cession, and P-factor.
Reactive force is based on Newton’s Law of action and reaction. A propeller rotating in a clockwise
direction (as seen from the rear) produces a force which tends to roll the airplane in a counterclockwise
direction. See Figure 2-2.
The spiraling slipstream is the reaction of the air to a rotating propeller. (The propeller forces the
air to spiral in a clockwise direction around the fuselage.) This spiraling slipstream strikes the airplane’s
vertical stabilizer on the left side. This pushes the tail of the airplane to the right and the nose of the
airplane to the left. See Figure 2-3. Weight-shift control and powered parachutes do not have this effect.
Gyroscopic precession is the result of a deflective force applied to a rotating body (such as a
propeller). The resultant action occurs 90° later in the direction of rotation. See Figure 2-4.
Asymmetric propeller loading, called P-factor, is caused by the downward moving blade on the
right side of the propeller having a higher angle of attack, a greater action and reaction, and therefore
a higher thrust than the upward moving opposite blade. This results in a tendency for the aircraft to yaw
to the left around the vertical axis. Additional left-turning tendency from torque will be greatest when the
aircraft is operating at low airspeed with a high power setting.
The effect of torque increases in direct proportion to The effects of P-factor, or asymmetric propeller loading,
the engine power, airspeed, and airplane attitude. If the usually occur when the airplane is flown at high angles
power setting is high, the airspeed slow, and the angle of attack (or a high deck angle for a PPC) and at high
of attack high (or a high deck angle for a PPC), the power settings. (PLT243) — FAA-H-8083-25
effect of torque is greater. (PLT243) — FAA-H-8083-25 Answer (A) is incorrect because the thrust differential between
Answer (B) is incorrect because the least amount of torque effect is ascending and descending propeller blades at low angles of attack
produced under these conditions. Answer (C) is incorrect because is slight. Answer (C) is incorrect because at higher airspeeds, an air-
torque effect is negligible at higher airspeeds due to increased sta- craft’s angle of attack decreases in straight-and-level flight; therefore
bility generated by more airflow moving over all airfoils. propeller-blade differential thrust becomes negligible.
3207 [A] 3208 [B] 3209 [B]
3659. How should an aircraft preflight inspection be
accomplished for the first flight of the day?
A— Quick walk around with a check of gas and oil.
B— Thorough and systematic means recommended
by the manufacturer.
C— Any sequence as determined by the pilot-in-
3658 [A] 3659 [B] 3660 [B]
Helicopter Systems
RTC on the advancing blade and increased angle of attack
3318. (Refer to Figure 10.) During flight, if cyclic control on the retreating blade through blade flapping action
pressure is applied which results in a maximum increase tends to equalize lift over the two halves of the rotor
in pitch angle of the rotor blade at position A, the rotor disc. (PLT470) — FAA-H-8083-21
disc will tilt
A— forward.
B— aft.
3321. The upward bending of the rotor blades resulting
C— left.
from the combined forces of lift and centrifugal force is
Gyroscopic precession is the resultant action of a spin- known as
ning object when a force is applied to the object. The A— coning.
action occurs approximately 90° later in the direction B— blade slapping.
of rotation. Thus, if the maximum increase in angle of C— inertia.
attack occurs at point A, maximum deflection takes
place 90° later. This is maximum upward deflection at As a vertical takeoff is made, two major forces are act-
the rear, and the tip-path plane tips forward. (PLT199) ing at the same time — centrifugal force acting outward,
— FAA-H-8083-21 perpendicular to the rotor mast, and lift, acting upward
and parallel to the mast. The result of these two forces
is that the blades assume a conical path instead of
RTC remaining in the plane perpendicular to the mast.
3319. The lift differential that exists between the advanc- (PLT027) — FAA-H-8083-21
ing main rotor blade and the retreating main rotor blade
is known as
A— transverse flow effect.
3322. When a blade flaps up, the CG moves closer to
B— dissymmetry of lift.
C— hunting tendency. its axis of rotation giving that blade a tendency to
A— decelerate.
The difference in lift that exists between the advancing B— accelerate.
blade half of the disc and retreating blade half, created C— stabilize its rotational velocity.
by horizontal flight or by wind during hovering flight, is
called dissymmetry of lift. (PLT242) — FAA-H-8083‑21 When a rotor blade flaps up, the center of mass of that
blade moves closer to the axis of rotation and blade
acceleration takes place. (PLT197) — FAA-H-8083-21
3320. During forward cruising flight at constant airspeed
and altitude, the individual rotor blades, when compared RTC
to each other, are operating 3323. During a hover, a helicopter tends to drift to the
A— with increased lift on the retreating blade. right. To compensate for this, some helicopters have the
B— with a decreasing angle of attack on the A— tail rotor tilted to the left.
advancing blade. B— tail rotor tilted to the right.
C— at unequal airspeed, unequal angles of attack, C— rotor mast rigged to the left side.
and equal lift moment.
To counteract drift, the rotor mast in some helicopters is
As the helicopter moves into forward flight, the relative rigged slightly to the left side so that the tip-path plane
wind moving over each rotor blade becomes a combina- has a built-in tilt to the left, thus producing a small side-
tion of the rotational speed of the rotor and the forward ward thrust. (PLT470) — FAA-H-8083-21
movement of the helicopter. Increased lift on the advanc-
ing blade will cause the blade to flap, decreasing the
angle of attack. Decreased lift on the retreating blade
will cause the blade to flap down, increasing the angle
of attack. The combination of decreased angle of attack
3318 [A] 3319 [B] 3320 [C] 3321 [A] 3322 [B] 3323 [C]
3325. Translational lift is the result of 3329. High airspeeds, particularly in turbulent air, should
A— decreased rotor efficiency. be avoided primarily because of the possibility of
B— airspeed. A— an abrupt pitchup.
C— both airspeed and groundspeed. B— retreating blade stall.
C— a low-frequency vibration developing.
Translational lift is that additional lift obtained when enter-
ing horizontal flight due to the increased efficiency of the A tendency for the retreating blade to stall in forward
rotor system. Translational lift depends upon airspeed flight is a major factor in limiting a helicopter’s forward
rather than ground speed. (PLT470) — FAA-H-8083-21 airspeed. When operating at high airspeeds, stalls are
more liable to occur under conditions of high gross
weight, low RPM, high density altitude, steep or abrupt
RTC turns, and/or turbulent flight. (PLT470) — FAA-H-8083-21
3326. The primary purpose of the tail rotor system is to
A— assist in making a coordinated turn.
B— maintain heading during forward flight.
C— counteract the torque effect of the main rotor. 3330. The maximum forward speed of a helicopter is
limited by
The force that compensates for torque and keeps the A— retreating blade stall.
fuselage from turning in the direction opposite to the main B— the rotor RPM red line.
rotor is produced by means of an auxiliary rotor located C— solidity ratio.
on the end of the tail boom. (PLT470) — FAA-H-8083-21
A tendency for the retreating blade to stall in forward
flight is a major factor in limiting a helicopter’s forward
RTC airspeed. When operating at high airspeeds, stalls are
3327. If RPM is low and manifold pressure is high, what more liable to occur under conditions of high gross
initial corrective action should be taken? weight, low RPM, high density altitude, steep or abrupt
A— Increase the throttle. turns, and/or turbulent flight. (PLT470) — FAA-H-8083-21
B— Lower the collective pitch.
C— Raise the collective pitch.
Lowering the collective pitch will reduce the manifold pres- 3331. When operating at high forward airspeeds,
sure, decrease drag on the rotor, and therefore increase retreating blade stalls are more likely to occur under
the RPM. (PLT112) — FAA-H-8083-21 which condition?
A— Low gross weight and low density altitude.
B— High RPM and low density altitude.
RTC C— Steep turns in turbulent air.
3328. The purpose of the lead-lag (drag) hinge in a
three-bladed, fully articulated helicopter rotor system A tendency for the retreating blade to stall in forward
is to compensate for flight is a major factor in limiting a helicopter’s forward
A— Coriolis effect. airspeed. When operating at high airspeeds, stalls are
B— coning. more liable to occur under conditions of high gross
C— geometric unbalance. weight, low RPM, high density altitude, steep or abrupt
turns, and/or turbulent flight. (PLT470) — FAA-H-8083-21
In a fully-articulated rotor system, each rotor blade is
attached to the hub by a vertical hinge called a drag
or lag hinge that permits each blade, independently of
the others, to move back and forth in the plane of the
rotor disc. This movement is called dragging, lead-lag,
or hunting. The purpose of the drag hinge and damp-
ers is to absorb the acceleration and deceleration of
the rotor blades caused by Coriolis effect. (PLT470)
— FAA-H-8083-21
3325 [B] 3326 [C] 3327 [B] 3328 [A] 3329 [B] 3330 [A]
3331 [C]
3333. While in level cruising flight in a helicopter, a pilot RTC
experiences low-frequency vibrations (100 to 400 cycles 3337. During surface taxiing, the cyclic pitch stick is
per minute). These vibrations are normally associated used to control
with the A— forward movement.
A— engine. B— heading.
B— cooling fan. C— ground track.
C— main rotor.
Cyclic pitch is used to control ground track during surface
Low-frequency vibrations are always associated with taxi. (PLT112) — FAA-H-8083-21
the main rotor. (PLT472) — FAA-H-8083-21
RTC 3338. If the pilot experiences ground resonance, and
3334. Select the helicopter component that, if defective, the rotor RPM is not sufficient for flight,
would cause medium-frequency vibrations. A— open the throttle full and liftoff.
A— Tail rotor. B— apply the rotor brake and stop the rotor as soon
B— Main rotor. as possible.
C— Engine. C— attempt to takeoff at that power setting.
Medium-frequency vibrations are a result of trouble with Ground resonance is an aerodynamic phenomenon
the tail rotor in most helicopters. (PLT470) — FAA-H- associated with fully-articulated rotor systems. It devel-
8083-21 ops when the rotor blades move out of phase with each
other and cause the rotor disc to become unbalanced.
This condition can cause a helicopter to self-destruct
RTC in a matter of seconds. However, for this condition to
3335. The principal reason the shaded area of a Height occur, the helicopter must be in contact with the ground.
vs. Velocity Chart should be avoided is If you experience ground resonance, and the rotor
A— turbulence near the surface can dephase the RPM is not yet sufficient for flight, apply the rotor brake
blade dampers. to maximum and stop the rotor as soon as possible. If
B— rotor RPM may decay before ground contact is ground resonance occurs during takeoff, when rotor
made if an engine failure should occur. r.p.m. is sufficient for flight, lift off immediately. (PLT265)
C— insufficient airspeed would be available to ensure — FAA-H-8083-21
a safe landing in case of an engine failure.
3332 [B] 3333 [C] 3334 [A] 3335 [C] 3336 [B] 3337 [C]
3338 [B]
2329. If ground resonance is experienced during rotor 3736. (Refer to Figure 47.) Which airspeed/altitude com-
spin-up, what action should you take? bination should be avoided during helicopter operations?
A— Taxi to a smooth area. A— 30 MPH/200 feet AGL.
B— Make a normal takeoff immediately. B— 50 MPH/300 feet AGL.
C— Close the throttle and slowly raise the spin-up C— 60 MPH/20 feet AGL.
Use the following steps:
A corrective action for ground resonance is an immedi- 1. Note the shaded “avoid operation” areas of FAA
ate takeoff if RPM is in proper range (for helicopters) Figure 47.
or an immediate closing of the throttle and placing the
blades in low pitch if the RPM is low. “During spin-up” 2. Locate each of the three height-above-terrain and
implies low RPM, so closing the throttle is appropriate. airspeed points on the diagram.
(PLT259) — FAA-H-8083-21 3. The 60 MPH/20 feet AGL point is located within the
low-altitude high airspeed area.
(PLT285) — FAA-H-8083-21
3733. With calm wind conditions, which flight operation
would require the most power? RTC
A— A right-hovering turn. 3737. (Refer to Figure 47.) Which airspeed/altitude com-
B— A left-hovering turn. bination should be avoided during helicopter operations?
C— Hovering out of ground effect. A— 20 MPH/200 feet AGL.
B— 35 MPH/175 feet AGL.
During a hovering turn to the left, the RPM will decrease
C— 40 MPH/75 feet AGL.
if throttle is not added. In a hovering turn to the right,
RPM will increase if throttle is not reduced slightly. (This Use the following steps:
is due to the amount of engine power that is being
absorbed by the tail rotor, which is dependent upon the 1. Note the shaded “avoid operation” areas of FAA
pitch angle at which the tail rotor blades are operating.) Figure 47.
(PLT268) — FAA-H-8083-21 2. Locate each of the three height-above-terrain and
airspeed points on the diagram.
3. The 20 MPH/200 feet AGL point is located within the
3734. If the pilot were to make a near-vertical power high-altitude low airspeed area.
approach into a confined area with the airspeed near (PLT285) — FAA-H-8083-21
zero, what hazardous condition may develop?
A— Ground resonance when ground contact is made.
B— A settling-with-power condition.
C— Blade stall vibration could develop.
2329 [C] 3733 [B] 3734 [B] 3736 [C] 3737 [A]
3738. If anti-torque failure occurred during the landing 3740. Under what condition should a helicopter pilot
touchdown, what could be done to help straighten out consider using a running takeoff?
a left yaw prior to touchdown? A— When gross weight or density altitude prevents a
A— A flare to zero airspeed and a vertical descent to sustained hover at normal hovering altitude.
touchdown should be made. B— When a normal climb speed is assured between
B— Apply available throttle to help swing the nose to 10 and 20 feet.
the right just prior to touchdown. C— When the additional airspeed can be quickly
C— A normal running landing should be made. converted to altitude.
If sufficient forward speed is maintained, the fuselage A running takeoff is used when conditions of load and/
remains fairly well streamlined. However, if descent is or density altitude prevent a sustained hover at nor-
attempted at slow speeds, a continuous turning move- mal hovering altitude. It is often referred to as a high-
ment to the left can be expected. (Know the manufac- altitude takeoff. With insufficient power to hover at least
turer’s recommendations in case of tail rotor failure for momentarily or at a very low altitude, a running takeoff
each particular helicopter you fly. This information will is not advisable. No takeoff should be attempted if the
generally be found under Emergency Procedures in the helicopter cannot be lifted off the surface momentarily
helicopter flight manual.) Directional control should be at full power. (PLT222) — FAA-H-8083-21
maintained primarily with cyclic control and, secondarily,
by gently applying throttle momentarily, with needles
joined, to swing the nose to the right. (PLT169) — FAA- RTC
H-8083-21 3741. What action should the pilot take if engine failure
occurs at altitude?
A— Open the throttle as the collective pitch is raised.
B— Reduce cyclic back stick pressure during turns.
3739. Which flight technique is recommended for use
C— Lower the collective pitch control, as necessary,
during hot weather?
to maintain rotor RPM.
A— Use minimum allowable RPM and maximum
allowable manifold pressure during all phases of By immediately lowering collective pitch (which must
flight. be done in case of engine failure), lift and drag will be
B— During hovering flight, maintain minimum engine reduced and the helicopter will begin an immediate
RPM during left pedal turns, and maximum descent, thus producing an upward flow of air through
engine RPM during right pedal turns. the rotor system. The impact of this upward flow of air
C— During takeoff, accelerate slowly into forward provides sufficient thrust to maintain rotor RPM through-
flight. out the descent. (PLT208) — FAA-H-8083-21
3738 [B] 3739 [C] 3740 [A] 3741 [C]
3742 [B] 3743 [C] 3744 [C] 3745 [B] 3746 [B]
3747. If possible, when departing a confined area, what 3749. Before beginning a confined area or pinnacle
type of takeoff is preferred? landing, the pilot should first
A— A normal takeoff from a hover. A— execute a high reconnaissance.
B— A vertical takeoff. B— execute a low reconnaissance.
C— A normal takeoff from the surface. C— fly around the area to discover areas of
If possible, a normal takeoff from a hover should be
made when departing a confined area. (PLT222) — The purpose of the high reconnaissance is to determine
FAA-H-8083-21 the suitability of an area for landing. In a high recon-
naissance, the following items should be accomplished:
1. Determine wind direction and speed.
3748. Which is a correct general rule for pinnacle and 2. Select the most suitable flight paths into and out of
ridgeline operations? the area, with particular consideration being given
to forced landing areas.
A— Gaining altitude on takeoff is more important than
gaining airspeed. 3. Plan the approach and select a point for touchdown.
B— The approach path to a ridgeline is usually 4. Locate and determine the size of barriers, if any.
perpendicular to the ridge.
C— A climb to a pinnacle or ridgeline should be The approach path should be generally into the wind.
performed on the upwind side. The purpose of the low reconnaissance is to verify what
was seen in the high reconnaissance.
If necessary to climb to a pinnacle or ridgeline, the (PLT221) — FAA-H-8083-21
climb should be performed on the upwind side, when
practicable, to take advantage of any updrafts. (PLT221)
— FAA-H-8083-21
Glider Operations
3174. The minimum allowable strength of a towline used 3175. The minimum allowable strength of a towline used
for an aerotow of a glider having a certificated gross for an aerotow of a glider having a certificated gross
weight of 700 pounds is weight of 1,040 pounds is
A— 560 pounds. A— 502 pounds.
B— 700 pounds. B— 832 pounds.
C— 1,000 pounds. C— 1,040 pounds.
No person may operate a civil aircraft towing a glider No person may operate a civil aircraft towing a glider
unless the towline used has a breaking strength not less unless the towline used has a breaking strength not less
than 80% of the maximum certificated operating weight than 80% of the maximum certificated operating weight
of the glider, and not greater than twice this operating of the glider, and not greater than twice this operating
weight unless safety links are used. weight unless safety links are used.
700 lbs 1,040 lbs
x 0.80 x 0.80
560 lbs 832 lbs
(PLT496) — 14 CFR §91.309 (PLT496) — 14 CFR §91.309
3747 [A] 3748 [C] 3749 [A] 3174 [A] 3175 [B]
3177. When using a towline having a breaking strength 3341. To obtain maximum distance over the ground,
more than twice the maximum certificated operating the airspeed to use is the
weight of the glider, an approved safety link must be A— minimum control speed.
installed at what point(s)? B— best lift/drag speed.
A— Only the point where the towline is attached to C— minimum sink speed.
the glider.
B— The point where the towline is attached to the If the maximum distance over the ground is desired,
glider and the point of attachment of the towline the airspeed for best L/D should be used. (PLT132) —
to the towplane. Soaring Flight Manual, Chapter 2
C— Only the point where the towline is attached to
the towplane.
The towline may have a breaking strength of more than 3342. What effect would gusts and turbulence have on
twice the maximum certificated operating weight of the the load factor of a glider with changes in airspeed?
glider if a safety link is installed at the point of attachment A— Load factor decreases as airspeed increases.
of the towline to the glider, and a safety link is installed B— Load factor increases as airspeed increases.
at the point of attachment of the towline to the towing C— Load factor increases as airspeed decreases.
aircraft. (PLT496) — 14 CFR §91.309
Both positive and negative gust load factors increase
with increasing airspeed. (PLT132) — Soaring Flight
GLI Manual, Chapter 2
3176. For the aerotow of a glider that weighs 700
pounds, which towrope tensile strength would require
the use of safety links at each end of the rope? GLI
A— 850 pounds. 3343. (Refer to Figure 11.) Which yaw string and incli-
B— 1,040 pounds. nometer illustrations indicate a slipping right turn?
C— 1,450 pounds. A— 3 and 6.
B— 2 and 6.
No person may operate a civil aircraft towing a glider C— 2 and 4.
unless the towline used has a breaking strength not less
than 80% of the maximum certificated operating weight In the case of a slipping right turn, the yaw string moves
of the glider, and not greater than twice this operating outside left and the ball moves inside, or right, as illus-
weight unless safety links are used. trated by 2 and 6 of FAA Figure 11. (PLT185) — Soaring
700 lbs Flight Manual, Chapter 3
1,400 lbs GLI
(PLT496) — 14 CFR §91.309 3344. (Refer to Figure 11.) Which of the illustrations
depicts the excessive use of right rudder during the
entry of a right turn?
A— 2 only.
3340. What force provides the forward motion neces-
B— 2 and 4.
sary to move a glider through the air?
C— 3 and 4.
A— Lift.
B— Centripetal force. In the case of a skidding right turn, the yaw string moves
C— Gravity. inside right and the ball moves outside, or left, as illus-
trated by 3 and 4 of FAA Figure 11. (PLT185) — Soaring
The pull of gravity provides the forward motion necessary Flight Manual, Chapter 3
to move the wings through the air. (PLT241) — Soaring
Flight Manual, Chapter 1
3177 [B] 3176 [C] 3340 [C] 3341 [B] 3342 [B] 3343 [B]
3344 [C]
3345. A sailplane has a best glide ratio of 23:1. How 3347. A sailplane has lost 2,000 feet in 9 nautical miles.
many feet will the glider lose in 8 nautical miles? The best glide ratio for this sailplane is approximately
A— 1,840 feet. A— 24:1.
B— 2,100 feet. B— 27:1.
C— 2,750 feet. C— 30:1.
L/D is lift divided by drag. This significant ratio is numeri- L/D is lift divided by drag. This significant ratio is numeri-
cally the same as glide ratio, the ratio of forward to down- cally the same as glide ratio, the ratio of forward to
ward motion. Hence, 23 to 1 glide ratio would indicate: downward motion. Assuming that 1 NM is approximately
1. 23 = 6,000 (feet/NM – forward) 6,000 feet, the glide ratio and L/D may be expressed as:
1 X (feet/NM – downward) 9 × 6,000 feet forward 54,000 54 27
= = = or 27:1
2,000 feet downard 2,000 2 1
2. 23
× X = 6,000 (PLT006) — Soaring Flight Manual, Chapter 9
3. X = 261 feet downward for each 6,000 feet (1 NM)
forward. GLI
4. The total sink is 8 NM × 261 feet/NM or about 2,100 3348. How many feet will a sailplane sink in 15 nautical
feet in 8 NM in calm air. miles if its lift/drag ratio is 22:1?
(PLT006) — Soaring Flight Manual, Chapter 9 A— 2,700 feet.
B— 3,600 feet.
C— 4,100 feet.
3346. A sailplane has a best glide ratio of 30:1. How L/D is lift divided by drag. This significant ratio is numeri-
many nautical miles will the glider travel while losing cally the same as glide ratio, the ratio of forward to down-
2,000 feet? ward motion. Hence, 22 to 1 glide ratio would indicate:
A— 10 nautical miles. 1. 22 6,000 (feet/NM – forward)
B— 15 nautical miles. 1 X (feet/NM – downward)
C— 21 nautical miles.
2. 22
× X = 6,000
L/D is lift divided by drag. This significant ratio is numeri- 1
cally the same as glide ratio, the ratio of forward to down- 3. X = 273 feet downward for each 6,000 feet (1 NM)
ward motion. Hence, 30 to 1 glide ratio would indicate: forward.
1. 30 X (feet/NM – forward) 4. The total sink is 15 NM × 273 feet/NM, or about 4,095
1 2,000 (feet/NM – downward) feet in 15 NM in calm air.
2. 30 (PLT012) — Soaring Flight Manual, Chapter 9
x 2,000 = X
3. X = 60,000 feet (10 NM) forward for each 2,000 feet
(PLT006) — Soaring Flight Manual, Chapter 9
3345 [B] 3346 [A] 3347 [B] 3348 [C]
3349. How many feet will a glider sink in 10 nautical 3752. What is one recommended method for locating
miles if its lift/drag ratio is 23:1? thermals?
A— 2,400 feet. A— Fly an ever increasing circular path.
B— 2,600 feet. B— Maintain a straight track downwind.
C— 4,300 feet. C— Look for converging streamers of dust or smoke.
L/D is lift divided by drag. This significant ratio is numeri- Look for converging streamers of dust and smoke.
cally the same as glide ratio, the ratio of forward to down- (PLT494) — AC 00-6A, Chapter 16
ward motion. Hence, 23 to 1 glide ratio would indicate:
1. 23 6,000 (feet/NM – forward)
1 X (feet/NM – downward) 3753. What is a recommended procedure for entering
2. 23 a dust devil for soaring?
× X = 6,000
1 A— Enter above 500 feet and circle the edge in the
3. X = 261 feet downward for each 6,000 feet (1 NM) same direction as the rotation.
forward. B— Enter below 500 feet and circle the edge opposite
4. The total sink is 10 NM × 261 feet/NM, or about 2,610 the direction of rotation.
feet in 10 NM in calm air. C— Enter at or above 500 feet and circle the edge
opposite the direction of rotation.
(PLT012) — Soaring Flight Manual, Chapter 9
At around 500 feet, the pilot makes a circle on the out-
side of the dust devil against the direction of rotation.
GLI (PLT494) — AC 00-6A, Chapter 16
3750. What minimum upward current must a glider
encounter to maintain altitude?
A— At least 2 feet per second. GLI
B— The same as the glider’s sink rate. 3754. What is an important precaution when soaring
C— The same as the adjacent down currents. in a dust devil?
A— Avoid the eye of the vortex.
Zero sink occurs when upward currents are just strong B— Avoid the clear area at the outside edge of the
enough to hold altitude. For a sink rate of about 2 feet per dust.
second, there must be an upward air current of at least C— Maintain the same direction as the rotation of the
2 feet per second. (PLT516) — AC 00-6A, Chapter 16 vortex.
The rarefied air in the eye provides very little lift, and the
GLI wall of the hollow core is very turbulent. (PLT494) — AC
3751. On which side of a rocky knoll, that is surrounded 00-6A, Chapter 16
by vegetation, should a pilot find the best thermals?
A— On the side facing the Sun.
B— On the downwind side. GLI
C— Exactly over the center. 3755. What is the best visual indication of a thermal?
A— Fragmented cumulus clouds with concave bases.
If a rocky knoll protrudes above a grassy plane, the B— Smooth cumulus clouds with concave bases.
most likely area for thermals to occur is over the eastern C— Scattered to broken sky with cumulus clouds.
slope in the forenoon and over the western slope in the
afternoon. (PLT494) — AC 00-6A, Chapter 16 Look for a cumulus with a concave base, and with a
firm, sharp, unfragmented outline. (PLT494) — AC
00-6A, Chapter 16
3349 [B] 3750 [B] 3751 [A] 3752 [C] 3753 [C] 3754 [A]
3755 [B]
3756. How can a pilot locate bubble thermals? 3858. To stop pitch oscillation (porpoising) during a
A— Look for wet areas where recent showers have winch launch, the pilot should
occurred. A— release back pressure and then pull back against
B— Look for birds that are soaring in areas of the cycle of pitching oscillation to get in phase
intermittent heating. with the undulations.
C— Fly the area just above the boundary of a B— signal the ground crew to increase the speed of
temperature inversion. the tow.
C— relax the back pressure on the control stick and
Birds may be soaring in a “bubble’’ thermal that has shallow the angle of climb.
been pinched off and forced upward through intermittent
shading. (PLT494) — AC 00-6A, Chapter 16 “Porpoising’’ is caused by the horizontal stabilizer oscil-
lating in and out of a stalled condition during a winch
tow. The cure is to relax back pressure on the stick and
GLI shallow the climb angle. (PLT304) — Soaring Flight
3757. Where may the most favorable type thermals for Manual, Chapter 13
cross-country soaring be found?
A— Just ahead of a warm front.
B— Along thermal streets.
C— Under mountain waves. 3859. A pilot plans to fly solo in the front seat of a two-
place glider which displays the following placards on
Thermal streeting is a real boon to speed and distance. the instrument panel:
(PLT494) — AC 00-6A, Chapter 16 MINIMUM PILOT WEIGHT: 135 LB
GLI NOTE: Seat ballast should be used as necessary.
3758. Where and under what condition can enough lift be The recommended towing speed for all tows is 55 – 65
found for soaring when the weather is generally stable? knots. What action should be taken if the pilot’s weight
A— On the upwind side of hills or ridges with is 115 pounds?
moderate winds present. A— Add 20 pounds of seat ballast to the rear seat.
B— In mountain waves that form on the upwind side B— Add 55 pounds of seat ballast to obtain the
of the mountains. average pilot weight of 170 pounds.
C— Over isolated peaks when strong winds are C— Add 20 pounds of seat ballast.
Two criteria must be satisfied in the loading of a glider:
Stability affects the continuity and extent of lift over hills 1. The total weight must be within limits, and
or ridges, allowing relatively streamlined upslope flow.
An upslope wind of 15 knots creates lift of about 6 feet 2. Within those limits, placement of the weight with
per second. (PLT173) — AC 00-6A, Chapter 16 respect to the aerodynamic center of the wing must
satisfy total moment conditions (Weight × Arm =
GLI To satisfy the conditions specified in the question, first
3857. Which is an advantage of using a CG hook for a calculate the weight required:
winch tow rather than the nose hook?
135 – 115 = 20 lbs
A— A greater percent of the line length can be used
to reach altitude. In order for that weight to provide the same moment as
B— Maximum release altitude is limited. the “pilot weight” it replaces, it will also need to be at
C— It is the safest method of launching. the same (that is, the forward) seat location. (PLT328)
— Soaring Flight Manual, Chapter 2
A distinct advantage of a CG hook is that the sailplane
can gain a greater altitude with a given line length.
(PLT304) — Soaring Flight Manual, Chapter 13
3756 [B] 3757 [B] 3758 [A] 3857 [A] 3858 [C] 3859 [C]
3860. A pilot plans to fly solo in the front seat of a two- 3871. (Refer to Figure 56.) Which illustration is a signal
place glider which displays the following placards on to stop operation?
the instrument panel: A— 2.
NOTE: Seat ballast should be used as necessary.
Wing runners should use a paddle, flag or some signaling
The recommended towing speed for all tows is 55 – 65 device that is easily visible to the tow pilot. Moving the
knots. What action should be taken if the pilot’s weight signaling device and free hand back and forth over the
is 125 pounds? head is the signal to stop operation. (PLT502) — Soar-
A— Add 10 pounds of seat ballast to the rear seat. ing Flight Manual, Chapter 12
B— Add 10 pounds of seat ballast.
C— Add 45 pounds of seat ballast to obtain the
average pilot weight of 170 pounds.
3872. (Refer to Figure 56.) Which illustration is a signal
Two criteria must be satisfied in the loading of a glider: from the sailplane for the towplane to turn right?
1. The total weight must be within limits, and A— 5.
B— 6.
2. Within those limits, placement of the weight with C— 11.
respect to the aerodynamic center of the wing must
satisfy total moment conditions (Weight × Arm = To signal the towplane to turn, move the glider to the
Moment). side opposite the direction of turn and gently pull the
To satisfy the conditions specified in the question, first towplane’s tail out. (PLT502) — Soaring Flight Manual,
calculate the weight required: Chapter 12
135 – 125 = 10 lbs
In order for that weight to provide the same moment as GLI
the “pilot weight” it replaces, it will also need to be at 3873. (Refer to Figure 56.) Which illustration is a signal
the same (that is, the forward) seat location. (PLT328) that the glider is unable to release?
— Soaring Flight Manual, Chapter 2 A— 8.
B— 10.
C— 11.
3869. (Refer to Figure 56.) Illustration 2 means
If the glider cannot release, he/she should move to
A— release towline. the left and rock the wings. (PLT502) — Soaring Flight
B— ready to tow. Manual, Chapter 12
C— hold position.
3860 [B] 3869 [C] 3870 [B] 3871 [C] 3872 [A] 3873 [B]
3874 [C]
3875. (Refer to Figure 56.) Which illustration means 3878. The sailplane has become airborne and the
the towplane cannot release? towplane loses power before leaving the ground. The
A— 6. sailplane should release immediately,
B— 8. A— and maneuver to the right of the towplane.
C— 9. B— extend the spoilers, and land straight ahead.
C— and maneuver to the left of the towplane.
After the glider has signaled that he/she cannot release,
the towplane will attempt to release the glider. If the The glider should maneuver to the right of the towplane.
towplane cannot release, he/she should fishtail the The towplane should move over to the left. If there is a
towplane. A landing on tow will then be necessary. narrow runway, a full spoiler landing should be made as
(PLT502) — Soaring Flight Manual, Chapter 12 soon as possible. (PLT221) — Soaring Flight Manual,
Chapter 12
3876. What corrective action should the sailplane pilot GLI
take during takeoff if the towplane is still on the ground 3879. What should a glider pilot do if a towline breaks
and the sailplane is airborne and drifting to the left? below 200 feet AGL?
A— Crab into the wind by holding upwind (right) A— Turn into the wind, then back to the runway for a
rudder pressure. downwind landing.
B— Crab into the wind so as to maintain a position B— Turn away from the wind, then back to the runway
directly behind the towplane. for a downwind landing.
C— Establish a right wing low drift correction to C— Land straight ahead or make slight turns to reach
remain in the flightpath of the towplane. a suitable landing area.
Crab into the wind to maintain a position directly behind At low altitude, the only alternative to landing straight
the towplane. (PLT304) — Soaring Flight Manual, ahead may be slight turns in order to reach a suitable
Chapter 12 landing area. (PLT221) — Soaring Flight Manual,
Chapter 12
3877. An indication that the glider has begun a turn too GLI
soon on aerotow is that the 3880. A pilot unintentionally enters a steep diving spiral
A— glider’s nose is pulled to the outside of the turn. to the left. What is the proper way to recover from this
B— towplane’s nose is pulled to the outside of the attitude without overstressing the glider?
turn. A— Apply up-elevator pressure to raise the nose.
C— towplane will pitch up. B— Apply more up-elevator pressure and then use
right aileron pressure to control the overbanking
When a turn is begun too soon, the towplane’s nose is tendency.
pulled to the outside of the turn. (PLT221) — Soaring C— Relax the back pressure and shallow the bank;
Flight Manual, Chapter 12 then apply up-elevator pressure until the nose
has been raised to the desired position.
3875 [C] 3876 [B] 3877 [B] 3878 [A] 3879 [C] 3880 [C]
3881. What corrective action should be taken if, while 3883. How are forward slips normally performed?
thermalling at minimum sink speed in turbulent air, the A— With the direction of the slip away from any
left wing drops while turning to the left? crosswind that exists.
A— Apply more opposite (right) aileron pressure than B— With dive brakes or spoilers fully open.
opposite (right) rudder pressure to counteract the C— With rudder and aileron deflection on the same
overbanking tendency. side.
B— Apply opposite (right) rudder pressure to slow the
rate of turn. When using the forward slip to increase an angle of
C— Lower the nose before applying opposite (right) descent without acceleration, the dive brakes or spoil-
aileron pressure. ers are normally fully open. (PLT221) — Soaring Flight
Manual, Chapter 14
If a wing begins to drop during a turn, it is an indication
of a stall. The nose of the sailplane should be lowered
before applying coordinated opposite aileron and rudder GLI
to break the stall. (PLT494) — Soaring Flight Manual, 3884. What would be a proper action or procedure to
Chapter 14 use if the pilot is getting too low on a cross-country flight
in a sailplane?
A— Continue on course until descending to 1,000
feet above the ground and then plan the landing
3882. A sailplane pilot can differentiate between a spin approach.
and a spiral dive because in a spiral dive, B— Fly directly into the wind and make a straight-in
A— the speed remains constant. approach at the end of the glide.
B— the G loads increase. C— Have a suitable landing area selected upon
C— there is a small loss of altitude in each rotation. reaching 2,000 feet AGL, and a specific field
chosen upon reaching 1,500 feet AGL.
A spiral dive, as contrasted to a spin, can be recognized
by rapidly increasing speed and G loading. (PLT245) — It is always necessary to have a suitable landing site in
Soaring Flight Manual, Chapter 14 mind. As altitude decreases, the plans have to get more
specific. The area should be narrowed down at 2,000
feet and a specific field should be selected by 1,500
feet. (PLT221) — Soaring Flight Manual, Chapter 16
3881 [C] 3882 [B] 3883 [B] 3884 [C]
Lighter-Than-Air Operations
3351. The part of a balloon that bears the entire load 3355. When ample liquid propane is available, propane
is the will vaporize sufficiently to provide proper operation
A— envelope material. between the temperatures of
B— envelope seams. A— +30 to +90°F.
C— load tapes (or cords). B— -44 to +25°F.
C— -51 to +20°F.
The load tape supports the weight of the balloon and
minimizes the strain on the envelope fabric. (PLT177) When ample liquid propane is available, propane will
— Balloon Ground School vaporize sufficiently to provide proper operation between
30°F and 90°F. (PLT250) — Balloon Ground School
3352. In hot air balloons, propane is preferred to butane LTA, LSL
or other hydrocarbons because it 3356. If ample propane is available, within which tem-
A— is less volatile. perature range will propane vaporize sufficiently to pro-
B— is slower to vaporize. vide enough pressure for burner operation during flight?
C— has a lower boiling point. A— 0 to 30°F.
B— 10 to 30°F.
Propane is preferred over butane and other hydrocarbons C— 30 to 90°F.
in balloon design because propane has a lower boiling
point (-44°F). (PLT253) — Balloon Digest When ample liquid propane is available, propane will
vaporize sufficiently to provide proper operation between
30°F and 90°F. (PLT251) — Balloon Ground School
3353. The initial temperature at which propane boils is
A— +32°F.
B— -44°F. 3357. The valve located on the top of the propane tank
C— -60°F. which opens automatically when the pressure in the tank
exceeds maximum allowable pressure is the
Propane is preferred over butane and other hydrocarbons A— pressure relief valve.
in balloon design because propane has a lower boiling B— metering valve.
point (-44°F). (PLT253) — Balloon Digest C— blast valve.
3351 [C] 3352 [C] 3353 [B] 3354 [A] 3355 [A] 3356 [C]
3357 [A]
3358. The valve located on each tank that indicates 3362. For what reason is methanol added to the propane
when the tank is filled to 80 percent capacity is the fuel of hot air balloons?
A— main tank valve. A— To check for fuel leaks.
B— vapor-bleed valve. B— As a fire retardant.
C— pilot valve. C— As an anti-icing additive.
A vapor-bleed valve, or “spit tube,” is located on each tank Since propane holds little water in solution, there is a
and indicates when the tank is filled to 80% of capacity. tendency for free water to collect in the bottom of the
(PLT254) — Balloon Ground School tanks where it may reach the dip tube, be piped into the
burner system, and freeze up the regulators. If water
contamination is suspected, methyl alcohol (methanol)
LTA, LSL should be added to the system. (PLT251) — Balloon
3359. The lifting forces which act on a hot air balloon are Ground School
primarily the result of the interior air temperature being
A— greater than ambient temperature.
B— less than ambient temperature.
C— equal to ambient temperature. 3363. On a balloon equipped with a blast valve, the
blast valve is used for
A hot air balloon derives lift from the fact that air inside A— climbs and descents only.
the envelope is warmer and therefore, “lighter” than the B— altitude control.
air around the balloon. (PLT237) — FAA-H-8083-11 C— emergencies only.
3358 [B] 3359 [A] 3360 [A] 3361 [C] 3362 [C] 3363 [B]
3364 [A]
LTA 3370. An airship descending through a steep tempera-
3367. What would cause a gas balloon to start a descent ture inversion will
if a cold air mass is encountered and the envelope A— show no change in superheat as altitude is lost.
becomes cooled? B— show a decrease in superheat as altitude is lost.
A— A density differential. C— become progressively lighter, thus becoming
B— A barometric pressure differential. increasingly more difficult to drive down.
C— The contraction of the gas.
As the airship descends into the colder temperature of
As the gas is cooled, it contracts and becomes more the inversion, the weight of the displaced air volume is
dense and so displaces less air. (PLT183) — Balloon increasing, thereby increasing buoyancy. (PLT153) —
Digest Goodyear Airship Operations Manual
3365 [C] 3366 [C] 3367 [C] 3368 [C] 3369 [B] 3370 [C]
3371. What is airship superheat? 3375. How does the pilot know when pressure height
A— A condition of excessive exterior temperature of has been reached?
the envelope. A— Liquid in the gas manometer will rise and the liquid
B— The temperature of the lifting gas exceeding the in the air manometer will fall below normal levels.
red line. B— Liquid in the gas and air manometers will fall
C— The difference between outside air temperature below the normal level.
and the temperature inside the envelope. C— Liquid in the gas manometer will fall and the liquid
in the air manometer will rise above normal levels.
Superheat is the difference between outside air tem-
perature and the temperature in the airship envelope. When pressure height has been reached, the liquid
(PLT153) — Goodyear Airship Operations Manual in the gas manometer will rise and the liquid in the air
manometer will fall below normal levels. (PLT153) —
Goodyear Airship Operations Manual
3372. In relation to the operation of an airship, what is
the definition of aerostatics? LTA, LSL
A— The gravitational factors involving equilibrium of a 3376. The pressure height of an airship is the altitude
body freely suspended in the atmosphere. at which
B— The science of the dynamics involved in the A— the airship would be unable to gain more altitude.
expansion and contraction of hydrogen gas. B— gas pressure would reach 3 inches of water.
C— The expansion and contraction of the lifting gas C— the ballonet(s) would be empty.
Expansion of the gas will cause the ballonets to com-
Aerostatics are the gravitational factors involving equi- pletely deflate at pressure height. Thus, no further
librium of a body freely suspended in the atmosphere. increase in displaced air volume is possible. (PLT153)
(PLT124) — Goodyear Airship Operations Manual — Goodyear Airship Operations Manual
3371 [C] 3372 [A] 3373 [A] 3374 [A] 3375 [A] 3376 [C]
3377 [C] 3378 [C]
3379. Air damper valves should normally be kept closed 3885. Why should propane tanks not be refueled in a
during climbs because any air forced into the system closed trailer or truck?
would A— Propane vapor is one and one-half times heavier
A— increase the amount of gas that must be than air and will linger in the floor of the truck or
exhausted to prevent the airship from ascending trailer.
at an excessively high rate. B— The propane vapor is odorless and the refuelers
B— increase the amount of air to be exhausted, may be overcome by the fumes.
resulting in a lower rate of ascent. C— Propane is very cold and could cause damage to
C— decrease the purity of the gas within the the truck or trailer.
Since propane vapor is 1-1/2 times heavier than air,
Any air entering the ballonets through the damper valves it can linger on the floor. (PLT254) — FAA-H-8083-11
will have to be exhausted overboard as the gas expands.
This slows the rate of ascent. (PLT221) — Goodyear
Airship Operations Manual LTA
3886. Why should special precautions be taken when
filling the propane bottles?
A— Propane is transferred from the storage tanks to
3380. To check the gas pressures (pressure height) of an the propane bottles under high pressure.
airship during a climb, the air damper valves should be B— During transfer, propane reaches a high
A— opened forward and closed aft. temperature and can cause severe burns.
B— opened aft and closed forward. C— Propane vapor is super-cold and may cause
C— closed. severe freeze burns.
If damper valves are open, ram air pressure will keep Precautions, such as wearing gloves, should be taken
the ballonets inflated longer than they should be inflated. when filling the propane bottles because propane is
(PLT158) — Goodyear Airship Operations Manual super-cold and may cause severe freeze burns. (PLT250)
— FAA-H-8083-11
3396. What condition does a rising barometer indicate LTA, LSL
for balloon operations? 3895. All fuel tanks should be fired during preflight to
A— Decreasing clouds and wind. determine
B— Chances of thunderstorms. A— the burner pressure and condition of the valves.
C— Approaching frontal activity. B— that the pilot light functions properly on each tank.
C— if there are any leaks in the tank.
Within a high-pressure system, flying conditions are
generally more favorable than in low-pressure areas Burner output is dependent on fuel pressure. Proper
because there are normally fewer clouds, better visibility, valve operation is critical to safety and control. (PLT177)
calm or light winds, and less turbulence. (PLT516) — AC — FAA-H-8083-11
00-6A, Chapter 4
3379 [B] 3380 [C] 3396 [A] 3885 [A] 3886 [C] 3895 [A]
3896. What is a recommended ascent upon initial 3899. What is one procedure for relighting the burner
launch? while in flight?
A— Maximum ascent to altitude to avoid low-level A— Open the regulator or blast valve full open and
thermals. light the pilot light.
B— Shallow ascent to avoid flashbacks of flames as B— Close the tank valves, vent the fuel lines, reopen
the envelope is cooled. the tank valves, and light the pilot light.
C— A moderate-rate ascent to determine wind C— Open another tank valve, open the regulator or
directions at different levels. blast valve, and light the main jets with reduced
A moderate-rate ascent is recommended initially to accu-
rately determine the wind direction at various altitudes. The pilot should open another tank valve, open the regu-
(PLT304) — Balloon Ground School lar, or blast valve and light off the main jet with reduced
flow. (PLT177) — Balloon Ground School
3897. What is a potential hazard when climbing at LTA
maximum rate? 3900. The windspeed is such that it is necessary to
A— The envelope may collapse. deflate the envelope as rapidly as possible during a
B— Deflation ports may be forced open. landing. When should the deflation port (rip panel) be
C— The rapid flow of air may extinguish the burner opened?
and pilot light. A— The instant the gondola contacts the surface.
B— As the balloon skips off the surface the first time
The positive pressure on the top of the envelope could and the last of the ballast has been discharged.
force the deflation ports open. (PLT219) — FAA-H- C— Just prior to ground contact.
In a high-wind landing, the envelope should be ripped
just prior to ground contact. (PLT184) — Balloon Ground
LTA School
3898. How should a roundout from a moderate-rate
ascent to level flight be made?
A— Reduce the amount of heat gradually as the
balloon is approaching altitude. 3901. When landing a free balloon, what should the
B— Cool the envelope by venting and add heat just occupants do to minimize landing shock?
before arriving at altitude. A— Be seated on the floor of the basket.
C— Vent at altitude and add heat upon settling back B— Stand with knees slightly bent, in the center of the
down to altitude. gondola, facing the direction of movement.
C— Stand back-to-back and hold onto the load ring.
The most efficient roundout is to reduce the frequency
of blasts so that the envelope cools to a level flight By facing forward with knees bent, the body is balanced
temperature just as the balloon reaches the desired and the legs act as springs, absorbing the landing shock.
altitude. (PLT219) — FAA-H-8083-11 (PLT184) — How to Fly a Balloon
3896 [C] 3897 [B] 3898 [A] 3899 [C] 3900 [C] 3901 [B]
A free balloon will move about 100 feet per minute for
every knot of wind. A pilot should allow 100 feet of travel
for each knot of wind speed. (PLT389) — Powerline
3902 [C] 3903 [B] 3904 [C] 3905 [C] 3906 [A] 3907 [B]
3908 [B]
3909 [B] 3910 [B] 3911 [A] 3912 [C] 3913 [C] 3914 [A]
3915 [C]
3958. The formation of ice in a carburetor’s throat is 3960. A standby source of fuel to an engine in a powered
indicated by parachute is typically
A— rough engine operation, followed by a decrease in A— from an electrically powered pump.
oil pressure. B— through gravity feed.
B— a rapid increase in RPM, followed by rough C— from a pressurized fuel tank.
engine operation.
C— a drop in RPM, followed by rough engine Some engines use an electric boost pump similar to an
operation. airplane to supply a back-up pump in case the engine-
driven fuel pump fails when low to the ground. (PLT253)
Carb ice restricts the airflow into the engine reducing its — The Powered Parachute Bible, Chapter 5
power and resultant RPM, which also results in rough Answer (B) is incorrect because if a gravity feed system was used,
engine operation. (PLT190) — The Powered Parachute then this would supply fuel and no standby pump would be needed.
Bible, Chapter 5 Answer (C) is incorrect because pressurized fuel tanks are not nor-
mally used for light-sport aircraft.
Answers (A) and (B) are incorrect because oil pressure is not sig-
nificantly affected by carb ice, and carb ice will not increase RPM.
3961. The fuel vents on many powered parachutes and
weight shift control aircraft are located
3959. The purpose of the fuel tank vent system is to
A— in the fuel cap.
A— remove dangerous vapors from the aircraft and
B— adjacent to the crankcase breather.
prevent an explosion.
C— in the fuel tank pressure relief valve.
B— allow air to enter the tank as fuel is consumed.
C— ensure a proper fuel to air ratio.
