Phase Arrangement OHL

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2016 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Conference - Xi'an - China

Research on the Selection Method of Phase Sequence

Arrangement of Double-circuit Transmission Lines on
the Same Tower
Ning Zhou, Zhan Shu,Yongchun Su, Bo Chen
Zheng Cheng
State Grid Jiangxi Electric Power Research Institute
Jiangxi Electric Power Company
Nan Chang, China
Nan Chang, China

Abstract-The phase sequence arrangement of double-circuit using which kind of phase sequence arrangement of phase in
transmission line on the same tower influences both three-phase the practical engineering construction of the double-circuit
unbalance degree of the line and direction judgment of zero transmission lines on the same tower. Some researchers
sequence power directional component. Based on the length of studied measures of improving unbalance degree of double-
the line, considering the effects of phase sequence arrangement circuit[2-4]. In the situation that a11 tower has been used the
on transmission line unbalance degree and normal operation of kind of drum-shaped, the three categories (same phase
the relay protection device, put forward a selection method of sequence, different phase sequence, reverse phase sequence)
phase sequence arrangement of double-circuit transmission line
and six kinds phase sequence arrangement were calculated
on the same tower. The method could make the unbalanced
negative sequence unbalance degree, zero sequence
degree of current under the rules and minimize the probability
of relay protection malfunction when external inter-phase short
unbalance degree and zero sequence circulating current
circuit faults happen by selecting an optimal phase sequence unbalance degree, and providing drum-shaped tower and
arrangement. Take advantage of ATP/EMTP to build fault and reverse phase sequence arrangement of conductors will lower
normal model of double-circuit transmission lines on the same zero sequence and negative sequence unbalance degree. But
tower and to calculate the zero-sequence unbalance degree and the measures did not consider that the inverse phase sequence
zero sequence circulating current unbalance degree. According arrangement produce zero-sequence circulating current
to the results of simulation, this method selects BCA I BCA as unbalance current which has large influence on relay
the optimal phase sequence arrangement when the length of proteetion, and even cause its misoperation[5]. Reference [6]
lines is 20 km. put forward to the phase sequence arrangement method based
Index Terms-- ATPIEMTP, double-circuit transmission line on on unbalance current, relay protection, but did not consider
the same tower, phase sequence arrangement, three-phase that the line length has some effect on unbalance degree of
unbalance degree, zero sequence power directional component zero sequence circulating current.
This article presents a phase sequence arrangement
selection method according to the variation of the length of
In order to improve the transmission capacity and Power transmission line, considering the imbalance degree and relay
supply reliability of the existing transmission line in a limited protection equipment correct action on the same tower double
transmission line corridor land, the double-circuit transmission circuit transmission line. By calculating line length changes
technology on the same tower is widely applied in the grid. In in the O~ 1OOkm, with A as a reference phase, zero sequence
the actual construction of double-circuit transmission on the circulating unbalance degree of 6 kinds of phase sequence
same tower, according to the regulations of standard, arrangement mode in the double-circuit transmission line on
transmission line longer than 200lcm should be transposed in the same tower, then according to some reference, negative
the neutral point directly grounded power grid. However, sequence current unbalanced degree is less than 5% of the
transmission lines in some areas may have no condition to be experience value[7-8]and unbalanced current under the
transposed completely, because of shortage ofthe line corridor. condition of normal operation or extern al faults is affected by
And multi-circuit transmission lines, if un-transposed, will phase sequence arrangement, we can select a phase sequence
cause electrical three phase parameters asymmetry. The arrangement mode which not only meet the negative
phenomenon which can not only cause additional fever and sequence current imbalance less than 5% and minimal impact
vibration of rotating machine, even end anger the safe on the movements ofthe relay protection device.
operation and normal output, but also increase power 10ss[l].
Researchers has been done some corresponding survey on

This work was supported by Jiangxi province electric power company

of science and technology projects. Project no.521820l5000S.

