T Rec K.56 200307 S!!PDF e
T Rec K.56 200307 S!!PDF e
T Rec K.56 200307 S!!PDF e
ITU-T K.56
This Recommendation provides a quantitative procedure in order to protect radio base stations
(RBS) for wireless access network against lightning discharges. The level of protection is based on
the tolerable frequency of damage that is assigned to the RBS by the operator, considering the
consequences of service interruption and loss of equipment. The RBS covered by this
Recommendation is made up of a shelter or small building to house the equipment and a nearby
tower to hold the antennas. The protection procedures include earthing, bonding, shielding and
installation of surge protective devices (SPD).
ITU-T Recommendation K.56 was prepared by ITU-T Study Group 16 (2001-2004) and approved
under the ITU-T Recommendation A.8 procedure on 29 July 2003.
In this Recommendation, the expression "Administration" is used for conciseness to indicate both a
telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency.
Compliance with this Recommendation is voluntary. However, the Recommendation may contain certain
mandatory provisions (to ensure e.g. interoperability or applicability) and compliance with the
Recommendation is achieved when all of these mandatory provisions are met. The words "shall" or some
other obligatory language such as "must" and the negative equivalents are used to express requirements. The
use of such words does not suggest that compliance with the Recommendation is required of any party.
ITU 2003
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, by any means whatsoever, without the
prior written permission of ITU.
2 References
The following ITU-T Recommendations and other references contain provisions which, through
reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation. At the time of publication, the
editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and other references are subject to revision;
users of this Recommendation are therefore encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the
most recent edition of the Recommendations and other references listed below. A list of the
currently valid ITU-T Recommendations is regularly published. The reference to a document within
this Recommendation does not give it, as a stand-alone document, the status of a Recommendation.
[1] ITU-T Recommendation K.39 (1996), Risk assessment of damages to telecommunication
sites due to lightning discharges.
[2] ITU-T Recommendation K.40 (1996), Protection against LEMP in telecommunications
[3] ITU-T Recommendation K.27 (1996), Bonding configurations and earthing inside a
telecommunication building.
[4] ITU-T Recommendation K.35 (1996), Bonding configurations and earthing at remote
electronic sites.
[5] IEC 61024-1-1:1993, Protection of structures against lightning – Part 1: General
principles – Section 1: Guide A: Selection of protection levels for lightning protection
[6] IEC 61024-1-2:1998, Protection of structures against lightning – Part 1-2: General
principles – Guide B – Design, installation, maintenance and inspection of lightning
protection systems.
[7] IEC 61643-1:2002, Surge protective devices connected to low voltage power distribution
systems – Part 1: Performance requirements and testing methods.
[8] IEC 61643-12:2002, Low-voltage surge protective devices – Part 12: Surge protective
devices connected to low-voltage power distribution systems – Selection and application
[9] IEC 61662:1995, Assessment of the risk of damage due to lightning.
[10] ETSI EG 200 053 (2002), Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters
(ERM); Radio site engineering for radio equipment and systems.
4 Abbreviations
LPZ Lightning Protective Zone
RBS Radio Base Station
5 Reference configuration
Figure 1 shows the reference configuration considered in this Recommendation. In this figure can
be seen the three lightning protective zones (LPZ) as described in ITU-T Rec. K.40:
– LPZ0: made by the tower, antennas, outside cables and the earthing system;
– LPZ1: made by the housing of the RBS, inside cables, cable trays, batteries, etc.;
– LPZ2: made by the equipment cabinet and its contents.
Boundary between
LPZ1 and LPZ2 Telecommunication
6 Need of protection
In order to estimate the need of protection of a RBS against lightning, the user shall determine the
tolerable frequency of damage (Ft) and to calculate the frequency of lightning strikes to the antenna
tower of the RBS (Fa) and the housing (Fd). If Fa + Fd is smaller than Ft, then the direct lightning
discharge is not a phenomena of prime importance for the RBS and it can be treated as an ordinary
remote electronic site, which is under the scope of ITU-T Rec. K.35. However, if Fa + Fd is greater
than Ft, then the RBS will need protection against direct lightning discharges. The implementation
of such protection accordingly with this Recommendation, will also provide protection against the
lightning discharges near the RBS, either if they hit the earth or if they hit the incoming services.
The second step is to compare Fa with Fd. If Fd is not negligible when compared with Fa, then the
installation does not fall into the scope of this Recommendation. In this case, the user shall refer to
IEC 61662 in order to protect the electrical and electronic systems within the RBS housing.