The fuel vent in many but not all fuel tanks is in the fuel
cap. (PLT253) — The Powered Parachute Bible, Chapter 1
Fuel tanks are not normally sealed systems; they need
air venting because the fuel level is falling, therefore Answer (B) is incorrect because the crankcase breather is used on
a 4-stroke engine and has nothing to do with the fuel supply system
no vacuum builds up in the fuel tank. (PLT253) — The on a 2-stroke engine. Answer (C) is incorrect because most PPCs do
Powered Parachute Bible, Chapter 1 not have pressurized fuel tanks nor a fuel tank pressure relief valve.
Answer (A) is incorrect because fuel tanks are isolated and fuel
vapors are prevalent within the fuel tank confined area. Answer (C)
relates to 2-stroke engines only. It is incorrect because fuel and oil PPC, WSC, LSA, LSR, LSP, LSW
are mixed either before the mixture is poured into the fuel tank (pre-
3962. Combusted fuel is expelled from a 2-cycle engine
mix), or after when oil is injected into the air/fuel mixture oil before it
goes into the combustion chamber. through an
A— exhaust valve and exhaust port.
B— exhaust valve.
C— exhaust port.
3958 [C] 3959 [B] 3960 [A] 3961 [A] 3962 [C]
3963. Fuel enters a two-cycle engine through an 3966. Coolant in a liquid cooled engine is normally
A— intake port and intake valve. circulated by
B— intake port and reed valve. A— capillary attraction.
C— intake valve and reed valve. B— an electric pump.
C— an engine driven pump.
The air/fuel/oil mixture enters the crankcase through
an intake port that some types of valve systems use to Most liquid-cooled systems are driven from some
close off the crankcase and pressurize the air/fuel/oil mechanical source or pump on the engine. (PLT342)
mixture, before it is ported up to the top of the piston. — The Powered Parachute Bible, Chapter 5
Many engines use the positioning of the piston as the Answer (A) is incorrect because capillary attraction is not normally
intake valve system, others use a rotary valve, while used for engine cooling. Answer (B) is incorrect because electric
still others use a one-way flow “reed” or “poppet” valve. pumps are usually used as coolant pumps.
(PLT253) — The Powered Parachute Bible, Chapter 5
Answer (B) is incorrect because not all two-stroke engines use a
reed valve. Answer (C) is incorrect because you must have an intake
port. 3967. In order to improve engine efficiency, two-cycle
engine exhaust systems are tuned to
A— close the exhaust valve to stop the fuel mixture
from exiting the cylinder.
3964. The first indication of carburetor ice in an aircraft B— stop the fuel mixture from exiting the cylinder
with a four-cycle engine and fixed-pitch propeller is before combustion.
A— an increase in RPM. C— use a reed valve to stop the fuel mixture from
B— a decrease in RPM. exiting the cylinder.
C— a decrease in oil pressure.
If there is not an exhaust valve, tuned exhaust systems
The first symptom of carb ice in a 4-stroke engine is a are designed to provide back pressure pulses at the
reduction in engine RPM. (PLT190) — The Powered exhaust port. The tuned exhaust bounces pressure back
Parachute Bible, Chapter 5 at the appropriate time, so the fuel mixture stays in the
Answer (A) is incorrect because carb ice reduces RPM. Answer (C) combustion chamber while both intake and exhaust
is incorrect because carb ice has no noticeable effect on oil pres- ports are open. (PLT343) — The Powered Parachute
sure. Bible, Chapter 4
Answer (A) is incorrect because if the exhaust port has a valve, it is
not as critical to have a tuned exhaust to provide back pressure at
PPC, WSC, LSA, LSR, LSP, LSW the exhaust port. There are not usually exhaust valves in a 2-stroke
3965. Air cooled engines dissipate heat engine; however, some 2-stroke engines do have them. An example
of this is the RAVE exhaust valve on the ROTAX 618. Answer (C) is
A— through cooling fins on the cylinder and head. incorrect because the reed valve is typically used for the intake air/
B— by air flowing through the radiator fins. fuel mixture.
C— through the cylinder head temperature probe.
3963 [A] 3964 [B] 3965 [A] 3966 [C] 3967 [B]
3968. 2-cycle engine thrust and fuel efficiency can be 3971. Many 4-cycle engines utilize what type of lubrica-
greatly compromised when tion system?
A— exhaust systems are installed that are not A— Forced.
specifically tuned for an engine. B— Gravity.
B— carbon deposits build up on exhaust valves. C— Fuel/oil mixture.
C— intake valve lifters fail to pressurize and provide
adequate fuel to the combustion chamber. Most 4-stroke engines have an oil pump that forces
the oil through the system. (PLT343) — The Powered
The exhaust systems should be tuned to the engine for Parachute Bible, Chapter 5
maximum efficiency. (PLT343) — The Powered Para- Answer (B) is incorrect because gravity systems are not a typical
chute Bible, Chapter 4 oil supply system. Answer (C) is incorrect because a fuel/oil mixture
system is on 2-stroke engines only.
Answer (B) is incorrect because most 2-stroke engines do not have
exhaust valves. Answer (C) is incorrect because not all 2-stroke
engines have intake valve lifters.
3972. Adding more oil to the fuel than specified by the
PPC, WSC, LSA, LSR, LSP, LSW manufacturer of a 2-cycle engine will result in
3969. The purpose of a kill switch is to A— increased engine performance.
A— shut off the fuel to the carburetor. B— increased carbon buildup and engine fouling.
B— ground the lead wire to the ignition coil shutting C— increased engine lubrication and optimal
down the powerplant. performance.
C— ground the battery eliminating current for the
ignition system. Extra oil in the fuel would cause inefficient burning
and more carbon buildup as a result. (PLT343) — The
The kill switch shuts down the engine. (PLT207) — The Powered Parachute Bible, Chapter 5
Powered Parachute Bible, Chapter 6 Answers (A) and (C) are incorrect because oil does not increase
Answer (A) is incorrect because a fuel valve shuts off fuel. Answer performance.
(C) is incorrect because the battery should already be grounded.
3968 [A] 3969 [B] 3970 [C] 3971 [A] 3972 [B] 3973 [C]
The fuel vent needs to be open for flight for the air to fill Since the wing tips are at a lower angle of attack, they
the fuel tank as the fuel is consumed. (PLT253) — The do not normally stall when the rest of the wing is stalled.
Powered Parachute Bible, Chapter 1 They keep flying, creating an up-force in back of the
Answer (A) is incorrect because a closed fuel vent would cause a CG — causing the nose to rotate down and decrease
power loss in flight when air is unable to fill the tank as fuel is used. the angle of attack of the wing—therefore they are very
Answer (C) is incorrect because there is no pressure in the fuel tank effective for stall recovery. (PLT214) — Trikes, the Flex-
since it is vented.
Wing Flyers, Chapter 3
Answer (A) is incorrect because the tips are very effective for stall
recovery, allowing the nose to fall through. Answer (C) is incorrect
because the tips have more effect for stall recovery than the engine
3975. Carburetor ice can form power.
A— only at temperatures near freezing and the
humidity near the saturation point.
B— when the outside air temperature is as high as
100 degrees F and the humidity is as low as 50%. 3978. The crosstube is positioned by
C— at any temperature or humidity level. A— a quick release pin.
B— self-locking bolts.
Carburetor ice can form when the outside air temperature C— restraining cables attached to the rear of the keel.
is as high as 100°F and the humidity is as low as 50%.
This is not the optimum conditions for the ice to form, The crossbar is pulled back to tension the airframe into
but it can form under these conditions. (PLT190) — The the sail with the crossbar cables. These are attached to
Powered Parachute Bible, Chapter 5 a connection point on the rear of the keel. (PLT346) —
Answer (A) is incorrect because carb ice can form when it is as high Trikes, the Flex-Wing Flyers, Chapter 3
at 100°F. Answer (C) is incorrect because some moisture is needed Answers (A) and (B) are incorrect because these are fasteners and
to form the ice. would only make smaller variations in the crossbar position if these
fasteners were adjusted to different settings.
3976. As a weight shift aircraft wing approaches a stall,
the wing tips
A— decrease the wing’s angle of attack.
B— act in much the same way as ailerons on a three-
axis aircraft.
C— increase the wing’s angle of attack.
3974 [B] 3975 [B] 3976 [A] 3977 [B] 3978 [C]
3979 [C] 3980 [C] 3981 [A] 3982 [C]
Throttle controls vertical speed in a PPC. Advancing The lighter the pilot, the more rearward the wing attach-
the throttle will produce decreased descent rates or ment should be for the hanging airframe to be balanced
increased climb rates. Speed in a PPC is controlled by properly. Most modern designs have a number of wing
the weight and not the throttle. (PLT346) — The Powered attachment points fore and aft on the airframe. For the
Parachute Bible, Chapter 1 tube CG adjustment system, lengthening the CG tube
Answers (A) and (C) are incorrect because throttle does not affect moves the wing attachment point back to account for
airspeed. the lightweight person in the front. (PLT346) — The
Powered Parachute Bible, Chapter 3
Answer (A) is incorrect because this would balance the airframe with
PPC, LSP the nose wheel too low. Answer (B) is incorrect because this would
3984. The torque effect of an engine that rotates clock- move the CG forward and the front wheel would be too high.
wise in a powered parachute is counteracted by
A— increasing the length of the right and decreasing PPC, LSP
the length of the left riser cables. 3987. The fan guard surrounds the propeller and
B— decreasing the length of the left riser cables.
C— decreasing the length of right riser cables. A— increases aerodynamic efficiency.
B— reduces “P” factor.
A clockwise or right-turning propeller when viewed from C— protects the parachute suspension lines from
the rear creates an opposite reaction to turn the under- damage.
carriage aircraft to the left. Therefore, a slight right-hand
turn needs to be built into the aircraft to accommodate The purpose of the fan guard is to protect the parachute
for this torque. Many designs are used by manufacturers lines from hitting the prop. (PLT346) — The Powered
to accomplish this. Decreasing the length of the right- Parachute Bible, Chapter 1
hand riser will accomplish this by bringing the right side Answers (A) and (B) are incorrect because the fan guard reduces
of the wing down. (PLT346) — The Powered Parachute performance and has no effect on P factor.
Bible, Chapter 2
Answers (A) and (B) are incorrect because they would create a turn
in the wrong direction.
3988. Cross ports in the parachute ribs aid in
A— weight reduction of the canopy.
PPC, LSP B— the pressurization of the neighboring cells.
3985. The steering bars C— drying of the canopy.
A— are used during taxi operations with the
parachute stowed. Cross ports in the wing ribs allow air to flow sideways
B— control the outboard trailing edge of the parachute. from cell to cell, called “cross flow” in the wing. This
C— control the main landing gear brakes. causes the cells next to each other to transfer pressure
inside the wing and cells to pressurize neighboring cells.
The steering bars are the main control to turning in (PLT346) — The Powered Parachute Bible, Chapter 2
flight. Pushing on the right-hand steering bar will pull
the right control line, lower the trailing edge of the right
wing, create more drag on the right side and turn the
aircraft to the right. (PLT346) — The Powered Parachute
Bible, Chapter 1
Answers (A) and (C) are incorrect because the steering bars control
the wing and are not used for ground operations.
3983 [B] 3984 [C] 3985 [B] 3986 [C] 3987 [C] 3988 [B]
The precise lengths of the suspension lines determine Flaring slows you down and decreases your descent rate
the bottom shape of the airfoil. Airfoil-shaped ribs for a soft and slow landing. (PLT221) — The Powered
attached to the bottom of the airfoil where the suspen- Parachute Bible, Chapter 1
sion lines are attached define the top shape of the airfoil. Answers (A) and (B) are incorrect because flaring does not produce
(PLT346) — The Powered Parachute Bible a higher rate of speed or a higher rate of descent.
3989 [B] 3990 [A] 3991 [B] 3992 [B] 3993 [A] 3994 [C]
2326. Why should gyroplane operations within the 2327. The principal factor limiting the never-exceed
cross-hatched portion of a Height vs. Velocity chart be speed (VNE) of a gyroplane is
avoided? A— turbulence and altitude.
A— The rotor RPM may build excessively high if it is B— blade-tip speed, which must remain below the
necessary to flare at such low altitudes. speed of sound.
B— Sufficient airspeed may not be available to ensure C— lack of sufficient cyclic stick control to
a safe landing in case of an engine failure. compensate for dissymmetry of lift or retreating
C— Turbulence near the surface can dephase the blade stall, depending on which occurs first.
blade dampers causing geometric unbalanced
conditions on the rotor system. Retreating blade stall is the principal factor limiting the
never-exceed speed. (PLT260) — FAA-H-8083-21
The chart can be used to determine those altitude-
airspeed combinations from which it would be impossible
to successfully complete an autorotative landing. The
altitude-airspeed combinations that should be avoided
are represented by the shaded areas of the chart.
(PLT123) — FAA-H-8083-21
3995 [A] 2347 [A] 2348 [B] 2326 [B] 2327 [C]
Pitot-Static Instruments
The pressure altimeter, vertical-speed indicator, and airspeed indicator operate in response to pressures
through the pitot-static system. See Figure 3-1.
Static (atmospheric) pressure is taken from the static vents and is provided to all three instruments.
Clogging of the static vents or line will cause all three instruments to become inoperative or to display
erroneous readings.
Impact (ram) pressure is taken from the pitot tube and furnished to the airspeed indicator only.
Clogging of the pitot opening will not affect operation of the altimeter or vertical speed indicator.
3248. Which instrument will become inoperative if the 3249. Which instrument(s) will become inoperative if
pitot tube becomes clogged? the static vents become clogged?
A— Altimeter. A— Airspeed only.
B— Vertical speed. B— Altimeter only.
C— Airspeed. C— Airspeed, altimeter, and vertical speed.
The pitot tube provides input for the airspeed indicator Airspeed, altimeter and vertical speed all receive static
only. (PLT337) — FAA-H-8083-25 input and would indicate inaccurately if the static sources
Answers (A) and (B) are incorrect because the altimeter and vertical became plugged. (PLT337) — FAA-H-8083-25
speed indicator operate off the static system and are not affected by
a clogged pitot tube.
3248 [C] 3249 [C]
3247. If the pitot tube and outside static vents become 3262. The pitot system provides impact pressure for
clogged, which instruments would be affected? which instrument?
A— The altimeter, airspeed indicator, and turn-and- A— Altimeter.
slip indicator. B— Vertical-speed indicator.
B— The altimeter, airspeed indicator, and vertical C— Airspeed indicator.
speed indicator.
C— The altimeter, attitude indicator, and turn-and-slip The pitot tube provides input for the airspeed indicator
indicator. only. (PLT337) — FAA-H-8083-25
Answers (A) and (B) are incorrect because the altimeter and vertical
Airspeed, altimeter and vertical speed all receive static speed indicator operate off the static system.
input and would indicate inaccurately if the static sources
became plugged. (PLT337) — FAA-H-8083-25
Answers (A) and (C) are incorrect because the turn-and-slip indica-
tor and attitude indicator are gyroscopic instruments, and are not
part of the pitot-static system.
A number of airspeed limitations, abbreviated as “V” speeds, are indicated by color-coded marking
on the airspeed indicator (see Figure 3-2):
VS0 —stall speed or minimum steady flight speed in the landing configuration (the lower limit of the
white arc).
VFE—maximum flap extended speed (the upper limit of the white arc). The entire white arc defines
the flap operating range.
VS1—the stall speed or minimum steady flight speed in a specified configuration (the lower limit of
the green arc). The entire green arc defines the normal operating range.
VNO—the maximum structural cruising speed (the upper limit of the green arc and lower limit of the
yellow arc). The yellow arc defines the caution range, which should be avoided unless in smooth air.
VNE—never exceed speed (the upper limit of the yellow arc) marked in red.
There are other important airspeed limitations that are not color-coded on the airspeed indicator:
VLE—the maximum landing gear extended speed.
VA—the design maneuvering speed. If rough air or severe turbulence is encountered, airspeed should
be reduced to maneuvering speed or less to minimize stress on the airplane structure.
VY —the best rate-of-climb speed (the airspeed that will result in the most altitude in a given period
of time).
VX —the best angle-of-climb speed (the airspeed that will result in the most altitude in a given distance).
3247 [B] 3262 [C]
3269. (Refer to Figure 4.) Which color identifies the
power-off stalling speed in a specified configuration?
A— Upper limit of the green arc.
B— Upper limit of the white arc.
Figure 3-2. Airspeed indicator C— Lower limit of the green arc.
AIR, GLI, RTC, WSC The green arc is the normal operating range. The lower
3006. Which V-speed represents maneuvering speed? end of the arc (VS1) is the stalling speed in a specified
configuration. (PLT088) — FAA-H-8083-25
A— VA.
Answer (A) is incorrect because the upper limit of the green arc
B— VLO. indicates the maximum structural cruising speed. Answer (B) is
C— VNE. incorrect because the upper limit of the white arc is the maximum
flaps-extended speed.
VA is design maneuvering speed. (PLT506) — 14 CFR
Answer (B) is incorrect because this is the maximum landing gear
operating speed. Answer (C) is incorrect because this is the never 3011. Which would provide the greatest gain in altitude
exceed speed. in the shortest distance during climb after takeoff?
A— VY.
B— VA.
3264. What does the red line on an airspeed indicator C— VX.
VX (best angle) is the calibrated airspeed at which the
A— Maneuvering speed. aircraft will attain the highest altitude in a given horizontal
B— Turbulent or rough-air speed. distance. (PLT123) — 14 CFR §1.2
C— Never-exceed speed. Answer (A) is incorrect because VY is best rate of climb. Answer (B)
is incorrect because VA is design maneuvering speed.
The upper end of the arc is marked by a red radial line
which is the never-exceed speed (VNE). (PLT132) —
Answers (A) and (B) are incorrect because the maneuvering speed
and turbulent or rough-air speed is not indicated on the airspeed
3006 [A] 3264 [C] 3268 [C] 3269 [C] 3011 [C]
VY (best rate) is the calibrated airspeed at which the The flap operating range is marked by the white arc. The
airplane will obtain the maximum increase in altitude high end is VFE (maximum flap extended speed), which is
per unit of time (feet per minute) after takeoff. (PLT123) 100 knots for this airplane. (PLT088) — FAA-H-8083-25
— 14 CFR §1.2 Answer (A) is incorrect because 65 knots is the lower limit of the
Answer (B) is incorrect because VX is the best angle of climb. Answer green arc, which is the power-off stall speed, VS1. Answer (C) is
(C) is incorrect because VA is the design maneuvering speed. incorrect because 165 knots is the upper limit of the green arc,
which is VNO .
3265. (Refer to Figure 4.) What is the full flap operating
3271. (Refer to Figure 4.) Which color identifies the
range for the airplane?
normal flap operating range?
A— 55 to 100 knots.
A— The yellow arc.
B— 55 to 208 knots.
B— The green arc.
C— 55 to 165 knots.
C— The white arc.
The flap operating range is marked by the white arc.
The flap operating range is marked by the white arc.
The low end is VS0 (stall speed in a landing configura-
The low end is VS0 (stall speed in a landing configura-
tion), and the high end is VFE (maximum flap extended
tion), and the high end is VFE (maximum flap extended
speed). (PLT088) — FAA-H-8083-25
speed). (PLT088) — FAA-H-8083-25
Answer (B) is incorrect because 55 to 208 knots is the entire operat-
ing range of this airplane, from the stall speed to the never-exceed Answer (A) is incorrect because the yellow arc is the caution range.
speed. Answer (C) is incorrect because 55 to 165 knots is the nor- Answer (B) is incorrect because the green arc indicates the normal
mal operating range for this airplane (green arc). operating range.
3012-1 [A] 3265 [A] 3267 [C] 3270 [B] 3271 [C] 3272 [C]
The green arc is the normal operating range. The upper AIR, GLI, WSC
end of the arc (VNO ) is defined as the “maximum struc- 3009. VNO is defined as the
tural cruising speed.” (PLT088) — FAA-H-8083-25
Answer (A) is incorrect because 100 MPH is the upper limit of the
A— normal operating range.
white arc, which is the maximum flaps extended speed. Answer (C) B— never-exceed speed.
is incorrect because 208 knots is the never-exceed speed. C— maximum structural cruising speed.
3273 [B] 3274 [C] 3007 [A] 3008 [A] 3009 [C] 3010 [A]
3266 [C]
3105. If an altimeter setting is not available before flight, 3107. At what altitude shall the altimeter be set to 29.92,
to which altitude should the pilot adjust the altimeter? when climbing to cruising flight level?
A— The elevation of the nearest airport corrected to A— 14,500 feet MSL.
mean sea level. B— 18,000 feet MSL.
B— The elevation of the departure area. C— 24,000 feet MSL.
C— Pressure altitude corrected for nonstandard
temperature. The altimeter should be set to 29.92" Hg at 18,000
feet MSL and above. Note: 18,000 feet is Class A air-
The altimeter should be set to the elevation of the space, which requires an instrument rating to operate
departure airport for airplanes, and the departure area in. (PLT381) — 14 CFR §91.121
for other aircraft. (PLT381) — 14 CFR §91.121 Answer (A) is incorrect because 14,500 feet is the base of Class
Answer (A) is incorrect because airport elevation is always expressed E airspace, when not designated lower. Answer (C) is incorrect
in feet above MSL. Answer (C) is incorrect because pressure altitude because 24,000 feet MSL is the altitude at which DME is required.
adjusted for nonstandard temperature is not true altitude, but density
3254. Altimeter setting is the value to which the baro-
ALL metric pressure scale of the altimeter is set so the
3106. Prior to takeoff, the altimeter should be set to altimeter indicates
which altitude or altimeter setting?
A— calibrated altitude at field elevation.
A— The current local altimeter setting, if available, or B— absolute altitude at field elevation.
the departure airport elevation. C— true altitude at field elevation.
B— The corrected density altitude of the departure
airport. The local altimeter setting corrects for the difference
C— The corrected pressure altitude for the departure between existing pressure and standard atmospheric
airport. pressure. Whether local pressure is higher or lower than
standard, it will indicate true altitude (MSL) at ground
The altimeter should be set to the elevation of the level, when the aircraft altimeter is set to the local altim-
departure airport for airplanes, and the departure area eter setting (assuming no setting scale error). (PLT041)
for other aircraft. (PLT381) — 14 CFR §91.121 — FAA-H-8083-25
Answer (B) is incorrect because density altitude is pressure altitude Answer (A) is incorrect because “calibrated” does not apply to alti-
corrected for nonstandard temperature variations and only concerns tudes; it only applies to airspeeds. Answer (B) is incorrect because
the performance of the aircraft. Answer (C) is incorrect because absolute altitude is the height above the ground.
pressure altitude is the altitude indicated on the altimeter when the
altimeter is set to 29.92.
3105 [B] 3106 [A] 3107 [B] 3254 [C]
3255 [A] 3256 [A] 3392 [A] 3257 [B] 3258 [B] 3259 [B]
3389. Under what condition is pressure altitude and
3260. Under what condition is indicated altitude the
same as true altitude? density altitude the same value?
A— If the altimeter has no mechanical error. A— At sea level, when the temperature is 0°F.
B— When at sea level under standard conditions. B— When the altimeter has no installation error.
C— When at 18,000 feet MSL with the altimeter set at C— At standard temperature.
When conditions are standard, pressure altitude and
On a standard day (29.92" Hg and +15°C) at sea level, density altitude are the same. (PLT345) — AC 00-6A,
pressure altitude, indicated altitude, and density altitude Chapter 3
are all equal. Any variation from standard temperature Answer (A) is incorrect because standard temperature at sea level
is 59°F. Answer (B) is incorrect because installation errors apply to
or pressure will have an effect on the altimeter. (PLT023) airspeed indicators, not altimeters.
— FAA-H-8083-25
Answer (A) is incorrect because mechanical error does not apply to
true altitude. Answer (C) is incorrect because when the altimeter is ALL
set to 29.92, it indicates pressure altitude.
3390. If a flight is made from an area of low pressure
into an area of high pressure without the altimeter set-
ting being adjusted, the altimeter will indicate
3261. If it is necessary to set the altimeter from 29.15 A— the actual altitude above sea level.
to 29.85, what change occurs? B— higher than the actual altitude above sea level.
A— 70-foot increase in indicated altitude. C— lower than the actual altitude above sea level.
B— 70-foot increase in density altitude.
If a flight is made from a high-pressure area to a low-
C— 700-foot increase in indicated altitude.
pressure area without adjusting the altimeter, the actual
When the knob on the altimeter is rotated, the pressure altitude of the airplane will be lower than the indicated
scale moves simultaneously with the altimeter pointers. altitude, and when flying from a low-pressure area to
The numerical values of pressure indicated in the win- high-pressure area, the actual altitude of the airplane
dow increase while the altimeter indicates an increase will be higher than the indicated altitude. (PLT167) — AC
in altitude; or decrease while the altimeter indicates a 00-6A, Chapter 3
decrease in altitude. This is contrary to the reaction on Answer (A) is incorrect because a correct altimeter setting must be
used and/or standard atmospheric conditions must exist. Answer
the pointers when air pressure changes, and is based (B) is incorrect because the altimeter will indicate a lower altitude
solely on the mechanical makeup of the altimeter. The than actual.
difference between the two settings is equal to 0.70"
Hg (29.85 – 29.15). At the standard pressure lapse rate
of 1" Hg = 1,000 feet in altitude, the amount of change
equals 700 feet. (PLT166) — FAA-H-8083-25
3260 [B] 3261 [C] 3388 [B] 3389 [C] 3390 [C]
3391 [B] 3393 [C] 3250 [C] 3251 [C] 3252 [A] 3253 [B]
3387 [C]
Gyroscopic Instruments
Some aircraft instruments use gyroscopes. Simply stated, gyroscopes are rapidly spinning wheels or
disks which resist any attempt to move them from their plane of rotation. This is called “rigidity in space.”
Three aircraft instruments which use gyroscopes are the attitude indicator, the turn coordinator, and
the heading indicator.
Attitude Indicator
The rigidity in space principle makes the gyroscope an excellent “artificial horizon” around which the
attitude indicator (and the airplane) pivot.
When viewing the attitude indicator, the direction of bank is determined by the relationship of the
miniature airplane to the horizon bar. The miniature airplane may be moved up or down from the horizon
with an adjustment knob. Normally, the miniature airplane will be adjusted so that the wings overlap the
horizon bar whenever the airplane is in straight-and-level flight.
Turn Coordinator
The turn coordinator (also using the principle of the gyroscope) uses a miniature airplane to provide infor-
mation concerning rate of roll and rate of turn. As the airplane enters a turn, movement of the miniature
aircraft indicates rate of roll. When the bank is held constant, rate of turn is indicated. Simultaneously,
the quality of turn, or movement about the yaw axis, is indicated by the ball of the inclinometer.
Heading Indicator
The heading indicator is a gyroscopic instrument designed to avoid many of the errors inherent in a
magnetic compass. However, the heading indicator does suffer from precession, caused mainly by bear-
ing friction. Because of this precessional error, the heading indicator must periodically be realigned with
the magnetic compass during straight-and-level, unaccelerated flight.
3278 [C] 3275 [A]
3277 [C] 3276 [C]
3279. Deviation in a magnetic compass is caused by the 3282. In the Northern Hemisphere, a magnetic compass
A— presence of flaws in the permanent magnets of will normally indicate a turn toward the north if
the compass. A— an aircraft is decelerated while on an east or west
B— difference in the location between true north and heading.
magnetic north. B— a left turn is entered from a west heading.
C— magnetic fields within the aircraft distorting the C— an aircraft is accelerated while on an east or west
lines of magnetic force. heading.
Magnetic disturbances from magnetic fields produced by While on an east or west heading, an increase in
metals and electrical accessories in an aircraft disturb airspeed or acceleration will cause the compass to
the compass card and produce an additional error which indicate a turn toward the north and a deceleration will
is referred to as deviation. (PLT215) — FAA-H-8083-25 cause the compass to indicate a turn to the south. If
Answer (A) is incorrect because deviation is not caused by magnet on a north or south heading, no error will be apparent
flaws. Answer (B) is incorrect because the difference between mag- because of acceleration or deceleration. (Remember
netic north and true north is called variation. ANDS = Accelerate North Decelerate South). (PLT215)
— FAA-H-8083-25
3279-1. The angular difference between true north and ALL
magnetic north is 3283. In the Northern Hemisphere, the magnetic com-
A— magnetic deviation. pass will normally indicate a turn toward the south when
B— magnetic variation. A— a left turn is entered from an east heading.
C— compass acceleration error. B— a right turn is entered from a west heading.
C— the aircraft is decelerated while on a west heading.
The angular difference between magnetic north, the
reference for the magnetic compass, and true north is While on an east or west heading, an increase in
variation. (PLT320) — FAA-H-8083-25 airspeed or acceleration will cause the compass to
Answer (A) is incorrect because deviation is the error caused by indicate a turn toward the north and a deceleration will
magnetic fields produced by metal and electrical accessories within
the airplane. Answer (C) is incorrect because compass acceleration
cause the compass to indicate a turn to the south. If
errors are fluctuations in the compass during changes in speed. on a north or south heading, no error will be apparent
because of acceleration or deceleration. (Remember
ANDS = Accelerate North Decelerate South). (PLT215)
ALL — FAA-H-8083-25
3279-2. Deviation error of the magnetic compass is Answers (A) and (B) are incorrect because on east and west head-
caused by ing, turning error is negligible.
3279 [C] 3279-1 [B] 3279-2 [B] 3282 [C] 3283 [C] 3283-1 [B]
3280. In the Northern Hemisphere, a magnetic compass
3285. In the Northern Hemisphere, if a glider is acceler-
will normally indicate initially a turn toward the west if
ated or decelerated, the magnetic compass will normally
A— a left turn is entered from a north heading. indicate
B— a right turn is entered from a north heading.
A— a turn toward north while decelerating on an east
C— an aircraft is accelerated while on a north heading.
If on a northerly heading and a turn is made toward B— correctly only when on a north or south heading.
east or west, the initial indication of the compass lags, C— a turn toward south while accelerating on a west
or indicates a turn in the opposite direction. (PLT215) heading.
— FAA-H-8083-25
While on an east or west heading, an increase in
Answer (A) is incorrect because a left turn would indicate a turn
toward the east, while turning west. Answer (C) is incorrect because
airspeed or acceleration will cause the compass to
acceleration error does not occur on a north or south heading. indicate a turn toward the north and a deceleration will
cause the compass to indicate a turn to the south. If
on a north or south heading, no error will be apparent
because of acceleration or deceleration. (Remember
ANDS = Accelerate North Decelerate South). (PLT215)
— FAA-H-8083-25
3284 [B] 3280 [B] 3281 [C] 3286 [A] 3285 [B]
Although “FAR” is used as the acronym for “Federal Aviation Regulations,” and found throughout the
regulations themselves and hundreds of other publications, the FAA is now actively discouraging its
use. “FAR” also means “Federal Acquisition Regulations.” To eliminate any possible confusion, the FAA
cites the federal aviation regulations with reference to Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations. For
example, “FAR Part 91.3” is referenced as “14 CFR Part 91 Section 3.”
While Federal Aviation Regulations are many and varied, some are of particular interest to all pilots.
14 CFR Part 1 contains definitions and abbreviations of many terms commonly used in aviation. For
example, the term “night” means “the time between the end of evening civil twilight and the beginning
of morning civil twilight, as published in the American Air Almanac, converted to local time” and is used
for logging night time.
14 CFR Part 61, entitled “Certification: Pilots, Flight Instructors and Ground Instructors,” prescribes
the requirements for issuing pilot and flight instructor certificates and ratings, the conditions of issue,
and the privileges and limitations of those certificates and ratings.
14 CFR Part 91, entitled “General Operating and Flight Rules,” describes rules governing the opera-
tion of aircraft (with certain exceptions) within the United States.
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has established rules and requirements for
notification and reporting of aircraft accidents and incidents. These are contained in NTSB Part 830.
ALL, SPO Night is the time between the end of evening civil twilight
3005. The definition of nighttime is and the beginning of morning civil twilight converted to
A— sunset to sunrise. local time, as published in the American Air Almanac.
B— 1 hour after sunset to 1 hour before sunrise. (PLT395) — 14 CFR §1.1
C— the time between the end of evening civil twilight Answer (A) is incorrect because it refers to the time when lighted
and the beginning of morning civil twilight. position lights are required. Answer (B) is incorrect because it refers
to the currency requirement to carry passengers.
3005 [C]
• A private pilot has unlimited solo privileges, and may carry passengers or cargo as long as the fly-
ing is for the pilots’ pleasure or personal business and is not done for hire. A private pilot may fly in
conjunction with his/her job as long as that flying is incidental to his/her employment.
• A private pilot may not pay less than the pro rata share of the operating expenses of a flight with
passengers, provided the expenses involve only fuel, oil, airport expenditures, or rental fees. The
only time passengers may pay for the entire flight is if a donation is made by the passengers to the
charitable organization which is sponsoring the flight.
• Commercial pilots may fly for compensation or hire.
• An Airline Transport Pilot may act as pilot-in-command (PIC) of airline and scheduled commuter
• All pilot certificates (except student pilot) are valid indefinitely unless surrendered, superseded or
3064. In regard to privileges and limitations, a private 3066. What exception, if any, permits a private pilot to act
pilot may as pilot in command of an aircraft carrying passengers
A— not pay less than the pro rata share of the who pay for the flight?
operating expenses of a flight with passengers A— If the passengers pay all the operating expenses.
provided the expenses involve only fuel, oil, B— If a donation is made to a charitable organization
airport expenditures, or rental fees. for the flight.
B— act as pilot in command of an aircraft carrying C— There is no exception.
a passenger for compensation if the flight is in
connection with a business or employment. A private pilot may act as pilot-in-command of an air-
C— not be paid in any manner for the operating craft used in a passenger-carrying airlift sponsored by
expenses of a flight. a charitable organization, and for which the passengers
make a donation to the organization. This can be done
A private pilot may not pay less than the pro rata share if the sponsor of the airlift notifies the FAA General
of the operating expenses of a flight with passengers, Aviation District Office having jurisdiction over the area
provided the expenses involve only fuel, oil, airport concerned, at least 7 days before the flight, and fur-
expenditures, or rental fees. (PLT448) — 14 CFR §61.113 nishes any essential information that the office requests.
(PLT448) — 14 CFR §61.113
3065. According to regulations pertaining to privileges REC
and limitations, a private pilot may 3044. According to regulations pertaining to privileges
A— be paid for the operating expenses of a flight if and limitations, a recreational pilot may
at least three takeoffs and three landings were A— be paid for the operating expenses of a flight.
made by the pilot within the preceding 90 days. B— not pay less than the pro rata share of the
B— not be paid in any manner for the operating operating expenses of a flight with a passenger.
expenses of a flight. C— not be paid in any manner for the operating
C— not pay less than the pro rata share of the expenses of a flight.
operating expenses of a flight with passengers
provided the expenses involve only fuel, oil, A recreational pilot may not pay less than the pro rata
airport expenditures, or rental fees. share of the operating expenses of a flight with a pas-
senger, provided the expenses involve only fuel, oil,
A private pilot may not pay less than the pro rata share airport expenditures, or rental fees. (PLT448) — 14
of the operating expenses of a flight with passengers, CFR §61.101
provided the expenses involve only fuel, oil, airport
expenditures, or rental fees. (PLT448) — 14 CFR §61.113
3064 [A] 3065 [C] 3066 [B] 3044 [B]
3045. In regard to privileges and limitations, a recre- 3048. A recreational pilot may act as pilot in command
ational pilot may of an aircraft with a maximum engine horsepower of
A— fly for compensation or hire within 50 nautical A— 160.
miles from the departure airport with a logbook B— 180.
endorsement. C— 200.
B— not be paid in any manner for the operating
expenses of a flight from a passenger. A recreational pilot may not act as pilot-in-command of
C— not pay less than the pro rata share of the an aircraft that is certificated with a powerplant of more
operating expenses of a flight with a passenger. than 180 horsepower. (PLT448) — 14 CFR §61.101
A recreational pilot may not pay less than the pro rata
share of the operating expenses of a flight with a pas- REC
senger, provided the expenses involve only fuel, oil, 3049. What exception, if any, permits a recreational
airport expenditures, or rental fees. (PLT448) — 14 pilot to act as pilot in command of an aircraft carrying
CFR §61.101 a passenger for hire?
A— If the passenger pays no more than the operating
B— If a donation is made to a charitable organization
3046. When may a recreational pilot act as pilot in com- for the flight.
mand on a cross-country flight that exceeds 50 nautical C— There is no exception.
miles from the departure airport?
A— After receiving ground and flight instructions A recreational pilot may not act as pilot-in-command of
on cross-country training and a logbook an aircraft that is carrying a passenger or property for
endorsement. compensation or hire, in furtherance of a business, or for
B— 12 calendar months after receiving his or her a charitable organization. (PLT448) — 14 CFR §61.101
recreational pilot certificate and a logbook Answer (A) is incorrect because the passenger may only pay an
endorsement. equal share of the operating expenses. Answer (B) is incorrect
because a recreational pilot may not carry passengers for hire, even
C— After attaining 100 hours of pilot-in-command if the flight is a donation to a charitable organization.
time and a logbook endorsement.
3045 [C] 3046 [A] 3047 [C] 3048 [B] 3049 [C] 3050 [C]
3051 [B] 3052 [A] 2130 [B] 3052-1 [C] 3053 [C] 3054 [C]
3055. When may a recreational pilot fly above 10,000 3059. When, if ever, may a recreational pilot act as pilot
feet MSL? in command in an aircraft towing a banner?
A— When 2,000 feet AGL or below. A— If the pilot has logged 100 hours of flight time in
B— When 2,500 feet AGL or below. powered aircraft.
C— When outside of controlled airspace. B— If the pilot has an endorsement in his/her pilot
logbook from an authorized flight instructor.
A recreational pilot may not act as pilot-in-command of C—It is not allowed.
an aircraft at an altitude of more than 10,000 feet MSL
or 2,000 feet AGL, whichever is higher. (PLT448) — 14 A recreational pilot may not act as pilot-in-command
CFR §61.101 of an aircraft that is towing any object. (PLT401) — 14
CFR §61.101
3056. During daytime, what is the minimum flight or REC
surface visibility required for recreational pilots in Class 3043. How many passengers is a recreational pilot
G airspace below 10,000 feet MSL? allowed to carry on board?
A— 1 mile. A— One.
B— 3 miles. B— Two.
C— 5 miles. C— Three.
A recreational pilot may not act as pilot-in-command of A recreational pilot may not carry more than one pas-
an aircraft when the flight or surface visibility is less than senger. (PLT448) — 14 CFR §61.101
3 statute miles. (PLT163) — 14 CFR §61.101
REC 2123. How many passengers is a sport pilot allowed
3057. During daytime, what is the minimum flight visibil- to carry on board?
ity required for recreational pilots in controlled airspace A— One.
below 10,000 feet MSL? B— Two.
A— 1 mile. C— Three.
B— 3 miles.
C— 5 miles. Sport Pilots may not act as pilot in command of a light-
sport aircraft while carrying more than one passenger.
A recreational pilot may not act as pilot-in-command of (PLT448) — 14 CFR §61.315
an aircraft when the flight or surface visibility is less than
3 statute miles. (PLT163) — 14 CFR §61.101
3058. Under what conditions, if any, may a recreational
pilot demonstrate an aircraft in flight to a prospective
A— The buyer pays all the operating expenses.
B— The flight is not outside the United States.
C— None.
3055 [A] 3056 [B] 3057 [B] 3058 [C] 3059 [C] 3043 [A]
2123 [A]
3060. When must a recreational pilot have a pilot-in- 3135. Outside controlled airspace, the minimum flight
command flight check? visibility requirement for a recreational pilot flying VFR
A— Every 400 hours. above 1,200 feet AGL and below 10,000 feet MSL dur-
B— Every 180 days. ing daylight hours is
C— If the pilot has less than 400 total flight hours and A— 1 mile.
has not flown as pilot in command in an aircraft B— 3 miles.
within the preceding 180 days. C— 5 miles.
A recreational pilot who has logged fewer than 400 flight Minimum flight or surface visibility for recreational pilots
hours and who has not logged pilot-in-command time in is 3 miles. (PLT163) — 14 CFR §61.101
an aircraft within the preceding 180 days may not act as
pilot-in-command of an aircraft until flight instruction is
received from an authorized flight instructor who certifies SPO
in the pilot’s logbook that the pilot is competent to act as 2061. Outside controlled airspace, the minimum flight
pilot-in-command of the aircraft. This requirement can visibility requirement for a sport pilot flying above 1,200
be met in combination with the requirements of flight feet AGL and below 10,000 feet MSL during daylight
reviews, at the discretion of the instructor. (PLT448) — hours is
14 CFR §61.101 A— 1 statute mile.
B— 3 statute miles.
C— 5 statute miles.
3061. A recreational pilot may fly as sole occupant of Minimum flight or surface visibility for sport pilots is 3
an aircraft at night while under the supervision of a flight statute miles in all airspace at all times. (PLT467) — 14
instructor provided the flight or surface visibility is at least CFR §61.315
A— 3 miles.
B— 4 miles.
C— 5 miles. SPO
2061-1. The minimum flight visibility requirement for
For the purpose of obtaining additional certificates or rat- a sport pilot is
ings, while under the supervision of an authorized flight A— 1 statute mile.
instructor, a recreational pilot may fly as sole occupant B— 3 statute miles.
of an aircraft between sunset and sunrise, provided C— 5 statute miles.
the flight or surface visibility is at least 5 statute miles.
(PLT448) — 14 CFR §61.101 Minimum flight or surface visibility for sport pilots is 3
statute miles. (PLT163) — 14 CFR §61.315
3134. What minimum visibility and clearance from clouds
are required for a recreational pilot in Class G airspace
at 1,200 feet AGL or below during daylight hours?
A— 1 mile visibility and clear of clouds.
B— 3 miles visibility and clear of clouds.
C— 3 miles visibility, 500 feet below the clouds.
3060 [C] 3061 [C] 3134 [B] 3135 [B] 2061 [B] 2061-1 [B]
Pilot Ratings
When a pilot certificate is issued, it lists the cat-
egory, class, and type (if appropriate) of aircraft
in which the certificate holder is qualified. See
Figure 4-1.
The term “category” means a broad classifica-
tion of aircraft, such as airplane, rotorcraft, glider,
and lighter-than-air. The term “class” means a
classification within a category having similar
operating characteristics, such as single-engine,
multi-engine, land, water, helicopter, and balloon.
The term “type” means a specific make and basic
model of aircraft, such as Cessna 172 or Gulf-
stream IV.
A type rating must be held by the pilot-in-
command of a large aircraft. “Large aircraft” means
aircraft of more than 12,500 pounds maximum
certificated takeoff weight.
All turbojet-powered airplanes, regardless of
weight, require the PIC to have a type rating.
In addition to the category, class, and type
ratings, if a pilot wishes to fly IFR, an instrument
rating is required.
3001 [B] 3002 [B]
AIR, RTC A type rating is required in order for a pilot to act as pilot-
3024. The pilot in command is required to hold a type in-command of a large aircraft (except lighter-than-air)
rating in which aircraft? which is further defined as more than 12,500 pounds
A— Aircraft operated under an authorization issued maximum certificated takeoff weight or a turbojet-
by the Administrator. powered aircraft. (PLT451) — 14 CFR §61.31
B— Aircraft having a gross weight of more than Answers (A) and (C) are incorrect because they don’t address the
12,500 pounds. weight or type of propulsion.
C— Aircraft involved in ferry flights, training flights, or
test flights.
Medical Certificates
Student pilot, recreational pilot, and private pilot operations, other than glider and balloon pilots, require
a Third-Class Medical Certificate. A Third-Class Medical Certificate expires at the end of:
1. The 60th month after the month of the date of the examination shown on the certificate if the person
has not reached his or her 40th birthday on or before the date of examination; or
2. The 24th month after the month of the date of examination shown on the certificate if the person has
reached his or her 40th birthday on or before the date of the examination.
The holder of a Second-Class Medical Certificate may exercise commercial privileges during the
first 12 calendar months, but the certificate is valid only for private pilot privileges during the following
(12 or 48) calendar months, depending on the applicant’s age.
The holder of a First-Class Medical Certificate may exercise Airline Transport Pilot privileges during
the first (6 or 12) calendar months, commercial privileges during the following (6 or 0) calendar months,
and private pilot privileges during the following (12 or 48) calendar months, depending on the applicant’s
age. To state another way, a medical certificate may last 6 months to a year with first-class privileges,
12 months (from the date of the examination) with second-class privileges, and 2 or 5 years with third-
class privileges—depending on whether the applicant is above or below 40 years of age.
Each type of medical certificate is valid through the last day of the month (of the month it expires),
regardless of the day the physical examination was given.
3039. A Third-Class Medical Certificate was issued to a 3020. A Third-Class Medical Certificate is issued to a
19-year-old pilot on August 10, this year. To exercise the 36-year-old pilot on August 10, this year. To exercise
privileges of a Recreational or Private Pilot Certificate, the privileges of a Private Pilot Certificate, the medical
the medical certificate will expire at midnight on certificate will be valid until midnight on
A— August 10, 2 years later. A— August 10, 3 years later.
B— August 31, 5 years later. B— August 31, 5 years later.
C— August 31, 2 years later. C— August 31, 3 years later.
A Third-Class Medical Certificate expires at the end of A Third-Class Medical Certificate expires at the end of
the last day of the 60th month after the month of the the last day of the 60th month after the month of the
date of the examination shown on the certificate if the date of the examination shown on the certificate if the
person has not reached his or her 40th birthday on or person has not reached his or her 40th birthday on or
before the date of examination, for operations requiring before the date of examination, for operations requiring
a Recreational or Private Pilot Certificate. (PLT447) — a Recreational or Private Pilot Certificate. (PLT447) —
14 CFR §61.23 14 CFR §61.23
3024 [B] 3039 [B] 3020 [B]
3021. A Third-Class Medical Certificate is issued to a 3062. Prior to becoming certified as a private pilot with
51-year-old pilot on May 3, this year. To exercise the a glider rating, the pilot must have in his or her posses-
privileges of a Private Pilot Certificate, the medical sion what type of medical?
certificate will be valid until midnight on A— A statement from a designated medical examiner.
A— May 3, 1 year later.
B— A third-class medical certificate.
B— May 31, 1 year later. C— A medical certificate is not required.
C— May 31, 2 years later.
A person is not required to hold a medical certificate
A Third-Class Medical Certificate expires at the end of when exercising the privileges of a pilot certificate with
the last day of the 24th month after the month of the date a glider category rating. (PLT447) — 14 CFR §61.23
of the examination shown on the certificate if the person
has reached his or her 40th birthday on or before the
date of examination, for operations requiring a Private LTA
Pilot Certificate. (PLT447) — 14 CFR §61.23 3063. Prior to becoming certified as a private pilot with
a balloon rating, the pilot must have in his or her pos-
session what class of medical?
A— A third-class medical certificate.
3022. For private pilot operations, a Second-Class B— A medical certificate is not required.
Medical Certificate issued to a 42-year-old pilot on July C— A statement from a designated medical examiner.
15, this year, will expire at midnight on
A— July 15, 2 years later. A person is not required to hold a medical certificate
B— July 31, 1 year later. when exercising the privileges of a pilot certificate with
C— July 31, 2 years later. a balloon class rating. (PLT427) — 14 CFR §61.23
3023. For private pilot operations, a First-Class Medical
Certificate issued to a 23-year-old pilot on October 21,
this year, will expire at midnight on
A— October 21, 2 years later.
B— October 31, next year.
C— October 31, 5 years later.
3021 [C] 3022 [C] 3023 [C] 3062 [C] 3063 [B]
Required Certificates
When acting as pilot-in-command, a pilot must have a current pilot license, a photo ID, and a current
medical certificate in his/her physical possession or readily accessible in the aircraft. Glider and balloon
pilots do not need a medical certificate. A recreational pilot acting as PIC must have a current logbook
endorsement in his/her personal possession within flights 50 NM from the departure airport.
A pilot must present his/her pilot license and medical certificate for inspection upon request of any
FAA, NTSB or federal, state, or local law enforcement officer.