978-1-5090-5417-6/16/ $ 31.00 ©20 16 IEEE

11. MODEL SIMULATION AND UNBALANCE DEGREE We reduce the transmission line impedance matrix of
CALCULATION OF DOUBLE-CIRCUIT TRANSMISSION UNES ON eight order to six order through Eq.3,assume that Zx as new
THE SAME TOWER line impedance matrix, Zs is power supply impedance and the
length of transmission line is L, the current-voltage equation
A. Model oI double-circuit transmission fines on the same of double-circuit transmission lines system on the same tower
tower can be shown as Eq.4:
Using ATP/EMTP as electromagnetic transient simulation
software to build a simple model of 220kV double-circuit U ahcdef = (Z xL +Z s)1 abcdef (4)
transmission lines on t the same tower, each phase conductor
of transmission lines adopt LGJ-300, earth wire adopt In the three-phase circuit, any set of asymmetrical three-
OPGW-120;iron tower adopt the commonly used drum tower; phase current or voltage can be broken down into three
the frequency is 50Hz; the soil resistivity is 100n'm; power groups of three-phase symmetrical positive sequence,
supply adopts three-phase symmetric power supply, the M negative sequence, zero sequence component, the relationship
between the three-phase phasor and its symmetrical
side is 230L5°kV, the N side is 230LookV.
components(such as current) can be shown as:


Figure. 1 Double-circuit transmission lines system on the same

where, a=eil20 ;a2=eJ240 .
In order to illustrate the effects of coupling between the
lines on three-phase unbalance degree, we define the negative
sequence unbalance degree of each double-circuit wire as
B. Calculation oI unbalance degree
m 12, m 112,they can be shown as:
Assuming that the earth's conductivity is unlimited, each
element in the impedance matrix oftransmission line can be
calculated as Eq.1: m12 =111/ 1111 x100 %
{ (6)

Ir" + r, + jO.14451g g: ~ iI
mT12 = 11112 111111 x 100%
Z ij = (i
(1) In order to illustrate the effects of phase sequence
arrangement on relay protection of double-circuit
r e +jO.14451gDeCi-=f.j)
D transmission lines system on the same tower, ,we define
circulation zero sequence unbalance degree as mcO,it can be
where, ra is equivalent resistance of unit length wire; re is shown as:
equivalent resistance of the earth; De is equivalent depth of
virtual ground wire; Ds is self geometric mean distance of mcO = l(1w - 1 110 )/(110 + 1110)1 xIOO% (7)
each phase conductor; D is the distance from i phase
Under AC steady-state conditions in a particular SAME TOWER
frequency, the impedance characteristic equation of double-
circuit transmission lines on t the same tower can be shown as A. phase sequence arrangement'simpact on the unbalance
Eq.2: degree
For building double-circuit transmission lines on the same
U abcdef"H' = Z1 abcdefi!w (2) tower, the different geographical regions result in different
where, U is voltage drop of transmission conductor; I is transmission corridor and different length of the line. From
electric current of transmission conductor; Z is lead the formula (4), it can be shown that the line length will affect
impedance; a, b, c, d, e, f, respectively correspond to a, b, c sequence current size of double-circuit transmission line on
three-phase ofthe 1,11 circuit; v, w is earth wire. the same tower. In order to study the line length's impact on
unbalance degree, assuming that the provided transmission
Generally, ground wire is continuous and earthed on each line at 0 ~ 100km uniformly changes ,we can calculate
based tower, and we can assurne that ground wire voltage is unbalance degree when phase sequence arrangement is in
zero everywhere when the frequency is lower than 250kHz, three different cases, same phase sequence arrangement
UV=UW=O, eliminate v, w in impedance matrix. (ABCI ABC), phase sequence (ABCI ACB),and reverse phase
sequence (ABCICBA), the simulation results are shown in
table 1,
From the simulation results in Table I:
(I) Negative sequence unbalance degree of double-circuit

in different phase sequence arrangement increases with the same tower are aB zero for the arrangement of the same phase
line length increasing. sequence (ABC/ABC).
(2) Zero sequence circulating unbalance degree of double- (3) The order of negative sequence unbalance in the same
circuit transmission lines on the same tower substantially line length is: different phase sequence (ABC/ACB» same
unchanged with the length of the line increasing at different phase sequence (ABC/ABC» reverse phase sequence
phase sequence arrangement, and zero sequence current (ABC/CBA).
unbalance degree of double-circuit transmission line on the