If Fd is negligible when compared with Fa, then the user shall follow the steps of this
Recommendation to identify the lightning current parameters from which the RBS have to be
protected. The protection procedures are divided into four steps:
– Protection against the voltages developed inside coaxial cables that come from the tower.
– Protection against the voltages and currents induced inside the RBS housing due to the flow
of lightning current through the tower and the associated conductors (coaxial cable, metallic
supports, etc.).
– Protection against the voltages and currents induced in the income power conductors due to
the earth potential rise of the RBS.
– Protection against the voltages and currents induced in the income telecommunication
conductors (if any) due to the earth potential rise of the RBS.
The flow diagram shown in Figure 2 describes the steps contained in this Recommendation. For
each step, it makes reference to the relevant clause of this Recommendation. The work flow is
defined by the bold arrows, while the references are indicated by normal lines.
Y Apply ITU-T
Calculate Fa, Fd Ft ≥ Fa + Fd ?
Rec. K.35 Installation is out
of the scope of this
Y Recommendation
Clauses 7.2, 7.3 Fa < 10 Fd ? Apply IEC 61662
Calculate Vt Vt > Vres ? Install SPD
Calculate Vi Mesh-BN or IBN ? Insulate for V i Clause 11.3
Calculate Vr Vr > Vres ? Improve protection
Protection at LPZ2 Power line Apply protection Clause 12.1
Clause 11.4 Telecom line ? Apply protection Clause 12.2
7 Probabilistic analysis
Ng = ground flash density (flashes × km–2 × year–1)
Ht = tower height (km)
c = exposition factor (c = 1 for flat ground and c = 2 for mountain top)
a = housing length (km)
b = housing width (km)
Hh = housing height (km)
Radial conductors
Vertical rods (optional)
10 Protection procedures for the cables that come from the tower
All cables that enter the RBS from the tower shall enter through the same window and shall be
bonded to a bonding bar installed at this point. The wave guides and the outer conductor of coaxial
cables shall be directly bonded to the bonding bar by means of short connections. The unshielded
cables (for example, power cables for lighting the tower) shall be bonded through SPD. The
bonding bar shall be bonded to the earthing system by means of vertical conductors (a minimum of
three spaced conductors is recommended). If the RBS housing is made of metal, additional bonding
CBN conductor Residual flux
e f
h Equip. Equip.
The induced voltage Vi will give rise to induced currents inside the RBS. The flow of these currents
tend to cancel the magnetic flux at the closed loops inside the Mesh-BN. However, a residual flux
will remain in open circuited loops made by signal and power cables, leading to a residual induced
voltage, which is given by Equation 6:
Vr = β Vi (6)
Vr : residual induced voltage [kV];
Vi: induced voltage [kV] given by Equation 5 [kV];
β: transfer factor given in Annex C.
The residual voltage is applied between the unshielded signal or power conductors and the
equipment frame. This voltage shall be compared with the equipment resistibility. If it is greater
than the resistibility level, then the transfer factor (β) shall be reduced by means of shielding
conductors (see Annex C) or SPD shall be installed at the equipment port (LPZ1/LPZ2 interface).
For shielded cables, the residual voltage is given by the product of the shield transfer impedance by
the fraction of the induced current that flows through it. Considering the short length of cables
inside a RBS, the induced voltages in a shielded conductor is usually negligible.
Therefore, combining Equation 5 with Equation 6 and replacing the residual voltage by the
equipment resistibility (Vres) leads to the Equation 7 that states the condition for equipment
protection inside a RBS housing using Mesh-BN configuration:
dic f +e
Vres ≥ 0.2 β h k η ln (7)
dt f
In order to comply with the Equation 7, one or more of the following procedures can be tried:
– Re-arrange the equipment inside the RBS in order to reduce the loop exposition by
reducing the length "e" or the height "h" (see Figure 4).
– Improve the shielding factor of the RBS (see 11.1) in order to reduce η.
h Equip. Equip.
Insulation K.056_F05
Power conductors
rp Equipment
Earth conductor
MET K.056_F06
Figure 6/K.56 – Assessment of the maximum length between power conductors and MET
The SPD shall withstand an impulse peak current that complies with Equation 10:
I imp ≥ [kA] (10)
Ic: peak critical current (see clause 8) [kA];
n: number of metallic services connected to the RBS;
m: number of conductors in the power line.