3016 [C] 3017 [C] 3018 [B]
3019. Each person who holds a pilot certificate or a 3038. A recreational pilot acting as pilot in command
medical certificate shall present it for inspection upon the must have in his or her personal possession while
request of the Administrator, the National Transportation aboard the aircraft
Safety Board, or any A— a current logbook endorsement to show
A— authorized representative of the Department of that a flight review has been satisfactorily
Transportation. accomplished.
B— person in a position of authority. B— a current logbook endorsement that permits
C— federal, state, or local law enforcement officer. flights within 50 NM from the departure airport.
C— the pilot logbook to show recent experience
Each person who holds a pilot or medical certificate shall requirements to serve as pilot in command have
present it for inspection upon the request of the FAA been met.
Administrator, an NTSB representative, or any federal,
state, or local law enforcement officer. (PLT399) — 14 A recreational pilot may act as PIC on a flight within 50
CFR §61.3 NM from the departure airport, provided they receive
from an authorized instructor a logbook endorsement,
which is carried in the person’s possession in the aircraft.
SPO (PLT448) — 14 CFR §61.101
2129. Each person who holds a pilot certificate, a U.S.
driver’s license, or a medical certificate shall present it
for inspection upon the request of the Administrator, the
National Transportation Safety Board, or any
A— authorized representative of the Department of
B— authorized representative of the Department of
C— federal, state, or local law enforcement officer.
3019 [C] 2129 [C] 3038 [B]
3028. To act as pilot in command of an aircraft carrying 3030. To act as pilot in command of an aircraft carrying
passengers, a pilot must show by logbook endorsement passengers, the pilot must have made at least three
the satisfactory completion of a flight review or comple- takeoffs and three landings in an aircraft of the same
tion of a pilot proficiency check within the preceding category, class, and if a type rating is required, of the
A— 6 calendar months. same type, within the preceding
B— 12 calendar months. A— 90 days.
C— 24 calendar months. B— 12 calendar months.
C— 24 calendar months.
Each pilot must complete a flight review every 24 cal-
endar months. (PLT449) — 14 CFR §61.56 No person may act as pilot-in-command of an aircraft
carrying passengers, unless, within the preceding 90
days, he/she has made three takeoffs and three land-
ALL ings as the sole manipulator of the flight controls in an
3029. If recency of experience requirements for night aircraft of the same category and class and, if a type
flight are not met and official sunset is 1830, the latest rating is required, of the same type. If the aircraft is a
time passengers may be carried is tailwheel airplane, the landings must have been made
A— 1829. to a full stop. (PLT411) — 14 CFR §61.57
B— 1859.
C— 1929.
No person may act as pilot-in-command of an aircraft 3031. To act as pilot in command of an aircraft carrying
carrying passengers during the period beginning one passengers, the pilot must have made three takeoffs
hour after sunset and ending one hour before sunrise (as and three landings within the preceding 90 days in an
published in the American Air Almanac) unless, within aircraft of the same
the preceding 90 days, he/she has made at least three A— make and model.
takeoffs and three landings to a full stop during that B— category and class, but not type.
period in the category and class of aircraft to be used. C— category, class, and type, if a type rating is
1830 + 59 minutes = 1929 required.
(PLT442) — 14 CFR §61.57 No person may act as pilot-in-command of an aircraft
carrying passengers, unless, within the preceding 90
days, he/she has made three takeoffs and three land-
ings as the sole manipulator of the flight controls in an
3028 [C] 3029 [C] 3030 [A] 3031 [C]
3041. Each recreational or private pilot is required to have
A— a biennial flight review.
B— an annual flight review.
C— a semiannual flight review.
3034 [A] 3040 [C] 3041 [A] 3032 [C] 3033 [B]
High-Performance Airplanes
No person holding a Private or Commercial Pilot Certificate may act as pilot-in-command of an airplane
that has more than 200 horsepower, unless he/she has received instruction from an authorized flight
instructor who has certified in his/her logbook that he/she is competent to pilot a high-performance
3025. What is the definition of a high-performance 3027. In order to act as pilot in command of a high-
airplane? performance airplane, a pilot must have
A— An airplane with an engine of more than 200 A— made and logged three solo takeoffs and
horsepower. landings in a high-performance airplane.
B— An airplane with 180 horsepower, or retractable B— passed a flight test in a high-performance
landing gear, flaps, and a fixed-pitch propeller. airplane.
C— An airplane with a normal cruise speed in excess C— received and logged ground and flight
of 200 knots. instruction in an airplane that has more than 200
A high-performance airplane is one with an engine of
more than 200 horsepower. (PLT395) — 14 CFR §61.31 A high-performance airplane is one with more than 200
horsepower. No person holding a Private or Commercial
pilot certificate may pilot a high-performance aircraft
AIR unless he or she has received ground and flight instruc-
3026. Before a person holding a Private Pilot Certificate tion and has been certified proficient in his/her logbook.
may act as pilot in command of a high-performance (PLT448) — 14 CFR §61.31
airplane, that person must have Answer (A) is incorrect because landings are only required in order
A— passed a flight test in that airplane from an FAA to carry passengers, and they don’t need to be solo. Answer (B) is
incorrect because a flight test is not required.
B— an endorsement in that person’s logbook that he
or she is competent to act as pilot in command.
C— received ground and flight instruction from an
authorized flight instructor who then endorses that
person’s logbook.
3025 [A] 3026 [C] 3027 [C]
Glider Towing
A private pilot may not act as pilot-in-command of an aircraft towing a glider unless at least 100 hours
of pilot flight time is logged in the aircraft category, class, and type (if required), or 200 hours total pilot
time. Also, within the preceding 24 months he/she has made at least three actual/simulated glider tows
while accompanied by a qualified pilot or has made three flights as PIC of a towed glider.
Change of Address
If a pilot changes his/her permanent mailing address without notifying the FAA Airmen’s Certification
Branch, in writing, within 30 days, then he/she may not exercise the privileges of his/her certificate.
3036 [B] 3037 [C] 3035 [A]
The pilot-in-command of an aircraft is directly responsible The pilot-in-command of an aircraft is responsible for
for, and is the final authority as to the operation of that determining whether that aircraft is in condition for safe
aircraft. (PLT444) — 14 CFR §91.3 flight. The pilot shall discontinue the flight when unair-
worthy mechanical, electrical or structural conditions
occur. (PLT444) — 14 CFR §91.7
3072. If an in-flight emergency requires immediate
action, the pilot in command may LTA
A— deviate from any rule of 14 CFR part 91 to the 3071. Pre-takeoff briefing of passengers for a flight is
extent required to meet the emergency, but must the responsibility of
submit a written report to the Administrator within A— all passengers.
24 hours. B— the pilot.
B— deviate from any rule of 14 CFR part 91 to the C— a crewmember.
extent required to meet that emergency.
C— not deviate from any rule of 14 CFR part 91 The pilot-in-command is responsible for briefing
unless prior to the deviation approval is granted crewmembers and occupants in all areas of the flight,
by the Administrator. including inflation, tether, infight, landing, emergency,
and recovery procedures. (PLT444) — 14 CFR §91.3
If an emergency requires immediate action, the pilot-in-
command may deviate from the operating rules of Part
91 to the extent necessary to meet that emergency. LSL
No report of such deviation is required unless the FAA 2308. The person directly responsible for the pre-launch
requests one. (PLT444) — 14 CFR §91.3 briefing of passengers for a flight is the
A— safety officer.
B— pilot in command.
C— ground crewmember.
3073. When must a pilot who deviates from a regula-
tion during an emergency send a written report of that The pilot-in-command is responsible for briefing
deviation to the Administrator? crewmembers and occupants in all areas of the flight,
A— Within 7 days. including inflation, tether, inflight, landing, emergency,
B— Within 10 days. and recovery procedures. (PLT444) — 14 CFR §91.3
C— Upon request.
3070 [B] 3072 [B] 3073 [C] 3074 [B] 3071 [B] 2308 [B]
Preflight Action
Before beginning a flight, the pilot-in-command is required to become familiar with all available information
concerning that flight. This information must include the following:
1. Runway lengths, and
2. Takeoff and landing information for airports of intended use, including aircraft performance data.
If the flight will not be in the vicinity of the departure airport, the pilot must also consider the following:
1. Weather reports and forecasts,
2. Fuel requirements (enough fuel to fly to the first point of intended landing, and at normal cruising
speed, to fly after that for at least 30 minutes if during the day, or for at least 45 minutes at night
when in an airplane), and
3. Alternatives available if the flight cannot be completed as planned.
Each pilot-in-command shall, before each flight, become Each pilot-in-command shall, before each flight, become
familiar with all available information concerning that familiar with all available information concerning that
flight. This information must include: flight. This information must include:
(a) For a flight under IFR or a flight not in the vicinity (a) For a flight under IFR or a flight not in the vicinity
of an airport, weather reports and forecasts, fuel of an airport, weather reports and forecasts, fuel
requirements, alternatives available if the planned requirements, alternatives available if the planned
flight cannot be completed, and any known traffic flight cannot be completed, and any known traffic
delays of which the pilot has been advised by ATC; delays of which the pilot has been advised by ATC;
(b) For any flight, runway lengths of airports of intended (b) For any flight, runway lengths of airports of intended
use, and the following takeoff and landing distance use, and the following takeoff and landing distance
information: information:
1. For civil aircraft for which an approved airplane 1. For civil aircraft for which an approved airplane
or rotorcraft flight manual containing takeoff and or rotorcraft flight manual containing takeoff and
landing distance data is required, the takeoff and landing distance data is required, the takeoff and
landing distance data contained therein; and landing distance data contained therein; and
2. For civil aircraft other than those specified in 2. For civil aircraft other than those specified in
paragraph (b)(1) of this section, other reliable paragraph (b)(1) of this section, other reliable
information appropriate to the aircraft, relating information appropriate to the aircraft, relating
to aircraft performance under expected values of to aircraft performance under expected values of
airport elevation and runway slope, aircraft gross airport elevation and runway slope, aircraft gross
weight, and wind and temperature. weight, and wind and temperature.
(PLT445) — 14 CFR §91.103 (PLT445) — 14 CFR §91.103
3080 [B] 3081 [C]
All required flight crewmembers must remain in their seats with seatbelts secured during the entire flight
unless absent in connection with duties or physiological needs. When shoulder harnesses are installed
they must be used during takeoffs and landings.
Prior to takeoff, the pilot-in-command must ensure that each person on board has been briefed on
the use of seatbelts. In addition, he/she must ensure that the passengers are notified to fasten their
seatbelts during taxi, takeoffs, and landings. A child who has not reached his/her second birthday may
be held by an adult who is occupying a seat or berth.
3083. Flight crewmembers are required to keep their 3085. With respect to passengers, what obligation, if
safety belts and shoulder harnesses fastened during any, does a pilot in command have concerning the use
A— takeoffs and landings. of safety belts?
B— all flight conditions. A— The pilot in command must instruct the
C— flight in turbulent air. passengers to keep their safety belts fastened for
the entire flight.
During takeoff and landing, and while en route, each B— The pilot in command must brief the passengers
required flight crewmember shall keep his/her seatbelt on the use of safety belts and notify them to
fastened while at the station. During takeoff and land- fasten their safety belts during taxi, takeoff, and
ing this includes shoulder harness (if installed) unless landing.
it interferes with required duties. (PLT440) — 14 CFR C— The pilot in command has no obligation in regard
§91.105 to passengers’ use of safety belts.
3083 [A] 3084 [C] 3085 [B] 3086 [A]
Except in an emergency, no pilot of an aircraft may allow a person who appears to be intoxicated or
under the influence of drugs (except a medical patient under proper care) to be carried in that aircraft.
A conviction for the violation of any law relating to drugs or alcohol is grounds for: (1) Denial of an
application for any certificate, rating, or authorization issued under Part 61 for a period of up to 1 year
after the date of final conviction; or (2) Suspension or revocation of any certificate, rating, or authoriza-
tion issued under Part 61.
Pilots shall provide a written report of each alcohol- or drug-related motor vehicle action to the FAA,
Civil Aviation Security Division (AMC-700) not later than 60 days after the motor vehicle action.
3077. A person may not act as a crewmember of a civil 3078. Under what condition, if any, may a pilot allow a
aircraft if alcoholic beverages have been consumed by person who is obviously under the influence of drugs
that person within the preceding to be carried aboard an aircraft?
A— 8 hours. A— In an emergency or if the person is a medical
B— 12 hours. patient under proper care.
C— 24 hours. B— Only if the person does not have access to the
cockpit or pilot’s compartment.
No person may act or attempt to act as a crewmember C— Under no condition.
of a civil aircraft within 8 hours after the consumption
of any alcoholic beverage. Remember “8 hours bottle Except in an emergency, or a medical patient under
to throttle.” (PLT463) — 14 CFR §91.17 proper care, no pilot of a civil aircraft may allow a person
who appears to be intoxicated, or who demonstrates
by manner or physical indications that the individual is
under the influence of drugs, to be carried in that aircraft.
(PLT463) — 14 CFR §91.17
2232 [A] 3087 [B] 3077 [A] 3078 [A]
3079 [C] 2087 [C] 3079-1 [A] 2126 [A] 2127 [C]
Right-of-Way Rules
When weather conditions permit, vigilance must be maintained so as to see and avoid other aircraft.
An aircraft in distress has the right-of-way over all other air traffic. When aircraft of the same category
are converging at approximately the same altitude (except head-on, or nearly so), the aircraft on the
other’s right has the right-of-way. See Figure 4-2.
2128 [B]
3090. What action is required when two aircraft of the ALL
same category converge, but not head-on? 3091. Which aircraft has the right-of-way over the other
A— The faster aircraft shall give way. aircraft listed?
B— The aircraft on the left shall give way. A— Gyroplane.
C— Each aircraft shall give way to the right. B— Airship.
C— Aircraft towing other aircraft.
When two aircraft of the same “right-of-way” category
converge at approximately the same altitude, the aircraft An aircraft towing or refueling other aircraft has the right-
to the other’s right has the right-of-way. (PLT414) — 14 of-way over all other engine-driven aircraft. (PLT414)
CFR §91.113 — 14 CFR §91.113
Answer (A) is incorrect because speed has nothing to do with right-
of-way. Answer (C) is incorrect because “each aircraft giving way to
the right” is the rule when approaching head-on. ALL
3095. When two or more aircraft are approaching
an airport for the purpose of landing, the right-of-way
ALL belongs to the aircraft
3093. Which aircraft has the right-of-way over the other
aircraft listed? A— that has the other to its right.
B— that is the least maneuverable.
A— Glider. C— at the lower altitude, but it shall not take
B— Airship. advantage of this rule to cut in front of or to
C— Aircraft refueling other aircraft. overtake another.
A glider has the right-of-way over an airship, airplane, When two aircraft are approaching an airport for landing,
or rotorcraft. (PLT414) — 14 CFR §91.113 the lower aircraft has the right-of-way. A pilot shall not
Answer (B) is incorrect because a glider has the right-of-way over take advantage of that rule to overtake or cut in front of
powered aircraft. Answer (C) is incorrect because an aircraft refu-
eling other aircraft only has right-of-way over other engine-driven
another aircraft. (PLT414) — 14 CFR §91.113
3089 [B] 3090 [B] 3093 [A] 3092 [A] 3091 [C] 3095 [C]
Aerobatic Flight
Aerobatic flight means an intentional maneuver involving an abrupt change in an aircraft’s altitude, an
abnormal attitude, or abnormal acceleration, not necessary for normal flight. Aerobatic flight is prohibited:
1. Over any congested area of a city, town, or settlement;
2. Over an open-air assembly of people;
3. Within the lateral boundaries of Class B, C, D or E airspace designated for an airport;
4. Within 4 nautical miles of the centerline of a federal airway;
5. Below an altitude of 1,500 feet above the surface, or;
6. When flight visibility is less than 3 statute miles.
3167. No person may operate an aircraft in aerobatic 3168. In which class of airspace is aerobatic flight
flight when prohibited?
A— flight visibility is less than 5 miles. A— Class G airspace above 1,500 feet AGL.
B— over any congested area of a city, town, or B— Class E airspace below 1,500 feet AGL.
settlement. C— Class E airspace not designated for Federal
C— less than 2,500 feet AGL. Airways above 1,500 feet AGL.
No person may operate an aircraft in aerobatic flight — No person may operate an aircraft in aerobatic flight
1. Over any congested area of a city, town, or settle- in any class of airspace below an altitude of 1,500 feet
ment; above the surface. (PLT369) — 14 CFR §91.303
Answers (A) and (C) are incorrect because aerobatic flight is permit-
2. Over an open-air assembly of persons; ted in both these locations.
3. Within the lateral boundaries of Class B, C, D or E
airspace designated for an airport;
4. Within 4 nautical miles of the centerline of a federal
5. Below an altitude of 1,500 feet above the surface; or
6. When flight visibility is less than 3 statute miles.
(PLT369) — 14 CFR §91.303
3096 [B] 3094 [C] 3167 [B] 3168 [B]
3169. What is the lowest altitude permitted for aerobatic 3170. No person may operate an aircraft in aerobatic
flight? flight when the flight visibility is less than
A— 1,000 feet AGL. A— 3 miles.
B— 1,500 feet AGL. B— 5 miles.
C— 2,000 feet AGL. C— 7 miles.
No person may operate an aircraft in aerobatic flight — No person may operate an aircraft in aerobatic flight —
1. Over any congested area of a city, town, or settle- 1. Over any congested area of a city, town, or settle-
ment; ment;
2. Over an open-air assembly of persons; 2. Over an open-air assembly of persons;
3. Within the lateral boundaries of Class B, C, D or E 3. Within the lateral boundaries of Class B, C, D or E
airspace designated for an airport; airspace designated for an airport;
4. Within 4 nautical miles of the centerline of a federal 4. Within 4 nautical miles of the centerline of a federal
airway; airway;
5. Below an altitude of 1,500 feet above the surface; or 5. Below an altitude of 1,500 feet above the surface; or
6. When flight visibility is less than 3 statute miles. 6. When flight visibility is less than 3 statute miles.
(PLT369) — 14 CFR §91.303 (PLT369) — 14 CFR §91.303
If any passengers are carried, the pilot of an aircraft may not intentionally exceed 60° of bank or 30°
of pitch unless each occupant is wearing an approved parachute. However, this requirement does not
apply when a Certified Flight Instructor is giving instruction in spins or any other flight maneuver required
by regulations for a rating.
If the parachute is of the chair type, it must have been packed by a certificated and appropriately-
rated parachute rigger within the preceding 180 days.
3172. An approved chair-type parachute may be carried 3173. With certain exceptions, when must each occu-
in an aircraft for emergency use if it has been packed pant of an aircraft wear an approved parachute?
by an appropriately rated parachute rigger within the A— When a door is removed from the aircraft to
preceding facilitate parachute jumpers.
A— 120 days. B— When intentionally pitching the nose of the
B— 180 days. aircraft up or down 30° or more.
C— 365 days. C— When intentionally banking in excess of 30°.
No pilot of a civil aircraft may allow a parachute that is Unless each occupant of the aircraft is wearing an
available for emergency use to be carried in that aircraft approved parachute, no pilot of a civil aircraft, carrying
unless, if a chair type, it has been packed by a certifi- any person (other than a crewmember) may execute
cated and appropriately-rated parachute rigger within an intentional maneuver that exceeds 60° bank or 30°
the preceding 180 days. (PLT405) — 14 CFR §91.307 nose up or down, relative to the horizon. (PLT369) — 14
CFR §91.307
3169 [B] 3170 [A] 3172 [B] 3173 [B]
3108-1. As Pilot in Command of an aircraft, under which 3110. What action, if any, is appropriate if the pilot
situation can you deviate from an ATC clearance? deviates from an ATC instruction during an emergency
A— When operating in Class A airspace at night. and is given priority?
B— If an ATC clearance is not understood and in VFR A— Take no special action since you are pilot in
conditions. command.
C— In response to a traffic alert and collision B— File a detailed report within 48 hours to the chief
avoidance system resolution advisory. of the appropriate ATC facility, if requested.
C— File a report to the FAA Administrator, as soon as
The regulations authorize deviations from a clearance possible.
in response to a traffic alert and collision avoidance
system resolution advisory. You must notify ATC as Each pilot-in-command who (though not deviating from
soon as possible following the deviation. (PLT444) — 14 a rule of 14 CFR Part 91) is given priority by ATC in an
CFR §91.123 emergency shall, if requested by ATC, submit a detailed
Answers (A) and (B) are incorrect because neither of these are report of that emergency within 48 hours to the chief of
acceptable reasons to deviate from an ATC clearance. that ATC facility. (PLT444) — 14 CFR §91.123
3108 [B] 3108-1 [C] 3109 [A] 3110 [B]
3837. An ATC clearance provides 2004. While on a VFR cross-country and not in contact
A— priority over all other traffic. with ATC, what frequency would you use in the event
B— adequate separation from all traffic. of an emergency?
C— authorization to proceed under specified traffic A— 121.5 MHz.
conditions in controlled airspace. B— 122.5 MHz.
C— 128.725 MHz.
An ATC Clearance is an authorization by air traffic con-
trol, for the purpose of preventing collisions between Although the frequency in use or other frequencies
known aircraft, for an aircraft to proceed under specified assigned by ATC are preferable, the following emer-
traffic conditions within controlled airspace. (PLT370) — gency frequencies can be used for distress or urgency
Pilot/Controller Glossary communications: 121.5 MHz, 243.0 MHz, or 406 MHz.
Answer (A) is incorrect because a clearance does not provide prior- (PLT116) — AIM ¶6-3-1
ity. Answer (B) is incorrect because a clearance does not relieve the
pilot of the responsibility for collision avoidance with aircraft not in
instrument meteorological conditions (IMC).
2003. An ATC clearance means an authorization by
ATC for an aircraft to proceed under specified condi-
tions within
A— controlled airspace.
B— uncontrolled airspace.
C— published Visual Flight Rules (VFR) routes.
3837 [C] 2003 [A] 2004 [A]
3136. During operations within controlled airspace at
altitudes of less than 1,200 feet AGL, the minimum hori-
zontal distance from clouds requirement for VFR flight is
A— 1,000 feet.
B— 1,500 feet.
C— 2,000 feet.
3138. What minimum flight visibility is required for VFR
flight operations on an airway below 10,000 feet MSL?
A— 1 mile.
B— 3 miles.
C— 4 miles.
3139. The minimum distance from clouds required for
VFR operations on an airway below 10,000 feet MSL is
A— remain clear of clouds.
B— 500 feet below, 1,000 feet above, and 2,000 feet
C— 500 feet above, 1,000 feet below, and 2,000 feet
Questions 3136 through 3147
An airway below 10,000 feet MSL is in either Class B,
C, or D, or E airspace, and requires a cloud clearance
of 500 feet below, 1,000 feet above, and 2,000 feet
horizontally. See the figure to the left. (PLT468) — 14
CFR §91.155
3136 [C] 3138 [B] 3139 [B]
3140. During operations within controlled airspace at 3146. For VFR flight operations above 10,000 feet MSL
altitudes of more than 1,200 feet AGL, but less than and more than 1,200 feet AGL, the minimum horizontal
10,000 feet MSL, the minimum distance above clouds distance from clouds required is
requirement for VFR flight is A— 1,000 feet.
A— 500 feet. B— 2,000 feet.
B— 1,000 feet. C— 1 mile.
C— 1,500 feet.
Controlled airspace above 10,000 feet which allows VFR
Class B, C, D, and E airspace are all controlled airspace is Class E airspace, and requires cloud clearance of
in which VFR flight is allowed, and requires a cloud 1,000 feet below, 1,000 feet above, and 1 SM horizontal
clearance of 1,000 feet above at altitudes of more than during operations above 10,000 feet MSL and more than
1,200 feet AGL, but less than 10,000 feet MSL. See the 1,200 feet AGL. See the previous figure. (PLT163) — 14
previous figure. (PLT468) — 14 CFR §91.155 CFR §91.155
3141. VFR flight in controlled airspace above 1,200 feet 3147. During operations at altitudes of more than 1,200
AGL and below 10,000 feet MSL requires a minimum feet AGL and at or above 10,000 feet MSL, the minimum
visibility and vertical cloud clearance of distance above clouds requirement for VFR flight is
A— 3 miles, and 500 feet below or 1,000 feet above A— 500 feet.
the clouds in controlled airspace. B— 1,000 feet.
B— 5 miles, and 1,000 feet below or 1,000 feet above C— 1,500 feet.
the clouds at all altitudes.
C— 5 miles, and 1,000 feet below or 1,000 feet above Controlled airspace above 10,000 feet which allows VFR
the clouds only in Class A airspace. is Class E airspace, and requires cloud clearance of
1,000 feet below, 1,000 feet above, and 1 SM horizontal
With the exception of Class B airspace, VFR flight into during operations above 10,000 feet MSL and more than
controlled airspace requires 3 statute miles visibility 1,200 feet AGL. See the previous figure. (PLT163) — 14
and cloud clearance of 500 feet below and 1,000 feet CFR §91.155
above when operating above 1,200 feet AGL and below
10,000 feet MSL. See the previous figure. (PLT468) —
14 CFR §91.155 ALL
3620-1. (Refer to Figure 23, area 1.) The visibility and
cloud clearance requirements to operate VFR during
ALL daylight hours over Sandpoint Airport at 1,200 feet
3145. The minimum flight visibility required for VFR AGL are
flights above 10,000 feet MSL and more than 1,200 feet A— 1 mile and 1,000 feet above, 500 feet below, and
AGL in controlled airspace is 2,000 feet horizontally from each cloud.
A— 1 mile. B— 1 mile and clear of clouds.
B— 3 miles. C— 3 miles and 1,000 feet above, 500 feet below, and
C— 5 miles. 2,000 feet horizontally from each cloud.
Controlled airspace above 10,000 feet which allows VFR The Sandpoint Airport Class E airspace starts at 700 feet
is Class E airspace, and requires 5 statute miles visibility AGL. The visibility and cloud clearance requirements to
above 10,000 feet MSL and more than 1,200 feet AGL. operate VFR during daylight hours over Sandpoint Airport
See the previous figure. (PLT163) — 14 CFR §91.155 at 1,200 feet AGL are 3 SM, 500 feet below, 1,000 feet
above, and 2,000 feet horizontal. (PLT064) — AIM ¶3-1-4
3140 [B] 3141 [A] 3145 [C] 3146 [C] 3147 [B] 3620-1 [C]
3620-2. (Refer to Figure 23, area 1.) The visibility and 3621-3. (Refer to Figure 79.) What are the basic VFR
cloud clearance requirements to operate at night over weather minima required to takeoff from the Onawa, IA
Sandpoint Airport at less than 700 feet AGL are (K36) airport during the day?
A— 3 miles and 1,000 feet above, 500 feet below, A— 3 statute miles visibility, 500 feet below the
and 2,000 feet horizontally from each cloud. clouds, 1,000 feet above the clouds and 2,000
B— 3 miles and clear of clouds. feet horizontally from the clouds.
C— 1 mile and 1,000 feet above, 500 feet below, and B— 0 statute miles, clear of clouds.
2,000 feet horizontally from each cloud. C— 1 statute mile, clear of clouds.
The Sandpoint Airport Class E airspace starts at 700 Onawa, IA (K36) is in the bottom right quadrant of the
feet AGL. Below 700 feet AGL, the visibility and cloud sectional excerpt. It is outside any shading or lines,
clearance requirements to operate VFR during daylight indicating the airport is in Class G airspace. The basic
hours is 1 mile visibility and clear of clouds. At night, VFR weather minima for a daytime departure from a
the requirements are 3 SM, 500 feet below, 1,000 feet Class G airport is 1 statute mile and clear of clouds.
above, and 2,000 feet horizontal. (PLT064) — AIM ¶3-1-4 (PLT064) — AIM ¶3-1-4
3621-1. (Refer to Figure 27, area 2.) The visibility and 3137. What minimum visibility and clearance from clouds
cloud clearance requirements to operate VFR during are required for VFR operations in Class G airspace at
daylight hours over the town of Cooperstown between 700 feet AGL or below during daylight hours?
1,200 feet AGL and 10,000 feet MSL are A— 1 mile visibility and clear of clouds.
A— 1 mile and clear of clouds. B— 1 mile visibility, 500 feet below, 1,000 feet above,
B— 1 mile and 1,000 feet above, 500 feet below, and and 2,000 feet horizontal clearance from clouds.
2,000 feet horizontally from clouds. C— 3 miles visibility and clear of clouds.
C— 3 miles and 1,000 feet above, 500 feet below,
and 2,000 feet horizontally from clouds. Minimum visibility and cloud clearance for Class G air-
space at 700 feet AGL or below during daylight hours
For VFR flight during daylight hours, between 1,200 is 1 mile visibility and clear of clouds. See the previous
feet AGL and 10,000 feet MSL, in Class E airspace, figure. (PLT163) — 14 CFR §91.155
visibility and cloud clearances require 3 miles and 1,000 Answer (B) is incorrect because this is for Class C, D, or E airspace.
feet above, 500 feet below, and 2,000 feet horizontally. Answer (C) is incorrect because this is for Class B airspace.
(PLT101) — AIM ¶3-1-4
ALL 3142. During operations outside controlled airspace
3621-2. (Refer to Figure 27, area 2.) The day VFR vis- at altitudes of more than 1,200 feet AGL, but less than
ibility and cloud clearance requirements to operate over 10,000 feet MSL, the minimum flight visibility for VFR
the town of Cooperstown after departing and climbing flight at night is
out of Cooperstown Airport at or below 700 feet AGL are A— 1 mile.
A— 3 miles and clear of clouds. B— 3 miles.
B— 1 mile and 1,000 feet above, 500 feet below, and C— 5 miles.
2,000 feet horizontally from clouds.
C— 1 mile and clear of clouds. At altitudes of more than 1,200 feet AGL but less than
10,000 feet MSL, Class G airspace requires 3 miles
Cooperstown is in Class G airspace from the surface visibility at night. See the previous figure. (PLT163) —
to 700 feet AGL. Therefore, the visibility and cloud 14 CFR §91.155
clearance requirements are 1 mile and clear of clouds.
(PLT064) — AIM ¶3-1-4
3620-2 [A] 3621-1 [C] 3621-2 [C] 3621-3 [C] 3137 [A] 3142 [B]
ALL, SPO 2040. Sport Pilot minimum flight visibility for Class E
3148. No person may take off or land an aircraft under airspace less than 10,000 feet mean sea level (MSL) is
basic VFR at an airport that lies within Class D airspace A— 2,000 feet horizontal.
unless the B— 3 statute miles.
A— flight visibility at that airport is at least 1 mile. C— 3 nautical miles.
B— ground visibility at that airport is at least 1 mile.
C— ground visibility at that airport is at least 3 miles. The minimum flight visibility for Class E airspace less
than 10,000 feet MSL is 3 SM. (PLT163) — FAA-H-
Except for Special VFR procedures, no person may 8083-25
operate an aircraft under VFR within Class D airspace, Answer (A) is incorrect because this is the required distance from
beneath the ceiling when the ceiling is less than 1,000 clouds, not flight visibility. Answer (C) is incorrect because flight vis-
feet. No person may takeoff or land an aircraft, or enter ibility is based on statute miles, not nautical.
the traffic pattern of an airport under VFR, within Class
D airspace unless ground visibility at that airport is at
least 3 statute miles. (PLT163) — 14 CFR §91.155
3143 [A] 3144 [A] 3148 [C] 3149 [B] 2137 [C] 2040 [B]
2203. You need to maintain this distance below clouds: 2186-1. (Refer to Figure 59.) In flight and approaching
A— 500 feet. the Lowe Airstrip (area 1) the weather minimums are
B— 1,000 feet. A— 1 statute mile visibility.
C— 2,000 feet. B— 3 statute miles in all airspace.
C— no visibility, remain clear of clouds.
Sport pilots need to maintain this distance from clouds:
500 feet below, 1,000 feet above, and 2,000 feet hori- This airport lies in Class G airspace where you must
zontal in all controlled airspace. (PLT163) — 14 CFR have 3 miles of visibility and be clear of clouds to oper-
§91.155 ate. (PLT163) — 14 CFR §91.155
Answer (B) is incorrect because this is the distance you must
maintain above clouds. Answer (C) is incorrect because this is the
distance you must maintain horizontally from clouds.
AIR, RTC, WSC, PPC No person may operate an aircraft (other than a heli-
3150. A special VFR clearance authorizes the pilot of copter) in a Class D airspace under special VFR unless
an aircraft to operate VFR while within Class D airspace clear of clouds and flight visibility is at least 1 statute
when the visibility is mile. (PLT376) — 14 CFR §91.157
A— less than 1 mile and the ceiling is less than 1,000
B— at least 1 mile and the aircraft can remain clear of
3152. Under what conditions, if any, may a private pilot
C— at least 3 miles and the aircraft can remain clear operate a helicopter under special VFR at night within
of clouds. Class D airspace?
A— The helicopter must be fully instrument equipped
No person may operate an aircraft (other than a heli- and the pilot must be instrument rated.
copter) in a Class D airspace under Special VFR unless B— The flight visibility must be at least 1 mile.
clear of clouds and flight visibility is at least 1 statute C— There are no conditions; regulations permit this.
mile. (PLT376) — 14 CFR §91.157
There are no restrictions on helicopters for Special VFR
operations within Class D airspace. (PLT161) — 14
AIR, RTC, WSC, PPC CFR §91.157
3151. What is the minimum weather condition required
for airplanes operating under special VFR in Class D
A— 1 mile flight visibility.
B— 1 mile flight visibility and 1,000-foot ceiling.
C— 3 miles flight visibility and 1,000-foot ceiling.
2203 [A] 2186-1 [B] 3150 [B] 3151 [A] 3152 [C]
3153 [C] 3154 [B] 3813 [B] 3155 [C]
AIR, RTC, WSC, PPC When operating below 18,000 feet MSL in VFR cruising
3156. Which VFR cruising altitude is acceptable for a flight more than 3,000 feet above the surface and on a
flight on a Victor Airway with a magnetic course of 175°? magnetic course of 0° through 179°, any odd thousand-
The terrain is less than 1,000 feet. foot MSL altitude plus 500 feet (i.e., 3,500, 5,500, etc.)
A— 4,500 feet. is appropriate. On a course of 180° through 359°, even
B— 5,000 feet. thousands plus 500 feet (4,500, 6,500, etc.) is appropri-
C— 5,500 feet. ate. (PLT467) — 14 CFR §91.159
AIR, RTC, WSC, PPC When operating below 18,000 feet MSL in VFR cruising
3157. Which VFR cruising altitude is appropriate when flight more than 3,000 feet above the surface and on a
flying above 3,000 feet AGL on a magnetic course of magnetic course of 0° through 179°, any odd thousand-
185°? foot MSL altitude plus 500 feet (i.e., 3,500, 5,500, etc.)
A— 4,000 feet. is appropriate. On a course of 180° through 359°, even
B— 4,500 feet. thousands plus 500 feet (4,500, 6,500, etc.) is appropri-
C— 5,000 feet. ate. (PLT467) — 14 CFR §91.159
Answers (A) and (C) are incorrect because VFR altitudes are based
on a magnetic course.
Categories of Aircraft
The term “category,” when used with respect to the certification of aircraft, means a grouping of aircraft
based upon intended use or operating limitations. Examples include normal, utility, aerobatic, restricted,
experimental, transport, limited and provisional categories.
Both restricted and experimental category aircraft are prohibited from carrying persons or property
for compensation or hire. In addition, both categories are normally prohibited from flying over densely
populated areas or in congested airways.
3003. With respect to the certification of aircraft, which 3004. With respect to the certification of aircraft, which
is a category of aircraft? is a class of aircraft?
A— Normal, utility, acrobatic. A— Airplane, rotorcraft, glider, balloon.
B— Airplane, rotorcraft, glider. B— Normal, utility, acrobatic, limited.
C— Landplane, seaplane. C— Transport, restricted, provisional.
With respect to the certification of aircraft, “a category With respect to the certification of aircraft, “class” is a
of aircraft” means a grouping of aircraft based upon broad grouping of aircraft having similar means of pro-
intended use or operating limitations. Examples include pulsion, flight, or landing. Examples include airplane,
normal, utility, acrobatic, transport, limited, restricted, rotorcraft, glider, balloon, landplane, and seaplane.
and provisional. (PLT371) — 14 CFR §1.1 (PLT371) — 14 CFR §1.1
Answer (B) is incorrect because it refers to the certification of air- Answers (B) and (C) are incorrect because they refer to category of
men, not aircraft. Answer (C) is incorrect because it is not any kind aircraft rather than class.
of category.
3156 [C] 3157 [B] 3158 [B] 3003 [A] 3004 [A]
3179 [B] 3178 [B] 3088 [C] 3076 [B] 2133-1 [B]
The pilot must close a VFR flight plan at the completion of a flight. This can be done by contacting
the nearest flight service station (FSS) or other FAA facility upon landing.
Block 7 of the flight plan is the place to enter the “initial Specify the fuel on board in hours and minutes. (PLT455)
cruising altitude.” (PLT455) — AIM ¶5-1-4 — AIM ¶5-1-4
3818 [B] 3815 [A] 3816 [B] 3817 [C]
Speed Limits
The following maximum speed limits for aircraft have been established in the interest of safety:
1. Below 10,000 feet MSL, the speed limit is 250 knots indicated air speed (KIAS). See Figure 4-6a on
the next page.
2. The speed limit within Class B airspace (Figure 4-6b) is also 250 KIAS.
3. The maximum speed authorized in a VFR corridor through Class B airspace (Figure 4-6c) or in
airspace underlying Class B airspace (Figure 4-6d) is 200 KIAS.
4. In Class D airspace, aircraft are restricted to a maximum of 200 KIAS (Figure 4-6e).
5. Unless otherwise authorized or required by ATC, no person may operate an aircraft at or below 2,500
feet AGL within 4 NM of the primary airport of a Class C or Class D airspace area at an indicated
airspeed of more than 200 knots.
250 Knots
Each aircraft is issued an Airworthiness Certificate, which remains valid as long as the aircraft is main-
tained and operated as required by regulations. This Airworthiness Certificate, along with the Aircraft
Registration Certificate, operating limitations, and weight and balance must be aboard the aircraft during
flight. Remember:
• Airworthiness
• Registration
• Operating Limitations
• Weight and Balance
The aircraft’s operating limitations may be found in the airplane flight manual, approved manual
material, markings, and placards, or any combination thereof.
Summarized below are important points in understanding the definition of light-sport aircraft and the
privileges associated with the Sport Pilot certificate:
• Two-place maximum (pilot and one passenger)
• Maximum gross takeoff weight 1,320 lbs (599 kg); 1,430 lbs for seaplanes
• Lighter-than-air light-sport aircraft maximum gross weight 660 lbs (300 kg)
• Maximum stall speed 51.8 mph (45 knots)
3097 [B] 3098 [A] 3099 [A] 3100 [B]
• Maximum speed in level flight with maximum continuous power 138 mph (120 knots)
• All LSA aircraft logbook signoffs are based on a specific make and model, allowing you to fly a similar
“set” of performance and handling aircraft. Aircraft are organized by the FAA from large “Categories”
of aircraft to specific “Sets” in the following order:
Category and Class Light-Sport Aircraft — fixed wing/airplane category (land and sea classes),
weight-shift control/trike category (land and sea classes), powered parachute category (land and sea
classes), glider, rotorcraft category (gyroplane class), lighter-than-air category (balloon and airship
Sets are a more detailed breakdown of similar performance and handling.
Make and Model — manufacturer specific that define/specify a set.
Type —E-LSA or S-LSA.
• Single, non-turbine engine only, includes rotary or diesel engines
• Fixed or ground-adjustable propeller
• Unpressurized cabin with fixed landing gear
• Seaplanes with landing gear that can be configured so the wheels rotate for amphibious operation
• Will have FAA registration N number
• U.S. or foreign manufacture of light-sport aircraft is authorized
• (S-LSA) Special Light-Sport aircraft manufactured and sold ready-to-fly under a new certification
without 14 CFR Part 23 compliance, but must meet ASTM consensus standards. Aircraft under this
certification may be used for sport and recreation, flight training, and aircraft rental.
• (E-LSA) Experimental Light-Sport Aircraft is a kit built from an S-LSA design. May be used for sport
and recreation and flight instruction for the owner of the aircraft.
• (E-LSA) Experimental Light-Sport Aircraft which was operated as an ultralight trainer or overweight
single-place ultralight (fat ultralight). This existing fleet of ultralight trainers can be used for training
until January 31, 2010.
• Aircraft with a standard airworthiness certificate (vintage production aircraft) that meet LSA speci-
fications may be flown by sport pilots. However, that airworthiness certification category will not be
changed to a light-sport aircraft. Maintenance must therefore be done by an A&P as it has in the past.
• Holders of a Sport Pilot Certificate may fly an aircraft with a standard airworthiness certificate if it
meets the definition of a light-sport aircraft.
• May be operated at night if the aircraft is equipped per 14 CFR §91.209 and the pilot holds at least
a Private Pilot certificate and a minimum of a third-class medical.
• E-LSA Experimental amateur-built, in which the builder completes 51% of the building of the aircraft.
3159. In addition to a valid Airworthiness Certificate,
what documents or records must be aboard an aircraft
during flight?
A— Aircraft engine and airframe logbooks, and
owner’s manual.
B— Radio operator’s permit, and repair and alteration
C— Operating limitations and Registration Certificate.
3075 [B] 3075-1 [A] 3159 [C] 3187 [C]
Light-Sport Aircraft FAA Designated Airworthiness Representatives (DAR) must attend a three-day
FAA course to inspect and issue experimental (E-LSA) and special (S-LSA) airworthiness certificates.
3180-1 [B] 3180-2 [C] 3181-1 [A]
3181-2 [A] 3182 [B] 3185 [C] 3186 [C] 3188 [A] 3191 [C]
3192. Maintenance records show the last transponder 3013-2. What regulation allows a private pilot to perform
inspection was performed on September 1, 2014. The preventive maintenance?
next inspection will be due no later than A— 14 CFR Part 91.403.
A— September 30, 2015. B— 14 CFR Part 43.7.
B— September 1, 2016. C— 14 CFR Part 61.113.
C— September 30, 2016.
14 CFR §43.7 Persons authorized to approve aircraft,
No person may use an ATC transponder unless within airframes, aircraft engines, propellers, appliances, or
the preceding 24 calendar months, the ATC transponder component parts for return to service after maintenance,
has been tested and inspected and found to comply with preventive maintenance, rebuilding, or alteration says
Appendix F of Part 43. (PLT508) — 14 CFR §91.413 a person holding at least a private pilot certificate may
approve an aircraft for return to service after performing
preventive maintenance under the provisions of §43.3(g).
ALL (PLT375) — 14 CFR §43.7
3013-1. Preventive maintenance has been performed Answer (A) is incorrect because 14 CFR §91.403 explains that the
on an aircraft. What paperwork is required? owner or operator must maintain the aircraft in airworthy condition.
Answer (C) is incorrect because 14 CFR §61.113 details the private
A— A full, detailed description of the work done must pilot privileges and limitations while operating as pilot-in-command.
be entered in the airframe logbook.
B— The date the work was completed, and the name
of the person who did the work must be entered ALL
in the airframe and engine logbook. 3013-3. Who may perform preventive maintenance on
C— The signature, certificate number, and kind of an aircraft and approve it for return to service?
certificate held by the person approving the work
1. Student or Recreational pilot.
and a description of the work must be entered in
2. Private or Commercial pilot.
the aircraft maintenance records.
3. None of the above.
Each registered owner or operator shall keep records A— 1.
of preventative maintenance. The records must include: B— 2.
1. A description of the work performed; C— Neither 1 or 2.
2. The date of completion of the work performed; and A person holding at least a private pilot certificate may
3. The signature and certificate number of the person approve an aircraft for return to service after performing
approving the aircraft for return to service (could be preventive maintenance. (PLT375) — 14 CFR §43.7
pilot certificate number for Part 43 when you are
doing your own preventative maintenance).
(PLT446) — 14 CFR §91.417 3014. Which operation would be described as preven-
Answer (A) is incorrect because it is incomplete. Answer (B) is incor- tive maintenance?
rect because it refers to who performed the work rather than who
approved it. A— Replenishing hydraulic fluid.
B— Repair of portions of skin sheets by making
additional seams.
C— Repair of landing gear brace struts.
3192 [C] 3013-1 [C] 3013-2 [B] 3013-3 [B] 3014 [A]
3183 [B] 3184 [B] 3189 [B] 3190 [B]
3193 [A] 3012-2 [B] 3012-3 [C] 3181-3 [A] 3999 [A] 3709 [B]
3854 [A]
3855. FAA advisory circulars containing subject matter 2110. Some Advisory Circulars (ACs) are available free
specifically related to Airspace are issued under which of charge while the remaining ACs must be purchased.
subject number? All aviation safety ACs may be obtained by following the
A— 60. procedures in the AC Checklist (AC 00-2) or by
B— 70. A— referring to the FAA internet home page and
C— 90. following the links to ACs.
B— contacting the local airport Fixed Base Operator
Appendix II of the Advisory Circular Checklist contains and requesting the desired AC.
the Circular Numbering System wherein advisory cir- C— reading the ACs in the Aeronautical Information
cular numbers relate to Federal Aviation Regulations Manual (AIM).
subchapter titles and correspond to the Parts and/or
sections of the regulations. The four to remember are: A number of FAA organizations have made their ACs
20 — Aircraft; available on the Internet. These ACs may be found
60 — Airmen; through the FAA home page at: www.faa.gov located
70 — Airspace; and under Regulatory/Advisory, select Advisory Circulars.
90 — Air Traffic and General Operating Rules (PLT116) — AC 00-2
Answers (B) and (C) are incorrect because FBOs are not respon-
(PLT116) — AC 00-2 sible for distributing ACs, nor are they included as part of the AIM.
2122. NOTAM-Ds are maintained at each Flight Service 2053. One of the purposes for issuing a Temporary
Station (FSS) for facilities in their area only. NOTAM-D Flight Restriction (TFR) is to
information for other FSS areas must be specifically A— announce Parachute Jump Areas.
requested from the FSS B— protect public figures.
A— that has responsibility for the airport concerned. C— identify Airport Advisory Areas.
B— with which the pilot communicates.
C— where the flight plan is filed. Temporary flight restrictions (TFR) are imposed in
order to:
NOTAM-Ds include items of a local nature, such as 1. Protect persons and property in the air or on the
taxiway closures or construction near a runway. These surface from an existing or imminent flight associ-
NOTAMs are maintained by the FSS nearest the affected ated hazard;
airport. NOTAM-Ds must be requested from the FSS
for which the NOTAM was issued. (PLT323) — FAA- 2. Provide a safe environment for the operation of
H-8083-25 disaster relief aircraft;
3. Prevent an unsafe congestion of sightseeing aircraft
above an incident;
4. Protect the President, Vice President, or other pub-
lic figures; and,
5. Provide a safe environment for space agency opera-
Pilots are expected to check appropriate NOTAMs during
flight planning when conducting flight in an area where
a temporary flight restriction is in effect. (PLT376) —
FAA-H-8083-15, Glossary
Answer (A) is incorrect because this is done through NOTAMs.
Answer (C) is incorrect because these are identified through the
Sectional and A/FD.
2122 [A] 2053 [B]
The term “incident” means “an occurrence other than an accident, which affects or could affect the
safety of operations.”
Immediate notification of the NTSB is required when an aircraft accident occurs, and any of a speci-
fied list of incidents, which include:
1. Inability of a flight crewmember to perform his/her duties due to illness or injury;
2. Infight fire;
3. An aircraft is overdue and believed to have been involved in an accident;
4. Flight control system malfunction or failure; or
5. When aircraft collide in flight or damage of more than $25,000 occurs to property other than the
The operator of an aircraft involved in an accident or incident which requires notification of the NTSB
is responsible for preserving the wreckage, mail, or cargo until the NTSB takes custody. These items
may be moved to protect the wreckage from further damage.
The operator of an aircraft involved in an accident is required to file an accident report within 10 days.
A report of an incident must be reported only upon request.
3194 [A] 3195 [C] 3196 [B] 3197 [A]
3198 [B] 3199 [C] 3200 [C] 2189 [C] 2211 [C]
2212. Notification to the NTSB is required when there 2214. Which incident would require that the nearest
has been substantial damage NTSB field office be notified immediately?