5km lOkm 20km 40km 80km 100km

1.11 1.85 3.24 5.03 6.95 7.65

1.11 1.85 3.24 5.03 6.95 7.65
0 0 0 0 0 0
ABC/ACB 7.38 7.45 7.67 8.12 8.78 9.06
7.14 7.18 7.33 770 8.39 8.68
2.52 2.53 2.56 2.59 2.64 2.67

ABC/CBA 1.08 1.31 1.74 2.43 3.36 3.68

0.71 0.90 1.30 2.00 2.87 3.18
1.69 1.69 1.68 1.69 1.69 1.71
a: unbalance degree represent negative sequence current ofline I, negative sequence current ofline 11, zero-sequence circulating current of double-circuit
transmission line on the same tower
B. Phase sequence arrangement's impact on fine Protection accordance with formula 10 = (1/3) * (JA+ h+Ic) .In the
condition that phase sequence arrangement is same phase
Main protection of high-voltage transmission lines is
sequence and line length is 5km, we can get zero sequence
generally differential protection and high-frequency protection,
current waveform diagram when an external phase-to-phase
and power directional measuring element is key to the
occurs, as shown in figure 2(a); In the condition that phase
differential protection. Usually, directional element is
sequence arrangement is inverse phase sequence and line
composed of power frequency voltage and fault component.
length is 5km, we can get zero sequence current waveform
The role ofthe directional element is to judge the direction of
diagram when an extern al phase-to-phase occurs, as shown in
the fault, when the positive direction(provision :bus line
figure 2(b);
pointing in the line) occur various fault, it can do reliable
operation, but does not operate reliably when the reverse
direction occur fault.
Analysis of past research on the high voltage/extra high
voltage transmission lines unbalanced circuit is generally
concentrated in the unbalanced current of negative and zero c
sequence. In fact, in addition to the unbalance of each loop Cl
line's negative and zero sequence, the zero-sequence ~
unbalanced current of double-circuit transmission lines on the :::J
same tower have obvious effect on relay Q)

protection[9],particularly, when double-circuit transmission e

lines failure occurs outside ,zero sequence unbalanced current
lead to power directional element malfunction. ·150

We can establish phase fault model of outside double- ·200 L---:-:':-::---,-L-,----:-:'-cc:--:-L-:----:--:'oc:----:--':-:----:-c'-:-:---::-':-c--:-'-c::--:c'.

o 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05
circuit transmission linethrough electromagnetic transient sim tJs
ulation software ATP / EMTP, it is said that we set a two-
(a)An extemal phase-to-phase fault 01' CA when arrangement 01'
phase circuit fault at F in Figure 1.Because the calculation conductors is the same phase sequence
is not more convenient than Matlab software, after we get
three-phase current waveform by simulating, the waveform
data will convert to Mat format. Compound A,B,C three phase
current waveform to zero sequence current waveform