During transient conditions created by a lightning strike, the current distribution among the
conductors of the tower is determined by the magnetic flux linkage between the conductors. The
tower factor "α" is defined as the fraction of the total lightning current that flows through the
bundle formed by the telecommunication and associated conductors. Typical situations are
considered in this annex. The assessment of the geometric mean radius for the conductors can be
done with the procedure described in Annex D.
Buldle of
rt d
s Bundle of
The shielding factors (η) provided by the conductors of the CBN that form closed loops, coupled
with the telecommunication conductors, are given in Table B.1: for typical conductor arrangements,
see Figure B.1. The shielded loop is formed by the telecommunication cables, equipment racks and
part of the CBN circuit (for example, the earthing system).
Shielding factor (η
Configuration Illustration
x = 0.15 m x = 0.4 m x = 0.8 m
Single loop Figure B.1a 0.37 0.48 0.59
Cage Figure B.1b 0.45 0.45 0.45
Cage with 1 sup. conductor Figure B.1c 0.21 0.27 0.33
Cage with 3 sup. conductors Figure B.1d 0.16 0.19 0.23
NOTE – These values have been obtained from a scale model representing a typical RBS.
Shielding x
a) b)
c) d) K.056_FB.1
s K.056_FC.1
Table C.2/K.56 – Transfer function for double earth conductors (h = 2 m and d = 0.4 m)
re re
d K.056_FC.2
Telecom conductor
Earth plate tray s
a K.056_FC.3
Annex D
Table D.1 gives the geometric mean radius for typical conductors arrangements.
r'1 r'2
c) d)
d13 d23
Appendix I
The induced voltage close to a lightning discharge is proportional to the current rate of rise. The
effective front time (teff) is an arbitrary value of time which divides the peak current and gives the
maximum current rate of rise. Table I.1 gives the values of maximum rate of rise and peak current
for the measurements conducted by Berger in Monte San Salvatore1. This data is relative to the first
return stroke of downward negative discharges, which are the most probable discharges in RBS
Table I.1/K.56 – Distribution of current rate of rise and peak value from Berger (*)
Percentage exceeding the value in the table
Parameter Unit
95% 50% 5%
Maximum current kA/µs 9.1 24.3 65.0
rate of rise (di/dt)
First peak (I1) kA 12.9 27.7 59.5
Second peak (I2) kA 14.1 31.1 68.5
I1 / (di/dt) µs 1.42 1.14 0.92
I2 / (di/dt) µs 1.55 1.28 1.05
1 ANDERSON (R.B.), ERIKSSON (A.J.), Lightning parameters for engineering application,
CIGRE Electra 69, 1980.
Appendix II
Example of application
Figure II.1 shows an example of a configuration of a RBS. The basic data is:
Antenna tower:
– 40 m high, 4 m from RBS housing (f = 4 m);
– three metallic legs, 2.6 m apart;
– each leg cylindrical with 0.4 m diameter.
Bundle of conductors at the centre of the tower (see Figure II.2):
– 3 coaxial cables from the mobile antennas (r = 12 mm, transfer impedance zt = 1 Ω/km);
– 1 coaxial cable from the micro wave antenna (r = 8mm, transfer impedance zt = 2 Ω/km);
– 2 bars for the cable support = 80 mm width, 5 mm thick.
RBS housing: 5 × 3 × 3 m, concrete (steel continuity unknown).
Cabling height: 2.4 m inside the RBS (h = 2.4 m).
Cabling length: 4 m inside the RBS (e = 4 m).
Power cable: aerial LV line (6 m high).
Telecom cable: none (upstream connection through microwave link).
Soil: mountain top with average resistivity equal to 500 Ω.m.
Lightning density: 5 flashes to ground per km2 per year (Ng = 5).
Bundle of
CBN conductor
Equip. Equip.
e f K.056_FII.1
1 2 3 4
80 mm 5 6
Mobile cables Micro wave
5 mm K.056_FII.2
Figure II.2/K.56 – Bundle off conductors along the tower (cross section view)
Series E Overall network operation, telephone service, service operation and human factors
Series J Cable networks and transmission of television, sound programme and other multimedia signals
Series L Construction, installation and protection of cables and other elements of outside plant
Series M TMN and network maintenance: international transmission systems, telephone circuits,
telegraphy, facsimile and leased circuits
Printed in Switzerland
Geneva, 2003