A— which requires repairs to landing gear. A— In-flight fire.
B— to an engine caused by engine failure in flight. B— Ground fire resulting in fire equipment dispatch.
C— which adversely affects structural strength or C— Fire of the primary aircraft while in a hangar
flight characteristics. which results in damage to other property of more
than $25,000.
The operator of an aircraft shall immediately, and by the
most expeditious means available, notify the nearest The operator of an aircraft shall immediately and by
NTSB field office when an aircraft accident occurs. An the most expeditious means available notify the near-
aircraft accident is an occurrence associated with the est NTSB field office of any infight fire. (PLT416) — 49
operation of an aircraft which takes place between the CFR §830.5
time any person boards the aircraft with the intention Answers (B) and (C) are incorrect because the regulation specifies
of flight and all such persons have disembarked, and “infight” fires only.
in which any person suffers death or serious injury, or
in which the aircraft receives substantial damage which
adversely affects the structural strength, performance, SPO
or flight characteristics of the aircraft. (PLT366) — 49 2117. The Federal Aviation Administration publication
CFR §830.2, §830.5 that provides the aviation community with basic flight
information and Air Traffic Control procedures for use in
the National Airspace System of the United States is the
SPO A— Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM).
2213. What period of time must a person be hospital- B— Airport/Facility Directory (A/FD).
ized before an injury may be defined by the NTSB as C— Advisory Circular Checklist (AC 00-2).
a “serious injury”?
A— 10 days, with no other extenuating The Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) is the official
circumstances. guide to basic flight information and ATC procedures.
B— 48 hours; commencing within 7 days after date of (PLT116) — AIM
the injury. Answer (B) is incorrect because the A/FD contains information on
C— 72 hours; commencing within 10 days after date airports, communications, NAVAIDs, instrument landing systems,
VOR receiver check points, preferred routes, Flight Service Sta-
of the injury. tion/Weather Service telephone numbers, Air Route Traffic Control
Center (ARTCC) frequencies, part-time surface areas, and various
“Serious injury” means any injury requiring hospitaliza- other pertinent special notices essential to air navigation. Answer
tion for more than 48 hours, commencing within 7 days (C) is incorrect because AC 00-2 is the Advisory Circular checklist
and status of other FAA publications, contains advisory circulars that
from the date the injury was received. (PLT395) — 49 are for sale as well as those distributed free-of-charge by the FAA.
CFR §830.2
2212 [C] 2213 [B] 2214 [A] 2117 [A]
The tetrahedron, wind cone, wind sock, or wind tee may be located in the center of the segmented
circle and may be lit for night operations.
Landing runway (landing strip) indicators are installed in pairs and used to show alignment of run-
ways. See Figure 5-4(a). Traffic pattern indicators are installed in pairs in conjunction with landing strip
indicators, and are used to indicate the direction of turns. See Figure 5-4(b).
Approaching to land at an airport without a control tower, or when the control tower is not in opera-
tion, the pilot should observe the indicator for the approach end of the runway to be used. VFR landings
at night should be made the same as during daytime.
Aircraft departing an uncontrolled airport must comply with any FAA traffic pattern established for
that airport.
3807. (Refer to Figure 51.) The segmented circle indi-
cates that the airport traffic is
A— left-hand for Runway 36 and right-hand for
Runway 18.
B— left-hand for Runway 18 and right-hand for
Runway 36.
C— right-hand for Runway 9 and left-hand for
Runway 27.
Figure 5-4. Landing runway and traffic pattern indicators
The traffic pattern indicators on a segmented circle are
ALL, SPO used to indicate the direction of turns. The traffic pattern
3123. Which is the correct traffic pattern departure indicators, shown as extensions from the segmented
procedure to use at a noncontrolled airport? circle, represent the base and final approach legs.
(PLT039) — AIM ¶4-3-3
A— Depart in any direction consistent with safety,
after crossing the airport boundary.
B— Make all turns to the left. ALL, LSA, LSR, LSW, LSP
C— Comply with any FAA traffic pattern established 3808. (Refer to Figure 51.) The traffic patterns indicated
for the airport. in the segmented circle have been arranged to avoid
flights over an area to the
In the case of an aircraft departing an airport without
an operating control tower, comply with any FAA traffic A— south of the airport.
pattern for that airport. (PLT201) — 14 CFR §91.127 B— north of the airport.
C— southeast of the airport.
3123 [C] 3123-1 [B] 3807 [A] 3808 [C]
3809. (Refer to Figure 51.) The segmented circle indi- 2060. When approaching to land at an airport in Class G
cates that a landing on Runway 26 will be with a airspace that does not have light signals or other visual
A— right-quartering headwind. markings, an airplane pilot must make
B— left-quartering headwind. A— a straight-in approach.
C— right-quartering tailwind. B— all turns to the right.
C— all turns to the left.
The large end of the wind cone (wind sock) points into
the wind. The wind cone in FAA Figure 51 indicates a When approaching to land at an airport without an
wind from the northwest. When landing on RWY 26, operating control tower in a Class G airspace area, each
this would be a right quartering headwind. (PLT039) pilot of an airplane must make all turns of that airplane
— AIM ¶4-3-3 to the left unless the airport displays approved light
signals or visual markings indicate otherwise. (PLT435)
— 14 CFR §91.126
3810. (Refer to Figure 51.) Which runway and traffic
pattern should be used as indicated by the wind cone SPO
in the segmented circle? 2194. When approaching to land at an airport, without
A— Right-hand traffic on Runway 9. an operating control tower, in Class G airspace, the
B— Right-hand traffic on Runway 18. pilot should
C— Left-hand traffic on Runway 36. A— enter and fly a traffic pattern at 800 feet AGL.
B— make all turns to the left, unless otherwise
The large end of the wind cone (wind sock) points into indicated.
the wind. The wind cone in FAA Figure 51 indicates a C— fly a left-hand traffic pattern at 800 feet AGL.
wind from the northwest. Landing into the wind can be
accomplished on either Runway 27 or Runway 36. The When approaching to land at an airport without an
traffic pattern indicators require right traffic to Runway operating control tower in Class G airspace, each pilot
27 and left traffic to Runway 36. (PLT039) — AIM ¶4-3-3 of an airplane must make all turns to the left unless the
airport displays approved light signals or visual mark-
ings indicating that turns should be made to the right.
AIR, RTC, WSC, PPC (PLT435) — 14 CFR §91.126
3719. VFR approaches to land at night should be Answers (A) and (C) are incorrect because the traffic pattern altitude
accomplished will vary for each airport and aircraft; however, all turns should be to
the left unless otherwise indicated.
A— at a higher airspeed.
B— with a steeper descent.
C— the same as during daytime. SPO
2002. Entries into traffic patterns while descending
Inexperienced pilots often have a tendency to make
create specific collision hazards and
approaches and landings at night with excessive air-
speed. Every effort should be made to execute the A— should be avoided.
approach and landing in the same manner as during B— should be used whenever possible.
the day. (PLT221) — FAA-H-8083-3 C— are illegal.
3809 [A] 3810 [C] 3719 [C] 3122 [B] 2060 [C] 2194 [B]
2002 [A]
2007-1. Inbound to an airport with no tower, FSS, or 2034-1. (Refer to Figure 56.) What is the recommended
UNICOM in operation, a pilot should self-announce on communications procedure for departure at Currituck
MULTICOM frequency County Airport (area 3)?
A— 123.0. A— Broadcast intentions prior to taxi and announcing
B— 122.9. runway of departure.
C— 122.7. B— Calling the Elizabeth City tower on 120.5.
C— Radio need not be used.
Where there is no tower, FSS, or UNICOM station on
the airport, use MULTICOM frequency 122.9 for self- Pilots of departing aircraft should monitor/communicate
announce procedures. (PLT204) — AIM ¶4-1-9 on the appropriate frequency from start-up, during taxi,
and until 10 miles from the airport unless regulations
or local procedures require otherwise. (PLT435) — AIM
SPO ¶4-1-9
2007-2. Inbound to an airport with no tower, FSS, or Answer (B) is incorrect because this is a nontowered airport; 120.5
UNICOM in operation, a pilot should self-announce on is the CTAF. Answer (C) is incorrect because pilots should use the
MULTICOM frequency radio to announce intentions.
A— 20 miles out.
B— 10 miles out.
C— 5 miles out.
Airport Markings
Runway numbers and letters are determined from the approach direction. The number is the magnetic
heading of the runway rounded to the nearest 10°. For example, an azimuth of 183° would result in a
runway number of 18; a magnetic azimuth of 076° would result in a runway numbered 8. Runway letters
differentiate between left (L), right (R), or center (C). See Figure 5-5.
The designated beginning of the runway that is available and suitable for the landing of aircraft is
called the threshold (Figure 5-6a). A threshold that is not at the beginning of the full-strength runway
pavement is a displaced threshold. The paved area behind the displaced threshold is marked by arrows
(Figure 5-6b) and is available for taxiing, takeoff, and landing rollout, but is not to be used for landing,
usually because of an obstruction in the approach path. See Figure 5-6.
Stopways are found extending beyond some usable runways. These areas are marked by chevrons,
and while they appear usable, they are suitable only as overrun areas. See Figure 5-7.
A closed runway which is unusable and may be hazardous, even though it may appear usable, will
be marked by an “X.”
LAHSO is an acronym for “Land And Hold Short Operations.” These operations include landing and
holding short of an intersecting runway, an intersecting taxiway, or some other designated point on a run-
way other than an intersecting runway or taxiway. LAHSO is an air traffic control procedure that requires
pilot participation to balance the needs for increased airport capacity and system efficiency, consistent
with safety. Student pilots or pilots not familiar with LAHSO should not participate in the program. The
pilot-in-command has the final authority to accept or decline any land and hold short clearance. The
safety and operation of the aircraft remain the responsibility of the pilot. Pilots are expected to decline a
2007-1 [B] 2007-2 [B] 2034-1 [A]
D is a no entry sign.
E is a taxiway location sign.
F is a runway location sign.
G is a runway safety area/obstacle free zone boundary.
H is an ILS critical area boundary.
I is an inbound destination sign.
J is an outbound destination sign.
K is a taxiway direction sign.
L is a runway distance remaining (in 1,000 foot increments).
M is a runway/runway hold position sign.
N is a taxiway ending marker.
A closed runway which is unusable and may be hazardous, even though it may appear usable, will
be marked by an “X.”
3778. The numbers 9 and 27 on a runway indicate that 3778-1. The numbers 8 and 26 on the approach ends
the runway is oriented approximately of the runway indicate that the runway is orientated
A— 009° and 027° true. approximately
B— 090° and 270° true. A— 008° and 026° true.
C— 090° and 270° magnetic. B— 080° and 260° true.
C— 080° and 260° magnetic.
The runway number is the whole number nearest one-
tenth the magnetic azimuth of the centerline of the The runway number is the whole number nearest
runway, measured clockwise from magnetic north. For one-tenth the magnetic azimuth of the centerline of
example: 272° = RWY 27; 087° = RWY 9. (PLT141) — the runway, measured clockwise from magnetic north.
AIM ¶2-3-3 (PLT141) — AIM ¶2-3-3
2024. The numbers 35 and 17 on a runway indicate 3778-2. When turning onto a taxiway from another taxi-
that the runway is oriented approximately way, what is the purpose of the taxiway directional sign?
A— 035°; and 017°; magnetic heading. A— Indicates direction to take-off runway.
B— 350°; and 170°; magnetic heading. B— Indicates designation and direction of exit taxiway
C— 350°; and 170°; true heading. from runway.
C— Indicates designation and direction of taxiway
The runway number is the whole number nearest one- leading out of an intersection.
tenth the magnetic azimuth of the centerline of the
runway, measured clockwise from magnetic north. For The taxiway directional sign identifies the designation(s)
example: 352° = RWY 35; 172° = RWY 17. (PLT141) of the intersecting taxiway(s) leading out of the intersec-
— AIM ¶2-3-3 tion that a pilot would normally be expected to turn onto
Answer (A) is incorrect because runway numbers drop the last digit or hold short of. (PLT141) — AIM ¶2-3-10
from the heading. Answer (C) is incorrect because runway numbers Answer (A) is incorrect because this is the purpose of the runway
are based on magnetic direction. location sign. Answer (B) is incorrect because this is the purpose of
the destination sign.
3778 [C] 2024 [B] 3778-1 [C] 3778-2 [C]
3778-4. (See Figure 65.) Which marking indicates a
vehicle lane?
A— A.
B— C.
C— E.
3778-5. The “yellow demarcation bar” marking indicates
A— runway with a displaced threshold that precedes
the runway. A— 5 (Five).
B— a hold line from a taxiway to a runway. B— 6 (Six).
C— the beginning of available runway for landing on C— 9 (Nine).
the approach side.
When ATC clears an aircraft to “taxi to” an assigned
A demarcation bar delineates a runway with a displaced takeoff runway, the absence of holding instructions
threshold from a blast pad, stopway or taxiway that does not authorize the aircraft to “cross” all runways
precedes the runway. A demarcation bar is 3 feet (1 m) which the taxi route intersects except the assigned
wide and yellow, since it is not located on the runway. takeoff runway. A clearance must be obtained prior to
(PLT141) — AIM ¶2-3-3 crossing any runway. It does not include authorization
to “taxi onto” or “cross” the assigned takeoff runway at
any point. You should taxi and hold short of runway 16,
which is position 5. (PLT3957) — AIM ¶4-3-18
Answer (B) is incorrect because “taxi to” does not authorize the
aircraft to “taxi onto” the assigned takeoff runway. Answer (C) is
incorrect because the airplane should taxi the most direct route to
the assigned runway unless instructed otherwise; position 9 would
not be encountered for the airplane at the west ramp to taxi to run-
way 16.
3778-3 [C] 3778-4 [B] 3778-5 [A] 3957 [A]
3951. Who should not participate in the Land and Hold 3955. What is the minimum visibility for a pilot to receive
Short Operations (LAHSO) program? a land and hold short (LAHSO) clearance?
A— Recreational pilots only. A— 3 nautical miles.
B— Military pilots. B— 3 statute miles.
C— Student pilots. C— 1 statute mile.
Student pilots or pilots not familiar with LAHSO should Pilots should only receive a LAHSO clearance when
not participate in the program. (PLT140) — AIM ¶4-3-11 there is a minimum ceiling of 1,000 feet and 3 statute
miles visibility. The intent of having “basic” VFR weather
conditions is to allow pilots to maintain visual contact with
ALL other aircraft and ground vehicle operations. (PLT141)
3952. Who has final authority to accept or decline any — AIM ¶4-3-11
land and hold short (LAHSO) clearance?
A— Pilot-in-command.
B— Air traffic controller.
C— Second-in-command. 3955-1. When approaching taxiway holding lines from
the side with the continuous lines, the pilot
The pilot-in-command has the final authority to accept A— may continue taxiing.
or decline any land and hold short clearance. The safety B— should not cross the lines without ATC clearance.
and operation of the aircraft remain the responsibility of C— should continue taxiing until all parts of the
the pilot. (PLT444) — AIM ¶4-3-11 aircraft have crossed the lines.
3951 [C] 3952 [A] 3953 [A] 3954 [A] 3955 [B] 3955-1 [B]
3955-2 [C]
2026. The ‘runway hold position’ sign denotes 3955-3. What does the outbound destination sign
A— an entrance to a runway from a taxiway. identify?
B— an area protected for an aircraft approaching a A— Identifies entrance to the runway from a taxiway.
runway. B— Identifies direction to take-off runways.
C— an entrance to a taxiway from a runway. C— Identifies runway on which an aircraft is located.
Mandatory instruction signs are used to denote an Outbound destination signs provide information for
entrance to a runway or critical area and areas where locating the departure runway. (PLT141) — AIM ¶2-3-11
an aircraft is prohibited from entering. The runway Answer (A) is incorrect because this is a runway marking. Answer
holding position sign is located at the holding position (C) is incorrect because this is a runway location sign.
on taxiways that intersect a runway or on runways that
intersect other runways. (PLT141) — AIM ¶2-3-8
3955-4. What is the purpose of the No Entry sign?
SPO A— Identifies a paved area where aircraft are
2028. What is the purpose for the runway hold position prohibited from entering.
markings on the taxiway? B— Identifies area that does not continue beyond
A— Holds aircraft short of the runway. intersection.
B— Allows an aircraft permission onto the runway. C— Identifies the exit boundary for the runway
C— Identifies area where aircraft are prohibited. protected area.
Runway holding position markings on taxiways identify The no entry sign prohibits an aircraft from entering an
the locations on a taxiway where an aircraft is supposed area. Typically, this sign would be located on a taxiway
to stop when it does not have clearance to proceed onto intended to be used in only one direction or at the
the runway. (PLT141) — AIM ¶2-3-5 intersection of vehicle roadways with runways, taxiways
or aprons where the roadway may be mistaken as a
taxiway or other aircraft movement surface. (PLT141)
SPO — AIM ¶2-3-8
2030. Holding position signs have Answer (B) is incorrect because this is the purpose of a hold posi-
A— red inscriptions on white background. tion sign. Answer (C) is incorrect because this is the purpose of the
runway boundary sign.
B— white inscriptions on red background.
C— yellow inscriptions on red background.
Hold position signs have white inscriptions on red back- 3955-5. (Refer to Figure 66.) Which airport marking
ground. (PLT141) — AIM ¶2-3-5 is a runway safety area/obstacle free zone boundary?
Answers (A) and (C) are incorrect because these color combination
are not used in airport signs. A— G.
B— H.
C— N.
2031. ‘Runway hold position’ markings on the taxiway The runway boundary sign has a yellow background and
a black inscription, with a graphic that depicts the pave-
A— identifies where aircraft hold short of the runway.
ment holding-position marking. This sign, which faces
B— identifies an area where aircraft are prohibited.
the runway and is visible to the pilot exiting the runway,
C— allows an aircraft permission onto the runway.
is located adjacent to the holding-position marking on
Runway holding position markings on taxiways identify the pavement. The sign is intended to provide pilots with
the locations on a taxiway where an aircraft is supposed another visual cue they can use as a guide in deciding
to stop when it does not have clearance to proceed onto when they are “clear of the runway.” (PLT141) — AIM
the runway. (PLT141) — AIM ¶2-3-5 ¶2-3-9
Answer (B) is incorrect because this is an ILS critical area bound-
ary sign. Answer (C) is incorrect because this is a taxiway-ending
2026 [A] 2028 [A] 2030 [B] 2031 [A] 3955-3 [B] 3955-4 [A]
3955-5 [A]
2025. ‘Runway hold position’ markings on the taxiway 3776. (Refer to Figure 49.) Area C on the airport depicted
A— identify areas where aircraft are prohibited. is classified as a
B— identify where aircraft hold short of the runway. A— stabilized area.
C— allow an aircraft permission onto the runway. B— multiple heliport.
C— closed runway.
Runway holding position markings on taxiways identify
the locations on a taxiway where an aircraft is supposed An “X” painted on the end of runway means it is closed.
to stop when it does not have clearance to proceed onto (PLT077) — AIM ¶2-3-3
the runway. (PLT141) — AIM ¶2-3-5
ALL, SPO 3777. (Refer to Figure 50.) The arrows that appear on
3773. (Refer to Figure 49.) That portion of the runway the end of the north/south runway indicate that the area
identified by the letter A may be used for A— may be used only for taxiing.
A— landing. B— is usable for taxiing, takeoff, and landing.
B— taxiing and takeoff. C— cannot be used for landing, but may be used for
C— taxiing and landing. taxiing and takeoff.
Thresholds are marked at the beginning of a full-strength The paved area behind the displaced runway threshold
runway surface able to endure landing impacts or at a is available for taxiing, landing rollout, and the takeoff
point on the runway which will encourage pilots to avoid of aircraft. (PLT141) — AIM ¶2-3-3
short approaches due to hidden noise or obstacle prob-
lems. Area A of FAA Figure 49 is marked with arrows
which point towards a displaced threshold. Thus, the SPO
paved surface prior to the threshold is available for 2206. Which publication contains an explanation of
taxi, takeoff and landing rollout, but not for touchdown. airport signs and markings?
(PLT077) — AIM ¶2-3-3 A— Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM).
B— Advisory Circulars (AC).
C— Airport Facility Directory (A/FD).
3774. (Refer to Figure 49.) According to the airport Both the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) and
diagram, which statement is true? the Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (FAA-
A— Runway 32 is equipped at position E with H-8083-25) contain explanations of airport signs and
emergency arresting gear to provide a means of markings. (PLT141) — AIM Chapter 2, Section 3
stopping military aircraft. Answer (B) is incorrect because ACs provide information on non-
B— Takeoffs may be started at position A on Runway regulatory material of interest. Answer (C) is incorrect because the
A/FD provides only comprehensive information on a given airport
25, and the landing portion of this runway begins (such as runway lengths, available services, lighting, etc.).
at position B.
C— The takeoff and landing portion of Runway 25
begins at position B.
2025 [B] 3773 [B] 3774 [B] 3776 [C] 3777 [C] 2206 [A]
3805. (Refer to Figure 50.) Select the proper traffic 2029. (Refer to Figure 66) Which sign indicates the
pattern and runway for landing. runway on which the aircraft is located?
A— Left-hand traffic and Runway 18. A— E
B— Right-hand traffic and Runway 18. B— F
C— Left-hand traffic and Runway 22. C— L
The small end of the tetrahedron points into the wind, “F” is a runway location sign, which identifies the runway
indicating the direction of landing. The wind is coming on which the aircraft is located. (PLT141) — AIM ¶2-3-9
from the southwest. However, the runway most nearly Answer (A) is incorrect because E is a taxiway location sign, which
aligned into the wind is closed (X), leaving RWY 18 as identifies the taxiway on which the aircraft is located. Answer (C) is
the most suitable runway. The traffic pattern indicators on incorrect because this is a runway distance remaining sign, which
identifies the runway length remaining.
a segmented circle are used to indicate the direction of
turns. The traffic pattern indicators, shown as extensions
from the segmented circle, represent the base and final SPO
approach legs. The traffic pattern indicator shows right 2218. The “taxiway ending” marker
traffic for RWY 18. (PLT039) — AIM ¶4-3-4
A— indicates taxiway does not continue.
B— identifies area where aircraft are prohibited.
ALL, SPO C— provides general taxiing direction to named
3806. (Refer to Figure 50.) If the wind is as shown by taxiway.
the landing direction indicator, the pilot should land on
Taxiway ending markers are used to indicate that the
A— Runway 18 and expect a crosswind from the taxiway does not continue. (PLT141) — AIM ¶2-3-4
B— Runway 22 directly into the wind.
C— Runway 36 and expect a crosswind from the
3805 [B] 3806 [A] 2029 [B] 2218 [A]
Airport Lighting
At night, the location of an airport can be determined by the presence of an airport rotating beacon
light. The colors and color combinations that denote the type of airports are:
White and green..................... Lighted land airport
*Green alone.......................... Lighted land airport
White and yellow.................... Lighted water airport
*Yellow alone.......................... Lighted water airport
Green, yellow, white............... Lighted heliport
*Note: Green alone or amber alone is used only in connection with a white-and-green or white-and-
amber beacon display, respectively.
A civil-lighted land airport beacon will show alternating white and green flashes. A military airfield
will be identified by dual-peaked (two quick) white flashes between green flashes.
In Class B, C, D, or E airspace, operation of the airport beacon during the hours of daylight often
indicates the ceiling is less than 1,000 feet and/or the visibility is less than 3 miles. However, pilots should
not rely solely on the operation of the airport beacon to indicate if weather conditions are IFR or VFR.
Runway edge lights are used to outline the runway at night or during periods of low visibility. For
the most part, runway edge lights are white, and may be high-, medium-, or low-intensity, while taxiways
are outlined by blue omnidirectional lights.
Radio control of lighting is available at some airports, providing airborne control of lights by keying
the aircraft’s microphone. The control system is responsive to 7, 5, or 3 microphone clicks. Keying the
microphone 7 times within 5 seconds will turn the lighting to its highest intensity; 5 times in 5 seconds
will set the lights to medium intensity; low intensity is set by keying 3 times in 5 seconds.
3769 [B] 3718 [B]
3768 [C] 3770 [A] 3771 [B] 3772 [B]
path indication is red, the above-glide path indication is amber, and the on-glide path indication is green.
See Figure 5-9.
Pulsating VASIs normally consist of a single light unit projecting a two-color visual approach path.
The below-glide path indication is normally red or pulsating red, and the above-glide path indication is
normally pulsating white. The on-glide path indication is usually steady white. See Figure 5-10.
The Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) uses a single row of lights. Four white lights means
“too high.” One red light and three white lights means “slightly high,” etc. See Figure 5-11.
Pa Green
l i de
e G a t h
ov lide P
On G Red
G li d e Path
A tri-color VASI normally is a single light unit projecting Pulsating visual approach slope indicators normally
a three-color visual approach path. Below the glide path consist of a single light unit projecting a two-color
is red, on the glide path is green, and above the glide visual approach path. The below-glide path indication
path is amber. (PLT147) — AIM ¶2-1-2 is red or pulsating red. The on-glide path indication is
a steady white light for one type of system, while for
another system it is an alternating red and white light.
ALL (PLT147) — AIM ¶2-1-2
3762-1. Which approach and landing objective is
assured when the pilot remains on the proper glidepath
of the VASI? ALL
A— Continuation of course guidance after transition to 3120. While operating in Class D airspace, each pilot
VFR. of an aircraft approaching to land on a runway served
B— Runway identification and course guidance. by a visual approach slope indicator (VASI) shall
C— Lateral course guidance to the runway. A— maintain a 3° glide until approximately 1/2 mile to
the runway before going below the VASI.
The VASI is a system of lights arranged to provide visual B— maintain an altitude at or above the glide slope
descent guidance information during the approach to a until a lower altitude is necessary for a safe
runway. These lights are visible from 3 to 5 miles during landing.
the day, and up to 20 miles or more at night. The visual C— stay high until the runway can be reached in a
glidepath of the VASI provides safe obstruction clearance power-off landing.
within ±10° of the extended runway centerline, and to 4
NM from the runway threshold. (PLT147) — AIM ¶2-1-2 An airplane approaching to land on a runway served by
a visual approach indicator, shall maintain an altitude at
or above the glide slope until a lower altitude is neces-
ALL sary for a safe landing. (PLT170) — 14 CFR §91.129
3763. An on glide slope indication from a tri-color
A— a white light signal.
B— a green light signal. 3121. When approaching to land on a runway served by
C— an amber light signal. a visual approach slope indicator (VASI), the pilot shall
A— maintain an altitude that captures the glide slope
A tri-color VASI normally is a single light unit projecting at least 2 miles downwind from the runway
a three-color visual approach path. Below the glide path threshold.
is red, on the glide path is green, and above the glide B— maintain an altitude at or above the glide slope.
path is amber. (PLT147) — AIM ¶2-1-2 C— remain on the glide slope and land between the
two-light bar.
3762 [C] 3762-1 [B] 3763 [B] 3764 [C] 3120 [B] 3121 [B]
3760. A slightly high glide slope indication from a preci- 3765. (Refer to Figure 48.) Illustration A indicates that
sion approach path indicator is the aircraft is
A— four white lights. A— below the glide slope.
B— three white lights and one red light. B— on the glide slope.
C— two white lights and two red lights. C— above the glide slope.
The precision approach path indicator (PAPI) uses light The two-bar VASI on-glide slope indication is red over
units similar to the VASI but are installed in a single row white lights. (PLT147) — AIM ¶2-1-2
of either two or four light units. Four white lights means
you are above the glide slope, three white lights and
one red light means you are slightly high, two red and ALL
two white lights means you are on the glide slope, three 3766. (Refer to Figure 48.) VASI lights as shown by
reds and one white light means you are slightly low and illustration C indicate that the airplane is
four red lights means you are below the glide slope. A— off course to the left.
(PLT147) — AIM ¶2-1-2 B— above the glide slope.
C— below the glide slope.
ALL, LSA, LSR, LSW, LSP The two-bar VASI above-glide slope indication is white
3761. A below glide slope indication from a tri-color over white lights. VASI lights do not give horizontal direc-
VASI is a tion. (PLT147) — AIM ¶2-1-2
A— red light signal.
B— pink light signal.
C— green light signal. ALL, LSA, LSR, LSW, LSP
3767. (Refer to Figure 48.) While on final approach
A tri-color VASI normally is a single light unit projecting to a runway equipped with a standard 2-bar VASI, the
a three-color visual approach path. Below the glide path lights appear as shown by illustration D. This means
is red, on the glide path is green, and above the glide that the aircraft is
path is amber. (PLT147) — AIM ¶2-1-2 A— above the glide slope.
B— below the glide slope.
C— on the glide slope.
3760 [B] 3761 [A] 3765 [B] 3766 [B] 3767 [B]
Surface Operations
Taxiing to or from the runway generally presents no problems during calm or light wind conditions.
However, when taxiing in moderate to strong wind conditions, the airplane’s control surfaces must be
used to counteract the effects of wind. In airplanes equipped with a nose wheel (tricycle-gear), use the
following taxi procedures:
1. The elevator should be in the neutral position when taxiing into a headwind.
2. The upwind aileron should be held in the up position when taxiing in a crosswind, (or the upwind
wing will tend to be lifted).
3. The elevator should be held in the down position and the upwind aileron down when taxiing with a
quartering tailwind (the most critical condition for a nosewheel-type airplane). See Figure 5-12.
When an airplane equipped with a tailwheel is taxied into a headwind, the elevator should be held
in the up position to hold the tail down. In a quartering tailwind, both the upwind aileron and the elevator
should be in the down position.
3303. Which aileron positions should a pilot generally
use when taxiing in strong quartering headwinds?
A— Aileron up on the side from which the wind is
B— Aileron down on the side from which the wind is
C— Ailerons neutral.
3304. Which wind condition would be most critical when
taxiing a nosewheel equipped high-wing airplane?
A— Quartering tailwind.
Figure 5-12. Control position while taxiing B— Direct crosswind.
C— Quartering headwind.
When taxiing a nosewheel aircraft in the presence
3302. When taxiing with strong quartering tailwinds,
of moderate to strong winds, extra caution should be
which aileron positions should be used?
taken. Taxiing with a quartering tailwind produces the
A— Aileron down on the downwind side. most hazardous conditions. (PLT486) — FAA-H-8083-3
B— Ailerons neutral.
C— Aileron down on the side from which the wind is
3302 [C] 3303 [A] 3304 [A]
When taxiing a nosewheel aircraft in the presence of Taxiing with a quartering tailwind produces the most
moderate to strong winds, extra caution should be taken. hazardous conditions. In this case, the elevator should
For a quartering headwind, the elevator should be held in be in the down position, and the aileron on the upwind
the neutral position, and the aileron on the upwind side side should also be in the down position to keep the
should be in the up position. (PLT112) — FAA-H-8083-3 wing from lifting. (PLT112) — FAA-H-8083-3
3305 [A] 3306 [A] 3307 [C] 3308 [B] 3308-1 [B]
2328. Select the true statement concerning gyroplane 2332. During the transition from pre-rotation to flight,
taxi procedures. all rotor blades change pitch
A— Taxi speed should be limited to no faster than a A— simultaneously to the same angle of incidence.
brisk walk in ideal conditions. B— simultaneously but to different angles of
B— The cyclic stick should be held in the neutral incidence.
position at all times. C— in sequence to the same angle of incidence.
C— The cyclic stick should be held slightly aft of
neutral at all times. Compensation for dissymmetry of lift requires constant
change in the blade angle of incidence, with one increas-
A gyroplane should not be taxied in close proximity ing as another simultaneously decreases. During the
to people or obstructions while the rotor is turning. In transition from prerotation to flight (or any time there is
addition, taxi speed should be limited to no faster than a dissymmetry of lift) all rotor blades change pitch simul-
brisk walk in ideal conditions, and adjusted appropriately taneously, but to different angles of incidence. (PLT260)
according to the circumstances. (PLT149) — FAA-H- — FAA-H-8083-21
LSR 3339. What precaution should be taken while taxiing
2331. Select the true statement concerning gyroplane a gyroplane?
taxi procedures. A— The cyclic stick should be held in the neutral
A— Avoid abrupt control movements when blades are position at all times.
turning. B— Avoid abrupt control movements when blades are
B— The cyclic stick should be held in the neutral turning.
position at all times. C— The cyclic stick should be held slightly aft of
C— The cyclic stick should be held slightly aft of neutral at all times.
neutral at all times.
Avoid abrupt control motions while taxiing. (PLT170) —
A gyroplane should not be taxied in close proximity FAA-H-8083-21
to people or obstructions while the rotor is turning. In
addition, taxi speed should be limited to no faster than a
brisk walk in ideal conditions, and adjusted appropriately
according to the circumstances. Avoid abrupt control
motions while taxiing. (PLT149) — FAA-H-8083-21
2328 [A] 2331 [A] 2332 [B] 3339 [B]
Airport/Facility Directory
The Airport/Facility Directory (A/FD) is a publication designed primarily as a pilot’s operational manual
containing all airports, seaplane bases, and heliports open to the public including communications
data, navigational facilities, and certain special notices and procedures. Directories are reissued in their
entirety each 56 days.
Because of the wealth of information provided, an extensive legend is required for the Airport/Facility
section. See FAA Legends 2 through 9.
Tabulations of parachute jump areas in the U.S. are Traffic is to the left unless otherwise stated in the Airport/
contained in the Airport/Facility Directory. (PLT064) — Facility Directory as “Rgt tfc.” (PLT078) — A/FD Legend
AIM ¶3-5-4
Tabulations of parachute jump areas in the U.S. are Arriving aircraft landing at airports within Class C air-
contained in the Airport/Facility Directory. (PLT281) — space should contact Approach Control from outside the
AIM ¶3-5-4 Class C airspace on the specified frequency.
1. Figure 53 shows UTC-6(-5DT). This means that local
time is 6 hours behind UTC time, and 5 hours behind
during daylight saving time. In order to convert local
3841. (Refer to Figure 53.) Where is Loup City Municipal
time to UTC time, add this difference to local time:
located with relation to the city?
1200 local
A— Northeast approximately 3 miles.
+ 0600 UTC conversion
B— Northwest approximately 1 mile.
C— East approximately 7 miles. 1800 Z
Lincoln Muni approach should be contacted since
Airport location is expressed as distance and direction its hours of operation are 1130 – 0630Z.
from the center of the associated city in NM and cardinal
2. Identify the appropriate frequency for the aircraft’s
points. The first item in parentheses is the airport identi-
arrival from the west, 270°. Two frequencies are avail-
fier and the second item is the relation from the city. In
able. Aircraft approaching from any direction between
this case, “1 NW.” (PLT078) — A/FD Legend
170° and 349° should make contact on 124.0 MHz.
(PLT078) — AIM ¶3-2-4
3619 [B] 3619-1 [B] 3841 [B] 3842 [B] 3838 [A]
2107. The Airport/Facility Directory (A/FD) will generally
have the latest information pertaining to airport eleva-
tion, runway facilities, and control tower frequencies. If
there are differences, it should be used in preference
to the information
A— on the sectional chart.
B— in the Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical
C— in the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM).
3839 [C] 3840 [A] 2107 [A] 2118 [A] 2119 [A]
3163 [C]
3164. Unless each occupant is provided with supple- 3845. When a stressful situation is encountered in flight,
mental oxygen, no person may operate a civil aircraft of an abnormal increase in the volume of air breathed in
U.S. registry above a maximum cabin pressure altitude of and out can cause a condition known as
A— 12,500 feet MSL. A— hyperventilation.
B— 14,000 feet MSL. B— aerosinusitis.
C— 15,000 feet MSL. C— aerotitis.
No person may operate a civil aircraft at cabin pressure An abnormal increase in the volume of air breathed
altitudes above 15,000 feet MSL unless each occupant in and out of the lungs flushes an excessive amount
is provided with supplemental oxygen. (PLT438) — 14 of carbon dioxide from the lungs and blood, causing
CFR §91.211 hyperventilation. (PLT332) — AIM ¶8-1-3
A large accumulation of carbon monoxide in the body Hyperventilation is most likely to occur during periods
results in loss of muscular power, vomiting, convulsions, of stress or anxiety. (PLT332) — AIM ¶8-1-3
and coma. (PLT097) — FAA-H-8083-25
Answers (A) and (C) are incorrect because hypoxia gives you an
increased sense of well-being; stress could result in tightness across ALL
the forehead. 3847. A pilot experiencing the effects of hyperventila-
tion should be able to restore the proper carbon dioxide
level in the body by
3844. Which statement best defines hypoxia? A— slowing the breathing rate, breathing into a paper
bag, or talking aloud.
A— A state of oxygen deficiency in the body. B— breathing spontaneously and deeply or gaining
B— An abnormal increase in the volume of air mental control of the situation.
breathed. C— increasing the breathing rate in order to increase
C— A condition of gas bubble formation around the lung ventilation.
joints or muscles.
The symptoms of hyperventilation subside within a
Hypoxia is an oxygen deficiency in the body usu- few minutes after the rate and depth of breathing are
ally caused by flight at higher altitudes. For optimum consciously brought back under control. The buildup of
protection from hypoxia, pilots are encouraged to use carbon dioxide in the body can be hastened by controlled
supplemental oxygen above 10,000 feet during the day, breathing in and out of a paper bag held over the nose
and above 5,000 feet at night. (PLT330) — AIM ¶8-1-2 and mouth. Talking aloud often helps, while normally-
Answer (B) is incorrect because it describes hyperventilation. paced breathing at all times prevents hyperventilation.
Answer (C) is incorrect because it describes the bends.
(PLT332) — AIM ¶8-1-3
3164 [C] 3832 [B] 3844 [A] 3845 [A] 3846 [A] 3847 [A]
3848. Susceptibility to carbon monoxide poisoning 3852. Pilots are more subject to spatial disorientation if
increases as A— they ignore the sensations of muscles and inner
A— altitude increases. ear.
B— altitude decreases. B— visual cues are taken away, as they are in
C— air pressure increases. instrument meteorological conditions (IMC).
C— eyes are moved often in the process of cross-
Susceptibility to carbon monoxide poisoning increases checking the flight instruments.
with altitude. As altitude increases, air pressure
decreases and the body has difficulty getting oxygen. Sight, supported by other senses, allows the pilot to
Add carbon monoxide, which further deprives the body of maintain orientation. However, during periods of low
oxygen, and the situation can become critical. (PLT097) visibility, the supporting senses sometimes conflict with
— FAA-H-8083-25 what is seen. When this happens, a pilot is particularly
vulnerable to disorientation and must rely more on flight
instruments. (PLT334) — FAA-H-8083-25
3850. The danger of spatial disorientation during flight
in poor visual conditions may be reduced by ALL
A— shifting the eyes quickly between the exterior 3853. If a pilot experiences spatial disorientation during
visual field and the instrument panel. flight in a restricted visibility condition, the best way to
B— having faith in the instruments rather than taking overcome the effect is to
a chance on the sensory organs. A— rely upon the aircraft instrument indications.
C— leaning the body in the opposite direction of the B— concentrate on yaw, pitch, and roll sensations.
motion of the aircraft. C— consciously slow the breathing rate until
symptoms clear and then resume normal
Even if the natural horizon or surface reference is clearly breathing rate.
visible, rely on instrument indications to overcome the
effects of spatial disorientation. Shifting the eyes quickly Even if the natural horizon or surface reference is clearly
from outside to inside, and leaning, will only compound visible, rely on instrument indications to overcome the
the problem. (PLT334) — AIM ¶8-1-5 effects of spatial disorientation. Shifting the eyes quickly
from outside to inside, and leaning, will only compound
the problem. (PLT334) — AIM ¶8-1-6
3851. A lack of orientation with regard to the position,
attitude, or movement of the aircraft in space is defined SPO
as 2202. Which will almost always affect your ability to fly?
A— spatial disorientation. A— Over-the-counter analgesics and antihistamines.
B— hyperventilation. B— Antibiotics and anesthetic drugs.
C— hypoxia. C— Prescription analgesics and antihistamines.
Spatial disorientation is the state of confusion due to Pilot performance can be seriously degraded by both
misleading information being sent to the brain from vari- prescribed and over-the-counter medications, as well
ous sensory organs, resulting in a lack of awareness as by the medical conditions for which they are taken.
of the aircraft position in relation to a specific reference Flying is almost always precluded while using prescrip-
point. (PLT334) — FAA-H-8083-2 tion analgesics since these drugs may cause side
effects such as mental confusion, dizziness, headaches,
nausea, and vision problems. Depressants, including
antihistamines, lower blood pressure, reduce mental
processing, and slow motor and reaction responses.
(PLT098) — FAA-H-8083-25
Answer (A) is incorrect because over-the-counter analgesics such as
aspirin, Tylenol and Advil, and antihistamines have few side effects
when taken in the correct dosage. Answer (B) is incorrect because
these drugs do not typically limit flying (but the medical conditions for
which they are being taken may indeed limit flying activities).
3848 [A] 3850 [B] 3851 [A] 3852 [B] 3853 [A] 2202 [C]
2089. As a pilot, flying for long periods in hot summer 2092. As hyperventilation progresses a pilot can expe-
temperatures increases the susceptibility of dehydra- rience
tion since the A— decreased breathing rate and depth.
A— dry air at altitude tends to increase the rate of B— heightened awareness and feeling of well being.
water loss from the body. C— symptoms of suffocation and drowsiness.
B— moist air at altitude helps retain the body’s
moisture. As hyperventilation “blows off” excessive carbon diox-
C— temperature decreases with altitude. ide from the body, a pilot can experience symptoms of
light-headedness, suffocation, drowsiness, tingling in the
As a pilot, flying for long periods in hot summer tempera- extremities, and coolness and react to them with even
tures or at high altitudes increases the susceptibility of greater hyperventilation. Incapacitation can eventually
dehydration since the dry air at altitude tends to increase result from uncoordination, disorientation, and painful
the rate of water loss from the body. If this fluid is not muscle spasms. Finally, unconsciousness can occur.
replaced, fatigue progresses to dizziness, weakness, (PLT332) — AIM ¶8-1-3
nausea, tingling of hands and feet, abdominal cramps,
and extreme thirst. (PLT098) — FAA-H-8083-25
2093. To overcome the symptoms of hyperventilation,
SPO a pilot should
2091. A pilot should be able to overcome the symptoms A— swallow or yawn.
or avoid future occurrences of hyperventilation by B— slow the breathing rate.
A— closely monitoring the flight instruments to control C— increase the breathing rate.
the airplane.
B— slowing the breathing rate or breathing into a bag. The symptoms of hyperventilation subside within a
C— increasing the breathing rate in order to increase few minutes after the rate and depth of breathing are
lung ventilation. consciously brought back under control. The buildup of
carbon dioxide in the body can be hastened by controlled
The symptoms of hyperventilation subside within a breathing in and out of a paper bag held over the nose
few minutes after the rate and depth of breathing are and mouth. (PLT332) — AIM ¶8-1-3
consciously brought back under control. The buildup of
carbon dioxide in the body can be hastened by controlled
breathing in and out of a paper bag held over the nose SPO
and mouth. Talking aloud often helps, while normally- 2097. A state of temporary confusion resulting from
paced breathing at all times prevents hyperventilation. misleading information being sent to the brain by vari-
(PLT332) — AIM ¶8-1-3 ous sensory organs is defined as
A— spatial disorientation.
B— hyperventilation.
C— hypoxia.
2090. If advice is needed concerning possible flight with
an illness, a pilot should contact Disorientation, or vertigo, is actually a state of temporary
A— an Aviation Medical Examiner. spatial confusion resulting from misleading information
B— their family doctor. sent to the brain by various sensory organs. (PLT334)
C— the nearest hospital. — AIM ¶8-1-5
2089 [A] 2091 [B] 2090 [A] 2092 [C] 2093 [B] 2097 [A]
There are a number of classic behavioral traps into which pilots have been known to fall. Pilots, par-
ticularly those with considerable experience, as a rule always try to complete a flight as planned, please
passengers, meet schedules, and generally demonstrate that they have the “right stuff.” These tenden-
cies ultimately may lead to practices that are dangerous and often illegal, and may lead to a mishap.
All experienced pilots have fallen prey to, or have been tempted by, one or more of these tendencies
in their flying careers. These dangerous tendencies or behavior patterns, which must be identified and
eliminated, include:
Peer Pressure. Poor decision making based upon emotional response to peers rather than evaluat-
ing a situation objectively.
Mind Set. The inability to recognize and cope with changes in the situation different from those
anticipated or planned.
Get-There-Itis. This tendency, common among pilots, clouds the vision and impairs judgment by
causing a fixation on the original goal or destination combined with a total disregard for any alternative
course of action.
Duck-Under Syndrome. The tendency to sneak a peek by descending below minimums during
an approach. Based on a belief that there is always a built-in “fudge” factor that can be used or on an
unwillingness to admit defeat and shoot a missed approach.
Scud Running. Pushing the capabilities of the pilot and the aircraft to the limits by trying to maintain
visual contact with the terrain while trying to avoid physical contact with it. This attitude is characterized
by the old pilot’s joke: “If it’s too bad to go IFR, we’ll go VFR.”
Continuing Visual Flight Rules (VFR)into instrument conditions often leads to spatial disorienta-
tion or collision with ground/obstacles. It is even more dangerous if the pilot is not instrument qualified
or current.
Getting Behind the Aircraft. Allowing events or the situation to control your actions rather than the
other way around. Characterized by a constant state of surprise at what happens next.
Loss of Positional or Situation Awareness. Another case of getting behind the aircraft which
results in not knowing where you are, an inability to recognize deteriorating circumstances, and/or the
misjudgment of the rate of deterioration.
Operating Without Adequate Fuel Reserves. Ignoring minimum fuel reserve requirements, either
VFR or Instrument Flight Rules (IFR), is generally the result of overconfidence, lack of flight planning,
or ignoring the regulations.
Descent Below the Minimum Enroute Altitude. The duck-under syndrome (mentioned above)
manifesting itself during the enroute portion of an IFR flight.
Flying Outside the Envelope. Unjustified reliance on the (usually mistaken) belief that the aircraft’s
high performance capability meets the demands imposed by the pilot’s (usually overestimated) flying
Neglect of Flight Planning, Preflight Inspections, Checklists, etc. Unjustified reliance on the
pilot’s short- and long-term memory, regular flying skills, repetitive and familiar routes, etc.
Each ADM student should take the Self-Assessment Hazardous Attitude Inventory Test in order
to gain a realistic perspective on his/her attitudes toward flying. The inventory test requires the pilot to
provide a response which most accurately reflects the reasoning behind his/her decision. The pilot must
choose one of the five given reasons for making that decision, even though the pilot may not consider
any of the five choices acceptable. The inventory test presents extreme cases of incorrect pilot decision
making in an effort to introduce the five types of hazardous attitudes.
ADM addresses the following five hazardous attitudes:
1. Antiauthority (don’t tell me!). This attitude is found in people who do not like anyone telling them
what to do. In a sense they are saying “no one can tell me what to do.” They may be resentful of
having someone tell them what to do or may regard rules, regulations, and procedures as silly or
unnecessary. However, it is always your prerogative to question authority if you feel it is in error.
The antidote for this attitude is: Follow the rules. They are usually right.
2. Impulsivity (do something quickly!). is the attitude of people who frequently feel the need to do
something — anything — immediately. They do not stop to think about what they are about to do,
they do not select the best alternative, and they do the first thing that comes to mind. The antidote
for this attitude is: Not so fast. Think first.
3. Invulnerability (it won’t happen to me). Many people feel that accidents happen to others, but
never to them. They know accidents can happen, and they know that anyone can be affected. They
never really feel or believe that they will be personally involved. Pilots who think this way are more
likely to take chances and increase risk. The antidote for this attitude is: It could happen to me.
4. Macho (I can do it). Pilots who are always trying to prove that they are better than anyone else
are thinking “I can do it — I’ll show them.” Pilots with this type of attitude will try to prove themselves
by taking risks in order to impress others. While this pattern is thought to be a male characteristic,
women are equally susceptible. The antidote for this attitude is: taking chances is foolish.