impact on negative sequence current unbalance degree of
double- circuit transmission line on the same tower. The
I'V~ method of choosing an optimal phase sequence arrangement
( \ was put forward based on the length of transmission lines
;;{ I \ while take unbalance degree of transmission lines and zero-
:g ! \
l'! sequence power direction component normally run into
~ f \ consideration. Specific steps as follows:
:::J I Steps 1 According to the field data of double circuit
g \ ! transmission line on the same tower, including the
~ -100 \ I
:;; transmission line length and transmission line parameters,
\ (' tower type, sag, soil resistivity. A balanced three-phase power
\tV supply, the simulation model of double-circuit transmission
line on the same tower has been established.
-30 0 '-------:-:'-,-:--:-'::------:---:'-:,------,-'--:-----:-c'-c-:---:-:'--,----.,.--L,,-------:'-:----:--'--:----:-'
o 0_005 0_01 0_01 5 0 _02 0.025 0.03 00 35 0.04 0045 0.05
Steps 2 Using electromagnetic transient software ATP /
EMTP simulation calculated under the line length was 5km,
(b )An external phase-to-phase fault of AC when arrangement of conductors 10km, 20km, 40km, 80km, 100 km of the 21 different phase-
is the reverse phase sequence sequence arrangement of negative sequence degree of
unbalance and screened resuIt that is less than 5% phase-
Figure. 2 Zero-sequence current ofdouble-circuit transmission lines on the
sequence arrangement. According to the negative sequence
same tower unbalance value from small to large order, and their phase
sequence arrangement, respectively Wl, W2, W3 ... Wa
Double-circuit transmission lines on the same tower (a<S21). According to the sequence of the negative sequence
protection settings as shown in figure 3. land II line unbalance degree, the optimal order of the scheme is 1,2, ... a.
configured direction comparison longitudinal
differential protection[lO]. If inter-phase short circuit fault Step 3 Using electromagnetic transient software ATP /
occur in extern al of double circuit lines, main protection EMTP simulation calculated under the line length was 5km,
installed the near action instantaneously. Zero sequence 10km, 20km, 40km, 80km, 100km in phase sequence
current unbalance occur in double circuit line, as shown in arrangement Wl, W2, W3 ... Wa when an external phase-to-
figure 2. With unbalanced zero sequence voltage of double phase fault happened. We can get the value of zero sequence
circuit line n terminal bus as reference phase, the zero circulating current unbalance degree of double-circuit
sequence power directionjudgements oftwo lines are opposite, transmission line on the same tower. According to the
one line may be judged as positive direction fault, misoperated optimal sequence of relay protection, we can know that the
zero sequence power direction elements send permissive priority order of the scheme. If the zero sequence circulation
signal, which can cause misoperation of longitudinal distance imbalance is equal to the degree ofthe negative sequence, the
protection. Removal of non-fauIt line can lead to greater priority ofthe priority sort is in the front of the priority.
power hazard accidents. Steps 4 if Uk=k+Vk(k=l, 2, ... a), then compare value of
Ul,U2,U3 ...U a. Ifthe smallest is Um, so the optimal sequence
m 2 3 n arrangement is Wm.

B. simulation vertfication
The simulation verification only considers the optimal
phase-sequence arrangement mode selection method of the
f same tower double circuit transmission lines which
construction length is 20km. Using electromagnetic transient
software ATP/EMTP simulation calculated under the normal
Fig. 3 Diagram of external faults at double-circuit transmission lines system operation of the 21 different phase-sequence arrangement of
on the same tower negative sequence degree of unbalance and screened result
that is less than 5% phase-sequence arrangement, as shown in
IV. THE ARRANGEMENT OF PHASE SELECTION METHOD Table 11. According to the sequence ofthe negative sequence
AND SIMULATION unbalance degree, the optimal order of the scheme 1-9 is 1, 2,
3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. According to the optimal sequence ofrelay
A. methods and steps protection, we can know that the priority order ofthe program
From the above section known, when the transmission 1-9 is 9, 8, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,. In conclusion, the smallest is
lines with the same phase sequence arrangement, U4=5, so the optimal sequence arrangement of constructing
transmission line length of 5km of negative sequence current 20 km length lines on the same tower double circuit
unbalance degree was 1.11 %, the length of transmission line transmission lines is BAC/BAC.
is 100km of negative sequence current unbalance degree was
7.65%, shows that the length oftransmission line has greatly


scheme 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


phase sequence arrangement
negative sequence current unbalance 0.941 1.351 1.741 2.521 2.611 2801 2.871 2.931 3.041
degree of line land line II(%) 1.34 1.40 1.30 2.52 2.61 2.80 2.87 2.93 3.04
zero sequence circulating current
unbalance degree when an extemal phase- 2.56 340 1.80 0 0 0 0 0 0
to-phase fault of AB(%)

zero sequence circulating current

unbalance degree when an external phase- 1.82 1.50 3.36 0 0 0 0 0 0
to-phase fault of AC(%)
zero sequence circulating current
unbalance degree when an external phase- 3.38 1.80 1.50 0 0 0 0 0 0
to-phase fault of BC(%)

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