5. Resignation (what’s the use?). Pilots who think “what’s the use?” do not see themselves as being
able to make a great deal of difference in what happens to them. When things go well, the pilot is apt
to think that’s good luck. When things go badly, the pilot may feel that “someone is out to get me,”
or attribute it to bad luck. The pilot will leave the action to others, for better or worse. Sometimes,
such pilots will even go along with unreasonable requests just to be a “nice guy.” The antidote for
this attitude is: I’m not helpless. I can make a difference.
Hazardous attitudes which contribute to poor pilot judgment can be effectively counteracted by
redirecting that hazardous attitude so that appropriate action can be taken. Recognition of hazardous
thoughts is the first step in neutralizing them in the ADM process. Pilots should become familiar with a
means of counteracting hazardous attitudes with an appropriate antidote thought. When a pilot recog-
nizes a thought as hazardous, the pilot should label that thought as hazardous, then correct that thought
by stating the corresponding antidote.
If you hope to succeed at reducing stress associated with crisis management in the air or with your
job, it is essential to begin by making a personal assessment of stress in all areas of your life. Good
cockpit stress management begins with good life stress management. Many of the stress coping
techniques practiced for life stress management are not usually practical in flight. Rather, you must
condition yourself to relax and think rationally when stress appears. The following checklist outlines
some thoughts on cockpit stress management.
1. Avoid situations that distract you from flying the aircraft.
2. Reduce your workload to reduce stress levels. This will create a proper environment in which to
make good decisions.
3. If an emergency does occur, be calm. Think for a moment, weigh the alternatives, then act.
4. Maintain proficiency in your aircraft; proficiency builds confidence. Familiarize yourself thoroughly
with your aircraft, its systems, and emergency procedures.
5. Know and respect your own personal limits.
6. Do not let little mistakes bother you until they build into a big thing. Wait until after you land, then
“debrief” and analyze past actions.
7. If flying is adding to your stress, either stop flying or seek professional help to manage your stress
within acceptable limits.
The DECIDE Model, comprised of a six-step process, is intended to provide the pilot with a logical
way of approaching decision making. The six elements of the DECIDE Model represent a continuous
loop decision process which can be used to assist a pilot in the decision making process when he/she
is faced with a change in a situation that requires a judgment. This DECIDE Model is primarily focused
on the intellectual component, but can have an impact on the motivational component of judgment as
well. If a pilot practices the DECIDE Model in all decision making, its use can become very natural and
could result in better decisions being made under all types of situations.
1. Detect. The decisionmaker detects the fact that change has occurred.
2. Estimate. The decisionmaker estimates the need to counter or react to the change.
3. Choose. The decisionmaker chooses a desirable outcome (in terms of success) for the flight.
4. Identify. The decisionmaker identifies actions which could successfully control the change.
5. Do. The decisionmaker takes the necessary action.
6. Evaluate. The decisionmaker evaluates the effect(s) of his/her action countering the change.
Impulsivity (do something quickly!) is the attitude of Risk management is the part of the decision making
people who frequently feel the need to do something, process which relies on situational awareness, problem
anything, immediately. They do not stop to think about recognition, and good judgment to reduce risks associ-
what they are about to do, they do not select the best ated with each flight. (PLT271) — AC 60-22
alternative, and they do the first thing that comes to
mind. The antidote for this attitude is: Not so fast. Think
first. (PLT103) — FAA-H-8083-25 ALL, SPO
3934. What antidotal phrase can help reverse the haz-
ardous attitude of “invulnerability”?
ALL A— It will not happen to me.
3931-1. Hazardous attitudes occur to every pilot to B— It can not be that bad.
some degree at some time. What are some of these C— It could happen to me.
hazardous attitudes?
A— Poor risk management and lack of stress Invulnerability (it won’t happen to me) is found in people
management. who think accidents happen to others, but never to
B— Antiauthority, impulsivity, macho, resignation, and them. Pilots who think this way are more likely to take
invulnerability. chances and increase risk. The antidote for this attitude
C— Poor situational awareness, snap judgments, and is: It could happen to me. (PLT103) — FAA-H-8083-25
lack of a decision making process.
3931 [A] 3932 [C] 3933 [C] 3931-1 [B] 3931-2 [B] 3931-3 [B]
3934 [C]
3935. What antidotal phrase can help reverse the haz- 2078. Who is responsible for determining whether a
ardous attitude of “macho”? pilot is fit to fly for a particular flight, even though the
A— I can do it. pilot holds a current and valid U.S. driver’s license?
B— Taking chances is foolish. A— The FAA.
C— Nothing will happen. B— The pilot.
C— The medical examiner.
Macho (I can do it) is the attitude found in pilots who
are always trying to prove they are better than anyone The pilot is responsible for determining whether he/she is
else. Pilots with this type of attitude will try to prove fit to fly for a particular flight. (PLT443) — FAA-H-8083‑25
themselves by taking risks in order to impress others.
The antidote for this attitude is: taking chances is foolish.
(PLT103) — FAA-H-8083-25 ALL, SPO
3938. What is the one common factor which affects
most preventable accidents?
A— Structural failure.
3936. What antidotal phrase can help reverse the haz- B— Mechanical malfunction.
ardous attitude of “resignation”? C— Human error.
A— What is the use.
B— Someone else is responsible. Most preventable accidents have one common factor:
C— I am not helpless. human error, rather than a mechanical malfunction.
(PLT104) — FAA-H-8083-25
Resignation (what’s the use?) is the attitude in pilots who
do not see themselves as being able to make a great deal
of difference in what happens to them. When things go ALL
well, the pilot is apt to think it’s due to good luck. When 3939. What often leads to spatial disorientation or col-
things go badly, the pilot may feel that “someone is out lision with ground/obstacles when flying under Visual
to get me,” or attribute it to bad luck. The antidote for Flight Rules (VFR)?
this attitude is: I’m not helpless. I can make a difference. A— Continual flight into instrument conditions.
(PLT103) — FAA-H-8083-25 B— Getting behind the aircraft.
C— Duck-under syndrome.
ALL Continuing visual flight rules (VFR) into instrument con-
3937. Who is responsible for determining whether a ditions often leads to spatial disorientation or collision
pilot is fit to fly for a particular flight, even though he or with ground/obstacles. It is even more dangerous if the
she holds a current medical certificate? pilot is not instrument qualified or current. (PLT334) —
A— The FAA. FAA-H-8083-25
B— The medical examiner.
C— The pilot.
The pilot is responsible for determining whether he/she is 3940. What is one of the neglected items when a pilot
fit to fly for a particular flight. (PLT443) — FAA-H-8083-25 relies on short and long term memory for repetitive tasks?
A— Checklists.
B— Situation awareness.
C— Flying outside the envelope.
3935 [B] 3936 [C] 3937 [C] 2078 [B] 3938 [C] 3939 [A]
3940 [A]
3940-1. A pilot and two passengers landed on a 2,100 2074. What are some of the hazardous attitudes dealt
foot east-west gravel strip with an elevation of 1,800 with in Aeronautical Decision Making (ADM)?
feet. The temperature is warmer than expected and A— Risk management, stress management, and risk
after computing the density altitude it is determined the elements.
takeoff distance over a 50 foot obstacle is 1,980 feet. B— Poor decision making, situational awareness, and
The airplane is 75 pounds under gross weight. What judgment.
would be the best choice? C— Antiauthority (don’t tell me), impulsivity (do
A— Takeoff off into the headwind will give the extra something quickly without thinking), macho (I can
climb-out time needed. do it).
B— Try a takeoff without the passengers to make
sure the climb is adequate. ADM addresses the following five hazardous attitudes:
C— Wait until the temperature decreases, and Antiauthority (don’t tell me!), Impulsivity (do something
recalculate the takeoff performance. quickly!), Invulnerability (it won’t happen to me), Macho
(I can do it), Resignation (what’s the use?). (PLT103)
The conditions described provide only 120 feet for a — AC 60-22
margin of error between required takeoff distance and
available runway. This is too risky; the pilot should wait
until conditions improve and there is a larger margin of SPO
safety between available and needed runway distance. 2195. What should a pilot do when recognizing a thought
(PLT011) — FAA-H-8083-2 as hazardous?
A— Label that thought as hazardous, then correct
that thought by stating the corresponding learned
2073. A series of judgmental errors which can lead to B— Avoid developing this hazardous thought.
a human factors-related accident is sometimes referred C— Develop this hazardous thought and follow
to as the through with modified action.
A— error chain.
B— course of action. When a pilot recognizes a thought as hazardous, the
C— DECIDE model. pilot should label that thought as hazardous, then cor-
rect that thought by stating the corresponding antidote.
The poor judgment chain, sometimes referred to as the (PLT103) — AC 60-22
“error chain,” is a term used to describe this concept of
contributing factors in a human factors-related accident.
Breaking one link in the chain normally is all that is SPO
necessary to change the outcome of the sequence of 2176. Pilots should be familiar with positive alterna-
events. (PLT271) — FAA-H-8083-25 tives to
A— Counteract hazardous attitudes.
B— Ensure the right choices have been made.
C— Ensure they are applying the appropriate
2085. Which of the following is the first step of the Decide antidote.
Model for effective risk management and Aeronautical
Decision Making? The pilot must examine decisions carefully to ensure
A— Identify. choices have not been influenced by hazardous attitudes
B— Detect. and be familiar with positive alternatives to counteract the
C— Evaluate. hazardous attitudes (referred to as antidotes). (PLT103)
— FAA-H-8083-25
The DECIDE Model, comprised of a six-step process,
is intended to provide the pilot with a logical way of
approaching decision making: Detect, Estimate, Choose,
Identify, Do, and Evaluate. (PLT022) — AC 60-22
3940-1 [C] 2073 [A] 2085 [B] 2074 [C] 2195 [A] 2176 [A]
2079. Aeronautical Decision Making (ADM) is a 2197. A pilot who relies on short- and long-term memory
A— mental process of analyzing all information in a for repetitive tasks often neglects
particular situation and making a timely decision A— flying outside the envelope.
on what action to take. B— checklists.
B— systematic approach to the mental process C— situation awareness.
used by pilots to consistently determine the best
course of action for a given set of circumstances. Unjustified reliance on the pilot’s short- and long-term
C— decision making process which relies on good memory, regular flying skills, repetitive and familiar routes
judgment to reduce risks associated with each usually results in neglect of flight planning, preflight
flight. inspections, and checklists. (PLT104) — FAA-H-8083-25
2079 [B] 2083 [A] 2196 [B] 2197 [B] 2063 [A] 2069 [A]
2068. To avoid missing important steps, always use the 2082. An extreme case of a pilot getting behind the
A— appropriate checklists. aircraft can lead to the operational pitfall of
B— placarded airspeeds. A— loss of situational awareness.
C— airworthiness certificate. B— loss of workload.
C— internal stress.
To avoid missing important steps, always use the appro-
priate checklists whenever they are available. Consistent Getting behind the aircraft can result in not knowing
adherence to approved checklists is a sign of a disci- where you are, an inability to recognize deteriorating
plined and competent pilot. (PLT122) — FAA-H-8083-25 circumstances, and/or the misjudgment of the rate of
deterioration. (PLT104) — FAA-H-8083-25
Collision Avoidance
Vision is the most important body sense for safe flight. Major factors that determine how effectively
vision can be used are the level of illumination and the technique of scanning the sky for other aircraft.
Atmospheric haze reduces the ability to see traffic or terrain during flight, making all features appear
to be farther away than they actually are.
In preparation for a night flight, the pilot should avoid bright white lights for at least 30 minutes before
the flight.
Scanning the sky for other aircraft is a key factor in collision avoidance. Pilots must develop an
effective scanning technique which maximizes visual capabilities. Because the eyes focus only on a
narrow viewing area, effective scanning is accomplished with a series of short, regularly spaced eye
movements. Each movement should not exceed 10°, and each area should be observed for at least one
second. At night, scan slowly to permit the use of off-center vision.
Prior to starting any maneuver, a pilot should visually scan the entire area for collision avoidance.
Any aircraft that appears to have no relative motion and stays in one scan quadrant is likely to be on a
collision course. If a target shows neither lateral nor vertical motion, but increases in size, take evasive
When climbing or descending VFR on an airway, execute gentle banks, right and left, to provide for
visual scanning of the airspace.
2068 [A] 2082 [A] 3710-1 [B] 3710 [B]
3833 [C] 2240 [A] 2066 [A] 2064 [C] 2062 [A] 3834 [B]
3835 [A] 3836 [C] 3849 [C] 3712 [B] 3713 [A] 3714 [C]
Aircraft Lighting
When an aircraft is being operated during the period from sunset to sunrise (except in Alaska), it must
display lighted position lights and an anticollision light. The anticollision light may be either aviation red
or aviation white. See Figure 5-13.
For collision avoidance, a pilot must know where each colored light is located on an aircraft. For
example, if a pilot observes a steady red light and a flashing red light ahead and at the same altitude,
the other aircraft is crossing to the left; a steady white and a flashing red light indicates that the other
aircraft is headed away from the observer; and steady red and green lights at the same altitude as the
observer indicates that the other aircraft is approaching head-on.
Right wing
green light
with integral
white light
pointed back
Left wing
red light
with integral
white light
pointed back
2096 [B]
3162 [C] 3916 [B] 3916-1 [B] 3715 [A] 3716 [A] 3717 [C]
2020. Pilots must operate the anti-collision lights
A— at night or in inclement weather.
B— at night when the visibility is less than three miles
and flying in Class B airspace.
C— day and night, except when the pilot-in-command
determines that they constitute a hazard to
2020 [C]
3382. What causes variations in altimeter settings
between weather reporting points?
A— Unequal heating of the Earth’s surface.
B— Variation of terrain elevation.
C— Coriolis force.
3448. The development of thermals depends upon
A— a counterclockwise circulation of air.
B— temperature inversions.
Figure 6-1. Prevailing wind systems C— solar heating.
3381 [C] 3382 [A] 3448 [C]
GLI One fundamental point is that dry areas get hotter than
3647. (Refer to Figure 21.) Over which area should moist areas. Dry fields or dry ground of any nature are
a glider pilot expect to find the best lift under normal better thermal sources than moist areas. This applies
conditions? to woods or forests, which are poor sources of thermals
A— 2. because of the large amount of moisture given off by
B— 7. foliage. (PLT064) — American Soaring Handbook,
C— 5. page 5-10
Knowing that air flows out of the high in a clockwise direction and into the low in a counterclockwise
direction is useful in preflight planning. Assume a flight from point A to point B as shown in Figure 6-3.
Going direct would involve fighting the wind flowing around the low. However, by traveling south of the
low-pressure area, the circulation pattern could help instead of hinder. Generally speaking, in the North-
ern Hemisphere, when traveling west to east, the most favorable winds can be found by flying north of
high-pressure areas and south of low-pressure areas. Conversely, when flying east to west, the most
favorable winds can be found south of high-pressure areas and north of low-pressure areas.
Figure 6-2. Gradient and surface wind Figure 6-3. Circulation and wind
3647 [A]
In aviation, temperature is measured in degrees Celsius (°C). The standard temperature at sea level
is 59°F (15°C). The average decrease in temperature with altitude (standard lapse rate) is 2°C (3.5°F)
per 1,000 feet. Since this is an average, the exact value seldom exists; in fact, temperature sometimes
increases with altitude (an inversion). The most frequent type of ground- or surface-based temperature
inversion is one that is produced by terrestrial radiation on a clear, relatively still night.
3395 [B] 3450 [C] 3350 [A] 3383 [C]
Air has moisture (water vapor) in it. The water vapor content of air can be expressed in two different
ways. The two commonly used terms are relative humidity and dew point.
Relative humidity relates the actual water vapor present in the air to that which could be present in
the air. Temperature largely determines the maximum amount of water vapor air can hold. Warm air can
hold more water vapor than can cold air. See Figure 6-4.
Air with 100% relative humidity is said to be saturated, and less than 100% is unsaturated.
Dew point is the temperature to which air must be cooled to become saturated by the water already
present in the air. See Figure 6-5.
Moisture can be added to the air by either evaporation or sublimation. Moisture is removed from the
air by either condensation or sublimation.
When water vapor condenses on large objects such as leaves, windshields, or airplanes, it will form
dew; and when it condenses on microscopic particles such as salt, dust, or combustion by-products
(condensation nuclei), it will form clouds or fog.
3384 [A]
To summarize, relative humidity can be increased either by lowering the air temperature or by increas-
ing the amount of moisture in the air. If the temperature and dew point spread is small and decreasing,
condensation is about to occur. If the temperature is above freezing, the weather most likely to develop
will be fog or low clouds.
3398. The amount of water vapor which air can hold SPO
depends on the 2369. Moisture is added to air by
A— dewpoint. A— sublimation and condensation.
B— air temperature. B— evaporation and condensation.
C— stability of the air. C— evaporation and sublimation.
Temperature largely determines the maximum amount of Evaporation is the changing of liquid water to invisible
water vapor air can hold. (PLT512) — AC 00-6A, Chapter 5 water vapor. Sublimation is the changing of ice directly
to water vapor. (PLT512) — AC 00-6A
Answers (A) and (B) are incorrect because condensation removes
ALL, SPO moisture from the air.
3399. Clouds, fog, or dew will always form when
A— water vapor condenses.
B— water vapor is present.
3444. If the temperature/dewpoint spread is small and
C— relative humidity reaches 100 percent.
decreasing, and the temperature is 62°F, what type
As water vapor condenses or sublimates on condensa- weather is most likely to develop?
tion nuclei, liquid or ice particles begin to grow. Some A— Freezing precipitation.
condensation nuclei have an affinity for water and can B— Thunderstorms.
induce condensation or sublimation even when air is C— Fog or low clouds.
almost, but not completely, saturated. (PLT512) — AC
00-6A, Chapter 5 With a small temperature/dew point spread, the air is
Answer (B) is incorrect because the presence of water vapor does close to saturation. This will usually result in fog or low
not result in clouds, fog, or dew unless condensation occurs. Answer clouds. Anticipate fog when the temperature/dew point
(C) is incorrect because it is possible to have 100% humidity without spread is 5°F or less and decreasing. (PLT512) — AC
the occurrence of condensation, which is necessary for clouds, fog,
or dew to form. 00-6A, Chapter 12
Answer (A) is incorrect because precipitation will not freeze at a tem-
perature of 62°F. Answer (B) is incorrect because temperature/dew
point spread does not relate to the development of thunderstorms.
3397 [C] 3398 [B] 3399 [A] 3400 [A] 2369 [C] 3444 [C]
3422. One of the most easily recognized discontinuities
across a front is
A— a change in temperature.
B— an increase in cloud coverage.
C— an increase in relative humidity.
3423. One weather phenomenon which will always occur
Figure 6-6. Weather map symbols when flying across a front is a change in the
A— wind direction.
ALL B— type of precipitation.
3421. The boundary between two different air masses C— stability of the air mass.
is referred to as a
A— frontolysis. Wind direction always changes across a front. (PLT511)
B— frontogenesis. — AC 00-6A, Chapter 8
C— front. Answer (B) is incorrect because precipitation does not always exist
with a front. Answer (C) is incorrect because the stability on both
sides of the front may be the same.
A front is the boundary between two different air masses.
(PLT511) — AC 00-6A, Chapter 8
3421 [C] 3422 [A] 3423 [A]
3403. What measurement can be used to determine
the stability of the atmosphere?
A— Atmospheric pressure.
B— Actual lapse rate.
C— Surface temperature.
3451 [C] 3385 [A] 3403 [B] 3404 [A]
Stability determines which of two types of clouds will be formed: cumuliform or stratiform.
Cumuliform clouds are the billowy-type clouds having considerable vertical development, which
enhances the growth rate of precipitation. They are formed in unstable conditions, and they produce
showery precipitation made up of large water droplets. See Figure 6-8.
Stratiform clouds are the flat, more evenly based clouds formed in stable conditions. They produce
steady, continuous light rain and drizzle made up of much smaller raindrops. See Figure 6-9.
Steady precipitation (in contrast to showery) preceding a front is an indication of stratiform clouds
with little or no turbulence.
Clouds are divided into four families according to their height range: low, middle, high, and clouds
with extensive vertical development. See Figure 6-10.
The first three families—low, middle, and high — are further classified according to the way they are
formed. Clouds formed by vertical currents (unstable) are cumulus (heap) and are billowy in appear-
ance. Clouds formed by the cooling of a stable layer are stratus (layered) and are flat and sheet-like in
appearance. A further classification is the prefix “nimbo-” or suffix “-nimbus,” which means raincloud.
3405 [A] 3408 [A] 3412 [A] 3413 [A] 3414 [C]
Cumulonimbus Stratus
High clouds, called cirrus, are composed mainly of ice crystals; therefore, they are least likely to
contribute to structural icing (since it requires water droplets).
The base of a cloud (AGL) that is formed by vertical currents (cumuliform clouds) can be roughly
calculated by dividing the difference between the surface temperature and dew point by 4.4 and multi-
plying the rounded result by 1,000. The convergence of the temperature and the dew point lapse rate
is 4.4°F per 1,000 feet.
Problem: What is the approximate base of the cumulus clouds if the surface air temperature is 70°F
and the dew point is 61°F?
Use the following steps:
1. 70°F (Temperature)
– 61°F (Dew point)
2. 9 ÷ 4.4 = 2.05 or 2
3. 2 x 1,000 = 2,000 feet (base of cloud, AGL)
3406. Moist, stable air flowing upslope can be expected 3424. Steady precipitation preceding a front is an
to indication of
A— produce stratus type clouds. A— stratiform clouds with moderate turbulence.
B— cause showers and thunderstorms. B— cumuliform clouds with little or no turbulence.
C— develop convective turbulence. C— stratiform clouds with little or no turbulence.
When stable air is forced upward the air tends to retain Precipitation from stratiform clouds is usually steady
horizontal flow and any cloudiness is flat and stratified. and there is little or no turbulence. (PLT511) — AC
(PLT192) — AC 00-6A, Chapter 6 00-6A, Chapter 8
3407. If an unstable air mass is forced upward, what 3433. The conditions necessary for the formation of
type clouds can be expected? cumulonimbus clouds are a lifting action and
A— Stratus clouds with little vertical development. A— unstable air containing an excess of condensation
B— Stratus clouds with considerable associated nuclei.
turbulence. B— unstable, moist air.
C— Clouds with considerable vertical development C— either stable or unstable air.
and associated turbulence.
For a cumulonimbus cloud or thunderstorm to form, the
When unstable air is forced upward, the disturbance air must have:
grows. Any resulting cloudiness shows extensive vertical
development. (PLT192) — AC 00-6A, Chapter 6 1. Sufficient water vapor,
2. An unstable lapse rate, and
3. An initial upward boost (lifting) to start the storm
process in motion.
(PLT192) — AC 00-6A, Chapter 11
3406 [A] 3407 [C] 3424 [C] 3433 [B]
3409 [C] 3410 [B] 3415 [B] 3416 [B]
Cumulus clouds are formed by convective currents (heating from below); therefore, a pilot can expect
turbulence below or inside cumulus clouds, especially towering cumulus clouds. The greatest turbulence
could be expected inside cumulonimbus clouds.
If severe turbulence is encountered either inside or outside of clouds, the airplane’s airspeed should
be reduced to maneuvering speed and the pilot should attempt to maintain a level flight attitude because
the amount of excess load that can be imposed on the wing will be decreased. Any attempt to maintain
a constant altitude will greatly increase the stresses that are applied to the aircraft.
3417. An almond or lens-shaped cloud which appears 3425. Possible mountain wave turbulence could be
stationary, but which may contain winds of 50 knots or anticipated when winds of 40 knots or greater blow
more, is referred to as A— across a mountain ridge, and the air is stable.
A— an inactive frontal cloud. B— down a mountain valley, and the air is unstable.
B— a funnel cloud. C— parallel to a mountain peak, and the air is stable.
C— a lenticular cloud.
Always anticipate possible mountain wave turbulence
Crests of standing waves may be marked by stationary, when strong winds of 40 knots or greater blow across a
lens-shaped clouds known as standing lenticular clouds. mountain or ridge and the air is stable. (PLT263) — AC
(PLT192) — AC 00-6A, Chapter 7 00-6A, Chapter 9
3418. Crests of standing mountain waves may be 2159. One of the most dangerous features of mountain
marked by stationary, lens-shaped clouds known as waves is the turbulent areas in and
A— mammatocumulus clouds. A— below rotor clouds.
B— standing lenticular clouds. B— above rotor clouds.
C— roll clouds. C— below lenticular clouds.
Crests of standing waves may be marked by stationary, Rotor clouds appear to remain stationary, parallel the
lens-shaped clouds known as standing lenticular clouds. range, and stand a few miles leeward of the mountains.
(PLT192) — AC 00-6A, Chapter 7 Turbulence is most frequent and most severe in and
below the standing rotors just beneath the wave crests
at or below mountaintop levels. (PLT501) — AC 00-6A,
Chapter 9
3419 [B] 3417 [C] 3418 [B] 3420 [C] 3425 [A] 2159 [A]
Thunderstorms present many hazards to flying. Three conditions necessary to the formation of a thun-
derstorm are:
1. Sufficient water vapor;
2. An unstable lapse rate; and
3. An initial upward boost (lifting).
The initial upward boost can be caused by heating from below, frontal lifting, or by mechanical lifting
(wind blowing air upslope on a mountain).
There are three stages of a thunderstorm: the
cumulus, mature, and dissipating stages. See
Figure 6-11.
The cumulus stage is characterized by
continuous updrafts, and these updrafts create
low-pressure areas. Thunderstorms reach their
greatest intensity during the mature stage, which
is characterized by updrafts and downdrafts inside
the cloud. Precipitation inside the cloud aids in the
development of these downdrafts, and the start of
rain from the base of the cloud signals the begin-
ning of the mature stage. The precipitation that
evaporates before it reaches the ground is called Figure 6-11. Stages of thunderstorms
virga. The dissipating stage of a thunderstorm
is characterized predominantly by downdrafts.
Lightning is always associated with a thunderstorm.
Hail is formed inside thunderstorms by the constant freezing, melting, and refreezing of water as it
is carried about by the up- and downdrafts.
A pilot should always expect the hazardous and invisible atmospheric phenomena called wind shear
turbulence when operating anywhere near a thunderstorm (within 20 NM).
Thunderstorms that generally produce the most intense hazard to aircraft are called squall-line
thunderstorms. These non-frontal, narrow bands of thunderstorms often develop ahead of a cold front.
Embedded thunderstorms are those that are obscured by massive cloud layers and cannot be
3442 [C]
3434. What feature is normally associated with the 3437. During the life cycle of a thunderstorm, which
cumulus stage of a thunderstorm? stage is characterized predominately by downdrafts?
A— Roll cloud. A— Cumulus.
B— Continuous updraft. B— Dissipating.
C— Frequent lightning. C— Mature.
The key feature of the cumulus stage is an updraft. Downdrafts characterize the dissipating stage of the
Precipitation beginning to fall from the cloudbase is the thunderstorm cell and the storm dies rapidly. (PLT495)
signal that a downdraft has developed also and a cell — AC 00-6A, Chapter 11
has entered the mature stage. (PLT495) — AC 00-6A, Answer (A) is incorrect because updrafts occur during the cumulus
Chapter 11 stage. Answer (C) is incorrect because both updrafts and downdrafts
occur during the mature stage.
Answer (A) is incorrect because a roll cloud is associated with a
mountain wave. Answer (C) is incorrect because frequent lightning
may be present in any stage.
3438. Thunderstorms reach their greatest intensity
ALL during the
3435. Which weather phenomenon signals the begin- A— mature stage.
ning of the mature stage of a thunderstorm? B— downdraft stage.
A— The appearance of an anvil top. C— cumulus stage.
B— Precipitation beginning to fall.
C— Maximum growth rate of the clouds. All thunderstorm hazards reach their greatest inten-
sity during the mature stage. (PLT495) — AC 00-6A,
The key feature of the cumulus stage is an updraft. Chapter 11
Precipitation beginning to fall from the cloudbase is the
signal that a downdraft has developed also and the cell ALL, SPO
has entered the mature stage. (PLT495) — AC 00-6A, 3439. Thunderstorms which generally produce the most
Chapter 11 intense hazard to aircraft are
Answer (A) is incorrect because the appearance of an anvil top
is characteristic of the dissipating stage. Answer (C) is incorrect A— squall line thunderstorms.
because the maximum growth rate of the clouds is during the mature B— steady-state thunderstorms.
stage of a thunderstorm, but it does not signal the beginning of that C— warm front thunderstorms.
A squall line is a non-frontal, narrow band of active
thunderstorms. The line may be too long to easily detour
and too wide and severe to penetrate. It often contains
3436. What conditions are necessary for the formation
severe steady-state thunderstorms and presents the
of thunderstorms?
single, most intense weather hazard to aircraft. (PLT495)
A— High humidity, lifting force, and unstable conditions. — AC 00-6A, Chapter 11
B— High humidity, high temperature, and cumulus
C— Lifting force, moist air, and extensive cloud cover.
3434 [B] 3435 [B] 3436 [A] 3437 [B] 3438 [A] 3439 [A]
3440. A nonfrontal, narrow band of active thunderstorms 3452-1. The destination airport has one runway, 08-26,
that often develop ahead of a cold front is known as a and the wind is calm. The normal approach in calm
A— prefrontal system. wind is a left hand pattern to runway 08. There is no
B— squall line. other traffic at the airport. A thunderstorm about 6 miles
C— dry line. west is beginning its mature stage, and rain is starting
to reach the ground. The pilot decides to
A squall line is a nonfrontal, narrow band of active A— fly the pattern to runway 08 since the storm is too
thunderstorms. The line may be too long to easily detour far away to affect the wind at the airport.
and too wide and severe to penetrate. It often contains B— fly the normal pattern to runway 08 since
severe steady-state thunderstorms and presents the the storm is west and moving north and any
single, most intense weather hazard to aircraft. (PLT495) unexpected wind will be from the east or
— AC 00-6A, Chapter 11 southeast toward the storm.
C— fly an approach to runway 26 since any
unexpected wind due to the storm will be
3441. If there is thunderstorm activity in the vicinity of
an airport at which you plan to land, which hazardous The thunderstorm is reaching its greatest intensity at
atmospheric phenomenon might be expected on the the mature stage, with wind and wind shear turbulence
landing approach? reaching as far as 20 minutes laterally from a severe
A— Precipitation static. storm. If the pilot cannot divert to an airport further
B— Wind-shear turbulence. away from the storm, then runwy 26 should be used to
C— Steady rain. maintain distance from the thunderstorm. (PLT271) —
Wind shear is an invisible hazard associated with all
thunderstorms. Shear turbulence has been encountered
20 miles laterally from a severe storm. (PLT495) — AC GLI, LSG
00-6A, Chapter 11 3449. Which is considered to be the most hazardous
Answer (A) is incorrect because precipitation static is not considered condition when soaring in the vicinity of thunderstorms?
a hazardous atmospheric phenomenon. Answer (C) is incorrect A— Static electricity.
because showery precipitation is a characteristic of thunderstorm
activity. B— Lightning.
C— Wind shear and turbulence.
3440 [B] 3441 [B] 3452 [A] 3452-1 [C] 3449 [C]
Wind Shear
Wind shear is defined as a change in wind direction and/or speed over a very short distance in the
atmosphere. This can occur at any level of the atmosphere and can be detected by the pilot as a sud-
den change in airspeed.
Low-level (low-altitude) wind shear can be expected during strong temperature inversions, on all
sides of a thunderstorm and directly below the cell. A pilot can expect a wind shear zone in a temperature
inversion whenever the wind speed at 2,000 feet to 4,000 feet above the surface is at least 25 knots.
Low-level wind shear can also be found near frontal activity because winds can be significantly dif-
ferent in the two air masses which meet to form the front.
In warm front conditions, the most critical period is before the front passes. Warm front shear may
exist below 5,000 feet for about 6 hours before surface passage of the front. The wind shear associated
with a warm front is usually more extreme than that found in cold fronts.
The shear associated with cold fronts is usually found behind the front. If the front is moving at 30
knots or more, the shear zone will be 5,000 feet above the surface 3 hours after frontal passage.
Basically, there are two potentially hazardous shear situations—the loss of a tailwind or the loss of
a headwind.
A tailwind may shear to either a calm or headwind component. The airspeed initially increases, the
aircraft pitches up, and altitude increases. Lower than normal power would be required initially, followed
by a further decrease as the shear is encountered, and then an increase as the glide slope is regained.
See Figure 6-12.
A headwind may shear to a calm or tailwind component. Initially, the airspeed decreases, the aircraft
pitches down, and altitude decreases. See Figure 6-13.
Some airports can report boundary winds as well as the wind at the tower. When a tower reports a
boundary wind which is significantly different from the airport wind, there is a possibility of hazardous
wind shear.
Structural icing occurs on an aircraft whenever supercooled condensed droplets of water make contact
with any part of the aircraft that is also at a temperature below freezing. An inflight condition necessary
for structural icing to form is visible moisture (clouds or raindrops).
Icing in precipitation (rain) is of concern to the VFR pilot because it can occur outside of clouds. Air-
craft structural ice will most likely have the highest accumulation in freezing rain which indicates warmer
temperature at a higher altitude. See Figure 6-14. The effects of structural icing on an aircraft may be
seen in Figure 6-15.
The presence of ice pellets at the surface is evidence that there is freezing rain at a higher altitude,
while wet snow indicates that the temperature at your altitude is above freezing. A situation conducive
to any icing would be flying in the vicinity of a front.
3426 [C] 3427 [B] 3428 [C] 2163 [A]
3402 [C] 3429 [C] 3430 [C] 3956 [A]
Fog is a surface-based cloud (restricting visibility) composed of either water droplets or ice crystals. Fog
may form by cooling the air to its dew point or by adding moisture to the air near the ground. A small
temperature/dew point spread is essential to the formation of fog. An abundance of condensation nuclei
from combustion products makes fog prevalent in industrial areas.
Fog is classified by the way it is formed.
Radiation fog (ground fog) is formed when terrestrial radiation cools the ground, which in turn cools
the air in contact with it. When the air is cooled to its dew point (or within a few degrees), fog will form.
This fog will form most readily in warm, moist air over low, flatland areas on clear, calm (no wind) nights.
Advection fog (sea fog) is formed when warm, moist air moves (wind is required) over colder ground
or water (e.g., an air mass moving inland from the coast in winter).
Upslope fog is formed when moist, stable air is cooled to its dew point as it moves (wind is required)
up sloping terrain. Cooling will be at the dry adiabatic lapse rate of approximately 3°C per 1,000 feet.
Precipitation (rain or drizzle)-induced fog is most commonly associated with frontal activity and
is formed by relatively warm drizzle or rain falling through cooler air. Evaporation from the precipitation
saturates the cool air and fog forms. This fog is especially critical because it occurs in the proximity of
precipitation and other possible hazards such as icing, turbulence, and thunderstorms.
Steam fog forms in the winter when cold, dry air passes from land areas over comparatively warm
ocean waters. Low-level turbulence can occur and icing can become hazardous in a steam fog.
3443. What situation is most conducive to the formation 3445. In which situation is advection fog most likely
of radiation fog? to form?
A— Warm, moist air over low, flatland areas on clear, A— A warm, moist air mass on the windward side of
calm nights. mountains.
B— Moist, tropical air moving over cold, offshore water. B— An air mass moving inland from the coast in winter.
C— The movement of cold air over much warmer C— A light breeze blowing colder air out to sea.
Advection fog forms when moist air moves over colder
Conditions favorable for radiation fog are clear sky, little ground or water. It is most common along coastal areas.
or no wind, and small temperature/dew point spread This fog frequently forms offshore as a result of cold
(high relative humidity). Radiation fog is restricted to water, then is carried inland by the wind. (PLT226) — AC
land because water surfaces cool little from nighttime 00-6A, Chapter 12
radiation. (PLT226) — AC 00-6A, Chapter 12 Answer (A) is incorrect because a warm, moist air mass on the wind-
Answers (B) and (C) are incorrect because radiation fog will not form ward side of mountains will form upslope fog and/or rain. Answer (C)
over water since water surfaces cool little from nighttime radiation. is incorrect because a light breeze blowing colder air out to sea will
form steam fog.
3443 [A] 3445 [B]
3446. What types of fog depend upon wind in order 3447. Low-level turbulence can occur and icing can
to exist? become hazardous in which type of fog?
A— Radiation fog and ice fog. A— Rain-induced fog.
B— Steam fog and ground fog. B— Upslope fog.
C— Advection fog and upslope fog. C— Steam fog.
Advection fog forms when moist air moves over colder Steam fog forms in the winter when cold, dry air passes
ground or water. It is most common along coastal areas, from land areas over comparatively warm ocean waters.
but often develops deep in continental areas. Advection Low-level turbulence can occur and icing can become
fog deepens as wind speed increases up to about 15 hazardous in a steam fog. (PLT226) — AC 00-6A,
knots. Wind much stronger than 15 knots lifts the fog Chapter 14
into a layer of low stratus or stratocumulus. Upslope fog
forms as a result of moist, stable air being cooled adia-
batically as it moves up sloping terrain. Once upslope
wind ceases, the fog dissipates. (PLT226) — AC 00-6A,
Chapter 12
Answer (A) is incorrect because radiation fog and ice fog do not
depend upon wind in order to exist. Answer (B) is incorrect because
ground fog does not depend on wind in order to exist.
Frost is described as ice deposits formed by sublimation on a surface when the temperature of the
collecting surface is at or below the dew point of the adjacent air and the dew point is below freezing.
Frost causes early airflow separation on an airfoil resulting in a loss of lift. Therefore, all frost should
be removed from the lifting surfaces of an airplane before flight or it may prevent the airplane from
becoming airborne.
3401. Which conditions result in the formation of frost? 3432. How does frost affect the lifting surfaces of an
A— The temperature of the collecting surface is at or airplane on takeoff?
below freezing when small droplets of moisture A— Frost may prevent the airplane from becoming
fall on the surface. airborne at normal takeoff speed.
B— The temperature of the collecting surface is at or B— Frost will change the camber of the wing,
below the dewpoint of the adjacent air and the increasing lift during takeoff.
dewpoint is below freezing. C— Frost may cause the airplane to become airborne
C— The temperature of the surrounding air is at or with a lower angle of attack at a lower indicated
below freezing when small drops of moisture fall airspeed.
on the collecting surface.
The roughness of the surface of frost spoils the smooth
Frost forms in much the same way as dew. The differ- flow of air, thus causing a slowing of the airflow. This
ence is that the dew point of surrounding air must be slowing of the air causes early air flow separation over
colder than freezing. (PLT493) — AC 00-6A, Chapter 5 the affected airfoil, resulting in a loss of lift. Even a small
Answers (A) and (C) are incorrect because ice will form in these amount of frost on airfoils may prevent an aircraft from
situations. becoming airborne at normal takeoff speed. (PLT128)
— AC 00-6A, Chapter 10
Answer (B) is incorrect because frost does not change the basic
aerodynamic shape of the airfoil. Answer (C) is incorrect because
frost may prevent the aircraft from becoming airborne at normal
takeoff speed and will not lower the angle of attack.
3446 [C] 3447 [C] 3401 [B] 3432 [A]
3206 [A] 3431 [C] 2170 [C] 2312 [C]
HZ Significant present, forecast and recent weather: See table (to the TSRA Obscuration
right) BR Mist (≥ 5/8SM) DU Widespread dust FG Fog (<5/8SM) FU Smoke
HZ Haze PY Spray SA Sand VA Volcanic ash
FEW020 Cloud amount, height and type: SKy Clear 0/8, FEW >0/8-2/8, OVC010CB
SCaTtered 3/8-4/8, BroKeN 5/8-7/8, OVerCast 8/8; 3-digit height in
DS Dust storm FC Funnel cloud +FC Tornado or waterspout
hundreds of feet; Towering CUmulus or CumulonimBus in METAR; in PO Well-developed dust or sand whirls SQ Squall SS Sandstorm
TAF, only CB. Vertical Visibility for obscured sky and height “VV004”.
More than 1 layer may be reported or forecast. In automated METAR • Explanations in parentheses “( )” indicate different worldwide practices.
reports only, CLeaR for “clear below 12,000 feet.” • Ceiling is not specified; defined as the lowest broken or overcast layer, or the vertical visibility.
• NWS TAFs exclude BECMG groups and temperature forecasts, NWS TAFs do not use PROB in the first 9 hours
Temperature: Degrees Celsius; first 2 digits, temperature “ / ” last 2 18/16 of a TAF; NWS METARs exclude trend forecasts. U.S. Military TAFs include Turbulence and Icing groups.
digits, dewpoint temperature; Minus for below zero, e.g., M06
Altimeter setting: Indicator and 4 digits; in U.S., A: inches and A2992
hundredths; (Q: hectoPascals, e.g., Q1013)
3462 [C] 3463 [B] 3464 [A] 3465 [B] 3466 [B]
unknown, use UNKN.
4. b. Cloud cover symbol.
c. Height of cloud tops in hundreds of feet.
Aircraft Type: d. Use solidus (/) to separate layers.
5. /TP
e. Use a space to separate each sub element.
f. Examples: /SK 038 BKN. /SK 038 OVC 045,
/SK 055 SCT 073/085 BKN 105, /SK UNKN OVC
Items 1 through 5 are mandatory for all PIREPs
Sky Cover: 7. /WX - Flight Visibility and Weather: Flight visibility reported first.
Use standard weather symbols. /WX FV02 R H, /WX FV01 TRW.
6. /SK 8. /TA - Air temperature in Celsius: If below zero, prefix with an “M.”
/TA 15, /TA -M06.
Flight Visibility and Weather:
9. /WV - Wind: Direction and speed.
7. /WV 27045, /WV 280110.
Temperature (Celsius): 10. /TB - Turbulence: Use standard contractions for intensity and
type (use CAT or CHOP when appropriate). Include altitude only
if different from /FL.
11. /IC - Icing: Describe using standard intensity and type contractions.
9. /WV Include altitude only if different than /FL: /IC LGT-MDT RIME, /IC SVR CLR
12. /RM - Remarks: Use free form to clarify the report. Most hazardous element first:
Remarks: UA /OV KMRB-KPIT/TM 1600/FL100/TP BE55/SK BKN024-TOP032/BKN-OVC043-
FAA FORM 7110-2 (1-85) Supersedes Previous Edition
(Side A)
Figure 7-2
3467 [A]
3472. (Refer to Figure 14.) The base and tops of the 3474. (Refer to Figure 14.) If the terrain elevation is
overcast layer reported by a pilot are 1,295 feet MSL, what is the height above ground level
A— 1,800 feet MSL and 5,500 feet MSL. of the base of the ceiling?
B— 5,500 feet AGL and 7,200 feet MSL. A— 505 feet AGL.
C— 7,200 feet MSL and 8,900 feet MSL. B— 1,295 feet AGL.
C— 6,586 feet AGL.
Cloud layers in a PIREP are found after the “SK” heading.
Height of the cloud base is given in hundreds of feet, Cloud layers in a PIREP are found after the “SK” heading.
then the cloud cover symbol (SCT, BKN, etc.) is given, Height of the cloud base is given in hundreds of feet,
followed by the height of cloud tops in hundreds of feet. then the cloud cover symbol (SCT, BKN, etc.) is given,
A diagonal slash is used to separate cloud layers. followed by the height of the cloud tops in hundreds of
The base of the broken (BKN) layer was reported to feet. All cloud heights in a PIREP are MSL.
be 1,800 feet and tops at 5,500 feet (BKN018-TOP055). The first cloud layer was reported by a pilot to have
The question is asking for the overcast (OVC) layer bases at 1,800 feet and tops at 5,500 feet with broken
that has a reported base at 7,200 feet and tops at 8,900 (BKN) cloud cover (a broken cloud layer does constitute
feet. All cloud heights in a PIREP are MSL (OVC072- a ceiling).
TOP089). (PLT061) — AC 00-45 If the field elevation is 1,295 feet MSL and the base
of the first cloud layer (BKN) is 1,800 feet MSL, then
the base of the ceiling is 505 feet AGL.
1,800 MSL
3473. (Refer to Figure 14.) The wind and temperature
– 1,295 MSL
at 12,000 feet MSL as reported by a pilot are
505 AGL
A— 090° at 21 MPH and -9°F.
B— 090° at 21 knots and -9°C. (PLT061) — AC 00-45
C— 080° at 21 knots and -7°C.
3472 [C] 3473 [C] 3474 [A]
3475. (Refer to Figure 14.) The intensity of the turbu- 3476. (Refer to Figure 14.) The intensity and type of
lence reported at a specific altitude is icing reported by a pilot is
A— moderate from 5,500 feet to 7,200 feet. A— light to moderate.
B— moderate at 5,500 feet and at 7,200 feet. B— light to moderate rime.
C— light from 5,500 feet to 7,200 feet. C— light to moderate clear.
Turbulence in a PIREP is found after the “TB” heading. The intensity and type of icing is listed in a PIREP after
/TB LGT 055-072/ means light turbulence between 5,500 the “IC” heading. /IC LGT-MOD RIME 072-089 means
feet MSL and 7,200 feet MSL. (PLT061) — AC 00-45 light (LGT) to moderate (MOD) rime icing from 7,200
feet MSL to 8,900 feet MSL. (PLT061) — AC 00-45
The valid period is the four-digit group of the forecast in “SH” stands for showers, and “RA” stands for rain.
UTC, usually a 24-hour period. FAA Figure 15 uses a (PLT072) — AC 00-45
six-digit group, and includes the date. The valid period Answers (B) and (C) are incorrect because a permanent change in
for KMEM is a 24-hour period from 1800Z to 1800Z on existing conditions during the valid period of the TAF is indicated by
the 12th of the month (121818). (PLT072) — AC 00-45 the change groups FMHH (FroM) and BECMG (BECoMinG) HHhh.
3475 [C] 3476 [B] 3479 [A] 3480 [A]
3481. (Refer to Figure 15.) Between 1000Z and 1200Z 3484. (Refer to Figure 15.) In the TAF from KOKC, the
the visibility at KMEM is forecast to be clear sky becomes
A— 1/2 statute mile. A— overcast at 2,000 feet during the forecast period
B— 3 statute miles. between 2200Z and 2400Z.
C— 6 statute miles. B— overcast at 200 feet with a 40% probability of
becoming overcast at 600 feet during the forecast
Between 1000Z and 1200Z, the visibility at KMEM is period between 2200Z and 2400Z.
forecast to be 3 statute miles (BECMG 1012…3SM). C— overcast at 200 feet with the probability of
(PLT072) — AC 00-45 becoming overcast at 400 feet during the forecast
period between 2200Z and 2400Z.
ALL Between 2200Z and 2400Z (BECMG 2224), the sky
3482. (Refer to Figure 15.) What is the forecast wind will be overcast at 2,000 feet (OVC020). (PLT072) —
for KMEM from 1600Z until the end of the forecast? AC 00-45
A— No significant wind.
B— Variable in direction at 4 knots.
C— Variable in direction at 6 knots.
3485. (Refer to Figure 15.) During the time period from
From 1600Z until the end of the forecast, wind will be 0600Z to 0800Z, what visibility is forecast for KOKC?
variable in direction at 6 knots (VRB06KT). (PLT072) A— Greater than 6 statute miles.
— AC 00-45 B— Not forecasted.
C— Possibly 6 statute miles.
ALL During the period from 0600Z to 0800Z (0608), the vis-
3483. (Refer to Figure 15.) In the TAF from KOKC, the ibilities are forecast to be greater than 6 statute miles
“FM (FROM) Group” is forecast for the hours from 1600Z (P6SM). (PLT072) — AC 00-45
to 2200Z with the wind from
A— 160° at 10 knots.
B— 180° at 10 knots, becoming 200° at 13 knots.
C— 180° at 10 knots. 3486. (Refer to Figure 15.) The only cloud type forecast
in TAF reports is
The FROM group is forecast for the hours from 1600 A— nimbostratus.
(FM1600) to 2200Z (BECMG 2224) with the wind from B— cumulonimbus.
180° at 10 knots (18010KT). (PLT072) — AC 00-45 C— scattered cumulus.
Answer (A) is incorrect because 18010 indicates the wind will be
from 180. Answer (B) is incorrect because “BECMG” indicates Cumulonimbus clouds are the only cloud types forecast
another change group; the wind will change from 200 at 13 knots in TAFs. (PLT072) — AC 00-45
between 2200 and 2400Z.
3481 [B] 3482 [C] 3483 [C] 3484 [A] 3485 [A] 3486 [B]
3478 [C] 3487 [A] 3488 [A] 3489 [A]
3490. The section of the Area Forecast entitled “VFR 3492. (Refer to Figure 16.) The Chicago FA forecast
CLDS/ WX” contains a general description of section is valid until the twenty-fifth at
A— cloudiness and weather significant to flight A— 1945Z.
operations broken down by states or other B— 0800Z.
geographical areas. C— 1400Z.
B— forecast sky cover, cloud tops, visibility, and
obstructions to vision along specific routes. The Chicago FA forecast section is valid until the 25th
C— clouds and weather which cover an area greater day of the month at 0800Z. (PLT081) — AC 00-45
than 3,000 square miles and is significant to VFR Answer (A) is incorrect because 1945Z is the time the forecast was
flight operations. written. Answer (C) is incorrect because 1400Z is the time through
which the synopsis and outlook are valid.
The “VFR CLDS/WX” section may be broken down by
states or well-known geographical areas. The specific
forecast section gives a general description of clouds
3493. (Refer to Figure 16.) What sky condition and type
and weather that cover an area greater than 3,000
obstructions to vision are forecast for upper Michigan in
square miles and are significant to VFR flight operations.
the western portions from 0200Z until 0500Z?
(PLT291) — AC 00-45
A— Ceiling becoming 1,000 feet overcast with
visibility 3 to 5 statute miles in mist.
ALL B— Ceiling becoming 100 feet overcast with visibility
3491. (Refer to Figure 16.) What sky condition and 3 to 5 statue miles in mist.
visibility are forecast for upper Michigan in the eastern C— Ceiling becoming 1,000 feet overcast with
portions after 2300Z? visibility 3 to 5 nautical miles in mist.
A— Ceiling 100 feet overcast and 3 to 5 statute miles
visibility. In the western portions of upper Michigan, ceilings are
B— Ceiling 1,000 feet overcast and 3 to 5 nautical forecast to be overcast at 1,000 feet with visibility between
miles visibility. 3–5 statute miles in mist. (PLT081) — AC 00‑45
C— Ceiling 1,000 feet overcast and 3 to 5 statute
miles visibility.
3490 [C] 3491 [C] 3492 [B] 3493 [A]
A six-digit group shows wind directions (in reference to A six-digit group shows wind directions (in reference to
true north) in the first two digits, wind speed (in knots) in true north) in the first two digits, wind speed (in knots)
the second two digits, and temperature (in Celsius) in the in the second two digits, and temperature (in Celsius)
last two digits. In this case, 2332+02 means 230° at 32 in the last two digits. In this case, 2321-04 means 230°
knots, and the temperature is 2°C. (PLT076) — AC 00-45 at 21 knots, and the temperature is -4°C. (PLT076) —
AC 00-45
3501. (Refer to Figure 17.) What wind is forecast for ALL
STL at 12,000 feet? 3503. (Refer to Figure 17.) Determine the wind and
A— 230° true at 56 knots. temperature aloft forecast for MKC at 6,000 feet.
B— 230° magnetic at 56 knots. A— 200° true at 6 knots, temperature +3°C.
C— 230° true at 39 knots. B— 050° true at 7 knots, temperature missing.
C— 200° magnetic at 6 knots, temperature +3°C.
A six-digit group shows wind directions (in reference to
true north) in the first two digits, wind speed (in knots) A six-digit group shows wind directions (in reference to
in the second two digits, and temperature (in Celsius) true north) in the first two digits, wind speed (in knots)
in the last two digits. In this case, 2339-04 means 230° in the second two digits, and temperature (in Celsius) in
at 39 knots, and the temperature is -4°C. (PLT076) — the last two digits. In this case, 2006+03 means 200° at 6
AC 00-45 knots, and the temperature is 3°C. (PLT076) — AC 00-45
3500 [A] 3501 [C] 3502 [C] 3503 [A]
3505. What values are used for Winds Aloft Forecasts? 3506. When the term “light and variable” is used in
A— Magnetic direction and knots. reference to a Winds Aloft Forecast, the coded group
B— Magnetic direction and miles per hour. and windspeed is
C— True direction and knots. A— 0000 and less than 7 knots.
B— 9900 and less than 5 knots.
A six-digit group shows wind directions (in reference to C— 9999 and less than 10 knots.
true north) in the first two digits, wind speed (in knots)
in the second two digits, and temperature (in Celsius) When the forecast speed is less than 5 knots, the coded
in the last two digits. (PLT284) — AC 00-45 group is “9900” and reads “light and variable” on the
Winds Aloft Forecast. (PLT284) — AC 00-45
3507. (Refer to Figure 18.) What is the status of the
front that extends from Nebraska through the upper
peninsula of Michigan?
A— Cold.
B— Warm.
C— Stationary.
Question 3507
3505 [C] 3506 [B] 3507 [A]
3509. (Refer to Figure 18.) Of what value is the Weather
Depiction Chart to the pilot?
A— For determining general weather conditions on
which to base flight planning.
B— For a forecast of cloud coverage, visibilities, and
frontal activity.
C— For determining frontal trends and air mass
2365. The position of fronts and pressure systems (as
of chart time) is best determined by referring to a
A— Surface Analysis Chart.
B— Radar Summary Chart.
C— Weather Depiction Chart.
3508 [B] 3509 [A] 2365 [A] 3510 [C]
3511. (Refer to Figure 18.) What weather phenomenon 3513. Radar weather reports are of special interest to
is causing IFR conditions in central Oklahoma? pilots because they indicate
A— Low visibility only. A— location of precipitation along with type, intensity,
B— Heavy rain showers. and cell movement of precipitation.
C— Low ceilings and visibility. B— location of precipitation along with type, intensity,
and trend.
The contoured area with shading indicates IFR condi- C— large areas of low ceilings and fog.
tions due to ceilings less than 1,000 feet and/or visibilities
less than 3 miles. (PLT289) — AC 00-45 The radar weather report (SD) includes the type, inten-
sity, and location of the echo top of the precipitation. The
intensity trend of precipitation is no longer coded on the
ALL SD. (PLT353) — AC 00-45
3512. (Refer to Figure 18.) According to the Weather
Depiction Chart, the weather for a flight from southern
Michigan to north Indiana is ceilings
A— 1,000 to 3,000 feet and/or visibility 3 to 5 miles.
B— less than 1,000 feet and/or visibility less than 3
C— greater than 3, 000 feet and visibility greater than
5 miles.
3511 [C] 3512 [C] 3513 [A]
Figure 7-5
3520. (Refer to Figure 20.) How are Significant Weather 3521. (Refer to Figure 20.) Interpret the weather symbol
Prognostic Charts best used by a pilot? depicted in Utah on the 12-hour Significant Weather
A— For overall planning at all altitudes. Prognostic Chart.
B— For determining areas to avoid (freezing levels A— Moderate turbulence, surface to 18,000 feet.
and turbulence). B— Base of clear air turbulence, 18,000 feet.
C— For analyzing current frontal activity and cloud C— Thunderstorm tops at 18,000 feet.
The symbol indicates moderate turbulence. The “180/”
While Significant Weather Prognostic Charts portray indicates the turbulent layer is from the surface to 18,000
forecast weather which may influence flight planning, feet. (PLT068) — AC 00-45
they are most useful in identifying the freezing level and
areas of turbulence. (PLT068) — AC 00-45
3520 [B] 3521 [A]
3522. (Refer to Figure 20.) What weather is forecast 3523. (Refer to Figure 20.) The enclosed shaded area
for the Florida area just ahead of the stationary front associated with the low pressure system over northern
during the first 12 hours? Utah is forecast to have
A— Ceiling 1,000 to 3,000 feet and/or visibility 3 to 5 A— continuous snow.
miles with intermittent precipitation. B— intermittent snow.
B— Ceiling 1,000 to 3,000 feet and/or visibility 3 to 5 C— continuous snow showers.
miles with continuous precipitation.
C— Ceiling less than 1,000 feet and/or visibility less The double asterisks (**) in the bottom left panel indi-
than 3 miles with continuous precipitation. cate continuous snow, as the arrow points them into the
shaded area. (PLT068) — AC 00-45
The two left panels are 12-hour progs. The upper left
panel is the 12-hour prog of significant weather from the
surface (SFC) to 400 millibars (24,000 feet). The Florida ALL
area is outlined in a scalloped line, indicating MVFR 3524. (Refer to Figure 20.) At what altitude is the
conditions of ceiling 1,000–3,000 feet inclusive and/or freezing level over the middle of Florida on the 12-hour
visibility 3–5 miles inclusive. The bottom left panel is the Significant Weather Prognostic Chart?
12-hour surface prog. The shaded area with 3 circles A— 4,000 feet.
indicates continuous rain. (PLT068) — AC 00-45 B— 12,000 feet.
C— 8,000 feet.
3522 [B] 3523 [A] 3524 [B]
3495 [C] 3496 [A] 3497 [C] 3498 [B] 3499 [B]
ALL 3459. To update a previous weather briefing, a pilot
3456. To get a complete weather briefing for the planned should request
flight, the pilot should request A— an abbreviated briefing.
A— a general briefing. B— a standard briefing.
B— an abbreviated briefing. C— an outlook briefing.
C— a standard briefing.
Request an abbreviated briefing when you need infor-
You should request a standard briefing any time you are mation to supplement mass disseminated data, update
planning a flight and you have not received a previous a previous briefing, or when you need only one or two
briefing. (PLT514) — AC 00-45 specific items. (PLT514) — AC 00-45
3457. Which type weather briefing should a pilot request,
when departing within the hour, if no preliminary weather
information has been received?
A— Outlook briefing.
B— Abbreviated briefing.
C— Standard briefing.
3455 [A] 3456 [C] 3457 [C] 3458 [C] 3459 [A]
You should request an outlook briefing whenever your When requesting a briefing, pilots should identify them-
proposed time of departure is 6 or more hours from the selves and provide as much information regarding the
time of the briefing. This type of briefing is provided for proposed flight as possible. The information received will
planning purposes only. You should obtain a standard or depend on the type of briefing requested. The following
abbreviated briefing prior to departure in order to obtain would be helpful to the briefer.
such items as current conditions, updated forecasts, 1. Type of flight, visual flight rule (VFR) or instrument
winds aloft and NOTAMs. (PLT514) — AC 00-45 operating rule (IFR)
2. Aircraft number or pilot’s name
ALL 3. Aircraft type
3461. When requesting weather information for the
4. Departure point
following morning, a pilot should request
5. Route of flight
A— an outlook briefing.
B— a standard briefing. 6. Destination
C— an abbreviated briefing. 7. Flight altitude(s)
8. Estimated time of departure
You should request an outlook briefing whenever your
proposed time of departure is 6 or more hours from the 9. Estimated time en route or estimated time of arrival
time of the briefing. This type of briefing is provided for (PLT445) — FAA-H-8083-25
planning purposes only. You should obtain a standard or
abbreviated briefing prior to departure in order to obtain
such items as current conditions, updated forecasts, ALL
winds aloft and NOTAMs. (PLT514) — AC 00-45 3528. When telephoning a weather briefing facility for
preflight weather information, pilots should state
A— the aircraft identification or the pilot’s name.
B— true airspeed.
3526. What should pilots state initially when telephoning
C— fuel on board.
a weather briefing facility for preflight weather informa-
tion? When requesting a briefing, make known you are a pilot.
A— The intended route of flight radio frequencies. Give clear and concise facts about your flight:
B— The address of the pilot in command. 1. Type of flight: VFR or IFR
C— The intended route of flight and destination.
2. Aircraft identification or pilot’s name
When requesting a briefing, pilots should identify them- 3. Aircraft type
selves and provide as much information regarding the 4. Departure point
proposed flight as possible. (PLT445) — FAA-H-8083‑25
Answer (A) is incorrect because the pilot only needs to identify the
5. Route-of-flight
route of flight. Answer (B) is incorrect because the caller only needs 6. Destination
to provide an aircraft number or pilot’s name.
7. Altitude
8. Estimated time of departure
9. Estimated time en route or estimated time of arrival
(PLT514) — FAA-H-8083-25
Answers (B) and (C) are incorrect because these are necessary
when filing a flight plan, but not when obtaining a weather briefing.
3460 [A] 3461 [A] 3526 [C] 3527 [B] 3528 [A]
3528-1. When speaking to an AFSS weather briefer, 3470. (Refer to Figure 13.) What effect do the clouds
you should state mentioned in the weather briefing have on soaring
A— the pilot-in-command’s full name and address. conditions?
B— a summary of your qualifications. A— All thermals stop at the base of the clouds.
C— whether the flight is VFR or IFR. B— Thermals persist to the tops of the clouds at
25,000 feet.
When requesting a briefing, make known you are a pilot. C— The scattered clouds indicate thermals at least to
Give clear and concise facts about your flight: the tops of the lower clouds.
1. Type of flight: VFR or IFR
The telephone weather briefing indicates a few scattered
2. Aircraft identification or pilot’s name clouds at 5,000 feet AGL, with higher scattered cirrus
3. Aircraft type at 25,000 feet MSL. This briefing shows two different
4. Departure point clouds bases and does not give cloud tops. Thermals are
a product of instability. The height of thermals depends
5. Route of flight on the depth of the unstable layer, and their strength
6. Destination depends on the degree of instability. A cloud grows with
a rising thermal and scattered cumulus clouds are posi-
7. Altitude
tive signs of thermals. Whereas an abundant convective
8. Estimated time of departure cloud cover reduces thermal activity, thermals will exist
9. Estimated time en route or estimated time of arrival at least to the tops of the scattered clouds, especially
if the outline is firm and sharp, indicating a growing
(PLT514) – FAA-H-8083-25
cumulus. (PLT316) — AC 00-45
3525. In addition to the standard briefing, what additional
3471. (Refer to Figure 13.) At what time will thermals
information should be asked of the weather briefer in
begin to form?
order to evaluate soaring conditions?
A— Between 1300Z and 1500Z while the sky is clear.
A— The upper soundings to determine the thermal
B— By 1500Z (midmorning) when scattered clouds
index at all soaring levels.
begin to form.
B— Dry adiabatic rate of cooling to determine the
C— About 2000Z (early afternoon) when the wind
height of cloud bases.
begins to increase.
C— Moist adiabatic rate of cooling to determine the
height of cloud tops. The telephone weather briefing indicates there should
be a few scattered clouds at 5,000 feet AGL by 15Z.
Since thermals depend on sinking cold air forcing
The sky must be clear enough for the sun to warm
warm air upward, strength of thermals depends on the
the earth’s surface in order for thermals to develop.
temperature difference between the sinking air and the
(PLT494) — AC 00-45
rising air — the greater the temperature difference, the
stronger the thermals. To arrive at an approximation of
this difference, a thermal index is computed. A thermal
index may be computed for any level using upper sound-
ings. (PLT514) — AC 00-45
3528-1 [C] 3525 [A] 3470 [C] 3471 [A]
3471-1. (Refer to Figure 13.) When are the thermals 3469. (Refer to Figure 13.) According to the weather
at the best? briefing, good balloon weather will begin to deteriorate
A— Between 1300Z and 1500Z while the sky is clear. A— soon after 1300Z as the wind starts to increase.
B— By 1500Z (midmorning) when scattered clouds B— about 1500Z when the lower scattered clouds
begin to form. begin to form.
C— About 2000Z (early afternoon) when the wind C— at 2000Z due to sharp increase in wind
begins to form. conditions.
The telephone weather briefing indicates there should The telephone weather briefing given at 13Z indicates
be a few scattered clouds at 5,000 feet AGL by 15Z. only a few scattered clouds at 5,000 feet AGL, with
Thermals are a product of instability. A cloud grows higher scattered cirrus at 25,000 feet MSL to form by
with a rising thermal and scattered cumulus clouds are 15Z. After 20Z, however, the wind should pick up to
positive signs of thermals. Whereas abundant convective about 15 knots from the south. The marked increase of
cloud cover reduces thermal activity, thermals will exist wind at 20Z indicates deteriorating ballooning weather.
at least to the tops of the scattered clouds — especially (PLT316) — AC 00-45
if the outline is firm and sharp, indicating a growing
cumulus. (PLT494) — AC 00-45
3477. Which weather reports and forecasts are most
LTA important for local area balloon operations?
3411. What early morning weather observations indicate A— Winds Aloft Forecasts and Radar Summary
the possibility of good weather conditions for balloon Charts.
flight most of the day? B— Winds Aloft Forecasts and Surface Analysis
A— Clear skies and surface winds, 10 knots or less. Charts.
B— Low moving, scattered cumulus clouds and C— Winds Aloft Forecasts and Aviation Routine
surface winds, 5 knots or less. Weather Reports.
C— Overcast with stratus clouds and surface winds, 5
knots or less. Local information is provided by the Aviation Routine
Weather Report (METAR). (PLT515) — AC 00-45
Stratiform clouds indicate no turbulence and 5 knots or Answer (A) is incorrect because it is a local flight. Answer (B) is
less winds are well within safety parameters. (PLT173) incorrect because Surface Analysis Charts are a nationwide refer-
— AC 00-6A, Chapter 6 ence.
3468. (Refer to Figure 13.) According to the weather
briefing, the most ideal time to launch balloons is
A— as soon as possible after 1300Z.
B— at 1500Z when the ground will be partially
C— at 2000Z when there is enough wind for cross-
3471-1 [B] 3411 [C] 3468 [A] 3469 [C] 3477 [C]
The empty weight is obtained from appropriate charts. It includes the airframe, engine, all fixed
equipment, and unusable fuel and oil. Some aircraft include all oil in the aircraft empty weight. The use-
ful load includes the pilot, passengers, baggage, fuel and oil. The takeoff weight is the empty weight
plus the useful load. The landing weight is the takeoff weight minus any fuel used.
The arm is the horizontal distance measured in inches from the datum line to a point on the aircraft.
If measured aft, toward the tail, the arm is given a positive (+) value; if measured forward, toward the
nose, the arm is given a negative (-) value. See Figure 8-1.
The moment is the product of the weight of
an object multiplied by its arm and is expressed
in pound-inches (lbs-in). A formula that is used to
find moment is usually expressed as follows:
Weight × Arm = Moment
The moment index is a moment divided by a
constant such as 100 or 1,000. It is used to simplify
computations where heavy items and long arms
result in large, unmanageable numbers. This is
usually expressed as Moment/100 or Mom/1,000, Figure 8-1. Positive and negative arm
The center of gravity (CG) is the point about which an aircraft will balance, and it is expressed in
inches from datum. The center of gravity is found by dividing the total moment by the total weight, and
the formula is usually expressed as follows:
Total Moment
= CG (inches aft of datum)
Total Weight
Standard weights have been established for numerous items involved in weight and balance
computations. These weights should not be used if actual weights are available. Some of the standard
weights are:
Item Weight
General aviation crew and passenger.........................190 lbs each
Gasoline......................................................................6 lbs/U.S. gallon
Oil................................................................................7.5 lbs/U.S. gallon
Water...........................................................................8.35 lbs/U.S. gallon
In addition to considering the weight to be carried, the pilot must ensure that the load is arranged to keep
the aircraft in balance. The balance point, or Center of Gravity ( ), is the point at which all of the weight
of the airplane is considered to be concentrated. For an aircraft to be safe to fly, the center of gravity
must fall between specified limits. All aircraft categories have unique balance requirements; some need
to be balanced precisely while others are less sensitive to fore and aft weight distribution. The specific
balance requirements for each aircraft category are covered in the Pilot Operating Handbook (POH) and
will be tested on during the practical (checkride). To keep the CG within safe limits it may be necessary
to move weight toward the nose of the aircraft (forward), which moves the CG forward, or toward the
tail (aft) which moves the CG aft.
The specified forward and aft points within which the CG must be located for safe flight are called
the center of gravity limits. These limits are specified by the manufacturer. The distance between the
forward and aft CG limits is called the center of gravity range.
Weight-Shift Control
Weight and loading is typically used for weight-shift control. The cart normally does not have balance
requirements, but the attachment point to the cart is specified in the Pilot’s Operating Handbook.
Powered Parachute
Weight and loading is used for powered parachutes. The POH procedure for the fore and aft attachment
points of the wing to the cart must be followed so that the cart will obtain the proper deck angle (the
angle of the cart bottom with the horizontal plane).
Find the moments left and right of the fulcrum, and set Empty weight consists of the airframe, engines, and all
them equal to one another. items of operating equipment that have fixed locations
Left = right and are permanently installed in the airplane. It includes
optional and special equipment, fixed ballast, hydraulic
50(50) + Y(25) = 100(100) fluid, unusable (residual) fuel, and undrainable (residual)
2,500 + 25Y = 10,000 oil. (PLT328) — FAA-H-8083-25
Y = 300 pounds Answer (B) is incorrect because empty weight also includes operat-
ing fluids and unusable fuel. Answer (C) is incorrect because empty
(PLT021) — FAA-H-8083-25 weight does not include full fuel.
3663-1 [C] 3663-2 [A] 3661 [A] 3662 [C]
3663 [C] 2371 [C]
2. Fill in the arms (found in FAA Figure 33) and calculate the moments. Moments are determined by
multiplying in each row: weight x arm. Then divide that moment by 100 to keep the number a man-
ageable size, and finally, total all moments.
Item Weight (lbs) Arm (in) Moment/100 (lbs-in)
Front seat occupants 340 85 289.0
Rear seat occupants 295 121 357.0
Fuel (main wing tanks) 264 75 198.0
Baggage 56 140 78.4
Empty weight + 2,015 1,554.0
2,970 lbs 2,476.4 lbs-in
3. Determine the balance conditions. Looking at FAA Figure 34, notice that the table stops at the maxi-
mum weight of 2,950. Even though the weight is off the scale, the Moment of 2,476.4 is between the
minimum and maximum Moment limits given in the table. Therefore, we are 20 pounds overweight
and within balance limits.
3664. GIVEN: 3665. (Refer to Figures 33 and 34.) Determine if the
WEIGHT ARM MOMENT airplane weight and balance is within limits.
(LB) (IN) (LB-IN) Front seat occupants.......................................... 340 lb
Empty weight 1,495.0 101.4 151,593.0 Rear seat occupants........................................... 295 lb
Pilot and passengers 380.0 64.0 — Fuel (main wing tanks)....................................... 44 gal
Fuel (30 gal usable– — 96.0 — Baggage............................................................... 56 lb
no reserve)
A— 20 pounds overweight, CG aft of aft limits.
The CG is located how far aft of datum? B— 20 pounds overweight, CG within limits.
A— CG 92.44. C— 20 pounds overweight, CG forward of forward
B— CG 94.01. limits.
C— CG 119.8.
When multiplying a weight by its arm you must divide
1. Compute the total weight and moment using the by 100 to get moment index (Moment/100). Moments
formula: listed in FAA Figures 33 and 34 are already divided by
Weight x Arm = Moment 100, and are therefore moment indexes.
or: 1. Calculate weight and moment index using the infor-
Item Weight Arm Moment mation from the question and from FAA Figures 33
Empty weight 1,495.0 101.4 151,593.0 and 34 and the formula:
Pilot & passenger 380.0 64.0 24,320.0 Weight x Arm ÷ 100 = Moment/Index
Fuel (30 x 6) 180.0 96.0 17,280.0 Item Weight Arm Moment/100
Total 2,055.0 lbs 193,193.0 Empty weight 2,015 lbs 1,554.0 lbs-in
2. Compute the center of gravity using the formula: Front seat 340 lbs 85 289.0 lbs-in
Total Moment Rear seat 295 lbs 121 357.0 lbs-in
CG = Fuel (44 x 6) 264 lbs 75 198.0 lbs-in
Total Weight
Baggage 56 lbs 140 78.4 lbs-in
Total 2,970 lbs 2,476.4 lbs-in
CG = = 94.01 inches aft of datum 2. Consult the Moment Limits vs. Weight Table, FAA
Figure 34. The aircraft weight is 2,970 pounds or
(PLT021) — FAA-H-8083-25 20 pounds in excess of the maximum weight on the
chart. The moment of 2,476.4 lbs-in would be within
limits if the chart went to 2,970 pounds gross weight.
(PLT121) — FAA-H-8083-25
3664 [B] 3665 [B]
3666. (Refer to Figures 33 and 34.) What is the maxi- 3667. (Refer to Figures 33 and 34.) Calculate the weight
mum amount of baggage that can be carried when the and balance and determine if the CG and the weight of
airplane is loaded as follows? the airplane are within limits.
Front seat occupants.......................................... 387 lb Front seat occupants.......................................... 350 lb
Rear seat occupants........................................... 293 lb Rear seat occupants........................................... 325 lb
Fuel..................................................................... 35 gal Baggage............................................................... 27 lb
A— 45 pounds. Fuel..................................................................... 35 gal
B— 63 pounds. A— CG 81.7, out of limits forward.
C— 220 pounds. B— CG 83.4, within limits.
C— CG 84.1, within limits.
1. When multiplying a weight times its arm you must
divide by 100 to get moment index. Calculate total Use the following steps:
weight and total moment index using the information 1. Calculate weight and moment index using the infor-
from the question and from FAA Figures 33 and 34 mation from the problem and from FAA Figures 33
and the formula: and 34 and the formula:
Weight x Arm ÷ 100 = Moment/Index Weight x Arm ÷ 100 = Moment/Index
Item Weight Arm Moment/100 Item Weight Arm Moment/100
Empty weight 2,015 lbs 1,554.0 lbs-in Empty weight 2,015 lbs 1,554.0 lbs-in
Front seat 387 lbs 85 329.0 lbs-in Front seat 350 lbs 85 297.5 lbs-in
Rear seat 293 lbs 121 354.5 lbs-in Rear seat 325 lbs 121 393.3 lbs-in
Fuel (35 x 6) 210 lbs 75 157.5 lbs-in Baggage 27 lbs 140 37.8 lbs-in
Total 2,905 lbs 2,395.0 lbs-in Fuel (35 x 6) 210 lbs 75 157.5 lbs-in
2. The maximum takeoff weight is 2,950 pounds. Cal- Total 2,927 lbs 2,440.1 lbs-in
culate what the allowed baggage weight would be:
2. Calculate the position of CG using the formula:
2,950 – 2,905 = 45 pounds
Total Mom Ind
3. Verify that the CG would remain within the allowable CG = x Reduction Factor
Total Weight
range with this much baggage by calculating the new or:
weight and moment index.
Item Weight Arm Moment/100 2,440.1
CG = x 100 = 83.4 inches aft of datum
Original total 2,905 lbs 2,395.0 lbs-in 2,927
Baggage + 45 lbs 140 + 63.0 lbs-in (PLT021) — FAA-H-8083-25
New Total 2,950 lbs 2,458.0 lbs-in
4. Consult the Moment Limit vs. Weight Table, FAA
Figure 34. For a weight of 2,950 pounds, the range
of allowable moments is 2,422 to 2,499. The new
total moment index of 2,458.0 is acceptable.
(PLT021) — FAA-H-8083-25
3666 [A] 3667 [B]
3668. (Refer to Figures 33 and 34.) Determine if the 3674. (Refer to Figures 33 and 34.) Upon landing, the
airplane weight and balance is within limits. front passenger (180 pounds) departs the airplane. A
Front seat occupants.......................................... 415 lb rear passenger (204 pounds) moves to the front pas-
Rear seat occupants........................................... 110 lb senger position. What effect does this have on the CG
Fuel, main tanks................................................. 44 gal if the airplane weighed 2,690 pounds and the MOM/100
Fuel, aux. tanks.................................................. 19 gal was 2,260 just prior to the passenger transfer?
Baggage............................................................... 32 lb A— The CG moves forward approximately 3 inches.
A— 19 pounds overweight, CG within limits. B— The weight changes, but the CG is not affected.
B— 19 pounds overweight, CG out of limits forward. C— The CG moves forward approximately 0.1 inch.
C— Weight within limits, CG out of limits.
Use the following steps:
Use the following steps: 1. Consider the effect on the total weight.
1. Calculate weight and moment index using the infor- Item Weight
mation from the problem and from FAA Figures 33 Original weight 2,690 pounds
and 34, and the formula: Deplaned passenger – 180 pounds
New Weight 2,510 pounds
Weight x Arm ÷ 100 = Moment/Index
Item Weight Arm Moment/100 2. Consider the effect on the total moment index using
Empty weight 2,015 lbs 1,554.0 lbs-in the arms given in FAA Figure 33, and the formula:
Front seat 415 lbs 85 352.8 lbs-in Weight x Arm ÷ 100 = Moment/Index
Rear seat 110 lbs 121 133.1 lbs-in
Item Weight Arm Moment/100
Fuel main 44 x 6 264 lbs 75 198.0 lbs-in
Fuel aux. 19 x 6 114 lbs 94 107.2 lbs-in Original weight & Mom Ind 2,690 2,260.0 lbs-in
Baggage 32 lbs 140 44.8 lbs-in Passenger exiting, front -180 85 -153.0 lbs-in
Passenger exiting, rear -204 121 -246.8 lbs-in
Total 2,950 lbs 2,389.9 lbs-in
Passenger into front + 204 85 + 173.4 lbs-in
2. Calculate the CG using the formula: New Total Weight & Moment 2,510 2,033.6 lbs-in
Total Mom Ind
CG = x Reduction Factor 3. Determine both the original and new CG using the
Total Weight
or: formula:
Total Mom Ind
2,389.9 CG = x Reduction Factor
CG = x 100 = 81.0 inches aft of datum Total Weight
2,950 or:
3. Consult the Moment Limits vs. Weight Table (FAA a. Original CG =
Figure 34). A CG of 81 inches is 1.1 inches forward 2,260
of the forward CG limit for a weight (allowed) of x 100 = 84.0 inches aft of datum
2,950 pounds (2,422 ÷ 2,950 = 82.1); (82.1 – 81 =
1.1 inches forward). b. New CG =
(PLT121) — FAA-H-8083-25 x 100 = 81.0 inches aft of datum
4. Calculate the change in CG:
84 – 81 = 3 inches (forward)
(PLT021) — FAA-H-8083-25
3668 [C] 3674 [A]
3675. (Refer to Figures 33 and 34.) Which action can 3676. (Refer to Figures 33 and 34.) What effect does
adjust the airplane’s weight to maximum gross weight a 35-gallon fuel burn (main tanks) have on the weight
and the CG within limits for takeoff? and balance if the airplane weighed 2,890 pounds and
Front seat occupants.......................................... 425 lb the MOM/100 was 2,452 at takeoff?
Rear seat occupants........................................... 300 lb A— Weight is reduced by 210 pounds and the CG is
Fuel, main tanks................................................. 44 gal aft of limits.
A— Drain 12 gallons of fuel. B— Weight is reduced by 210 pounds and the CG is
B— Drain 9 gallons of fuel. unaffected.
C— Transfer 12 gallons of fuel from the main tanks to C— Weight is reduced to 2,680 pounds and the CG
the auxiliary tanks. moves forward.
3675 [B] 3676 [A]
3677. (Refer to Figures 33 and 34.) With the airplane
loaded as follows, what action can be taken to balance
the airplane?
Front seat occupants.......................................... 411 lb
Rear seat occupants........................................... 100 lb
Main wing tanks.................................................. 44 gal
A— Fill the auxiliary wing tanks.
B— Add a 100-pound weight to the baggage
C— Transfer 10 gallons of fuel from the main tanks to
the auxiliary tanks.
3677 [B]
2. Determine the moments. Using FAA Figure 35, locate the moments for all the given weights:
Item Weight (lbs) Moment/1,000 (lbs-in)
Pilot, front passenger 250 9.3
Rear passengers 400 29.3
Fuel 180 8.7
Oil 15 -0.2 *
Baggage — —
Empty weight + 1,350 51.5
2,195 lbs 98.6 lbs-in
*from note in center of FAA Figure 35
3. From the Center of Gravity Moment Envelope, bottom of FAA Figure 35, determine the maximum
allowable gross weight of the aircraft, as indicated by the top of the “Normal Category” envelope
(2,300 pounds). Comparing the total weight of this problem with the maximum allowable weight
shows that 105 pounds of baggage could be carried:
– 2,195
4. From the Loading Graph, determine the Mom/1,000 of 105 pounds of baggage.
Add that amount to the previous total Mom/1,000:
Item Weight (lbs) Moment/1,000 (lbs-in)
Totals 2,195 98.6
Baggage + 105 + 10.0
New Totals 2,300 lbs 108.6 lbs-in
5. Enter the Center of Gravity Moment Envelope Graph at the total Mom/1,000 (108.6) and the maxi-
mum allowable gross weight line at 2,300 pounds. The point of intersection falls within the “Normal
Category” envelope and acceptable weight and balance conditions.
3669 [A] 3670 [B]
3671. (Refer to Figure 35.) What is the maximum amount 3673. (Refer to Figure 35.) Determine the aircraft loaded
of fuel that may be aboard the airplane on takeoff if moment and the aircraft category.
loaded as follows? WEIGHT (LB) MOM/1000
WEIGHT (LB) MOM/1000 Empty weight 1,350 51.5
Empty weight 1,350 51.5 Pilot and front passenger 380 —
Pilot and front passenger 340 — Fuel, 48 gal 288 —
Rear passengers 310 — Oil, 8 qt — —
Baggage 45 — A— 78.2, normal category.
Oil, 8 qt — — B— 79.2, normal category.
A— 24 gallons. C— 80.4, utility category.
B— 32 gallons.
C— 40 gallons. Use the following steps:
1. Find the total weight and moment index by using the
1. Find the total weight and moment index (except fuel) loading graph from FAA Figure 35.
by using the loading graph in FAA Figure 35. Item Weight Moment/1,000
Item Weight Moment/1,000 B.E.W. 1,350 lbs 51.5 lbs-in
B.E.W. 1,350 lbs 51.5 lbs-in Pilot & Pax (a) 380 lbs 14.0 lbs-in
Pilot & Pax (a) 340 lbs 12.6 lbs-in Fuel (b) 288 lbs 13.8 lbs-in
Rear Pax (b) 310 lbs 22.6 lbs-in Oil (c) 15 lbs -0.2 lbs-in
Baggage (c) 45 lbs 4.2 lbs-in Total 2,033 lbs 79.1 lbs-in
Oil (d) 15 lbs -0.2 lbs-in
Total 2,060 lbs 90.7 lbs-in 2. Plot the position of the point determined by 2,033
lbs. and a moment of 79.1 lbs-in/1,000. The point is
2. Calculate the additional fuel weight which can be within the normal category envelope.
(PLT092) — FAA-H-8083-25
2,300 – 2,060 = 240 lbs
3. Calculate the number of gallons of fuel at 6 lbs/
3672. (Refer to Figure 35.) Determine the moment with
240 ÷ 6 = 40 gallons the following data:
4. Calculate the added fuel moment index from the WEIGHT (LB) MOM/1000
graph (40 gal fuel – 11.5 MOM/1,000). Empty weight 1,350 51.5
5. Calculate the new total weight and moment index: Pilot and front passenger 340 —
Weight Moment/1,000
Fuel (std tanks) Capacity —
Oil, 8 qt — —
2,060 lbs 90.7 lbs-in
+ 240 lbs 11.5 lbs-in A— 69.9 pound-inches.
2,300 lbs 102.2 lbs-in B— 74.9 pound-inches.
C— 77.6 pound-inches.
6. Plot the position of the point determined by 2,300
pounds and a moment index of 102.2 lbs-in/1,000. 1. Find the total weight and moment index by using the
The point lies on the normal category envelope. loading graph from FAA Figure 35.
(PLT092) — FAA-H-8083-25 Item Weight Moment/1,000
B.E.W. 1,350 lbs 51.5 lbs-in
Pilot & Pax (a) 340 lbs 12.6 lbs-in
Fuel (Std. Tanks) (b) 228 lbs 11.0 lbs-in
Oil (c) 15 lbs -0.2 lbs-in
Total 1,933 lbs 74.9 lbs-in
(PLT003) — FAA-H-8083-25
3671 [C] 3673 [B] 3672 [B]
3720 [C] 3721 [A] 3722 [B]
3723 [B] 3724 [A] 3725 [B]
Use the following steps: 2. Determine the revised weight and moment. The
1. Calculate the original position of the CG using the auxiliary fuel burn is 19 gallons (the dotted line goes
formula: from 44 to 25). 19 x 6 = 114 lbs. The station for the
Total Moment fuel is 107 inches as shown on the Loading Chart
CG = of FAA Figure 43. Use the following formula:
Total Weight
or: Weight x Arm = Moment
195,365 Item Weight Arm Moment
CG = = 95.3 inches aft of datum
2,050 Original total 1,660 lbs 159,898.5 lbs-in
2. Determine the revised weight and moment. The Fuel burn – 114 lbs 107 –12,198 lbs-in
station for the fuel is 96.9 inches as shown on the New Total 1,546 lbs 147,700.5 lbs-in
question which contradicts FAA Figure 43. Use the 3. Calculate the new CG:
following formula:
147,700.5 ÷ 1,546 = 95.54 inches aft of datum
Weight x Arm = Moment
4. Compute the change in CG:
Item Weight Arm Moment
Original total 2,050 lbs 195,365 lbs-in Original CG 96.32 inches aft of datum
Fuel burn – 120 lbs 96.9 11,628 lbs-in minus new CG – 95.54 inches aft of datum
New Total 1,930 lbs 183,737 lbs-in Movement .78 inches (forward)
(PLT021) — FAA-H-8083-21
3. Calculate the new CG:
CG = = 95.2 inches aft of datum
1,930 RTC
3728. (Refer to Figure 44.) Determine if the helicopter
4. Compute the change in CG: weight and balance is within limits.
Original CG 95.3 inches aft of datum WEIGHT ARM MOMENT
minus new CG – 95.2 inches aft of datum (LB) (IN) (100)
Movement .1 inch (forward) Empty weight 1,495.0 101.4 1,515.93
(PLT021) — FAA-H-8083-21 Oil, 8 qt — 100.5 —
Fuel, 40 gal — 96.0 —
Pilot and copilot 300.0 64.0 —
A— CG 95.2 inches, within limits.
3726. (Refer to Figure 43.) How is the CG of the helicop-
B— CG 95.3 inches, weight and CG out of limits.
ter affected when all of the auxiliary fuel is burned off?
C— CG 95.4 inches, within limits.
Gross weight prior to fuel burn........................ 1,660 lb
Moment................................................. 159,898.5 lb-in Use the following steps:
A— CG moves aft 0.12 inch. 1. Calculate the weights and moment indexes using
B— CG moves forward 0.78 inch. the information from the problem and the formula:
C— CG moves forward 1.07 inches. Weight x Arm ÷ Reduction Factor =
Use the following steps:
Note: The standard weight for gasoline is 6 lbs/U.S.
1. Calculate the original position of the CG using the
gallon and for oil, 7.5 lbs/U.S. gallon.
Total Moment Item Weight Arm Moment/100
CG = Empty weight 1,495 lbs 101.4 1,515.93 lbs-in
Total Weight
or: Oil, 8 qts (2 x 7.5) 15 lbs 100.5 15.08 lbs-in
159,898.5 Fuel (40 x 6) 240 lbs 96.0 230.40 lbs-in
CG = = 96.32 inches aft of datum Pilots 300 lbs 64.0 192 lbs-in
Total 2,050 lbs 1,953.41 lbs-in
3726 [B] 3728 [B]
2. Determine the position of the CG using the formula: 2. Determine the position of the CG using the formula:
Total Mom/Ind Total Mom/Ind
CG = x Reduction Factor CG = x Reduction Factor
Total Weight Total Weight
or: or:
1,953.41 1,863.81
x 100 = 95.29 inches aft of datum x 100 = 97.58 inches aft of datum
2,050 1,910
3. Plot the point determined by a weight of 2,050 pounds 3. Plot the point determined by a weight of 1,910 pounds
and a CG of 95.29 inches on the longitudinal CG and a CG of 97.58 inches on the longitudinal CG
envelope of FAA Figure 44. The point is outside the envelope of FAA Figure 44. The point is within the
allowable limits. allowable limits.
(PLT021) — FAA-H-8083-21 (PLT021) — FAA-H-8083-21
3727. (Refer to Figure 44.) Calculate the weight and 3729. (Refer to Figures 45 and 46.) What is the new
balance of the helicopter, and determine if the CG is CG of the gyroplane after a 10-gallon fuel burn if the
within limits. original weight was 1,450 pounds and the MOM/1000
WEIGHT ARM MOMENT was 108 pound-inches?
(LB) (IN) (100)
A— Out of limits forward.
Empty weight 1,495.0 101.4 1,515.93
B— Out of limits aft.
Oil, 8 qt — 100.5 —
C— Within limits near the forward limit.
Fuel, 40 gal — 96.0 —
Pilot 160.0 64.0 — Use the following steps:
A— CG 90.48 inches, out of limits forward. 1. Determine the change in load moment resulting from
B— CG 95.32 inches, within limits. 10 gallons of fuel burned by entering the Loading
C— CG 97.58 inches, within limits. Chart at the 10 gallon point on the fuel line, draw-
ing a line downward and reading the moment for 10
This problem uses a reduction factor so we arrive at
gallons of fuel (5.3 x 1,000 lbs-in).
moment index instead of moment.
2. Calculate the new weight and moment:
Use the following steps:
Item Weight Moment/1,000
1. Calculate the weights and moment indexes using
Original total 1,450.0 lbs 108.0 lbs-in
the information from the problem and the formula:
Fuel (10 x 6) – 60.0 lbs – 5.3 lbs-in
Weight x Arm ÷ Reduction Factor = New Total 1,390.0 lbs 102.7 lbs-in
Moment Index
3. Plot the point determined by 1,390 and 102.7 lbs-
Note: The standard weight for gasoline is 6 lbs/U.S. in/1,000 on the center of gravity moment envelope
gallon and for oil, 7.5 lbs/U.S. gallon. graph. The point is outside (to the left or forward) of
Item Weight Arm Moment/100 the center of gravity moment envelope.
Empty weight 1,495 lbs 101.4 1,515.93 lbs-in (PLT003) — FAA-H-8083-21
Oil, 8 qts (2 x 7.5) 15 lbs 100.5 15.08 lbs-in
Fuel (40 x 6) 240 lbs 96.0 230.40 lbs-in
Pilot 160 lbs 64.0 102.40 lbs-in
Total 1,910 lbs 1,863.81 lbs-in
3727 [C] 3729 [A]
3730. (Refer to Figures 45 and 46.) What is the condition 3731. (Refer to Figures 45 and 46.) Approximately how
of the weight and balance of the gyroplane as loaded? much baggage, if any, may be carried in the gyroplane,
WEIGHT MOMENT without exceeding weight and balance limits?
Empty weight 1,074 85.6 (LB) (1000)
Oil, 6 qt — 1.0 Empty weight 1,074 85.6
Pilot and passenger 247 — Oil, 6 qt — 1.0
Fuel, 12 gal — — Fuel, Full — —
Baggage 95 — Pilot (FWD) 224 —
A— Within limits. A— None, overweight.
B— Overweight. B— 70 pounds.
C— Out of limits aft. C— 100 pounds.
3730 [A] 3731 [B]
3861. (Refer to Figure 54.) Calculate the weight and 3862. (Refer to Figure 54.) How is the CG affected if
balance of the glider, and determine if the CG is within radio and oxygen equipment weighing 35 pounds is
limits. added at station 43.8? The glider weighs 945 pounds
Pilot (fwd seat).................................................... 160 lb with a moment of 78,000.2 pound-inches prior to add-
Passenger (aft seat)........................................... 185 lb ing the equipment.
A— CG 71.65 inches aft of datum–out of limits forward. A— CG shifts forward 0.79 inch – out of limits forward.
B— CG 79.67 inches aft of datum – within limits. B— CG shifts forward 1.38 inches – within limits.
C— CG 83.43 inches aft of datum – within limits. C— CG shifts aft 1.38 inches – out of limits aft.
Total Moment 3. Calculate the old and new positions of the center of
CG =
Total Weight gravity using the formula:
or: Total Moment
CG =
79,674.2 Total Weight
CG = = 83.43 inches aft of datum
955 Original CG =
3. Compare the calculated value to the allowed range 78,000.2
= 82.54 inches aft of datum
for the position of the CG, 78.20 to 86.10. The cal- 945
culated position is within the allowed range of both 79,533.2
maximum weight and CG. New CG = = 81.16 inches aft of datum
(PLT021) — Soaring Flight Manual
4. Compute change and direction of change of the CG.
Original CG 82.54
New CG – 81.16
1.38 inches closer to datum
5. Compare the calculated values of weight and CG
position to the allowed range shown in FAA Figure
54. The allowed CG range is 78.20 to 86.10 and the
calculated value is within these limits.
(PLT256) — Soaring Flight Manual
3861 [C] 3862 [B]
3863. (Refer to Figure 54.) What is the CG of the glider 3888. (Refer to Figure 57.) The gross weight of the bal-
if the pilot and passenger each weigh 215 pounds? loon is 1,350 pounds and the outside air temperature
A— 74.69 inches aft of datum – out of limits forward. (OAT) is +51°F. The maximum height would be
B— 81.08 inches aft of datum – within limits. A— 5,000 feet.
C— 81.08 inches aft of datum – over maximum gross B— 8,000 feet.
weight. C— 10,000 feet.
Total Moment
CG =
Total Weight LTA
or: 3889. (Refer to Figure 57.) The gross weight of the bal-
84,324.2 loon is 1,200 pounds and the maximum height the pilot
CG = = 81.08 inches aft of datum needs to attain is 5,000 feet. The maximum temperature
to achieve this performance is
3. Compare the calculated value to the allowed range
for the position of the CG, 78.20 to 86.10. The cal- A— +37°F.
culated position is within the allowed range of both B— +70°F.
maximum weight and CG. C— +97°F.
(PLT021) — Soaring Flight Manual Use the following steps:
1. Locate the gross weight, 1,200 pounds, on the bot-
LTA, LSL tom of the graph in FAA Figure 57.
3887. What constitutes the payload of a balloon? 2. From that point, draw a line upward to the 5,000-foot
A— Total gross weight. pressure altitude line.
B— Total weight of passengers, cargo, and fuel. 3. From there, draw a line to the left to the air tempera-
C— Weight of the aircraft and equipment. ture scale and read the maximum temperature, 100°F.
Payload is the total weight of passengers, cargo, and fuel (PLT057) — FAA-H-8083-11
an aircraft can legally carry on a given flight, excluding
weight of the aircraft and equipment. (PLT177) — Bal-
loon Ground School
3863 [B] 3887 [B] 3888 [C] 3889 [C]
3890 [C] 3893 [B] 3894 [A]
2174. Problems caused by overloading an aircraft include 2183. When operating an aircraft, the pilot-in-command
A— reduced climb rate, excessive structural loads, is responsible for using
and shortened cruising range. A— the most current weight and balance data.
B— increased service ceiling, increased angle of B— weight and balance data from the factory.
climb, and increased cruising speed. C— recent weight and balance data.
C— slower takeoff speed, increased maneuverability,
and shorter takeoff roll. It is the responsibility of the pilot in command to use the
most current weight and balance data when planning
Some of the problems caused by overloading an aircraft a flight and operating the aircraft. (PLT328) — FAA-H-
are: 8083‑1
• The aircraft will need a higher takeoff speed, which
results in a longer takeoff run.
• Both the rate and angle of climb will be reduced. 2350. (Refer to Center-of Gravity Envelope and Loading
• The service ceiling will be lowered. Graph figure on the next page.) GIVEN:
• The cruising speed will be reduced. Weight Moment
Gyroplane basic weight 1,315 150.1
• The cruising range will be shortened. (oil included)
• Maneuverability will be decreased. Pilot weight 140 ?
• A longer landing roll will be required because the Passenger weight 150 ?
landing speed will be higher. 27 gal fuel 162 ?
• Excessive loads will be imposed on the structure, The CG is located
especially the landing gear. A— outside the CG envelope; the maximum gross
(PLT313) — FAA-H-8083-1 weight is exceeded.
B— outside the CG envelope; the maximum gross
weight and the gross-weight moment are
SPO exceeded.
2182. Most aircraft are so designed that if all seats are C— within the CG envelope; neither maximum gross
occupied, all baggage allowed by the baggage compart- weight nor gross-weight moment is exceeded.
ment structure is carried, and all the fuel tanks are full,
the aircraft will be Total the weights and moments to determine if the CG
is within limits.
A— grossly overloaded.
B— under maximum gross weight. Item Weight Moment
C— at maximum gross weight. Gyroplane 1,315 150.1
Pilot 140 7.2
The maximum allowable gross weight for an aircraft Passenger 150 12.6
is determined by design considerations. However, the 27 gallons gas + 162 + 17.8
maximum operational weight may be less than the Total 1,767 187.7
maximum allowable due to such considerations as high These figures fall within permitted weight and CG.
density altitude or high-drag field conditions caused by (PLT021) — FAA-H-8083-1
wet grass or water on the runway. The maximum gross
weight may also be limited by the departure or arrival
airport’s runway length. One important preflight con-
sideration is the distribution of the load in the aircraft.
Loading an aircraft so the gross weight is less than the
maximum allowable is not enough. This weight must be
distributed to keep the CG within the limits specified in
the POH or AFM. (PLT313) — FAA-H-8083-1
2174 [A] 2182 [A] 2183 [A] 2350 [C]
Using the Density Altitude Chart shown in FAA Figure 8, and the following conditions, determine the
density altitude.
Altimeter Setting ......................................... 30.35
Airport Temperature.....................................+25°F
Airport Elevation .................................. 3,894 feet
1. Determine the applicable altitude correction for the altimeter setting of 30.35" Hg. See FAA Figure
8. That setting is not shown on the chart, so it is necessary to interpolate between the correction
factors shown for 30.30" Hg and 30.40" Hg. To interpolate, add the two factors and divide by 2:
-348 + (-440) = -788
-788 ÷ 2 = -394
2351 [B]
Since the result is a negative number, subtract that value from the given airport elevation:
3,894 feet
– 394 feet
3,500 feet
2. Along the bottom of the chart, locate the given OAT (+25°F). From that point, proceed upward until
intersecting the pressure altitude line that is equal to the corrected airport elevation (3,500 feet).
From that point, proceed to the left and read the density altitude (2,000 feet).
Note that high-density altitude reduces propeller efficiency as well as overall aircraft performance.
3298 [A] 3299 [C] 3386 [A] 3394 [B]
Referencing FAA Figure 8, use the following steps: Referencing FAA Figure 8, use the following steps:
1. Enter the density altitude chart at 35°F. Proceed 1. Since the altimeter setting that is given is not shown
upward to the 3,000-foot pressure altitude line. From in FAA Figure 8, interpolation is necessary. Locate
the point of intersection, move left to the edge of the the settings immediately above and below the given
chart and read a density altitude of 2,000 feet. value of 29.97" Hg:
2. Enter the density altitude chart at 50°F. Proceed Altimeter Setting Conversion Factor
upward to the 3,000-foot pressure altitude line. From 29.92 0 feet
the point of intersection, move left to the edge of the 30.00 -73 feet
chart and read a density altitude of 2,950 feet.
2. Determine the difference between the two conversion
3. Find the difference between the two values: 2,950 −
2,000 = 950 foot (increase).
0 – 73 = -73 feet
(PLT124) — FAA-H-8083-25
3. Determine the amount of the difference to be sub-
tracted from the 29.92" Hg conversion factor:
(-73 ÷ 8) x 5 = -45.6 or 46 feet
2356. (Refer to Figure 8.) What is the effect of a tem-
perature increase from 30 to 50°F on the density altitude 4. Subtract the conversion factor from the airport eleva-
if the pressure altitude remains at 3,000 feet MSL? tion to determine the pressure altitude:
A— 900-foot increase. 1,386
B— 1,100-foot decrease. – 46
C— 1,300-foot increase. 1,340 feet MSL (pressure altitude)
(PLT019) — FAA-H-8083-25
Referencing FAA Figure 24, use the following steps:
1. Enter the density altitude chart at 30°F. Proceed
upward to the 3,000-foot pressure altitude line. From AIR, RTC, WSC, PPC, SPO
the point of intersection, move left to the edge of the 3300. What effect, if any, does high humidity have on
chart and read a density altitude of 1,650 feet. aircraft performance?
2. Enter the density altitude chart at 50°F. Proceed A— It increases performance.
upward to the 3,000-foot pressure altitude line. From B— It decreases performance.
the point of intersection, move left to the edge of the C— It has no effect on performance.
chart and read a density altitude of 2,950 feet.
An increase in air temperature or humidity, or a decrease
3. Find the difference between the two values: 2,950 – in air pressure (which results in a higher density altitude)
1,650 = 1,300 foot (increase) will significantly decrease both power output and propel-
(PLT005) — FAA-H-8083-25 ler efficiency. If an air mass is humid, there is more water
in it, therefore, less oxygen. (PLT124) — FAA-H-8083-25
3296 [A] 2356 [C] 3297 [A] 3300 [B]
3702. (Refer to Figure 40.) Determine the total takeoff LTA
distance required for a gyroplane to clear a 50-foot 3892. (Refer to Figure 58.) What is the maximum altitude
obstacle if the temperature is 95°F and the pressure for the balloon if the gross weight is 1,000 pounds and
altitude is 1,700 feet. standard temperature exists at all altitudes?
A— 1,825 feet. A— 4,000 feet.
B— 1,910 feet. B— 5,500 feet.
C— 2,030 feet. C— 11,000 feet.
Use the following steps: Use FAA Figure 58, and the following steps:
1. Locate the 1,700-foot pressure altitude on the Take- 1. Enter the graph at the 1,000-pound gross weight point
Off Distance Graph (right). and proceed to the right to intercept the standard
2. Draw a horizontal line from the 1,700-foot position temperature curve.
to the 95°F OAT point. 2. Note that the intercept is just over 10,000 feet (11,000
3. Draw a vertical line downward from the point of inter- feet).
section to the total Take-Off Distance Scale. Note the (PLT057) — FAA-H-8083-11
distance 2,030 feet.
(PLT011) — FAA-H-8083-21
2067. Density altitude, and its effect on landing perfor-
mance, is defined by
A— pressure altitude and ambient temperature.
B— headwind and landing weight.
C— humidity and braking friction forces.
3246 [B] 3702 [C] 2067 [A] 3891 [B] 3892 [C]
Takeoff Distance
The Takeoff Distance Graph, FAA Figure 41, allows the pilot to determine the ground roll required for
takeoff under various conditions. It also shows the total distance required for a takeoff and climb to clear
a 50-foot obstacle.
Using the Takeoff Distance Graph shown in FAA Figure 41, determine the approximate ground roll
distance for takeoff and the total distance for a takeoff to clear a 50-foot obstacle under the following
Outside air temperature (OAT)......................90°F
Pressure altitude................................... 2,000 feet
Takeoff weight.........................................2,500 lbs
Headwind component..............................20 knots
1. Locate the OAT, 90°F, on the graph.
2. From that point, draw a line upward to the line representing the pressure altitude of 2,000 feet.
3. From the point of intersection, draw a line to the right to the reference line.
4. From that point, proceed downward and to the right (remaining proportionally between the existing
guide lines) to the vertical line representing 2,500 pounds.
5. From there, draw a line to the right to the second reference line.
6. Then proceed down and to the right (remaining proportionally between the existing guide lines) to
the line representing the 20-knot headwind component line.
7. From there, draw a line to the right to the third reference line.
8. From here, move to the right and read approximate ground roll for takeoff of 650 feet.
9. Proceed upward and to the right (remaining proportionately between the existing guide lines) to the
vertical line representing a 50-foot obstacle and read the approximate total distance to clear a 50-foot
obstacle (1,100 feet).
3705 [B] 3706 [B] 3707 [A]
3708 [A] 3703 [C] 3704 [A]
2199. What effect does an uphill runway slope have on 2234. The most critical conditions of takeoff performance
takeoff performance? are the result of some combination of high gross weight,
A— Increases takeoff speed. altitude, temperature, and
B— Increases takeoff distance. A— unfavorable wind.
C— Decreases takeoff distance. B— obstacles surrounding the runway.
C— powerplant systems.
The effect of runway slope on takeoff distance is due
to the component of weight along the inclined path of The most critical conditions for takeoff performance are
the aircraft. An upslope would contribute a retarding the result of some combination of high gross weight,
force component, while a downslope would contribute altitude, temperature, and unfavorable wind. In all cases,
an accelerating force component. In the case of an the pilot must make an accurate prediction of takeoff
upslope, the retarding force component adds to drag distance from the performance data of the AFM or
and rolling friction to reduce the net accelerating force. POH, regardless of the runway available, and strive for
(PLT129) — FAA-H-8083-25 a polished, professional takeoff procedure. (PLT134)
Answer (A) is incorrect because runway slope has no effect on — FAA-H-8083-25
the takeoff speed. Answer (C) is incorrect because an upslope will
increase the takeoff distance required.
3732. (Refer to Figure 47.) What is the best rate-of-climb
LSA, LSG, LSR, LSW, LSP speed for the helicopter?
2283. The most critical conditions of takeoff performance
are the result of some combination of high gross weight, A— 24 MPH.
altitude, temperature, and B— 40 MPH.
C— 57 MPH.
A— unfavorable wind.
B— obstacles surrounding the runway. Use the following steps:
C— powerplant systems.
1. Locate the recommended takeoff profile on FAA
The most critical conditions of takeoff performance are Figure 47.
the result of some combination of high gross weight, 2. Note that the best rate-of-climb speed at sea level is
altitude, temperature, and unfavorable wind. In all cases, designated by the arrow pointing to the vertical line.
the pilot must make an accurate prediction of takeoff 3. Interpret the diagram. The vertical line is most closely
distance from the performance data of the AFM/POH, aligned with an IAS of about 57 MPH.
regardless of the runway available, and strive for a
polished, professional takeoff procedure. (PLT134) — (PLT285) — FAA-H-8083-21
2199 [B] 2283 [A] 2234 [A] 3732 [C]
Using the Cruise Power Setting Table shown in FAA Figure 36, determine the expected fuel consumption
for a 1,000-statute-mile flight under the following conditions:
Pressure altitude................................... 8,000 feet
Temperature................................................ -19°C
Manifold pressure................................... 19.5" Hg
Wind............................................................. Calm
1. Find the fuel flow and TAS. Enter the chart at the 8,000-foot pressure altitude line and proceed to the
right and identify the chart which represents an indicated outside air temperature (IOAT) of -19°C at
8,000 feet (the chart for ISA -20°C). Continue reading to the right, noting the manifold pressure of
19.5" Hg, the fuel flow per engine will be 6.6 pounds per square inch or 11.5 gallons per hour (GPH),
and the TAS will be 157 knots or 181 miles per hour (MPH).
2. Calculate the time flown. Using a flight computer, calculate the time en route:
1,000 SM at 181 MPH = 5.52 hours
3. Calculate the fuel consumption. Using a flight computer, calculate the fuel burned in this time:
5.52 hours × 11.5 GPH = 63.48 gallons consumed
3678 [C]
3679 [B] 3680 [B] 3681 [B]
Using the Landing Distance Table shown in FAA Figure 39, determine the total distance required to land
over a 50-foot obstacle.
Pressure altitude................................... 5,000 feet
Headwind...................................................8 knots
Runway.............................................Hard surface
Enter FAA Figure 39 at 5,000 feet and 41°F to find 1,195 feet is required to clear a 50-foot obstacle. Note
#1 states an additional correction is necessary for the headwind, 10% for each 4 knots. This would mean
20% for 8 knots. 20% of 1,195 feet is 239 feet, resulting in 956 feet — total distance required to land:
1,195 x .20 = 239 feet
1,195 – 239 = 956 feet
3682 [C]
1. Locate the tables for sea level and 2,500 feet. Note
that 1,250 feet is midway between sea level and AIR, WSC
2,500 feet. 3690. (Refer to Figure 38.) Determine the total distance
2. Interpolate between charts for 2,500 feet pressure required to land.
altitude and sea level to find ground roll: OAT..........................................................................Std
(445 + 470) ÷ 2 = 457.5 ground roll Pressure altitude............................................. 10,000 ft
Weight............................................................. 2,400 lb
3. Apply Note 1 to account for the 8-knot headwind (a Wind component...................................................Calm
20% decrease in distance): Obstacle................................................................ 50 ft
457.5 x .20 = 91.5 feet A— 750 feet.
457.5 – 91.5 = 366 feet B— 1,925 feet.
(PLT008) — FAA-H-8083-25 C— 1,450 feet.
3698 [B] 3689 [B] 3690 [B]
3691 [C] 3692 [B]
3693 [B] 3694 [A] 3695 [B] 3696 [B]
3697 [C] 3699 [B] 3700 [A] 3701 [C]
3864 [B] 3865 [B] 3866 [C] 3867 [B] 3868 [C]
The wind is reported to be from 085° at 30 knots, and you plan to land on Runway 11. What will the
headwind and crosswind components be?
1. Determine the angular difference between the wind direction and the runway:
110° runway
– 085° wind
25° difference
2. Find the intersection of the 25°-angle radial line and the 30-knot wind speed arc on the graph shown
in FAA Figure 37. From the intersection move straight down to the bottom of the chart and read that
the crosswind component equals 13 knots. From the point of intersection move horizontally left and
read that the headwind component equals 27 knots.
3688 [A] 3683 [B]
3684 [C] 3685 [C] 3686 [C]
AIR, RTC, WSC, PPC 3. Note that in this case, acceptable crosswind com-
3687. (Refer to Figure 37.) With a reported wind of south ponents will result anytime the relative wind angle
at 20 knots, which runway (10, 14, or 24) is appropri- is equal to or less than 40° (the intersection of the
ate for an airplane with a 13-knot maximum crosswind 13-knot vertical line and the 20-knot wind arc).
4. Calculate the relative wind angle between the south
A— Runway 10. wind (180°) and the runway headings:
B— Runway 14.
RWY Relative Angle Landing
C— Runway 24.
10 80° Downwind
Use the following steps: 14 40° Upwind
24 60° Upwind
1. Locate the 20-knot wind velocity arc on FAA Figure
37. (PLT013) — FAA-H-8083-25
2. Draw a line upward from the 13-knot crosswind
component (maximum crosswind).
3687 [B] 2230 [A] 2236 [B]
Air navigation is the art of directing an aircraft along a desired course and being able to determine its
geographical position at any time. Such navigation may be accomplished by pilotage, dead reckoning,
or using radio navigational aids.
Pilotage is the use of visible landmarks to maintain a desired course, and is the basic form of navi-
gation for the beginning pilot operating under Visual Flight Rules (VFR). Visible landmarks which can
be identified on aeronautical charts allow the pilot to proceed from one check point to the next.
The aeronautical charts most commonly used by VFR pilots are the VFR Sectional Aeronautical
Chart, the VFR Terminal Area Chart, and the World Aeronautical Chart. All three charts include
aeronautical information such as airports, airways, special use airspace, and other pertinent data.
The scale of the VFR Sectional Aeronautical Chart is 1:500,000 (1 inch = 6.86 NM). Designed for
visual navigation of slow speed aircraft in VFR conditions, this chart portrays terrain relief and check-
points such as populated places, roads, railroads, and other distinctive landmarks. These charts have
the best detail and are revised every 6 months.
Information found on the VFR Terminal Area Chart is similar to that found on the VFR Sectional
Chart, but the scale on this chart is 1:250,000 (1 inch = 3.43 NM). These charts are for a specific city
with Class B airspace. They show much detail, but have small coverage.
The World Aeronautical Chart has a scale of 1:1,000,000, which is more convenient for use in naviga-
tion by moderate speed aircraft. It depicts cities, railroads, and distinctive landmarks, etc. These charts
have less detail and are revised no more than once a year.
To identify a point on the surface of the earth, a geographic coordinate, or “grid” system was devised.
By reference to meridians of longitude and parallels of latitude, any position may be accurately located
when using the grid system.
Equidistant from the poles is an imaginary circle called the equator. The lines running east and
west, parallel to the equator are called parallels of latitude, and are used to measure angular distance
north or south of the equator. From the equator to either pole is 90°, with 0° being at the equator; while
90° north latitude describes the location of the North Pole. See Figure 9-1.
Lines called meridians of longitude are drawn from pole to pole at right angles to the equator. The
prime meridian, used as the zero degree line, passes through Greenwich, England. From this line,
measurements are made in degrees both easterly and westerly up to 180°.
Any specific geographical point can be located
by reference to its longitude and latitude. For exam-
ple, Washington, DC is approximately 39° north of
the equator and 77° west of the prime meridian and
would be stated as 39°N 77°W. Note that latitude
is stated first.
In order to describe a location more precisely,
each degree (°) is subdivided into 60 minutes (')
and each minute further divided into 60 seconds
("), although seconds are not shown. Thus, the
location of the airport at Elk City, Oklahoma is
described as being at 35°25'55"N 99°23'15"W (35
degrees, 25 minutes, 55 seconds north latitude; 99
degrees, 23 minutes, 15 seconds west longitude).
Degrees of west longitude increase from east to
west. Degrees of north latitude increase from south Figure 9-1. Meridians of longitude and parallels of latitude
to north.
3530-1. Which statement about longitude and latitude 3536. (Refer to Figure 22, area 3.) Which airport is
is true? located at approximately 47°21'N latitude and 101°01'W
A— Lines of longitude are parallel to the Equator. longitude?
B— Lines of longitude cross the Equator at right A— Underwood.
angles. B— Evenson.
C— The 0° line of latitude passes through Greenwich, C— Washburn.
Graticules on Sectional Aeronautical Charts are the
Meridians of longitude encircle the earth from pole to lines dividing each 30 minutes of latitude and each
pole, and all meridians cross the equator at right angles. 30 minutes of longitude. Each tick mark represents
(PLT101) — FAA-H-8083-25 one minute of latitude or longitude. Latitude increases
Answer (A) is incorrect because lines of latitude are parallel to the northward, west longitude increases going westward.
equator. Answer (C) is incorrect because the 0° line of longitude Washburn is located at approximately 47°21'N latitude
passes through Greenwich, England. and 101°01'W longitude. (PLT064) — FAA-H-8083-25
3530. (Refer to Figure 21, area 3.) Determine the 3543. (Refer to Figure 23, area 3.) Determine the
approximate latitude and longitude of Currituck County approximate latitude and longitude of Shoshone County
Airport. Airport.
A— 36°24'N – 76°01'W. A— 47°02'N – 116°11'W
B— 36°48'N – 76°01'W. B— 47°33'N – 116°11'W
C— 47°24'N – 75°58'W. C— 47°32'N – 116°41'W
Graticules on Sectional Aeronautical Charts are the lines Graticules on Sectional Aeronautical Charts are the lines
dividing each 30 minutes of latitude and each 30 minutes dividing each 30 minutes of latitude and each 30 minutes
of longitude. Each tick mark represents one minute of of longitude. Each tick mark represents one minute of
latitude or longitude. Latitude increases northward, west latitude or longitude. Latitude increases northward, west
longitude increases going westward. The approximate longitude increases going westward. The approximate
latitude and longitude of Currituck County Airport is latitude and longitude of Shoshone County Airport is
36°24'N, 76°01'W. (PLT064) — FAA-H-8083-25 47°33'N, 116°11'W. (PLT064) — FAA-H-8083-25
3530-1 [B] 3530 [A] 3535 [B] 3536 [C] 3543 [B] 3567 [A]
2106. During VFR navigation without radio instru- 2178. Using pilotage, a pilot can keep from drifting too
ments, heading and groundspeed, as calculated by far off course by
dead reckoning, should be constantly monitored and A— flying the flight plan heading.
corrected by B— filing a flight plan.
A— pilotage as observed from checkpoints. C— referring to selected features or checkpoints.
B— the wind triangle.
C— wet compass and the groundspeed indicator. Pilotage is navigation by reference to landmarks or
checkpoints. The checkpoints selected should be promi-
Except for flights over water, dead reckoning is usually nent features common to the area of the flight and be
used with pilotage. The heading and ground speed as readily identified by other features such as roads, rivers,
calculated is constantly monitored and corrected by and power lines. Select features that will make useful
pilotage as observed from checkpoints. (PLT116) — boundaries or brackets on each side of the course, such
FAA-H-8083-25 as highways, rivers, railroads, and mountains. (PLT335)
— FAA-H-8083-25
2108. For cross-country flights over land, navigation
without radio instruments is usually accomplished using
dead reckoning and
A— pilotage.
B— the wind triangle.
C— compass heading.
Time is measured in relation to the rotation of the earth. A day is defined as the time required for the
earth to make one complete revolution of 360°. Since the day is divided into 24 hours, it follows that the
earth revolves at the rate of 15° each hour. Thus, longitude may be expressed as either 90° or 6 hours
west of Greenwich.
Twenty-four time zones have been established. Each time zone is 15° of longitude in width, with the
first zone centered on the meridian of Greenwich. Each zone uses the local time of its central meridian
as shown in FAA Figure 28.
For example, when the sun is above the 90th meridian, it is noon central standard time (CST). At the
same time it is 6 p.m. Greenwich, 11 a.m. mountain standard time (MST), and 1 p.m. eastern standard
time (EST). When daylight saving time (DST) is in effect, the sun is over the 75th meridian at noon CST.
Most aviation operations time is expressed in terms of the 24-hour clock, (for example, 8 a.m. is
expressed as 0800; 2 p.m. is 1400; 11 p.m. is 2300) and may be either local or Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC). UTC is the time at the prime meridian and is represented in aviation operations by the
letter “Z,” referred to as “Zulu time.” For example, 1500Z would be read as “one five zero zero Zulu.”
In the United States, conversion from local time to UTC is made in accordance with the table in the
lower left corner of FAA Figure 28.
2106 [A] 2108 [A] 2178 [C]
Problem: An aircraft departs an airport in the Pacific standard time zone at 1030 PST for a 4-hour
flight to an airport located in the central standard time zone. The landing should be at what coordinated
universal time (UTC)?
Solution: Use the conversion table in FAA Figure 28 and the following steps:
1. Convert 1030 PST to UTC:
1030 PST (takeoff time)
+ 0800 (conversion)
1830 (UTC)
2. Add the flight time.
1830 (UTC)
+ 0400 (flight time)
2230 UTC (time the aircraft should land)
3571. (Refer to Figure 28.) An aircraft departs an airport 3572. (Refer to Figure 28.) An aircraft departs an
in the eastern daylight time zone at 0945 EDT for a airport in the central standard time zone at 0930 CST
2-hour flight to an airport located in the central daylight for a 2-hour flight to an airport located in the mountain
time zone. The landing should be at what coordinated standard time zone. The landing should be at what time?
universal time? A— 0930 MST.
A— 1345Z. B— 1030 MST.
B— 1445Z. C— 1130 MST.
C— 1545Z.
Use the following steps:
Use the following steps: 1. Change the CST takeoff time to UTC:
1. Convert the EDT takeoff time to UTC: 0930 CST takeoff time
0945 EDT takeoff time + 0600 conversion
+ 0400 conversion 1530 Z UTC (also called “ZULU” time)
1345 Z UTC (also called “ZULU” time) 2. Add the flight time to the time of takeoff:
2. Add the flight time to the ZULU time of takeoff: 1530 Z takeoff time
1345 Z takeoff time + 0200 flight time
+ 0200 1730 Z time of landing
1545 Z time of landing 3. Convert UTC to MST:
(PLT012) — FAA-H-8083-25 1730 Z UTC
– 0700 conversion
1030 MST time of landing
(PLT012) — FAA-H-8083-25
3571 [C] 3572 [B]
3573. (Refer to Figure 28.) An aircraft departs an 3575. (Refer to Figure 28.) An aircraft departs an airport
airport in the central standard time zone at 0845 CST in the Pacific standard time zone at 1030 PST for a
for a 2-hour flight to an airport located in the mountain 4-hour flight to an airport located in the central standard
standard time zone. The landing should be at what time zone. The landing should be at what coordinated
coordinated universal time? universal time?
A— 1345Z. A— 2030Z.
B— 1445Z. B— 2130Z.
C— 1645Z. C— 2230Z.
3574. (Refer to Figure 28.) An aircraft departs an airport 3576. (Refer to Figure 28.) An aircraft departs an air-
in the mountain standard time zone at 1615 MST for a port in the mountain standard time zone at 1515 MST
2-hour 15-minute flight to an airport located in the Pacific for a 2-hour 30-minute flight to an airport located in the
standard time zone. The estimated time of arrival at the Pacific standard time zone. What is the estimated time
destination airport should be of arrival at the destination airport?
A— 1630 PST. A— 1645 PST.
B— 1730 PST. B— 1745 PST.
C— 1830 PST. C— 1845 PST.
3573 [C] 3574 [B] 3575 [C] 3576 [A]
A VFR Sectional Aeronautical Chart is a pictorial representation of a portion of the Earth’s surface upon
which lines and symbols in a variety of colors represent features and/or details that can be seen on the
Earth’s surface. Contour lines, shaded relief, color tints, obstruction symbols, and maximum elevation
figures are all used to show topographical information. Explanations and examples may be found in the
chart legend. Pilots should become familiar with all of the information provided in each Sectional Chart
Legend, found in FAA Legend 1.
3637-1 [C] 3637 [C] 3638 [B] 3639 [B]
3640 [C] 3631 [A] 3632 [C] 3633 [A] 3634 [B] 3635 [B]
3636 [C] 3642 [B] 3644 [C] 3645 [C] 3646 [C]
Dead Reckoning
Dead reckoning is the method used for determining position with a heading indicator and calculations
based on speed, elapsed time, and wind effect from a known position. The instruments used for dead
reckoning navigation include the outside air temperature gauge, the airspeed indicator, the altimeter, the
clock, and the magnetic compass system or slaved gyro system. These instruments provide informa-
tion concerning direction, airspeed, altitude, and time, and must be correctly interpreted for successful
Plotting Courses
A course is the direction of flight measured in degrees clockwise from north. Meridians of longitude run
from the south pole to the north pole. This alignment is called true north. When a course is plotted on
a chart in relation to the lines of longitude and/or latitude it is called a true course (TC), and will be
expressed in three digits. North may be either 360° or 000°; east is 090°; south is 180°; and west is
270°. Any attempt to project lines of latitude and longitude onto a flat surface such as a chart results in
a certain amount of distortion. When plotting a course on a sectional aeronautical chart, this distortion
may be minimized by measuring true course in reference to the meridian nearest to the halfway point
between the departure point and the destination.
A common type of plotter that is used to plot a course is shown in Figure 9-2 on the next page. This
plotter is a semi-circular protractor with a straight edge attached to it. The straight edge has distance
scales that match various charts and these scales may depict both statute and nautical miles. A small
hole at the base of the protractor portion indicates the center of the arc of the angular scale. Two com-
plete scales cover the outer edge of the protractor, and they are graduated in degrees. An inner scale
measures the angle from the vertical.
To determine true course (TC), use the plotter in the following manner:
1. Using the straight edge of the plotter as a guide, draw a line from the point of departure to the
2. Place the top straight edge of the plotter parallel to the plotted course and move the plotter along
the course line as necessary to place the small center hole over a meridian as near to the halfway
point of the course as possible. See Figure 9-2a.
3. The true course is the angle measured between the meridian and the course line. See Figure 9-2b.
The outer scale is used to read all angles between north through east to south, and the inner scale
is used to read all angles between south through west to north. In Figure 9-2 the true course from
point (a) to point (b) is 115° as read at point (c).
4. Course lines which fall within 30° of true north or south can be more easily measured by sliding the
plotter along the course line until the hole falls over a horizontal latitude line; use the partial protrac-
tor scale for these measurements.
Magnetic Variation
The north pole where all meridians converge is true north. The north pole which attracts the needle of
a compass is magnetic north. These two poles are not in the same place. At any point where magnetic
north and true north are in line with each other, the compass needle points both to magnetic north, and
coincidentally, true north. The line along which this occurs is known as the agonic line. When posi-
tioned west of the agonic line, a compass will point right (east) of true north. When positioned east of
the agonic line, a compass will point left (west) of true north. This angular difference between true north
and magnetic north is called magnetic variation (VAR). West of the agonic line, variation is “easterly.”
East of the agonic line, variation is “westerly.”
The amount and direction of variation is depicted on sectional charts as dashed magenta colored
lines connecting points of equal variation, called isogonic lines.
A course measured on a sectional chart is a true course: it is measured from a meridian, which runs
from the south pole to the north pole. Since a magnetic compass is used to maintain a course while
flying, this true course must now be converted to a magnetic course (MC). This conversion is made
by either adding or subtracting the variation. To convert a true course to a magnetic course, subtract
easterly variation, and add westerly variation: “East is least, west is best.”
3531. (Refer to Figure 21.) Determine the magnetic 3568. (Refer to Figure 27.) Determine the magnetic
course from First Flight Airport (area 5) to Hampton course from Tomlinson Airport (area 1) to Jamestown
Roads Airport (area 2). Airport (area 4).
A— 141°. A— 149°.
B— 321°. B— 154°.
C— 332°. C— 159°.
3556. (Refer to Figure 25.) Determine the magnetic 2201. Heading and groundspeed are calculated using
course from Airpark East Airport (area 1) to Winnsboro dead reckoning procedures. In flight, they are constantly
Airport (area 2). Magnetic variation is 6°30'E. monitored and corrected by
A— 075°. A— pilotage as observed from checkpoints.
B— 082°. B— the wind triangle.
C— 091°. C— the wet compass and the groundspeed indicator.
3531 [C] 3556 [A] 3568 [A] 2201 [A] 2102 [A]
Magnetic Deviation
The magnetic compass is affected by influences within the aircraft such as electrical circuits, radios,
engines, magnetized metal parts, etc., which cause the compass needle to be deflected from its nor-
mal reading. This deflection is known as deviation (DEV), and it must be applied to convert a magnetic
course to a compass course (CC) to make it usable in flight.
Deviation, which is different for each aircraft, may also vary for different courses in the same airplane.
To let the pilot know the appropriate correction, a correction card is mounted near the compass.
To determine the actual compass reading to be followed during flight, it is necessary to apply the
corrections for both variation and deviation:
True Course ± Variation = Magnetic Course ± Deviation = Compass Course
TC ± VAR = MC ± DEV = CC.
drift would be experienced; instead, the ground speed would be increased by the tailwind. On a 270°
heading, the ground speed would be reduced by the headwind.
By determining the amount of drift, a pilot can counteract the effect of wind and make the track of the
aircraft coincide with the desired course. For example, if the wind is from the left, the correction would
be made by pointing the aircraft to the left a certain number of degrees, thereby compensating for wind
drift. This is the Wind Correction Angle (WCA), and it is expressed as degrees left or right of the course.
See Figure 9-5.
Any course, true, magnetic, or compass, becomes a heading when it is corrected for wind. See Figure
2177. If proper correction has been made for the wind,
ground track will be identical with
A— drift angle.
B— course.
C— heading.
2104. If a flight is to be made on a course to the east,
with a wind blowing from northeast, the aircraft must
be headed
A— somewhat to the north of east to counteract drift.
B— south of east to counteract drift.
C— north to counteract torque.
2177 [B] 2103 [A] 2104 [A]
Problem: Using a flight computer and the following conditions, find the wind correction angle (WCA),
the true heading (TH), and the ground speed (GS).
True course (TC)................................................. 090°
True airspeed (TAS).....................................120 knots
True wind direction.............................................. 160°
Wind speed....................................................30 knots
1. Using the wind face side of the E6-B, set the true wind direction (160°) under the true index (Figure
2. Plot the wind speed above the grommet 30 units (wind speed). Note: The sliding grid can be at any
value for this step. Place a wind dot within a circle at this point (Figure 9-8b).
3. Rotate the plotting disk and set the true course (090°) under the true index (Figure 9-9a).
4. Adjust the sliding grid so that the TAS arc (120 knots) is at the wind dot (Figure 9-9b). Note the wind
dot is 14° right of centerline (Figure 9-9c), so the WCA = 14°R.
5. Under the grommet, read the ground speed (GS) of 106 knots (Figure 9-9d).
Figure 9-9. Determining the wind correction angle Figure 9-10. Slide rule (calculator) face
and ground speed
miles, nautical miles, and kilometers. Place the known figure on the inner scale under “naut,” “stat,” or
“KM,” as appropriate, and read the equivalent value under the other indexes. For example, to convert 85
statute miles to kilometers and nautical miles, place 85 on the inner scale under the “stat” index. Under
the “KM” index, read 137; under the “naut” index read 74.
Each scale has a 10-index used as a reference mark for multiplication and division. The 10-index
on the inner scale can also be used as a rate index representing 1 hour. Also on the inner scale is a
60-index, representing 60 minutes and usually used for computation instead of the 10 or 1 hour index
(Figure 9-10d) and a 36 or “seconds” index (3,600 seconds = 1 hour) (Figure 9-10e).
Problem: How far does an aircraft travel in 2 hours and 15 minutes at a ground speed of 138 knots?
Solution: Use the formula:
Distance = Ground Speed x Time, or use the flight computer in the following manner:
1. Place the 60 (speed) index (inner scale) under 138 (outer scale).
2. Over the time of 135 minutes or 2 hours +15 minutes (inner scale), read 310 NM (on the outer scale).
See Figure 9-11.
Figure 9-11. Computing distance on the E6-B Figure 9-12. Determining time required on the E6-B
Problem: How much time is required to fly 320 nautical miles at a ground speed of 174 knots?
Solution: Use the formula:
Time = Distance ÷ Ground Speed, or use the flight computer in the following manner:
1. Set the 60 (speed) index under 174 (outer scale).
2. Under 320 (outer scale), read 110 minutes or 1 hour 50 minutes (inner scale). See Figure 9-12.
Problem: What is the ground speed if it takes 40 minutes to fly 96 nautical miles?
Solution: Use the formula: Ground Speed = Distance ÷ Time, or use the flight computer in the follow-
ing manner:
1. Place 40 minutes (inner scale) under 96 (outer scale).
2. Over the 60 (speed) index, read 144 knots (outer scale). See Figure 9-13.
Problem: If 50 minutes are required to fly 120 nautical miles, how many minutes are required to fly 86
nautical miles at the same rate?
1. Set 50 (inner scale) under 120 (outer scale).
2. Under 86 (outer scale), read 36 minutes required (inner scale). See Figure 9-14.
Figure 9-13. Determining groundspeed on the E6-B Figure 9-14. Determining time-rate-distance on the E6-B
Problem: If 18 gallons of fuel are consumed in 1 hour, how much fuel will be used in 2 hours 20 minutes?
1. Set the 60-index (inner scale) under 18 (outer scale).
2. Over 2 hour 20 minute (inner scale), read 42 gallons (outer scale). See Figure 9-15.
Problem: What is the rate of fuel consumption if 30 gallons of fuel are consumed in 111 minutes?
1. Set 111 (inner scale) under 30 (outer scale).
2. Over the 60-index (inner scale), read 16.2 gallons per hour (outer scale). See Figure 9-16.
Problem: Forty gallons of fuel have been consumed in 135 minutes (2 hours and 15 minutes) flying
time. How much longer can the aircraft continue to fly if 25 gallons of available fuel remain and the rate
of consumption remains the same?
1. Set 135 (inner scale) under 40 (outer scale).
2. Under 25 (outer scale), read 84.5 minutes of fuel remaining. See Figure 9-17.
Figure 9-15. Determining total fuel consumed on the E6-B Figure 9-16. Determining rate of consumption on the E6-B
Problem: Using a flight computer and the following conditions, find the true airspeed (TAS) and the
density altitude (DA).
True Air Temperature........................................ +10°C
Pressure Altitude (PA)...............................10,000 feet
Calibrated Airspeed (CAS)..........................140 knots
1. Using the window marked “for airspeed and density altitude computations,” place the true air tem-
perature over the pressure altitude (Figure 9-18a).
2. In the density altitude window read the density altitude of 11,800 feet. (Figure 9-18b).
3. Over 140 knots CAS (inner scale) read the TAS of 167 knots (outer scale). See Figure 9-18c.
Figure 9-17. Determining flight time remaining on the E6-B Figure 9-18. Determining true airspeed and density
altitude on the E6-B
3529-1 [C] 3529-2 [B] 3529-3 [C] 3529-4 [A] 3565 [A]
3551 [B] 3538 [C]
3545 [A] 3546 [A]
3547 [B] 3550 [A]
3550-1 [B] 3564 [B]
3650 [C] 3537 [B]
3558 [A] 3569 [C] 2099 [B] 2105 [A]
2101 [B] 2222 [A] 2175 [C]
Controlled airspace, that is, airspace within which some or all aircraft may be subject to air traffic control,
consists of those areas designated as Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D, and Class E airspace.
Much of the controlled airspace begins at either 700 feet or 1,200 feet above the ground. The lateral
limits and floors of Class E airspace of 700 feet are defined by a magenta vignette; while the lateral limits
and floors of 1,200 feet are defined by a blue vignette if it abuts uncontrolled airspace. Floors other than
700 feet or 1,200 feet are indicated by a number indicating the floor.
Class A —Class A airspace extends from 18,000 feet MSL up to and including FL600 and is not
depicted on VFR sectional charts. No flight under visual flight rules (VFR), including VFR-On-Top, is
authorized in Class A airspace.
Class B—Class B airspace consists of controlled airspace extending upward from the surface or
higher to specified altitudes. Each Class B airspace sector, outlined in blue on the sectional aeronautical
chart, is labeled with its delimiting altitudes. On the Terminal Area Chart, each Class B airspace sector is,
again, outlined in blue and is labeled with its delimiting arcs, radials, and altitudes. Each Class B airspace
location will contain at least one primary airport. An ATC clearance is required prior to operating within
Class B airspace. A pilot landing or taking off from one of a group of 12 specific, busy airports must hold
at least a Private Pilot Certificate. At other airports, a student pilot may not operate an aircraft on a solo
flight within Class B airspace or to, from, or at an airport located within Class B airspace unless both
ground and flight instruction has been received from an authorized instructor to operate within that Class
B airspace or at that airport, and the flight and ground instruction has been received within that Class B
airspace or at the specific airport for which the solo flight is authorized. The student’s logbook must be
endorsed within the preceding 90 days by the instructor who gave the flight training and the endorsement
must specify that the student has been found competent to conduct solo flight operations in that Class B
airspace or at that specific airport. Each airplane operating within Class B airspace must be equipped with
a two-way radio with appropriate ATC frequencies, and a 4096 code transponder with Mode C automatic
altitude-reporting capability.
Class C—All Class C airspace has the same dimensions with minor site variations. They are com-
posed of two circles both centered on the primary airport. The inner circle (now called surface area)
has a radius of 5 nautical miles and extends from the surface up to 4,000 feet above the airport. The
outer circle (now called shelf area) has a radius of 10 nautical miles and extends vertically from 1,200
feet AGL up to 4,000 feet above the primary airport. In addition to the Class C airspace proper, there is
an outer area with a radius of 20 nautical miles and vertical coverage from the lower limits of the radio/
radar coverage up to the top of the approach control facility’s delegated airspace. Within the outer area,
pilots are encouraged to participate but it is not a VFR requirement. Class C airspace service to aircraft
proceeding to a satellite airport will be terminated at a sufficient distance to allow time to change to the
appropriate tower or advisory frequency. Aircraft departing satellite airports within Class C airspace shall
establish two-way communication with ATC as soon as practicable after takeoff. On aeronautical charts,
Class C airspace is depicted by solid magenta lines.
Class D —Class D airspace extends upward from the surface to approximately 2,500 feet AGL (the
actual height is as needed). Class D airspace may include one or more airports and is normally 4 nauti-
cal miles in radius. The actual size and shape is depicted by a blue dashed line and numbers showing
the top. When the ceiling of Class D airspace is less than 1,000 feet and/or the visibility is less than 3
statute miles, pilots wishing to take off or land must hold an instrument rating, must have filed an instru-
ment flight plan, and must have received an appropriate clearance from ATC. In addition, the aircraft
must be equipped for instrument flight. At some locations, a pilot who does not hold an instrument rating
may be authorized to take off or land when the weather is less than that required for visual flight rules.
When special VFR flight is prohibited, it will be depicted by “No SVFR” above the airport information on
the chart.
FL 600
18,000 MSL
Figure 9-19
Class E —Magenta shading identifies Class E airspace starting at 700 feet AGL, and no shading
(or blue if next to Class G airspace) identifies Class E airspace starting at 1,200 feet AGL. It may also
start at other altitudes. All airspace from 14,500 feet to 17,999 feet is Class E airspace. It also includes
the surface area of some airports with an instrument approach but no control tower.
An airway is a corridor of controlled airspace extending from 1,200 feet above the surface (or as
designated) up to and including 17,999 feet MSL, and 4 nautical miles either side of the centerline. The
airway is indicated by a centerline, shown in blue.
Class G—Class G airspace is airspace within which Air Traffic Control (ATC) has neither the author-
ity nor responsibility to exercise any control over air traffic. Class G airspace typically extends from the
surface to the base of the overlying controlled (Class E) airspace which is normally 700 or 1,200 feet
AGL. In some areas of the western U.S. and Alaska, Class G airspace may extend from the surface to
14,500 feet MSL. An exception to this rule occurs when 14,500 feet MSL is lower than 1,500 feet AGL.
Prohibited Areas are blocks of airspace within which the flight of aircraft is prohibited.
Restricted Areas denote the presence of unusual, often invisible, hazards to aircraft such as artil-
lery firing, aerial gunnery, or guided missiles. Penetration of Restricted Areas without authorization of
the using or controlling agency may be extremely hazardous to the aircraft and its occupants.
Warning Areas contain the same hazardous activities as those found in Restricted Areas, but are
located in international airspace. Prohibited, restricted, or warning areas are depicted as shown in FAA
Legend 1.
Military Operations Areas (MOAs) consist of airspace established for the purpose of separating
certain military training activities from instrument flight rules (IFR) traffic. Pilots operating under VFR
should exercise extreme caution while flying within an active MOA. Any Flight Service Station (FSS)
within 100 miles of the area will provide information concerning MOA hours of operation. Prior to enter-
ing an active MOA, pilots should contact the controlling agency for traffic advisories.
Alert Areas may contain a high volume of pilot training activities or an unusual type of aerial activ-
ity, neither of which is hazardous to aircraft. Pilots of participating aircraft as well as pilots transiting the
area are equally responsible for collision avoidance.
An Airport Advisory Area is the area within 10 statute miles of an airport where a control tower is
not in operation but where a Flight Service Station (FSS) is located. The FSS provides advisory service
to aircraft arriving and departing. It is not mandatory for pilots to use the advisory service, but it is strongly
recommended that they do so.
Aircraft are requested to remain at least 2,000 feet above the surface of National Parks, National
Monuments, Wilderness and Primitive Areas, and National Wildlife Refuges.
Military Training Routes (MTRs) have been developed for use by the military for the purpose of
conducting low-altitude, high-speed training. Generally, MTRs are established below 10,000 feet MSL
for operations at speeds in excess of 250 knots.
IFR Military Training Routes (IR) operations are conducted in accordance with instrument flight rules
(IFRs), regardless of weather conditions. VFR Military Training Routes (VR) operations are conducted
in accordance with visual flight rules (VFRs). IR and VR at and below 1,500 feet AGL (with no segment
above 1,500) will be identified by four digit numbers, e.g., VR1351, IR1007. IR and VR above and below
1,500 feet AGL (segments of these routes may be below 1,500) will be identified by three digit numbers,
e.g., IR341, VR426.
The thick blue lines on the sectional chart indicate the It is generally true that no person may operate a civil air-
boundaries of the overlying Class B airspace. Within craft within Class B airspace unless the pilot-in-command
each segment, the floor and ceiling are denoted by holds at least a Private Pilot Certificate or is a student
one number over a second number or the letters SFC. pilot that has the proper logbook endorsements. However,
The floor of the Class B airspace is 4,000 feet MSL. there are certain Class B airports which never permit
(PLT040) — AIM ¶3-2-3 students, even if they have the proper endorsements.
(PLT161) — 14 CFR §91.131
Answer (A) is incorrect because Private pilots may operate in Class
ALL, SPO B airspace. Answer (C) is incorrect because only some airports
3600. (Refer to Figure 26, area 2.) The floor of Class restrict student pilots, and none require an instrument rating.
B airspace at Addison Airport is
A— at the surface.
B— 3,000 feet MSL.
C— 3,100 feet MSL.
3599 [C] 3600 [B] 3126 [B]
3127 [A] 3128 [B] 3628 [B] 3117 [C] 3118 [B] 3787 [C]
3787-1. When a control tower, located on an airport 3124. Two-way radio communication must be estab-
within Class D airspace, ceases operation for the day, lished with the Air Traffic Control facility having jurisdiction
what happens to the airspace designation? over the area prior to entering which class airspace?
A— The airspace designation normally will not A— Class C.
change. B— Class E.
B— The airspace remains Class D airspace as long C— Class G.
as a weather observer or automated weather
system is available. Two-way radio communication must be established
C— The airspace reverts to Class E or a combination with the ATC facility having jurisdiction over the Class
of Class E and G airspace during the hours the C airspace prior to entry and thereafter as instructed
tower is not in operation. by ATC. (PLT434) — 14 CFR §91.130
Answers (B) and (C) are incorrect because airports within Class E
By definition, Class D airspace surrounds airports that and G airspace only require two-way radio communication when a
have an operational control tower. Class D airspace control tower is present.
reverts to Class E airspace (if the weather observer is
present or the weather system is automated) or Class
G airspace (at the airports where the tower controllers
3799. Which initial action should a pilot take prior to
are also the weather observers). (PLT162) — AIM ¶3-2-5
entering Class C airspace?
Answer (A) is incorrect because the tower must be operational
for the airspace to be designated Class D. Answer (B) is incorrect A— Contact approach control on the appropriate
because the airspace will revert to Class E if the tower is closed but frequency.
the weather observer is present or an automated weather system
is available.
B— Contact the tower and request permission to enter.
C— Contact the FSS for traffic advisories.
3787-1 [C] 3788 [C] 3124 [A] 3799 [A] 3779 [C]
3780 [B] 3781 [C] 3782 [C] 3626 [B] 3627 [B] 3125 [C]
3069 [B] 3119 [A] 3625 [C] 3068 [B] 3068-1 [C]
3068-2 [B] 3629 [C] 3622 [B] 3623 [C] 3624 [B] 3601 [B]
3783. Under what condition, if any, may pilots fly through 3786. Responsibility for collision avoidance in an alert
a restricted area? area rests with
A— When flying on airways with an ATC clearance. A— the controlling agency.
B— With the controlling agency’s authorization. B— all pilots.
C— Regulations do not allow this. C— Air Traffic Control.
Restricted areas can be penetrated but only with the All activity within an Alert Area shall be conducted in
permission of the controlling agency. No person may accordance with FAA regulations, without waiver, and
operate an aircraft within a restricted area contrary to pilots of participating aircraft, as well as pilots transit-
the restrictions imposed unless he/she has the permis- ing the area, shall be equally responsible for collision
sion of the using or controlling agency as appropriate. avoidance. (PLT444) — AIM ¶3-4-6
Penetration of restricted areas without authorization
from the using or controlling agency may be fatal to
the aircraft and its occupants. (PLT393) — AIM ¶3-4-3 ALL
3603. (Refer to Figure 22, area 3.) What type military
flight operations should a pilot expect along IR 644?
A— IFR training flights above 1,500 feet AGL at
3783-1. Flight through a restricted area should not be speeds in excess of 250 knots.
accomplished unless the pilot has B— VFR training flights above 1,500 feet AGL at
A— filed an IFR flight plan. speeds less than 250 knots.
B— received prior authorization from the controlling C— Instrument training flights below 1,500 feet AGL
agency. at speeds in excess of 150 knots.
C— received prior permission from the commanding
officer of the nearest military base. IR644 begins at the lower left (eastbound) and turns
northeast as a thin gray line. IR644 has three digits,
Restricted areas denote the existence of unusual, which mean: generally above 1,500 feet AGL (but some
often invisible hazards to aircraft such as artillery fir- segments below), operations under IFR, and (as with all
ing, aerial gunnery, or guided missiles. Authorization MTRs) may be over 250 knots. (PLT064) — AIM ¶3-5-2
must be received prior to entering any restricted areas.
(PLT393) — AIM ¶3-4-3
3602 [C] 3783 [B] 3783-1 [B] 3785 [C] 3786 [B] 3603 [A]
All aircraft are requested to maintain a minimum alti- Restricted areas can be penetrated but only with the
tude of 2,000 feet above the surface of national parks, permission of the controlling agency. No person may
monuments, seashores, lakeshores, recreation areas, operate an aircraft within a restricted area contrary to
and scenic riverways administered by the National Park the restrictions imposed unless he/she has the permis-
Service, National Wildlife Refuges, Big Game Refuges, sion of the using or controlling agency as appropriate.
Game Ranges and Wildlife Ranges administered by Penetration of restricted areas without authorization
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Wilderness and from the using or controlling agency may be fatal to
Primitive areas administered by the U.S. Forest Service. the aircraft and its occupants. (PLT393) — AIM ¶3-4-3
(PLT376) — AIM ¶7-4-6
ALL 2192. Which is true regarding flight operations in Class
3831. Pilots flying over a national wildlife refuge are B airspace?
requested to fly no lower than A— The pilot must receive an ATC clearance before
A— 1,000 feet AGL. operating an aircraft in that area.
B— 2,000 feet AGL. B— Flight under VFR is not authorized unless the
C— 3,000 feet AGL. pilot in command is instrument rated.
C— Solo student pilot operations are not authorized.
All aircraft are requested to maintain a minimum altitude
of 2,000 feet above the surface of the following: national No person may operate an aircraft within Class B air-
parks, monuments, seashores, lakeshores, recreation space unless the operator first receives an ATC clear-
areas and scenic riverways administered by the National ance from the ATC facility having jurisdiction for that
Park Service, National Wildlife Refuges, Big Game Ref- area. (PLT162) — 14 CFR §91.131
uges, Game Ranges and Wildlife Ranges administered Answer (B) is incorrect because a Private pilot certificate without an
by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Wilderness instrument rating is sufficient to operate in Class B airspace. Answer
and Primitive areas administered by the U.S. Forest (C) is incorrect because with the proper training and endorsements,
a student pilot may operate in Class B airspace.
Service. (PLT064) — AIM ¶7-4-6
3618 [A] 3831 [B] 3130 [A] 3784 [A] 2192 [A]
2193. Which is true regarding flight operations in Class 2049. What designated airspace associated with an
B airspace? airport becomes inactive when the control tower at that
A— The pilot in command must hold at least a private airport is not in operation?
pilot certificate with an instrument rating. A— Class D, which then becomes Class C.
B— The pilot in command must hold at least a student B— Class D, which then becomes Class E.
pilot certificate. C— Class B.
C— The aircraft must be equipped with an ATC
transponder and altitude reporting equipment. Class D airspace means a control tower is in opera-
tion. If the tower closes, it reverts to Class E airspace.
You may not operate an aircraft in Class B airspace (PLT161) — 14 CFR §1.1
unless the aircraft is equipped with an operating tran-
sponder and automatic altitude reporting equipment or
you have requested a waiver at least one hour before SPO
the proposed operation. Both 14 CFR §§91.130 and 2050. (Refer to Figure 71, point 1) What minimum alti-
91.131 have provisions to allow any aircraft to operate tude is required to avoid the Livermore Airport (LVK)
in the airspace without transponders. (PLT162) — 14 Class D airspace?
CFR §91.131 A— 2,503 feet MSL.
Answer (A) is incorrect because a private pilot certificate without an B— 2,901 feet MSL.
instrument rating is sufficient to operate in Class B airspace. Answer C— 3,297 feet MSL.
(B) is incorrect because Class B airspace requires the pilot-in-com-
mand hold a private pilot certificate or have a logbook endorsement
confirming that the necessary training was received. The Class D airspace at Livermore has a top of 2,900
feet MSL, indicated by the [29] within the blue segmented
circle. Therefore, the minimum altitude to fly over and
SPO avoid the Class D airspace is 2,901 feet MSL. (PLT040)
2043. Which is true regarding flight operations to a sat- — AIM ¶3-2-5
ellite airport, without an operating control tower, within Answer (A) is incorrect because 2,503 feet MSL would place you
Class C airspace? within the Class D airspace. Answer (C) is incorrect because
although 3,297 feet MSL would keep you outside the Class D air-
A— Prior to entering that airspace, a Sport Pilot must space, it is not the minimum altitude required to avoid it.
contact the FSS.
B— Prior to entering that airspace, a Sport Pilot must
contact the primary airport tower. SPO
C— Prior to entering that airspace, a Sport Pilot must 2052. The purpose of Military Training Routes, charted
receive the appropriate logbook endorsement. as VFR Military Training Routes (VR) and IFR Military
Training Routes (IR) on sectional charts, is to ensure the
A Sport Pilot must receive ground training and a logbook greatest practical level of safety for all flight operations
endorsement to operate in Class B, C, and D airspace. and to allow the military to conduct
(PLT162) — 14 CFR §61.94 A— low altitude, high-speed training.
Answer (A) is incorrect because airports in Class C airspace have B— radar instrument training.
a control tower; all communications must be established with this
facility, not FSS. Answer (B) is incorrect because the Sport Pilot must C— air-to-air refueling training.
first have specific ground training and a logbook endorsement before
attempting to enter Class C airspace. The military services must train in a wide range of air-
borne tactics. One phase of this training involves “low
level” combat tactics. The required maneuvers and high
speeds are such that they may occasionally make the
see-and-avoid aspect of VFR flight more difficult without
increased vigilance in areas containing such operations.
In an effort to ensure the greatest practical level of safety
for all flight operations, the Military Training Route (MTR)
program was conceived. (PLT116) — AIM ¶3‑5‑2
2193 [C] 2043 [C] 2049 [B] 2050 [B] 2052 [A]
2056. Who is responsible for collision avoidance in a 2204. (Refer to Figure 72, point 1.) The floor of the
Military Operations Area (MOA)? Class E airspace above Georgetown Airport (Q61) is at
A— Each pilot. A— the surface.
B— ATC controllers. B— 700 feet AGL.
C— Military controllers. C— 3,823 feet MSL.
Pilots operating under VFR should exercise extreme Georgetown Airport is outside the magenta shaded
caution while flying within a MOA when military activity area, which indicates the floor of Class E airspace is
is being conducted. No clearance is necessary to enter at 1,200 feet AGL. The airport elevation is given in the
a MOA. (PLT162) — AIM ¶3-4-5 airport data as 2,623 feet MSL. Therefore, the Class E
airspace above Georgetown Airport is 3,823 feet MSL
(2,623 + 1,200). (PLT064) — Sectional Chart
SPO Answer (A) is incorrect because Class E airspace begins at the sur-
2059. (Refer to Figure 25, point 6) The floor of the Class face only when surrounded by a magenta segmented circle. Answer
E airspace over the town of Commerce is (B) is incorrect because Class E airspace begins at 700 feet AGL
inside the magenta shaded areas.
A— 1,200 feet MSL.
B— 700 feet AGL.
C— 1,200 feet AGL. SPO
2138. (Refer to Figure 23, area 1.) The visibility and
The magenta shading around Commerce indicates the cloud clearance requirements for a Sport Pilot to operate
floor of the Class E airspace starts 700 feet above the over Sandpoint Airport at less than 700 feet AGL are
surface. (PLT064) — Sectional Chart
A— 3 miles and clear of clouds.
Answers (A) and (C) are incorrect because 1,200 feet AGL (not
MSL) is indicated with blue shading. B— 1 mile and 1,000 feet above, 500 feet below, and
2,000 feet horizontally from each cloud.
C— 3 miles and 1,000 feet above, 500 feet below,
SPO and 2,000 feet horizontally from each cloud.
2198. Which is true concerning the colors used to depict
airports on Sectional Aeronautical Charts? The Sandpoint Airport Class E airspace starts at 700
feet AGL (indicated by the magenta shading). Class G
A— Airports with control towers underlying Class D airspace exists below this. The Sport Pilot clearance
and E airspace are magenta. requirements are 3 miles visibility and clear of clouds.
B— Airports with control towers are shown in magenta. (PLT163) — 14 CFR §61.315
C— Airports with control towers are shown in blue.
2056 [A] 2059 [B] 2198 [C] 2115 [C] 2204 [C] 2138 [A]
2179 [B]
2055-1. (Refer to Figure 27.) The Devils Lake East 2138-1. (Refer to Figure 76.) The airspace surrounding
MOA (area 1) is a the Gila Bend AF AUX Airport (GBN) (area 6) is clas-
A— meteorological observation area. sified as Class
B— mililtary observation area. A— B.
C— military operations area. B— C.
C— D.
A military operations area (MOA) contains military train-
ing activities such as aerobatics, and calls for extreme The GBN airport is surrounded by a dashed blue line
caution. (PLT064) — AIM ¶3-4-5 which indicates it is within Class D airspace. (PLT040)
— Sectional Chart
2367. (Refer to Figure 27.) The floor of the Class E SPO
airspace over the Jamestown airport is 2138-2. (Refer to Figure 23.) Weather information is
A— surface. available at the Coeur d’Alene (COE) Airport (area 2)
B— 700 feet AGL. A— at the automated flight service station on the field.
C— 1,200 feet AGL. B— from AWOS 3 135.075.
C— from UNICOM (CTAF) on 122.8.
The magenta shading around Jamestown indicates
the floor of the Class E airspace starts 700 feet above Automated Surface Weather Observing System (AWOS)
the surface. The dashed area means the Class E goes is available on 135.075. (PLT116) — Sectional Chart
all the way to the surface (PLT064) — Sectional Chart Legend
Answer (B) is incorrect because 700 feet AGL is indicated with
magenta shading; however, there is a dashed line as well near
the airport bringing Class E to the surface. Answer (C) is incorrect
because 1,200 feet AGL would require blue shading around the
2113-1. (Refer to Figure 26.) What is the base of Class
B airspace at Frisco (DDJ) Airport?
A— 3000.
B— 4000.
C— 1700.
2055-1 [C] 2367 [A] 2113-1 [A] 2138-1 [C] 2138-2 [B]
VOR Orientation
Cockpit display of VOR information is by means of
an indicator as shown in Figure 10-1.
The Omni Bearing Selector (OBS) is an azi-
muth dial which can be rotated to select a course
or to determine which radial the aircraft is on. The
TO/FROM indicator shows whether flying the
selected course would take the aircraft to or from
the VOR station. A TO indication shows the radial
selected is on the far side of the VOR station,
while a FROM indication means the aircraft and
the selected course are on the same side.
The Course Deviation Indicator (CDI), when
centered, indicates the aircraft is on the selected
course, or, when not centered, whether that course Figure 10-1. The VOR indicator
is to the left or right of the aircraft. For example,
3643 [C]
Figure 10-2 is indicating that a course of 030° would take the aircraft to the selected station, and to get
on that course, the aircraft would have to fly to the left of 030°.
To determine position in relation to one or more
VOR stations, first tune and identify the selected
station. Next, rotate the OBS until the CDI cen-
ters with a FROM indication. The OBS reading is
the magnetic course from the VOR station to the
aircraft. With reference to Figure 10-3, the line of
position is established on the 265° radial of the
Repeat the procedure using a second VOR.
The aircraft is located at the point where the two
Figure 10-2. Interpreting the OBS and CDI indications lines of position cross. See Figure 10-4.
3552 [A] 3559 [B]
AIR, RTC The course selected is 030° and the TO/FROM indicator
3566. (Refer to Figure 26, area 5.) The VOR is tuned to is showing TO, which means the aircraft is south of the
the Dallas/Fort Worth VORTAC. The omnibearing selector course. The CDI needle is deflected to the left, which
(OBS) is set on 253°, with a TO indication, and a right means the aircraft is right of the course. (PLT090) —
course deviation indicator (CDI) deflection. What is the FAA-H-8083-25
aircraft’s position from the VORTAC?
A— East–northeast.
B— North–northeast.
3578. (Refer to Figure 29, illustration 3.) The VOR
C— West–southwest.
receiver has the indications shown. What is the aircraft’s
The course selected is 253° and the TO/FROM indicator position relative to the station?
has a TO flag, which means the aircraft is south of the A— East.
course but north of the VOR. The CDI needle is deflected B— Southeast.
to the right, which means the aircraft is left (or east) of C— West.
the course. Therefore, the aircraft must be to the east
northeast of the station to satisfy the VOR indications. Observe from illustration #3 of FAA Figure 29, that there
(PLT101) — FAA-H-8083-25 is no TO/FROM indication and the CDI is deflected left
with an OBS set on 030°. The aircraft is somewhere
along the perpendicular line (120/300°). The CDI left
AIR, RTC means the 030° radial is to the left, or west, of the
3577. (Refer to Figure 29, illustration 1.) The VOR aircraft position. Answer B is the only one placing the
receiver has the indications shown. What is the aircraft’s aircraft on the 120° radial, or southeast of the station.
position relative to the station? (PLT090) — FAA-H-8083-25
A— North.
B— East.
C— South.
3566 [A] 3577 [C] 3578 [B]
AIR, RTC The CDI is centered with the OBS set to 210° with a TO
3579. (Refer to Figure 29, illustration 8.) The VOR indication. Therefore, the aircraft is located on the 030°
receiver has the indications shown. What radial is the radial. (PLT090) — FAA-H-8083-25
aircraft crossing?
A— 030°.
B— 210°.
C— 300°.
Course Determination
To determine the course to be flown to a VOR station on the sectional aeronautical chart, first draw a
line from the starting point to the VOR symbol in the center of the compass rose. At the point where the
course line crosses the compass rose, read the radial. The course to the station is the reciprocal of that
radial. See Figure 10-5.
3579 [A] 3553 [B] 3560 [A]
3533 [A] 3561 [B] 3570 [B] 3539 [B]
VOR Airways
The routes established between VORs are depicted by blue-tinted bands showing the airway number
following the letter “V,” and are called “Victor airways.” See Figure 10-6.
When approaching a VOR where airways converge, a pilot must exercise extreme vigilance for other
aircraft. In addition, when climbing or descending VFR on an airway, it is considered good operating
practice to execute gentle banks left and right for continuous visual scanning of the airspace.
3814. What procedure is recommended when climbing
or descending VFR on an airway?
A— Execute gentle banks, left and right for
continuous visual scanning of the airspace.
B— Advise the nearest FSS of the altitude changes. Figure 10-6
C— Fly away from the centerline of the airway before
changing altitude.
2100 [C] 3814 [A]
AIR, RTC To use the VOT service, tune in the VOT frequency on
3598-1. When the course deviation indicator (CDI) the VOR receiver. With the CDI centered, the OBS should
needle is centered during an omnireceiver check using a read 0° with the TO/FROM indication showing “FROM” or
VOR test signal (VOT), the omnibearing selector (OBS) the OBS should read 180° with the TO/FROM indication
and the TO/FROM indicator should read showing “TO.” (PLT300) — AIM ¶1-1-4
A— 180° FROM, only if the pilot is due north of the
B— 0° TO or 180° FROM, regardless of the pilot’s
position from the VOT.
C— 0° FROM or 180° TO, regardless of the pilot’s
position from the VOT.
3598-1 [C]
3598-3. If receiver autonomous integrity monitoring 3598-4. How many Global Positioning System (GPS)
(RAIM) capability is lost in flight, satellites are required to yield a three dimensional posi-
A— the pilot may still rely on GPS derived altitude for tion (latitude, longitude, and altitude) and time solution?
vertical information. A— 5.
B— the pilot has no assurance of the accuracy of the B— 6.
GPS position. C— 4.
C— GPS position is reliable provided at least 3 GPS
satellites are available. The GPS receiver uses data from a minimum of four
satellites to yield a three-dimensional position (latitude,
The GPS receiver verifies the integrity (usability) of the longitude, and altitude) and time solution. (PLT354) —
signals received from the GPS constellation through FAA-H-8083-25
receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM) to
determine if a satellite is providing corrupted information.
At least one satellite, in addition to those required for
navigation, must be in view for the receiver to perform
the RAIM function; thus, RAIM needs a minimum of 5
satellites in view, or 4 satellites and a barometric altimeter
(baro-aiding) to detect an integrity anomaly. For receivers
capable of doing so, RAIM needs 6 satellites in view (or 5
satellites with baro-aiding) to isolate the corrupt satellite
signal and remove it from the navigation solution. GPS
derived altitude should not be relied upon to determine
aircraft altitude since the vertical error can be quite large
and no integrity is provided. (PLT354) — AIM ¶1-1-19
3598-3 [B] 3598-4 [C]
3613 [A] 3614 [A]
3615. The correct method of stating 10,500 feet MSL 3998. When should pilots state their position on the
to ATC is airport when calling the tower for takeoff?
A— “TEN THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED FEET.” A— When visibility is less than 1 mile.
B— “TEN POINT FIVE.” B— When parallel runways are in use.
C— “ONE ZERO THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED.” C— When departing from a runway intersection.
Up to but not including 18,000 feet MSL, state the Pilots should state their position on the airport when
separate digits of the thousands, plus the hundreds, if calling the tower for takeoff from a runway intersection.
appropriate. Example: “10,500 — one zero thousand, (PLT222) — AIM ¶4-3-10
five hundred.” (PLT204) — AIM ¶4-2-9
ALL, SPO 3605-1. As standard operating practice, all inbound traf-
3604. (Refer to Figure 21, area 3.) What is the recom- fic to an airport without a control tower should continu-
mended communications procedure for a landing at ously monitor the appropriate facility from a distance of
Currituck County Airport? A— 25 miles.
A— Transmit intentions on 122.9 MHz when 10 miles B— 20 miles.
out and give position reports in the traffic pattern. C— 10 miles.
B— Contact Elizabeth City FSS for airport advisory
service. Pilots of inbound traffic should monitor and commu-
C— Contact New Bern FSS for area traffic information. nicate as appropriate on the designated CTAF from
10 miles to landing. Pilots of departing aircraft should
Where there is no tower, FSS, or UNICOM station on monitor/communicate on the appropriate frequency from
the airport, use MULTICOM frequency 122.9 for self- start-up, during taxi, and until 10 miles from the airport
announce procedures. Such airports will be identified unless the CFRs or local procedures require otherwise.
in the appropriate aeronautical information publications. (PLT435) — AIM ¶4-1-9
(PLT435) — AIM ¶4-1-9
ALL 3605-2. Absence of the sky condition and visibility on
3630. (Refer to Figure 22.) On what frequency can a an ATIS broadcast indicates that
pilot receive Hazardous Inflight Weather Advisory Ser- A— weather conditions are at or above VFR
vice (HIWAS) in the vicinity of area 1? minimums.
A— 117.1 MHz. B— the sky condition is clear and visibility is
B— 118.0 MHz. unrestricted.
C— 122.0 MHz. C— the ceiling is at least 5,000 feet and visibility is 5
miles or more.
The reversed-out H in the upper-right corner indicates
HIWAS on the VOR frequency. (PLT064) — AIM ¶7‑1‑10 The absence of a sky condition or ceiling and/or visibility
on ATIS indicates a ceiling of 5,000 feet or above and
visibility of 5 miles or more. (PLT196) — AIM ¶4-1-13
3605. (Refer to Figure 22, area 2.) The CTAF/MULTI-
COM frequency for Garrison Airport is
A— 122.8 MHz.
B— 122.9 MHz.
C— 123.0 MHz.
3615 [C] 3604 [A] 3630 [A] 3605 [B] 3998 [C] 3605-1 [C]
3605-2 [C]
3606. (Refer to Figure 23, area 2; and Figure 32.) At 2014. (Refer to Figure 23, area 2; and Figure 32.) What
Coeur D’Alene, which frequency should be used as a is the correct UNICOM frequency to be used at Coeur
Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) to self- D’Alene?
announce position and intentions? A— 135.075 MHz.
A— 122.05 MHz. B— 122.05 MHz.
B— 122.1/108.8 MHz. C— 122.8 MHz.
C— 122.8 MHz.
The sectional chart and Airport Facility Directory both
CTAF (Common Traffic Advisory Frequency) is a fre- list the UNICOM frequency as 122.8. The UNICOM
quency designed for the purpose of carrying out air- frequency is depicted in the airport information in the
port advisory practices and/or position reporting at an lower right-hand corner. (PLT064) — AIM ¶4-1-11
uncontrolled airport (which may also occur during hours Answer (A) is incorrect because 135.075 is used to listen to AWOS.
when a tower is closed). The CTAF may be a UNICOM, Answer (B) is incorrect because 122.05 is the remote communica-
MULTICOM, FSS, or tower frequency and is identified tion outlet (RCO) frequency to contact Boise FSS in the Coeur
D’Alene vicinity.
in the appropriate aeronautical publications. A solid dot
with the letter “C” inside indicates the Common Traffic
Advisory Frequency. When the control tower operates ALL
part time and a UNICOM frequency is provided, use the 3608. (Refer to Figure 23, area 2; and Figure 32.) What
UNICOM frequency. (PLT064) — AIM ¶4-1-9 is the correct UNICOM frequency to be used at Coeur
D’Alene to request fuel?
ALL, SPO A— 135.075 MHz.
3607. (Refer to Figure 23, area 2; and Figure 32.) At B— 122.1/108.8 MHz.
Coeur D’Alene, which frequency should be used as a C— 122.8 MHz.
Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) to monitor
airport traffic? The sectional chart and Airport Facility Directory both list
the UNICOM frequency as 122.8. This is the appropri-
A— 122.05 MHz. ate frequency to use to contact UNICOM. The UNICOM
B— 135.075 MHz. frequency is depicted in the airport information in the
C— 122.8 MHz. lower right-hand corner. (PLT064) — AIM ¶4-1-11
CTAF (Common Traffic Advisory Frequency) is a fre-
quency designed for the purpose of carrying out air- ALL
port advisory practices and/or position reporting at an 3609. (Refer to Figure 26, area 3.) If Dallas Executive
uncontrolled airport (which may also occur during hours (RBD) Tower is not in operation, which frequency should
when a tower is closed). The CTAF may be a UNICOM, be used as a Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF)
MULTICOM, FSS, or tower frequency and is identified to monitor airport traffic?
in the appropriate aeronautical publications. A solid
dot with the letter “C” inside indicates Common Traffic A— 127.25 MHz.
Advisory Frequency. When the control tower operates B— 122.95 MHz.
part time and a UNICOM frequency is provided, use the C— 126.35 MHz.
UNICOM frequency. (PLT064) — AIM ¶4-1-9
A solid dot with the letter “C” inside indicates the Com-
mon Traffic Advisory Frequency. (PLT064) — AIM ¶4-1-9
3606 [C] 3607 [C] 2014 [C] 3608 [C] 3609 [A]
3641. (Refer to Figure 26, area 2.) The control tower 3612. (Refer to Figure 27, area 5.) What is the CTAF/
frequency for Addison Airport is UNICOM frequency at Barnes County Airport?
A— 122.95 MHz. A— 122.0 MHz.
B— 126.0 MHz. B— 122.8 MHz.
C— 133.4 MHz. C— 123.6 MHz.
The correct answer is found in the explanatory box for CTAF (Common Traffic Advisory Frequency) is a fre-
Addison airport in area 2: 126.0 MHz. (PLT101) — Sec- quency designed for the purpose of carrying out air-
tional Chart Legend port advisory practices and/or position reporting at an
uncontrolled airport (which may also occur during hours
when a tower is closed). The CTAF may be a UNICOM,
ALL MULTICOM, FSS, or tower frequency and is identified
3610. (Refer to Figure 27, area 2.) What is the recom- in the appropriate aeronautical publications. A solid
mended communication procedure when inbound to dot with the letter “C” inside indicates Common Traffic
land at Cooperstown Airport? Advisory Frequency. (PLT064) — AIM ¶4-1-9
A— Broadcast intentions when 10 miles out on the
CTAF/MULTICOM frequency, 122.9 MHz.
B— Contact UNICOM when 10 miles out on 122.8
MHz. 3791. Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS)
C— Circle the airport in a left turn prior to entering is the continuous broadcast of recorded information
traffic. concerning
A— pilots of radar-identified aircraft whose aircraft
MULTICOM frequency is always 122.9 MHz, and the is in dangerous proximity to terrain or to an
correct procedure is to broadcast intentions when 10 obstruction.
miles from the airport. (PLT064) — AIM ¶4-1-9 B— nonessential information to reduce frequency
C— noncontrol information in selected high-activity
ALL terminal areas.
3611. (Refer to Figure 27, area 4.) The CTAF/UNICOM
frequency at Jamestown Airport is ATIS is the continuous broadcast of recorded non-control
A— 122.0 MHz. information in selected high-activity terminal areas.
B— 123.0 MHz. (PLT196) — AIM ¶4-1-13
C— 123.6 MHz.
3641 [B] 3610 [A] 3611 [B] 3612 [B] 3791 [C] 3790 [C]
3811 [A] 3812 [B] 2001 [B] 2205 [B] 2006 [B] 2007 [B]
2015. You have just landed at a towered airport and the 2017. After landing at a tower controlled airport a pilot
tower tells you to contact ground control when clear of should contact ground control
the runway. You are considered clear of the runway when A— when advised by the tower.
A— all parts of the aircraft have crossed the hold line. B— prior to turning off the runway.
B— the aircraft cockpit is clear of the hold line. C— after reaching a taxiway that leads directly to the
C— the tail of the aircraft is clear of the runway edge. parking area.
An aircraft exiting a runway is not clear of the runway A pilot who has just landed should not change from the
until all parts of the aircraft have crossed the applicable tower frequency to the ground control frequency until
holding position marking. (PLT112) — AIM ¶2-3-5 directed to do so by the controller. (PLT170) — AIM
2016. Pilots should state their position on the airport
when calling the tower for takeoff
A— from a runway intersection, during instrument
B— from a runway intersection or the end of the
C— from a runway intersection, only at night.
2015 [A] 2016 [B] 2017 [A]
Figure 11-2
3111 [A] 3115 [B]
3112 [A] 3113 [B] 3114 [C] 3116 [B] 3804 [A] 2012 [B]
3792-1. When an air traffic controller issues radar traffic 3792. An ATC radar facility issues the following advisory
information in relation to the 12-hour clock, the reference to a pilot flying on a heading of 090°:
the controller uses is the aircraft’s “TRAFFIC 3 O’CLOCK, 2 MILES, WESTBOUND…”
A— true course. Where should the pilot look for this traffic?
B— ground track.
C— magnetic heading. A— East.
B— South.
Azimuth information given by ATC is based on the C— West.
ground track of an aircraft as it is observed. The pilot
must apply a correction to the reported azimuth using Traffic information will be given in azimuth from the
a drift-correction angle in order to maintain the track. aircraft in terms of the 12-hour clock. Thus, each hour
(PLT044) — AIM ¶4-1-15 would constitute an angle of 30°. Picture a clock in your
lap; 3 o’clock is to your right, 9 o’clock is to your left,
12 o’clock is straight ahead, and 6 o’clock is behind you.
If an aircraft is proceeding on a heading of 090° (east),
traffic located at the 3 o’clock position would be 90° right
of the nose, south of the aircraft. (PLT194) — AIM ¶4‑1‑15
3792-1 [B] 3792 [B]
3793. An ATC radar facility issues the following advisory 2054. An ATC radar facility issues the following advi-
to a pilot flying on a heading of 360°: sory to a pilot flying on a heading of 270°: ‘TRAFFIC
the pilot look for this traffic?
Where should the pilot look for this traffic?
A— North.
A— Northwest. B— South.
B— Northeast. C— West.
C— Southwest.
Traffic information will be given in azimuth from the
If an aircraft is proceeding on a heading of 360° (north), aircraft in terms of the 12-hour clock. Thus, each hour
traffic located at the 10 o’clock position would be 60° would constitute an angle of 30°. Picture a clock in your
(left) of the nose, or to the northwest. (PLT194) — AIM lap; 3 o’clock is to your right, 9 o’clock is to your left, 12
¶4‑1‑15 o’clock is straight ahead, and 6 o’clock is behind you. If
an aircraft is proceeding on a heading of 270° (west),
traffic located at the 3 o’clock position would be 90° right
of the nose, north of the aircraft. (PLT194) — AIM ¶4‑1‑15
3798. TRSA Service in the terminal radar program
A— IFR separation (1,000 feet vertical and 3 miles ALL
lateral) between all aircraft. 3795. An ATC radar facility issues the following advisory
B— warning to pilots when their aircraft are in unsafe to a pilot flying north in a calm wind:
proximity to terrain, obstructions, or other aircraft. “TRAFFIC 9 O’CLOCK, 2 MILES, SOUTHBOUND…”
C— sequencing and separation for participating VFR
aircraft. Where should the pilot look for this traffic?
A— South.
TRSA Service provides separation of participating VFR B— North.
aircraft and all IFR aircraft operating within the airspace. C— West.
(PLT370) — AIM ¶4-1-18
An aircraft flying north in calm wind would be heading
360°. When advised of traffic at the 9 o’clock position,
ALL the pilot should look 90° left of the nose, to the west.
3794. An ATC radar facility issues the following advisory (PLT194) — AIM ¶4-1-15
to a pilot during a local flight:
Where should the pilot look for this traffic? 3796. Basic radar service in the terminal radar program
A— Between directly ahead and 90° to the left. is best described as
B— Between directly behind and 90° to the right. A— safety alerts, traffic advisories and limited
C— Between directly ahead and 90° to the right. vectoring to VFR aircraft.
B— mandatory radar service provided by the
Traffic information issued to the pilot as “2 o’clock” would Automated Radar Terminal System (ARTS)
mean approximately 60° right. (PLT194) — AIM ¶4‑1‑15 program.
C— wind-shear warning at participating airports.
3793 [A] 3798 [C] 3794 [C] 2054 [A] 3795 [C] 3796 [A]
3797. From whom should a departing VFR aircraft 2226. During departure, when visual separation is
request radar traffic information during ground opera- employed by Air Traffic Control (ATC), traffic is no longer
tions? a factor when
A— Clearance delivery. A— the other aircraft turns away or is on a diverging
B— Tower, just before takeoff. course.
C— Ground control, on initial contact. B— visual contact with the other aircraft is lost.
C— the other aircraft is passed.
Pilots of departing VFR aircraft are encouraged to
request radar traffic information by notifying ground Traffic is no longer a factor when during approach
control on initial contact with their request and proposed phase the other aircraft is in the landing phase of flight
direction of flight. (PLT204) — AIM ¶4-1-18 or executes a missed approach; and during departure
or en route, when the other aircraft turns away or is on
a diverging course. (PLT116) — AIM ¶4-4-14
A transponder is an airborne radar beacon transmitter-receiver that automatically receives signals from a
ground-based radar beacon transmitter-receiver (interrogator). The transponder selectively replies (with
a specific code) only to those interrogations being received on the mode to which it is set. Civil Mode A
transponders have 4,096 discrete four-digit codes. This return signal is displayed on a radarscope on
the ground, and a controller can then identify and pinpoint the position of each aircraft (target) under
his/her control.
Some transponders are also equipped with a Mode C automatic altitude-reporting capability. This
system converts aircraft altitude (in 100-foot increments) to coded digital information which is transmit-
ted back to the interrogating radar system. With Mode C, the controller has information on the aircraft’s
altitude as well as its position. The IDENT feature should not be activated unless requested by ATC.
Mode C, which should be operated at all times unless ATC requests otherwise, is also required for all
flights above 10,000 feet MSL.
The transponder code for VFR flight is 1200. When changing transponder codes, avoid inadvertent
selection of codes 7500 (hijack), 7600 (lost communications), 7700 (emergency), and 7777 (military
interceptor operations).
Operation in Class A, Class B, and Class C airspace requires a transponder with Mode A/C capability
and 4,096 codes available.
If air traffic control advises that radar service is being terminated, the transponder should be set to
code 1200.
3797 [C] 2226 [A]
3165. An operable 4096-code transponder with an 3996. When operating the transponder on the VFR code
encoding altimeter is required in which airspace? (1200), what is the minimum mode the transponder
A— Class A, Class B (and within 30 miles of the must be in?
Class B primary airport), and Class C. A— Mode A.
B— Class D and Class E (below 10,000 feet MSL). B— Mode C.
C— Class D and Class G (below 10,000 feet MSL). C— Mode F.
Class A, B (and within 30 miles of the Class B primary When operating on the VFR code 1200, adjust the tran-
airport), and C airspace require a Mode C transponder. sponder to reply on Mode A unless otherwise instructed
(PLT161) — 14 CFR §91.215 by an ATC facility. (PLT497) — AIM ¶4-1-20
Answer (B) is incorrect because while altitude-reporting Mode C
should be used if it is installed, it is not required to squawk 1200.
ALL Answer (C) is incorrect because F is not a transponder mode.
3129. An operable 4096-code transponder and Mode
C encoding altimeter are required in
A— Class B airspace and within 30 miles of the Class 3803. If Air Traffic Control advises that radar service is
B primary airport. terminated when the pilot is departing Class C airspace,
B— Class D airspace. the transponder should be set to code
C— Class E airspace below 10,000 feet MSL.
A— 0000.
Encoding transponders are required within all Class B B— 1200.
airspace and within 30 miles of the primary airport even C— 4096.
if you are below a Class B airspace layer. (PLT497) — 14
CFR §91.131, §91.215 When VFR, unless otherwise instructed by an ATC facil-
ity, adjust transponder to reply code 1200 regardless of
Answers (B) and (C) are incorrect because transponders are not
required in Class D airspace, or below 10,000 feet unless in Class altitude. (PLT161) — AIM ¶4-1-20
B or C airspace.
ALL 3166. With certain exceptions, all aircraft within 30 miles
3801. When operating under VFR below 18,000 feet of a Class B primary airport from the surface upward to
MSL, unless otherwise authorized, what transponder 10,000 feet MSL must be equipped with
code should be selected? A— an operable VOR or TACAN receiver and an ADF
A— 1200. receiver.
B— 7600. B— instruments and equipment required for IFR
C— 7700. operations.
C— an operable transponder having either Mode S
Unless otherwise instructed by an ATC facility, adjust the or 4096-code capability with Mode C automatic
transponder to reply on Mode 3/A, code 1200, regard- altitude reporting capability.
less of altitude. (PLT497) — AIM ¶4-1-20
With certain exceptions, all aircraft need encoding tran-
sponders under the 30-mile veil of Class B airspace.
(PLT161) — 14 CFR §91.215
Answers (A) and (B) are incorrect because they apply to IFR flight.
3165 [A] 3129 [A] 3801 [A] 3996 [A] 3803 [B] 3166 [C]
3800. When making routine transponder code changes, 3802-1. If your glider is equipped with 4096 code
pilots should avoid inadvertent selection of which codes? radar beacon transponder, the code uitlized for normal
A— 0700, 1700, 7000. operations is
B— 1200, 1500, 7000. A— 1202.
C— 7500, 7600, 7700. B— 1200.
C— 7700.
When making routine code changes, pilots should avoid
selecting codes 7500, 7600 or 7700, thereby preventing Gliders not in contact with an ATC facility should squawk
false alarms at automated ground facilities. (PLT497) 1202 in lieu of 1200. (PLT161) — AIM ¶4-1-20
— AIM ¶4-1-20
ALL 2005. When a distress or urgency condition is encoun-
3800-1. When making routine transponder code tered, the pilot of an aircraft with a coded radar beacon
changes, pilots should avoid inadvertent selection of transponder, who desires to alert a ground radar facility,
which code? should squawk code
A— 7200. A— 7700
B— 7000. B— 7600
C— 7500. C— 7500
When making routine code changes, pilots should avoid When a distress or urgency condition is encountered, the
selecting codes 7500, 7600 or 7700, thereby preventing pilot of an aircraft with a coded radar beacon transpon-
false alarms at automated ground facilities. (PLT497) der, who desires to alert a ground radar facility, should
— AIM ¶4-1-20 squawk Code 7700 and then immediately establish com-
munications with the ATC facility. (PLT497) — AIM ¶6-2-2
Answer (B) is incorrect because 7600 is used for lost communica-
ALL tions. Answer (C) is incorrect because 7500 is used to indicate a
3802. Unless otherwise authorized, if flying a transpon- hijack situation.
der equipped aircraft, a pilot should squawk which VFR
A— 1200.
B— 7600.
C— 7700.
3800 [C] 3800-1 [C] 3802 [A] 3802-1 [A] 2005 [A]
3819. When activated, an emergency locator transmitter 3161. When are non-rechargeable batteries of an emer-
(ELT) transmits on gency locator transmitter (ELT) required to be replaced?
A— 118.0 and 118.8 MHz. A— Every 24 months.
B— 121.5 and 406 MHz. B— When 50 percent of their useful life expires.
C— 123.0 and 119.0 MHz. C— At the time of each 100-hour or annual inspection.
ELTs transmit an audio tone on 121.5, 243.0, and ELT batteries must be replaced after 1 hour of cumula-
406 MHz. (PLT402) — AIM ¶6-2-4 tive use or when 50% of their useful life has expired,
whichever comes first. (PLT402) — 14 CFR §91.207
3819-1. When activated, an emergency locator trans- ALL
mitter (ELT) transmits on 3820. When must the battery in an emergency locator
A— 118.0 and 118.8 MHz. transmitter (ELT) be replaced (or recharged if the bat-
B— 121.5 and 243.0 MHz. tery is rechargeable)?
C— 123.0 and 119.0 MHz. A— After one-half the battery’s useful life.
B— During each annual and 100-hour inspection.
ELTs transmit an audio tone on 121.5, 243.0, and 406 C— Every 24 calendar months.
MHz. ELTs operating on 121.5 and 243.0 MHz are analog
devices. The newer 406 MHz ELT is a digital transmitter ELT batteries must be replaced after 1 hour of cumula-
that can be encoded with the owner’s contact information tive use or when 50% of their useful life has expired,
or aircraft data. (PLT402) — AIM ¶6-2-4 whichever comes first. (PLT402) — AIM ¶6-2-4
3160. When must batteries in an emergency locator
transmitter (ELT) be replaced or recharged, if recharge-
A— After any inadvertent activation of the ELT.
B— When the ELT has been in use for more than 1
cumulative hour.
C— When the ELT can no longer be heard over the
airplane’s communication radio receiver.
3819 [B] 3819-1 [B] 3160 [B] 3161 [B] 3820 [A]
3821. When may an emergency locator transmitter 3822. Which procedure is recommended to ensure
(ELT) be tested? that the emergency locator transmitter (ELT) has not
A— Anytime. been activated?
B— At 15 and 45 minutes past the hour. A— Turn off the aircraft ELT after landing.
C— During the first 5 minutes after the hour. B— Ask the airport tower if they are receiving an ELT
An ELT test should be conducted only during the first 5 C— Monitor 121.5 before engine shutdown.
minutes after any hour and then only for three audible
sweeps. (PLT402) — AIM ¶6-2-4 Immediately after hard landings and before parking,
check radio frequency 121.5 MHz. (PLT402) — AIM
3821 [C] 3822 [C]
The following list of the numbered questions included in this ASA Test Prep is given in sequential order;
however, as a result of our ongoing review of FAA test question databases, some question numbers may
have been removed due to changes in the database. All currently existing questions are accounted for
in this list. For more information about the questions included in ASA Test Preps, please read Pages vii–xix
in the front matter for this book.
The expression “learning statement,” as used in FAA airman testing, refers to measurable statements
about the knowledge a student should be able to demonstrate following a certain segment of training.
When you take the applicable airman knowledge test required for an airman pilot certificate or rating, you
will receive an Airman Knowledge Test Report. The test report will list the learning statement codes for
questions you have answered incorrectly. Match the codes given on your test report to the ones in the
official FAA Learning Statement Codes (listed below in this cross-reference). Use Cross-Reference A in
this book to find the page number for the question numbers listed below.
Your instructor is required to provide instruction on each of the areas of deficiency listed on your
Airman Knowledge Test Report (as LSCs), and give you an endorsement for this instruction. The Airman
Knowledge Test Report must be presented to the examiner conducting your practical test. During the
oral portion of the practical test, the examiner is required to evaluate the noted areas of deficiency.
The FAA’s learning statement codes are a hierarchical sequence of classification codes that places
a knowledge item in a unique category, which can then be used for reference to source textbooks and
study material. The LSCs are assigned to all FAA test questions in order to categorize them for place-
ment on a given Knowledge Exam. This classification code system uses the following hierarchy (which
is further detailed in the cross-reference table starting on the next page):
• Topic—this is the overall subject matter topic code, the highest classification of overall subject matter
a knowledge test item was developed to assess (for example, “Aerodynamics”).
• Content—the secondary level subject matter code (for example, “Airspeed”).
• Specific—the basic hierarchical classification code the subject matter for a knowledge test item (for
example, “Thrust”).
The FAA sample questions for the Private Pilot Airplane (PAR) and the Instrument Rating Airplane
Airman Knowledge Tests now show two types of codes associated with each question:
• The Learning Statement Code(s) (LSCs) associated with the question topic area. The LSC codes
currently appear on the Airman Knowledge Test Report for any missed knowledge test questions.
• The “Airman Certification Standards” (ACS) code for the question topic area. The FAA expects the
ACS codes to replace the LSC codes on the PAR Airman Knowledge Test within the next 12–18
ASA provides a cross-reference to these new ACS codes on the Private Pilot Test Prep product web
page: www.asa2fly.com/reader/TPP—visit this “Reader Resource” web page to learn more about the
Airman Certification Standard.
If you received a code on your Airman Test Report that is not listed in this cross-reference, email ASA
at cfi@asa2fly.com. We will provide the definition so you can review that subject area.
The FAA appreciates testing experience feedback. You can contact the branch responsible for the FAA
Knowledge Exams directly at:
Federal Aviation Administration
AFS-630, Airman Testing Standards Branch
PO Box 25082
Oklahoma City, OK 73125
Email: AFS630comments@faa.gov
Private Pilot Test Prep ASA B – 1
Cross-Reference B Learning Statement Code and Question Number
Learning FAA Reference Subject Description (or Topic 〉 Content 〉 Specific classification)
Statement Code Question Numbers
Learning FAA Reference Subject Description (or Topic 〉 Content 〉 Specific classification)
Statement Code Question Numbers
Learning FAA Reference Subject Description (or Topic 〉 Content 〉 Specific classification)
Statement Code Question Numbers
Learning FAA Reference Subject Description (or Topic 〉 Content 〉 Specific classification)
Statement Code Question Numbers
Learning FAA Reference Subject Description (or Topic 〉 Content 〉 Specific classification)
Statement Code Question Numbers
Learning FAA Reference Subject Description (or Topic 〉 Content 〉 Specific classification)
Statement Code Question Numbers
Learning FAA Reference Subject Description (or Topic 〉 Content 〉 Specific classification)
Statement Code Question Numbers
Learning FAA Reference Subject Description (or Topic 〉 Content 〉 Specific classification)
Statement Code Question Numbers
Learning FAA Reference Subject Description (or Topic 〉 Content 〉 Specific classification)
Statement Code Question Numbers
PLT253 FAA-H-8083-25 Aircraft Systems 〉 Powerplant 〉 Electric Fuel Pump; Mixture Control
3221‑1, 3224, 3227, 3230, 3230-1, 3233, 3243‑1, 3352, 3353, 3959, 3960,
3961, 3962, 3963, 3974
PLT254 FAA-H-8083-11 Aircraft Systems 〉 Fuel/Oil 〉 Fueling; Tanks
3354, 3357, 3358, 3361, 3885
PLT256 FAA-H-8083-13 Recall glider information—effect of loading
PLT257 FAA-H-8083-3 Recall glide performance—speed/distance/ballast/lift/drag
PLT259 FAA-H-8083-21 Recall ground resonance—conditions to occur
2329, 3332
PLT260 FAA-H-8083-21 Recall gyroplane—aerodynamics/rotor systems
2327, 2332
PLT263 AC 00-6 Weather 〉 Meteorology 〉 Thunderstorms; Turbulence
3425, 3442
PLT264 FAA-H-8083-21 Recall helicopter approach/settling with power
PLT265 FAA-H-8083-21 Flight Operations 〉 Emergency Procedures 〉 Ground Resonance
PLT268 FAA-H-8083-21 Aerodynamics 〉 Principles of Flight 〉 Helicopter Hovering Flight
PLT271 FAA-H-8083-25 Human Factors 〉 ADM 〉 Judgement; Risk Management
2073, 3452-1, 3931‑3
PLT274 AC 00-6 Weather 〉 Meteorology 〉 Icing
3429, 3430, 3489
PLT278 FAA-H-8083-25 Aircraft Systems 〉 Flight Instruments 〉 Airspeed Indicator
3274, 3682
PLT280 AIM Recall inflight illusions—causes/sources
PLT281 FAA-H-8083-25 Publications 〉 AFD 〉 Revisions
2118, 3619‑1
PLT284 AC 00-45 Weather 〉 Aeronautical Weather Forecasts 〉 Winds/Temperatures Aloft Forecast
3505, 3506
PLT285 FAA-H-8083-21 Flight Operations 〉 Maneuvers 〉 Basic
3335, 3732, 3735, 3736, 3737
PLT289 AC 00-45 Weather 〉 Charts/Maps 〉 Weather Depiction Charts
3507, 3509, 3511
Learning FAA Reference Subject Description (or Topic 〉 Content 〉 Specific classification)
Statement Code Question Numbers
Learning FAA Reference Subject Description (or Topic 〉 Content 〉 Specific classification)
Statement Code Question Numbers
Learning FAA Reference Subject Description (or Topic 〉 Content 〉 Specific classification)
Statement Code Question Numbers
Learning FAA Reference Subject Description (or Topic 〉 Content 〉 Specific classification)
Statement Code Question Numbers
Learning FAA Reference Subject Description (or Topic 〉 Content 〉 Specific classification)
Statement Code Question Numbers
Learning FAA Reference Subject Description (or Topic 〉 Content 〉 Specific classification)
Statement Code Question Numbers
PLT470 FAA-H-8083-21 Aerodynamics 〉 Principles of Flight 〉 Coriolis Effect; Retreating Blade Stall
Aircraft Systems 〉 Flight Controls/Primary 〉 Tail Rotor
3320, 3323, 3325, 3326, 3328, 3329, 3330, 3331, 3334
PLT472 FAA-H-8083-21 Flight Operations 〉 Emergency Operations 〉 Main Rotor
PLT473 FAA-H-8083-25 Aircraft Systems 〉 Flight Controls/Secondary 〉 Flaps
3219, 3220, 3905
PLT477 FAA-H-8083-25 Aerodynamics 〉 Stall/Spins 〉 Stalls
2225, 2233, 3263
PLT478 FAA-H-8083-25 Aircraft Systems 〉 Powerplant 〉 Ignition; Magnetos
2242, 3223, 3223-2, 3240, 3970
PLT479 FAA-H-8083-3 Aircraft Systems 〉 Powerplant 〉 Engine Starting
PLT486 FAA-H-8083-3 Airport Operations 〉 Taxiing 〉 Flight Controls
2016, 3302, 3303, 3304, 3903
PLT492 AC 00-6 Weather 〉 Meteorology 〉 Stability
PLT493 AC 00-6 Weather 〉 Meteorology 〉 Moisture
PLT494 AC 00-6 Weather 〉 Meteorology 〉 Thermals
3448, 3471, 3471-1, 3751, 3752, 3753, 3754, 3755, 3756, 3757, 3881
PLT495 AC 00-6 Weather 〉 Meteorology 〉 Thunderstorms
3434, 3435, 3436, 3437, 3438, 3439, 3440, 3441, 3452
PLT496 FAA-H-8083-13 Recall towrope—strength/safety links/positioning
3174, 3175, 3176, 3177
PLT497 AIM Aircraft Systems 〉 Avionics 〉 Transponder
2005, 3129, 3800, 3800-1, 3801, 3802, 3996
PLT501 AC 00-6 Recall turbulence—types/characteristics/reporting/corrective actions
2159, 2236
PLT502 14 CFR 91 Regulations 〉 14 CFR Part 91 〉 Light Gun Signals
3812, 3869, 3870, 3871, 3872, 3873, 3874, 3875
PLT506 14 CFR 1 Regulations 〉 14 CFR Part 1 〉 V-speeds
3006, 3007, 3008, 3009, 3010
PLT508 14 CFR 91 Recall VOR/altimeter/transponder checks—identification/tuning/identifying/
Learning FAA Reference Subject Description (or Topic 〉 Content 〉 Specific classification)
Statement Code Question Numbers
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